(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

ya i know where her bum is also hee hee ...

that means u took 1 mth ML inadvance ? or is that ur own leave ?
but it's gd to be at home. quite sien to go work... i still need to go to work ... sienz man...

<table border=1><tr><td>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
my hubby didn't give me any nickname ... but he just goes, wah ur tummy very big liow ...
ok c u serene. hv fun n take care.

looks like it's gg to be quiet ...

Von is bz with work .... no sound from her ...
I gg due soon but still dun feel like being a mum.
ya married 4 yrs but dun feel like having baby so soon yet. Nw I gg deprived of shopping and travelling liao. W kid wat aso need 2 tin twice. But married 4 yrs no kids aso no much topic tok w hubby.
my initial decision is to avoid it. but, still can't decide how far i can take the pain. hope it will not be too late when i change my mind.

wow, that's really advance ML. wow, like what you said, it must be very boring at home doing the waiting game.

yah... me only log in every 1 or 2 hours :p
hope von is coping fine with the temp.
cherry, really will hv backache? my gynae just told me bb will still turn :p

shane, temp gal doing alrite but boss is really giving me headache...in front of the gal wan to argue with me liao...sigh...
u also hvn't play enuf huh hee hee ...
me also ley, but bo pian ley, strike jackpot.
with a bb life will be different lor, we'll experience different kind of things.

i keeping a +ve mind on travelling. hopefully when bb is bigger abit can still go travel. there's so many places i still want to go !

hai yo, wat ur boss doing ? nvm don't get too stress okay... must think of bb ...
ya cannot wait too late to ask for epi,if not can't administer liow. i'm also afriad of this situation. but i want to try and experience wat's labour contractions are like. hopefully i'll be able to go thru' it wo epi lah, if cannot then hopefully i wouldn't ask for it too late :p
your boss also one kind one... what kind of impression she trying to give?
anyway, don't mind about her lah, think ahead, you will be having your holidays soon.

dunno, shane
well, at least you have enjoy a couple of years before a child ;)
don't feel so deprived, when bb gets older, you will have a chance to shop &amp; travel with a totally different style.
duno my stupid boss lah...another manager did the wrong thing also my fault...sigh...i really wish to deliver tmr n leave this stupid office
Von yr boss jus wanna show temp tat she is "IN CHARGE"
Can take early ML lah but I jus dun wanna waste I c wat gynae say then take leave, if she say anytime then I take liao.
I tell my col same tin I wan experience wat the pain is like 1st, she said wat for. If give birth few hrs ok if > 10 hrs imagine the suffering u gg go thru and after 10 hrs sure ask epidural.
My hubby often travel and I tag along. If nw got baby wan go w him aso cannot. Finacially aso cannot liao. Hope this baby bring me luck lah give me a gd job. I didnt hv pay increase for 5 years liao
i would wish the same thing if i'm you.
A colleague suggested why don't i try to clear my own leave before EDD, before it is forfeit or project policy not to clear leave is implemented.

Problem is that, we won't know for how long to take esp if we might go beyond EDD itself. AND, i doubt they would approve of me taking leave, looking at the amount of work they pile on me!

Yah, i have col telling me the same thing. the best part is they have a concept that pain is no good, so, they ask for epidural @ the start. Personally i feel that, they are missing a big part of the labour itself.

my gosh, 5 years is long, hope you get a increment this year.
don't angry. bosses are like that, they are nvr wrong one lor, always we wrong only. they will always push the blame to others.

try to look forward. u starting ur leave on the 17 rite. very fast one, next week only. take it ez.

actually how old are you liow ? me 28 this yr, actually still can play abit, but also abt time lor.

how abt dunno and jane ? how old are u gals ?

wah, u so gd life ah, tag along with hubby, very gd ley. so u been to many places liow. so gd. envy envy ... at least u travel liow mah, now can start family already hee hee ...

