(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

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hmm, tell ur mum u gg for car ride ? or just go ? need to tell ur mum excuse one ? :p

i always blow dry my hair after washing so in the end, end up perspiring. Bathe with hot water than still blow dry with hot air. sigh. tormenting man. I long for a nice cool bathe and a cup of icy cool drink ! *slurp slurp*
Rene thanks for the info
I m a greedy pig dunno can tahan dun eat or not leh

Juneten where is taimoubi? so expensive 212!!! 100 choose name i find expensive liao

Serrich I dun feel bloated instead I getting more hungry these days and do feel pain at vagina area sometimes tin must b my uterus having pressure for 2 long.

Eating papaya n fish got help increase BM or not? Any of u tried?

tin Shekinah aso go give birth liao, no news from her today.
wat time is yr op? i had my op in the morning at abt 9am... didnt eat anything or drink the nite before after 10pm, then thru the day i still vomit quite a few times.. so only until 8pm at nite then i was allowed a cup of milo.. and later at 10pm then i eat some porridge.

actually you wont really feel hungry cos u will be on IV drip but when i see the lady in the same room havin her meals, i feel so deprived tat i keep asking for my food too.. ;p

but anyway it's for yr own good that hospital disallow u food n water cos' u will all throw up anyway as the anethastic is still not cleared up.
doc say if using expressed BM, should pump at least 7-8times a day to keep up the flow.. dun think i can do that...

anyway, i sort of feeling relieved if the milk flow really slows down and stop too.. meanwhile i will still try and pump at least 2-3 times a day.
Rene3446, Nurse tell me is 9am. Need to reach at 7am. My gynae told me 10am so I dunno is 9am or 10am. After 12mid9 then cannot eat leh they told me so I plan 2 eat at 11pm keke. Imagine eat so much nw suddenly ask u dun eat 1 day

Rene3446 how heavy is yr gal now? I used 2 hope my due date same as u tat time :p Nw times flies yr gal 2 weeks liao.

a little expensive on the taimaobi but my hubby wanted to give the boy a birthday present, so we decided to just spend on one good gift that we can give to him when he grows up. the cost depends on the design too
rene, i have the same thinking as you actually. It's so sickening having to pump milk and i salute those who TBF. I drag pumping and i also hope ss will drop and then stop. Now i try to pump less.. maybe twice a day and once a night but then the breasts engorged, so no choice forced to pump out, or else painful...

i am going for the 6 in 1 injection costing $110 per injection, for total 3 injections. Think that's the norm price.
same as you, i used to eat alot, then suddenly bcos of the op, 1 whole day cant even drink water.. :<

but trust me, it's good for you to listen to the doc else later you will suffer when later you throw up after the op... so guai guai lah, anyway you will be goggy after the op, u wouldnt have much appetite.

my gal is 2.8kg when born, discharge from hospital is 2.7kg, 1wk later is 2.9kg. comparing to the rest, i think she is on the small side, so dun worry.. my gal is born earlier than yrs cos' her mummy me is impatient. think she takes after me too in this area.. ;p
jane tan,
i think we may havesome pple throwing stones at us for saying all these things abt not wanting to BF, esp when the whole world is so fazed abt TBF.. ;p

but at least we are honest, arent we? hahaha

btw, wat's this 6in 1 injection you talking abt? issit $110x6= S$660? where?
Congratulation Von!!! Finally your girl is here!!!

Already 1 day passed over my due date... so sad. 1.5cm dilated/60% effacement/BB v.low. OB said most likely end this week liao, else will make arrangement to be induced next week. She even said I'm having mild contractions during her check which I cannot even feel it.. strange leh. :p The cute encounter is when listening the BB's heartbeat using fetus droppler, I hear a loud "pop" sound, very interesting. I been hearing and feel alot of pops inside me more often.
Now I'm really kancheong... my BB is very active and hiccups alot, thou' normally BB will be more quiet when nearer to labour?

