(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

shane, ya hb suppose to go there to
for us..kekeke...

so far no much contractions liao but the 'tearing' feelings came in the mrg but after awhile it went off too so i also duno how leh. shld i stay at hm n wait or wat

jane, when young i also drink in this way then after tat quickly take a sweet to eat
if put in more water inside it will take longer time to drink...hahaha...

milly, ya such a good gal u hv...
i told my hb to rmbr to take off his ring...hahhaa...in case i squeeze his hand too hard

my gynae said that he will make sure his friend(s) take care of my if i happen to delivery during his absence. However, he seems quite certain that it will not happen. Anyway, will ask again during my check up this thurs.

so gross ... can't imagine eating the placenta. My hubby said that he will likely faint if asked to look at it.

my legs are swelling badly too and elavating them at night does not work as well anymore. My mom has this old wives saying that as the day approach closer.. the legs will swell and swell and once the swell subside, you would deliver! don't know how true.

Milly, peifu peifu.. you actually take care of baby Brenda yourself while doing confinement. I don't know how i will cope with lack of sleep.
Adora u so fast can bf, tats gd.

How many cm consider short nipple?

Any idea after give birth hw long can attend wedding?

I heard dun drink chicken essense really confusing keke
u might want to slowly teach brenda the difference btn day and nite so that she'll go to sleep faster at nite. there's some babies who are nite owls, so the poor parents get lesser sleep. not sure if it's possible but u can start by playing with her abit more in the day so that she don't sleep so much in the day. not too sure if she's too young for the 'training' tho'

actually intending to work till pop but it's getting tiring and sien to come to work. so maybe by next week if i hvn't pop, i might take 2-3 days inadvance before my EDD. But my mum feels i should just wk till i pop. sigh, but i so sienz to come to work liow ...

i think if no contractions, it's ok to con't working, unless u feel really uncomfortable to go to work and stay at home to rest. or get mc from doc.

so far i'm still quite ok to go to work. but just feel sien and sleepy.

ya i heard of that myth also. before delivery will swell 3x. after that it'll be time for your delivery. don't know true or not. but i also don't know how to count cos my feet has been swelling on and off.

logically speaking after ur confinement, u can do watever u want already.
initially hubby say prepared to lend me his hand to squeeze..in the end i use epi he say "disappointed" he like not much of use in the delivery room liao so spend time taking pics..

me also gara gabo initially...dun even know how to change diaper...but no choice lor w BF we r force to learn....so u hving confinement lady?
shane, ya i tink so too dun want to keep taking leave/mc
same here i also damn tired want to sleep

milly, hahaha....so cute ur hb :p
i guess none of us here knw how to chg diapers but once get used to it shld be ok liao
i think the first few weeks of our baby birth, we should hand bz, leg messy one. once we get the hang of things, it should be much better.

ya very sleepy rite. everynite i wake up at 3am to go toilet. then have hard time gg back to sleep.

also quite bored at office ley ... keep looking at the clock for time to pass....
shane, last nite i woke up 4am to wee...gosh...same here cant sleep after tat cos i heard a loud bang..gosh...

hahaha....good lor means ur things all done liao. talk to ur bb lah ask her when she wants to come out n see daddy n mommy
re essence chicken:
Seems that majority of u dun like the smell & taste, except me huh?! Hehehe.. infact i like the taste lei.. But can drink 2 bottles at 1 go meh? Wont it be too heaty? Some also advise taking young coconut before labour. So which one to take, coconut or essence of chicken??

re placenta:
Placenta can cook & eat one meh? Sounds realli disgusting lei.. Anyway first time i hear of this..

I also have sensitive nipples.. Sometimes my nipples so sensitive that a slight brush over will cause pain.

Have u decided to take ur ML prior to your EDD? My hubby keep asking me to take 1 week in advance to rest and wait at home.. I havent even started handing over my duties so dunno if my supervisor allows me to take in advance or nt.. Haiz..
Milly, adora, JaneTan,

Congratulations! Wow 3.74kg. Double the wt of my bb leh. Really must be tough carrying. Do rest well and enjoy motherhood.

