(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

don't think will get to see the placenta even if you want to see it :p

According to a lot of birth stories, usually new mothers are too engrossed with the new-born to notice the existence of plcenta!

first 2 days in hospital not tat bad becos bb not with us all the time. once finished with BF nurse will take her to nursery. the toughest is the 3rd day when we bring her home. becos no milk for her & think after 2 days no food she cries every 20-30mins. in the end we have to cup feed her formulae and tat makes her sleep longer...

i think my toughest period is first few days when i hve no milk for her & she keep on crying. mum & aunties all pressurised me to bottle feed her formulae. tat time v stressful, somemore my episotomy wound still hurts quite abit feel very sad then...cannot really sit down for long & so painful to BF her sitting down. luckily things gets better after milk comes in she sleeps longer once she is full & also my wound healing & not so painful... experience w many BF positions finally find tat lying down is the best as i dun feel pain from my bottom & also relief my arms from carrying her......bb currently sleeping w me in my bed at nite as more convenient to BF her...

initially hubby wants to stay w me at mum's pl but find tat anyway he cannot do much also & since need to work must well come home...he still goes my mum's pl which only 2 bus stops away from our hse for dinner then go home & sleep..wkends i came back home let mum rest so hubby will take care over the weekends

i wanted to take more photos but hubby left battery charger in office so these few days didnt manage to take any...
pinching for a very young children, yes... it seems to work at the same concept of stroking the head of the baby to make it round.

i think it helps because one of my sisters have flat nose... :D
now i can feel why you are so stressful/depressed at the first few days.
I was badly pressurised 2 weeks ago with all those aunties (and uncles) regarding the stupid money (for furnerals).

Can't imagine if i might have similar situation again, if i have 'visitors' during 1st few days at home (which is likely because we are not holding full month celebrations) and if baby crying because no milk. So, will sought your advice of trying to think it more positively and ignoring the irrelevant people.
shane, yalor so disgusting...
aiyo but see now u r happily married with a bb gal on the way tis is good life liao :D
duno lah...keep my fingers cross
the pinching does help a lil lah but u hv to pinch many times a day lor.. :p

jane, only our own mother will tink in this way...if IL maybe will not be as thougthful liao. wow...start work so early?

hahaha...so the pinching did help rite?

not true if u want to keep the cord u might end up seeing it...we need to hv another push for the placenta to come out
ya lor..tats the difficult period becos some old pple dun believe tat BF is anyway better than formulae becos at their time formulae is believe to be v good 4 bb since bb grow fatter w formulae...one auntie even commented i v cruel to not feed bb for 3 days make me so sad
so no choice hve to just ignore them lor its my bb & not theirs so i hve the right to make the decision...
Hi Gals
I was discharge on Sun. Busy settling bb n BF is no easy task. Has problem latching bb, can u gals share your tips. I have short nipple n it keeps slipping off from bb's mouth. Sometimes can feel that he is sucking from the tips which is v painful.

Vert tired, feeding, looking after bb as he demand a lot. Feeding time is usually 1hr+. Sometimes we both fell asleep while BFing...Now, he is sleeping so I have chance to logon.

You mean Naini is on holidays, still thinking of calling her to start my session soon. Can't stand my flabby tummy.

Yes, everyone was amazed that that my pain threshold was so high as I don't look like....

Here's my birth story :
On 2 Jun
7.00am - had red/browish discharge w slight contractions. So hubby n I stayed n home to monitor contraction interval.

(stayed home the whole day, wait n wait...contractions still irregular)

6.00pm - Suddenly felt a gush of liquid, went to check, seems like water bag has broke. Had dinner, shower, drank 2 bottle of chicken essense n headed for hopsital.

8.00pm - Reach hopsital, Nurse did cervix check, wow! Painful!! I was 3cm dilated.

11.00pm - Contractions getting more intense. Gynae came to check, cervix 6cm dilated. Said I had another water bag...broke it.

On 3 Jun
12.00am - Contraction getting more n more intense, nurse came in to ask if I wanted epi. I said NO...still can tahan!

1.00am - Cervix dilated to 8cm, cannot tahan any more, kept using the gas. Urge to push v strong so
started pushing. Can see bb's head liao. Gynae came...

