(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="119911">Day out on 9 Nov </font>
I believe the tods had a great time. Didn't get any good pics as I was bz chasing after cay. Sorry mommies for not being able to chat long as cay is a bit 'kee siao' today. She woke up at 10.30am and I couldn't get her to nap before the gathering. She dozed off in my arms when we got on the car.

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
K is as sweet as before. Can see that your maid is very patient with her. You brought your sis along is it? Saw another lady with your maid. You look really good. If I get be pretty pretty during pregnancy, I dun mind going thru it again!

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Really peifu (to the power of infinity) that you actually brought 2S. You spoil mkt leh. Luckily my hb din say anything.
But hor, your Sky is not as wild as my cay lah. If cay is so demure like Sky, then I can consider bringing bbcay.

<font color="0077aa">Erlisa,</font>
You are working now?
So sorry that cay hit Riz. She din do it on purpose. The only person she hits purposely is her own baby sister.

Hey, if we really go Msia, we can definitely rely on you to navigate!

<font color="ff0000">Upcoming activities </font>

<font color="aa00aa">22 Nov (Thu) Bambini (What time we looking at?) </font>
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)

Then cay must be full of guts lor. She kept going down the slide and I kept chanting in my heart "no no no.."
Anyway, after a few go on the slide, kinda feel that it is quite fun.
Sky love the slide...
But think he also understand to get to the slide is a long way..... so he din insist...wahahahahaha...becos on the way up...his feet ganna stuck in between think this diminish all remaining guts that he brought for today...wahahahahhaa
<font color="aa00aa">cherry</font>
I wish for that too. By then, we should be able to go on a trip together without too much 'baggage' hee hee... And the high teas sounds really good! good food and long chit chat sessions

<font color="aa00aa">jaymom</font>
oh dear. Hope ur throat recovered really fast.

<font color="ff0000">Trip</font>
If you mummies are really keen, I think me and <font color="aa00aa">Tangling</font> don't mind trying our best to get it going!

<font color="119911">Some possible options:</font>
- Batam (economical, ferry ride away but nothing much to do)
- Cruise (relatively ex and boring)
- Genting (I'm keen but the journey is challenging, not too costly too)
- Malacca (economical, shorter drive but nothing much to do too!)
- Bintan (expensive)
- Desaru (very economical but nothing much to do)
- Sentosa (ex!!!!)
- club med ??
- rent a chalet (hahahhahahahha! silly idea

<font color="119911">Date:</font> the biggest challenge. are we looking at Dec '07 or Jan '08 ?

<font color="119911">duration:</font> 3D2N seems good. 2D1N would really be short (and might end up tired). But the good point is we can do it over the weekend. Convenient for everyone.

<font color="0000ff">9 Nov day out</font>
Haha! Yes i could see all the tods has a great time but all the mummies and daddies were shagged out! It's quite a good place to go too tho' it might be abit challenging for their age now. I myself was abit scared of the slide! But had to muster up all my courage since my little princess wanted to try it!

<font color="aa00aa">glayz</font>
Ya lor, u really spoil market ley. I was worried how u gg to bring Sky up the maze. But looks like my hub had a good time carrying bbshane. kekekkeke.....

<font color="aa00aa">LV</font>
Ya agree. U look good!!!! So envious. You didn't put on much too hor. So good. Hopefully, if I got #2, i can control as well as you.

<font color="aa00aa">adora</font>
You look good too with your new zhao xing. Hee... no specs and hair all done up! good work!

<font color="ff0000">Upcoming activities </font>

<font color="119911">22 Nov (Thu)- Bambini </font>
Time: 2pm ?(Any objections ? or prefer late morning, like 11am?}
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)
Kekekeke... dun always say Sky no guts lah... and dun say he is short ok. I'm sure he will grow taller when he starts schooling. Bbshane is very cute leh. Really hope can bring bbcay to see bbshane one day.
So u got the #2 calling bo???
Amybe ur hb will have,,then leave u with no choice...wahahahhahaa
Kekekeke... u very bad huh, kept wanting Shane to have #2. But hor, can see that Edad carry bbShane until very shuang....
ya lor...kekekekekeke
but mei mei see me very excited...and wanted me to carry.... wahahahahahaha.....
Think she recognise me lor... but not sure if she knew I am her ma-ma and not my mum...she goes super excited when she saw my mum....
<font color="aa00aa">glayz</font>
got call lah. but don't know want to pick up the call or not. haha!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
Ya lor he...he quite enjoy babies one. he also carry his newphew quite alot. Then today see him carry bbshane till so siong. that's his softer side i guess. hee
PICK UP LA.... E need a younger sibling!!!!

