(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

me most probably will take cab lah, i stay so far, take MRT if halfway she needs changin or feedin will be trouble! hahaha

anyway i m not a fan of public transport even if myself alone...

ok, confirm so see you mummies and babies tomolo at Sketches, 12pm.

ya, i'm flexible with all dates! hehe. actually i'm supposed to be back at work cos maternity leave already ends. But here i am! when i look at my girl these days, i knew i make the right decision to take no pay.

u shave your girl's hair? I didnt cos cant bear to. but she's dropping hair these days. so the whole house is filled with hair of mine and hers.

rene, mckee,
my facial also near my place in north east. i plan to use their spa facilities as well. so it might end up a good 3 hours. u ladies enjoy the chit chat ok.
hello mummies!
just like to check those who has "tiny love cozy pals" & "bumboo seats". Can I know the price for them? thanks!
wow got to be part time nanny....alamak! hahaha
*fainted* I had enough at home liao...hahaha

No problem lah! Just joking.

forgetmenot, i am also not bringing my ger. I brought her out once and i cannot stand it cos i got to carry her the whole day and swing her then she can sleep...Phew! She also don't want to sleep in the stroller. I was really so stressed out and tired!!!! Will only bring her out if my hb is coming along. At least i got someone to help me.

cherry, i put her at babysitter there cos i want to relax and enjoy my ML for these two weeks before i go back to work! And also get enough rest too!
Hi mummies,
I am back!! Hehee.. I stayed over at my pils place for 2 nites.. Realli miss my time at home surfing net!!

I will bring both pram and sling for tomorrow's outing. In case Sherilyn doesnt want to stay in pram, i can sling her and walk ard. Need the pram to put my bag and shopping stuff.. I dun think i can sling her for hrs.. I cannot tahan the wt also.

Same here. My gals hair also did nt grow evenly, can see patches here and there... My mil asked me to bring my gal go shave again after the hungry ghost festival.. I cant bear to shave her botah again.. Realli miss her soft and sweet smelling bb hair!
cosy pal is retailing at abt 30+ here and bumbo seat is gg for $99 in the shops.
wat's up ? u getting them ? is it cheaper over that side ?
serrich, mckee, jamci, forgetmenot, rene,
nice meeting up with u all! enjoyed the chat. hope got chance to meet up again.
so where're all the photos ?! wanna see wanna see ! cannot wait .... hee hee...

went shopping at carrefour and let Esher tried the bumbo. i love how she looks in it ha ha ....
thanks shane.
yes, seem like is it cheaper here, just that cozy pals not easy to find in US now as Tiny love has stopped produce.
Your girl can take the bumbo seat already? I try putting my girl inside the bumbo but her head will move here and there like unstable. So now still on display in my house. Funny thing is she can flip and also lift her head but comes to bumbo seat then cannot.

Your girl looks like she's very comfortable inside. U havent buy the seat right? Got to burn a hole the pocket again
No lah, she only steady like that for a short short while only. after that, her head start to drop downswards and move side to side, still unstable. Ya she does look v comfortable inside. Me and hubby got a kick out of it ha ha...
no i didn't buy the seat, don't intend to get unless i can get a cheap 2nd hand one hee hee... i find the usage lifespan quite short for the price paid *stingy mummy*

your girl can flip already ah. so fast. when did she start flipping ? both sides ? must watch her carefully already. btw, which do u they learn first, from tummy to tummy down or tummy down to tummy up ?
Esher looks so cute!
u r not stingy mummy lah... heehee.. just wise mummy! Heard by 5months, bb strong enough to wriggle out of bumbo.... sigh... if we wait till 3mths to put her in, then it only lasts till 5mths... that's nearly $50 for each month! More than $1.50 a day! haha...

I collected the mamypoko already...
Used 6 empty packets! good deal man! how I wish I emptied out all my packets! problem now, no space to put these loose diapers! haha...