3.00am - BB is born.

I do realised that my placenta is out...n later Gyane doing the stitching.
Hi Adora,

Wow, u do have great threshold of pain. I couldnt bear the contractions once my water bag broke. How's your stitches? feel any pain? Ya Naini only back on thurs, i think u can call her on thurs as she say for normal delivery usually starts 1 wks after to ensure stitiches are almost heal....

There is a kind of plastic nipple like thing tat is put on for those w short nipple. maybe u can ask yr hubby to buy...

BF is tough & esp for boys as they usually hve bigger appetite & more impatient...u hve to perserve on until u get yr milk flow...

1hr is long man...usually i only BF abt 15mins on each breast....
Yah, my gynae can tell if cervix has dilated from the u/s scan lei..

Dun worry too much abt ur work. Just try to teach the student as much as u can lor.. Your boss damn jialat lei.. Dun seems to see any urgency in the handing over duties.. Imagine u gg to labour the next day, even b4 the temp arrives! Wonder how ur boss gg to handle such situation?!

Dunno y i have become more energetic for the past week lei.. Seems to enjoy walking more than ever thou mentally veri tired.. Hahahaha...

I also bathed 3x a day over the weekends.. The weather is terribly HOT!! I wonder how to go thru the confinement even with the aircon on in my other connected studyroom! Haiz..

I have received my Daniel cot 2 weeks ago.. The mattress is still wrapped. My hubby will get the bedsheet set for the cot done up once my gal pops. If get it ready now, will collect dust lei. My bag also half packed. I will onli pack the toiletries on the day of admission itself.

Brenda is so sweet. Looks like she's smiling even in her sleep! :) If u are realli keen and determined to BF Brenda, then its worthwhile to invest on the Medela Dual pump. At least it has resale value rite?

Congras! Dr Chan must be amazed by your high tolerance as well!! Hehehe.. Lookin forward to see ur bb's photo! ;-)

Btw I read from the other thread that Janetan gave birth on 4 Jun to Baby Cheryl, weighing 3.745kg.
Ya...1hr sometimes he still not enuf leh. I know those extension but the lataction consultant didn't encourage me to use that, she says let the bb get use to it. I'll see how, maybe shld get one! My boy is v impatient, he wants the milk fast!

My stitches still ok, a bit painful. I having constipation, dare not push too hard! Has yours heal?

I bot Medela Mini Electric (Single) at $158 from Mums & Babes. It comes wif 4 washable breast pad + a tube of cream. The pump is rather noisy but I find double one too exp! Dunno how long I'll be using so dun want to invest in such a gd one!

Ya think he quite amazed that I did use epi as this is my first time. I'll try to post his pic when it's ready!

Wow congrats Jantan, 3.74kg is a rather big bb, you must have had a hard time!
Re: Placenta
i did request to see my own placenta, my was very small. You can request to see, else they will just throw it away.

Re : BF

first 2 weeks, latch on was difficult, cos milk flow was slow, but never give up. my improve 3rd weeks onwards where the milk flow is better, baby will be more willing to suckle.

Re : short nipple

use the pump, after some usage i realised that my nipple is longer

Re : Full month

Glad that my full month is over, just head down to town today...finally after being confined at home for a month ;)
<font color="ff0000">congrats Janetan !!!</font> Another baby arrival !
Do rest well and hope to hear ur birth story and see your baby pics soon !

as at 06/06/05
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>07/06/2005</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/06/2005</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/06/2005</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/2005</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>06/07/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>08/07/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Jane wsj, dun think I see a mosque there. It's at Shingli Industrial Park, Kakit Bukit Ave 1, near the car megamart. U got the bassinet, at least can last u the first few months. Sure got time to get a cot one. Can send hubby to order.

Von, jus entertain her on phone. If ask u to go down, tell her cannot. Hopefully, u can hv the full 3 months to yourself. Can see yr boss v reliant on u.

U sure ah pinch nose will make nose sharp. Wasted, my mom din do that when I was young.

Shane, yr cot sheet n bumpers all washed n cot up liao. Should b oki la. Put on the sheets too early will collect dust.

