(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

jane, aiyo...u ltr already tired liao? cannot like us wor...if not u will be like me so frustrated very easily

ya my hubby is nice to me ... but he just don't have auto mode ha ha ...

ya u still got sometime before ur EDD. so don't sien .. if not like us, everything also fed up :p
shane, can expect all hb to hv auto mode cos we ourselves might not hv one too :p but manual also better than nothing mah rite?
Cookie u teacher ah?
I dun hv 2 climb stair at work lah so I m enjoying air con at work every1 complain cold but I hot and I m nx 2 air con controller :D Adv of working lah at hm w on air con waste electricity bill and my bill shoot up last month till I so shocked. 2 pp and the electricty can b $100 and I only on at night
I heard from col tat epi aso last very short period as his wife has 2 epi leh. So if labour long jia luck. My hospital aso said if induce dunno > hw many hrs charge 1 day charge.
Shane w wait for yr gd news 2molo and tin u hv 2 tin of placing yr dogs somewhere liao. Baby very sensitive one.
I duno wat braxton hicks is jus tat I kn my baby is moving can liao haha

My hubby aso need 2 push a little. Hse work he do lah but must suit his timing haha. I m kan cheong type lah I wan him do, mean he must do immediately for me
Initally my doctor aso tell me I may b induce on 11June then later tell me no dilate etc cannot now already 14 I aso sian but try not 2 tin of it lor. Baby like 2 come out when suits the baby
hi poshies,
thanks for yr advice, i will definitely try my best to recover fast fast.. onli thing is as the date gets closer, the feeling is more uncertain...lucky my mum n hubby is quite supportive.

ya lor, hi, long time no see, u still not popped yet? :p i remember our EDD is veri close...
von, shane
probably the constant increase in frequency & strength of tightenings/contractions on top of
work stress that made me 'tired', as i hope to take the ml earlier so that i can get out of the work place :D

i agree on the air-con!
in office i practically in cold environment the whole day, which is real expensive at home.
Last night for 1 hour in my living room doing some paper-work, i was sweating in the extent like as if i'm the rain cloud (dripping all over).
The 'rain' finally stopped after i wiped off the sweat and hubby switch on the air-con despite him suffering from flu.
ya lah, as long as he got help out then no complains liow ...

ya hope i got gd news to share with you all also. but i doubt lah cos i don't feel anything.

my dogs will still be with me, but i'm teaching them not to go into my room. so heartache.

Wishing you a smooth delivery. Don't worry so much, everything will be fine. You'll be seeing baby soon !
jane, must be tat lor but if urs happen so early then u will be really very very tired at the end of the day

shane, yalor..kekeke...at least he's willing to do
yes lor, i only get those cramps. no other kind of feeling ley. so i take that as contractions ?

don't know man, i also very confused :p
great. looking forward to read abt your birth experience

my tummy also tight tight tt's all. don't really have tightening feeling.

ok leaving office for the day. will check in again tonite.

ciao !
Jane Tan
Your milk SS will sure come one just continue pumping. I'm also relying on EBM as my nipplse are sore n cracked! Very Painful.

Ya agree with you that carrying 3kg bb in our tummy is no joke. That time, I was so so tired..can hardly walked but still went back to ofc to finish my wk.

Pp also tell me that bb boy usually born earlier, I started counting dwn at 37wks...until 39 still no sign....I was v gan cheong too! Try to look on the bright side, your bb will be fully developed by the time she is born. So just let her stay in there for a week or so...

Wow! Good play MJ now when u still can when bb is out...u got no time liao. but must remember to walk ard while playing...cannot sit at the MJ table for too long leh!

Initially mine was like menses cramp...after that the intensity will get stronger...fells like a pulling sensation from the bottom of your tummy. Very hard to discribe, you will know it one...i never felt that kind of 'cramps' before!

Dun worry...u will know when the time comes, just be more sensitive to any unusual pain...most impt thing is to relax! I suggest you go shopping, watch movies n eat your fav food...enjoy time w hubby now! After delivery, your time will be all committed to our little bb (at least for the 1st few months). Now I really hope bb can grow faster...can bring him for picnic, fly kite, shoppping etc.