RE: Confinment
My sister told me because all our food using seseame oil to cook, that's why we will get heaty and sweat alot. Does your CL cook all dishes using seseame oil instead of normal cooking oil? My sister already cook the black vingear stuffs for me, incase I labour anytime. Goodness, the smell really stink. Haven't start Confinment already think the food yuck... I wonder how am I going to survive thru the coming 1 mth confinement.

I hope my BB will come out this weekend. Many of our friends already starts asking the same question everyday....

RE: Those going for C-sections/induced this week
Goodluck and hope to hear from your birth story soon!!!
ameda pump:
I finally got thru the line in the afternoon and they deliver few hrs later. I just pump around 10pm for 5-10 mins. got 60ml. not too bad coz during night time my supply usually lesser. the review is: noise is fantastically soft as compared to medela mini elec. My hubby also commented when he saw me pumping. The suction is ok, I've yet to put to full suction because of cracked nipples. generally it's less harsh on the nipples.
Morning ladies,
I haven experience any signs of labour. Seems like its confirm that i will be admitting for induction 2nite.. Hope to see my gal tomorrow morning!

The taimaobi quite ex hor.. Guess i will onli consider doing it if my gal has thick hair!

The tot of the confinement realli puts me off.. I try nt to think of it for now.. My aunt quite traditional thinking, ie. no fan, no aircon, cannot bathe, wash hair, etc.. i think i will have a hard time liao.

I also have good appetite but dunno y always feel like vomitting after meals.. Haiz.. I think i put on abt 2kg this week! Have been indulging in lots of good food before i am due. Hehehehe..

I heard that green papaya soup and fish soup helps to increase milk flow. Nt sure how effective but its worth a try! Got to know from another thread that this nursing tea helps as well: http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/milktea.html

Thanks! I think its the same PD that we were referred to.
hey serrich,
gd luck ! Don't think abt confinement. Look forward 2 seeing bb. And enjoy e stay at e hospital before u go home. tt's probably the last time u can eat decently n hv a gd bathe before confinement starts.

Must share ur birth story ! take care.
looks like the ameda pump is really gd. ok i'll get that when i decide to get a pump.

rene, janetan,
no lah, to bf or not is a very personal choice. Just do wat makes u feel comfortable. Looking after a bb already alot of stress and so tiring.

i was very motivated to do so also before birth. but now i experienced hands on then realised how difficult it is. last nite i also got notion to give up. was BF bb for 1hr+ close to 2, but she still cry. i was so tired. in the end still give FM. BF really not ez. Maybe more diff for me cos my ss is low.

I didn't know must pump so often. I feel sien to pump when i see the amt coming out is so little.
Anyway i'll still keep on trying.
since u're 1.5cm dilated already think ur turn will be soon. actually if ur OB wants, can break waterbag to start off contractions. I was like you, dilated but no contractions. so admitted to break waterbag, but who knows, contractions came before admission to hospital.

re confinement,
it's tough man. hate it. but since u're overseas, will u hv a easier time ? Or u sis also those very strict one ?
check w u. do u experience engorgement 1-2 weeks after birth ? so far i hvn't, so wondering if that's an indication tt my ss is low...
Well, hopefully my BB will come out this week, I already started to feel alot of pressure and stomach hard hard today. That's a good sign, isn't it? I read a book said first-time mom normally will encounter enffacement before dilation.