Milly, yr breastfeeding story is v inspiring. I'll learn from u never to give up n wait til my milk comes in. I already bought a feeding cup, so hopefully feeding bb from it wun b too tough.

Serrich, good that u can still walk so much. Keep it up. I think ever since I started staying at home, got lazier n lazier, dun even feel like moving much now.

Adora, u can really tahan pain huh! Try to get yr boy to latch onto yr areola, not on the nipples.
Juneten, the feeling of going out after being cooped up at home must've felt so good!

Did u supplement with formulae when yr milk flow was low the first 2 weeks?
the first few days are the toughest huh. must make myself mentally prepared. hope i can remain extremely +ve and go thru it.

Will need lotsa support from you gals here !!!
All of us must jia you ! heehee ...

really pei fu you. no epi !!! wonder if i can tahan or not.

just hang in there. the first 2 weeks will be toughest BUT it will get BETTER. So just hang on.

for latching, u might 1 2 try the nipple shield thingy that milly mentioned ? or try pumping like wat June said to lengthened ur nipples ? no matter wat, don't give up !!!

ok lah, feel quite contented. we all very xin fu mah, all hvg our little precious soon

oh u got ur cot already, tt's gd. I feel like setting up already ley. if leave it to hubby don't know if he'll know how to do it properly or not.

just now just pack more stuff into my bag. i think more or less done. just nd to remember to put in the camera.

congrats ! finally ur confinement over. you must be so relieved !!! hee hee, quickly head to orchard for a break liow huh ... now u can enjoy the freedom with the rest of your ML liow....
do your nipples feel sensitive to touch ? like abit painful kind ? mine is ley, like abit sore sore, touch abit then pain.
Also my feet are so bloated from water retention it's so uncomfy !!!
They look so fat and huge. Can't squat also cos feel as if the feet gg to explode kind of feeling
yday nite also like that. sigh. but after putting leg on pillow during bedtime, feel better.
Sometimes my nipples feel sensitive, only to realise they stood out. Can b a lil painful n sore.

My feet r also bloaty n achy. Can't walk much now lor, dunno if it's me lazy or really got problem. Gynae gave me medicine to rub my legs with, it does help. But v lazy to apply, some more hubby lazy to apply for me, sigh!
so we same same ...

u just reminded me i got the avent foot reliever, mayb will try to apply to c if it gets better.

ok gg to koon already. chat again tomolo.

goodie nitey !
Gals, I've found this article from www.askdrsears.com about breastfeeding:

Latch-on and sucking checklist:
You see the pink of baby's lips. This tells you that baby's lips are turned outward rather than tucked tightly inward.

There is a tight seal between the baby's mouth and the areola. Baby has a good mouthful of breast.

Much of the areola (at least a one-inch radius) is inside baby's mouth. As the baby is sucking, you do not see the base of your nipple, but only the outer part of your areola.

Baby's tongue is between the lower gum and your breast. If you pull down gently on baby's lower lip, you should be able to see it. With a good latch-on, baby's tongue extends over the lower gum, forming a trough around the nipple and cushioning pressure from the jaw.

Baby's ears are wiggling. During active sucking and swallowing the muscles in front of baby's ears move, indicating a strong and efficient suck that uses the entire lower jaw.

You hear baby swallowing. During the first few days after birth, baby may suck 5 to 10 times before you hear a swallow. That's because colostrum comes in small amounts. You may have to listen carefully to notice swallows. After your milk has "come in," swallowing will be obvious. After the baby's initial sucking has triggered the milk ejection reflex, you should hear a swallow after every suck or two. This active sucking and swallowing should continue for five to ten minutes on each breast.

Milk does not leak much from the corners of baby's mouth. Baby swallows the milk instead.

You don't hear clicking sounds, which would indicate that baby does not have his tongue positioned correctly and is latched on incorrectly.

You do not see dimpling (the middle of baby's cheeks caving in) during sucking. This would indicate that the baby has a poor seal on the breast and is breaking suction as he moves his gum and tongue. Pull baby off and try latching on again.