Now so fragile, everything got to monitor n watch closely, feeding, poo freq, sleeping, crying pattern etc...sigh i think these are more stressful then the waiting game n delivery lor..first few days really few like crying
but keeping telling myself must get use to all these!

So all Moms n MTB, we must all be strong! Mothers are really v wei da!
Jane wsj, yes it's always easier to stay at home. I remember when I was in week35, already struggling to get thru work. At the end of the day, u jus feel so so drained. R u going to take early leave?

Dunno, yes I teach. Already u sit next to air con can sweat so much, u can imagine me having to climb stairs n being in smelly stuffy rooms, plus the stifling hot weather, it's a real torture! My utility bill also q high, $100 plus.

Yr due date is 25th June, why need to induce so early?

Dun worry abt the long labour pain, with epi at least u dun hv to bear with the pain all the time. It is common practice for hospitals to reduce the epi flow towards the end, so u can feel the pain n push out bb.

Wynnie, so this is yr second bb. U must b v experienced liao. How long did yr wound take to heal? Does it affect breastfeeding?
adora, agree that mothers are really wei da! Now really appreciate my mother and MIL more. Thanks for the encourgament. I try to pump every 3 hours but sometimes really too tired and lazy.

dunno, yah.. ga is fully anathesia, so you are fully unconscious. Your hb cannot go in if you opt for GA and you won't hear bb's first cry or see bb immediately. You will see bb when you wake up and i heard it's for painful for GA thank half epi. bb will also be blur since giddy.

cookie and rene, c-section is really very fast and simple. So not to worry. Just have a good night rest and sleep the day before your op. Once you are admitted and wheeled into OT, you will see your bb in less than half an hr... an==

rene, yes, my dr is dr lawrence ang. he is very nice. he has blessed me in many ways. the bill is only 700 cash and rest by cpf (total 5k). he upgraded me foc to 2 bedded from 4 bedded. he is wise in making decision for me to go for emergency c-section as bb head too high, it's too risky to push further. When i saw him today to remove stitches, he said my wound is healing very well and there is no infection or complications. Thank God. also bill was only 11 dollars. i can't see my wound cos my stomach still big and blocking me. My hb said it's just a very fine and thin line, like nothing like that. Phew! So i guess his stitching skills is really good. IN fact throughout the op, he was chatting with another dr, so cool. by e way, removing stitches is not painful at all.

as for bf, there was difficulty to do so in hospital as wound hurts. the nurses sometimes forgot and put bb on my stomach! ouch!! throughout the night, different nurses bring in bb to you so some very nice, will use hot water towel massage your breasts, help you latch on and then go off. Some just throw the baby on you and went off!

as for bleeding, really not much. think because dr cleared most of it. Now only few drops of blood down there. But in the hospital, really very bloody and after lying down for more than 24 hrs, i stood up and the blood just dripped onto the floor. scary! my hb called the nurse and she said it's common since we lie down too long liao, so once stand up, the blood gush out loh...

if c-section, please walk more. wound will heal faster. Don't sit too long as will kena backache. either lie down or walk around.
hi jane_tan..

i wana ask ya do u feel anything when going thru c-section? i guess yours is epi rite not ga...
i'm still deciding if i should go 4 epi or ga.. got 2 decide soon... i have heard tat if go ga.. bb come out willl b a little groggy... hope 2 get some advice frm ya on which 1 i should choose ... hehe... tks...
Good luck to ur appt tomorrow.. We will be waiting for your good news!

Me still waiting lor.. Will be on leave next week, playing the waiting game at home.. Hey, if havent due next week, we could meet for lunch or something since we stayin same blk.. Hehehe... Not sure if we have met in the lift b4 or nt lei..

Will experience cramps one arh? I can onli feel my tummy tightening and some tearing sensation lei..

Yah, it's realli frustrating to play waiting game, esp when we expect bb to pop earlier than EDD.. Anyway, let nature take its course huh.. Bb will pop when the time is ripe lah...

