(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

my gynae never say anything much abt Bloody show.. she just said "oh that's the bloody show". Anyway, it should be quite safe at the moment I hope.. bb still very active. Tomorrow going to gynae, will tell her got more bloody show and see how.

Well, dun panic so much.. being early or late, actually nobody can tell, even the gynae. If yours is late, like mine, then u wil really really feel frustrated.

Wa, ur hb so hands-on, he even knows how to check opening for u... pei fu pei fu.. He is really adventurous leh.. I bet he will be a good assistance to your gynae during your delivery.

Dunno much abt mid night charge...umm, u mean there is? I kinda of know it after I read some postings in this thread. I dun think the hospital will tell you explicitly how to count the charges according to the timing... just accept your bill at the end of it. Anyway, on the real day of the labour, u will be damn pain to really think about the charges.

u're still ard ! i was wondering if you popped already or not.

so it's decided that you'll induced on thurs ? well at least there's a cut off date. hopefully you bb will decide to pop within these few days. keep fingers crossed. It's gd to get urself mentally prepared...
*pat pat* don't cry. i know how it feels when no signs and no action. then so tired from carrying baby, all the aches and inconveniences. sigh. everyday i wake up, i think n wonder when bb want to see us. sigh ...

then today come to work, everyone like asking, oh u still here ... :p
babyluv, huh? tat's wat she said? hahaha...gynae all very steady hor. i told my gynae to prepare herself she said she's prepared anytime...

she said early leh...sigh...

hahaha...aiyah he gan cheong to see his gal mah :p i told him he wont know how to see cos gynae put her whole finger in but he insisted he saw a bigger opening last nite

nah...me just asking duno hv or not, all these are like hidden costs :p ya i agreed lor...just wanna to fast n get our bb outta us

shane, wow...busy at work? me cannot use my system so can chat with u ladies today, moreover my boss also on mc
shane, for my case my frds msg me everyday asking me whether i gave birth liao...then some even tell me quick gif birth cos they wont be free tis wk...hahaha...
shane is here lah, just slow in replying. got some work to do ....

i think hos charges starts at 12mn. tt's wat my gynae told me. tt y she say if got contraction and only abt 11pm+, try to tahan if not too bad, if not will kenna additional day charge. she so cute.

ha ha ur hubby so funny. u 2 jokers. still can add it's commercial break.. ha ha ...

same like u, over weekend i got heavy discharge also ley. like egg white kind. don't know how come also, but nvr think much of it since got no blood.

re inducing
i think normally they'll go by tablet first. if nothing happens then maybe drip.

i'm just afraid, even after induce, cervix nvr open then need to go Csection. sigh... cost will be additional also...
goody, then all of us can chat today hee hee ..

i abit free, just need to do up 1, 2 jobs then ok... but wish i wasn't at work lah ... :p

ya, my ex col also just sms me if i give birth liow... actually quite sien when i c all these qns...
ya agree with bbluv. I just prepare a sum of $ for the bill and tt's it. hard to tell how they gg to charge us. of cos, just hope the lower the bill, the better lor ... tt y hope bb can come out naturally
Thanks for the info on diapers, currently using mummy poko. Abt 1 week finish liao....I think I will start diff brands after 1st mth, by then his skin not so delicate (i guess).

I am no totally BF, started expressing milk for 2 days already. I will bottle feed Raphael for his feed at 2-3am. The rest of the time, I will latch him. So far he is ok, confused a little but still sucks well on my nipple.

My nipples are still quite painful, I think the skin has comes off...it doesn't seems to heal. Sometimes also felt like giving FM, we ourselves grew up drinking FM too!

How is your bb's poo? Mine poo almost after every feed. Mustard in color, very watery, very worried that he is having diarrhoea. Today his poo is a bit seedy.

