(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

I think is different...the soup is using green papaya, not the ripe ones that we eat. My mum forbid me to eat papaya during confinement , i hav not tried the soup yet!

Hi for mommies with milk ss drop, maybe can try the nusing tea. here's what it says about the tea:

The Nursing Mothers' Teas are unique blend of herbs* made with the post-partum, nursing mother in mind. They are designed to enhance milk production and supply, promote a restoration to health after the trials of labor, as well as calm, soothe, and lift the spirits of the nursing mother. All the herbs in the teas are organically grown and entirely earth and animal friendly. These teas contain no caffeine, black tea, or orange pekoke tea. These teas are NOT reccomended for pregnant women.

The tea can be used in 3 different ways:

1. as a daily beverage to ensure high milk supply,

2. "situationally" i.e. as needed occasionally (such as a working mom towards the end of the work week when supply is lower),

3.medicinally for situations where milk supply is low and you want the "big guns" effect.
as mood-balancer during times when you are stresed up by work or a busy household!

Prepare by putting 1 to 2 teaspoons of herbal tea blend in 1 mug. I prefer to use a mesh teaball for this. Pour hot freshly boiled water in. Steep covered with lid for 15minutes. Add a bit of honey to taste - if you wish. Or you may add 2 tiny pieces of rock sugar with the herbal tea when putting in the hot water to steep. The "bitters" (herbs) in the herbal tea blends are particularly effective in boosting milk supply, so if you are able to, use as little sweetening as possible. We have also added the flavouring herbs like peppermint or fruity herbs that make it more pleasant-tasting while at the same time, do not affect your milk supply - do take your pick for the flavours!
You may also prepare a small teapot of herbal tea. The tea can be stored in the fridge and taken hot or iced. For a temporary decrease in milk supply, take 2-3 cups per day and you will see supply come up by the next day. Some women enjoy the ritual of drinking a mug daily and experience high supply with this smaller dose.

*More about the Main Herbs Used
(we may use more than what is stated - but these are the main herbs):
The Bitters:

Fenugreek Seed is proven more reliable for increasing milk supply as a tea infusion, especially when combined with aromatic seeds to aid digestion & absorption.

Hops Flowers reduces hypertension and hence should not be used during pregnancy. It is slightly sleep inducing, balances moods and hormone levels. It is often prescribed to mothers of twins for more milk supply.

Nettle is high in chlorophyll, abundant in Vit A, C, D, K, postassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulphur, thus providing nourishing vitamins for mother and baby. It also diminishes pain during and after birth, prevents haemorrhaging after birth, reduces haemorrhoids and is an effective galactagogue.

Alfafa is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin K, which promotes clotting. stimulates the appetite, aids digestion, and increases breastmilk.

The Aromatic Seeds:

Fennel Seed diminishes afterbirth pains and aids in digestion for both mother & baby. Fennel settles the stomach and provides relief for heartburn and nausea. It is an excellent treatment for colicky babies if mother drinks it before nursing. The antispasmodic effect is easily transferred through the breastmilk. Also improves the digestion of the other herbs in mixed tea blends.
when is ur full mth ? must feedback on neo garden okie. then i'll order wat to order hee hee...

haha, tt's quite true ley, everytime i BF, my bb nose will be flat against my breast

i find the soup quite ok. not salty and sweet like. but the fish smell quite strong.

No papaya soup for me today. my mum can't find unripe papaya at mkt today

have ur confinement ended ? can we drink the raspberry tea during confinement ?
Ok, i'll give the papaya soup another try... don't think i can stomach raw papaya on its own.

The raspberry tea can be drank during confinement. That's what i read from the MIM website
This is a short write-up about raspberry tea..

Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for thousands of years and has earned the reputation of being the "supreme" herb for pregnant women. It can relieve almost any discomfort of pregnancy from morning sickness to leg cramps. It has also been shown to strengthen & tone the uterine wall and help to make delivery easier and speedier by helping the uterus contract more efficiently and helps expel the placenta after.