I hv 1wk+ more to go. Cant wait to go out for the GSS.
ya i very light sleeper, so once wake up, it's hard to go back to sleep. sigh. every morning like zombie like that. reach ofc late also :p

not really all done lah. still got bits and pcs but quite ok to manage one. i just taking it ez liow. sick of work already :p

u like the taste of chicken essence ah ... gd lor, then u can take mah. it's said to be gd for delivery ley, gives u strenght.

same here lor, slight brush only pain. don't know y like that....

my hubby also ask me to take 1 week in advance. if i do that means from next monday onwards i can be on leave already ley. such an appealing thot ! but think of staying at home and wait also sien. so maybe i'll just take 2-3 days before. might start ML on the 15th.

u quickly start to hand over then u'll have a peace of mind and can start concentrate on waiting for bb hee hee ... then u can also plan when u 1 2 take ML. i think for everyone here, it's anytime. all depends when bb want to say hi to us...
dreamydove !
how are u and baby ? everything gg smoothly?

1wk+ very fast one. soon u'll have ur freedom soon.
yah lor, your hubby so cute... i think he studied too much before entering the delivery room liao... i believed when is my turn, i probably squeeze my hubby's hand like what your SIL did, but with only one condition that is my finger nails must be short, which is not now!

yah, that's true, so, sometimes, it is good not to know too many things :p
i think as long after confinement can attend wedding, not very sure, you have to check with the old folks or even the new couple about it.

between coconut and essence, i have no idea which should be taken. my folks are much aganist coconut, so for my case just essence and they even expect me to drink every night, which i'm not doing so, because i will end up awake whole night and insomic!

ML prior EDD: not intending to myself too (setting aside office policy) looking at the increasing number of work tasks to do nowadays unless really very tiring or feeling sick.
shane, same here today came to work so boring nothing much to look after to. then my mum keep calling me abt buying pots for this n tat...aiyo looks like my hse going to hv lots of pots liao

at least it's bit n pcs, my boss just said she has headache i told her better go hm rest if not ltr on she can take no more leave liao moreover ofc wont hv any men since we're participating in the communicasia

serrich, as long as u take young coconut before dun worry abt taking it liao. chicken essence is just for u to hv the energy to push the bb out but shld i really want to deliver today i will tell bb to wait till tmr also cos im too tired to do anything today liao. lucky tonite no cooking :p

i guess same for all the hb...my hb also tell me to take adv ML to rest at hm
hi shane,
tks for asking. everything's ok, except for the weather! Really hot man. Cant wait to soak myself in cold shower! One more week to go! must tahan..

U due soon hor? nervous n excited? must get prepared! who knows e next time i logon u pop liao, haha.. Do rest well.
ya lor, so boring ... i keep yawning, if only can sleep .....

hee hee ur mum buying lotsa of pots ah ... for wat ?!

ya the weather is crazy man. if this kind of weather keeps up, i don't know how i gg to survive my own confinement as well. sienz.

u just hang in there, only 1 wk, very very fast one.

ya due soon. it's all up to baby now, see when she wants to say hi to mum and dad hee hee ...
shane, gosh...im so sleepy tink i need a coffee liao.

my boss is going off now n haf day tmr...guess i can sleep liao :p

aiyah for the red dates tea, sterilise milk bot, boil water for shower purpose

dreamydove, ya 1wk very fast one but i can imagine the rest of us how to survive gosh the weather is so damn hot...

hvnt seen babyluv for a long time liao...u gals tink she deliver liao?
u got drink kopi ah ... i like the smell of kopi but nvr drink. when i drink kopi i get headache.

so gd boss not ard ! u can really koon liow or better still go home !

oic ... so many pots for so many purpose hee hee... i nvr go think so far ley. don't know my hse got enuf pots to boil and cook or not ... if don't hv, my mum also gg to make noise ha ha ...

