(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

good for you ! can fang xin liow ...

yupz me also 3 mths straight plus some of my own leave, so abt 3.5-4mths. by then bb abt 4 mths old, i more fang xin to hand her over to mil. easier for my mil to look after also.

how are u ? any symptoms ? your baby engaged already right ?

ya i've been drinking coconut, abt 1 every week if i can rem. i still have 1 inside my fridge.

jia lat, had heavy breakfast, so didn't have lunch, only had fruits. now i feel hungry, eating a bun, but like not enuf !!! :p
milly, nah...this is a Finnish co. i guess my MD is getting localise liao if not is kenna influence by my boss who's a lady SG boss. aiyah same here also who ever suggest anything she will write ur name so she wont kenna the shit

shekinah, most of the time i take 3in1. brew me only take mocha or latte but not often so i find it quite alrite too

shane, same with my boss lor wants to make things easy during these couple of mths so i better just take 2mths if not need to clear more shit. i told my boss straight tat some things cannot short-cut one must do means must do if not i come back clear shit huh??!!

tat's her lor...she keeps telling me 2 is enuf liao difference must be more than certain nbr of years. so u said lah how to plan? like tat not family oriented at all one...sigh...so wat if i really got a bb after a yr? chey...tink i better hv other plans liao
yah loh... if i can, i rather lelong the pots & plates! leave it in the house collect dust :p

Your boss really joker... she said she have learned what she need to learn from you??? So since she claimed so, she have no right to call you up while you are away.

i'm following confinement rules... ,(only when mil is around, hee hee hee), sounds a bit wayang, huh. but actions like not washing hair, probably follow, because can't hide wet hair (no hair-dryer!)

wow, your mum is making quite a scrafice for her granddaughter... talking about power of love. but, if your mother really not bother about her job, then, don't be too worried about her, let her handle.
shane, hahaha...just now i took wantan mee i still hungry now too :p end up taking coffee instead

last nite i took out the sling hor i see liao love it more n more :p lucky during the fair dun hv if not waste $$ but bumwear got sell hor at 5% discount leh if u really interested can go there n buy. me considering to get more cloth diapers or not but tat salegal told me $32/- online only $25 leh
Congrats Jane Tan... u beat me to it!! So happy for you that you have your lil buddle of joy to cuddle.

I am just back from gynae. Hai, my bb was enjoying himself on the CTG scan... the graph was super active and had lotsa movements. However, gynae said no contractions detected

Cervix check: 1-1.5 cm dilated..can at least put a finger thru. Haiyo, why so slow one!!
My EDD will be this Fri liao... my gynae says he is enjoying himself in there and is likely to overstay. She is not too keen on induction tho. If really need to have one, it will prob be next wed/thurs. She will see me for the nex regular check up on Fri again.
I am really quite frustrated by it already... dunno what is happening. Any tips on making my labour come faster?
jane, hahaha...ya hor can lelong the pots after tat..hahaha...

precisely lor...i also duno wat things she's referring to, there are so many rpts she yet to learn how to print even. ya lor i will flag this email n make sure i print out as supporting doc after ML
Jane Tan
nice to hear about your birth story and gald to hear both you and baby's alright.
Have to take care, because of your c-section.

is it not i do not want to try coconut, is that i'm 'forbidden' to.
i don't mind as long as it keeps me cool, however, now i have to turn to cold drinks to help me so.
babyluv, hey...tht u went labour liao wor so long didnt hear fm u. aiyo ur boy so cute really enjoying life inside u. huh? till now only 1.5cm dilated? i tht urs dilated last wk at 1cm liao...u got no feeling of 'tearing' huh?

hmmm...u try to massage ur breast more lor...then try lifting ur hands up more often also. it will helps early labour but seriously how early i duno. but anyway if bb is doing fine let him stay longer inside lah as long as placenta is serving him enuf food
hope you doing alright, we thot you pop already :p
how about more walking? raspberry tea? etc...

