(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
A looks very cute in the uniform. Such a big boy.

Agree that we are learning English all over again. I try to speak in good English these days but sometimes I forgot and rattle non-stop to my hb in my singlish. That's prob how cay picked it up.

<font color="119911">LV,</font>
I thot I am the only weird one with crazy thots.... I sometimes also think that I may end up in divorce.
Somehow, I am a strong believer that things may not stay the same forever.

My hb doesn't discipline cay. The most he does is to scold her but probably only 10% power compared to the way he scolds me.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
Hahahha... yah lor. When I was preggie with cay, hb also too bz to help me with the planning etc. Most of the things I did it myself. His paternal instincts only came after he saw cay for the first time but he was scared of taking care of infant so I took care of cay most of the time. When I grumbled about the tiredness, he said, "You were the one who wanted a baby." I was so so so hurt by the remark. Angry with him for a long long time.

That made me feel even stronger that having a kid just my own wishful thinking lor. Kekekke... sad hor. Anyway, now he is very careful in his words because this mommy's heart is fragile like glass. He told me that he is glad we had cay and now bbcay. His life is no longer solely about work and he is a happier person. He is now super on about the gals, even more than I am.

Yes, I will get very uneasy when my house is in silence, immediately search for the gals. bbcay makes a lot of noise too... laugh, baby-talk etc. If she is quiet, usually she is sucking her fist but we have seen her concentrating hard in reaching for things in silence. Quite dangerous if she grabs something sharp.

No prob for that but think must give her 3 or 4 drinks/dessert then can equal to the amount lei. Can she have those in one go? Or I must go by 4 instalments to repay her back. heehee
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I really feel like laughing when you talk about your hb. You so cartoon, I was trying to imagine how you bite your hb's head off.

<font color="aa00aa">Bbrooster,</font>
I didn't shop for bbcay until towards the end of 3rd trim. Nothing much to buy except for the bottles. My mom also told me not to buy clothes but as usual, she bought lots of them and claimed that cay's clothes very old liao. bbcay outgrows clothes at a faster rate than cay.

<font color="119911">Mckee,</font>
Oh dear, hope N1 is ok. cay is fighting the sleeping bug lately too. Very hard to get her to sleep at night.
before i forget, when you go shopping for J2, must MUST have a shopping list. Since 2005, when N1 & J1 were born, aiyo,everything has evolved to nicer, more practical, cuter, more expensive stuff. E.g. simple things like playpen, bath tub, edu toys, etc.
so without a shopping list, you'll end up buying a brand-new nursery for J2!

what's CLO? wah, must buy shane a drink just to get that?? veri curious leh...

lorna is cheaper than pat's (by $20-50!) biggest diff is lot of expat there. Curriculum wise, similar. it's the location lah.
Nice colonial setting. You'll forget you're in Spore. Got field, in front, no flats in sight. No traffic.
Then so much space. Got all kinds of play for the kids. Pat's can't match that lor.

it's true abt pat's though, that their teachers veri good. I like that part.
E's sch sounds good too. She's a veri intelligent girl leh...
btw, I took your advice. really. it's yours that got me going. I CUT N1's HAIR!!! hehe..
now waiting to see if what you said works on her!

sally, N1 dunno what's wrong. But from the looks of it, i think it's just not enough sleep.
you know, I'm getting a bit complacent abt medical stuff. And after speaking to some mummys, I think it's true for many of us.
We can confer MD degrees on each of us! Getting lazy to bring kid to clinic, when it's a simple cough (give bricanyl), fever (paracetemol, higher than give neurofen), running nose(Zyrtec), etc. My fridge has supplies for N1 & N2 for each type! Really getting complacent. I think hb & I will only send to clinic IF vomit, swelling, blood or diarrhea (cos no more diarrhea med)!
Anyone like us?
CLO-Cod liver oil.
hahaha last week A was down with diarrhea n then fever, I also gave my own medication. But of cos, I called PD to ask wat med to give lor. heehee save on consultation, n the travelling. Ya I now also lazy to bring him to PD or GP, cos basically we roughly noe wat med to give. I tend to standby his usual medication stock up from pharmacy if finish, so when PD said wat to give, I have lor, no need to go n see. Much cheaper hor.
Me same same is the corporal punishment one...
Now Sky even master the act of reading my facial expression... eg..he saw me with stern look will look at himself
If he realise he is doing some unapproved act or taking unapproved item..he will quickly stop or put back...and walk off pretending NOTHING had happen...
If I continue to scold him..JIA LAT he will cry until machiam he got beaten by me...