Raspberry leaf has a rich concentration of vitamin C, E, A & the B complexes. It also contains calcium & iron in one of its most absorbable forms. These are all nutrients which are very important during pregnancy.

Historically women have taken raspberry leaf tea throughout their pregnancies up to and including childbirth. You may choose to drink our Mothers' Nutritious Tea 4 Two during your pregnancy but add more red raspberry leaves to your Tea 4 Two Herb Blend in your final month of pregnancy. This would be great for drinking during labour & right after.

To make a tea, pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb and steep for ten minutes. Strain.

During the first trimesters, drink 1 cup per day. During second trimester, drink 2 to 3 cups per day. In the final trimester, drink 4 to 5 cups per day. Using a teaball would be useful. You can also drink it HOT or chilled.
my confinement ending this Sun....can't wait for the day to come!

Is it ok to take Fenugreek now? My ss really cannot liao....only 50ml just now...I must let bb suckle more often. Hopes he don't cry after that....he is drinking 130-140ml now...how can I satisfy him!
Hi gals,

I haven't logged in for quite a while. I am so busy with bb every day. I do all night duties and day time will try to catch as much sleep as I possibly can.

It seems like many of our bbs tend to be wide awake at night huh.... Last night I fed and changed him from 2.30 to 5am, so tiring. He pooed 3 times, puke twice and needed to be fed thrice. Sigh.....

I find it hard to latch him onto one of my breasts cuz my nipple is short. Whenever I tried doing so, he'll latch on and spat it out then cry hysterically. V stressful. In the process, hurt my nipple too. So I'm feeding him from one side, and pumping my the other side to hopefully maintain my supply. I intend to use nipple shield to solve the problem later tonight. Really hope it'll work. Otherwise, I'll have to pump the other side every 2 to 3 hrs. Sigh again.....

Feeding him BM is already so problematic. I really wonder how I can cope all on my own after confinement.......

Also, to cope with full and leaky breasts every 2 hrs and to live with wet PJ, I wonder if I've to put up with all these as long as I breastfeed...... Really giving me the blues....
Adora, I believe eating fish esp Ngor He, can help increase milk ss. Also try to pump or latch bb every 2-3 hrs. As u pump, u can also massage yr breasts from outside towards yr areola, can help to squeeze out more milk.
I ate fish almost everyday...drinking lots of water too! I also hav short nipple...same thing I find it difficult to latch bb. He can't seems to grap the nipple properly. I am using nipple shield & it helps however I think my position is wrong so nipple is still painful when he sucks. My bb moves a lot while sucking so even if I found the best position (not painful) also no use.

Now that my ss has dropped, really feel like giving up. Just now tried to latch bb, after 1/2hr really cant tahan, he sucks so hard and moves so much, almost rip my nipple off. I had no choice but to stop n give him FM.

About the nipple shield, must it be exactly fitting on the nipple? I bought the avent 'regular'-sized shield and find it too long for me. Dunno if baby is able to suck through all the air spaces?
Adora & Shekinah, I just used Chicco nipple shield. It does help to 'improve' my short nipple. However, I agree with you Shekinah, the teat on the shield is too long and the surrounding silicone doesn't sit very well on my breast. Adora, what brand of nipple shield r u using? And does it come in different sizes?
Adora, I also tried v v v hard when it comes to breastfeeding. That is the ONLY ONE reason to cause me my post-natal blues! I had my fair share of sore, cracked nipples, even part of the skin came off, then hard to latch on due to short nipple, pumping every 2-3hrs every day to maintain ss and to hopefully bring out my short nipple and backache due to slouching over bb when nursing. Tried cup feeding BM, then bottlefeeding BM (a v tearful affair, cuz scared bb will hv nipple confusion), and now this strange thing -- nipple shield. Sigh........ And I'm still trying new methods every day. We must perservere on, give ourselves and bb a chance, for 1-2 months of experimenting with different techniques. However, we must also not be too harsh on ourselves. If BF really make our lives so miserable despite many tries, we can always turn to FM. Meanwhile, let's JIA YOU!!
so envy u !!! enjoy ya !

i think the fenugreek can be taken. many take it 2 boost supply.

