(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

LV, Bbrooster
Oh..the beauty advisors are in the house. I wonder if i ask this Q before but i'm trying to find an averagely good concealar to cover my panda eyes. What is good in the market? I'm currently using the one from Estee. Any tested and recommendable brand?

Acutally, I know beauty sleep is the best answer but abit too late for me liao

That time young mah...so VERY scare to voice out....so can think think think and imagine....
After I gave birth to Sky.. I gain weight and guts lor...wahahahhahahaha...
Now my mouth react faster than my brains...wahahhahaa
ya i've seen parents sending kids to every possible enrichment. the kid must enjoy what they r learning and doing, otherwise it defeats the purpose. if attend classes until 'or ba ka' then it's definitely too strenuous for the child.

as for swimming, i just want K to learn the basic strokes next time so that in case drop into water can swim. so dont plan to let her take swimming lessons for years. btw, mummy can't swim so no choice got to outsource elsewhere.
not beauty advisor lah.. but can offer a bit of my tried n tested. currently using shu uemura, not bad, previously using clinique also quite good. i find bobbi brown's concealer cake up and lines can be seen after a while. actually everytime i go facial, the beautician will comment on my panda eyes too, then i told her u want to look after my kid at night isit? hehe.

there r some ways to reduce the dark eye rings, religiously put eye mask every alternate nights and apply whitening eye cream, it can reduce by a bit. then there's this MTM panda eye solution where they customized some eye products to reduce it but i'm not sure whether it works. my the otherconcern is eye bags which come hand in hand with the eye rings. that one honestly other than minor op, the bags will still be there. i'm seriously thinking of doing it next time - enhancing lower eyelids. cost about 3K.
yes the entire basement level is selling X mas trees n deco...v tempted to get one but scare Chloe 'touch' it.
I saw the princess theme supplies but not very nice. I chose butterfly banner in the end so maybe will do a 'butterfly' cake. There was a pair of wings there too so SWEET but i doubt my gal will wear that for her party!

For the banner, maybe to get online is slightly cheaper but I since I am only getting few items no point to join the spree.
Banner was $13, table cover $11.

Did Ben say when? I actually wanted to take next week & use the photo for C bday.

Btw, wat did we nego for the package?

Ben has not selected the winner for Oct..dunno got FOC shoot or not...haha.
Follow The Leader
Yes, the tods picks things up from us. Whenever Jay purposely stands in front of the TV to get our attention. A natural reaction from us will be "Wei! Wei! Jay, don't go so near the TV!".The next thing we know, we will see him put his hand on his waist, sticking out his index finger and repeat after us' "WEI!,WEI!".
It's funny but makes us feel really guilty at the same time for setting a bad example.

Nowadays, whenever Jaydad uses the wrong language or tone, i will give him the "dagger-eyes" looks and he will immediately shut his mouth!

On the roads
I'm also the more impatient type. Whenever i see cars cutting our path when Jaydad drives, i will always grumble and question why he didn't sound the honk!...hehe
maybe i'm a terrible driver, that's y more tolerant of other drivers on the road.

check with u, after 36 weeks, Dr Adrian will see us in 2 weeks again or weekly? cos I'm thinking of taking mc 2 weeks before my edd.
<font color="ff0000">Jaymom,</font>
Thanks. Your handbag must be rather big to accommodate the grinder.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
My hb used to say I have PMS whenever I get angry with him. I am quite pissed by the remark. Before we have kids, he will rant about unreasonable preggies on TV shows and said that he will scold me if I behave that way when I am preggie. I have to educate (again...) him why preggie will behave that way. He has no qualms in quarrelling with me when I am preggie... even when I was carrying bbcay. Anyway, now he has simmered down a bit.

I sometimes feel that he is a different man from the one I married. On second thoughts, he is not really different, just that he is now treating me like his family. He is quite harsh and rude to his parents. I told him I am no pushover like his parents. Provoke me and I will unleash the devil in me. Especially when I am preggie, I could possibly kill him in my hormonal rage.