Dun worry u not the onli one...
I told my mum..I sure will divorce...it just a matter of TIME...

BBShane also OUTGROW at a ALARMING rate... those 3-6mths bodysuits.... cannot wear liao..or ULTRA SNUG...
there is this gymboree wore less than 3 times!!! ARGHHHH

Cod Liver Oil

I never bring Sky to PD..its is only normal GP...so cheaper...
Until the doc will ask my mum... what med she left...when is it prescribe... then she will say..next time not serious just take med will do....
managed to find the price of CLO. Will give u cash tomolo. Thanks.

Mommies, my little boss up liao. So got to go. See ya tomolo nite, so excited. heehee
<font color="119911">LV, caymom</font>
not only u gals, sometimes i also wonder. don't know how married life will be like after so many years. now already getting abit boring even with kid. everything is centered around kiddo.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
my hub was involved right from the start. since we made the bed, we had to lie in it

But development and education, my hub not those planner kind. So I'm envious that your hub can think so much for his gals. it's good. I feel lost when I have think of everything for her.

<font color="119911">sally</font>
really no need ok. it was in my fridge for so long liow. Furthermore, it's open and not brand new, pls just take it. As long as you don't mind, I'm hapi already. At least it's not wasted.

<font color="119911">mckee</font>
i just visited Lorna web site. tempted ley. but the one at novena wouldn't have the colonia buidling style ley.

great! just look forward. the hair will grow. the advise was from my sil, she say like plants, must doing gardening, trim abit then will grow. somehow, it did it for E. hee hee.

<font color="119911">enrichment classes</font>
ai ya when you all mummies talk abt enrichment classes then i feel as if i'm shortchanging E.

<font color="119911">doctor mummy</font>
yes same here. I also self medicate her. seldom bring her to c the doc esp when all the med is in the fridge. sometimes i just buy the med fm the doc and save on the consultation.

btw, i hvn't even brought her for P jab. thot of skipping it.
<font color="119911">sally</font>
pls hor, if not, tomorrow i don't come liow. don't want to get into the awkward, asian, yes, no, yes, no situation! hee hee....

<font color="119911">glayz</font>
haha, same as E! she'll read my facial expression. and if i really angry, she'll pull out her weapon, cry lor. somehow i can tell her cry is not real one. just blur to thug at my heartstrings.

hai yo, don't be so sure lah, u got 2 young kids ley. must put in effort first. Divorce should be the only last resort till the very end where nothing can help liow.
I haven send R to any enrichment class too...so dun b guilty.

<font color="0000ff">Dr Mummy</font>
Keke I went to pharmacy to buy those Medi tat my PD gave...save alot too. Those Nose Block Drop & stool softener.

After taking the probiotics R constipation still has not improve...now I let him continue w the Stool Softener & if he withhold his Poo for too many days I have no choice but to insert liao!
quick one. Lorna's preschool is only at Winchester. (off Alexandra). Novena's one is a study centre. not preschool.

Dr Adora
when do we use stool softener? is it only constipation? I've not encountered that before.

ohhh... so I see... hehe..
wow... so many postings...
paiseh... did not have time to login in recently but scroll back and saw the latest news! bbrooster has a boy!....
congratulations... now you have a "hao zi"
good lah.. one girl, one boy... very cute one...

if i have a #2, sure hope for a girl... balanced out... but of course... must be healthy most important...take care!
it's always the usual frustrations or nitty gritty things he had when K did the 'wrong' things according to him. Like holding the sides of the escalator when she can't really reach but yet determine to do it and causing a scene when taking escalator. technically speaking, she's doing the right thing, but just that she's too short to reach for it and refused help to be handheld. to me, i'm more tolerant of every mistake and view it more as a learning experience. of course i do also want to discipline whenever possible.