Well, my sister quite ok. Very easy to neg, but she will still advise me to soak salt water if I have episiotomy, cook all dishes with seseame oil, drink reddates longgan water only, eat the black vinegar stuffs, drink the "Du Zhong" soup..etc. Bascially she won't ask me not to bath or wash hair, just inform me to remember to blow dry hair after that. If my MOM Or MIL is here, then I will have a hard time.. :p Luckily they are not here.. heeheehee
just relax and enjoy your days before the labour. You will need all the strength on tat day. Like you, I was counting down the days and when it went past the due date with no action happening, will tend to up the anxiety level. I ended up with induction... at the end of it you dun really bother if it is overdue or not as long as bb comes out safely. All the best, gal.

my bb has learnt to latch on quite ok. Although sometimes he has his preferred position and angle. So he struggles quite a bit. Upon latching he suckles for 15-20min for one breast. Nurse told me to suckle for both breast ideally. So far, the bb just quite contented with just one. He will tend to doze off and then the nipple wil just pop out of the mouth. Actually the tedious part is not the suckling, it is the burping. I really dun have the patience to burp him..ended up he puked quite a lot of milk out. What a waste. Esp in the middle of the night, when I am really tired and dazed, I dun burp him properly. Last night he was puking milk while I was changing his diapers and along the way he can still pee at me!! It was really garang gabok..so messy.

Bf places:
So far, places with nursing rooms are at the Changi Airport...United Sq...centrepoint...and that's all I know. Maybe someone should start compiling places for us.

usually that indicates that mummy havent pumped enuff or massaged well. I dun think that has anything to do with milk ss low.

Jane Tan,
Is the 6-in 1 jabs better than the ones scheduled ones over the months? I am also keen to go for 6-in...do we get it done at polyclinic or pd? I am looking for a convenient place...definitely not the polyclinic. Usually long queues and bad service.

Now that the weather is soooo hot and humid, may I know where do you usually place your bbs in the afternoons? Air -con?
Also does your bb sweat alot? Mine can get his whole back all wet. Sometimes dunno whether is it he pee or sweat?
Hi renee and jane tan
well bf is individual's choice. Not everyone can take to it. Indeed it requires alot of energy and perseverance and also depends on milk supply and bb's latching. So many factors are in play to make bf are successful and happy one. I was totally frustrated during the first 3 days after delivery when the nurses tried very hard to help me embark on bf. There were some nurses who were very helpful, while some just wanted to get their job done and were quite strict. I cried a number of times at the hospital. Hb told me, no big deal if we dun succeed on TBF, we will just sup with FM.
BAsically at the end of the day, as long as you have tried, there should be no regrets. Conserve your energy as bb needs you in other areas as well. Hey, maybe you have better luck with your other children next time. Tell yourself, you have been a good mum. ;)
shane n bablyluv,
thanks for your words of encouragement...yeah, i agree i didnt think at all BF was sooo difficult before delivery and I was planning to BF my gal totally... but seems that now the choice is not so viable now. nevertheless i will still try... unless it's really time to give up. let's jia you together!

btw, any of you having problems with yr bb falling asleep? last 2 days, it has been difficult to get her to sleep... she usually sleep after every feed automatically but now not only she refused to finish her regular dosage of FM, she will be wide awake after feed... even when you can see she is really sleepy and try to coax her to sleep, she will wake up 15-30mins later and cry cry cry..... veri headache, dunno wat she wants... sigh, her mummy me is going crazy liao.
yes, I do encounter that problem of bb crying after feed. Sometimes, he does sleep but lately he has this habit of waking up 5 mins later to either demand for somemore milk or just to cry. Hb and I realised he is actually crying for attention. We had to pick him up to rock him to sleep. It takes a long tim to coax him. Sometimes over 2-3 hrs...Like this morning, between 9-1pm I had to coax him over and over again, and it seems like he is stuck to my breast like forever. REALLY Cham!
yup tt's a gd sign. think stomach hard hard is contraction happening. btw, wat's enfacement ? cervic softening ?

hmmm, that sounds quite ok ley. same as wat i'm doing. eating confinement food and drinking red dates tea. bathe everyday, wash hair alternate and then blow dry. as long as can bathe, it's not so bad. but weather's really hot over our side. even after bathe i still perspire.

tat's wat happening to my bb these 2 days. hope tt means my ss is slowly increasing. normally i'll go 15-20mins each side and she still cries after that. so far for today, after 1 side, she falls asleep. i really pray hard that my ss will come in and match her dd.