3.1kg is still alright. My bb was 3.2kg when delivered, not too difficult! Your EDD is 22 June right? Be patient...I delivered only 3days before my EDD. Understand your feelings...I have been thru this waiting game as well.
hey gals.. i'm here.. status as usual..
Yesterday was my wedding anni, hubby & i were waiting for bb to come out bud no action lei.. sigh 2 more days to EDD i think i am gona go past my EDD. hubby says his bb dun come out will induce by this weekend? Any idea is the hosiptal charges higher over the weekends? hahaa...

Shane, really ahh.. induce more painful .. die liao la.. nw i am really feeling the anxiety & fear of labour.. wonder hw will i cope wif it..
Isit true tablet is less painful.. if really den i will opt for it but why isit many ppl who induce will have to end up in c-section?? isist becox the cervix does not open???

Serrich, wow ur hubby is so young!!! wheareas my hubby is 5 yrs older den me.. so he wana bb soon.. we planning to have 2 or 3 kids but i told him my factory will cease operation by the time i reach 30. haha... so he is doing alot of planning nw ..

Babyluv, guess we r feeling the same nw.. doesnt really matter when bb is coming out ardy coz if they dun come out .. we will have to induce by a date line ardy.. more or less mentally prepared!!

This weekend is terrible, my thigh joints pelvic area hurts so much tat i cant slp at all.. oni slp 3 hrs on sat nite.. woke up hungry, painful & helpless.. cried like a baby.. yesterday nite luckily got hubby to help me turn around managed to get some slp.. this is really a torture..
Hi adora, got this off the internet... hope this helps...

Guidelines for Storing Expressed Breast Milk

Whether to refrigerate or freeze fresh breast milk depends upon how soon you will use it.

Follow these guidelines:
Fresh pumped milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Once breast milk has been refrigerated or frozen and then brought to room temperature, it will only be good in room temperature for hour.

Fresh pumped milk may be refrigerated for up to five to seven days. Smell or taste your milk for freshness before offering it to your baby.

Fresh pumped milk can be stored in the average freezer for up to six months depending on the freezing capacity of your refrigerator. If ice cream stays frozen solid, your freezer is adequate for storing milk for six months. If ice cream stays soft, your freezer is adequate for storing milk for only three months. Milk can be stored in a deep freeze (20 degrees Fahrenheit) for up to 12 months. Store milk in the coldest part of the freezer, away from the door.

Fresh pumped milk that has been refrigerated for up to 48 hours may be frozen. (DO NOT FREEZE milk that has been refrigerated for longer than 48 hours.)
i remember reading your birth story about u having bloody show before your labour. How long did ur bloody show last? and soon after that what happened?

hmm, nothing happened ah.. never mind still have 2 more days.
U have any other signs to indicate labour is coming? When is yr next gynae visit? Started discussing abt induction plans? My gynae is super conservative type, she will induce me at the end of 40 weeks.
Your pelvic joints hurt coz, it needs to expand to give way for the delivery. It's actually a good sign. Then, it will be easier when the bb head comes out of the birth canal.
That's why people say that when a women has given birth, the hip area becomes really big. Even with slimming also no use coz, structually the bones have already expanded.
What's your boy's weight now? does he have a big head?
shane, wow...ur gynae really told u tat? wic means im correct lor :p

yalor yalor tat's how it's like...yuckie rite? but like u no blood n smell so i ignore it lor

huh? pills then drip? aiyo...better ask cervix to guai guai open up

dun be so -ive everything will be fine

aiyah but me can use system now so dun tink can chat liao...

adora, ya the 1st person i tht abt earlier will be u just 3days only..sigh...i guess 1 day also consider early rite? so me just wait lor wat to do. hopefully i can be like u so fast bb comes out liao...but imagine now if i still dun deliver i might hit 3.2-3.4 by nxt wk then how? my bb increase suddenly fm 2.8 - 3.1 kg tat's a lot wor

bbluv, thks for the info
hi babyluv, no lei.. no sighs @ all..
no show no contractions leh.. but sat i felt a little cramp on the abodomen stretching to the back but oni lasted for awhile wonder is this call the false contraction>?

next gynae visit this coming wed, 40 weeks!! Yes we did discuss abt the induction at abt 38 weeks actually my gynae wanted to wait for another 1 and half week before deciding to induce but hubby dun wana wait liao..so most likely will do a inducement by end of the week loh..