maybe they mean well, they experienced the pain and feel that it's no use for us to feel the pain as well. but this is our own personal choice lor, we just listen to them and nod head, but we can decide wat we want for ourselves.

my boss also keep telling me to take epi upfront, everytime see me also tell me. i listen already also sien. i mean i appreciate her gd advise, but no nd everytime tell me mah.

anyway after preg alot of pple will tell you things one. this one gd lah, tt one bad lah. everything i just nod head and entertain them.

think it's gg to be the same when bb arrives, everyone got their own views and comments on wat's better and wat's bad. sigh.
i'll just one ear in and one ear out. prefer to bring up my bb in my own style.
cakey, sorry forgot to answer your question. i had half epi, so hb can go in. In fact, hb peeped at what dr does. he saw him take out bb, cut umblical cord, take out placenta, clear some stuff and sew me up. the nurse told him to sit down! i heard dr ang can stitch well, so can heal faster. hopefully it's true. i still feel pain but bearable. will go to him on tue to remove stitches.

not to scare you girls, i felt epi injection really painful. i thought it's just a few seconds of pain like normal injection but not really... it's like a min cos they inject one big needle and then a small one into it and then liquid flow thru the spine which can be felt... e whole process was so painful i nearly moved as i can't bear any longer...

but of course some of my friends again told me epi injection not painful one... but some told me it is... so again it boils down to your threshold of pain. as mine is really low, you all might not feel painful just like cervix check to me is painful but to many it is not.

anyway, that min of pain is worth sacrificing in exchange for hours of contraction pain... which is even more painful.

von, i am sure your bb will also be very adorable and chubby. indeed once you see her, you will feel everything is worth it.

when i was pushing and told to give up, i cried. I was angry with myself for not able to deliver naturally and was depressed. My hb thought i was scared of operation. i was so upset that throughout e op, i didn't feel anything emotionally. was still sad but not afraid. then when they show me my bb, i stopped blaming myself and thank God that she and i are both safe and sound.

an advice... bring more adhesive pads with wings. the sofy 35cm one is very good.. even the nurse commented it's good. the kotex loop ones that they use cannot prevent leakage for me. i am used to wings kind... so if you are, bring your own.

in the end, i only use 1 pj as first 2 days in hosp surgery clothes. also bring more disposable panties... we really 'bleed' alot down there when in hospital. the funny thing is yesterday onwards (ie.5th day), i didn't have much bleeding... it is like the last day of menstruation... today also.. i wonder why.. so fast, less than a week? i bought pads and disposable panties enough for 2 mths! hee.
wah, ur hubby very brave ley, can see the whole op procedure. gd also, at least it's an eye opener for him.

oh, the sofy one is gd huh, ok i'll get that to standby. the kotex one that i buy got no wings n i'm use to wings type of pad.

maybe for csection they can clear out quite alot of stuff ? so you have less 'menses' ? anyway it's a gd thing that it stop faster, less troublesome. however, better to monitor first cos i did hear of cases when the 'menses' taper off but come back again 1,2 days later. i think most imptly now is don't exert yourself. take care of your wound.
i'm 26 this year.
yah, everyone have their own views, we just have to 'one ear in, one ear out'.

Jane Tan
'postnatal bleeding': heard from a nurse that if c-section, the bleeding stops much earlier than those who gave birth naturally, because during the op, the doctor already clean up most of it. Not sure whether it it really true until you mention it.

epid: i was hesitating on this because saw pictures of how epid is done. i rather use 'laughing gas' (if they ever still using it).
wah, u're a young mummy !!! next time u can enjoy life earlier.

