(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Yup Janetan, don't stress yourself. It's a major source of unsuccessful BF.

As for weight loss, don't think of that too. There's only so much you can lose, if we are not allowed to move around too much, get out of the house, and at the same time take in all that food cooked in sesame oil!

We are all in the same boat with you!

For direct BF, i heard from friends that BB will wake you up with crying. no need set alarm clock.

Latation woman in hospital says just make sure she's on 8-10 diapers per day.

That's why I got myself that clipboard by her cot. feel like nurse sometimes!!
<font color="aa00aa">mckee</font>
the jamu pills sounds gd ley. i think if it's all herbal then it's ok. But so far my mum had been putting very little ginger in my food cos i BF and bb is slightly jaundice. Anyway i'm not gd with all these confinement stuff, wat can do, wat can eat and cannot eat, etc. totally clueless.

Ya when i delivered at my hospital there wasn't many bbs in the nursery also. so maybe really exclusive ? ha ha ... But nothing is more exclusive than daddy and bb sharing same birthday
My hubby just got teased by a few of his friends that bb was his father's day pressie ha ha ..

hey i wished i was like you man ... got nothing to do. Last few days i was feeling so tired cos was helping ard the hse. just feel so sien and tired. My mum is helping me out but she has not 'picked up' the things to be done so she mainly cooks for us only. Me and hubby tends to the dogs and other hsehold chores such as doing the laundry. We also look after bb ourselves. But it's getting better these 2 days when things had started to settle down. Hopefully I'll have more time in the weeks to come and complain of boredom just like you ! hee hee ....
You can come into the forum more often to chat with us, then u feel less bored
Stock up on mags, vcd, dvds to watch, can also kill time. My hubby went to borrow quite alot of vcds from his friend but yet to have the time to watch yet.
<font color="aa00aa">mckee</font>
ok, so i'll just latch her whenever she cries for milk. But at the moment, it's nvr enuf for her man ... sigh. The nurse at nursery say i got a greedy baby !!!!
Shane, you know, my bday is a day before my hb. so can you imagine his joy when bb came out on his bday! haha.. said she's definitely daddy's girl! aiyo.. I didn't know I can feel jealous of a newborn at that time!

I got nothing to do cos this CL really quite goodl. She's suppose to just cook for me and take care of bb. But since she's a fast cook, the house is empty, so she cleans, irons, makes my bed, and even cooks specially for hb (he hates the wine and confinement stuff!)

Yes, I'll come into forum more often. Very encouraging to know that all of you are out there going through everything I'm going through! Great support!!

My bb also labelled greedy baby. My hb calls her Barracuda baby...cos of the way she sucks!
<font color="aa00aa">mckee</font>
woah, cool ! Now ur whole family can celebrate all the bdays together. so nice ... it's really wonderful. Daddy must have been so proud of his gal hee hee ...

ya sound like u really got a great CL there. very fortuntate. enjoy ur time now to relax. after CL leaves, u'll be on ur own ?
shane: if ur baby dun have jaundice which makes her very sleepy, it is ok to let baby sleep. Baby will wake u up when he/she is hungry.
Mine wakes up every 2 hours for her feed in the initial weeks!

mckee: ur CL sounds cool, is she a local or Malaysian? Can PM me her contact and how much you pay for her? Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">MH</font>
okie thks. i'm still sup my bb with FM so she sleeps slightly longer, abt 3 hrs.
Hi ladies,
Long time nvr long in alreadi.. Have been rather busy for the past 3 days.. Hubby down with high fever lei.. Hopefully my immune system strong enuf nt to get the virus to avoid any complications as my gal might pop anytime..

Your gal realli guai, pop on the EDD so u dun have to be induced at all! Nt sure if mine as guai or nt. I went for my checkup yesterday, gynae finally did cervix check for me.. onli 1cm dilated. Surprising, i dun feel any pain during the cervix check lei.. Anyway, if my gal doesnt pop on 29 Jun, i will have to be induced on 30 June then..

Wow, ur bb is 4kg! Realli peifu u!! Wonder how u managed to push the bb out! Actually i am also quite frighten that my gal will be overdue.. Yest i went for checkup, onli 1cm dilated and my gal is abt 3.4kg alreadi.. If she doesnt pop soon, i am afraid that she will grow too big and i might have difficulty with the pushing.. Also dun wish to end up c-section.

re soup:
I heard that we must drink lots of fish soup, grren papaya soup to increas milk supply.. Nt sure how true but its worth to give it a try!