i also do the shouting and beating. but i think that should be a mummy's thing rather than a dad. somehow the idea that dad do the discipline makes me wonder will there be after effect on a child's growing. prob because for my entire childhood, my dad was never the person to take the cane.

re: snow white
read a few times they will get the story. we usually do it at bedtime where i used her hooded blanket and put on my head as the queen. hehe. sometimes she ties round her neck like a robe.

no i dont intend to put speech and drama cos i find that one can be done at be nurtured at later age or taken as cca in school. i look for others that r more special or must start from young type like piano and lifelong hobbies.

i also havent buy much for boy boy yet. only bottles and some rompers and pyjamas. the rest of the stuff will recycle using K's.

that's what good about pats. a lot of experiential learning with small teacher child ratio. but it's really ex.

if u r already sending her to those learning kind of pg daily then maybe the weekend ones can go selective depending on what's Ash's interest. can be sports, music, arts, language, drama, reading. a lot starts taking in toddlers from as young as 3 yrs old. i can't rem is it someone here or my colleague talks about violin too. i'm planning swimming lessons at about 4 years old.
Jo has a classmate same age took up violin at 2 yrs old. I was so curious how she learn violin and hold the violin. Her maid said, for a start she use paper violin.
caymom, glayz,
in moments of disagreement from these Mars weirdoes, i really dont want to pin too much hope for the future. I'm glad that i have my children as my focus in life.

And i don't know if anyone agrees with me, driving drives the devil out of a person. no matter how nice a person is, once they control the wheels, they turn devilish and starts to behave arrogantly on the road and condemn all female drivers. I'm angry because that sets wrong example to the kids. I'm not saying i'm an angel, but i'll never look at the other driver and show any gesture even if i met with the most stupid ones that is endangering our lives.
sorry if i start lamenting again...sigh

and glayz, tho i myself not in best position to advise u, but because of the kids, think twice in making that D move. because ultimately, the ones hurt most r our precious kids.
my hb's friend's child took fencing. but i'm not sure that one can start from how young. but violin, i'm worry if will affect neck growth or form double chin???
That's why I married so late. No confidence in man. Especially in my job I see so many divorces and two timing. My lawyer friend once ask me, "What's wrong with your occupation?"

My hb knows my lack of insecurity and I am glad I gain back my confidence after I know him. Of course, nothing is guaranteed. But hope it last forever.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
You worried about neck growth and double chin. I worried if I send Jo for swimming class she dark like charcoal. I like her to be fair fair. And I also like myself to be fair fair.

If no fencing for Jo will take up wushu from our CC downstairs.
Trim a bit it will grow...
BbShane now no hair how to trim....
Me waiting for her hair to grow so can do mei mei things to it...

enrichment class
Sky also dun go for any class now...will start on Apple tree next yr..so now just let him play play play...he had such a short childhood....

Paper violin??
I just knew they had kid size violin....
I must gather all my courage before sending Sky to violin lessons... the NOISE is DEAFENING
I think male violinist are incredibly SEXY...wahahahahahaha

D thing
I think I will ren ren ren lor...my mum keep telling me I chose my hb...not her or matchmake....
But my patience is running short.... esp now with the kids... becos he learn to close BOTH eyes while I learn to OPEN both...

Thos ger ger who take up fencing...pls tell me hor... I still remember sence from Zorro...
Must think abt my next generation... with the sword poke here and there
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
BBshane is so chubby. How heavy is she now? Although bbcay is quite chubby, she doesn't have lotus hands and legs. My mom said my milk not 'pu' enough so my kids will not grow too fat.

Hey, I really hope you are joking leh. Although you complain about your hb very often, I feel that your relationship is still very stable. Some couples just squabble all the time, like my parents. My mom said based on they ba-zi, they have to quarrel all the time to last forever. Strange but it seems true.

Among my relatives, a lot end up in divorce. I feel rather discouraged but I know I shouldn't let it affect my own relationship. Anyway, I kinda feel that eternal love hardly exists these days. My friend's parents using to be very lovey dovey but dunno why all of a sudden turned hostile and sleep in separate rooms since few years ago. They even thought of divorce. Kinda scare my friend off. I grew up thinking that my parents will divorce because my mom said it all the time but now, they are still ok. Funni hor.

