(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

time really flies huh...only 1mth to go...u must feel "she bu de" when u finally hve to leave bb to go to work...


i went for rebound & cut on sat already heehee...dun want to look too ah soh on bb's full month when there r alot of guest around mah...

never been so happy to go out..like been "released" finally...i also hate confinement so glad its over...hang on there time will flies and soon will be yr turn...

hey mummies..
do u find yr bb abit dark huh? yesterday alot of my friends bought their kids mostly like 6mths to 2yrs all look so fair compare to my girl...is it the color of their complexion will change when they grow older...

ya i absolutely hate confinement. can't wait for it to be over.

hee hee, fast man u. i also intend to do my hair so that can jian ren on bb's full mth. If not really look ah sor man...

I think bb's complexion will change when they grow older. U and hubby dark or not ? could be genes. Or did u sun bathe bb ? think these are the few factors.
Serrich, shane
It might be sign of labour, because there's no more discharge after that... having pains at lower abdomen. i will be having regular appointment with gynae later, will check with her. Meanwhile having baths and more rests.

re : taking care

i dun know who will take care as my mum is taking care of a 3years old boy and a pair of 1.5 years twins and a 5 mths old boy. So with mine, dun think my mum can cope. My MIL stays in KL. so i am still thinking of alternative
wow, ur mum sound like a super grandma, looking after so many kids.

how abt searching 4 a nanny near u or infant care ?

i hear too much of scary story at infant care. Maybe nanny is the next best alternative. will see

you still got so much time to logon
Will be celebrating bb's full on actual day..In this case, I will use them too!

Wow...I also long for a hair cut but doubt I hav time to do it on bb's full mth..guess will have to do it after.

My confinement will be finally over this weekend! But still have to continue with the food until 40th day.

Any mummies here brought your bb out? I have problem w feeding bb outside. Not use to BF in public...moreover he will suck like 1hr. Can we expressed then bring the milk out? If not, I will have to bring milk powder out liao!

How r u? So u scheduled for induction on thur...all the best!
juneten, Ezra is so adorable. : )

shane, i am using medela single electric pump. So far so good but am tired of pumping too...

rene, most likely your gynae will remove ur stitches. No pain, don't worry. Also, pain for wound went off in abt 1-2 weeks, so tahan abit more, should be gone soon.

serrich, seems like quite a no. of us kena the black patches. Yah, ugly hor? i wonder what is that. Now i try the whitening lotion from mdm naini and see how...

cherry, mdm naini also asked me to go for 10 sessions but my hb say NO. So i only go for 6 sessions. Tummy also flattened quite abit but no weight loss. I bought the jamu pills from her at $60, so expensive.

milly, thanks for the confirmation. i also ordered from neo gardens. ordered 110paxs for abt 134paxs, should be enough hor? what items are nice?

just now brought bb to see doctor as she has abit of cough... poor thing..
Jane, how long are you suppose to take the jamu pills?
i hv not weigh myself so don't know if i have loss any weight becos of the massage.

Jane, how much did she quote you for the 10 sessions?
Hi Juneten,
Omigosh, baby ezra is SOooooooo adorable!! Super cute man *pat pat*

Your doc agreed to induce you on 1 Jul?? Then maybe our babies will be borned on the same day! My EDD is actually 1 Jul but dunno if baby will want to come out leh...very tempted to ask gynae to induce if baby still no strong contractions by then.
Anus, Tat day I read newspaper a lady said Singapore and US so diff. US doctor w explain so many tins 2 u but Singapore nv. She is over 35 and in Singapore they asked her go test but if she at US they will explain wats the pros and cons. So hope wat she said is true, if tats true may b wat yr gynae do now is right. Wait for 2 weeks then induce? But better check if baby can wait so long. I aso waiting for another 6 days then c.

I will b gg to hv my c tis Friday 1st July. My confinement lady called 2 rush same as those typical gynae man ask me y dun induce faster keke. I not gg 2 induce, I go straight for C.