Dun say i spoil market leh.... becos most of the time I am alone at home with them...Must bring them out...otherwise Sky will drive me nuts....
He always want to eat whenever I try to put mei mei to sleep.... he will goes... MIAN BAO.... Cake..... and he will come in and cha siao cha bin if I dun react IMMEDIATELY...like go to mei mei and call...MEI MEI WAKE UP...*faint*
So have to quickly STUFF him with food...but then mei mei will be crying as she REALLY wants to sleep!!!!
Today's outing
Glad I brot R there..altho most of the time he was in the ball pit but I think he enjoyed himself a lot. Today he fell asleep during dinner at my mum place & sleep again immediately when he reach home at 9pm.

Sorry R fought w E & make her upset. E can speak v well hor...able to express herself v well. How was the painting session? E still allow you both to do for her...if R he won't allow us to touch at all. Now he wants to do things on his own.

Ah..u realised I perm hah...nice or not? Today is the 1st time i let down my hair after permed. Normally I tied half...think the perm hair makes me look v mature.

Agree you look great...v pretty as usual. Thanks for the diaper..luckily R didn't Poo after that...think you are right he had too much fiber.

Cay is really v active...peifu that you can keep up with her. I went up once & give up..think Erlisa saw my 'lang bei' look...i almost topple down the slide. Luckily R prefer the ball pit.

Nice meeting you...paiseh u saw my ugly look at e slide...heng i didn't end up head down...hahaha.

Wow i really admire u, able to bring 2S along. I think Sky v v guai...remembered last time he runs around alot & u need to chase after him...now less active hor?
He had to behave la... bo bian...otherwise I will not bring him out.... becos he know I am immobilse due to mei mei... now I always tell him to come over...or I let him stay on spot and cry lor...like today when we left.... He will learn to realise Ma-ma will HACK care..so he bo bian had to follow lor
Now Sat...hb not working liao...(found a relief driver) and yet...HB DUN WAN TO GO OUT.....
but at least Sky stick to hb like glue..so gives me a lot of free time.. and I just look after bbshane lor....
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
At least bbshane recognises you. My bbcay hor.... she looks very excited to see my hb but not me. I am contented that she smiles at me. Then my mom said she smiles at anyone including strangers.

I rarely take care of cays on my own. Hb asked when we are bringing bbcay home. He said my mom 'kidnapped' her for a long time liao.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
You hb carries bbshane quite naturally. Not like my hb, always carry until bbcay sticks to his body like a lizard.

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
I also noticed your new image but paiseh to ask you.

cay is always so active. I already mei xing xiang chasing after her so no point dolling up liao.
i think i rem last time when i bot it, the sales person told me it's just dry clean or 'sun tanning' it. but the prob is my quilt kenna my dog's pee so dry clean sure will still linger those smell. but then i'm worried machine wash will spoil the washer cos the feathers will come out?

i didn't take much pic yesterday. i just sat there all the time like a statue hehe.

how much is it for wild2 wet? looks very fun right? i've asked my hb to bring K there but he said v dangerous, but i think the real reason is he finds it troublesome.
btw, yest was 1st time i met u, now i know y u must be put on gaining wt agenda. u r so slim! guess w/o riz beside u, u must be still getting wolf whistle from young guys

most of the time my maid appears patient with K in front of me. i hope that's how she really is behind my back hehe. but u dont find K look boyish meh? even your cay looks more ladylike despite her active running ard. ya, the other one is my sister. She still said after seeing my shape, dont want to give birth liao. recently, my relatives all make 'discouraging' remarks like i'm swollen, nose becomes bigger, very fat, or tired looking. i've actually surpassed my maximum weight of my lifetime currently, i just hope dont cross 70kg mark during delivery.

look really good with new image and perm. cant wait to do my perm too after confinement.
R still so handsome looking, my sister also commented. but so poor thing with the tummyache. if really no choice, u try those gummy bears, it's also recom by the PD cos those fibregel she's selling r meant for older kids.