Not that I have anything against my hb but I just dun want to pin too much hopes. We were together for a long time before we got married. In a way, we grew up together and witnessed each other's changes. Even now, we are constantly maturing and changing. Our thoughts evolve too. I learn something new about him as time goes by but also learn to accept him the way he is. I guess that it takes a lot of effort to maintain the relationship. My hb hates my pessimism, never fail to flare up each time I express my concern.
Haiz.... we are together for a long time also leh...
But he stop growing ever since we are together..while I continue to mature...
Sometimes I look at him...really feel like giving him a BIG BIG bite to let off steam....
But he learn a lot la... he know what kind of topic I start are MOST likely to be land mine..so he now also start to reply carefully....
BB shane chubby meh...
I think still ok la... think she is 7.2kg at last measurement 2 weeks ago... will know current on Friday when she went for her 6-in-1
<font color="119911">mckee</font>
oh so that's the difference.... that location too far already.

<font color="119911">LV</font>
I guess our growing up sets the ground of what's the 'norm' and what's not. Your hub might have a different growing up experience. His dad might have been the disciplinarian.

Your hub might be worried for K. It's q dangerous to be performing 'stunts' on the escalator. Maybe he wanted to educate her the 'right' way for her age now.

Recently, my hub also started discliplining E. Sometimes when he turns fierce, I abit heartpain. But i'm glad that he's taking up 'responsibility'. To me, discipline must be in 'sync' with both parents.

Same as you, my dad was nvr the 'bad' guy. But somehow, i wish he took more interest in our lives then just fulfilling material needs.

as for driving, i u/d what you're talking about. there are times i also wonder y they have to verbalise their unhappiness. BUT after i started to drive regularly...I'm guilty of that to! It's really quite sickening to meet bad drivers on the road esp when they put my own safety at stake. Tho' i'm not such a good driver also

<font color="119911">enrichment class</font>
violin at 2 ??????? wau.....

I'm hoping E will learn piano but i'm waiting for her to indicate her interest. I just hope she doesn't end up like me...gave up halfway

<font color="119911">bbrooster</font>
I also fair fair gals. So i'm very careful when i expose E to sun. Swimming time, i also choose no sun. Then sometimes got sun, i'll ask her to play in the shaded area
so silly rite. what is sports if keep avoiding the sun. But i really hope she can remain fair fair.
To me being fair ehances a gal's beauty.

<font color="119911">D & kids</font>
such a real and sad topic. i've been hearing of more n more divorce. Yes, agree that the kids suffer the most. So i'm not sure if kids really do hold the marriage together or not. I might linger on cos of the kids, but to live with someone whom you don't love anymore and face everyday, it's tormenting.

I hv experienced the whole D episode and have grown up being insecure and -ve towards marriage. But somehow still ended up getting married, weird. The draw of romance and love (<font size="-2">and lust, hahahah!, joking, cldn't resist to add that in</font>) is too great! haha! Only to find out that, the fire doesn't burn that brightly after the coal runs out. What's left is a steady, small fire that is enuf to keep you warm.

For now, I pray and hope that fairy tale exist and there's happily ever after. But I'll always be prepared for the day when the fire dies out. My belief is hope for the best, prepare for the worse. In the meantime, do your due diligence. That's life, isn't it.

I always smile at those silvered hair couples that hold hands or spend their time grocery shopping or bring their grandkids out. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to experience that as well.
you won't believe jo and jj has this classmate. She goes to playgroup in the morning. After which 1, 3, 5, GUG class, 2 and 4 JG class, swimming with private coach, violin and drawing on weekends.

Sometimes I see her coming for her afternoon class looking so tired and eyes almost cannot open in between lessons.

when I sign Sky for the edufarm...my mum SUPER against...say he too young for lessons...
I told her..i want him to start knowing the feeling of being in a class, so he can adapt better next yr..too bad..later stage... so many drop out....and he got bolder...walk all over the place....

D thing
Actually..if I really have the guts...I will be single liao......
My kids are holding me back....
But if my hb dare to be unfaithful...i sure will D and get a hefty maintainence..... wahahahahaha...
He keep complaining I am VERY FIERCE...not the little lamb he knew when we start to be together...
I dun think i am really demure.. but I dun have my own thinking back then... I onli started to voiced out after Sky... and it become PUBLIC speaking after Shane..... I got so much guts that I even REBUKE my MIL in her face...
D word,
Yes. It's becoming too common these days. I've got close frens who got married within 3 and 6 months, heard of first-time pregnant mothers, and even with tows of kids, end up separating. It's really sad to hear.