they're still using laughing gas but i don't really like it. think will make u groggy. if i can't tahan, maybe will go for epi rite away.
hello ladies,
It happened again. While I'm lying on bed, I can actually hear my BB move. I could hear the pop sound of little joint (knee? ankle?). It happend a couple of times before but yesterday its been happen many times for the night and its not painful. Just BB movement.
It sound like a a muffled mouth pop like the finger in the cheek. Some ppl assume its like a vacuum pop that the uterus or a membrane maybe makes as it slurps of the abdominal wall,two wet granuloma type tissues suctioning of one another due to the baby moving. Don't you ladies experience that??? Sound bizarre, isn't it!
dunno, ya i tink u're rite abt my boss...she wants to let ppl know she's IN CHARGE.
ya i understand y u dun want to take early ML, same as me dun want to waste my time waiting in fact now waiting i already feeling very
last nite contractions were terrible but end up still nothing happened...sigh..
ohh..u also travel with ur hb for biz trip? i used to tag along too like u again most likely not able to liao cos financially too..sigh...here no benefit at all

shane, im more disappt with my boss rather than angry. im with tis co. for 4yrs already n she just haf yr before me. the thing is tat she rather believe other ppl than me...sigh...

ya starting my leave on the 17th liao but system was down yday due to the mistake done by a manager so i cant teach the temp gal much at all...sigh...worst still i might hv to rekey everything into the system

im just a yr older than u but lucky thing im a yr end bb :p so maybe just few mths older than u nia...

try to breathe slowly with the gas i believe it will more or less help us rite?

jane tan, thk u...every bb is adorable. how nice if my bb will come out soon..

i understand how u feel abt not going thru a natural birth. but no worry you're still a great mum to ur bb n great wife to ur hb tat's the most impt of all

ohh...take those with wings? i intend to take a pkt of maternity pad n 10pcs of panties. PJ if tat's the case i stick to 2pcs instead

jane, ya i agreed with shane u so young...wow...can relax liao wor

anns, i tht u gave birth liao :p kekeke...i didnt hear any sound mostly the cracking sound comes fm my own legs :p however i do feel bb's lil' lump like feet or fist

today going to be a sian day again...sigh...bear with me i wont be able to come in too often
Yes, I aso think those pp meant well ask us take epi dun wan us suffer for nothing. Like 1 col said after 10 hrs of pain she asked epi and is not worth.
I m 30 tis yr tin I m the oldest here hee hee. Travel gd lah but aso spend a lot :p
I believe taking epi painful lah coz It's an injection into the small of your back, using a curved, hollow needle. The needle is hollow and is curved sure pain.
I buy mollimed from OG bery big but the sales said I need lor I find expensive lor $15.50 per pack and lok like diaphers ok haha
shane, von
:D We are all quite young, still in our 20s
if about relaxing, can't tell yet, financially is not that sound yet.

gas: yap, i believe gas will make us groggy, and that's probably why it is not so popular choice. but, i guessed if i keep rejecting epid, they will end up giving me o2 mask or this laughing gas.

a muffled pop? is it very soft? could it be the 'knocking' that dunno &amp; i experience which the gynae can only explain that all lot of things happening in the uterus.
hey gals ..morning...

shane, yes i took 1 month early ML .. no choice..doc advise &amp; i guess i need more rest nw wif bb den after delivery..hopefully bb cooperate &amp; come out soon..

dunnoleh, my thigh joint hurts more &amp; more each day.. its so diff to sleep nw as i cant turn at all.. any idea isit becox our cervix is opening so its making our thigh joints so painful?

Oh.. i am 25 this yr.. yeah lo.. we are all young mummies..nw got more energy to take care of bb &amp; enjoy life later..
interesting ... u sure those are not your stomach processes noises ?

poor gal you...wat to do, just tahan, hopefully things get better for you after the handover.

orr, like then our age abt the same.

now i feel so old, jane and serene all so young !!!

i also hope got action soon, but no have. been feeling contraction on and off but also like tt. no news. i just pray and hope that the action wouldn't happen when i'm outside ! best is at home and at nite hee hee ...

hee hee, as long as young at heart then not old liow

wah, you're the youngest ley ! gd life next time. how long have u been married ? I got married at 25 only ... hee hee ...