Seeing E's reaction when u carry bbshane, makes me wonder will K react like that too. but E so cute, rather stop everything she's doing to get back the mummy

forgotten u also look great with lasik done. but then again, u r always on contacts, so i dont spot too much diff. must be the facial and the weight lose doing u good
anyway i'm the only person who felt like an ernomous elephant there.

nice meeting u finally with sky n bb shane . still the same impression of u - nu qiang ren yi ge. so gung ho to bring both out. my role model next time.

other mummies:
enjoy your weekend!
<font color="aa00aa">glayz</font>
I don't know if she needs another sibling you know. She was so jealous when i carried bbshane and insisted I carried her instead.

Then at my mum's place. We asked if she wants a baby. She say yes. I told her if I have baby, I can't carry her. She say No. Daddy carry baby. Mummy carry E! Then she was sitting on my lap, so she went on to say. E sit on mummy lap, no space!

So, how to have another one ley? haha....

<font color="aa00aa">adora</font>
ai ya, it's ok lah. My E also not exactly demure. Not even sure is it E who started the fight first. Sorry that she hit R as well.

Ya she allows us to help her with it by holding her hands. She likes to do that. I bride her with painting to get her to nap this afternoon. So I had to keep my promise

Her language skills is improving. Her new word is 'because'. When we ask something with 'why', she'll go 'because E ..blah blah...' haha...

I realise you look V different without specs. But pretty and chio chio lah. So slim somemore. I see myself i kek sim. I think you'll also get wolf whistles like <font color="aa00aa">erlisa</font>. The perm is nice. very natural. Colour also suits you.

Recently, I wanted to rebond my hair but trying to resist temptation since i'm encountering 'hair loss'

<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
Yes, I'm quite proud of him that he can carry bb well. Must be the 'training' he had with E hee hee.

hey ur hub is good liow. Can bring cay out himself. my will nvr do that except for the 10min drive to pick me up from the mrt!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">LV</font>,
your quilt hor. I think no solution ley. If wash the whole quilt, will be very ma fun. or wat if you just gently ask ur maid to wash that portion and use hairdryer to dry ? Don't use Febreeze if you don't like it. Just water and detergent.

I think initially K will definitely feel threatened. But overtime it will be ok. It's a normal transistion for them to go thru'. Even dogs feels threatened when new dogs come into the household, much less kids. Just do your preliminary prep before bb arrival then follow up with lotsa of attention after arrival as well, should be fine. I just feel the after delivery is tougher. The need to breastfeed so often, how to spend more time with #1.

haha, i wanted to say i felt the most crappy there. Din doll up cos i knew i needed to chase E so had to be in 'suitable parenting wear'

You don't look ernomous lah! You look great, don't look tired also. But i noticed you're carrying very low this time. You're due soon rite? Take care and have loads of rest before #2 arrives!
How come u home? PC can still log in as yr colleague's ID....... Super risky lei.

Day Out on 9 Nov
Wow all tods n mommies/daddies enjoyed themselves. Good good. Aiya no pics ah?
Glayz, must beat yr backside liao. Super spoilt market lei. heehee Bravo, u r indeed a superhero mommy. Must learn from u if my no 2 is here. hahahaha
Shane, yes yes pick up the call, yr hb ready liao.

22 Nov Bambini
Prefer morning, then can have lunch (there or somewhere else) together then can bring them back to nap? Anyone (who has been there - Jasmine n Twinklets) can advise wat food serves there in the cafe? Think onli western, right? Timing at 2pm not possible for A cos super cranky. heeehee but if majority wan afternoon, okie too lor.