With so many such D's happening around us, everyday I hope that my marriage would last a lifetime. Coz I know I can't live without him and neither can he without me. Hehe The fire between us may not be burning as brightly like when we first knew each other, but I can say, strong enough to stay put together for a long long while. It really takes quite an effort to keep those flames burning...

To tell you gals the truth, the D word ever existed for me before. Recently. Bcoz of a third party. Not extra-marital affair though. But my hubby's family. Funny hor.

It got me very depressed for a pretty long while. Anyway long story. Me and hubby are working things out with that "affair" of his. Coz in the verge of anger/frustration, the D word seems to be a viable solution. But if you are clear-headed and able think rationally, D is not and will never be the ultimate solution.

May God Bless our marriages!
<font color="aa00aa">bbrooster</font>
I feel so sad for that little girl! Does she enjoy what she's doing? I feel as if she's being 'abused' in a different form.

There was episode in one of the Singapore shows. Can rem what title. The kid also like that, everyday study till got dark eye ring. then the patricia mok as the parents to lead the life that the boy is leading then they realise its so shiong .... now i rem, it's a english show that patricia mok is acting in as an auntie.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz</font>
maybe cos you're maturing. you're still very young. and your hub is much older. well man need to be handled 'properly', sometimes, must be wen rou to get what you want also hee hee... Martians are quite 'easy' if you get the 'easy' kind. Just stroke them the rite way, you'll get what you want.
anyway you have chosen to marry your hub (like ur mum says, there must be something that attracted you to him. Rem why you married him in the first place. sometimes after a long period, we forget the strengths of our partners or take it for granted. it happens.

so maybe try to talk to him more, nicely, calmly and work on improving things out. starting a family also changes the r/s of a couple, so there's some adjustment to be made.
<font color="aa00aa">erlisa</font>
oic, no wonder you were pretty down for sometime. I'm really glad that you guys are working things out and things are better now. I agree totally with your last sentence. Cooling down period is very very important so that both can get clear headed.
I understand the FRUSTATION abt the other party family members...
My hb relatives and MIL included all think hb earn BIG BUCKS...he is rich becos I pampered him too much...
And end up..not onli he had to support this family...but relatives as well...by borrowing $$$ that will never be reurned..or lend $50 onli get back $30 type.... and there is this cousin of his WHO IS FOREVER borrowing $$ from hb....
Our cash is VERy tight...and yet he had so many $$$ involvement with his relatives...

I cannot imagine that my MIL actually ENCOURAGE his act..ad even tell him to give his uncle $$ so he can have CNY during the festive season while he gave me 0 for CNY....
I totally understand the situation. Mabbe you need to knock some sense to your hubby. Probably he doesn't understand VENUSes pt of view. Our MAR-tians are sometimes small-minded individuals who doesn't have logical thinking like VENUSes

So, it may take a while for them to side and understand your pt of view. But if done calmly and in the most politically-correct manner, your hubby will tend to side you more. Based on my experience, no amount of shouting or sacarsm will get you anywhere. It only gets the better on their nerves. Hee

My two cents' worth...
Haiz.... when I talk nicely to him...it ALWAYS FLAT rejection.....and I voiced out my unhappiness with his generousity..and he was like...WHAT CAN I DO??? They are my relatives I cannot leave them in this deep sh!t...
But this pile of sh!t are cos by themselves...why should he be the one doing the cleanup

I even do a sum of our expenses and throw it into his face before...so he can see and HE WAS SHOCKED by the figure.... then for a week..he chip in more...then after that... I understood what is mean by A LEOPARD NEVER CHANGE ITS SPOT!!!! the chip in drop and back to previous.... so i was renning all the way..until the next eruption....... the whole cycle repeats...