Hi mckee,
Congras!! Ur massage lady so good, help to massage breasts for better milk flow. Does she charge u extra for that?

U realli find the massage nt realli useful arh? Hopefully the pills work then! Otherwise u will be paying for nothin.. I find her charges on the high side as well but heard many good reviews so decided to engage her.. Hopefully, i will be able to see effect lor..

You also using NEO Garden? I like their service and food.. If i am gg to hold a buffet, will also be engaging their service. As for Melrose, i find their cakes so-so onli lei..
<font color="aa00aa">serrich</font>
hey gal, soon will be your turn !!! excited ?
Hope your hubby gets well soon.

the cervix check is not painful. for me it's the stretching of the cervix that is painful.

wow, your bb is 3.4kg already ? fast... i still remember we were talking abt our bbs being on the small side and had abt the same weight. So now no worries for you. But rather now u're worried abt bb being on the big side hee hee ... irony of life. Don't worry, when the time comes just push with all ur might, sure can one. Most imptly is for dilation to happen and do consider epidural cos it helps you to conserve energy for the pushing later.
hi serrich
really quite some time didn't see you online.
don't worry about the fever... our immune system should be able to take it.
Because my hubby had been down with fever few weeks ago, now having flu; i'm still not affected (if is before pregnancy, i will probably getting MCs now)

that's really wonderful, whole family celebrated birthdays together.

good to hear that you getting progress in BF. You can make it! Jia You!
MH, i'm having problems pm-ing u... pls advise..

Shane, yup... after CL leaves, i'll be on my own. not looking forward to that...

Serrich, no she doesnt charge extra for breast massage. she also bath and massage bb. no extra charge too..
and yes... i think papaya and fish soup helps. not only heard fr my mum, the filipino nurse says they eat it back in home town, and my indo massage woman says that, and the western preggie book too! just fyi, green papaya in abundance from fruitstalls along geylang
jane, can u imagine my 2nd child? has to be in june..even in the same week... otherwise will feel rejected....
oh yes, now i can imagine that, only after you mentioned about it...

But to think it positively, it should be ok, if you keep telling your subsequent children who have totally different birthdays, that they are very special, blah blah blah... things that hopefully make them feel better.
janetan/ rene,
i am staying at mum's pl now which only 2 bus stops away from my hse...hb will drop by every nite then go home &amp; sleep... so i always complain say he very lucky can sleep in peace...but will move back after confinement...actually i dun expect hb to help much during wkdays since he needs to work....abit phobia now going to be on my own w/o my mum...she's really a great help always wake up at nite to coax bb if i cannot manage to put her to sleep......

ya seems like we r going thru the same phase now...agree it can be very frustrating at times...yday i also keep talking to my girl..wat she wants??? almost angry w her when she keep on crying &amp; wanting to be carried i alrdy so tired...last time i cannot imagine wat is post natal depression..now really can understand how stressful it is...we need to try &amp; get help &amp; rest &amp; think positively otherwise really will prone to depression...

ya BF lying down is quite effectively in getting her to sleep in the past but dunno y nowadays my girl still wake up after awhile...hopefully she can get over this phase soon...

my girl also feed at 2-2.5hr interval...seldom sleep more than 3hrs...dun worry bb will automatically wake up for feed when hungry...
hi janetan,

seems like we all ask our bb "wat you want?" when they jus keep crying and refusing to sleep ;p

anyway, i also dunno how long i can sustain at BF cos it's really tiring... my gal can latch on but i suspect it's the wrong position cos' it feels so painful that i rather spend the time to express BM out and feed her thru bottle....my nips are feeling abit sore now, and i suspect i m goin to get cracked nipples soon. Sigh.

another thing, i was quite tearful too during the last couple of days over the BF issues...until i m so scared taht i will fall into postnatal depression... so i guess if it really stresses me out, i m goin to feed my gal FM. Better than passing my unhappy emotions to her.

i agree with milly taht we should get as much help as possible, but really for BF, there's no subsitute, so nobody can help us. it's mummy and baby's business - let's see how things goes.. impt thing is dun get too stressed up.