Think Batam seems to be the most visible lei.
This is the one I stayed in, all suite hotel.
I paid S$138/- per person for 3 days 2 nites, n A at S$16.00. Price incl ferry, land, hotel, n breakfast. Tax per person is S$13.00 for both ways. But this is weekdays rate, means Sun to thurs. Weekends, my sis checked would be S$98.00 per person for 2 days 1 nite. Hope it helps n gives u an idea.
<font color="ff0000">Upcoming activities </font>

<font color="119911">22 Nov (Thu)- Bambini
Time: 11am (Any objections? then lunch thereafter)</font>
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)

<font color="119911">Xmas gathering
Date: 15 Dec (tentative, pls keep the day free!)
Venue: TBC</font>

<font color="119911">Nov PG - thot of squeezing one in after Tangling is back. shall see how.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Trip</font>
I think to test water, maybe a 2D1N trip is more viable and easily achievable for us. We can start off early. Do it over a weekend, say take 10am ferry and come back on Sunday, 10am or 2pm ferry.

I don't mind going to Batam as I have nvr been there.

the next easiest is cruise! All of us will be contained on the ship hee hee...but definitely more ex than Batam. We can leave on friday nite and will be back on sunday. It will be a weekend cruise to nowhere. I think it will cost about 500 per couple. I saw some promo somewhere.

Any other inputs ?

Just to start the ball rolling, let's collate a indicative list to see who's interested to go together on the trip so we can have an indication to see how HUGE the project will be.

Tentative itinerary:
Date: Jan '08
Venue: Batam or Cruise
Duration: 2D1N or 3D2N

1. Shane
For someone so late in preggie stage...I must say..U LOOK FANTASTIC....
Me very haggard at the same stage... but need to bring little monster out so no choice...

Sibling rivalary
actually hor..... when it comes to ur own baby...normally they dun display it so openly...
2-3months before i was due..hb was carrying his newphew... Sky MAKE a BIG fuss and cry... demanding my hb to put down the baby... (i din carry as chinese custom mah...preggie cannot carry other's nb..)
But after mei mei is born..he is VERY OK with hb carrying mei mei......even tho he had a love-hate relationship with her..he will try to hit her when we are not looking..wake her up when sleeping... but he will also go over and kiss mei mei on lips..when he is happy... Note: Sky dun kiss me or hb lor
Hi there,
is the activities on 22 nov confirmed? if yes, then i will take leave..but oso must see boss approved or not..keke.. but i put down my name liao..

22 Nov (Thu)- Bambini
Time: 11am (Any objections? then lunch thereafter)
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)
5. forgetmenot
yes yes lets put names down first to see who keen then easier to organise.
Think we start with 2D1N to test water first lah.... hectic, but at least we know how it is like lor...... 10am ferry there, then 2pm ferry back or later since onli an hour away from Sin. heehee n if got good no, we can get the kids club in the hotel to organise sth for the tods. So we just relax in the hotel lor.

Tentative itinerary:
Date: Jan '08
Venue: Batam or Cruise
Duration: 2D1N or 3D2N

1. Shane
2. Sally
With all the activities lining up, I cannot join.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Out of curiosity, I called up the laundry. They told me they use dry cleaning for down quilt and it cost S$16, takes 7 days. This is the regular laundry I use they pick up and deliver when it's done.
keke thanks for your compliments...gives me more confident to let dnw my hair.

Hey u wait few more mths then you can go perm & clr your hair already.
Ya v poor thing...wat u saw is only 50% of it. At home he cried even louder when wants to ppo poo. Think ytd he was suffering from overdosage of the stool stofener coz I just read 10ml max per day & we were giving him ard 12ml per day. Anyway also good, help him to flush out some waste frm his system. He can withhold his poo for 4days & you can really see the bloated stomach.

Both R & C demend hb to carry them when he is back from wk...he had to carry them both...neither one of the willing to get dwn.
The sibling rivarly is on going between R & C.

Jaymom, I tot of booking Ben for shoot next week...not sure if I can take the shoot 1st while we are still negotiating for the best deal?

Xmas Gathering
15 Dec we are going away so going to miss it again!
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
Kekekeke... my memory is seldom so good. Sometimes I will brush my teeth twice because I forgot that I done it already.

<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
I dun find K very boyish lah. cay looks ladylike because she is in a skirt. Funni that she wore a skirt but it's actually pants in disguise.
Your relatives probably din see u for some time lah. When I was preggie with bbcay, my colleagues comment that I swelled really fast. Imagine people who sees me everyday telling me that. I was not spared of comments from my own sis either. Even my mom's friends! Gossiping about my thick waist. They even told my mom that I am usually petite size but once preggie will become very big. Sigh... low morale man.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Taking care of cay is fine because cay can walk on her own. Tell my hb to bring bbcay out alone, he definitely cannot do it. He can't even carry her in a comfortable position sometimes.