re fish
i also eat fish everyday. ss also like that. sigh. think my supply dropped today as well. had to sup bb with FM. so depressing.

think on the bright side. as least u don't need to worry abt ss like me. but i must admit its really tiring to be BF. last nite i was awaken from 230am as well. then on and off bb always cry for milk. so sleep is almost non existent. i was so tired, i wanted to give up. sigh.
ya cookie,
let's try hard together. i'm also just willing myself on. I can totally understand wat u're saying. I also have backache and neckache.

don't worry too much abt nipple confusion. i intro bottle to my bb very early, 3rd day of birth. so far quite ok (hopefully stays that way). maybe try to latch on bb first before giving the bottle. tt's wat i always do. I still waiting for that day when to come when i don't need to sup. sigh. do u need to sup ur bb with fm ?
Serrich popped already ! Baby Sherilyn has arrived on 30 June, 2117hrs weighing 3.55kg.

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>02/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005</TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>3.015kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005</TD><TD>2.95kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>3.55kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>01/07/2005</TD><TD>scheduled </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
congrats serrich! hope to see your bb photo soon.

Congrats Jane! Your bb so adorable... know how to pose since birth! hee...

shane, my baby shower this Sat. Will let you know what food items are nice. 20% discount is alot. Very helpful.

will be going rebonding, haircut and wash tomorrow. Don't want to look so ugly on Sat when so many friends and relatives are coming. My tummy still there, so will wear maternity clothes still. Tried putting on my wedding band just now still can't fit. Sad...
Shane, we r lucky to have v flexible bbs, take well to teats and nipples. I'm comforted to find that some of us here hv same problem, can share tips and a place to air our frustrations. I agree with you on latching bb before giving the bottle. I heard that no machine is ever as good as bb's suckling to completely empty breasts. I think it's good that you latch on bb (mayb for as long as she wants), then go onto the other side, if still not enough then give FM.

So far, I haven't supplemented with FM. Yesterday and today, due to my sore short nipple, I've been nursing from only one side. Today, he cried on and off for food from late afternoon all the way to 9 plus, despite me latching him on one side. Mayb my supply diminishing??? sigh.... Then, I quickly pumped out milk, but supply pathetically low. V v stressed day man! That's why have to bother hubby go get nipple shield, to shield the good side from becoming sore and to 'improve' the short nipple. Now realise must get the newborn size one. sigh.... Whatever it is, let's GAN-BA-TE!
Thanks for the well wishes! I only have mornings to come in as this is the only timing no one else in house except me and bb and baby peacefully sleeping after feeding.

i agree BF is tough and my gal is like yours too, waking up at 2 or 3 hour interval for the whole day! esp for at night, when she wakes up, fed, 'clean up' (as in changed diapers) already, wants to play... because daddy/grandma around, and the best part now is that, now they having difficulty coaxing her back to sleep :p i have to 'walk' bb to separate room which is more quiet and darker and sing her to sleep.

my hubby too encourage me on with my bf while my mil keep nagging of giving her fm (which we didn't buy at all but we have one bottle of such from the hospital because opposite bed kept telling us we have to suppliment, which we didn't too.); feel that shouldn't quarrel over this issue, bb can feel our frustrations and stuff and react on it.
milk ss:
not sure how much milk i have, if pumping out is pathetic and breast seems more sore than bb latching on. but baby love to latch on for 15 to 75 mins *nursing sore nipples*

read from a magazine that zoe tay not just have 'extra' milk to do 'facial' and even give other mothers!!! my goodness, that's a lot of extras!

same here, although only 2 -3 days old, bb starting to sleep after drinking 1/2 hour from one side, that's for last night.
hee, thanks!
my hubby does not have a choice to work as it is his business. but whether he have chance to view scene of labour will depends whether future children (if any) choose morning as birth time again!
me wanted to eat fish to improve on milk ss, but mil says don't let me eat fish yet... so, now i have endless chicken with sesame &amp; ginger... while my mom cook pig parts (mainly kidney &amp; liver) for me in the afternoon. sigh.

yah, hubby's the one who took the picture while i holding her. he said this picture will be haunting the baby for the rest of her life because she stick out her tongue on daddy (as if telling him "hahah, you missed my birth!")

i agree with you, there's no machine that is as good as bb's suckling and at the same time it is really comforting (despite the pain) to see baby staring at you while suckling or falling asleep doing so.
hi for those with cracked/sore nipples, u can try Mothermates hydrogel pad and Lansinoh cream from MIM. They are simply wonderful and I would not make it through breastfeeding without them.