same here, dunno is it having body heat rash or simply the weather is too hot! tried one night without air-con, ended up waking up and switch it on myself...

hmm... i'm taking 3 months straight. worse case will be they just terminate my contract when it ends during this year end which i will not be surprised... which they were trying to do so last year when they know i was 2-3 months preggie. Maybe during my second and third months ML, i should seriously think of what to do if this happens.
I very sian in ofc so take leave these 2 days.
I aso dunno enuff pots of not later than say lah buy 2 many like no plc leh. I tin I will take ML 1 week b4 due start tired liao 9 time cant sleep morn cant wake nw keke
any of u experience the lower part of yr tummy like got knock knock like tat at least 20-30 times my gynae say is not baby. Say many tins happen at uterus now. Last Fri Vagina there sudden sharp pain and gynae say is gd sign as gg due soon but she say not this week
I heard drinking chicken essence make u very alert and hw make u alert is they simulate blood flood. So dunno drink or dun drink...
some people take very long to dilated. I do have occasional tearing and pressure kinda sensation.. hmm, it's only that much dilated only lor...so disappointing right?

I do the massaging..cos need to get the colostrum out. Looks like not helping in early labour leh
Lifting hands ah.. like how? Like in surrender position is it?

Think he got too much good food. My gynae was joking maybe can try starving him so that he will come out.

So irritating, keep getting calls from frens and relatives asking whether I give birth or not..

Esp my mum...super irritating! Keep calling me at least 2-3 times a day to ask me whether got action or not.
ya will just let her handle. guess it's a form of love for her granddaughter bah...hee hee ...

u making me hungrier with ur wanton mee. now feel like eating wanton mee. infact feel like eating alot of things ley :p jia lat man, very hungry. maybe later go n buy food.

gd that u like the sling. the material is really very gd. i wash the sling my sil gave me liow. hope will know how to use next time :p

i nvr buy bumwear ley. already decided to use disp diapers liow.

hey babyluv,
we all thot u go and pop liow ! hee hee, ur baby still hvg gd time inside huh.

well, go have some action tonite with hubby
heard it will induce labour hee hee ...
I strong craving for kopi during these few weeks keke tin my baby love kopi. I luv kopi b4 preggie then preggie seldom drink till these last few weeks. Appetite so good leh
must be mentally prepared if they do terminate esp yours is contract. maybe can consider be SAHM ?

u want to drink chicken essence, drink only before u admit to hospital before giving birth. supposed to give u strenght to push.

same here, my col at office also keep asking to action or not.

but my mum very cool. she keeps thinking i'll only give birth nearer to my EDD. but i tell her i very tired already.
no pop leh..cervix played me out. Perhaps will seriously need to explore walking. Didn't wanna do that cos I get all sweaty and sticky after tat, plus keep wanting to pee, cant walk in peace leh. Looks like no choice now, I will probably do some walking on the spot or around the house.

Wah, your org so heartless one..they will terminate contract taking into acct your pregnancy? I guess for contract jobs is quite boh hua and cruel in a sense. Yup, while you rest for ML, you can scout for other jobs just in case.
chicken essence: according to my irritating mum, she swears by that. She has been nagging me to have 2 bottles ready to drink before I go to hospital. I dunno lah, I dun subscribe to that lor.. she thinks that it will give u MORE MORE MORE strength to push. Somehow, this chicken essence has never worked on me even when I was preparing for exams.. it just makes me more agitated and sometimes headache.