Let's "jia you"!!!
I also hope i can BF successfully but it's really not ez. very tiring. Just when i thot i was making progress, my bb was fussing at my breast again just now. i don't understand what she wants. I just keep latching her again and again, but she just cry and cry. In the end i gave up after awhile and sup her with FM.

Kinda of agree with you. If BF is gg to make me fall in PND, i think i'll rather sup with FM as well. If not BF becomes a very unpleasant task. But at the moment I'll give it a good try. So let's try our best first and see what happens.

If the latch is painful, it's better to relatch again. Rem to apply nipple cream after every feed. If u can, try to bear with the pain. I been thru it the last few days, i was advised to keep latching to bring on milk supply. My nips were cracked and sore but i just latch. Now my nips seems more 'seasoned' already tho' 1 side is still abit painful but it's much better than before. Just try ur best.

ya lying down is quite effective. But don't know wat's wrong with my gal just now. latch her on lying down and she fuss and fuss. i had to bf her walking ard ! I was so tired and sien. sigh.

my bb can sleep quite long when i sup with FM, normally an ave of 3 hrs. are u on total BM now ?
Jane I dun need pure indian vegetarian. I jus wan nice chinese vegetarian food. From the list aso dunno which nice leh

2day went c gynae did a membrane swap and got some blood. Already booked for c next Friday and hope in the meanwhile my waterbag wont burst keke else sian liao bottom pain tummy pain.

Any1 can tell me more abt GA wats the procedure like? Once push in to the theatre hw long w I b unconscious? Thanks
mckee, think ur ML is reaaly good. So many extra services and free jamu pills too. How much is your package? how many days? maybe i can recommend her to my friends cos mine quite exp.

i heard from my ML that Zoe Tay did for 21 days, well.. she can afford what... as for me, she told me i need 10 days, which means $300 more... my hb say no! So i only did 6 days for $450.

Just now i remove my bandage finally for my wound and thank God, can't really see the line... maybe too much pigmentation around that area. Do you all kena black patch near belly button? i kena quite alot on top of the stretch marks.. sigh..
hi milly,
me got my mum to come over to my place to help me with the confinement... but i prefer to take care of the bb at nite myself if can cos' sooner or later we have to do it.. might as well get used to the bb's pattern... :p

anyway, mu hubby also volunteer to help as and when possible, and 2 times a nite is still manageable.. so let's see lor...

ya, i think i better express BM cos' it's getting painful to let my gal latch on and everytime i try to re-position her, she still go back to the same thing.. dunno if it's becos' her mouth abit small... :<

anyway, she still need FM supplement even if i express 80ml of BM for her every feed... so let's see how lah.. let's ganbate together!
Yr massage lady seem to be very effective, do you know if she does it for pple like us with c-section wound? my tummy is very flabby, and I gain 20+kg for this preganency so if possible i need to start losing weight ASAP...

honestly i dun mind paying for more than 7 or 8 days if it works... at least it's cheaper than later on if you are going to sign up any slimming packages.. ;p
Hi all,

I was given an option to be induced early coz the blood flow from the placenta to baby doesn't look too good during the last few weeks of the pregnancy. I was told that my baby was on the smallish side coz not getting much nutrients due to poor blood flow, so she highly recommends for earlier induction so that baby can grow better outside than inside the womb. That's why i'm abt 2 weeks earlier than scheduled. And moreover, I also started dilating already... so my hubby reckons that might as well deliver baby early than keep in the womb longer...

Now quite nervous leh.. Planning not to use epidural, but dunno whether i gung-ho enuff to go thru without all that *shiver*
erlisa, i was like u... wanted to be hero and not use epi.

but my treshold for pain super low. at 2cm, was painful, but felt i could still make it. at 3cm, doc said pain will get worse. i considered the cost, anf the fact tht epi is like freeflow drinks till delivery. so took the jab. NO REGRETS. going to ask for it immediately for next bb!

dont worry... it'll be ok.
Rene, yes i just asked her. she does c-section after 1 week delivery.

HELP! anyone has bb with YELLOW urine? as in very yellow? my mil wants me to feed her water cos milk alone too heaty...

