(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

wah! ur hb & my hb can join the anti-flower society together! You know, when I get flowers for after N1 (part of those hampers). The minute they reach home, he throws them.. cos they attract flies, and "keep for what?"

in any case, the only bdays we celebrate in the house are the kids. both of ours are just one after each, so no celebration, no gift. just mebbe sometime special in the night
hehe... save $$. die liao, I've become just like him!!

don't spank me lah.. all the mummies in the office wanted to spank that mummy!

Go add facebbok la.....
Not onli young pple.... beautiful mummies use it as well like Erlisa, BBrooster...... so I use also...can I call myself beautiful mummy...wahahahahaha
Opps.... me also very MAN then...
I surf forum, youtube, facebook at night...
I also play games...MAPLESTORY.... wahahahahha...
think u tell ur hb he will faint...if he heard of maplestory..... Age gp of most players... 8-18.. wahahahahahhaha

But I reserve time for my hb also.... we do activites that dun need us to talk.... WATCH THE NEWS... hahahahahhahahaha.... but he sure will talk..becos he forever never manage to HEAR it..think man are unable to multitask...eyes watch, ears close...
Hb has been pestering me to use Facebook also... so that he can add one more 'friend'. Kekekeke...
We heard of Maplestory. My sis plays it every night.... and hor, she is not 8-18 lor.

My conversations with hb hover around his work and our kids. Kinda boring after a while.
facebk..u forgotten me...#3 abish u. I cannot afford liao

Just saw the bento...wowow where she find time to do it since she is working...u noe tat's my dream task too...to make such bento for my kids. Maybe when they reach P1 I will do it!
Wah...ur sis also a adult ADDICT har...
I dun play every nite anymore.... becos I just level up like 2 weeks ago...now 0%... no motivation to chiong...wahahahahahahaha
I am addicted to "Heart of Greed" a cantonese serial. Gosh! No time to come in and post and today's thread is very active.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font> You finish watching hor?

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font> Wanna learn cantonese must watch more of the HK serial. But where got time, right?

<font color="0000ff">Facebook</font>
Still blur blur about Facebook. Out of curiosity I open the account. And friends keep requesting me to add them. So I just add add add.

I also think that facebook is for youngsters like Glayz. Anyway, for people younger than me.
Me cannot remmeber too many names la....
My brains have holes...wahahahhahaha.....
Too amny mummies liao.... My friends 80% are june07 mummies...whahahahhaahhaha

I cannot cook...no way I can make bento...later the bento becos topic of fight...

"my mama make me a bear.."
Classmate: " I onli see a mash of rice..."
"that is a bear.."
Clasmate:" wahahahahhahahahaha..."
fight begin.......
<font color="ff0000">Erlisa</font>
Haha u so funny ask me such a ques which so donkey years ago!

I guess he shd have his fair share of admirers since he dressed pretty stylo & good built also, but he dun smile much lor.
I think u tell him this, hell fly to MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
The 2 can shake hands hor. Keke. At least it is good he willing to sit on toilet bowl to poo. Mine must have diapers to be on, else die die wont poo 1. Like today morning diaper leaked so my Mum took it off, then today she dun wanna poo liao. She belongs to such group lor. Our kids are very stubborn rite?!

Ok do u noe roughly when is the time he likely poo? Maybe u monitor 1st & you choose the hour that he normally does his business 1, then u can kickstart from there. Even no biz out, also Ok. At least tell him this is poo poo time, try to poo poo. Actually this is wat my PD advised us tat time. I think initially youll sure get lotsa rejection from him 1. But like I say so long be consistent & patient, I believe R will eventually get used to tat Poo Poo time & hell slowly have more confidence in passing his motion 1. All the best ok! =)

<font color="aa00aa">Caymom</font>
Haha I doubt so lar. Anw I try not to get uptight abt trying #3 liao ler. When I try not to think abt it, who noes Ill por. Ash also came thr this way 1. Tried few mths failed, then lost interst liao, scully I conceived with her. Haha.

Wow u hb very hip hor! Keke also got facebook ah. Actually till now I still dunno wats that leh, & some pple say this is better than Freinster. Aiyo I cant help feeling very SK.

<font color="119911">Glayz</font>
Wow u very hip too, so many things u do on pc. Me just blog, surf the net, YouTube, DL Mp3 only.
add me in!!

bbrooster, not for youngster lah.. hehe..
i just opened account earlier this week, with my hb. wah! quite exciting, we found our JC/Sec/ frens. now arranging meet-up.
then of course very KP, get to see how fat or how old they've turned out! It was interesting when I saw how the hunks in the school are now fathers, yet the beauties are still merry making and partying..
dunno if there's a theory behind that!
I din blog liao...
Becos VERY HARD for me to take pictures.... Mei mei move too much... Being trying to take a photo of the 2.... is either mei mei doing the nodding head dance or Sky jerk.... *faint*
<font color="ff0000">Don't forget our date tonight!</font>
Anyone cannot make it today? Cherry? Kiami?
Please sms Sally if you cannot make it at the last minute as she needs to queue for the table. Thanks.