Jia you!
ya my hubby is v supportive on BF but its really giving me stress...if really cannot TBF then how its like i am not doing my best..tats y angry w him as i told him i also want to TBF but its so super tiring &amp; my EBM also not alot hve to pump so often...but i guess i am lucky as i dun really hve sore/ painful nipple problem now my nipple v hard dun feel anything &amp; bb quite good at latching...its jus the tiring process of waking up every 2hrs at nite to feed tats making me sian...

Jane Tan
i rember the curry chicken is good, dun order you tiao w cuttle fish paste its not nice...mee hoon is ok..stir fried prawns &amp; pork rib is nice

not sure if jus taking papaya is enough..i drink the soup once only..taste plain to me so ok lah...

yr bb drinking quite alot lah..mine still only at 80ML...i pump abt 100-120ml each time so abt jus enough

any of yr bbs hving rashes..suddenly this wk she had alot of red rashes on her forehead......a frend say can use guiness stout w water to bath will help..hve not tried yet anyone heard of this method or any better ways..
milly, thanks for your advice. Oops! i ordered the sotong you tiao already as it was one of their chef recommendations... think can't change liao since buffet is tomorrow. And yes, i ordered curry chicken and pork ribs but no prawns as i go for economical menu.

milly, i heard of the stout method but not sure works or not... could it be heat rash as weather is so hot. Do you put on cap for bb? maybe try not to so that more airy.
jane tan,
was thinking of doing something to my hair so that I look prsentable for man yue. But do you think rebonding/ perming/ colouring is safe to do as we are bf?
My tummy is still there too. The massage lady saw my stretch marks and went " aiyoh, poor thing sayang, got so many stretch marks."... But I got to say the binding that she did for me did shrink the tummy by a wee bit.
Finally got some contractions. Wah...quite painful...feels like severe menstrual cramps. Started about 1am this morning....and it's almost 12 hours now, i'm still hanging around in the house coz the contractions are coming like 10 min apart (ouch...i think another wave is coming in...)

Husband is rushing back from Malaysia. My father in law passed away on Wed. Difficicult times...sorrow of death mixed with joy of birth. Tough on my husband...but really appreciate him rushing back to be my side.

Last nite when the 1st wave of contractions hit, i was so scared...that i'll go into labour without him. He has been there with me all these while, thru the antenatal classes, breathing exercises..feel so lost without him at the last minute. Now looking forward to seeing him so can go to the hospital together and praying that it will be a smooth labour
Shekinah.. PRESS ON! Baby's coming soon!
My contractions also started at 1am, and I couldn't take it and went hospital at 7am. It'll be alright..nurses and midwives are very comforting when you are giving birth! You'll be in good hands.

Tell us about it when baby is out!
Hi girls.. my internet was down so totally lost touch with all of you!

have been reading Young Parents. What do you think of the Babywise method vs the Attachment parenting?

Briefly, Babywise method requires parents to train bb, harden heart and allow bb to cry and picking her up only when she's on schedule to feed. This way, bb can be trained not to wake up in night!

Attachment parenting for parents to pick up bb whenever she cries. Feeding on demand. this way, bb still cries in middle of night when hungry, but will be comforted everytime she cries.