I recall that breastmilk is more than sufficient. no need water.. anyone has this prob?
GA Csection quite straight forward i think. they put u to sleep then deliver bb. Then u go back ward. You'll wake up 1-2 hrs later but might feel goggy. You don't want to consider epi csection instead ? You'll be awake and can see bb immediately. I also feel that the recovery from epidural will be quite fast. Only that u might have abit of side effects but they're bearable.

I got black patches at my belly button also. After preggie and delivery, i feel my body not the same anymore. Still feeling fat. Also all the stretchmarks still there !
if u can tahan the pain, it'll be gd to latch. I latch on tho' it was painful. But somehow till now ss still not enuf. sigh. But i'll keep on trying.

don't be nervous. as i said Dr Watt is very gd. Try to opt for epi early so that you do not need to fight with the pain. I was quite happy that i opted for epi early so i didn't feel much pain at all. I only felt my initial contractions before i arrived at the hospital. From the CTG graph, contractions can get really bad from my estimation

However, I think my dosage is on the lower side cos when a major contraction comes, I can still feel alittle of it and i can also feel bb moving down and the feeling of something pushing out below. I'm quite satisfied with that at least I'm not totally numb from waist down and know wat's gg on.

Enjoy watever freedom you have now, go have a gd dinner, enjoy ur baths and spend more time with your hubby. When bb arrives, life changes 360degrees immediately.
on the 3rd day, my bb had urates(yellow urine with pinkish stains) nurse say not hydrated enuf. It's true that BM is sufficient and no water is needed. But if she's not getting enuf BM, she might not be hydrated enuf. What happened to me was I was already supplementing her with FM then, so following that, her urine was back to normal.

You can try to feed her more BM if ur ss is gd then monitor if her urine gets better. If not u can give her more FM if you're supp her with that. If not, then last resort water ?
Hi ladies,
been really too busy with the bb till no time to online. Looks like most of you are facing the same problems as me. I really have not enuff sleep (looking more like a super panda), bb is demanding to be fed every 2-3 hrs too.
In the last 2 days he kinda developed more activity in the afternoon. He refuses to sleep and wants to be carried. At first I thot what happened, how come keep crying depsite being fed and changed... then I realised he wanna be picked up, rocked to sleep and wants someone to talk to him. Anyone of you experience the same when your bb does not wanna be left alone?

And I think he is developing some colic too... his stomach is quite bloated and when you tap on it, it has a 'pong pong' sound.. now trying the Yu Yee oil.. hopefully it works.

My bb is also plagued with some red rash somewhat like pimples on his face and body. Read some books, they said it's infant acne but am feeling skeptical. Cos everytime he cries, his face flares up and the spots and rashes 'explodes'. Anyone of your bb has this?

My hb has been quite supportive. But at nights, for the night feeds I will be the one feeding (cos now on total bf), hb cant feed mah. He is a heavy sleeper so the cries cant wake him up. Yah, at night, cant sleep well and I keep aniticipating when bb will cry.. or being paranoid thinking he is crying. So yes, I am also very scared when night comes. But recently when the bb is very active in the day, he seems to sleep at night more soundly.

So far, I have been expressing milk to throw away so that supply will keep coming... I havent experimented with other teats.. he seems to reject the pigeon one already. Anyone of you can recommend a teat that is easy to introduce?
Also I just bought the avent manual pump, to those who are using it, do you experience milk with air when being pumped? The milk appears to have air bubbles in them...is this normal?

Does anyone know what is the average changing interval for diapers?
fully agree with you bf is really mum and bb business. Sometimes relatives and friends jus dun understand that. They are dying to visit the the bb in the hospital and my place.Of course most of the time relatives wanna see the bb, then they neglect me... imagine I had to go thru the horrible pain to give birth to a 4kg bb and some relatives dun really bother about your well being..they r more interested in the bb. I was fumbling with bf in the hospital... trying hard to get bb to latch on and the lactating nurse are very strict with me (they dun wann me to give up)... and we have irritating relatives who just insist on seeing the bb. I felt so frustrated (am still lah)..cos they have no idea what is total bf all about.
I also have the black patch at my naval. The black line that runs down the tummy is still there. Dun think can wear my two piece swim suit anymore ;p

Hai, no time even to apply stretch mark cream. Imagine the heat nowadays and with bf, the body is totally sticky and stinky! My hb says says my stretch mark looks silvery like FISH SCALES!!!