Eventually, you will know that your baby is latched-on and sucking efficiently by the way it feels. If you have a lactation consultant helping you, (which is a must for a first-time mom) pay close attention to how your nipple feels after the two of you have gotten the baby latched on correctly. There should be no pain. Also pay attention to how the sucking feels on the areola. You will actually feel a tingling sensation as baby draws the milk out of the milk sinuses. There will be no doubt that your baby has a solid and secure connection to your breast.

When baby is not latched on securely to the areola, the painful sensations in your nipples will register "Red alert! Lousy latch-on." Do not persist with an incorrect latch-on. Take your baby off and start again. Be sure that you wait until baby's mouth is wide open and the tongue is down and forward before pulling baby onto the breast. Rushing the latch-on results in baby gumming just the nipple. You'll get sore and baby won't get enough milk.

Be patient. Take a few deep breaths, calm baby down, and stay calm yourself. It takes a week or two for most mothers and babies to become skilled at breastfeeding.

What to do if you just can't seem to get it right
With prompt attention, latch-on and sucking difficulties can usually be fixed within a few days. Here's what to do:

Get help right away from a lactation consultant if you're having trouble latching your baby onto the breast or feel that your baby is not sucking well. A lactation consultant will show you how to get baby to latch on better. She can also show you how to teach baby to suck correctly. Some newborns need to be taught how to suck more of the areola and with the back of the tongue instead of just sucking on the front of the areola with the front of the tongue. Incorrect sucking also causes sore nipples

Make certain that your baby is getting enough to eat. The first rule in solving breastfeeding problems is to feed the baby. Keep track of baby's urine and stool output to determine if he is getting enough milk. After your milk has "come in," baby should have 4 to 6 wet diapers a day (6 to 8 if you're using cloth) and at least 2 to 3 substantial yellow, seedy stools. Some babies have a stool with every feeding. (The frequency of bowel movements decreases after the first month, as babies intestines mature.) If your baby is losing weight and is not having an adequate amount of wet diapers and bowel movements, talk to your doctor about supplementing your baby's feedings until either your milk comes in or your baby learns to latch-on efficiently.

If supplementary feedings are necessary, avoid using bottles. Supplements can be given with a cup, spoon, eyedropper or feeding syringe, or a nursing supplementer. Using one of these will prevent the possibility of nipple confusion, caused by feeding baby with artificial nipples. (See Alternatives to Bottles)

You may need to use a breastpump to keep up your milk supply until baby becomes a more efficient breastfeeder. The milk you pump can be given to your baby. To establish and maintain a milk supply for baby who can't yet nurse very well, you need a high-quality electric pump. These can be purchased or rented. (See breast pumps for more information on specific types of pumps.)

Don't be discouraged. Breastfeeding does not come naturally to most breastfeeding pairs. Moms need to learn how to help their babies latch-on correctly and babies need to be taught how to suck correctly. This takes time and lots of committment, like any worthwhile goal in life. Remember, it does get easier. Don't give up!
ask you ladies something. Did anyone of you experience slightly heavier watery discharge than normal?

I had some painful contractions last night but still managed to fall asleep and the pain went away. But this morning i realised that my panties were a little wet with watery discharge.

We decided not to go to the clinic and monitor what happens. aiyo really worrying because my gyane is going to be away from 12 to 15 Jun.
cookie, i will just help wat i can but when comes to system it's not easy to just explain via phone.

ya pinching does help a lil'

the avent foot reliever is good lor so make full use of it to massage ur leg :p it's not sticky also

serrich, wow...u/s can see ur cervix liao...hmm...anyway mine is a lady gynae n she dun anyhow does test for me so it's ok lah

tat's wat my hb said also lor...he said if i go deliver the nxt day see how she's going to handle the whole mess. sigh...

adora, wow...u r so wonderful...but i dun dare to drink chicken essence leh...

shane, ya lor having a lil' life inside us n able to bring him/her out into this world is just too good liao

lucky for me till now feet is not as swell. my boss just looked at me yday n asked me how come hands n feet not swell :p

jane tan, wow....indeed a very big bb...congrats!!!

babyluv, how are you feeling now? my contractions dun seem to visit me liao but the 'tearing' feeling of the virginal is terrible
shane, no lah my nipples are quite alrite leh...just tat my left nipples seems to have those very tiny small white dots
i experience constipation once also cannot poo &amp; if try too hard the wound will hurt end up whole nite cannot sleep very xin kun. nxt day called gynea &amp; he ask me to buy a kind of constipation medicine from pharmacy helps alot after tat. confinement food v heaty so we prone to constipation try drink more liquids &amp; take fruits...

my stitches getting better. i think becos mine is vacuum so the wound maybe longer than the normal delivery so take long but it getting much better at least i can sit w/o feeling the pain...