Think MAR-tian also have ultra BAD memory.....
Mabbe should let him do the sums. Then probably he start to feel the pinch? Hee hee

Anyway, from what I learnt, I feel that we should not ever put the D word as part of our dictinary. Coz it only makes it easily available when we can't think of viable options to get out of a pit. Every problem has got its solution. And it only takes a clear headed person to think rationally...

Sometimes we need to step back and reflect upon ourselves for the better... For our sake, children's sake and family's sake...
Once he actually shoot me indirectly.....
He say he din strike toto 4d after we are married.... so what he mean...me bringing him bad luck???
Then I told him to d lor... consider that as a way of me loving him as I letting him go so he get his luck back... he kept quiet.....keep saying he din mean I bring him bad luck...but his luck not as good....
Sorry, very busy in the ofc today. Noticed that the subjects are getting "heavier" as we approached the nite. From stressful enrichment classes, Venus vs Mars and the "D" word

<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
No trouble at all. Are you joining our gathering tomorrow? I'll just bring along with me the grinder. It's plastic, like toy, not heavy at all.

<font color="ff0000">PN</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font> -A looks really cute in the series of photos. Opps, i haven't let Jay officially try out his uniforms except when we were testing the sizes at the school.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font> - Did u manage to attend Jo's orientation afterall?

<font color="ff0000">Enrichment Class</font>
Hmm, there are so many to pick from but ultimately i think our tods must learn to enjoy the lessons and also spare time to enjoy their childhood.

JJ and Jo's classmate sounds so "ke lian". Frankly, either their parents are very "deprived" during their childhood or they really have the kiasu sydrome.

Betw hb and i, we both feel music helps to nurture the soul. A sport such as swimming, martial art, golf, fencing etc helps to strengthen the body.These are the areas we hoped Jay will developed an interest in.
Apart from that, Chinese lessons at Berries once he "master" his English will also be important.

<font color="ff0000">Foto-U Package</font>
Ben finally replied. He is interested in our "proposal" but he's tied up with the maternity package promo rite now. In the pipeline, he has another package that he's working out the details. He suggested we be a little patient and wait for the details b4 we negotiating further. Can mommies wait? I'll write to firm up more details with him.

<font color="ff0000">Discipline</font>
I think we mommies who are "lamenting" here are pretty fine mothers. Somehow, deep in our hb's heart, they should appreciate what we are doing for our children and the family. Some dads are stricter, some are simply too playful, some are just clueless but the important things is we try to make them better or balance up the act. Have you thot about the "discipline" that your hb believes in very much stems from his own upbringing?
Jaydad is never strict so now i have to resort to "rehearsing" with him how he should discipline his child becos he normally gets to hear from his mother first.If it's not good enough, i will do reinforcement after i come home. We just have to strive a chord between the 2 of us.

<font color="ff0000">"D" word</font>
It should be a forbidden word at home esp our tod is learning to interprete matters. They are "listening" all the time. The more you use it "freely", the more it has a chance to become true.

With society becoming more affluent, we are seeing more and more "D". I have 2 colleages who got married around the same time as me. 1 male, 1 female, both are heading for "D" now, it's so depressing when people who was once so in love choose to take the easy way out.
PN Uniform
wah...u all buy liao har....
Dunno why apple tree need to wait for so long...anyway...I PERSONALLY think apple tree uniform are UGLY... machiam like CNY..wearing red TRACK suit...*faint*
So sorry for making this thread so GLOOMY...
Ok we stop the D word liao....

Mums nite out
Finally I am able to join.... see u all later...
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Haiz.... we are together for a long time also leh...
But he stop growing ever since we are together..while I continue to mature...
Sometimes I look at him...really feel like giving him a BIG BIG bite to let off steam....
But he learn a lot la... he know what kind of topic I start are MOST likely to be land mine..so he now also start to reply carefully....<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I have to agree that I feel the same about my hb sometimes. We grow through time and experiences but hb seems to be take a longer time to mature. It is a chore trying to explain to him why I want to do certain things. Like when he wet the whole bathroom, I told him that he should dry his feet before getting out of the bath area. He said at his home, the whole bathroom is always wet. Then I tell him his home bathroom dun have tempered glass shower screen right. Then he said,"ohh, so that is the reason to have the screen ah." OMG, I really wanna faint. So he thought we spend the $ for fun lah?