Now I am enjoying myself.. Eat wat i want, spend my time watching DVDs at home, go for movies, keep walking/shopping ard, accompany hubby to bowling.. Must treasure our precious time enjoying each others company now.. Cos we know that we wont be able to spend quality time together after bb pops, at least for the next 2 mths..
Jane Tan, I really hope I can hv a smooth op with good stitching like yours. U r v lucky to hv gynae who helps u save $$$. How many days did u stay in TMC? So direct breastfeeding mayb difficult in the hospital... I dun wish to introduce bb the bottle n teats. Wat do u think of cup feed the first few days, if I can't manage to do direct breastfeeding?

Saintbaby, GA bb will b drowsy n wun drink much milk the first two days. I feel epi is easier for u to recover n least affect bb. When will u b going for caesearean?

Serrich, u sure know how to enjoy yourself! For me, I do alot of cooking, cook lunch n dinner almost everyday, somehow enough to make me tired.
Are u staying with ur pils or alone? Its nt realli economical for me to cook since we are staying on our own. Also difficult to prepare 2 person share.. Hubby prefers to eat out. We have our dinner at my pils place at least 3-4 weekdays so dun realli have to worry much abt cooking.. :)

Since u cook for almost every meals, u must be pretty good in your cutlery skills huh.. Next time, must share with us your recipes huh!!
adora, i guess wat boy early, gal late or 1st bb early are all bullshit lor...as long as none told me i will be early maybe i wont be as
now. anyway i only left a week like wat u said i will just leave her alone lor...sigh...wat to do rite?

ur cramp will make ur gastric pain? last nite mine was bad till my gastric so painful but still bearable lor so didnt bother much again cos dun want another false alarm

serrich, i will lor the cramp i hate is coming back after 8mths+

as usual my stretch marks were so itchy lsat nite...gosh just leave it liao bo pian liao
Cookie, I had an epi C when I have my son - and i was discharged on the 3rd day. The wound recover pretty fast. By the 2nd week I was out shpg already : ) There will some forms of "strained" feeling on the wound the 1st couple of days - which means you will still be walking slower than usual but it goes away pretty fast. Try not to take ginger and chicken for the 1st 2 weeks cos not too gd for the wound. But overrall I think the c pain is nothing compared to contraction pain. I had intestinal infection 2 weeks ago which causes labor pains and it nearly killed me!
Last few days I've been getting strong contractions too - oso dunno whether it's braxton hicks or contractions...... this waiting game is really the worst!
Serrich, I'm staying on my own with hubby. I agree it's not economical to cook for two. Then again, q troublesome to go back to mom's or mil's place to dine every time. R u staying near yr PIL? Plus q sian eating outside food. So no choice lor... I learn how to cook since I got married n on my own last year June, so I'm still learning. Sure, I can share a few recipes, but all simple ones la.

Von, try using cream instead of lotion to apply on itchy area. Yr cramps sound q bad, u tell gynae this? Mayb can give u some medication to relieve the cramps... Or otherwise, jus tahan lor... bb has to b out sooner or later so jus hv to suffer a week or two.
I aso quite guilty on air con so cold tat my hubby sick liao
nw many pp like kena flu leh
my gynae told me tat contraction shd b very very tight tummy I think von is experiencing. Gd lah at least Von u kn wats its like. By the way your gynae got tell u contraction for hw many hrs u need go hospital coz u like contraction so often.
What is EBM?
I heard is gals due earlier 1st time heard boys will b due earlier. Some pp aso said 1st 1 due earlier tin aso not valid on us liao

Cookie tat time my gynae suggest induce coz she scare baby size, now is OK so dun need induce so fast.
If long labour w hv longer CTG monitoring time more epi etc tin w cost more lor

Jane Tan previously u said yr gynae very mean so afterall he is nice?
Wynnie, caesearean sounds less scary than I'd imagine. U really recover fast, can shop in the second week!! I never experienced contraction pain so dunno how it's like. I'll heed yr advice, steer clear of ginger n chicken.

U hv contractions, does that signal bb mayb out sooner than yr scheduled caesearean? Better inform yr gynae.
Cookie are you going to have a maid after you give birth? I have a maid now helping me take care of my son... but actually I am rather worried that she cannot cope with 2 babies : (

anyone of you delivering at Mt A??? around June 25??? hehehhe
Dunno, yr hubby so sweet. He suffers for u. Take lots of fluid n fruits to build up yr immunity, u wouldnt wanna fall sick during this time. I was also down with flu for the past week, n feeling is no good. Plus if cough or sneeze after delivery, can jostle the pain.