<font color="aa00aa">7 Nov (Wed) 7.30pm Mums Nite Out (location advised in SMS) </font>
1. Tang Ling
2. Sally
3. Shane
4. Aries
5. Cherry (tentative)
6. Jaymom
7. caymom
8. Glayz
9. kiami with A (tentative)

<font color="ff0000">Other upcoming activities</font>

<font color="aa00aa">9 Nov (Fri) 3pm, location advised in email </font>
1. caymom
2. shane
3. Glayz (Not sure to bring small S along...as she just finish jab)
4. LV
5. Erlisa

<font color="119911">22 Nov (Thu) Bambini (What time we looking at?) </font>
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I see my sis play until I blur. I thought it looks like Super Mario (opps, that belongs to my era).
Kekekeke... the way that the fight of Sky and classmate begins is so funni. You ah... 101% imagination.
Kekekeke... bbcay stopped the nodding head dance but cay always darts off when I snapped. I'm still holding on to blogging. Not easy lah, take photo, take video.... find time to write and type. But I am glad that I am doing it. At least I can look back and see how much my cays have grown.

<font color="aa00aa">Bbrooster,</font>
I am just not gifted in languages.
By right after hearing them speak in Cantonese all the time, I should roughly know right... but I am still as blur as before.
9 Nov Gathering
May I know he venue...I am going for my eye check up in the morning, maybe can join if I decide not to go back office.
Heart of greed is the abalone show? Ya finish long time. Watching serial v addictive.

keke u saw the bento...rice n sausages only. I saw those jap type still have egg...last time I use to see recipe bk on kids bento now can't find.

I like the star carrot soup so appetizing. Yum Yum.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Sent you a PM about the location.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Mums Nite Out </font>
I had a fun time at the gathering. Paiseh that I have to leave earlier. Hope all of you had a good time.
Mums Nite Out,
It was a great experience joining the mums last night. My first. I had fun chatting away till really late. Hope our "trip" do get executed soon. I'm so excited about it! Hee Hee

Anyway, I had a hard time to wake up this morning for work. It's lunch time and yet I'm still yawning away...

Friday outing,
Change of plans. I may have told some of you gals I'm not joining for Friday's outing. My trip got cancelled
Boo! Hoo! Hoo!! So I'm joining you gals back again! So Friday confirmed hor!!!
I was busy talking so some moms until forget to bye-bye you. Haha It's ok, next time can join us till late late... hee
<font color="aa00aa">Mums Nite Out</font>
Glad to hear that you had a good time.

I had throat infection, and I don't trust myself to keep my mouth shut (so the throat can recover), so decided that I shouldn't go. Anyway, last minute hb couldn't leave work and I had to tend to JJ. So anyhow I won't have been able to make it. Hee. This is the first Mums Nite Out I missed.
Nvm, there's always the next time!
your birthday is on valentine day??
My birthday is close to valentine day but the prices for the flowers already start to rise up so he would only purchase 1 stalk for me as yi shi for the first year
After 2nd year....that stalk became FOREVER ONE AND ONLY....haha
Really ah, stylo ah? Haha. Can't imagine. THat time I still dunno him yet until the year he graduated from the school leh. Yah, I better not tell my hubby. As you said, later he go Mars don't want to come back to Earth liaos. He already so "bo liao" spend longer time in front of the mirror than me, enough is enough.. haha
Yes, you are missed. So how are you now? The other time when I have got throat infection, I felt like dying. It was the worst kind of sickness I have experienced by far. High Fever for at least 2 days kind. Cannot even eat.
What time did you ladies end your nite last night? Good lah you all had a good time, so envious.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Yup it's the reagarding the abalone.
<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
It's ok. Quite paiseh that I have to go so early. My hb was shocked when I told him the rest were going somewhere to continue.
Glad that you can join us on Friday. I haven't seen Riz for a long time.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
You are certainly missed! I also have a sore throat actually. It has dragged for some time because each time I am near to recovery, I indulged in sinful food again. You know how tum jiak I am lah.

<font color="ff6000">Jamci,</font>
Yup yup, so our bdaes are quite near.