I checked w my mum she aso eat jamu pill last time. By the way the massage can try 1 session with each lady or not?

So many of u hv bf and taking care of baby experience if I dunno anytin can asked u all keke.
hey gals... wow i've been soooo bz. Daily routine is like fitting my schedule for my little prince..

Today i juz went to remove my stitches, no pain.. phew!!! But i still cant move & hop around like i used to .. am still moving around quite slowly scared i will injured my wound.. hee.. actually i am being too kia si la..

Am currently on BF nw, sometimes i still can't latch him on well but both of us are trying v hard..hahaa.. supplement with FM at nite.. My boy nvr seems to be full at all.. After BF for abt 45mins he can still finish up 75ml of FM. Sometimes i wonder isit that i do not have enuff milk for him.

Re: Pumps
I am currently using the Medela Mini Electric pump managed to express abt 100ml of BM for 30mins. I think this pump is not bad.. GAls can try!! Not painful on my nipples for my case.

wow ur mother & my mother can really be god sisters lah.. My mom also .. very naggy! Expect me to wear long trousers, long sleeves all e time. No fan no water..strictly on red date tea. She dun allow me to bath either.. She only gives me a pail of water mix with rice wine or vinegar??? to wipe my body( Anyway i always throw it away & clean myself with plain water ..hehee) CAn only eat normal food after 40days.. Omigosh..!!

Anyway hubbyt managed to sneak me out for midnight show Batman Begins last fri.. after my Confidment lady fell asleep..hehee.. (quite a boring show) & will be sneaking out again this Fri.. (Coz hubby birthday)

Adora, Wow i feel so happy for you that your confidment ends this week. My mother's same say i muz wait till 40th day. sian!! 3 more weeks to go for me.. You muz be very happy! Salute you for passing the 1mth confidment BMT (Basic Mother Training)

LV, your hb's idea is damn good! I had this leaking problem too.. but i solve it by wearing nursing bra. On the other hand.. find it abit wasteful to be dripping on the nursing pad. I shall try this the next time i pump. Wow can collect 20ml .. sounds pretty good leh!!

Re: for all mummies due this weekend

GoodLuck to you all.. either for natural delivery or C-section. Dun forget to come back & share your birth stories with us.. We all BMT mothers are very bored at home..hahaha....

Dunno, wow so your c-section is schedule this Fri! Excited? Dun worry .. c-section is very simple & fast. I was shivering too when i went in the OT.. but see.. i am back here safe & sound. My baby's beside me slping too. So dun worry all will be fine. Dun worry abt the pain.. The doctors will give you painkillers. Anyway u dun need it after the 3rd day. Enjoy your last pregnany days..as you will really miss it after birth. I am starting to miss it ardy... hmmm.. (nw hubby kiss baby more den me)

Oh ya.. btw anybody have any idea c-section mummy can go for massage? I see your all massage tummy flat like very good i also want leh.. some ppl tell me i can only go for massage 2 weeks later some says 2mths later. So which is which??

But breastfeeding really helps alot in slimming down. My tummy really flatens quite alot for the past 1 week. So BF mummies ..JIA YOU! JIA YOU!!
Serrich, hope u get to read this before popping!
Green papayas can be found in the shops along Sims Ave--the Durian ones. My mum was so excited to see so many, she bought like a whole basket! cost abt 80 cents to $1 each.
Shane, glad to hear milk coming in better with the pump. Don't give up!

Today, I went PD. Said BF babies have diarrhea like stools regularly. Was worried cos my bb was like urinating thru her ass 7-8 times in the day.

So if that happens to you, it's ok!
Just came back from gynae regular checkup.
Checked internals (quoted from gynae :p), 3cm dilated, she scheduled next day 7am for breaking of waters if my water didn't break throughout the night or didn't have very close contraction pains. hubby informed mil despite promising me not to and now she's nagging me to 'dun go' for the waterbag-breaking session and a dinner out tonight (with her of course!)... sigh, there goes my peace for the night as what the gynae wants me to have for tonight
your boy look so alert & lovely! And i like the 'cap', did you tie those knots or it comes with them?

my goodness, long trouser, long sleeves, no fan, no bath, no water... if is for me, i think i will go crazy
But how come 40 days? i thot just one month?