I just went to one of the mummy's house earlier today to buy warm clothes for my gal. This mummy was selling Osh Kosh jumpers & cardigans--brand new... haha..cos she bought lots on impulse! Still got somemore. I can PM u if you like, for her contact!
wah, you really somethin man.. 6 packets! haha, i onli changed 4 pkts over 2 weekends...btw, i put all the loose diapers in plastic bags and tie them up lor...i so scared my gal out grow the S size before i can finish using them...

aiya, my gal was sleeping 85% of the time yday during the outing and you know waht, she wake me n hubby up abt 4 times in the nite, even screaming at the middle of the nite, until hubby is so worn out by morning he almost unconscious. we both became 2 big pandas now..;p

today we bring her to my mum's place, and told my parents to try and keep her awake else we wont have a peaceful nite again.. :<

i'll try to download my pic tomolo, and sent out... or you want me to post them here? hehehe
Hi gals,
I just came back from Phuket.. and it was a v good holiday for both my and my hubby!!

How was the outing? Must be fun horrr.. Hope not to miss the next time u gals plan to meet up again...
nice meeting up with u gals n bbs too..

went hm on fri..n Ryan starts to sleep n oni woke up ard 9plus..think he is too tired liao..
n my hands are aching from carrying him..

u go n exchange the huggies diapers before right??so just need to bring one diaper n they will give u one packet??

wow..ur gal can flip liao ah?

how many times did u let bb rene drink gripe water?
You gals must have enjoyed the outing, where are the photos...I want to see too!

Someone in the forum is selling 2nd Bumbo seat at $68. I like the seat a lot but like u said only can use for short period &amp; is too expensive!
Hee Hee maybe I shld bring my boy to carrefour to try it out!

Your gal can flip already? That's fast, my boy also can turn to one side...trying to flip but cannot yet!

Is the bumbo also cheaper there? Saw e website selling at USD39+
hee hee thks for the 'compliments', really can't afford to buy everything for bb. all those retailers are making piles of $ out of parents, bb stuff are so ex ! so can only selectively choose. ya $1.50 per day is not so worth it and must make sure sit everyday somemore ha ha... kiddy rides only cost abt $0.50 per ride? , still got music and can move... much cheaper

i forgot abt the diaper deal thingy. how does it go ?

email to us pls ! if want to post here then just post bb's pics...

welcome back ! how's phuket ? enjoyed the 4S ? - sun, sand, sea and s... ha ha .... if u get my joke ...

so envy u can go off with hubby. i so crave for time alone for myself as well as with hubby. sigh, so tough to leave my girl with mil or mum

ya i saw it as well. i don't mind buying a 2nd hand one but still find $68 kinda ex
anyway i don't like that colour so didn't think much abt it.

your boy's v chubby.
he's quite tanned hor. got the makings to be tall, dark and handsome.
what's this diaper exchange thingy? got mammy poko?

my girl starts flipping when she's 2 months. That time can't even lift the head. so everytime turn will face flat on the bed/ground. Now better she can at least lift her head. Aiyo, when they start turning, then u have lesser free time because they will keep turning, especially when she's frustrated and cranky. Me and my hubby will always turn her back because she wants to flip but yet cry after flipping. Last week she starts doing double flip. Luckily i got the bumper playmat, if not dunno how to handle this little gymnast. But also not very safe because once i leave her there and went to wash the bottle, when i returned, she flipped to the corner of the playmat. So now if she's out of my sight, i put her in the cot(playpen). so no matter how she flips still inside.

For now, i think my girl doesnt like the bumbo seat becoz i try putting her in she'll give me the frowning look. i hope she'll grow to like it. if not, waste my money...
i was trying to figure your tummy question. haha. Nope, she flips only from her left side, tummy up to tummy down at first. now, she can flip down and up herself or flip and flip again from the left side. That will make her move her original position. So recently i very bo eng watching over her.
mckee, u went to the mummy's house. How is her clothes? Is it too old and do she have any for 9mths old size? What is her average selling prices?

Good news! last nite, my ger "skipped nite feed" finally come back, her last feed was 9.30 and this morning 6am. Hope it will get better each nite...hahaha
My ger skipped nite feed when she was abt 5-6 weeks old then later put at my mil's house just for one nite, the feeding schedule goes haywire.

Now i so scared to put at my mil's house already cos she last nite volunteer want to take care of my ger leh. I am still thinking??!!!

U know why suddenly she change her mind want to volunteer to take care of my ger...hee hee cos my ger cried when she carried her. Even my mom too!!! Oh no, think she can recognize ppl liao!!! I will have a hard time cos she only want me and her dad to carry her.