I now look a little like Queen Panda! that's why very inclined towards babywise method to train bb. What do you think?
All the best Shekinah. To relieve those contractions, try breathing exercises.. like what the nurses told me, blow the pain away.
my hb and were thinking of the the babywise before bb came out. Hb din wan bb to develop a fretful and demanding attitude. We were all for the training method. Howvever when bb came out, the situation changed and our hearts softened. We are more like the attachment parenting now...
We also felt that it's not good to let bb cry for too long as this may shape his character for the worse.. he may become very distant to us in future? or could be rebellious? Mum said psychologically speaking the bb will be frigtenened... I dunno how true lah.. but my heart softens everytime he cries. Although now, I always tell bb to wait and be patient...he's getting rather impatient nowadays..when he wanna drink milk means I WANNA DRINK NOW!!Perhaps to strike a balance, we can take a lil longer to attend to the bb if we know that he is just seeking attention or throwing tantrums. In this way, he knows that he is not getting his way all the time. Haha easier said than done... you must be immune to those piercing screams.

yah, queen panda...nice to meet u..am one too. Terrible!
Ya, fellow queen, it is heart breaking! but if this continues, I'll be promoted to empress soon!

How often does your bb wake up in the night now? Mine does it at 2am, and again at 5am. every 3 hours, she wakes up. I really want to extend the 3 hours to 4 and eventually 5! But dunno how to leh...
shekinah, cookie
I am using Avent nipple protector "standard" size. I dunno if that's the correct size for me as well, there is a lot if empty space n the shield is so big...need to push the whole thing into bb's mouth.

Bb sucks quite well with it so I continue to use the shield lor...as long as milk comes out when he sucks i think shld b ok bah!

My bb is also v impatient...when he wants milk he also want it immediately...he will cry v loud with tears somemore...so poor thing. When he wee wee during hi s sleep, he will wake up n cry until we carry him n curdle him to sleep again.

Sometimes I try to ignore him when he cries but v difficult to do that leh!

My bb also wakes up at ard 2am n 5am...every 3hrs. You can try using pacifier to 'extend' the time...I may start training him to wake up less in the night after 1st mth!
I want to use pacifier too. But I heard too many negative reports about how it would affect their teeth growth in the future. Yet, the temptation to use it is growing greater by the day!

You're going to start training after 1st month? why not now? I figured after 1 month, I'll be alone, no more CL to rely on, so I better do all these training etc while she's still around.
btw, I started feeding bb 10ml of water via bottle everytime she wants to suckle. I realised she's not hungry, just wants some comfort sucking. Since I don't want to use pacifier (yet) and I don't want her sucking thumb, I decided on water.

Figured out no harm, since it'll all be passed out anyway. And every grandma and mum I met seemed to have fed their kids with plain water when bb. Just got to burp her each time. I was told it's a good habit to start her early on water, cos it's so tasteless, many bb don't take to it easily.

anyone tried that?

don't feel stress about BF. I did not give my baby BM for first 6 days. Then subsequently when supply comes in slowly, I increased BM times from once a day to now day time BF, night time FM. My CL and nurses at MAH also say if too tired or stress , milk will not come in. So whenever i'm tired, I'll not hesitate to give FM. I guess that'll will keep BF going for me. Otherwise i'll go crazy with so many things to do besides BF only.
I find that he is still v young, dun want to deprive him of his milk...everyone kept saying feed when he demand for milk.

Y not u let bb suckle your breast when she wants comfort. Better than pacifier. it can stimulate milk flow too!

Re feeding water
i read somewhere that water will affect feeding (be it FM or BM). I had also asked my PD, he says no need water at this stage just feed milk will do. I also have pp telling me to give him water,but i just insist on not giving.
I am going to sound like a breastfeeding nazi here, I dun see the problem of breastfeeding the baby (if you are already breastfeeding and dun have sore/cracked nipple) when she wants comfort suckling even. What the baby want is someone to hold her and care for her. By comfort suckling, she is also helping to boost your milk supply as milk supply is dependent on the frequency and not on the time spent.

Please note that there are growth spurt in the 3 rd and 6 week and baby may demand feeding more.

My baby did not drink any water at all before 5 months.