Ya i heard abt the pelvic joint hurting coz its expanding for the bb head to come out .. dats why i am enduring the pain all e way .. my gynae did not give me my boy weight.. hw do we check? he juz say average size..i think i will ask him tis coming wed .. head ok la.. the other time when we do a detail scan doc says his head is slightly bigger but still within normal range coz his daddy's gota big head.. hehee
My gynae nv tell me on mid9 charges and tins like tat but cant control 1 mah
I think I aso past my anniversary date in giving birth liao...
wonder if your bb has engaged already. It wil be easier if he has engaged and with induction. My gynae did tell me that induction does have an element of risk involved if the bb is distressed. This may end up wif a C section. Let's pray hard that ours will be a smooth one..
you have any dilation so far?
babyluv, yes bb is engaged ardy..
wat does it mean induction does have an element of risk involved if the bb is distressed?? hw do they find out if the bb is distressed?
@ 38 weeks no dilation yet.. but after the 38 weeks i start to have all the pains around my pelvic joints wonder whether is it the signs of dilation.. yes, lets pray hard together ours will be a smooth one..

U did experience some contractions so far rite? hw are you coping nw? can you slp well at nite? I wakes up every 2 - 3 hrs to pee.. guess its a early training for me now..
Me now in 38 weeks no contraction no discharge. I aso dunno my baby w b overdue till when but since I hvnt got any symptoms yet I think I shd give birth later than u all and may b shd join July thread keke
I have no contractions only BH and bb turning and kicking quite actively.
Mild menstrual cramps at the most, still very managable.
When bb is induced, it's not at his natural state. When he gets pushed out with your contractions, he may feel discomfort and go into distress (meaning, heart beat will start to drop or he may start pooing inside you).. in this case, to ensure that bb is safe, gynae may wanna do a c-section to get him out.

Like you, am on ML. So I am extremely eng... I get a fair share of sleep at odd hours of the day. I dun get continuous sleep at all.. need to pee pee too.
still early.. perhaps yrs will be on time or lil late.We will still welcome you even if you are delivery in Jul lah! We are all in the same boat mah... a fair number are waiting.. and may have some chances of induction..
Haha, must change this thread to "induce mummy thread"
babyluv,yes high 5 same same..
I get BH almost everyday & almost all the time? BB is turning & kicking quite actively like urs too..
Wow.. induced can caused the baby so much distress.. den i beta pray even harder that he comes out on his own soon..

Shiok to be on ML but boring on the other hand rite.. the waiting & waiting is causing so much impatience.. Hubby dun allow me to go out on my own nw so i am @ hm most of the time .. its so boring ..
hi ladies,

seems many of u r getting closer to EDD. ya agree as time goes by it gets more frustrating. tats how i feel also at tat time...still rember was so glad when i had a "show" & was telling my hubby the wait is finally over...dun worry it will be yr turn soon..

read u had a show? did u tell yr gynae? i was immediately admitted when i told my gynae i had some blood stains...sure its ok to hve show for so long?

re:Assisted delivery
mine was via vacuum...jus had a look at my bill yday total b4 medisave is $2,300++ 2-bedder(does not include bb's) medisave deduct is $1,850 so cash is about $450...

thanks for the encouragement..ya will try to BF as long as i could..now trying to sleep more in the day so got more energy for nite shift but find it difficult to sleep during day time not used to it...

i also hve sore nipples initially but now seems toughen alrdy...after u BF squeeze a bit of milk out & massage nippple...the hind milk had good effects of healing soreness...u jus need to bear w it & ensure proper latching soon u will get over the soreness...