Jane Tan,

COngrats! Wow tats a big bb do post pics for us to see!

tat maybe the the mucus plug discharge better see gynae maybe dangerous if get infected since tat is supposed to seal the waterbag to prevent infection...
i'm still amazed you gals are up till so late and so many postings at night. i was so tired after reaching home!

yes, we still have to give a push for the placenta, but it is not that intense as pushing the baby out (as read, but will only know when we encounter ourselves).

An aunt advised me to drink chicken essence too before going to the delivery room too, saying will give us the energy &amp; strength to push later on... wonder how well does that works. seems to work for adora.

i agree the older generation still believes that formulae is better, don't really like it when people like to give negative comments like this as if they are experts just because they have one or two children of their own. but times have really changed.
Yap, seen those plastic aids as milly described in stores too.
Feeding at the nipples sounds painful, you need a alternative.
My mil described she had the same problem with my hubby when he was a baby, hugh appetite but she don't dare to feed too many times, so end up only feeding water within the 2 or 3 hours (with lots of disagreement from the bb of course), but at feeding times, feed both B-Milk &amp; formulae.

3.74Kg! wow, beaten our records here! Hope to hear from you soon!
jane, my frd just mentioned to me abt a chinese sensei who kept her placenta for her bb to eat...*yucks* im not going to see the placenta for sure cos in pics already very disgusting so i wont want to see the physical thing

i heard abt drink chicken essence but seriously i dun dare to drink moreover adora drank 2bots...gosh...i only know must eat even if we feel the pain during meals
morning gals !

re chicken essence
my grandma also ask me to drink before i go hospital...but i don't like to drink ley...how ah .... :p

hee hee ya my also the sample pkt. not bad. smell quite nice also.

i can't tell cos i've been heavy discharge all along. But if there's no bleeding, shouldn't be anything to worry abt. Do monitor first and see if the water leaking is continous. the mucous plug should be tinged with streaks of blood. But if it's waterbag water, it's clear and just like water. You should visit the doc if it's the waterbag leaking.

so gd ur hands and feet nvr swell. my feet start to swell quite badly at nite. it's a very uncomfy feeling.
Going out already, can see how you can enjoy the fresh air outside! really envy you!

So is at the other side of Kaki Bukit. Had re-discussed with hubby, he will make the final decision and necessary actions.. hee hee..

Thanks for bf article, will find it useful
the placenta actually very 'bu' one. my friend hubby wanted to keep the placenta to cook ! But he couldn't find a plastic bag in the delivery rm, so in the end didn't.
shane, i very ks one once i know i walked too much i will go hm n massage my leg but recently im too lazy already anyway going to deliver so didnt bother much abt them liao

same here, dun like to drink chicken essence so likely will opt out unless someone rmbr to bring to me to drink

serious? i only know placenta is uesd for makeup u mean ur frd's hb really want to keep it? must know the storage method if not no point. i also know some facial also use placenta but it's cow
nipple sensitive @ touch, me nope (maybe not yet). But i have problem with my bloated feet too, and because of the weather or body heatyness, keep feeling toes 'wet', have to wipe dry the toes in toilet.

ha.., you mean your friend wants to 'ta-bao' the plancenta? Why didn't he ask from the nurses in the delivery room?

i have heavier discharge, but as not watery than normal. Is there a backup gynae during the 4 days when your gynae is not around, just in case?
*yeeks* eat plcenta!?! i'm ok to look at it (for curiosity sake), but to keep it... err... not my agenda.

yah, i thot one bottle of chicken essence is more than enough, was amazed that adora had two when i was reading her birth story.
maybe try to gulp down 1 bottle lor. don't breathe and just drink then drink lots of water after that :p worth the trouble if it really helps us in delivery.