EBM = Expressed breast milk (as opposed to direct breast feeding)

U mean yr bb is v huge, that's y need to induce? Strapping us on CTG machine q expensive, heard they charge by the minute.
Wynnie, I'm still undecided abt having a maid. Dunno whether hubby n i can cope with bb w/o a maid. My mom will come over in the daytime to help me out. Get maid, still gotta train her, wat if she's no good, heard alot of problems one.....

I'll also b delivering at Mt A. Yr first one also at Mt A? How's service there?
The nurses are all very nice and very patient. The lactation nurse is also very good - helps a lot cos BF didn't come that easily for me.
My col showed me his hospital bill inside got 1 item is CTG monitoring x hrs $$$.
My baby was big earlier on now gynae said OK. I aso cut my diet once she told me baby big.
Cookie if got pp 2 lok after the baby dun tin u need a maid. For my case I need lah coz my mum in law cannot cope w baby she need maid's help. Get maid can help in doing hsehold chores I beelieve when got baby we no time do other tins
hi von...
come her to check whether had u gave birth mah... ur ym also never on... haha...

Hi rene...
u staying same blk as serrich har... okie if i go over can meet both....

hi serrich...
yup lor... by the time u reach home... i'm also back home with Gerald... haha.. maybe when u start ur leave then can meet up lor...
cookie, i already applied cream before i sleep but seems like in the middle of the nite will be damn itchy lor...my frd suggested i put the cream beside me, itchy apply but who will want to apply when you're so damn tired liao...sigh...

ya the pain quite bad leh but today no such pain liao n moreover no blood n my bb still moving so shld be ok rite?

poshies, sorry cos my temp gal is here so cannot on my ym lor :p

wow...rene n serrich same blk? good lor...u can go visit all the mothers soon :p
hi cookie..

I was also thinking of a epi c-section.. but i heard that epi was a lot of side effects... my gynea wans me to caesear it out on 30th june.. i have not decided yet.. but i think have to decide by this fri when i see him...
Hi gals,
I'm back from my check up. no action ley. water level still ok. gynae did an internal check and seems like cervix widen abit, abt 2 cm. this time was really painful. she also warned me before hand. she tried to stretch my cervix for me, hoping will help to induce contractions. really quite pain, i just try to tahan. no joke man. got bleeding also. i thinking if that kind of pain when cervix is opening, i think i'm likely to ask for epidural

so now just wait n c. sat got to go bk and stretch again if no sign of labour. if on sat everything still ok and bb doing ok, she'll induce me on wed. sien man, hope i don't need to be induced. my bb is also not engaged yet.

anyway give up liow, wat will be will be. just now so sien, rite after my check up, my phone rang and it was ex col, call to ask me if i given birth ! goodness, don't know to laugh or feel fed up. just told her a loud no lah, then she laugh. sigh ... i know maybe concern abt me lah, but somehow i feel got abit KPO of her also
wouldn't hv felt so if she just sms me to ask, but she called me and sounded so kan cheong...
Interesting to know that CTG is counted by the mins ... mine was $30 and i think i was on it for abt 30 mins... so could be true ....
cookie, i stayed in TMC for 4D3N. Gynae said c-section is 1 more day compared to natural birth. Don't worry, like what Wynnie, C-section wound heals quite fast. When i was in hospital, it was painful. Cannot laugh, sneeze or cough, as it will be real painful. When peeing, also painful as bladder contracts. However, the pain was gone in about a week. Yesterday, when i went to see gynae to remove stitches, i went shopping as well. A binder will help alot.

saintbaby, you can't feel anything throughout the operation, so don't worry. The pain will only be felt the next day when the anasthesia is gone. You will be given painkillers. Actually my gynae told me it's either GA or _A (can't remember what A which is half numb like epi). He said this one no side effects and risk, but since i already had epi, just increase dosage and go for op. I advise half and not GA because you can hear bb first cry and see bb first. Also your hb can be with you and bb won't be so giddy. Also heard your wound will heal faster and you won't be in great pain as GA more painful. Not sure how true.