I really look like a walking disaster nowadys.. hair so messy... tie up like ah soh...got a grouchy face (hormonal imbalance). Today went to NTUC to grab some grocceries, I look like a total ah soh... cant stand it myself. Oh when will my days be reverted back to normal..miss my hair rebonding, my make up and my manicures and pedicures
thanks. maybe i will give yr massage lady a call after my gynea visit next monday.. have not yet take out my dressing for the wound yet.

btw, wat's her name and contact?

somehow i prefer to express milk than gettin bb to latch on now... phobia i guess. but i hope she is getting the same nutrients anyway cos i try to express within 30 min before she feeds, warm the BM up and feed her.. doc say the antibodies will get lost with time, so hopefully this is a better solution than storing in fridge.

ya lor, yr relatives so unfeeling. Me i told my mum off when she keep wanting to show the bb off whenever someone comes to visit. I said the bb is not a toy, if she is sleeping and anyone wants to see her, they can come in the room to peek... my mum used to bring out the bb and try to wake her up, pass to relatives to carry etc even though she is deep in sleep... :<

i mean, bb is still small, they have low immunity, and prone to bacterias etc etc, any mishandling may cause unneccessary illness or problems.... He Bi ne, rite?

if u ask me i rather relatives no come visit during confinement cos i still have to waste energy to entertain them while i really need to rest... sigh.
how much does ur ML charge?

u can try nuk bottle and teats. my bb can suck well with that. But when i intro Avent, she can't suck well... and most of e milk spills...o have got 4 avent bottles and even bot all e teats till 6 mths, so wasted...will pass to my SIL or friends.

shane n babyluv,
u also have e black patch? when i ask my gynae, he said it's permanent!! then i ask my ML, she said can apply whitening lostion and it will go off in 2 weeks! i bought from her at $20 and apply, see how it goes...

any news from Von? how is she? given birth? hope she is doing fine.
Babyluv, I'm in the same situation as u. Suffer from many sleepless nights. Frustrated with bf too. My nipples r so sore that i've to resort to EBM bottlefeed. But i wonder how much is enough for him.... he's taking around 70-80ml per feed every 2-2.5hrs.

U r v lucky, bb is more active in the day. How do u do that huh? Mine sleeps like a log in the daytime, n is wide awake at night.

My bb is using NUK teats, so far so good. The milk i pumped out has some bubbles in it, think it should b ok. After awhile, the bubbles go off.

Does anyone of u experience leaky breasts. Mine leaks every two hrs, n grows full every hr. So should i pump out when breasts grow full w discomfort? Right now, i'm pumping milk every 2hrs. Is it normal?
Hi ladies,
Maybe I can join you for some baby discussion as my baby's age is quite near to most of you. Now she's 4 weeks old.

my girl also has bad rashes on her face about 2 weeks back. I use cotton ball with tap water to clean her face frequently. After a few days, the rash subsided but a little peeling comes on. So I put very little johnson lotion on her face as well.

as for changing diaper, i guess there's no fixed time. As and well i check she cries or when i check on her it's wet, i'll change. maybe every hour or so.

I don't know if mine leaks every 2 hrs because got breast pads on to absorb leakage. BUt whenever i feel that it's full breast or hard like rocks, I'll express it out but usually if the interval is longer than 4 hrs.
so envious of you. u're doing well with TBF. I'm still struggling and sup with FM. I just BF her for close to 2hrs and she still cries for milk. I gave up and gave her FM. I really wonder how much is enuf for her. I seem to have milk but maybe not enuf for her yet.

Can i just check with you. When u BF bb, after awhile your bb will be satisfied and go to sleep then wake up 2 hrs later for feed again ? that doesn't happen to me ley. very tired and sien man...

I hvn't tried expressing. The last time i tried got nothing. Now with bb latching on, I lazy to pump.

Most of the time my bb liked to be carried also. she will fuss and cry and when we pick her up she's ok. But when she doesn't settle even after being carried that means she wants more milk. Most of the time when she's fully satisfied with milk she'll go to sleep immediately.

my gal has some white tiny spots on her face. the paed say it's ok and will go off. So far no encounter with rashes yet but there are some red patches on here and there. Maybe u can try wat LV does, clean with water and c how it goes.

Abt friends and relatives visiting. I totally agree with you. During my 2nd day at hospital, there were quite a few no. of visitors still i was fed up. I was coping with BF and bb needs to be fed but visitors were coming and had to wait outside cos bb need to be fed. so stressful.