Hey, the Bambini gathering I prob can't go. My boss already not very happy when I was on leave ytd. She didn't express her disapproval but she kept asking whether I am on leave (when she already approve it??!!). That is her way to prompt me to 'volunteer' to cancel my leave but I choose to act blur. Anyway, I can't go at 11am because I need to express milk at noon.

I am keen in the short trip. I was already very gian when Sally spoke to me the other time but hb hor, always can't make up his mind. Jan is my bz mth actually.... if it is end Jan, then probably I can make it.
Ya lor, very risky leh. Coz I'm using a temporary office laptop for work. Need to clear cache lah, my mistake, never do so. So lesson learnt, always clear the cache at the end of every PC session. Just in case.

Wild2 Wet.. I think it's $12.90 for adults. Anyway, I din go this morning. Coz it was drizzling. End up, go Vivo, let Riz play with water at the Sky park. He enjoy it so much, getting himself all wet... See maybe tomorrow bring him to the beach, long time never go there liaos... Hope the weather will be a good one tomorrow...

Yah, I not slim. Very Skinny!!!!! Dunno how I will ever put on weight. I eat and eat and eat, and put just a weeee little bit of weight then somehow just lose it somehow lorrrr.... Sometimes I give up liaos.

You must be kidding for me to get wolf whistles from young guys. My hubby ever told me that I get stares from dirty old men ... Aiyoh, er xin!

Hee, I almost couldn't recognize you leh yesterday. I tot who... but I knew it was you only when I saw Raphael.. You look so different leh.. so pretty leh... somemore so hip... fwahh... mother of two already lehhhhhh... envy... envy....
alot of them commenting on your new look... when we meet leh? i think long time never see you at hougang liao? R not attending montessori already?
must see your new look
I saw u yesterday but you too busy wtih A din notice us. R was playing outside the classroom w the engineering set.

Arrr no la me not hip...you also v pretty. I like the way u pin up your hair...i can never pin up mine nicely.
Wow u can eat n not put on weight...gosh that's gd. Think you look just right...not skinny lor. I also think you will get wolf whistles type.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
You certainly look stunning. I also realised it was you when I saw R. I thought you were not coming so in my mind I was thinking can't be you lah.
Quite motivated to be as pretty as you if my hb can take over the chasing of cay. He kept saying that he is too fat to squeeze through the maze.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
Is our xmas party still on? So fast xmas coming liao. Having mixed feelings that another year is coming to an end.
Hb very keen in joining the cruise although I felt that it is too ex and nothing much to do. He said Batam weekend getaway is good also. He is amazed that our PG is going overseas!

<font color="119911">Erlisa,</font>
I also think that you are just nice, one pretty and hot mama.
Erlisa/ Adora
Dun let my hb see u two hor...
Later he nag at me for being so YELLOW...
If I am a guy...I sure will wolf whistle la....

Ur hb funny leh..... I also had hard time... becos me too short.... wahahahahhaha
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
Kekekkeke... your hb dare to hiam you meh? I'm sure he will be scared that you will bite his head off.
I attended a wedding with hb recently. I told hb I feel like getting married once more and he laughed at me. I asked how far off I am compared to when I was a bride. He said I am still the same, never changed. Kekeke... although it's a lie (or politically correct/safe answer), I still feel very happy.

Hey, dun say you are short ok. Do you know that I have to stand on telephone book to take my wedding shots? And...... Benjamin also made me stand on telephone book during the recent shot.
Hb even teased me which year of the telephone book I want. He said 2008 one will be best, very auspicious but not out yet. Then I rebuked that it won't be thick enough lah, since more and more people dun want to list their numbers.
I din take wedding shoots...so I also din know....
Maybe I will need to stand on a stool instead...wahahahahaha....
Din take becos will look like the SUPER thin and the FAt...wahahahahahahha
morning mummies,
monday bluez man....