dunno, yes, i think my gynae is nice afterall. When i see my princess, i feel that i appreciate his help both in delivery and also blessing us financially. We also got milk powder samples from him, save some $$ too. : )
cookie, i told them i want full breast feeding. Anyway, baby has reserves for 3 days, so won't be hungry. On the 3rd day, she cried... think she starts to get hungry or thirsty. Since i had no milk, i told the nurses to cup feed glucose water.

now that we are home and my MIL bottle feed her FM, i have difficulty BF her as she won't take my nipple and she is so impatient when there is not much milk. As mine is c-section, they didn't let bb suckle my breasts immediately. She was brought to be cleaned up and check ups. When she finally came to my ward, that was about 2 hours after giving birth. For those of you going for natural birth, nurse will let bb suckle your breasts immediately after birth and that will help the milk to come in real fast.
i'm still considering whether to take early leave, maybe a week or dayz before EDD, to clear my annual leave days. But, until now still getting more work by some inconsiderate colleague (who is not even my superior! but because of him, i get arrows ended up at my side).

me too guilty with air con @ home too, you are right, quite a number of pple have flu nowadays, probably because of the monsoon season now. So, i end up putting timer for air-con, so it won't get too cold in the middle of the night.

CTG counted by mins? you mean charged by the minuate, are you sure? wow, then, it must be expensive if they are monitoring the contractions over the night (which my hospital does the other time.)
shane, wow....2cm liao good for u...

btw...just now my boss mentioned tat i can leave tmr if i want taking AL (Annual leave) 1st then when i deliver then take ML...aiyo so confusing
abt 2cm nia ... if no contractions also no use. gynae say need the contractions to help open up the cervix.

actually i thot of that also ley, take AL then start ML when i deliver. but like very messy like that ... so guess later i'll just submit my ML to start tomorrow.

btw, just now i go toilet, saw alot of 'red' man ... gynae say will stain after the stretching but mine was like menses ... i suspect maybe my plug also drop liow cos i felt something come out :p shall not gross u gals out with too much of these gory details :p
shane, really boh i got contractions also nothing much abt the opening at all

yalor i also find very messy...sigh...moreover if i apply AL who knows ltr my gal wants to come out during tat period will my boss allow me to chg to ML instead...aiyo blur

gosh...u ok boh? painful or not...so far my cervix chk i didnt kenna any red before
menses-like cramps:
i'm not very sure myself, my menses cramps feels nothing similar to the 'contractions' and very taut stomach i'm having nowadays... Getting confused myself whether is it contractions or just baby doing streching exercises

anyone staying with in-laws?
wow, i didn't believe what happened last night! my laundry room with some clean laundry is totally wet... found out later that my mil tried to bath in there (when there's another more usable bathroom), anyway she gave up eventually and went home leaving the laundry room flooded (because drainage's not good there), had a shocked when i opened the door and set my first foot in. Luckily, i didn't slipped and fall.

Now have to wait for the wet laundry to dry again before i can wash more clothes (today's laundry day), spent the night cleaning up of the room (drying it) until hubby came in and shoo me away.
So tiring just to do these extra stuff on top my work which i happened to bring home last night!
Can't imagine what's more to come after the bb's here! with a emotionally unstable mil around! Sigh!
OK, enuff complaints from me, back to work!
nvm, u see ur next checkup got progress or not. when is ur next checkup ?

tt's true, then must change the leave, so troublesome. If ur boss ok, then just start ML first lor.

I'm ok. not painful now but during the check it was lor. I think mine was pain cos my gynae not only check the cervix but also try to stretch it to open it up, tt's why got more bleeding...
poor you, got to clean up the laundry room. must be tiring for you...

bring home work to do somemore ??!! wah piang, ur office nvr give u a break ah, gg to deliver soon ley.

jane, most likely my IL will come to stay with us after my delivery

there are more things to come shld my IL come liao...sigh...

shane, nxt chkup on sat also lor...but it's already 2wks still at 1cm only n with lots of contractions...

she's the one who suggested AL 1st then ML. she want duno wat a clean ML so she can hv a clean record...chey...easy for me

aiyo...stretch open to let u deliver early? lucky my gynae didnt do tat...gee...