Yap, watched 'Batman Begins' last week too, whole show not too bad, just that certain parts quite boring.
Hi Jane,

Yup.. I am gg crazy too.. Luckily i isolate myself in the aircon room all e time.. I secretly wash my hair in the night every 3 days.. My mom bought me those dry shampoo.. How to make it? Head so itchy dun wash...sigh..~~

And the list goes on for her no no stuff... Ya if i am not wrong for those older generation its 40days confidment instead of 1mth. But i dun care after 1 mth i am going out!!
Thou its a very exciting night to sneak out during confidment but i muz admit Batman Begins is quite a boring show.. In fact i dose off afew times during the boring part.

So you are 3cm dilated going in to hospital tomorrow.. i so excited for you. Mine was 0 dilation even at 40 weeks ..sigh..!! Going to see your little gal tomorrow .. hw do you feel? Ya after your dinner better to have some peace..
Some MIL are irritating but wat to do? I ardy gif up liao..
Anyway all the best to you..

Oh ya, bought my boy to see follow up after discharge the other day. The PD is quite good & the charges are quite reasonable. I heard fm some ppl tat these flw up are very costly but mine was ok. 32 bucks for check up + powder for bb.

Baby & Child Medical Group
Blk 825 Tampines Street 81, #01-238
S (520828)
Dr Loke Hing Leng
i tried to let bb latch on too, but after 45 mins of going from 1 breast to another then back, my nipples are oredi very sore... and she is still not full.. gave her another 60ml FM and she can still finished everything! :eek:

on another hand, a hearty appetite means that bb is growing well then all also worth it... ;p

my mum comes over to help with housework and cooking... me n hubby still take cares of bb at nite. find that it's better cos' we got to learn how to do it better start getting used to it. anyway bb wakes up 1-2 times for feeding nightly, and hubby has been supportive too.. so no problem ;)
Initially when i use medela electric i also find it alright. Only these few days i start to few sore. That's y thinking of getting ameda as widely recom by BF mothers since I want to get a dual pump to save time. I'm so scared. My CL leaving soon! I'm left to take care of my girl all by myself. I feel very incompetent and lost suddenly. Now everything CL is doing, sterilsing, washing bottles and dishes, cooking, washing nappies, bathing baby and feeding baby at night. Though she did teach me but I just don't know if I can cope with it when all come in together. Anyone else also experience such fear in them?

I intend to place my girl in infant care. What horror stories have u heard about infant care centre? can share?
Hi LV, really?? K thanks for telling me.. I will b more careful next time when i pump.. i dun wana end up with sore nipples again.. The last time i had bleeding nipples was during the hospital stay... nightmare..!!!

Same my CL is also doing everything.. but i try to take care of my baby during the day so that i will not be feeling helpless once she is gone. I heard of many stories saying that they are helpless once CL is gone but dun worry it seems like mother instinct is born in every woman. When u are require to do all these, u juz naturally know how to do it.. Dun worry! All will be fine.. juz try to hands on to do some stuff when she is around least she can guide you along...
when bb is sleeping (my break time) then i logon lor. very bored at home ley. i seldom watch tv one and i don't take naps. so it's either i read or go online.
so we in same situation. everything also cannot. But i just bathe. not sure my mum knows or not. but i bathe in the morning everyday. wash hair every other day. I think if u want to wash hair, better wash in the am then blow dry. not so gd to wash at nite, incase catch a cold.

i really so sien of confinement man. hope the next few weeks will quickly pass.