<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
Xmas party should be on. only thing is venue. will update when venue is confirmed.

some rough idea would be catering and some activities for the tods and the usual mingling among us.

i also got mixed feelings. yr end always bring about such happy and sad feelings. But next year will definitely be a brand new start for us.

hapi to hear that your hub is receptive. So you wanna include ur name in the list ? so far response not good ley. will you bring both gals or just cay ?

<font color="119911">Pretty mummies</font>
Ya lor, i feel so yellow also and fat!
<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
You should have taken wedding pics mah. That is the most beautiful moment of our lives leh. My wedding portrait is hung on the wall, everyday walk past will admire how slim I was....

<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
I'm having Monday blues too. Feel like taking half-day to keep cay company and hb actually wants to do the same but..... cannot lah, if I still want my rice bowl.

I also feel yellow and fat. I spent a lot time in front of the mirror before I go out these days. Even hb can't resist poking fun of my sudden interest on my appearance.

Ok, I put my name down first.
I will just bring cay.

Tentative itinerary:
Date: Jan '08
Venue: Batam or Cruise
Duration: 2D1N or 3D2N

1. Shane
2. Sally
3. Caymom + Caydad + Cay
<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
ya i also got feeling 1 2 take half-day. so sien lor. thot of gg out shopping, watch movie, etc.

nowadays i don't feel confident also. plus hvg to go after E. i rather wear in proper wear. came to terms that it's hard to dress. but i'll still put on the usual 'mask' (aka make up)

u don't need to feel so bad. you got a pretty face and good complexion. I think we all agree on that sometime back
Thanks for the compliments. But I think a few kg would do me good. I feel very bony leh. I pity Riz coz I don't have much cushion to offer him when he needs one. Hee

Clipping hair not difficult one lah. I just anyohow clip. I clip my hair that way coz I got too much hair, if I let down, look like a mop. So bo pian, everyday you can spot me in that hairstyle. Very boring one... Tot of changin, but dunno what to change to.. I'm stuck lor!!!!

me felt like taking half day too. So sian. Only thing to look forward now is lunch time where i can go out gai-gai. Next thing to look forward to is to go home. Sigh

Yeah, dressing is one thing I have to consider whenever I go out with Riz. I don't don my usual accessories like beaded necklace or dangling earrings. No high heels, just sandals or slippers. And clothes make sure I can easily squat or bend down without showing the unnecessary. haha! i tend to dress down when I'm with Riz. Coz I need to make sure I can easily sprint after him when I need to. Haha! But make-up is still the one thing i put on. To hide the hideous blemishes I have on my face. Now i a bit more hao lian, use fake eyelashes when I go out.. hahah!

Yah, u got flawless skin leh. I wish I got that kind of skin, think the makeup will easily glide and look very nice on the skin...
is working life like that ? it's the same thing for me. look forward to lunch, then look forward to go home. sigh. sad. can't imagine i got like another 20-30 yrs to go.

Ya, no accessories. I'm so scared of E pulling my dangling earings!

Agree. caymom, ur complexion is good. no need make up also can go out. with min make up will look super liow, like draw eyebrow, some blusher, mascare and lip tint. nice!

hey, i also started using falsies but so far only used a few times. when i wear to work, i feel conscious ley, like so fake. haha! such an irony.
Ya lor.. sian hor.. Cannot imagine too in 20 years down the road. Think mabbe bcoz we become mummies and our focus and priorities have shifted liaos. But at the same time, I also cannot imagine myself stay at home 24x7 with Riz. Can go siao.

Falsies, hee... I don't wear to work, only when I'm out with hubby/Riz... Ask u ah, do u re-use ur falsies or do u use once or a few times then throw?
yes..i wanted to bring R out to play leh..hehe..

re: talking abt being yellow n dressing
i think i'm the most fattest n "down dress" person..
cos i fat..so everything i wear oso not nice..n of cos not easy to buy clothes..then complexion oso bad..n dun put on make-up..
think hb will run away..just a matter of time
Monday Blues...gosh today i got Dnr at Marina, also feel like going off earlier to shop.

Same here...when go out with kids i also just wear jeans n normal top. I have this top that decorated w few buttons...C actually pulled out 2 & got lost liao.

