(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

babyluv, ur gynae told u already dilated 2cm huh? u dun feel the contractions? just now early afternoon my contractions were so bad i tht my waterbag going to burst liao

nxt thurs is within 10days so shld be ok. no worry lah c-section will be the last resort to rite?

same here stretchmarks everywhere...dun see better

Thanks Jane.
Will try to pysche myself up. My hb has been pretty supportive. Haha, we went to watch Madagascar the cartoon movie after the gynae check just now. We were thinking... we will not let the lil one hold back our romantic life. Life must still go on.
Apparently, the lil one also enjoyed the movie, he kept moving and showing me his legs thru out the movie. I ended up with back ache!
yup, during the cervix check can feel the gynae's fingers moving inner and inner.
Yah...strange, no contractions. CTG scan also showed nothing. Oh yes, to read for contractions on the CTG graph, the nurse told me u will see a nice round curved peak. So far, mine are like spikes (similar to stock market charts).

The bb feeling heavier leh.. and then the stretchmarks are like my tummy cannot take it any longer!! U reckon your marie chia can help lighten your stretch marks?
supposed to be nice round curved peak? the ones i have spikes last time when having contractions when using CTG; maybe different machines?
babyluv, wow...can feel huh? me try to feel her fingers at all.
did u ask ur gynae y? my contractions really cannot make it, going for chkup tmr so got to tell my gynae see wat she gotta say liao

same here so heavy until im going to fall front liao. im not too sure if they're able to or not lor it's marie chia tat i signed with :p but i tried sensulite before the wrapping did help to reduce my stretch marks a lil
Ya the pad is waterproof. I got them from hosp, very good can act as a pillow for him now. My boy's name is Raphael.

Jane Tan
Ya, he has lots of hair..even on his hands, legs n ears..ha ha ha. My mum said needs to shave his head during 1st month *sob*

I think my bb position was also head dwn facing outward leh..even when delivered his head came out sideway (according to my hubby).

Ya my bb also like to put up his hands...he dislike being wrap up...

The shield really helps alot, bb sucks better. Not so fretful at night liao..
Do u intend to give your gal pacifier, I find it quite useful to put bb to sleep at night w that. Initially, I din want to give him pacifier, afraid that it will affect his teeth later. Really had no choice, bb is v difficult to 'hong' at night.

If you can latch w/o the shield than no need to buy. Suggest u try w/o first. I bot Avent brand, dunno how gd is other brands.

Reason y I can rejected epi I was partly becoz it looks scary w injection done at the spine.

Disposable Diapers
Hi gals, any brands to recommend. Is Nepia good? heard a lot of u bot that. My bb rejected cloth diaper, think his skin too delicate. The cloth seems a bit to rough for him.
hi shane, oh i juz got married last yr june ..hee.. beri fast hor.. coz hubby says he wana b daddy b4 he turns 30.. anyway we'll been together for a couple of yrs liao.. so bb is abt the time.. hmm.. nt gg to extend ML.. gg back in 2 mths time..its nite time again .. i really dread gg to slp nowadays coz its so painful to turn ..

And u r not old .. yes young at heart is the most impt of all..

anns, yes my boy's been moving alot .. at times it really hurts.. tot he is suppose to be moving lesser now due to the limited space.. but doesnt seem to b true for his case.. hmmm...

serrich, u born in the yr of monkey? Me 1980 but i am goat coz i am a new yr gal.. haha.. so i am older den u ..

Janetan, glad tat ur bb is alrite nw.. heard fm my frn that most bb's have jaundice but its only the level of seriousness.. so no worries ya..!!

babyluv, ur hubby so sweet he still comforts you.. both my hubby & me are also waiting impatiently.. least u still have show.. me? nothing.. no show no contractions.. juz pain pain & more pain ...
each time i go to the toilet i hope to see some show but its always disappointing.. but its alrite lets all wait somemore .. we cheer for each another

this is the most terrible change in my body that i am still trying to live with it.. i have stretch marks on my breast, tummy is like watermelon too.. buttocks stretching all the way to thighs .. & a little on my calves.. and i am only 25 ..
so sad.. its really not easy being a mummy lor.. big sacrifice....
stretch marks...
sigh, i give up on them. now looking at them, i got no feeling liow. sorta resigned to the fact that they'll be there for a long long time...

gd to hear that the temp is earnest in learning at least u know she'll do a proper job when u're away.

your contractions so bad huh. better tell gynae tomorrow. must update us after ur visit ok.