Envy u all with CL, esp if the CL is gd. I think u'll have peaceful confinement. Just now just told my mum off again. When bb cries, she will ask how come bb crying, will cause bb to be windy. Got fed up and told her, just to leave me alone. I was trying to BF my bb and was switching sides so bb cried. bb cry abit nvm mah. But she makes me feel that everytime bb cry it's mine fault. sigh. make me feel more depressed.

the only gd thing is me and hubby taking care of bb 90% of the time, so we sorta managing now. Wouldn't be so difficult when confinement is over.

For those whose CL is leaving, try to take care of bb 1 week before CL leaves to get the hang of things. Looking after a bb really required alot of work. But will get the hang of it as time goes by.
thks. but i have not pumped since the last time i tried. don't want to be demoralised by the pathetic amt that i pump out. So now i just keep latching. I just hope my ss will build up.

re pump
looks like alot of you all are using medela mini. I feel like getting one to test my ss. the avent manual is hard wk. but i scared waste $ if there's no milk

Ya ameda seems to be a gd brand. even the nurse at my hospital recommended that. the mummies at the other thread are also getting amenda.

LV, u might want to consider getting ameda since it's a dual pump.
your gal got lotsa of hair ! big eyes too ! so cute.

same with my gal lor. I can BF her for 1hr+ and she still cries for milk. I'm trying to hold back FM but after awhile it gets really tiring and frustrating. My gal also drinks btn 60-90ml. I just hope the day will come when the amt of FM given decreases and she consume more bm.
Hi saintbaby,
My gynae is Dr Chan KH. I will be admitted in the evening and be induced the next morning.. I think the PD that my gynae recommended is Dr Yip/Yap.. cant remember the surname leow.. What abt urs?

Yah, hopefully my gal can pop naturally in time so that i dun have to be induced lei. The tot of induction realli puts me off.. Haiz..

Your gal so cute, quite chubby. My hubby said that she looks so much like her daddy.

Do monitor your contractions and keep us posted k!

I am still waiting lor.. So sick of the waiting game.. So far, i haven experience any strong contractions yet. Most likely have to be induced liao.. Hopefully, i wont end up emerg c-sect.

Thanks for the info. Will let me hubby know, in case they cant find green papayas.

Do remember to come back and share ur birth story with us huh!

Your gal is sooo sweet... Have u got a name for her? Its great to have a supportive hubby! Hopefully my hubby will be able to help at nite. Otherwise dun think i can handle bb alone at nite..

I just sms'ed Von yesterday evening and got to know that baby Adore has arrived on 27 June, weighing 3.015kg.. Lets wait for her to share her birth story then! :)
thanks. yr gal has lots of hair too.. and her eyes are big and bright. so cute! think she looks veri oriental...so she look like daddy? same as my gal.. looks like her daddy, lucky her double eyelids take after me ;p

think our ladies all have small mouth...hahaha, dunno issit bcos of this that's why they have more problem to suckle ;p

my bb is call Rene lor.. ;p

anyway, all the best for your delivery...jia you and hopefully you have a better time at BF than some of us.
Serene thks for yr encouragement. I m not afriad of the operation jus tat I jus dunno the procedure for c. They asked me go 2-3hrs b4 operation dunno do wat and after mid9 cant eat tin I b very hungry. May I know after operation how long then can drink water? I w b on drip then not thirsty ah?

Serene u better dun wash hair at 9 liao.

I find batman nt bad sometin different. I aso watched last friday. Inital part quite boring. 2molo may go watch War Of The Worlds.

Jane, even u r ahead of me for giving birth. Good Luck

Shane, I think the baby shd lok like u? Which HP u holding the pic well taken leh.