Actually last Fri, I wear nicer top because morning I went out for check up alone...Lazy to change when I went back to fetch R, I was quite worried will 'zou guang'.
:p guess u won't be as bad as I am. At home I normally still in my sleepwear if I never go out and my hair will be the same as I just wakeup thru'out the day. :p After couple of years of not working, I already half yellow and feels like frog in a well.
i keep and reuse =P but I think i'll throw away after a few times.

I hvn't master the skill to stick quickly and properly. I still feel abit uncomfortable.

Where do you usually buy ur falsies ?

wow, so u wear to 'dian' the Dr ? hee hee....

actually when i'm home the whole day, also the same. very messy one. haha! =P
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
I agree that dressing comfortably is still the best especially when we have an active tod. It is tough to make sure I dun "zhou guang" while struggling with cay.

For my hair, I 'ren' for a long time not to tie it but I give up already. Anyway, the rebond effect is not really there already and it was caused by bbcay. The moment I go near her, she will grab my hair.
I feel like cutting my hair short but my face will look rounder.

Actually my complexion is not really as good as you think. My pores are very big and I have uneven skin tone (because of some patchy scars). I think it is not obvious from a distance. Sometimes I really feel like putting on makeup but my makeup sure melt after chasing cay because I sweat very easily.

<font color="aa00aa">Erlisa,</font>
Please dun say I have flawless skin, unless you are comparing me to my hb.

<font color="119911">FMN,</font>
Your hb wun run away lah. You gave him such a beautiful pair of kids. I constantly remind my hb that I sacrificed so much to give him the cays, must treat me better.

<font color="0077aa">Anns,</font>
I am also the same lah. My hb is more well-groomed... he will comb his hair nice nice even when we are not going out. I dun comb my hair when I am staying at home... my excuse is my hair will drop if I comb too much.
nvm, u rest well first.

wow should come up n let us see how is yr new look.... heehee....... dun think Ben will allow that lei.......hmmmm........

wish I can be like u lei....... eat n wont have to worry abt weight...... u make us all so envy.... we dying to lose weight..... n u wan to gain weight..... faint la.

thanks for the link, but must wait lei. U noe where I can buy without waiting.... kekeke

ya put name first so we can have rough idea how many keen n plan sth. heehee
Let me noe if anyone keen on below:
1)Mothercare 15%, valid till 31 dec 2007.
2) One for one aroma oil massage at ayuthaya, onli valid for weekdays, valid till 30 Nov 2007.
3)S$20 gift voucher, FMskincare.com, valid for any treatment n at any branches, valid till 11 Feb 2008
4) Complimentary diamond face sparkler treatment (worth S$250)at mary chia, valid till 11 Feb 2008
5)50% off trial class at JWT kids gym, valid till 11 Feb 2008

Glayz/Caymom, keen on 5? Some I have 3 vouchers.

I m keen to try out no 4 (http://www.marychia.com/home.html). I have 3, anyone keen to go with me????
Aiyo...all need to wait mah..Unless u fly to Japan...maybe can buy off the shelves....
The wait very fast one la...
The diamond sparkler treatment sounds interesting (can't access Mary Chia webby cos kena 'blocked'). The beauty saloon I go to has a treatment called diamond peel which could be the similar treatment. I heard it helps to tighten pores which I would really hope to achieve but the treatment so ex, feel the pinch to do it.

Opps... I think I should be more interested in 5.
Ok, I'm quite keen to bring bbcay for gym trials. Any idea how much their trial will cost?
That day no young Dr to dian...my Dr...arrr don't think so lor!

Aiyoo...keke dun put too high hopes hor...I find tat I am still the same leh...but because i perm my hair need to put on make up if not will look v aunty.

cos we went for movie event for bee movie yesterday, n goodie bags got all those lah. heehee...... some got two n some got three cos think I dropped some when transferring to bigger bags. N gave away 3 big boxes of honey star cereals cos cant carry lah.
If i have the $ to fly to japan, think will step into marie france n do a makeover lah, heehee

Ya diamond treatment so ex hor, thus complimentary so dun mind trying.... heehee... try www.marychia.com under services.
I post 5 to u?
Dun noe the price lei, website din state: http://www.jwtkids-singapore.com/index.html
but 50% worthwhile lor. Guess should be abt same ex gymboree, right?

Glayz, u wan 5? got 3 vouchers.