my bb also poo alot..not after every feed though...didnt keep track but abt 4-5times per day i think...most times is watery yellowy stools couple of times is seedy yellow stools

does yr bb sleep right after feed? Brenda used to be quite good & sleep after feed but these few days she seems abit cranky..need to carry her & cuddle her around b4 fall asleep? dunno if its colic but she doesnt cry after been carried so does it mean its not colic jus she want pple to carry her? but v tiring lor...hopefully she can get over this phase soon...
I dun evn hv BH.
Only hand numb leg cramp backaches keke.
I dun wan induce leh hear u all say like very scary but wat 2 do no dilation yet.
I no kan cheog yet lah only dunno when shd I apply leave lor initially tin of start starting ML from thurs onwards but looks like wasting leave. Stay home aso walk less so 2 office is the best lah at least I walked far for lunch.
Babyluv u cook yrself for lunch or go walk walk?
My gynae is willing to go till 41 weeks if no action from bb. I really hope no need to wait till so long man ...

Ya if induce and cervix refused to open, then need to Csection liow.

I think there's no midnight charges for hospital. Only that if u admit before midnight then it will be considered 1 day, so abit bo hua.
no need to join july thread lah ... u still got abt 2 weeks before ur EDD rite ? maybe u'll still be early ley ? hard to say ...

only for those overdue one, then more kan cheong cos the possibility of induction is there ...
hi milly, can tell me wats the diff between hosiptal charges for bb & us? can bb's hospital charges b deduct thru medisave too? hw do they go abt deducting the medisave seems like diff amt diff deduction leh.. so happy for you its all finally over..

shane, same here my gynae like no kan cheong at all wan, he only says everything is fine juz wait for awhile.. he keeps telling me we are aiming for natural delivery..sigh..

dunno, yeah lo.. 2 weeks before EDD is still early to say.. dun think so much .. juz relax first loh..

Ya bb hospital charges can be deducted from medisave as well. But i not too sure the amt. 500+ i think ...

same lor, my gynae also just say got to wait and see how. this week gg to do CTG. If bb fine and well, i think she'll ask me to wait also. Sometimes i wonder if i should ask for induction. Maybe if my EDD no action then i will.
Shane my gynae told me if I gg 2 induce now it gg b a long labour at least 20 hrs. Hear liao very sian. Coz I hv no sign of dilation yet
bb 1 I think is 300 per day provided baby got jaudice.
I also cry veri often when i am frustrated, angry and sad. Instead of throwing temper, i just lie in bed and cry lor.. Crying is a means of relief for me.. I am like a cry bb until now, have lots of tears! My hubby is praying hard tat my gal wont be like me.. Hahhaa...

I think ur bb poo is normal. Heard that breastfed babies poo are light in colour, quite loose and watery.. And they poo very frequently!
my col telling me she has not change diaphers for her dotter from birth till 4th mth she said very horrid she dun wan 2 c haha. Hope I aso dun hv 2 change for the baby.
I aso find myself more emotional during preggie
Babyluv u still ard or not?
Harlo gals!

I'm still the same, in the waiting game like all of u. I've been sick for the past week so didn't log on as pc is in my Chinchilla room (all the fur, smell n 24hrs aircon, no gd for me).

Lately I've been quite upset too. During my last checkup @ week37 5 days, bb hasn't turned, so caesearean is scheduled this friday. That made me v v upset. Even reading a touching story book made me tear the whole night.

Reading all the posts u gals sent which I missed out, seems like still the waiting game continues. And very likely, some of us mayb popping (either induced or wat) on the same day.

My tummy is also getting v in the way. Until now, I still do not know how contractions feel. I get abit of cramps, something like menses cramps now n then. Had it been natural, I have a gut feeling that I can keep him til week40. But too bad, he has to come out earlier.

Some of u r afraid of having big bbs. BBs now at over 3kg is alright. I'm glad mine has increased weight. It's a healthy sign. Dun worry. I never hear pp have problems popping out bbs over 3kg.
Thanks for the info on storing EBM, So I suppose EBM can be stored in lower compartment for at least 48hrs.