He is very possessive and feels that I (when I was his gf) should only go out with him. He feels unhappy when I go out with my friends. I feel that I need friends as well but he totally doesn't see the need. He doesn't have many friends and he doesn't go out with his few friends. When I first joined the PG here, he refused to go.... kinda feel that I am bo-liao lah... crazy to meet virtual friends blah blah blah.

I took a long time to explain to him. He allows me to go out now... actually he can't stop me lah... I'm not his little puppy leh. For PG, he saw the change in cay from a clingy shy pot to a friendly happy girl. I think this is one thing that we did very well as parents... so now I have to work on the nutrition part.

Hb also hates it when I ask those 'land mine' questions. He even gathered answers from people so that he can provide a perfect answer but he soon realised, no matter how he answers, it will always be wrong.

$ issue is always very touchy. I've heard of a case... the wife's family kept borrowing from her hb because they feel that he is very wealthy. Same thing... borrow never return or return lesser. Eventually, the hb got angry and never want to visit the wife's family. They are still together but that definitely affected their relationship. I think they are just holding on for the kids, kinda sad.
<font color="119911">LV,</font>
I am not a driver but I get very upset whenever I take the front seatK seeing how other drivers behave etc. I rather take the back seat now. Hb is a snail driver. He always give way to others. I am the impatient one. That is one reason why I dun want to learn drivingK I told hb that I will probably die in a traffic accident. Hb said non-driver can die in traffic accident too but he feels that I am likely to be a reckless driver.

My dad also doesnt care much about disciplining us. I kinda prefer it that way because my mom is the ultra fierce typeK if both parents discipline, then I will be so kelian.
I think most dads take the back seat in disciplining. I kena feel that daddies are a bunch of people although I have seen exceptions. My friends dad is very talkative and it irritates my friend a lot.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
Bbshane looks very chubby leh. Must let bbcay play with her one day, the two piggy only one month apart.
Are you able to join us on Fri after bbshanes vaccination? It may be too tired for bbshane.

KekekekKthe poor Edufarm class. Will you be enrolling bbshane in any class? Maybe bbcay can be her classmate.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

But if my hb dare to be unfaithful...i sure will D and get a hefty maintainence..... wahahahahaha...
He keep complaining I am VERY FIERCE...not the little lamb he knew when we start to be together...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Yes, certainly no 2nd chance if my hb is unfaithful. I was never a little lamb in my hbs eyes. He knew how terrible my temper can get. In the past he will quarrel with me but after a while, he realised that it is better for me to cool off first. Sometimes, I dun even need to flare up, I just have to say, You wun like it when I get angry. KekekekeK sounds like the hulk hor. I have slowly learnt to control my temper over the years. Now he is like a little kid, flaring up easily. Last night, cay pushed her CD into the laptop forcefully and kena stuck. Hb went wa lao eh for a few times and the little one started chanting the sameK so conclusion, I am not the one who caused cay to pick up that phrase!

cay hasn't got her uniforms yet but Twinklets always says the uniform very orbit so not really looking forward to that. Maybe next mth bah.
D Word
Oh dear...so we gals do share alot of worries hor...I tot I was the only one thinking of this..somehow I also find that we argue more now esp because of the kids.

I went to concourse yesterday, bought a banner & a table cover...the shops there sell a lot of items that we see from Birthday direct.
Heard that the party shops there will be moving to bugis area by Mar08.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
I have no driving licence too. I am a very indecisive person. Want, don't want, want, don't want character. Everyone advise me to go and learn driving so that I can send my kids to school if there is a car available.

aiyo, I say better don't hai ren. It's either I kill others or others kill me on the road. I think I take taxi safer.

<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
Jo's orientation on 20th Nov.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
The little girl is indeed very bright. I express my pity to her maid and check with her maid how did she enjoy her classes. She said, ya. But no choice the mummy wanted her to take up all this. Mummy is a lawyer.
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Only to find out that, the fire doesn't burn that brightly after the coal runs out. What's left is a steady, small fire that is enuf to keep you warm.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I certainly agree with you. I realise you always come out with very nice analogy.