actually for BF, no need to burp. but after wat MH advised, i try to burp her after BF as well. sometimes got burp sometimes don't have. for FM, she burps quite fast. I guess its becos she suck it alot of air from the bottle.

challening hor, for boy, u must rem to cover that area with the pampers while changing cos boys can 'spurt' out their pee hee hee... for me so far is when i change her then she starts peeing and i got clean her all over again. if not when i just put a new diaper, she poos ! sigh. waste diaper.
same. i encounter that too. these few nites, after feed, she didn't want to go to sleep. eyes big big. got to carry and coax her. after awhile she'll quieten down...but later cry again. so wat i do is i BF her lying down then after that she falls asleep but no guarantee she wouldn't wake up again.

like for now, after feed, she's sleeping after carrying her. but when we put her back on our bed or her own cot, she'll wake up again. my mum just managed to get her to go to sleep again. but seems like she's making some noise liow.
babyluv and shane, thanks for your encouragement. i too haven't given up bf but i can never latch her on as she is too impatient. So i only express out for her.

rene, 6 in 1 jab is recommended by my gynae as baby only needs 3 jabs instead of 6 as they are combined. So cost is lower too. I checked 2 clinics and they both quote me $110 per jab, so total of 3 jabs (ie. 6 in 1) is $330.

babyluv, don't have to go pd or polyclinic. PD is more expensive i think. I called my pd and they quoted me $600++!!. So i go GP near my place for the jabs. The first jab to be taken when bb is 6 wks, then 3mths and 5mths.

rene, it is normal i guess... for bb to cry after feed. I think all of us encounter that. Sometimes bb just want to be carried, sometimes due to folic. Try applying lu yu you and rock her to sleep. Also try to keep her awake in the day so she won't be awake at night after feed. That one really drives me crazy. Once i got to carry her from 12 to 4am before she sleeps. Tiring man!
Hi Gals
Anyone ordered cakes from Melrose? Their price has increase?? The person quote me $1 more for the marble n walnut cakes. So the cakes now cost $5+
I just visited their website. They have the prices online together with the cake package.
I think it's value for money.. a pity they dun have cake vouchers.
I have decided to go for prima deli...comparatively speaking, it's more ex than melrose. But it does sell cake vouchers and has some percentage of discounts for orders above a certain value.
Their prices on the website states $4+ for cakes but when I call them, they told me price has increased by $1. So I am asking those who ordered b4 is it true.
I also dun have the patience to burp him properly during the night..v difficult to make him burp.

My bb also pee at me b4 so now when I change his diaper I make sure I do it fast...my hubby kena his poo even worst. I think that time bb has lots of wind so when he poo it can shoot v far n it is loose stools. BB's stools landed on my hubby's body! Poor hubby has hard time cleaning himself!
hmm, so melrose increased price..? well, I shouldn't be too surprised cos my mum and I were still wondering why their prices so cheap over the net. No doubt it is a reliable bakery for man yue.. their prices look a lil cheaper than the rest of the places..so perhaps they wanna increase to stay relevant in the industry..just my guess.

haha.. really, your bb can shoot poo!! Hai, these bbs nowadays so naughty. My bb stool now like lao sai, evr also kena him oozing out while changing his diapers..ended up must quickly grab tissues to seal the anus. keke
Milly, Janetan,
u gals ordered from Neo garden ? Which menu did u get ? the high tea set or normal buffet kind ?
we tried giving her more milk but sometimes she will just drink 10ml then fall asleep.. same thing with latching on, like you lor, i let her latch on until she sleeps then put her in cot, only to have her wake up again in 15 mins.. sigh

jane tan,
thanks for the info on the jabs.. will check it out with the GP, guess if can take at GP better than go queue at polyclinic...

anyway now i start keeping a diary of how much bb drinks and wat time, just like wat the hospital did.