Bloody Show
At 7am , had discharge with a bit of blood stain. Later it becomes brown discharge had very mild & irregular contractions. Called my Gynae, was told to stay hm n wait for contraction interval 5min apart.
Abt 6pm, my waterbag broke..then went hosp.

Have u informed your Gynae?

Don't worry...my bb didn't increase much within that 1wk. BB born 3.2kg, the week before he was 3.18kg. I am sure your delivery will be a short n smooth one.

Ya my bb also poo ard 4-5times...so guess is normal! So far he sleeps after each feed, I try to minimise movement n also not talk to him. I will give him the pacifier which is v gd way to put him to sleep at night.

Serrich, Von
Don't cry...is not good for bb. Later bb will be v fretful...I am sure we all want our bb to be cheerful right! Try other ways to calm yourself...listen to songs, eat etc..

Ok bye now..gg to pump some milk!
i understand how you all feel... the waiting game is not fun. However, try to look on the bright side. my friend asked me yesterday: is pregnancy, delivery or after delivery the toughest time? my answer is afer delivery.... so believe it when people tell you to enjoy now while you can. GO shopping, eat whatever you like to eat and sleep more. When bb is born, there will be shortage of sleeping hours, more stress and frustrations when we are bleeding down there, can't bathe, can't drink cold drinks when weather is so hot, eating all the confinement food is like fear factor to me especially the pigs' kidneys, when bb cries, it's stressful also... and we are perspiring like mad while trying our best to get the milk coming... etc.. so please enjoy while you can. i know pregnancy has lots of discomfort as well esp with the big tummy and hard to turn when sleeping, however, it's worst when we are healing the wound after delivery...

von, you are still early. be patient. i gave birth 7 days early and i remember you all want bb to be really full term so as to be fully developed before coming out right? 38-40 wks is great. remember my bb was 3.5kg when i was 37 wks? so don't worry. my friend gave birth to 4kg bb naturally and my fren is really small size.

do remember to share all your birth stories when you can. Waiting to hear them and waiting to see all your adorable bb pics. : )
Cookie glad to hear u r fine. Yr gynae suggested to have caserian tis friday instead of due date?
I think notin can control our tears lah. I rem once argue w my hubby I aso cried haha. Sound silly when I tin of it now
Thanks for yr encouragement, Jane. I also agree that after delivery is gonna b worse than now. So those of us who haven't popped must try to enjoy ourselves now.

How r u recovering from the op? I heard from from those colleagues who have been thru caesearean told me that healing process takes q a while, can only be able to manage bb on yr own by the third week. I heard that breastfeeding is also a challenge, for those with such wound. Is it really that bad?
Dunno, so pathetic hor, now we're reduced to cry babies! I'm like u, got not much symptoms. Isn't good, can carry bb til full term? Why u want bb come out earlier?

Yes, gynae actually want to do op early this week like Monday or Wednesday. I bargained with him, say Friday. I hope my op no need to be emergency.
Cookie carry bb full term natural birth nvm I scare if by then no dilation even induce aso cant help. Like wat my gynae mentioned may end up 20 hrs in labour room. Advantage of caserian is u mentally prepared lah and wont hv 2 tin of 2 options. I b sian if after induce still cannot then caserian then I hv 2 change room 2 4 bedded liao keke
Dunno, u are now week 38, so still early to induce. Most of my colleagues can hv natural birth, in labour for 15hrs bb still popped out successfully. So let's keep our fingers crossed for u! Yr gynae shouldn't scare u, make u so worried. Things may not be so bad as u think leh...
adora, im guess it's not really abt the bb's weight but it's the waiting game that's getting into my nerves. im getting really frustrated over trival matters liao. i hate going to my IL's plc to eat n moreover im too heavy to travel, walk even to climb up the stairs wic i require when going to their place...sigh...so moody

cookie, not sure isitz of the waiting game tat's making us frustrated. for ur case i understand it's even worst then us when ur bb yet to turn. cant ur gynae wait till he's full term before deciding for c-section?