Kekeke.. I have learnt to use soft approach to get what I want too. Hb is learning as well. He told me to go for the gathering because when I am happy, his life will be easier.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster,</font>
The poor kid. I wonder whether she gets enough sleep in the day? I told hb that whatever fantastic plans he has for the cays, must make sure they enjoy it in the first place. I never had any enrichment classes when I was a kid. I dont really feel deprived but I feel kinda bored at home. Perhaps attending some class could have make my childhood more interesting. I love attending class with cay (if she is not fussing and whining), its an opportunity to bond with her as well. Hb complained that now cay sticked to me like glue and refused him totally.

<font color="ff0000">Erlisa,</font>
The 3rd party problem will always exist. My ils are very nice folks but there are still minor problems as well. I have never felt that I am part of the family because they always cast me away by rattling in their own dialect. At first I thought they forgot that I couldnt understand their dialect but I remembered they were not like that before I married my hb. I soon realised that my fil expects me to pick up their dialect. Hb will remind my fil but he refused to change. Anyway, they also speak in the dialect when they dun want me to listen. Now I totally shut off when they speak. Sometimes I dun even realise they are not speaking in the dialect.

I always feel that I am not a good dil, even worse that I dun even have the thoughts of being a better dil. Maybe I feel that they never really open their doors to welcome me and accept me the way I am. I am not pushover either. I told hb that at least I dun yell at them the way he does. I also continue to visit them and I dun stop them from visiting my kids. My mom said my attitude is very bad but she feels that I should be mature enough to know what to do. OppsK
Anyway, every family has its own problems.

<font color="0077aa">Adora,</font>
Thanks. Will pop by concourse one day.

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom,</font>
I'll be going to the gathering. Hb kept telling me to go... maybe because I was quite upset with him few days ago.
Please keep me informed of the Foto-U package. I definitely can wait because I just had one recently. I am thinking of having one after the cays' bdae... kinda too long hor...
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Is it more expensive in Concourse?
What theme have you chosen? I think Concourse party supplies should be very "IN' also. Should have all the popular themes.

Any shops in Concourse selling X'mas trees and X'mas decorations stuff already?
fair skin:
i think if the exposure to sun is not daily basis, it'll not really turn them into charcoal. hehe. put sunblock should be ok right?

that's y people said, open your eyes before marriage and close both after that

u r right, my FIL was the disciplinarian of his family while his mum was the typical meek housewife. so whenever it comes to discipline K, we will have differences. And I'll tell him to stay away from K because she's MINE
X'mas Stuffs
I came across many interesting looking x'mas decos, gift boxes and x'mas stockings/bags at Daiso. I think their stocks came in quite early this year. A place to consider when preparing for X'mas.

Good to hear you are coming tonite! I have the grinder all packed in my handbag.

Whill work out an arrangement with Ben and keep u ladies posted.

Hb also has no objectives whenever i told him i have a mommies gathering. He knows i need to keep my mind "saint" as this is an avenue for me to voice my woes sometimes but at the same time pick up helpful tips.

He's planning to bring his DS to the library this evening.
U know what my hb say ytd......
He say...other woman PMS comes once a month...for me is EVERY other week....

So means..i lay land mines for him to step every other week....

But hor.... for mine...he onli have the metal detector..but he still have to step on it... becos whatever he say...the mine will EXPLODE...

For me... Hb also EXPECT me to pick up his dialect.... I dun bother....
But I can listen and understand quite well... and hb din know abt this...wahahahhahaha...so when they rattle on thinking I dun understand a thing... I KNEW EVERYTHING!!!!

i read u wrote u were a little lamb last time
from your penning words, i always feel u r a strong woman with a mind of your own n not easily pushover which i think it's good. cos too nice to people is being cruel to yourself.

I agree with jaymom, our kids r listening to what we say and they learn and pick up and have some kind of influence on them. so that's prob the reason y these days i can't tolerate my hb showing some wrong examples or saying words like 'crazy' or 'idiot' cos they parrot us.

whenever i see drivers rushing on the road and overtaking us, i actually can 'forgive' them by thinking that there could be some urgency for his overtaking? like wife giving birth? rushing to hospital to meet loved ones? tummyache? i wont see it as a 'challenge'. but my hb will think that the person is 'challenging' him then speed up to overtake him. There was once i told him i'll open the door and jump out if he wants to play those stupid silly games.