<font color="119911">LV,</font>
Understand what you mean. I have friends like that too. Very worried for my own safety. I used to grumble that my hb drives too slowly especially when we are in a hurry. But with the kids, I feel that being late is better than speeding.
After 36 weeks, Dr Adrian should be seeing you weekly already.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
Same thought as you, I rather take public transport than to drive.
Hb is pushing me to learn driving now because he feels very tired and hope I can take over sometimes.
I tot of doing for my droopy upper lids wonder how much it cost...already spent a BOMB for the lasik.

Keke i am quite an expert in concealer for panda eye too. Have used many brands so far I find Inovi Cake Concealer not bad, now am trying Shishedo liquid type cannot really cover.

Now tat I can't wear specs to cover my flaws, need to diligently put on make up daily liao!

I also hesitant to take up driving leh but one thing for sure even if I get my license I WON'T drive when hb is in the car.
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
Previously use prescriptive. I don't recommend MAC, too dry. Now, I don't use concealer cos mine also always cake up and show lines under eyes. Think my eye area is very dry.
goody! so it will be nice crowd tonight. Glayz and caymom coming! looking forward to see you all.

is it cos he got a sporty car huh ? want to test its power, make him feel powerful! ... men! and their silly games.

I guess that's y they love to play games so much. My huh is a game freak. Makes him feel powerful i think haha! I love to see him play his games and get frustrated. Very cute. Like a little boy. keke.
Driving lisence
Wah..... seem like I am not the onli one without it.... Most of my friends had it...or are learning it...so it is WEIRD to them I am not even interested...... I am a MAJOR road IDIOT...
But I can read MAPS VERY WELL... but how to drive with a map on hand... :p

We will tell Sky to "zuo hou mian"
Then once my mum play his dvd for him... then sit there waiting to press the play button...Sky shout at my mum... "PO PO ZUO HOU MIAN!!!"
I just requested Ben to give us some discount if we can meet a min. no but i have not work out a concrete proposal with him yet. He is coming up with another package and by the sound of it, maybe better? I still haven't found a chance to call him yet. But he did mention that if we want to stick to his original package of $238,he can work out something for us. May not be as fast as next week,will u still be interested?
I'll discuss with the ladies tonite too.

I spend $$$ to do lasik recently and now wan be to go be to SPECS!?!...no way...hehe!

Hmm..Shu Uemura, ok will check that out but they are quite exp, rite? I have started using eye cream but probably have to resume using eye mask.You are a very hardworking lady..i have slacken very much after i had Jay.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
I think Benjamin is very busy right now. It's almost a week after the contest liao and results still not out. Feeling excited for you and Chloe.

You also dunno how to drive? Kekkeke... I thought I'm the only non-driver. My friends all know how to drive, even my siblings and cousins. I asked hb whether he will 'fangxin' I drive his car, he hesitated. Kekeke... scully I pass already he doesn't want me to drive.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
Kekeke.... you will see the live performance of the online chatterbox <font color="ff0000">(caymom + glayz + sally)</font>. But I wun be saying much lah... I am very quiet in real person one mah.

Hb loves speeding games but not with his car! He was quite addicted to computer games at one time.
One night onli....go sleep la...

Think will be me and sally talk talk talk lor...
I chatty in forum even more in person wahahahahhaa
i'm open to wait and see if his upcoming package is a better deal.

Actually hor, i don't know if my hub is agreeable. Cos after the no good one, i think he abit sian liow.
so pls don't kill me if I pull out tho' unlikely. is there any dateline ? might take it when E turn 3YO

oh mummy is lawyer, no wonder so high expectations. poor gal.

gentle reminder, K also his ley keke.... just rem to balance up. cos disclipline is most effective when both parents sings the same tune. if not next time K will always go to you for 'help'.

ya i also noticed u very quiet in person. tonight remember to open up hor. keke....

can read map well is good ley. i'm lousy at map. so makes me a bad co-pilot when i go on road trips with hubby. he has to 'counter check' my reading regularly to ensure we don't get lost
i got butterfly wings, can lend you. I wanted to sell it away after E 1YO bday but nvr got down to it. Now come to think of it, might let her wear when she is 3YO. think by then she'll find it more fun

I think planning bdays for them are so fun!
I got my license after 2 attempts but Im also an idiot when it comes to driving. I probably got a pass becos the driving test instructor commented Im quite matured and believed I wouldnt be like those ruthless youngsters driving like a maniac on the road! Im not even sure which expressway to take to go certain places. Im pretty hopeless with maps too. So I only shi-shi take this route to my mums , my MILs , some familiar places, thats all!