I've been hvg contractions on and off today the whole day but no action still

don't be frustrated...nothing much we can do except to wait n wait ... but i think you'll deliver these few days, just a hunch, since u got show and dilation happening. don't scare urself with a csection. sure can give birth naturally one....
for diapers, i bot mostly nepia. heard gd reviews of it from the other thread. one mum was saying it's almost as gd at pampers but cheaper. I did touch the material of nepia and it's really cottony soft. however, some mums encounter leakage as well using nepia. so i guess we can only try already then know if its' suitable for baby.

the next brand is drypers. supposed to be a value for money brand. the material i also touched before, soft but not as soft as nepia. yi fen qian yi fen huo i guess.

maybe u just try out a few brands, buy 1 pkt each time and see which is the most economical and suits Raphael most.
oic, so daddy's biological clock is ticking huh...hee hee ... anyway i find tt it's gd to be a young mummy. can relate better with bb and got more energy to look after bb. can 'retire' younger also ha ha ....
As long as one is ready to have a baby, i think there's no such thing as a perfect timing.

ya gg to sleep is really dreadful these days .... sigh... watever positions also uncomfortable...
worse is wake up at nite then cannot go bk sleep liow. will be awake for awhile...
yah we are in the same boat. You must take care too. Hey, I also got married last June. Like u, so fast we have a new addition to the family.
Where are u having pains? Ur gyane discussing about inductions and such with u?

Looks like ur boy also like mine, very active...cant sleep well at night too. Only when he sleeps soundly then I can toss and turn freely.

maybe u will like to double check with the gynae about the contractions...meaning really contractions or just BH? If ur contractions getting too jialat, then better to ask for Mc/ML to start resting at home.. anyway, u will be due pretty soon. Maybe yours will come early.

haha, i like the way u say the contract workers shaking their heads to say ok... BTW are u in the IT industry?
hi shane, ya dats wat i have in mind too .. be a young mummy & can retire earlier.. haha
last9 again couldnt toss coz tummy too heavy woke uo in the middle of the nite took me quite awhile to get back to slp.. sigh.. thank god its all gona end soon ..

babyluv, really u got married last yr too .. wow same same huh.. married same month baby born same month too.... hahaha...

My pains are mostly at the thigh joints there.. it really hurts when i walks or try to lift my leg up abit.. BH contractions also .. but still have not feel any mensus like cramps contractions... hubby says if bb still dun come out by EDD he wana induce.. gosh.. i scared!!!
babyluv, serene,
just hang in there, u 2 are very close to the finishing line.

c wat the gynae has to say. normally if past EDD, they might wanna induce. but i think induce more painful. tt y i also hope bb come out naturally. but so far no signs and i also getting very frustrated and tired with all the pregnancy aches and inconveniences
milly, when bb cry, usually it's due to hunger, thirst, discomfort, too hot, too cold, colic, time to change diaper or just want you to carry him/her. my bb also cry more now ... esp in the middle of e nite. pd said it's normal. they still dun know day or night yet.

jane, yes, the stretch marks still red and black. now i start to apply streych mark cream again.

i can understand how frustrating it can be playing e waiting game. i also hope bb come out soon as our big tummy is really causing alot of discomfort. now that bb is out, my pain is from wound and the same pain from my right thigh / joints... same as during pregnancy. also got to stand up first and slowly move my right leg to walk.

when i was in tmc, i saw this lady next to me who came in and was warded. think she is supposed to be due. dy insert tablet to soften cervix at abt midnight and her contractions started at 3am. she was wheeled to e labour ward to wait for full dilation. induce using tablet is less painful compared to drip i think.