These few weeks, I have strong cravings for jasmine tea. I drink about 2 cups a day. I hope tat the caffeine level not too high for Jasmine tea. It's actually very refreshing and cools me down. It has weight control purposes...apparently, today I weighed myself, lost 1 kg..

action tonight with hubby..hmm good idea. He sure no problem one... but I feel too clumsy for it. And as I have dilated already, scarly bb feel that got flood or heavy rain.
babyluv, ohh...i tht like one day 1cm then very fast can deliver liao...sigh...still got to wait so long. ur gynae got said ur birth canal soft boh?
ya i can sense ur disapptment...hopefully mine will be bigger when i go for my appt tis coming sat

my mum always tell me not to lift up my hands cos will hv early labour lor...ya tat's wat i do most of the time. stretch myself mah then at times got to do hsework surely need to lift hands up.

hahaha...so cute ur gynae, but ur bb's weight ok rite?

same here, everyone also asking but not asking me lah...kekeke...cos they know i dun like ppl to keep asking n asking :p so those ppl ask my mum lor

shane, hahaha...just not i bot back a lot of ppl said nice smell also but i hungry lah so nice boh also eat :p go get some simple food to eat not those which lots of carbo

ya i love the colour thou can sew ourselves lah looks easy lor...me going to buy some iron-on stickers to deco the sling :p i yet to hv it wash anyway will only bring bb out on the 2nd mth

ohh...u decide liao? wow...will cost a lot boh?
hey...u sure boh action? dilate means can feel the head liao...hahaha...later ur boy ask who's knocking on his head :p
hee hee, u so funny... baby still in waterbag ! still well protected hee hee .... wouldn't encountered any bad weather. if u want to be safe then ask hubby to use mr rubber lor. hee hee...

my gynae also mentioned walking does help. try walking ard at home.

i think floral tea do not have caffeine ? but i'm not very sure, so don't quote me... :p

You're so cute! More likely thunderstorm and earthquake to baby!! hahaa... but at our stage with the big tummy, i really don't know how to have action leh...have difficulty just turning from left side to right side in bed.

Anyway, read that to induce labour can stimulate nipples. Or go for walks so that gravity will push baby against cervix causing dilation to speed up. Also heard drinking raspberry helps.
Von yr boss ang mo like not very good

Jane Tan yr baby very tall leh
chicken essence pp tell me w make u bleed more coz blood ciculate very fast 2 make u alert mah and aso if u r those give birth > 10 hrs at 1st u very energetic and end of it when time u gg push u bo energy liao. Aiyo duno hear wat lah. My mum generation 1 of coz say drink, last time pp no nutrients mah haha
def will cost lor, cos use disaposable diapers must buy and buy and bb use alot. tt y at motherhood fair i bot 3 pkts of nepia diapers cos it was cheap.

i not sure if nappies will be very much cheaper or not. but also need water, detergent, liners and effort to wash. so maybe in the end also add up to be the same.

i use diapers for convenience,don't want to trouble my mum or hubby to wash.
hahaha...wow...all experts here liao

dunno, ang mo kenna influence by my local SG lady boss lor..nxt time find job dun get a lady boss...tsk tsk tsk...terrible
drinking raspberry helps ? i've been drinking ley. but ave abt 1 week 2-3 cups but at one go. not everyday. so far no action for me ley :p
shane, hmmm...not so environment friendly leh tat's y i dare not use too much disp ones. nepia good huh? i saw a lot of ppl q'in to buy

hahahaha...tat's actually wat my boss said to me :p she also asked me y i want to use cloth when can use disp ones.

then u must prepare more diapers cream liao...u got buy during the fair boh? think it's cheaper there
Haiya, dun care liao, bb obviously too comfortable inside. Tonight must give him some earthquake and tsunami wave! Notti boy, who ask dun wanna be cooperative?! I would rather my hb break my waterbag then the gyane use her hand or whatever to break the waterbag.

My cervix is very soft and good for labour tho.. so i guess the fault lies with the bb...he definitely too comfy in there.