What's the rate to learn driving now?

I'll make a bad partner if i ever get to take part in The Amazing Race..haha!

I know Inovi, i used to like their lipstick alot. But hard to find the brand nowadays.
for eyes enhancement, should be less than $5k. maybe u r right, do lower must also do upper cos droopy eyelids come with age too. how much u did lasik for ? $3K?

if u use liquid concealer, the fine lines below the eyes dont show as fast than when u using cake concealer. the way u apply make a diff too, dont rub or smoother over it, should apply by dabbing.

agree, mac is too dry. never a mac fun.

not sporty car la. also not 2-door coupe. even so also doesnt warrant him to do it. i always said to him, only losers want to show their power on the roads cos they r deprived or oppressed in other aspects of life. U know what he replied, he said quite true!? duh!

Learning driving:
dont worry ladies, never too late to get the license. but adora is true, dont get your hb to be your instructor if u pass unless u want to get your head scolded off. haha
i see him more of a 'donor' cos K looks like a mini-me. haha.. he'll always tell me K only behaves in front of me and do noti acts in front of him. but that's not true, when K throws her tantrum i also insisted on my punishment. yest, i saw her using the pencil to poke at the maid, immediately i punish her by putting her at the noti chair and she cried pathetically, not forgetting to get her to apologize to my maid.

i'm not hardworking at all. I'm only suggesting ways but not doing it myself too. the good thing about going to work is i need to makeup, during my days as a SAHM or weekends at home, i'm makeupless and skincare-less as well. but i like things that can speed up or accelerate the process like surgeries or treatments. I'm quite inspired by the korean movie '200 pounds beauty' after i watched the dvd last week. haha
Ya i can't drive properly with my hub in the car. Feels as if he's watching me. He feels stressed too. haha....

maybe tt's a hint to you ... he's feeling deprived and oppressed..... somemore u want to become a nun ley!!!!! haha! men will be men lah. they need their outlet either ways~
Morning ladies, today so many posts, got a hard time reading all of them so early!

<font color="aa00aa">Sally</font>
Ok, Ill send u an invite later in the day. =)

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
U noe so funny, infact today I still wanna msn u to ask u on Rs progress. Oh dear, still no improvement at all. But I still feel insert & stools softener are not helping much in the long term, worst is R may be so dependent of them tat he will lose his initiaty to pass motions. Muscles there will get loose too, not healthy in long run. Think if you really wana cure the Root, then perhaps u shd go for those Tummy Massage at Yu Guo.

Hey me too! Eversince no specs to conceal my dark circles, I have to diligently apply makeup everyday. Once I was lazy to apply, my colleagues will start asking me Am I sick?? Why your eyes like this, not enuff sleep?? blah blah. =(

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>

Ya I totally agreed with u on the driving on the road. My hb is good example liao. Usually wont say such hokkien stuffs, but come to driving, wow really cant stand & I always gotta remind him theres a little parrot sitting right behind him. Then when some guy like wanna race with him, hell go race with him, accelerate so fast. I find it so childish! For me, I usually put safety first whenever Ash is with me. Driving much slowly, so I usually good temper with the drivers when shes aro. *phew*

Normally when the devil comes out from me is usually driver cut my lane so close blah blah, honk me when I was driving slower than others. Patience is running low when U are in mad rush & some1 infront is driving snail slow with no cars infront. I think this is inevitable tat ull slash some vulgarities out during tat split moment. But I must say Mans vulgarities in car definitely much much worse than woman. Woman no matter wat is still less crude than Man.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>