feel like giving up bf. hb said my pump too noisy. i only pumped once at 4am and now at 5pm. managed only 10 ml for 30 mins (15 mins each side). quite discouraging.

good to hear u r coping well w BF. U on total BF now? when u intend to pump & feed w bottle. I did try feed her EBM but find subsequent latching on more difficult so now back to total latching...but really tiring...

i also contemplating giving pacifier but scare may interfer w BF so far still holding on..ya agree very difficult to "hong" bb to sleep esp at nite...find tat she doesnt seems to sleep long at nite time...worse is diaper wet she cry like anything then after change she is wide awake will take long to make her sleep...sometimes walking around the whole hse till my leg also "suan"...


Agree BF is tough & frustrating ..i also wanted to give up at times...feeding formulae BB can sleep longer esp at nite...nowadays Brenda always difficult to sleep at nite making me very tired also....but still holding on to BF since its good for bb.....guess tats the scarifice we need to made...
which pump are u using ? i can understand how tough it is, with the pain from wound and sleep deprived nite, it's so easy to just give up on BF. try to focus on the +ve benefits it will give bb, it might help you to hang on.

oh no, u mean after giving birth the aches are still there ? I'm facing wat u described, backache and need to stand slowly before moving leg to walk. sometimes can't even walk, it's like the bones are all knotted
sometimes really can't wait to unload. will be such an agony if after unloading the discomforts are still there

I think it all depends on the how receptive u r to the tablet. my col was induced using the tablet and she inserted 4 but cervix didn' dilate at all, in the end she had to go for Csection.

BF really tough huh. glad u're trying ur best to hang on. i hope when it's my turn i'll be able to do the same. so afraid that i'll give up also cos it's really so much hassle free to just give
Hey, my hubby also have the same mentality too! to have kids before 30, that's why we got married quite young
My tradition wedding was held last Sep...

Yes, i'm in IT industry... you must have guessed it by the way i described the contract workers *LOL*

your hubby ought to be more encouraging :0
But press on, heard it takes some time before you have more milk.

induce by consuming a tablet? but why midnight instead of day time?

thot most pumps are noisy, because of the friction between the parts.
milly, thanks for your encouragement. Think you really have made a big sacrifice. Guess i am simply too lazy and the excuse of great pain to even sit up makes me want to give up easier... imagine having to plead with my hb to get hot water and towel for me and to sterilise the pump and then after i finish using them, to wash them and to store my bm in the fridge. it's really taking alot of his effort not just mine. he is also very tired as he is the one changing diapers and feeding baby in the night time since i have difficulty standing up and walking.

shane, my pump is the mini electric medela pump. it's noisy but good loh...i heard.

jane, the tablet is not to be consumed. It is to be inserted from below... hee.. not sure why must be midnight but i guess the patient came in midnight since hospital start charging from midnight, so don't waste any hours loh... then can give birth in the following morning or afternoon.
I just noticed that there are stretchmarks developing on my thigs as well.. Seems like i must realli control my input..

Keep it up with ur slimming plan! Nt bad huh, can lose 3kgs in 3 days. Tats realli an achievement!

I have also been feeling pressure at my pelvic area.. Sometimes also have those tearing feeling as if my gal poking thru! So sianz... dunno when my gal want to pop lei.. Have to play the waiting game.. Haiz..