His weight should be ok lah.. maybe btwn 3.3-3.5kg? Today din scan to find out. Size should be ok..but maybe by next week, will be on heavier side. Better not be c-section... was telling bb if we will have to c-section, that will mean less toys for him next time.
ok lah. not as bad as plastic. at least diapers still biodegradable hee hee ...

i heard review tt nepia is gd lah. but i don't know yet. wait till my bb try then i know hee hee ...

jia lat, i keep forgetting to buy diaper cream ! maybe will ask hospital to recommend after i deliver.
ha ha ... wow, then today ur hubby sure super happy one ... hee hee ...

btw, is ur bb engaged already ? if engaged already and dilating and cervix soft, should be labouring soon ley ...
Hey gals, saw this on internet:

Induced labour: One thing that needs to be considered is that induced labour is much more painful than the natural one and you may be required to have an epidural, so that you are prepared for a caesarean or an assisted delivery (using forceps or ventouse cup), if necessary.

So scary... induced labour is much more painful!!

Is it true that making love can induce labour?

It is true that sex can help to induce labour but only when the term is almost complete or you are overdue. Semen contains prostaglandins, the same substance which is secreted by the womb lining and responsible for softening the cervix and initiating labour. Lovemaking also stimulates the cells of the cervix to secrete their own prostaglandins.

That's the scientific talk about inducing labour..tonight go try it out if you dun feel like working for the rest of the week. Tell your bosses "goodbye"
babyluv, ur boy will be like this
whahahah...u gals really making my day :p so funny

same same...soft n good for normal..kekeke...

wow...tat's big :p but i tink as long as engaged n soft shld be still ok for normal delivery...

shane, hahaha...ok ok

u bot all NB? or u get some S n M also...boh ltr ur bb's outgrown wasted

hospital will give a tube it's whether enuf to use or not.
babyluv, hey thks for the info :p my mum today when for a test n she's fine so i asked her my bb can come out today liao boh she was laughing so loudly n said can liao :p so tonite i will hv action too
to let my bb come out today if possible 07.06.05 interesting date...kekeke...wish me luck...
oh yes..good luck! Dun use Mr rubber leh..u will need the rainfall.

Shane, was also contemplating to try nepia. Currently i bot the more expensive ones like pampers and mamy poko...all are NB. Maybe later on when bb upgrade to M/L size we can get Nepia from NTUC..(NTUC dun have NB size)

Rash cream: I heard that Desitin is commonly dispensed by pds...can try.
babyluv, kekekeke...alritey...good luck to u too

i bot 2 tubes of the nappy rush cream starting with Duxx with bb in front pink packaging..the cream also pink colour. heard tat it's good also. gynae gave me another type i forgotten the name liao very small tube
found this on the website:
Nipple stimulation is helpful in ripening a cervix. It's been found that women who stimulate their nipples for 45 minutes to an hour 3 or 4 times a day over several days, are more likely to have a ripe cervix (meaning soft and short) than those who did not.
"knock knock" on tummy? got a couple of those for the first time last night when trying to sleep, so, what is it supposed to be?

haha, didn't know starving, helps getting the baby out. Is it just a joke or is your gynae serious?

I agreed about the calls, i got one or two calls from friends yesterday (even though i'm only 35 weeks), asking whether i had given birth... find it strange when people are more anxious than the actual person myself!

walking around the house, easier for you, but don't exert too much, if tired, still have to sit/lie down to rest.

checken essence: still feel that 2 bottles is too much... but the essence does help me to be awake during office if i drink in the morning (that's before pregnancy)

action with hubby: It is a good idea shane, i read about it too. Don't worry about bb feeling the flood, because bb already in bag of waters already!
i bot a mixture. I bot 2 S and 1 M. At home already got 1 NB and another pkt of pampers NB.

hey u also want to action tonite ah ... ok ok wish you gd luck ! if successful, u'll pop earlier than me hee hee ..

also wish you gd luck ! hope can hear ur gd news soon.

u 2 must enjoy huh. will be another mth or so after confinement before can have action again kekekekekekekeekeke......

NTUC got nepia meh ? i din c ley ....
Is SAHM = "Stay at home mommy"? may consider, hubby will don't mind at all, but i feel that still need some kind of income to aid clearing up the debts.