Talking abt DIL .. I think Im the worst DIL here
, never really learn to appreciate my MIL.
MIL treats me pretty nice but yet at the bottom of my heart Im still feeling unbalanced abt staying with her till the rest of my life.
Anw I think my MIL doesnt really like me as before liao, she has stopped buying birthday pressie for me & so am I.. Sighs. Lately I did something which Im pretty happy abt & tot we may actually improve our r/s abit. She saw the way I made card to my frens son & She kinda liked it & to my surprise, she asked me to help her do 1 for her Fren at Melbourne. I was really stressed cos u noe lar, my MIL is quite an artistic person too. So I burnt midnite oil to squeeze my brain juice to think of something nice for her. Luckily, I managed to make something pretty nice, & then I kept asking my hb for affirmation whether nice or not. He told me the card was nicely made & I was so relieved. I put on the table & next morning, she praised me so much that I really felt so paisay & yet sooo happy. 1st time praise me Ok. Haha. I think this is a good kickstart of our r/s cos somehow we are talking more again. I gotta admit Im a lazy person in term of keeping the house neat & doing the household chores. I think my Hb & MIL kinda give up on me already. & worst I also dun make efforts to help my MIL in her chores. Damn bad rite?
So I m thinking maybe I just improve on such stuffs, ie she asked me to do something for her which I can do it, Ill try to give her my best. Then I think whenever I got my comm, I shd try to buy something for her, try to make her happy & really must make an effort to improve our r/s. Else I feel Im such an unhappy person deep down due to this & that, not good in long run.

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Wat a poor gal!! Shes definitely over-stimulated liao. Poor gal, so young already deprive of good rest. I really pity her & really hope the parents can wake up fast & stop torturing the kid with so many activities. Over stimulation will not only make her deprive of rest, will also affect her nite sleep & decision making next time when she grows up. Best is start slow, slowly see which activity she enjoys most & slowly exploit her potential from there.

<font color="0000ff">D D D</font>

Talking abt this D word, quite scary, but truly this comes to my mind last time when Ash was still quite young. I guess I was very possessive abt my own daughter & always paranoid my gal will be closed to my Mil, & also other issues related to house & MIL. Again MIL came into the picture when D occurred into my mind. How sad it was to D becos of family & not becos u no longer luv your hb. I became so down tat I felt like ending my marriage, simply wanted to bring my gal to my Mums house to stay forever. That time even wanna go to marriage counselor liao. Luckily my Hb able to say very motivating words to motivate me & bring me back to life again & let me see some light in our marriage. Things improved & I was very happy. However now my HB in this current job, very stressed with sales quota, again our marriage like not so good again & of cos my hormones siao siao again, start to feel HB not loving me much again. Sometimes I feel I shd just give my head a big knock to wake me up from such negative tots & learn to cherish my HB more. =( It has been a long time since I give him a pat on his cheeks liao, think I shd do it tonite to tell him Ill luv him forever, cannot be always so Da Nu Ren & waiting for him to initiate.

Note : I always feel Erlisa & her hb are a very romantic pair =) Good role couple for all of us here!

<font color="ff0000">Sports</font>

I think my gal wont have fair fair skin as she grows cos shes going to do a lot of sports cos her daddy luv sports so much.
Anw she also dun born with v fair skin, so is I think I still can take it.
Daddy already wants her to swim every Sunday, so how to maintain fairness? Lazy Mum sometimes forgot to apply sunscreen lotion for her. Gee! Anw I must really be diligent to apply for her whenever she swim, good complexion is very important for a gal I must say. Now I start to wash her face with cleanser daily at nite , hoping can cultivate her good hygiene & proper care in skincare.
I feel that Sports is very important for our kids. It helps on the motorskills, teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship & character building. Actually I always envy people tat like jogging as a hobby, cos this builds perseverance in a persons character. & this character can help greatly in this persons life a lot. I may want my gal to join Aikko in the CC next time too, this can help to build up self-defense. However of cos last thing I want is my gal getting bullied in school & of cos last thing I want is she having a cat fight with her mates lar.
Same as LV, think by 4 YO, my Hb will enroll her in Swimming. Feel that learning swimming is compulsory cos this is a basic survival skill. As for other stuffs like Golf & Music appreciation, itll have to depend on our finance at tat point of time. If we can afford, wud luv to send her to Piano class.
I agree with you totally tht every family has got its own problems. Me and my hubby's quarrels are always revolving around his family, not ourselves. We quarrelled coz he can't seem to understand my pt of view and my situation. The entire story sounds very fictional actually. You won't even believe it! But anyway, it got so bad that I was almost in the brink of depression. Always feeling sad and moody. For a long time. But lucky that Riz was my saviour, he was there to divert all the sadness away, and always there when I needed him the most!