Von aso overdue? So surprised she got so many symptoms tat time.
i was not allowed food n water for the whole day after my operation.... and the nite before. think if you still feel nauseous, u will throw up even if they give u water.

sorry to interrupt..
anyone want to buy sarong net?
i have 2 sets of sarong net (green & blue) for sales. use for 1/2 time only.
selling off at $5.00 per pc
interested pls send email to me at [email protected]
Actually I've learnt everything in the final week of confinement. But when u r really put to the test alone, somehow the fear sets in. But like u say, i hope my maternal instinct can help me cope with it esp after seeing my darling girl.

if affordable, i think u should get ameda instead. when the milk supply comes in after a few weeks, you'll find single pump is a bit time consuming and also leakage from another breast when u pump on one makes u feel wastage. i had avent manual, medela mini so that's my experience.
bf in public:
i am also at a loss when I bring bb out. So far have brought him to the hospitals for checks and out to the supermarket. He demands to be fed every 2 hrs. Without fail he will demand milk along the way. Thankfully at the hosp there are nursing rooms which provide privacy for bf...
I was thinking if we were to bring bb out for gai gai then how har? Singapore does not have many bf friendly places leh!!
I tried bf in the car.. but I was quite pai seh. You know lah, motor cyclists can peer in to see.
So far I have bought some nursing blouses, it does help conceal to a certain extent. However, bb sometimes wanna re position himself to latch on and starts struggling, end up exposing my breast!
If you were to pump and bring out to feed, I think this is a more convenient way. But just that you will have to keep milk in good condition and temp.
Has any mummies tried out the MIM sling with their newborns?

1)Does your BB feel warm and stuffy in there?
2) Does bb struggle alot in there?
3) Is your bb's neck strong enuff to be placed in this sling?
Dunno, Jane,
looks like you two will be next to pop. So strange, lately a number of us are overdue, ended up need induction and c-section. Like wat my gynae says, these babies nowadays wanna choose their timing to come out and are taking their own sweet time..must threaten them then come out.

congrats that you are back and are doing so well. Wow, still can sneak out to watch movie. Be careful dun catch a chill in the cinema, it can be quite cold. You are really a rebel..(haha, just like me!)...I also throw away stuff boiled for me..keke. MIL cooked some super potent herb chicken soup, ended up with headache last night, so I threw away half of it. Boh pian lah..it was bad.

I also have this fear that the BM will decrease. I guess will have to get bb to suckle more consistently. I heard that suckling actually stimulates more than pumping (tho' pumping is said to emulate bb's scukling). Also must pump regularly. Am getting quite lazy...sometimes only pump once a day. Actually nothing very much to pump, sometimes only manage 60 ml. Dunno whether is it bb suck most of it already.

your bb is so cute and adorable. She's got pretty eyes! Sometimes hard to capture them with their eyes open right? The only time my bb keeps his eyes really big and wide is when he is hiccupping. Hai, he gets this almost everyday..sometimes see him so poor thing, cant stop the hics.
re : hair cut

i brought my baby to the taimoubi - so that Ezra's hair can be make as mao bi. the hair cut will be free then. fyi
babyluv: you can try to sling the baby when breastfeeding, then it will cover up lor. You can try to go to shopping centres that have nursing rooms too.
cherry, naini charged me $300 more for 4 more days. jamu pills supposed to take for 40days.

shane and rene, both your bbs are so adorable and eyes so big! Cute cute..

congrats Von!!! Finally your princess has arrived! can't wait to see her photo. Remember to tell us your birth story.
So ur bb is named after ur nick.. Hehehe.. I also ever tot of naming my gal serrich (combi of me & hubby's name) but it sounds funni lei so we dropped the idea.

I will be gg for induction tomorrow nite if my gal doesnt pop by then.. Dunno y these few days i feel nauseaous and bloated lei.. Seems that my bb still quite high up.

LV is rite, maybe u can consider getting Ameda pump instead. My sil also bought the Ameda pump. Heard that its quite good lei.

Oh u brought Ezra to taimoubi arh. I think poshies was also considering bringing her bb there.. I heard that its nt cheap. How much u paid for it?

Surprisingly many of us down the list alreadi hit week 40 still no news hor.. Haiz.. Initially we were still discussing abt having our bb pop at week 38, etc.. Hahaha... Seems like our bb trying to play hide and seek with us.. What a playful bunch of roosters!
hey gals..Good afternoon.. Little Prince is asleep...!!! So i am FREE!!!!