LV, wow your ger so fast start flipping, think she is very strong for her age leh!
I flip my ger on her tummy and so funnie, she just lie there like struck there then trying to move up her leg like crawling...haha
ur flipping gal really changes the taking care of her part right? no more leaving her alone unless in playpen? my nicole can only lift head when place on tummy... looks like turtle. straining head, turning left and right! haha..

diaper exchange. rene shared w us that we just bring an empty packet of any brand diaper, to junction 8, to exchange for 6 pieces mamy poko. the only thing is, must provide a diff address for each exchange.
but promo end already!

u can go for huggies one though. every sat, bring any diaper, to location with copy of BC, to change for 12 piece huggies dry! check sat papers for location. 2 more weeks i think...

i bought 13 items-tops and pants for $80. brand new osh kosh...
got stuff up to 18mths i think...
pls check out the marketplace site. under WTB:warm clothes for bb girl. There are a few more mummies selling off their stuff. nice and pretty.
Phuket was really really nice. we certainly enjoyed ourselves while we are there *wink wink* And guess what, we're off to KL now for another short trip, be back tomorrow.. Feeling so guilty leaving my bb away for too long... *sigh*

My bb just turned 2 months yesterday, haven't done the flip yet..

don't mind me saying this, ur boy looks a bit like my boy.. mabbe i miss my bb too much that all bb's now look like my boy .. mabbe my eyes are playing tricks on me.. hee
I thought change one whole packet. If 6 pieces then maybe not so worth it if i've to travel all the way there. My travel fare be more than that hehe..I've not try huggies. Is it a premium material like cotton? My one pack of pamper dry care still there because my girl will get nappy rash if she wears for more than 2 hours. So i only use it when i know she's pooing soon but yet must change diaper.

When they lift their heads on their tummy look so cute like turtles. Sometimes she enjoys but sometimes she'll cry when flips over. Dunno what she wants.

my MIL also said why she flip so fast, havent even lift her head yet, very dangerous to flip. My girl's learning stages a bit mixed up liao. Maybe your girl is more interested in crawling. I told my hubby dont be surprised she's crawling soon because yesterday when flipped over, her knees can push her backside up. Yesterday night she wants to sleep but keeps flipping then get cranky, i was angry with her that i spank her backside. After that, as usual, i feel so bad.

Btw, I'm not getting the allerhand bag because hubby says he seldom uses it. But I've ordered another bulk purchase with other mummies-cozy pals. I ordered becoz i like the purple hippo. Think they are ordering from overseas so got hippo and elephant. Think i order more for myself hehe. Did u join in the mini/maxi bulk purchase?
i've not tried huggies too! usually these promo give out size M or L. so i can only let u know later!!

wah... u going for no. 2 is it? *wink*
haha... take care in KL esp w the bad air...
Gals, when u email the grp photos can add me to the list?? Really hope can join in teh gathering next time! Till now I have not brought my boy to shopping yet...only brought him to MIL place n compasspoint! No BF experience outside!

Hee hee hope he'll be like what u say. Actually in person he is quite fair, maybe photo looks darker.

Will she flip in the middle of the night coz i quite worry when bb start to flip then got to keep a close watch at night...

I also like the hippo leh but that time hyperstore no stock so got Mimi instead.

My boy use to skip his nite feed, 9.30pm then 6am but ytd his night feed came back again! 9.30,3.00am n 7am...so tired now. I also realised his feeding interval now is longer during the day, abt 4hrs.

Hee hee when I see some babies' photos also tot they look like my boy! Post your bb pic leh, I want to see. Wow u planing #2 liao?? Enjoy ur trip!
LV, I join in the the bulk purchase for the singing teddy instead! Will be collecting this week.
mckee, all brandnew? then it must be quite cheap. I pm her liao!

adora, maybe he is too hungry? or too hot? I found that my ger sleep longer in air-con but must be 26 degree.
Hi Mums,

It has been a long while since I last logged in...i will have to report back to work on 30 Aug...that is this coming tues...so sian. Hope you guys have been coping well....

My boy will be 3 mths old in about slightly less than 2 weeks' time.