But at the end of it all, we make things work. Coz the truth prevailed. He began to see my point of view as his family seems to be going overboard with the situation. And I have to thank God for that! The cause of the unnecessary quarrels boiled down to that he failed to tell me that he was on my side and I perceived it that he's on his family side all the time. And all I feel is that I'm fighting my own battle all these while. But at the same time, he's ashamed and couldn't do much either coz it is his family that is causing all these.

My hubby understood what I had gone through and we were very committed to make things work. I was really happy at the end of it all coz I now know that he is on my side. It does not matter to me if he wasn't able to do much but at least, i now know he is my ally. Hee hee

So this is the greatest lesson I've learn in marriage, never assume what you perceive. Even for the smallest thing you may think that it is logical. This could avoid any unnecessary arguments. Sigh

My hubby is like your hubby. Coz his car got this "shift-tronic" thingie, and everytime he switch to manual gear, I will hold on tight . Only then will I know that there's something going on the road. Like someone try to be "funny" with him or he's "unhappy" with someone on the road. Anyway, he alwys mention that whenever I get on his car, someone will always be "funny" with him. How coincidental hor!!! Basically, I can't say a thing about his driving, otherwise he'll flare up. And I have to keep mum about this all the time. Coz he will always give me "I got more than 10 years' of driving experience leh"... MEN and their EGO!
i told him recently that I kenna contractions everytime he's so near to the car in front! i told him if he wants me to deliver premature, go and bang the car in front better still.

one of my uncles is a staunched christian but whenever he drives, we must really buckle our seat belts cos he overtakes and cuts lane abruptly n takes no tolerance of slow drivers.
But really, if Ash inside the car, ask him to control a bit. Not very nice. Actually i notice that my FIL driving also similar to my hubby's style. see, what u see is what u get

dont feel sad about some loost sparks in r/s cos i can see from your blog your hb dotes on both u and Ash. big big hug from all of us here ok

cant expect me to be his outlet of oppresion and deprivation right. i also got emotional needs to satisfy first. Maybe the difference betw men and women is we talk about love, and they talk about 'needs'.
You raelly think me and my hubby romantic, you make me blush leh... THanks thanks! If I tell my hubby that, he will be over the moon and cannot sleep after his night shift.. haha

But seriously, every couple can be romantic, if we put a little effort in everyday we are together. Maybe for me and hubby, our work timings are hay-wire. And we sometimes don't see each other on some days. So the "distance" makes our hearts grow fonder. We do little things like sending each other to the door or him sending me to the carpark when we go out for work, and beginning and ending each day with a hug and a peck. (Pls don't vomit hor!!)

Those small things makes us "rekindle" that small fire so that it keeps on burning...
tt's so cute!!!!!
E has her own potty which she uses but i rather she go to the toilet (which is too high for her to go on her own) cos we need to wash the potty! lazy lazy!

hapi that your r/s with mil improved. since u live with her, i think it's very impt that you be hapi. it's a good job that she liked ur card. somemore give to her friend, sure make her proud. the idea of buying her something when u get ur comm is nice too.

so the lesson learnt is to talk n talk n talk things out.
sadly, i find it hard to talk to my hubby on certain issues. sigh. weird.
<font color="ff6000">Lv</font>
Thanks for the hug, greatly need it! keke
Ya I will always scold him angrily when he makes those attempts. Seriously duno why guys are such ego animals on the road.