Wow.. i juz wash my hair today...Shiok man!! My CL actually boil a pail of water mix with herbs for me ..but when i see the pail of water it was immediately turn off for me.. Wow lau the water is black colour & it smell of herbs .. Yucks!! Gives me the feeling that my hair will smell even more after washing..I rather not wash if tats the case.. So i secretly replace the pail of herbs water with clean water & wash my hair .. wow..it feels like heaven lor...

Shane, ur bb so cute.. She got very black hair .. Next time sure to be pretty gal. Pity I duno how to upload my boy's pic to the computer leh.. IF not i can upload his pic & show u gals.. I will think of a way..hehe..

Dunno, ya u have to be admitted to hospital 3-4hrs before op coz they have to check u in, assign bed for you, test ur urine, clear ur bowel, check ur bb heartbeat & shave ur operation site.. Then get u dress for the OP. All & all is abt 3-4hrs time. After the Op, u will be on drip. The nurse will not give u any water for fear u might throw up..i guess u will not b thirsty but if ur mouth is very dry den juz take a sip to wet ur lips & mouth. Yes, no food throughout the night for my case.. i was so hungry tat i couldnt slp the entire night.

LV, Jia You!! Dun be afraid.. All mummies are born to take care of their children. Well at least i strongly believe in this..

Babyluv, wow u naughty gal.. Throw away soup ..U muz drink soup coz my mum says drink more fluid den u can have more BM. But if its really Yucky den also no choice la.. heehe.. For my case i throw away all the water meant for my washing No choice can u imagine washing ur face & Body wif water mixed wif vinegar /rice wine.. after washing ur face sure smell sour..YUcks!! Washing ur hair wif water mix wif herbs dats black in colour.. "faint"

Tonight hubby's going out.. i am still cracking my brains wat excuse can i gif to mum to sneak out for tat 1hr with him... Gals any idea?
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Rene</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>01/07/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
You noti mummy huh, replaced the herbs with clean water! Better nt let ur CL or mum catch u doin tat! Anyway, did ur CL asked u to blow-dry ur hair immed?
hi mummies,
thks for your compliments
she can b quite a fuss pot at times, always crying for milk.

serrich, rene,
actually i can't tell she look like who. some say look like dad, some say look like me. when i compare my bb pics with hers, we don't really look alike. i think bb looks change very fast every few weeks, must rem to always capture their growing years.

if u 1 2 boost supply, must latch bb more often, if not then, must pump more w closer interval. wat r ur thots ? to con't w BF ?

I using nokia 6230. the pic quite ok but not very very clear kind.

don't know bb look like how ley. next time u got chance to see me liow then u c if she looks like me or not hee hee ...

LV, serrich,
ya i'll consider the ameda pump if i'm getting. the price is q ok for me if use it for long term. but first must make sure i got supply first !

so envious of you. can tbf. u had milk rite after delivery ? did u had to sup with FM? I feel so sien that my supply is low. I'm tryhing to reduce the amt of FM that i give her. She seems to be abit more contented after latching these days. hope tt's a sign of ss picking up.
btw, when ur bb cries for milk, how long do u need to latch him till he's satisfied ? Will he take very long ?

re nursing in public, i think in car is ok, as long as can cover abit. i know some shopping centres got nursing rms but not all. Maybe we just have to gutsy enuf like foreigners and just BF in public !
but i say only lah, got no guts to do that
hee hee...

ya, most of the time they're sleeping so it's hard to take when they're awake. But these days, my bb is spending some awake time just lying there, looking abt. So i take the chance to snap some pics.

oh, forgot to add, i have the sling, but hvn't tried using it yet. my bb only 9days old, hvn't tried it with her in it yet.

worse thing is i really don't know how to 'tie' the sling to use it. must figure it out one day.

as for bb hicupps, my bb get alot of it too. i read from book it's for them and do not make them feel uncomfortable. i normally try to burp her again if she got hiccups or latch her on to suckle and see if the hics can go away or not.