<font color="119911">Bbrooster,</font>
I watched quite a few HK serials during my maternity leave. Dunno why this time I got so much time to watch. The first maternity leave, I was so busy and stressed to watch TV.
Mummies nite out
I have a great time too! and it is also my first mums nite out with the rest... I think Glayz, erlisa and me are first timers in this outing and I will sure join the next time round cos' it is so relaxing to just chit chat...hehe...
hubby also called and asked why I have not go back yet... haha...

hope you all have a nice chatting session again on Friday hehe...
<font color="aa00aa">Mums Nite out</font>
As usual, I had fun and a relaxing nite.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
sorry i forgot to say bye bye to you too! When I turn around you were gone! Hope you can join us later the next time round. I haven't had the chance to 'hear ur voice' and you left! We normally chat ALOT haha!

<font color="119911">tangling</font>
u were cerainly missed. nvm, we'll arrange another one when you're back! hee hee...
Enjoy !

<font color="119911">bbrooster</font>
Ya hope you can join us the next time round. For now, just rest and live like a queen!!!

<font color="119911">kiami</font>
Glad that you made it! Thanks for the ride home. Really appreciate it.

keke, guess it's first time symdrome. My hub also called me when we had the really late nite out. Now he knows better. Just now when I was telling him about out nite out, he said, ya I didn't call you cos didn't want to disturb your conversation. haha... now he knows! keke...

<font color="0000ff">Friday outing</font>
CONFIRMED 3pm at venue (by email)
see you all!
Wow u gals really stayed so late!

Friday Outing
All of you bringing kids right? Think I won't join you gals liao, I tot you gals going for buffet in town area. Maybe after my eye check up go shopping, hope i don't get RECALL back to office.
Mums Nite out
I really enjoy myself...
had 2 miss call from hb ytd...and I din hear it...and this morning I ganna scolded upside down when he give me a lecture of the use of hp!!! kekekekekekeke
So many postings just din come in for a day yesterday....... Shall not touch on the D issue since we already yak on it last nite. Stay Strong n Stay United. I m realli HAPPY that we are so together, giving one another encouragement n listening ears. Erlisa, Stay strong! Yes I think u n yr hb so loving from yr blog. He is veri thoughtful to give u the gifts n u r veri sweet to whip up a delicious meal for him. Keep it up.

Aiyo i feel so sori for that classmate of Jo n JJ. So poor thing. Just like wat Shane said, portray in that episode of my sassy neighbour. So ke lian.

FotoU package
Jaymom, will wait for the good package! No hurry, as long as can get good deal. heehee

got yr mail. Thanks alot.

that is such a cute potty, Realli got sound? can realli flush? Hb said to get for A, i said crazy nei. I wan to save the trouble to wash, so cant wait for him to poo direct in the toilet bowl. heehee

yr fren's bento set put me in shame lei, me also wan to eat. So nice n so much effort of love put in to make n prepare.

Realli enjoyed myself. So free n at ease without the luggage. Glad to see Erlisa, Kiami n Glayz coming first time. Thanks for the ride Erlisa. So cool to see Caymom back after becoming mommy of two. heehee U noe, when I reached home, hb was sitting in the living room, TV on but he was in a daze, so I asked him "r u okie, why u still up?" He replied "I m totally tramautised with son alone". hahahahaha then he said "think i need a break of 10 yrs before I can do it again alone with him handling him". I was laughing nonstop. Then in the middle of nite, around 2.45am, A dun noe how he turned, banged him head on the wall, cried, I woke up n wanted to calm him, he crying saying "I wan daddy to come n sayang akinesh n put zambuk" I faint, no choice to woke hb up. N hb had to sayang, rubbed his head, n put zambuk. hahahaha Hb said veri shiong lei. Good at least he tasted it after 30mths. heehee
Cherry, do u have to wait long for yr cab?
TL, ya lah, miss u. Next time I cant chat peacefully liao. heehee
Okh ya...
Thanks Kiami for the ride....
Opps..I had to share my first boss horror story... anyway FYI..she is old..and UNMARRIED... wahahahahaha
oh no, means u need to wait 10yrs for another mums nite out ?!!! haha!

Btw, found this quite relevant to our D topic. I always like to read this column when i'm reading TODAY.

<font color="#CC6699">Focus on the The Family
By Dr James Dobson

Are you and your spouse staying together for the sake of the kids? If so, then Ive got some encouraging news for you.

Did you know that research has proven that couples who stay together for the sake of their children usually end up being happily married a few years down the road?

Theyve found that if couples stick together and move through the rough times, their marriages usually become fulfilling and strong.

They also found that people who get divorced because theyre unhappy are likely to end up as unhappy divorced people not to mention what their divorce will do to the kids.