ya i also don't know placenta can cook and eat till my friend hubby told me. kinda er xin actually :p

ya he wanted to do that. but i think too much hassle so he gave up cos need to put in fridge to let it remain 'fresh' hee hee ....
my mum also ask me to drink chicken essence b4 going to delivery but tat time too gan cheong so in the end forgotten. some say drink ginseng tea also will help...

i did saw my placenta becos hubby took pics of it...looks so bloody, heard can cook &amp; eat good for complexion but eee...so er xin rite...

saw most EDD are 38/ 37 wks....so waiting to c who will be the next?
jane, hahaha...i tink my mind will be full of bb wont even rmbr to look at the placenta.

shane, unless it's warm i will take lor...yucks i cant imagine leh drinking chicken essence.

indeed very er xin lor...yucks

milly, ya good to use external n internal but very yuckie leh...

hahaha...ya now just waiting to see who's nxt :p
ya, wonder who will be next. those who have dilated higher chance lor hee hee ....

btw, is ur mum or u got a confinement lady to help you ? you seem to have an ez time looking after baby. so envious of you.

ha ha, take pics of the placenta ... i hope my hubby will be gutsy to take. He hasn't decided whether he wants to look at the birth yet. For the moment, he'll just stay beside me in the delivery rm hee hee ....

warm ah. must ask ur hubby to warm up lor. put in a cup of warm water. but quite ma fan. i also don't know if i'll drink or not. if can rem then i'll drink, if not then forget it :p
shane, i tink it's not so advisable to get hb to see the placenta. hb's duty is to be there for our support not to see those bloody stuffs

ya very ma fan n like wat u said duno will rmbr to drink boh...kekeke...
ya hubby must provide support. tt's top priority...

hey, how's ur contractions ? u experience anymore ?
yah, agree with shane, just hold our nose while drinking the essence (with lots of water after). It works that way, used to do that when i started drinking chicken essence.

the advice given to me was to dilute the chicken essence with warm water and drink, because not many people can just drink the essence straight from the small bottle.

seen people forwarding emails with pictures of placenta and 'recipes', find it grosse... thot in Singapore no one will bother about it, until now.

your hubby dare to take pictures of the placenta, i doubt my hubby will :p don't even know whether he will be stunned seeing the baby coming out.

yah, there are so many, wondering who's next... me and erlisa might be the last, but hard to say...
hm I tot baby is faced downwards during antenatal coz they said baby cm out w face downwards?

Adora thanks for sharing and u r really BRAVE no epi :)

Jane Tan after 1 cm dilate 1 day later give birth so fast!

my mum helping me out. was staying w her last wk but her neighbouring blk upgrading v noisy so i moved back this wk. mum came in during day time to help me out...nite time i take care myself since i BF her so i need to wake up anyway....

Brenda sleeping now so hve time to logon otherwise also v bored...she is easier now to take care will sleep after feed but must make sure feed her full otherwise sleep awhile will wake up liao....

surprise at my hubby also, when we attending the antenatal class watching birth videos he almost freak out but dunno y v yong gan in delivery room...taking lots of pics. nurse laughing at him saying he shd take pics of bb y go &amp; take the placenta
i think becos i was on epi so not much screaming so he didnt panic...my BIL say tat time SIL scream so much &amp; squeesing his hand until "all chye" so didnt take any pics.
all sorts of strange thing. actually placenta is widely used in makeup pdts, esp our lipstick hee hee... so actually we're consuming placenta as well hee hee ....

ya it's hard to tell who's next ! the waiting game can be quite frustrating. today my hubby just ask bb when she wants to come out :p ha ha ...
oic. Brenda's such a gd gal. ez to take care. ya come chat with us then u wouldn't feel so bored. hopefully i'll have a ez time like you.

so now Brenda's on TBF ?

she actually sleeps alot during the day ez to take care...find tat nite time more tough she stay awake longer..

yes i do pump out for my hubby to do the nite feeds. but find tat she go to sleep fast w direct feed becos i feed lying down so she automatically can dose off. But bottle feeding she is still wide awake after finishing then still need to spend time "hong" her to sleep...

so r u planning to take ML early or work till pop?