jane tan, if no one tells me my bb will be early i might not be so frustrated like now. everyone smsing u asking when u deliver, telling u faster deliver really making me mad n driving me nuts. sigh...i really at a loss just dun feel like doing anything. worst still clothes cannot wear how to go work? cant be wearing same clothes everyday to work or get new clothes...

dunno, y dun u call ur gynae to chk?
Hi cookie
great to hear frm u again. You feeling better?
Strange to hear that u r recommended C-section. Do u know some bbs automatic will turn at the last min too? Well, kinda excited for you..at least you do not need wait too long...IT's this FRIDAY!!

u got 1 drop of blood? monitor it. Dun really need to go hospital if no contractions, but do let the gynae or the delivery people know first.

Jane Tan,
thanks for your golden words of wisdom. We will indeed need to appreciate watever momements of freedom now. After the delivery..it's a matter of reacting to situations.

Am really glad that there is grp of supportive gals like you to help each other thru these moments... I guess our Hbs can never fully understand us or put up with temperements... so really this forum is a good outlet to share our joys and sorrows.
as at 13 June '05
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>06/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
don't cry, not gd for bb. try to maintain a +ve outlook. happy mummy, happy baby

cookie !
thot u delivered liow
ya how come you gynae don't want to wait another week or so ? Tho' 38 weeks considered full term, but still can afford to wait. But nvm lah, at least u can look forward to this friday and u know when to expect baby. not such a bad thing also.

now better take the chance to eat watever u want and go whereever you want hee hee ...
ya i can imagine after delivery will be worse. i wish i can enjoy more these days also. But it's really getting tough with the aches and tireness and the heavy tummy. i got to walk so slloowwwly...
But at least me and hubby still trying to play MJ whenever we can during the weekends. Not sure this weekend still got chance to play or not

bo pian, we just have to wait till bb is ready to come out. sometimes it's hard to tell when bb arrive cos u really don't know, so when ur gynae say u'll be early, it's just an estimation. try not to think abt it.

i also got not much clothes to wear already. always alternating between a few pcs. but i just heck care, these days getting lazier and lazier to dress up. u just hang in there, ur ML starting soon.

actually i also don't understand pple. i know that a birth a much anticipated and celebrated event. but some of my friends like so scared i wouldn't tell them, can sms me to ask if i delivered already or not. just feel sien answering them, hv not. already told them will inform them when i pop so if nvr hear from me means hvn't pop mah ...
Hi janetan,
Thanks for the info on your c-section exp. It's exciting to know that God answer yr prayer and bb is ready to be borned
Hope you'll have ample of milk for your little one soon..

Von, I guess all this waiting jus make us more emotional, the discomforts we're having add onto to the stress of not knowing when bb wanna come out. For me, it's the stress of hoping bb will not pop out before my scheduled caesearean. Gynae wun allow me to keep him til full term, he doesn't wanna put me at the risk of emergency caesearean.

Babyluv, thanks for yr concern. I'm feeling alot better now, still have the sniffles now n then, mayb cuz I tear too much after reading depressing books in my free time. Haha.... I really wish bb miraculously turn this friday, it'll b the best gift from him.

Shane, hehe... then I jump the queue hor! True, I needn't be so jittery playing the waiting game. But... wat if bb decides to come out before the scheduled date... That happened to my colleague, her bb wanna come out at week37. Gynae din allow me to keep him til due date. In fact, this friday he'll b at week39 n gynae said the longer I keep, the higher the chance of my caesearean being an emergency. So I'm on my toes, vigilant of any slight cramps or contractions.

Ya, I'd better catch Mr&amp;Mrs Smith before I pop. Else no chance liao! I also played MJ last weekend, that also last chance!

I guess yr frens r concerned about u. It's our worse-off temperaments which make us take such comments negatively.

Dunno, why don't u call the clinic n ask if it's ok. Yr gynae may wanna check u up.