The reason is pretty simple. The things that cause most conflicts in marriages, such as money, depression or unfaithfulness, tend to ease with time. Situations change and people change with them.

Couples who stay together when times are tough almost always come out the other side stronger and more in love. Most say their happiest years are when the kids get older and have families of their own. So, dont throw in the towel on your marriage too early; happiness and fulfilment is just around the corner.

source: Today, Wed, 7 Nov</font>
hehe... glad that you share your first boss story because I also think that having a good boss is very important, not only the job scope...
I had a great time last night too.. and great to have the several first timer join our "gang".. these chit chat sessions very addictive...
Sally.. wow... another 10 years to come alone! cannot... we enjoyed your company too much.. must quickly let us know when you hubby can take leave again so we can plan..... i hope this group can last for a long time so that we can gang up again when our children are older and go on trips... shopping ... high tea etc when we are old and not working anymore!
Mini potty:
it works just like normal child potty, still need to empty the pee/poo into actual bowls after that. The whole idea is just to get them to walk into the toilet and use the toilet bowl. when she sat on it, there'll be a music playing and when she pees, it'll said 'u did it!' and congrats her and ask her to flush and wash the hands and get a sticker for the chart from the side pull out. The flush is just a gadget but with the flushing sound effect. So far i'm really happy with it cos K's diaper usage reduce to 3 per day instead of previously 8 pieces.

Can check with u ladies-the cleanliness expert, how to clean or wash quilt? (not the cover) cannot machine wash right?

outing later:
ok see u mummies and tods later. not going for cc trial today cos another child booked the slot. so doing marketing in a while.
Really stress....cericia diarrhea back again. Think she cannot 'stomach' enfapro. Need to switch back enfalac and see how it goes. Anyway enfalac can drink till 1 year
Mums' Nite Out
I think i'm the last to respond here. I wasn't feeling too well already that nite. Yesterday woke up and discovered i totally lost my voice.Kenna throat infection too and was in quite a daze for the whole day yesterday! Saw the doc and was given M.C for today but still have to come back ofc to clear some work in the morning

Very glad to see the "new faces" that nite! Hopefully we will see more and more new faces for our future gatherings.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>, i'm still "dreaming" about the proposed mass short trip for all of us but it will definitely be a BIG project..hehe!

Fri's Outing
Hope all the tods and mommies have loads of fun this afternoon!
A quiet day... because the chatterbox is not in the house.

I think I missed out on the D issues that night but I guess we really shouldn't be thinking about it. Thanks <font color="ff0000">Shane</font> for sharing the article by Dr James Dobson. I like to read his column but seldom get to do it these days.

Hey, what's the proposed mass short trip about? Dun forget to feed me with the details because I'm dying for a short break!

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
What's your first boss story? Must tell me yah.
Are you coming later? I think it is probably better to leave bbShane at home since she just had a jab.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Opps... I'm no cleanliness expert and I have not washed my quilt before!
If I remember correctly, Bbrooster washes the quilt in the washing machine but it takes a long time to dry.

<font color="119911">Jaymom,</font>
Poor thing. No wonder you sounded not too good that night. Rest well ah.

<font color="ff0000">Jamci,</font>
Oh dear. Hope Cericia get well soon.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>, you really got good memory. I wash my down quilt in the washing machine but you really need to sun it thoroughly in strong hot sun for days otherwise it will have the terrible feather smell.

Actually, I don't know which is the correct way of washing. Normal or Dry clean?
Aiyo he is still in the state of shock, n esp after tat nite, A glued to him. hahahaha....... will try to find opportunity again. kekeke That nite, he was so stressed with A, that he din shower A hor. Just cleaned him n changed him then sent him to bed.

Poor you. I m so touched that nite u came even u sick. Aiyo, not become worst. Quickly finishes up yr work n go home n rest.

Ya la, me also drooling.
Caymom, we are suggesting to have a short getaway over weekends like 3 days 2 nite to nearby resort, so far, we are looking at Genting, Sunway Lagoon, Batam, etc. But must come to a date when all okie. heehee

Is it sth like this the belly thing u showed us?
Day out on 9 Nov,
I took lousy pics today. Not much actually... Riz definitely had lots of fun, especially going down the slide for the umpteenth time. The moment we got back home, he knocked out on the floor. He was totally exhausted. And he drained out my energy too... Now, I need a very good rest... Coz tomorrow I might be off to Wild2 Wet! Hee hee

Short getaway,
I'm also excited too! If driving to Msia, I can take care of the navigational part. Hee

Aiyoh how come everytime like dat one... everytime the password auto-remember my colleagues' one...very dangerous leh