If baby wakes up in the middle of the night, he may need security or he may need milk. By training him/her, u are telling him to ignore his needs.

babyluv: baby of their age dunno what is tantrum, they just have a need to fulfil! It may be hunger, need for comfort! We have to know that they are new to our world after 9 months in the dark womb, where food, warmth, comfort is not an issue. Since they do not know how to speak, they only know how to cry.
Adora and Mckee,
my bb also has the same feeding timing, 1plus am , 3 plus.. sometimes the 4-6 am slot he goes cranky and demands it every half hr. Like what you girls say, I suspect he just wanna suckle. He treats my nipple like a pacifcier. I have 1 pacificier as standby, but my hb says that we should avoid it...it's bad habit to suckle on that.

My pd also mentioned no need water as bf has quite a lot of water content. In fact a nurse told me, one of our breast will produce creamier milk (like food to bb), the other breast will produce watery milk (like water for bb)..interesting.
Sometimes, I do give 1-2 drops just to let him wash his lips and mouth, not for drinking purposes. My hb keeps asking me to give more water..he joked that bb may have bad breath if not enuff water (Hai, what nonsense)!
Maybe later on, after 2-3 months, then, start on water also no harm.

Panda empire:
I guess, at the stage, we have no choice... In the first two months, we will have to sacriface our sleep. The 2-3 hr interval is really boh pian one... bb's stomach are small, thus they need frequent small feeds. Even with bottle feeds, it will be the smiliar pattern. For the love of the child, there is no easy way out. If the bb is really feeding at 5-6 hr interval, then I think there is something seriously wrong with the bb's health...so really thank God that your bb is feeding well lo.
Maybe you wanna apply some eye cream or cold compress to reduce the panda look instead? I am ready for guests to ask me during man yue why I look so haggard and tired... got that comment at the hospital liao.
babyluv: the beginning of the BM is known as foremilk which is watery in nature and helps to satisfy thirst, as the bb sucks more, there will be more hindmilk which provides the nutrients to the baby. So it is important to let bb suckle longer so that he gets the hindmilk and so dun get hungry so fast.

Too much foremilk (switching of breasts too often) may led to gasiness.
thanks for the info. What is the average time for bb to suckle at each side? Or do we stop when bb had enuff( ie: turns away ). As bb progresses to grow bigger, does each suckling time per breast also increases?
tried to let bb suckle on breast, but that means I've to be up all the time. getting sore breasts for wrong reasons!!

guess the pacifier got to come out soon!!

i'm ok with milk flow.. thank God ss is good. have been storing 3 bottles of expressed milk daily..don't want further stimulation..

just got to keep pressing on!!
MH, thanks for info...

that's what the attachment parenting advocates. I understand that bit about bb needing comfort and assurance esp when they are now outside womb comfort. Yet, the stance the other camp puts up about training up child is very attractive. I've seen too many kids leeching on to their parents and am not for that.

Guess striking a balance between the 2 camps is something I've got to find. the thing is, the balance is customised to each individual bb. haha.. maybe confinement period is also a means to find that balance!

MH, please advise on the switching of breast when BF. I thought we have to switch in every feed?

Babyluv, thanks for encouragement! I've no problem being a part of panda empire. It's like back to pre-exam days of being a panda!

Rather, the reviews fr the few friends I've got who were pro-babywise, that they can sleep through the night by end of 1st month, sounds tempting enough!
so envy those who got sufficient milk ss. so far my FM feeds had been decreasing, hope that is a gd sign. so far have not tried expressing yet, so don't have backup of EBM. will be gd to hv, so someone else can feed bb when i'm not ard.

re water
yup also heard no need water when BF. hvn't given bb any. i also read and heard that giving water will hinder milk ss since bb feel fuller and suckle less.

re comfort sucking
same thing ! i'm so tempted to bring out the pacifier !!! i bot 2, sitting nicely in the cupboard. i'm still resisting the thot sucessfully hope i can keep it up. I'm still giving her the breast when she wants comfort suckling. she falls asleep after that very quickly.