Have u delivered?? Remember to keep us updated k?!

oh u goaty.. same as my hubby! We planning to haf 2 kids b4 30 lei.. Hopefully, parenthood is nt gg to be tough for us!
serrich, im hving mix feeling abt the delivery already. kinda disappt that the gynae said i will be early n yet till now no news at all...sigh...

babyluv, ive checked with my gynae last sat she said still dilated 1cm only...sigh...but bb already lower than the wk before but guess wat my bb now already 3.1kg...gosh...big leh...hope she faster come out if not it's going to be real tough

shane, last nite my stretch marks were so itchy till i can sleep the bb also rolling the whole of fri-last nite...gosh...

i cant be bothered to ask my gynae already since only dilated 1cm just tat bb is much lower now then toilet visits will be more frequent only. in fact im rather sad tat got contractions n yet nothing happened

btw i already put on 20kg liao...sigh...

adora, kekeke...put up his hands also very cute mah :p as long as he sleeps well any position will be good
May I Know wats a Post partum soak ?
Von /Shane which week u start having contraction? I went Gynae last sat and she said no sign of dilation yet and most probably gg induce on due date. baby already 3.3Kg.I really hope 2 do it naturally ........
dunno, if i rmbr correctly mine shld be on the 37wks. wow...3.3kg? aiyo...i heard mine hit 3kg n not yet out already very scare liao...

re ctg
i read fm a book it will only be when we are overdue so i guess those still waiting doesnt really require to hv this kinda test
ya I still hv not done ctg yet
tis time rnd my gynae check so fast and simple. She check not dilate and I can go liao.
Is really a waiting game. I gg c my gyne again this coming thurs. I m nw in 38 weeks.
Car Seat
Is it a govt rule tat all baby must b in car seat? Any idea where can I find the rules? Thanks
we have quite close EDDs. On my sat check up, my gynae said the same thing; ie no sign of diluation and will unlikely deliver in the next couple of days. He is away until wed, so i will see him again on thurs and if there are signs, he deliver me on 17th. if not then wait until due.
i also didn't do the ctg leh, only ask me to monitor closely bb's movements.

my dr said that walking helps to induce delivery. maybe you can try. As he is away, he told me to be guai guai and not walk around too much, meaning no shopping, swiming etc.
Dun be disheartened! Maybe ur bb nt ready to see the world yet or want to keep u in suspense mah.. So u dun put too much pressure on urself k!

My gynae never do any cervix check for me! He said its not necessary. No need to pre-empt me. Let nature takes its course.. Diff gynae have diff culture & practice huh.. Till now, i dun even know if there's any dilation lei..

wow ur bb quite big huh! Mine is still on the small side.. so i not so worried.. Just veri sian with the waiting game lor.. Nt exciting at all lei.. Wat a coincidence, me also seeing gynae on thurs.. :)
gals !
no action from me as well. came to work. very sien man. my whole body aching and my pelvic area starting to have those aches u gals mentioned. wonder if it's becos bb has engaged.

i really getting quite sien with the waiting also ley. sigh ... getting more n more xin ku. but on the other hand, i starting to have anxiety attack, suddenly very scared bb come out, i cannot cope and losing my current lifestyle *bites nails*

sometimes my stretchmarks will be itchy for awhile also. must try not to scratch it, put cream. or put the 'snake powder' tt's wat i do. helps the skin to cool down then after awhile not itchy already.

i had a hard time sleeping these few nites also, backache, can't turn, wake up go pee. sigh ...

when i go thru all these, i so scared of hvg no. 2 .....

wow, ur bb is 3kg liow. gd mah, no scared ok, 3 kg still managable one...

i think i also hit 20kg liow but i stopped counting. these days i don't care already, i just eat wat i want :p

my contractions still coming on and off but seems more frequent these days, not in regular pattern tho'.

post partum soak is a soak u use after delivery to soak ur bottom to help in faster healing. u can just add salt to a basin of warm water and sit in it. said to help the wound heal faster.

i can't really rem when i started hvg contractions, i think it was a few weeks ago, maybe 35,36 weeks ? but tat time very little. these days getting more ....
ya e waiting game really not exciting. infact quite frustrating, sometimes really wish to unload already ...sigh .... everyday wake up thinking, sigh, another day wo action ...
Since cherry's gynae mentioned that walking helps to induce delivery, maybe u could give it a try?? Who knows it might work?!