Then there's visitors who wants to come my hse and visit. sigh. feel bad to reject since they say 1 2 pass me bb gifts. But i jus don't understand how come they don't understand i'm doing confinement, in total mess and coping with managing bb. sometimes really very sien. Today just had a visitor and bb was crying and i was talking to my guest and i know she had to be fed. In the end had to give FM since my guest didn't take the cue to leave. *big sigh*

as for diapers, same as LV, no specified timing, i just check on and off. Once it's soiled or heavy with urine, I'll change it. Ave of abt 6-7 diapers used a day.
u so gd, still can go ntuc ? u still doing confinement rite ? I'm so sick of the confinement, wish i can have my life back. in big mess, forever sweaty. hair messy, face is breaking out (from sleepless nite i think), everything is just bad. Lucky my hubby is supportive and helps out alot. That makes me comforted and complain less

oh for teats, my bb has no prob with avent n nuk. i think it all depends on bb. If u intend to intro bottle, don't do it too late at the risk of bb rejecting bottle. But there's always 2 side to the coin, intro too early, bb might reject breast also. anyway i already gave bottle already just keeping fingers crossed there'll be no confusion for bb.

re naval, the black patch is permanent ?! so sad. worse for me, my belly button is still protruding out. I wonder if i'll ever have my old belly button back

No news from Von ley. Mayb i'll try to sms her tomorrow. Have been thinking of doing that but just afraid of disturbing her. I got a feeling she gave birth already.

I have started to experience leaky breast just yday. Sometimes when i BF on one breast, the other will leak. But somehow it's always the same side that leak. I normally just wipe off and after awhile it will stop.
that's true, either way she's getting BM so makes no diff. how's ur supply now ?

same here, i wish pple were more understanding and not visit during confinement. It's just too stressful and inconvenient. Sometimes i don't even have the mood to entertain but just have to do so.
Hi..sorry for the intrusion

hi LV,
i remembered you, congrats on your new arrival, hope you're coping fine with your confinement

hey shane,
so late still hasn't sleep ah? since i've logged in and saw your posting, thought wld be better post here. if you're trying to go for TBF, it is normal to have bb demanding for milk quite often. some bbbies interval at 1 hr, 1 half hr and 2 hrs. then gradually 3 hrs. since you're latching on most of the time, just give her whenever she wants, BF babies drink on demand, not on regular timing. know its tiring, but dun worry its just for this mth only. things will get better. what i do is i express my milk also, when latch bb on for quite long already, if bb still not enuff, give the EBM (this way you train her to have your breast and know bottle as well, and also to let your nipple rest after the suckling) it works for me.
i also dislike pple visiting me during my confinement as it can be quite disruptive. so i make my stand clear and i suggest you shld do that. just tell them nicely that its not vry convenient for them to come, need to rest or busy with baby, invite them after your confinement or full mth.
cool ok, you can one
good night!
shane, i understand what u mean when u don't like visitors during confinement. I also told my friends to come on man yue instead. One of them ask why and i said my wound hurts and not convenient and guess what she replied? she said in her sms : you seem to be quite weak. I was offended.. she is one of my closest friends. But i guess we can't blame them also as they are concern and want to visit us. Moreover, they haven't given birth. If they have, they will be more understanding.

by the way, why can't we go out during confinement? is it afraid to catch a cold? in fact, i went shopping twice and yesterday also went NTUC to stock up some things. However, when i was in the shopping centre last sat sourcing for father's day present, i felt really weak and cold, like going to have fever. Quickly stopped by Ya Kun to eat some bread n drink hot milo. After that, quickly go home. Seems quite weak... will feel chilly and want to lie down after walking for a while. But then bored again, and went downstairs walk walk and buy things... hee.

cookie, you should pump out what breasts are full or else you can kena engorgement which is painful. So just spend 10mins pumping out if busy. If not, pump for 30mins to get all milk out, then you will feel much better. i also felt full breasts and hard nipples whenever i don't pump enough. Just finished pumping. Going to sleep now. Bye!
Jane Tan
Black patched at belly button: i have a black patch and a dark line at belly button too.
going out during confinement: it is recommended to stay at home than walking around... however, in singapore, what i usually tell both my mothers (mum &amp; mil), with all those post-natal appointments, i doubt being 'locked-in-room' is possible.