so far yesterday, it has been better, she can keep to 4hr interval between feeds. Else, my mum keep giving her more milk omce she cry until we all lost track of how much she really drunk and when is the last feed. last night i feed her once at 11.30pm, then another time at 4am and she sleeps immediately after...I guess this should work.
Hi gals
Popped on 28th At 0807, 2.950 Kg.
Discharged from hospital in the afternoon, all 3 of us (bb, hubby &amp; me) had a good afternoon sleep, but 'nightinmare' at night as she went waking up for milk &amp; 'output'.

anyway, birth goes like this:
27th 0830, first sign of show follow by mild contractions.
10+ went with hubby to buy video cam.
3+pm gynae appt: 3cm dilated, scheduled next morning 7 to break h2o
night: went round with hubby &amp; mil despite contraction reached home @ 10pm

4am: contractions too close &amp; painful, wake hubbhy up.
5+: checked 6cm dilated, fully effaced. doc-on duty wants to break h2o but didn't, because i insisted on epidural. asked for gas instead.
hubby went off to work.
6:45+: waterbag burst.
7am: 9cm
-push, push push
0807:bb gal born
0810: hubby came missing all action even the birth of planceta... *sigh with newly bought v-cam used.
shane/renee/janetan/ babyluv

BF is definitely tough...altho i am TBF now but its really demanding &amp; there r times when i really want to give FM at nite so i can sleep longer...currently my gal wake up at 2hrly interval even at nite to demand feed its so tough then hve to coax her to sleep....at least yr hubby is understanding on this mine keep insisting i shd perserve on BF when i told him i want to try feeding one FM feed at nite...even quarrel w him on this issue...

re: milk ss
mine also not alot..currently jus enough to meet her needs..read tat Zoe Tay got lots of milk tat filled up her entire fridge..me at most only got 2 spare bottles...

my bb also wide awake nowadays after feed...hve to walk her around b4 she can sleep...now i on some soft music &amp; find it quite effective and rock her in my arms...usually in 10-15mins she will be asleep.....but do make sure bb is full if not, even if u manage to coax them to sleep they will wake up very soon...tats wat i learnt from experience esp w latching they fall asleep v fast but most of the time they r not yet full so will wake up v soon to demand feed...wat i do is i make sure she latch on at least 15-20mins, if she fall asleep within 5mins, i will burp her &amp; tat usually wakes her up then i will continue to latch...

shane, maybe u can try drink the papaya fish soup i hve a frend who say this is very effective...heard the nursing tea also not bad...
i may also try the papaya soup thing to inc my supply otherwise afraid may not meet her demand as time goes by..


i ordered the normal buffet..i think its the deluxe menu at $11++ b4 disc

re: melrose

ya their prices had incr...when i ordered tats wat they told me also

i also kana once when bb pees while still changing...quickly grab a nappy and cover up otherwise the whole bed will be wet...now got phobia changing her esp since she usually sleeps with me on my bed..really hve to be fast or else my simmons mattress will be gone liao...

Congrats! yr bb looks so cheeky sticking out her tongue..
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>01/07/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
so we hvg e same prob. sigh. my patience is wearing thin. sometimes, i really feel so sien to latch her, feel like just giving her FM so that she can sleep longer n i can hv more sleep n more time to myself. i just hope i can keep on perservering.

me too keep a record of bb's 'activities'-timing of feeds, diaper chgs and temp. but sometimes, i'll forget to record
i guess ur hubby wants the best for bb. actually it's not too bad of ur hubby to insist on BF at least there's some support and 'motivation' from hubby end. my hubby is ok with either. He knows i'll want to keep up with BF. So he tries to help me too. he knows it's very tiring. But there was once, i was in the toilet and bb was very fussy and cranky and he asked to give FM. I was quite sien when i heard that cos i was trying to be as fast as i can and at that moment, i felt that there was no support from his end. But in the end i still told him to wait for me to latch bb on.