Ya I must do my part as a wife too. Nowadays feel that I'm not doing much as a wife. Alot of roles his Mum still doing it, I guess somehow making me inbalanced at times. haha. Anw ironing clothes I hate lar, let the Mum do. Think I really have to ken kai more.

Hey ask u, the Kiddy Toilet Bowl can flush toilet 1? How to put water in ?

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa</font>
Yes very much! Dun blush, is the fact.
U noe ur Hb same sch mate as me rite? Tat time back in sch, I really dunno he can be such a loving hb 1 u noe. kekeke. I really gotta agree with you on tat "Distance" make the hearts grow fonder. I belong to such category too. Feel my hb the more he outstation, the more I'll cherish him. keke.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Yes trying to improve r/s, hope our r/s can be back to last time when I was still pak tor with Hb..
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

The cause of the unnecessary quarrels boiled down to that he failed to tell me that he was on my side and I perceived it that he's on his family side all the time. And all I feel is that I'm fighting my own battle all these while.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hey, you voiced out my thoughts. A lot of times I thought my hb is defending his family when he is not. Hb also finally realised some things about his family and felt kinda disappointed with them. Anyway, I told him that we cannot choose our parents so no matter what, we should be nice to them.

Anyway, I also feel that you and your hb are very romantic. Still remember the brilliant rose.
I also feel that generally Malays are very affectionate. Always admire how they greet each other... the hand shake, hug and pecks on the cheeks. I cannot imagine doing it to my parents...
My Lasik including all the consultations shld sum up to around $5k. No more $$ to do my eyelids for now.

Stool softener I am starting again as I find his stool really too hard...I see him gek I v heart pain...every poo session is an ordeal.
I even changed his FM...maybe GAIN too heaty. I am giving him Dumex Mamil Gold not sure gd or not.
Massage dun think R wants...he doesn't like pp to touch him...think he will SCREAM to the top of his lungs.
Wow Wow u reminded me too...shld give him a peck too! But my hb not v romantic after we got married..sian!

You & hb v loving leh. envy envy! really agree absent make the heart grew fonder.
When cay has constipation, I will give her some breast milk.... it always softens her stools. My mom insists that giving water is the way to prevent constipation. cay drinks more water now but her stools still quite hard sometimes.
<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
Ya I can understanding your feeling. If Im you, I also will resort to stools softener, really v gek sim to see them suffering.
But thinkg of long run taking, I cant help feeling fear abt it.. *sighs* R is having good intake of water & fruits rite?
It is he himself tat is withholding the poo, psychologically hes phobia of passing motion cos it makes his anus very painful. It also took Ashley awhile to have confidence in passing her motion without the cries. U noe during the 2 wks when I took care of her, her routine changed when she was with me. So tat 1st 2 days, she refused to poo also. I was also getting real stressed cos I dun wan to repeat tat whole constipation saga again. Then I really told her & explained to her tat if she dun wanna poo, shell get stomach pain etc. Then she cried so pathetically, so unwilling to try to gek u noe. Then I was there to comfort her, asked her to put her hands on my shoulder & together I helped her to poo. So from that day onwards, aro tat timing, I told her it was poo poo time. So again we repeated the whole thing. So during tat 2 wks, she needed my help to help her poo during tat certain timing.

So wat I suggest is you have to try to set a time for him to poo. Let him get used to tat time, to let him know it is poo poo time. But during this period, u still need to let him take the stool softener, so tat stools is softer to pass out & he can slowly regain confidence. For you, it is going to be very difficult process cos he is not those tat poo daily. But I feel so long u consistently at tat timing, encourage him, give him moral support, hell eventually know tat timing he need to poo, & once poo liao, he wont feel stomach upset again & his poo wont withhold inside of him very long again. It is going to be a long process, but I feel that you shd really do something abt it now, else his constipation problem will be very problematic next time, especially when come to toilet training in Poo Poo (which Im facing difficulty now, which I believe was due to last time constipation saga) .
Learning Driving
Think I did drive with hb...he sure will nag all the way....Or scold my head off...
Maybe I INVITE him out of the car on expressway???