re babywise and attachment parenting
i havn't read abt babywise yet but did come across attachment parenting. I do find attachement parenting logical. Abt bb being in womb for so long and now in new world so must provide comfort. I'm all for that as well. hope for my kid to grow up confident and close to me but i'm also afraid of 'spoiling' my kid. like mckee mentioned here, maybe got to find a balance. But for now i think me and hubby are practising more of attachment parenting. I don't carry her when she cries, i try to pat her but if that doesn't work then i'll carry her and the last resort is the magical boobs

the funny thing is older generation always tell us not to spoil the kid. don't cry only pick bb up. but now my mum is doing exactly that ! once bb cry, she'll come and pick her up and soothe her. sometimes i see no harm to let her cry for alittle bit. not all the way lah, but just awhile. sometimes see her cry till very cham i also heartpain. sigh. Parenthoon is tough man ...
thks for the tips. pls keep them coming. I know abt the hindmilk thingy. But i really wonder if my bb getting enuf of that. It's the hindmilk that's providing the calories and stuff so that she'll feel full. I hope she is so that each feed can last her longer.

Btw, do u practise expressing as well ? I'm latching on as often as i can hoping to boost supply. But very lazy to express. But sooner or later i'll need to express for storage.
babyluv: in the beginning it is approximately 15-20 on one side. She will usually turn her head away around that time and she is not interested in the other one. Suckling time may not increase as they get more efficient and proficient in suckling and your breasts get used to producing more milk faster.

mckee: as your nipple gets more used to suckling, you will not have sore nipples. I would prefer my child to be leach to me than other people (e.g., my mother). If you are going back to work, you will appreciate the little time you have with your baby.

As my bb drink only one side for each feed, I switch to the other side for the next feed.

As I am gancheong about my baby gaining weight since she is the first breastfed grandchild in the family, I dun mind waking up to feed her..:p

As you can guess, I am pro-attachment parenting and I am glad that my child is becoming an independent toddler who knows that her parents are always there for her.

Of course as she is 2 yrs old now, she begining to throw tantrum and we do punish her (put her in separate room until she cry enough to come out and be apologetic) but she knows that she is in the wrong. She is quite easily comforted too when she gets hurt.
MH, then if we go BF on one breast, what do u do with the other one? Mine will start dripping. that's why I thought switching would be good?!?

Suckling nipples: Wouldn't that create a bad habit for kid? how did u wean ur daughter off suckling on you?

Leeching kids:
It's good ur daughter is independent.. the leech-like kind are those when mum goes to bathroom, and kid starts crying! Or when dad goes round the corner-out of sight, kid also starts crying!
MH, I think u are best person to ask, my bb is now coming 2 weeks. What do u do w her when she's awake? I've sung, danced, tell stories. Do I keep doing that? Or give her time to sleep?
shane: I only express in the first week when I have cracked nipple (skin peel off, got blood). Then have to bottlefeed with EBM. I cried when I have to give her the bottle, so scared she may have nipple confusion. Just about a week or two before I start work, I start expressing to get her used to drinking from the bottle. But have to let my mum feed lar. She will definitely reject if I feed her.

Then just a couple of days before I start work, I start expressing more so as to store the milk for her first day feeding. When I started working, whatever I pump (4X)in the day will be consumed by her the next day. She also luckily switch to reverse cycle nursing (feed 3X-4X in the night) so the amount I pump is just enough for her.

I have to pump (1x) in the weekend so as to have some excess backup. When she is after 6 months, there will be less stress since she can start on solid liao...
mckee: I think you are the envy of the mommies here, I wish that I have that such great supply...

leaking breast are quite normal lar at this stage, you can try to let ur bb suck the other if she wants. But I think minimally should be 15 minutes at each breast first.

mckee: she does not demand to suckle now, it just happen naturally. when she was young, I also do not know whether she is thirsty or hungry or just want comfort, so I just let her have it lor...

my girl are also those that cry when I go to toilet. Last time, I have to put her with the bouncer in front of the toilet, once she see me, she will not cry anymore. Now when I go to toilet, she knows where I am and will not cry for me.She will open the door slightly and c me and help me to close the toilet door too.

kids always hate the thought of parents abadoning them, dun we too?

you can try to get her a bouncer. If she is sleepy , then let her sleep. Follow her cue. You may not necessarily need to entertain her all the time. Play some music, get a mobile, touch her, massage her...must remember to rest with her..