Like to check with you guys how are ur bb's bowel movements? Recently, my boy has been pooing up to about 5 times every day. Is this normal? It is about 1 or 2 'big' poos and then the rest 2-3 poos are small small ones. His poos looks quite normal, yellowish/greenish and a bit on the watery side...but not very watery. He doesn't seem to show signs of discomfort tho'. He used to poo once a day or once every other day. I am worried that he may have diarrhea....
u gg off to KL again ?! wow...nice. enjoy !!! *wink wink*

must try to BF outside, need abit of courage. when i first started i also very very 'shy'and dare not but now quite ok already. now i try to BF outside whenever i can so that i wouldn't use my EBM as the rate to build up the storage of it is so slow. another gd pt will be i wouldn't miss my pumping session cos my 'pump' is with me all the time and no batteries required ! hee hee....

u gg to get the hippo ? nice ley. i actually like the hippo but the bulk purchase that i joined only got mimi or maxi.

hi babyjun,
long time no hear from you. wow so fast ur bb coming to 3 mths...

re Diarrhoea
i checked the book i hv with me "wat to expect-the first yr". it says that diarrhoea symptoms are liquidy, runny stools, it's not seedy like a breastfed bb's stool.
is ur bb on bm ? i think as long as the poo looks abt the same as before, should be ok. tho' 5 times seems alot but maybe u can monitor for awhile first, could be a 1time thingy. but most imptly must keep him hydrated since he's pooing so often. if it still bothers you,then have to seek doc's advise already.
you can let bb drink gripe water up to 4 times a day, 5ml each.. acoording to the instructions on the bottle. I usually let her drink abt 2-3 times a day, like in-between feeds, mixed with water... so at least it's not so intensely sweet. I scared after she get used to the sweetness she wont wan anything else not sweet. :p

What's this Huggies diaper change thing? Tell me more lei...oh also, did you get the Promil 2 follow-on milk sample too?

btw, i jus saw last nite at West Mall - buy one packet of Mamy Poko diaper/pants, they will also give you 6pcs Mamy Poko Pants sample FREE! hahaa, no need to bring empty packaging liao.. :p
The West Mall promo, is it still on? hb is off today, we will go down if it's on!

No I didn't get the Promil thing. How to get?

Huggies exchange.
Bring any ONE diaper to the location with a copy of bb's BC. They will give you 12 piece Huggies dry. This was happening since Week one Aug. It was at TOa PAyoh, then week 2 at Bedok.
I think promo still on, last week maybe. Must check Sat's papers for details.

how abt we post such *interesting* deals to share. Then can cost!
I'm bringing Nicole to see PD again later. Her appetite has been dropping for last 2 days. Since start of Aug, she was at 125ml. Then she fell sick, but still drank 125ml. Now that she recovered, the last 2 days, she drank only 80ml! sigh... dunno what's wrong...

Will tell you all more when I come back.
The promo at west mall is still on i believe.. it was there last nite... anyway, you shouldn't be too worried abt appeptite drop.. my gal experienced the same thing..

last 2 weeks, i.e. her wk 8&amp;9 she also suddenly like dun like to drink as much, onli wan to sleep... she can jus drink 60ml for 4-5hrs, and dun feel hungry... we were initially veri worried, but seeing tat she still active, and everything else was normal we jus let it be... this week she was back to normal liao... drinking 90-120ml at every 3 hrs..
Oh yes, and the Promil thing.. it was together with the Mamy Poko exchange counter mah.. you jus have to fill up a form and they will give you a free 400g Promil... inside still hav a set of Flash cards, and rattle toy...hehehe...got myself 2 sets liao..:p

Think there's alot of this kind of sample milk powder thingy.. esp for the Step 2 follow-on one, jus hav to watch out for it...
yes june. it's only sat. sorry forgot to mention...

so it's normal to drop in her feed? then i wont see PD. observe a little more... she's still active, and still retaining her crown as Poo Queen!

promil.. aiya, didnt change cos i got one of the youth to change for me... i think she didnt see counter, or even if she did, didnt occur to her to get! aiya... such a good deal somemore!!

my boy also decrease in feed, used to be 120ml for 3 hours interval, now 4 hours interval esp after the 1st 5 in 1 jab. was worried initially, but i guess just monitor your baby, if she is as active, and pooh ans normal. Then should be okay.