Ur gynae so cute, so u can onli walk more when he returns! My gynae also asked me to exercise, either walk more or go for swimming.. So far, I have been walking alot.. I spent my weekends gg out. Hehehe... My frens also taken aback, thinking that i shld be home resting, waiting for labour to strike!
ya lor, he would be going away most of the weekends so he also quite worried that i will give birth on weekends.

talk about big bbs, my bb weight is still about the same at 3.24kg whilst i already put on 16kg!

i also experience the same thing. as we get nearer to the EDD dates, the urge to pee increase to the extend that after peeing still feel as if bladder is full.. and have to wake up like 3 times to pee everynight.
Cherry ya our due date quite close. But if havent dilate would 17 dilate and ready 2 give birth? I hope 2 due on 16 but tin not possible liao.
I walked alot leh but still no sign...
Sit on a pail isnt it very dif 2 get up? Initially I tin of soaking but we hv wound if we soak in pail tin when we get up very very painful.
Yesterday go shop half way cant walk at all haha feel shopping so much but my body cant take it at all
I do not wake up at 9 2 pee jus wake up dunno y. tin machine measuring baby not very accurate lah. My weight gained is 15 KG so far
At least ur bb absorbing well.. I gained 17kg but bb onli 2.8kg at 37 weeks lei... So sad that i am e one thats putting on wt!

I also keep peeing.. Sometimes after releasing the load, still need to pee within the next hr.. But onli a few drops of urine lei... I waked up abt 2x at nite to pee..

Lucky u, no need to pee at nite.. So uncomfortable having to get off bed then to find a comfortable sleeping position again.. Its realli unsettling lei.. Cant sleep in peace now..
don't sit in pail ... sit in basin lor ...

looking forward to my appt this wed. see wat gynae has to say. hopefully got gd news ...
Hi gals,
am still around. Nothing happened in the weekend.
Hmmm, looks like most of us will be due around the same time, with me, who is overdue and some of u also may end up being induced.
haha,..scarly most of us induce at the same time.

Tried walking over the weekend, I feel better after that. At least there is some blood circulation. But then gana strange stares from older people...(like the stomach so big and low still come out)...

Also my appetite started exploding eversince I was overdue...dunno if it's pyschological or just frustration.
Hai, really stomach is soooo big, the stomach
skin cant take it liao.

so far you dilated 1 cm.. hmm, then how come got contractions.. is it something you ate or drink? Or just gas? I tend to get stomach cringing only to find that it's just gas..

we are all in the waiting game with you..u still have 1 more week yah.. we tahan together.
My induce date will prob be this Thurs. Now programming my mind to think about the drama on
Thurs. Hopefully, it's not as painful as it will be lor.

no I havent given birth. Looks like I am the only overdue mum in this forum. Haha, gynae not too keen to induce too early. She will let it stretch till 1 week to induce. So u have no cervix check.. hm, dunno whether good or bad for u.. at least u dun have to go thru the trauma of sticking fingers in... but then, just observe yourself if you feel any tearing sensation or pulling sensation at the vagina...could be dilation.
serrich, i did everything i can to increase the possiblilities already but still like tat leh...ive walked a lot liao till my feet swell then at nite my hb got to massage for me

shane, ya damn frustrated hor...i cried when gynae didnt mentioned any increase of dilation..sigh...is like waiting n waiting until fed up liao dun want to think anymore cos if think will make it worst when most of my clothes i cant wear at all make me look so ugly

i tried not to scratch but at nite i so lazy to walk up n apply the cream which i did before i sleep already...sigh...im having shoulder n headaches

cherry, i walked alot liao but got to be slow which really irritates me a lot n worst still got to find toilet everytime
babyluv, i also duno leh..gynae didnt mentioned anything when i told her got contractions but diluate so lil'

last nite i suddenly got a lot of thick discharge also duno wat but lucky no smell so didnt bother much abt it
ur thick discharge is yellowish with blood? Or just white colour?

Poor thing, I know about how u feel on walking so slowly..then down there feel like peeing but actually nothing very much yah..