Ego on wheels
My hb also the super da nan ren...
He always see those bad driver and goes... MUST BE A WOMAN...
Once it was a middle age man in a new BMW...he goes " MUST BE A WOMAN..."
When hb overtake the car... we turn and lok at driver and realise is a man..
But hor hb is super tolerant of bad male driver than FEMALE drivers.... MAN!!!

U and hb are the model couple....

Actually I dun like hb to touch me.... wahahahahaha...
Once he try to hug me to sleep.... and I told him off.... UR HAND VERY HEAVY.....
twinklets, Adora,
make me worry ley. E is not very regular. sometimes skip one day. sometimes stool very hard. since she started gg to school, she stopped pooing in school, esp now that she's off diaper. So normally at nite, at home. And I don't monitor. So not sure if she goes everyday or not. jia lat.

i also feel hub less romantic after marriage. sienz. overall my hub quite ok to me lah. But i just wish there was more romance btn us. sometimes 2 person in a home, we're in separate rooms, doing different things and nvr talk till go to sleep. sounds so boring rite.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
I feel Esher is Ok, skip 1 day is normal. Actually tat day I visited the CC, I asked the Teacher abt students poo in the CC.
She said usually kids prefer to poo at their own home. Infact 90% of students dun poo in CC 1. Wow liao I was like Shit, then how? My gal cant get trained to poo in CC liao, die liao ler
For Rs case, it is something like wat Ash has experienced before, ie. Phobia of passion motion. Actually got biz wanna do 1, but gek abit scare pain, so withhold the poo. So keep withholding afew days liao, wanna gek out liao, but bui sai cos v v painful liao.

My hb also less romantic eversince we have Ashley. Tats why I say Erlisa & her hb are role models are us to learn. Can still keep the romance & fire burning high high. Keke.
Come join me....
My hb NEVER been romantic....
For 9yrs..I onli recieve flowers TWICE..
First in ROM...
Second 1st anniversary...becos I tell him I dun want to see him again if I dun see flowers...( see must threaten to get flowers...)

And it was many yrs since I last had a Christmas gift... think after we married..NO MORE XMAS GIFT

Birthday gift...let me think hard.... think after I pop Sky also no bdae gift liao....

she caught viral fever. we finally went to see doc, cos too many days of high fever. had to take urine test. Wah! She squat there, my hand holding the bottling, praying very hard she aim properly! haha! that was an experience!!
Then had to take blood test. This is 1st time when she's conscious of what's happening. Wah! battle of 2 nurses, 1 daddy, 1 mummy vs a toddler! tough leh..
Then results: negative for UTI, negative for dengue. so doc say viral. if fever goes on till Fri, have to do somemore test! sigh... earlier know, we wait till Fri then see him!

you know, before i married hb, my then future mil told me, "you know my son is very practical. You're not expecting romantic gifts, flowers, poems, right? Please don't expect, cos he's really not the type!"
well, so i kinda had my heart set on that. haha!
In any case, just to share. In marriage counseling class, we learnt that the D word should never be uttered, never be thought of, never cross your mind. Once it does, sub-consciously, it becomes an option that you can explore, and mistrust builds.
Just like we would never say the Disown You phrase to our kids. You can imagine the emotional repercussion of that on the kids. So same thing as D word with our spouses lor.

anyway, on a lighter note, LV, just re-read the posts above. You'll be due soon! so envious! I can't wait for that stage!

btw, one of my colleagues make bento set for her daughter in nursery. wah! very nice. i see already, I feel very failure on my part, esp when N1 & N2 are in the same nursery!
Check it out:

Read something about baby's bibs material from WSJ. Just to share with you mummies.


"Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is a cheap, durable form of plastic commonly used in building materials such as pipes, as well as consumer products such as toys, electronics and shower curtains. Packaging made of PVC includes the soft plastic zipper bags that hold sheets and the hard plastic containers for small electronics.