If you go to PD too early, they also cant do much, so the best think is to monitor a while ;)
Hi mummies,

Long time no log in as busy during work. seems you mummies have fun meeting up....a pity already started work cant join in the fun...do post some babies photos leh...

shane/ adora,
wow yr bb had really grown to be very chubby so cute...how heavy r they now???


my girl also had a drop in appetite...she already 12wks but still only taking 100ml and last couple of days she refuse to finish her milk always left abt 20-40ML...i also starting to get worry...she is on total BM not sure is it becos of wat i eat???

if u seeing PD let me know wat yr PD say....

my girl also poo quite alot abt 4-5 times per day...all the while i tot its normal becos her poos is yellow &amp; seedy kind...
Hi Milly
Long time nver hear frm u! How's your gal? Don't know my bb's wait yet as I haven brought him for jab...when r u intending to bring your gal to take the jab?

You gave your gal EBM during the day right? Did she reject the bottle? My boy cries everytime my mum feed him...need to 'hong' for a long time then he can finish his milk.

Juen Ten
My boy hasn't gone for his jab but his interval also from 3 to 4hrs n the qty remains the same.

How come all your babies poo so many times...mine only poo once a week (a lot). I was quite worried...but since he is drinking well so I think it is ok.
hi adora,
i already bring her for her 1st 5 in 1 jab last week. abit "chong chong man man" during the visit as we r the last patient so didnt ask my PD much....

PD jus say her weight &amp; height gain is ok and jus do some basic assessment for her...but still i find her on the smaller side maybe becos she doesnt seems to drink much...she weighs 5.9kg at 3months

ya she on ebm during daytime... will latch her for her nite feeds....my girl also dun like bottle recently...i guess she prefer latch on than bottle becos i hve no prob latching her but give her bottle she always dun want to finish...

when u say the interval had increase does yr feed amt also increase? me still feeding on 3hrly maybe shd stretch abit so she more hungry can finish her feed otherwise everytime throw away so "xin tong"....
u mean buy one pkt of mamy poko and get 6pcs free??
i was there in the afternoon..n the lady told mi,oni give 2 free leh..so i did not buy in the end..

my bb oso drink quite little leh..most of the times he drinks 90ml..but still cannot finish..but then sometimes he can finish 120ml..haiz..oso dunno how much to make for him each time..

but he needs to drink almost every 2 hrs..

the lady told mi tt the free diaper is oni for wkend..but i doubt so lah..cos the roadshow ends this wkend

i oso like the hippo..how much u getting it?
btw,did u let ur bb spend alot of time on her tummy?
you mean she say give you onli 2 mamypoko pants free? or 2 pkts of the sample packs? cos' i sample packs inside got 3 pcs of the diaper pants.. so altogether is 6pcs of mamypoko pants lor... :p

unless they have another packaging that contains 1 sample pc in each pack, else, if it's 2 packs, should be 6pcs..
Thanks for the advice, Shane.

What do you mean by 'seedy' stools. My boy is on FM now. I've more or less stopped giving him BM. His poos are slightly more watery than normal...but he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable leh...every time i see him pushing (sometimes with "mmm" noise too...very cute :p) it means he is pooing but sometimes he push until face red red, the poo only came out a little bit and it is watery, some times u can actually see the water i.e. there is poo and water... his nx appt with the PD is Thu, think I'll try asking him....

If i am not wrong, you were asking about the manjong tiles from Zoe tay's program. went to the shop just now, located at millieum walk Lobby A(take the lift to 3rd floor) - the shop name is call Xue Ze Le. The manjong tiles cost $88

Hi Milly

Think your baby's weight is quite okay, my boy coming 4th month is only weighing 6.3kg...and is consider a little on the heavy side already.
yes, she flips in the middle of the night too but if they canlift their heads then not so worrying when they flip.

shane, forgetmenot,
one mummy is organising the cozy pal buy from overseas in market place. So since got the purple hippo that I like so i join in the buy. I think it's $38. more than we get locally but since this design is not available locally i think it's worth it.

no i did not let her have tummy time prior to her flipping. Because that time she still cant lift her head

actually PD also say is ok but she used to be on the 75 percentile for weight now drop to 50 percentile so abit worried tat her weight gain seems to be slowing down...

wondering if i shd change my advent teats to Nuk latex teats ....heard NUK teats is good for any nipple confusion (altho i dun think its nipple confusion since she on bottle for sometime liao) but now very desperate to increase her milk in take so willing to give a try....any mum here using Nuk? does it fit Advent bottles or do i need to change bottles?

nuk can't fit avent. avent are wide neck bottles. u need to buy nuk bottles but if got those normal neck bottle also can fit nuk.

wah, the tiles so expensive man ....