oh, u took 1 mth early, so u'll be gg back to work after another 2 mths of ML ? or extending ?

ya i find sleeping tough these days also. hard to turn here and there ....
i am 29 this yr... also one of e oldest here i guess. anyway, as long as bb is healthy and we are strong enough to take care of them, that is most impt.

just came back from pd, jaundice subside abit and doctor said should be ok in 4-5 days. when bb was discharge, jaundice level 7.7, quite mild, thank God. just need to sun bathe her at home.
what's the range for jaundice level?
a cousin advised me to let bb drink more water (for bb's body to cool down) to help subside the jaundice level (other than sun bathing).
ya, very sure. I already been listen for few times, and every time dunno his ankle/fingers/knees move, there's a "pop" sound. Initially I thou' is my water break, but nothing. Have you gals BB been moving alot despite of limited space?

:p I hope I won't pop this week coz' my hubby not around. But I carry low already... and alot of pelvic pressure recently... so, I think soon.

dunnoleh.. same age as u.. once turn 30, time seems to pass v. fast.
you are not old lah... like what you said, young at heart then not old liao. The more important is both bb &amp; mother are healthy;
yes. my bb is moving a lot, and in fact, having BIG movements other than just all hands and feet, like moving from one side of the stomach to the other.
Last night, the stomach is soft (baby moved south), then this morning, stomach is hard (baby moved north). Making me wonder whether is it bb getting too bored inside the stomach to do all these funny movements.
Hi ladies,
Missed so many postings, having hard time catching up liao..

Nt to worry, my gal also small wat. Gynae said my gal is smaller than avg. She was 2.86kg at 37wks. I was a bit sad cos me and hubby quite big size so dun realli expect bb to be small.. But looking at the bright side, smaller size maybe bb will pop easier?

Me 25 also... Born in year of Monkey?!

Re epidural:
My hubby also asked me to go for epi straight away. He said no pt suffer in pain until last min then request for it. Worst situation is when we requested for epi and its too late to be administered!! But i would still want to experience a bit of labour pain lei.. Hahaha...
After lunch still so quiet.....
Just went to JL dunno which nipple shield to buy ask col and they laff they said every1 diff size hw 2 buy haha

Any recommendation from u gals? Saw chico dunno gd or not
My hubby aso encourage epi he said he cannot c me suffering.
Baby dun b 2 big is gd lah. Like wat my gynae said when it is out it has plenty of time 2 b fat. When I was born I was only 5 pound and double the weight when I m in 1 mth old.
Hi...what's the nipple shield for? I also thinking of buying the Avent nipple SHELL to collect breast milk one. Is it different from the shield??

Shane, Serrich,
My baby is also on the lighter side. At 37 weeks only 2.6Kg. Me and my hubby are also rather big-sized...so dunno how come baby so light-weight. Anyway, as long as she comes out healthy that's most important rite.
Are u referring to the nipple shield to wear during BF, to prevent sore nipples? If so, maybe u can consider getting Avent nipple shields?
not really one of the oldest lah, dunno is older than you :p *runs away before dunno come after me*

gd to hear bb's jaundice has improved. seems like almost every bb got jaundice hor.

hmm...i nvr encounter this 'pop' sound before. when i read i also thot ur water broke. but seems not to be.

my bb has been moving about but wouldn't say alot tho'. she like to shift her butt from left to rite and rite to left. Also like to stretch her legs. I can feel a small bump on my tummy when she stretches her feet hee hee ...

Ya don't be sad lor, look on bright side, smaller baby easier to push out :p my hubby's logic also hee hee ....

you also only 25 ???!!! so young ... envy all the young mummies here....

actually no need to buy nipple shield so early lah. buy after u need it and i don't think got size for the shield ley. any brand also can i think. I saw avent one, seems very soft but nvr tried other brands so can't compare.
Nipple shield and breast shells are different. Like u say breast shells are like breast pads that allow u to collect the breast milk.