Hey, dun cry abt the dilation ok.. just relax. perhaps u will have better progress after all the walking.
babyluv, it's slight yellowish w/out blood.
thk u...just duno wat happened lor...i got all things prepared waiting for the day to come n yet sigh...nothing comes at all. im not sure if it's good to bad but my mixture feelings is really making my temper really bad.

hopefully ltr my boss really allows me to take ML fm this fri at least i can relax a lil' but the thing is tat if im at hm n nothing happen then i will damn sian again
Shane, sit where 2 soak aso pain rt need to sit and get up.
Babyluv, my appetite aso better these days :p
Serrich, I didnt wake 2 pee but aso wake leh. Nt easy 2 sleep again so I tried make myself very tired so 9 time cld sleep.
My gynae said w induce on due date but I hope can wait few days c hw leh dun feel inducing but my hubby said shd listen 2 gynae she shd kn best...
I know what u mean.. my temper also super bad already. But must tell urself, it's bad for the bb lor. Looking at your EDD it's 1 more week. Actually, it could be anytime or like me, gotta wait a lil while more. Dun get frustrated lor..still have time.
U gotta monitor the discharge..if the yellow turns pinkish with blood strains, it's the show. Like what I am having...i dun think anyone is like me that gana show for 1 whole week on and off...Yesterday hb was joking to me.. " Has your bloody show ended?"...haha, i told him, it's now commercial break.

waa your gyane so kiasu, will induce zun zun on your edd. Hmm, I think if u can choose, just let it go a lil beyond the edd and see how.

Girls, just to check on some prices...
1) Need to pay more for induction?
2) For assisted delivery like vacuum/ forceps..how much more will u be paying? NUH is charging me $300.
babyluv, Induce is which type? My hospital is using the drip and they tell me 80-100 so I dunno real or not. For For assisted delivery like vacuum/ forceps aso 80-100. But hv not see the bill wont kn...
babyluv, i know it's bad for bb but it's really very difficult to control. i guess i cry more than i throw my temper which is the worst part. tat's the worst part when i see tat my EDD is just 1 more wk lor cos everyone tells me i will be early then how early y till now me still sitting in this chair in my office leh??? sigh... ohh got blood means show huh? ur gynae didnt say anything abt it meh? even after the cervix test my gynae said i will bleed i also dun hv. hahaha...ur hb damn cute hor? for my hb's case he chk my opening for me n told me last nite it's bigger...cant be bothered lah till now bb also dun want to come out

got to see the list for the chgs...i only know epi tmc chrg abt $300+
gals...yday my hb is asking me abt the gynae chrgs...hahaha...ur gynae mentioned abt "midnite chrg" boh? i told my hb if really want to talk abt chrgs very difficult unless we decided on a c-section cos hospital ward also duno how they charge one. wat if we're there at 2259hrs will they chrg us one nite leh?
I am not sure which type the hospital will use.. probably the insert the tablet. I wonder if drip will be more painful...so scary! Then after that request for epi (need to pay again!)... the whole body full of chemicals. Yucks!
Yours is RH... i thot your prices wil be higher than govt hospital. I think we better check the prices before induction lor.. better be prepared rather than get the bill and get a shock.
my hospital booklet got indicate checkout 12noon nv indicate abt check in leh.
Babyluv the price I told u is additional to the package price hor. Coz they give us a list of packahge price e.g normal without epi / assisted is 1300 - 1800. I think asssisted is another package price. Very confusing. Think only when take the bill then can really tell hw much it costs
ya i agreed the chrgs can be very confusing...n we cant like keep asking how much is wat when we dun even know wat we're going to use...hahaha...can u imagine we hv to concentrate pushing our bb n at the same time think of the long list of bills we are getting...hahaha...i really cant lor :p

i tink induce tmc will be using pills also according to some it will take a couple of hrs to see the effect

dunno, ya i saw the chk out time too...maybe like hotel we can tell them we require late chkin/chkout...hahaha...so can chg timing to 2pm chkout instead of 12pm
babyluv I dun think we can control. If we need wat we must use wat keke. dun suffer coz we wan save. Ask hubby pay lah so nt so heartache :p