bb with Yellow urine/suspecting BM too heaty: A cousin-in-law gave me this advice a month ago: besides bm, have to feed baby with water so that will not be too heaty &amp; prevention for jaundice. Said it works for her, for me, baby still in my tummy so can't really tell yet.
i agree with rene3446 that visitors should be minimise as they might bring in bacteria and viruses to the baby and yourself as well.
I suspected i will have the same problem as yours as now even before i give birth, friends already calling me to remind me to inform them about the birth so that they can visit the baby. don't even know they meant to visit me or just to see baby and on top of that, i can't tell visit me at full month celebration as we are not allowed to have one.

Both mother &amp; baby needs rest as the old folks always say: We are too weak for now, that's why need the confinement month to replenish our strengths!
Shane dun worry u w get back to previous figure soon lah.Some pp tell me need 4 mths.
I m taking GA coz I dun wan take epidural lah.
Babyluv u so fast go out liao ah? U shd ask hubby go NTUC buy the tins instead shd get more rest.
Jane Tan avent bottle can use NUK teats? I aso buy 8 avent bottles liao nw dunno can use or not leh.
Any1 has idea after c when can do massage?
you have the same vistors' problems too? i think one more thing is all these vistors just come without pre-appointment... meaning they jus drop by anytime any day they feel like cos' mayb they think you will be at home anyway.. ;<

even my own MIL, she is kind enough to help buy some pig's stomach etc and bring over for my mum to cook, but she forever just drop by when i am about to take a nap, hence causing me to miss rest again...sigh

my EBM is about 80ml each time, and I can onli muster enough interest and energy to do it 2-3 times a day. in anycase, we always supplement with FM for each feed cos' it seems that EBM alone is not enough... time to time i let my bb latch on, it's better now, but she seems to take forever to suckle and i really have no idea when she will have enough or how muhc has she drank...
mummies who BF every 1-2hrs, i really Pei fu you...;p
Actually not very sure if we can go out during confinement. But it's really quite humid and stuffy to stay at home.
When I went out, like what Jane said, I do feel some chills and aches, esp when it's air con shopping mall. I think it's best to minimise going out... also there could be viruses out there.

I also brought bb out to NTUC (he's only 2 weeks old)... erm, i think that's not allowed too lah.. but then my bb was quite alert and active then, and when he stay at home lying on the cot, he will be bored to tears. There are no toys for him to play yet, so I guess it's best to bring him out to look at the world.

I think bb's sleep patterns are still erratic.. it also depends on who looks after him. Over the weekend, hb was at home, so hb managed to coax him to sleep and entertain him. Thus he has been sleeping quite soundly at some parts of the day and night. But in the weekday, when it's my turn to coax him, I dun do a good job like hb, end up bb cry quite a lot and sleep a lil. Sometimes, I wish my hb can stay at home forever to help. ;p

For leaky breasts, do put on a breast pad. It will help absorb the milk. It's more hygienic too.

Yup, I think the man yue would be the most appropriate for visitors to come. Ya, sometimes those people who have not given birth b4 would not understand what we are going thru. They think that bf is very easy. They are not so sympathetic. Also relatives of the older era would not be so understanding on the difficulties of bf. Some would even say " you got enuff milk meh?" i think during their time, they use a lot of FM, most of them do not bf.
regaining back to fig, all depends to individual. But I know for sure that bf does help. I can see some diff in my legs and arms. But the breast area abit big and fat. try to go for TBF if you can... mentally it does take alot of power and physically it does help burn some calories.

Hey, when u doing your c section/ induction? Quite excited for you.

My massage lady says 1 week after natural birth can start. i think the main thing is that your stitches must heal first. I am starting on tues. That will be 2 weeks after. Will tell you how it feels after that.
my bb is the same, after i bf for an hour she will fall asleep and wake up within an hour or so for feed. i will give her about 45ml - 60ml fm and she will fall asleep again vv contentedly.
my cl said that its becos she is hungry so cannot sleep properly. she is also waking up more often every 2 hourly for feed; last time was 3hrs plus. now we are trying to see if she would finish 90ml so that she can sleep longer. cl said bb needs to have good feed and enuff sleep in order to grow meat.