Nipple shields are used when u have sore nipples from BF, u put the shields over ur nipples and you can still con't to BF wo feeling the pain.

yes agree, as long as baby is healthy, weight doesn't matter. they can put on more weight when they arrive hee hee ...
serrich, shekinah,
actually the sad part is the reality that we're the ones putting on weight and not our babies ... that means we'll have more to lose !!! hee hee ...
Shane, thanks for the explanation. Seems like shields are more useful...maybe i'll get tat!

Must be lah...all the weight seems to have piled up on me. Absorption is like 101%! Poor baby have to fight with her mother to get the nutrients! heee....
Yes Serrich I m referring to that

I hope can slim naturally dun need go slimming center :p
we not enuff sleep shd slim quite fast...
Age doesnt matter one lah... What's most impt is to stay young at heart!

Yah lor.. I have already put on 17kg!! Sigh and all the stretch marks on my hips, buttocks and below my tummy look so disgusting!! Was complaining to my hubby that i wont be able to wear my bikinis anymore!
As long as doctor doesn't 'complain', don't worry that your bb is too small. My hubby have the same logic too as shane's, he hopes the baby is small enuff that just one push can just 'slipped out' (shorter 'waiting' time for him in the delivery suite, i supposed)

stretch marks: same here! i'm getting them not just on tummy, my tighs as well.
ya must stay young at heart ...

stretch marks ...
sigh, i have it rite on my tummy, butt and hips !!! lucky i don't wear bikini cos no guts to wear. just hope they lightened over time...
guess it is common to have stretch marks on thighs, tummy, buttocks. only some blesses few did not. i have lots and real dark red or blackish. very ugly.

the weight thay gynae tell us is estimate only. got to plus minus 500g (not just 200g according to another gynae i visited). my bb was 3.4-3.5kg according to gynae but when delivered the next day, she weighs 3.745kg. my gynae told me she once told a girl the estimated weight of her bb is 3.5kg and she chose c-section cos quite big but in the end delivered, only 3.1kg and she blamed the gynae as she wanted natural birth.

but he did tell ne my stomach really is so big, should be more than 3.5kg. having put on 21kg in total, i weighed myself after discharge and to my dismay, only lost 5kg!!! my placenta and waterbag so light... got 16kg to lose! sigh..

but thank God, just now i weighed again, lost another 3kg in these 3 days. hopefully can lose a kg a day! hee..
wow, you are doing great in losing the weight! hope to learn from you then
I thot placenta should be heavier than the baby (based on figures printed on a book)

anyway, is the stretch marks still dark red/blackish after birth?
anns, ur hb still not ard...ohh...i also feel very pressure at the pelvic area, everytime got to stand up for awhile before walking

shane, im trying to teach the temp as much as i can liao but can see she rather stress lor. ive to explain certain things many times before she can understand. but good thing is tat she will ask instead of telling me ok ok
hi gals!!

Am still around... HAVENT DELIVERED YET!! Argh! So frustrating..

In case you have thot that I have delivered..the answer is still a firm NO. Today is supposed by the due date and my bb is still too comfy in there.

However, I have experienced the bloody show already...and have dilated to abt 2cm. Still waiting for the contractions or waterbag bursting. This is madness and the waiting game is far too long.

Dr will prob induce me next thurs should there be no labour...hopefully dun end up in C-section. Looks like I may not pop next in the list. The rest of u can jump my queue first..keke

Talking about stretchmarks..got a shock when I saw closely that I had more coming out at the lower sides of my tummy. So gross, tummy becoming to look like water melon skin. Dun think applying the stretch mark cream will ever work now.

gald to hear that you are coping well with your temp, she sounds better than those contract workers i have here who always 'shake head' (their language of saying ok ok)

don't be so frustrated... you are already making progress (with the show &amp; a little more dilation).

Maybe go for a walk with your hubby, and do something that brings back good laughs (i heard that for some babies, they prefer to be born when the mother is happy).