PVC is made with vinyl chloride, which the Environmental Protection Agency has classified as a human carcinogen. People can be exposed to the chemical through discharge of gases from factories, groundwater and occupational exposure, the agency said.

A concern with vinyl products is they may contain lead, which can pose a problem if the plastic deteriorates or children put the products in their mouths."
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Me luv surprises 1, I cant imagine my hb stop being romantic once I become his gf u noe. Infact our courtship was duper short. So I'll lugi if I dun mind him not being romantic leh.

Well why not we gals give our hb some surprise tonite? hahaha tmr is off mah. lol...
Spank ur butt
U should never post anything that will amke us GUILTY
I never even cook for Sky....and now u give me this link really makes me... *roar*
Mabbe need something to overcome those tabboo issues.. Last time issues abt his family is a tabboo, but now, I can speak a bit more freely.. but then again, I still have to put it very nicely.. cannot anyhow talk about these matters... Always have to tell myself, I have to put myself in his shoes when I say about this.. So have to be very careful...

Haha, u won't know until u get to know the person personally .. hee Eh I ask u just for fun hor, last time he got admirers or not ah? Hee hee My courtship super long, 7 years long, inclusive of 2 years long distance relationship... So I'm really spoilt lor...

Anyway, you all don't say until like dat lah, i pai seh lah.. Actually, I dun like my hubby to be romantic to me in public, only behind closed doors I'm fine. And I really damn paiseh if he wants to open the car door for me leh. You may think I'm wierd but I really cannot take it lor. I just don't like PDA. I guess I'm still shy lor after all these donkey years.. haha

Haha! You still remember about the rose thingie? Aiyah, your hubby also buy you something also mah for Valentine's day. A diamond necklace also rite? My hubby only buy that also coz I din have a "proper" one for our wedding. So considered like a belated wedding signature... haha

Yah true, our customs enforce on that as a means of respecting each other. But I don't do the handshake thing to my hubby lah. We the modern kind.. Kiss-and-hug kind... hahahahaha
Ok ladies, I shall sign off now. Off from work. Yippee! Gotta fetch and play with Riz first before I meet you gals for dinner.

I'm ghost~
you know when i sit him on the toilet bowl...same thing his hands on my shoulder then i gek w him..he kept on saying " mummy sayang.." cos v painful.
Now we only sit him on the toilet bowl when he start running around (his way of trying to withhold his poo). Do you mean I shd bring him to sit at fix timing even he has no urge?
You know getting him to sit there is also an ordeal as he will struggle & cry like slaughtering pig.

Arrr surprises?? Scully I kenna #3 I DIE!!!!

keke ROM flowers not counted la...for me only 1st Vday got flowers. Hb thinks flowers not practical , he got me gifts instead.
I make sure he get me bday pressie hor if not i will sulk the whole day. My last birthday gift, I make him buy me another wedding Ring...coz I lost it!!
Hmmmmm.... Like that...Maybe I can request for another wedding ring...becos my joints expands sfter I had sky...no way I can wear liao.... but he sure say.. WASTE $$$$
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
Kekekeke... so I am not the only kelian one.
I am kinda in a dilemma. If hb buys me flowers, I will find it wasteful, since my bdae falls on the day when flowers are most expensive. I only remember very clearly that my hb gave me flowers when we celebrated our first xmas.

<font color="aa00aa">Mckee,</font>
Your friend is very creative. Her bento looks so yummy. Really admire mommies who spend time to cook for their kids.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Give my hb surprise?

Maybe your #2 will be made tonight.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Same here, me and hb are always doing our own things at home and rarely exchange words. Hb used to rant that I blog too much and not spending time with cay. But if I dun spend much time with cay, why she sticks to me and rejects him leh?

Anyway, he finally sees the reason why I choose to blog no matter how tired I am. It is also a channel for me to relieve my stress.... just like he likes to play his computer games, surf Youtube and now Facebook. He is so proud when he has more and more friends added. I laughed at him that only young people like Glayz uses Facebook. He protests strongly. Kekekkeke...