Lifting up of arms: yah, my late father-in-law advised me not to lift/stretch my arms too during early pregnancy too. that's why task of hanging up of clothes after washing becomes hubby's job. But i never asked why, so, dunno whether is it because it induce labour.
the action with hubby is for bbluv, i can't action ley. still recovering from my thrush. sigh. been sex deprived for months !!!!
shane, wow...u bot until 2 S got said for how many kgs boh?

hey...me hving contractions now..hahaha...must be the topic making me excited...hahaha...no action also can :p anyway see how tonite lah in fact i really love my gal to come out tonite lor...

u gals got ur gynae's mobile nbr? or u gals go hospital liao they contact gynae huh?

jane, wow...ur late FIL also know such things? ya lor cannot hang clothes liao lor so too bad hb got to do it
u can try the bigger NTUCs..they have Nepia diapers. It's in a orange packaging. They even have a sample hung there for u to touch.

Thanks for your well wishes..we will work hard!
I cant imagine stimulating nipps for 45 mins..so long ah..no kick after that.
Wah...u feeling contractions liao. Good luck...hope to hear from u soon.

I am told to call the delivery suite straight if there is any action. I dun have the gynae mobile. Delivery suite will usually advise u...then they will prepare a room for u upon arrival. It's 24 hr, cool!
Yup, the delivery suite people will contact ur gynae to come down at the appropriate timing, like when you are more or less fully dilated.

Oh yes, lifting hands..yes, I remembered there is this woman who stretched her hand to pin something on notice board ended up waterbag burst.
yah, know that the suggestion is for bbluv. But, you aren't alone that cannot action... my hubby are had been refraining from sex to avoid premature births...

for my case, i go to hospital and they will contact gynae (or backup gynae).

yah, FIL knows too, in fact, he knows more and can explain better what can, what cannot be done than MIL who almost everything forbid (unable to give any reason). he's the one who let me eat laksa when i craved for it... hee hee hee, just that too bad, he didn't give me the green light to take young coconuts.
babyluv, ya lor i also find 45mins far too long already n will surely numb after awhile.
hahaha...feeling a bit lah now monitor lor but really hate the false alarm feelings.

ohh...so i guess i just go hospital can liao lor

aiyo...just stretch waterbag burst liao? scary leh...i stretch my hands everyday cos my cabinets very high up still ok leh
jane, huh? backup gynae? u need to pay both the gynae boh...do u tink if we deliver too fast end up midwife deliver for us then how we pay? free?? :p

ohh wow...a different FIL but y not the coconut leh...hmmm...
looks like ur FIL is the loving type...so sweet hor. At least he is not shy to discuss birth matters with u.

u take any medication for your thrush? Is it helping? Ur delivery is soon too, have to get it cleared in time. Maybe u can try washing with a feminine wash like lactacyd?
no lah, my gynae had been sick for about 2 weeks already, that's why have backup, KKH's policy
That's why i said "or" instead of "and", anyway, not paying for both gynaes, as i didn't go for the package, so will end up just paying for hours spend in the delivery suite.

coconut: hmm... didn't go round asking him, now a bit late, unless i use the spritual way to contact him :p
washing can help to remove the thrush?

jane, ohh...wat a time to be sick hor...icic...ya shorter time u spend inside the suite lesser $$ we're paying

chey...anyway u going to deliver liao so dun eat also ok lah
Von, at least keeping the genital area clean does help I guess. Esp after pooing. Latcacyd is mildly acidic based so using it prevents the growth of fungus/bacteria. But dun get the liquid into the varginal.

i had forgotten about this completely if babyluv didn't suggest, feminine wash does helps... can try... i used to have slight infection (discharge with abnormal colours & sometimes itchyness) myself too which i suspected is yeast infection. Used the wash to clean (happened to have offer @ hospital's parmacy @ that time), in the end, didn't got round to check with gynae as the infection cleared up.