seems like zoe tay is the benchmark now hor. i like her. but sometimes i wonder if she really went thru' her confinement as wat she said. afterall we also not living with her. who knows. I can't imagine her not bathing but yet looking so gd at the press conference ? maybe hvg money makes all the difference.

hey, at least u got 2 bottles! i don't even have the courage to pump. i wish i could pump out more for storage so at least when i'm tired can get someone else to feed EBM to bb.

ok, thks for the tip. my bb sometimes fall asleep after 1 side then i just let her sleep. i took that as a gd sign as just last week she'll fuss and cry even after 20mins each at both sides. Now she can fall asleep after 1 side. hope that means my ss is slowly increasing. now i guess i should try to wake her to do both breast as per last time. But sometimes i really feel so bored just sitting there feeding her. i sound like such a bad mum rite ?

last nite was quite bad, she was crying and i had to keep latching her on and i was so tired, got a little fed up. i was so tempted to just give her a bot of FM. Heng, i didn't give in to my own evil thots

my mum did cook the papaya soup but not everyday. i got drink but i can't tell if my ss increased due to that soup or not ley. i'll also try to drink the raspberry tea to see if it'll help to increase ss or not. after that i'll get the nursing tea.

don't be worried abt ur ss. as long as u consistently keep up with TBF, u'll be able to meet bb's dd. it's always dd = ss for BF.

the first Hep B injection and BCG given in hospital. The 6-in-1 injection includes the 2nd Hep B injection which was supposed to be given when bb is 1 mth. But if you take 6-in-1, it will be given on wk 6 as it is 2 injections combined in 1.

i also ordered melrose cakes. Also thot was $4 and when i called them, they quoted me $5 also. Then i told them their website not updated, they said no. Wow lau! not updated still got cheek to say so and even until now... still not updated. Moreover, their brochures which i got from hospital when discharged also states $4! Anyway, they claimed that $5 is still cheapest in the market. I ordered 20 boxes, so got 5% discount. Not sure nice or not... will deliver tomorrow.

i ordered the neo garden buffet one.. economical buffet at $9.50 per pax. Heard their sze chuan fish and curry chicken are nice. Milly, what other items are nice? Their service good and helping big hor? i hope i have enough. I have abt 137 paxs and ordered for 110 paxs. hope it is enough.

tell you all a joke. My bb nose quite flat and once my hb saw me bf her and her nose pressed against my breast, he said no more breastfeeding or else bb nose become flatter!! haha!! Milly, my hb opposite from yours. He say cannot bf never mind, just fm lah.. even though we went for antenatal course tog and he knows all the benefits of bf. I told him i want to bf!! then he said it's not a must, why pressure yourself??
Congrats!! sO HAPPY FOR YOU.. your bb is so lovely. Hmm, looks like a quick labour for you. haha, your hb must have regretted going to work. Never mind, there are still more chances for him to view the scene of labour if you guys are planning for more children. All the best!
congrats...your bb so cute, stick out her tongue!

I'm also asking my mum to make the papaya fish soup as i realised that my ss is dropping each day. I can't even meet my bb's demand. only manage to pump out 60-80ml each time. Yesterday worst only hit 40ml...hope my ss won't drop to zero...

I also heard zoe tay has so much milk that she can spare 4 bottles to wash her face daily leh...wonder how she manage to get so much milk.

jane tan
I still ordered frm melrose....got 5% discount! They told me price incr since 1st Jun. I am also getting neogarden buffet since most of u gave gd comments moreover got 20% discount.

Raspberry really can increase milk ss?? I shall start drinking...bot I pack the other time still haven drink yet!

CONGRATULATIONS!! Such a lovely baby!

adora, milly
Is it the same to just eat the papaya? I've tried the soup before, don't really like it...sweet and salty in 1 bowl. Hoping to just eat payaya, or at most, drink papaya milk.

Ordered the raspberry tea &amp; Nursing tea from MIM. Hope it can help to ease labour pains and increase milk SS later on