i also think she go give birth already. cos her due date is this week ley. so anytime for her...
so next one maybe her.... just got to wait for her news hee hee ...
you aren't alone... i have too many pots & plates at my house, thanks to both parents, that i practically have to use the 'drying dish' to store them, and hardly uses them :p

wow, that's a lot of purposes... you will need to stove space to store them.

you drink coffee? thot preggie not supposed to because of the caffine (although i still drink tea occasionally)
shane, got lah but not everyday sometimes just feel like drinking caffeine stuffs.

very irritating...wow...she just simply ask things w/out writing down. just now she can send out an email to my MD cc to another manager n me that she has been having headache for a nbr of days liao n come to work bcos she needs to learn things fm me...gosh...
as if it's my fault like tat...in the 1st plc she's my boss shld already know how to do my work n not wait till so last min to learn when we dun even know if the temp gal will really work after i teach her or not

i know u better play safe chk with ur mum before the naggin comes...cos there are some pots have to be new

ohh...u tink so too? ya just wait lor or she's like me no internet access :p

hey same here i love to drink teh c but only certain place one esp near my workplc must drink :p very thick

jane, hahaha...u also huh? i really cannot tahan so many pots at my plc n not using them esp we dun cook so much...sigh...

no space liao...hahaha...i cant imagine my kitchens simply just pots n pots

can drink as long as not more than 2cups a day. rmbr soft drinks also got caffeine hor so must count them in too
Quote fm my boss' email: I have a terrible migraine, it has been for a no. of days already.
Needed to come to office as you already know that Evon will go for her
maternity any moment from now.
I have learned what I need to learn from her.
Seen Doctor Goh , downstairs, just now and have a day of M.C.
jus finished my nap & also feeding Brenda...

yr mum also helping u w confinement? ya old pple always complain not enough pots & stuff. this wk mum here in my hse say v difficult to cook cos kitchen so small & very min utensils available..

ya weather v hot. i on aircon in my living hall also otherwise cannot tahan...

envy u only 1 more week to go. me still hve 19 more days....

really hate confinement not only cannot bath, cannot drink plain water, cannot walk too much, also cannot go out like in jail to me....my hubby say me too active good to have excuse to lock me at home

will u gals be following the confinement rules strictly?
ur boss just claiming credit. from the way she say in the email, think she scared her boss say her, so must 'show' that she got learn ur work even tho' she got headache. sigh .... office politics. cannot stand ley.

u don't get so fed up with it. just heck care already. since they don't care so much, so y u bother... anyway her email already say she learn from you liow... so when u not ard and she can't perform your work, it's her business .... ha ha ...
milly, hahaha...same here tat time my mum came to my place said my hse everything also dun hv...aiyo dun cook everyday y bother buy so many of those hv or dun hv to put at hm leh

i guess i will hv to on the aircon whole day liao cos the weather is really killing me since wkend

better than anyone of us here yet to pop dun talk abt confinement

can walk lah but dun walk too much...bath can dun bath too much, plain water y cannot tat im not sure liao

most likely i will still shower but maybe alternate days, i dun want to hv aches when im old. aircon i will on but i will try not to hv direct fan, windows i will also open. plain water i wont drink likely i will take the red dates water instead. i wont shower bb for the 1st mth just help her with dressing n play with her. thou it's very impt to hv body contact with her but i will do away with the water part
yup my mum helping me with my confinement. actually also got headaches. my mum had to take no pay leave to help me with confinement. then her col go and scare her say maybe she no more job when she wants to come back. sigh. then she got fed up. actually my mil also offered to do for me but my mum already took her leave. so con't to let my mum do. i just hope everything go smoothly. anyway my mum say don't care abt her job, if don't hv then don't hv. sometimes this kind of problems also make me very 'fun'.

i forsee i'll have the same complaint from my mum. cos my kitchen very small compared to my mum place one and my kitchen got very little untensils cos we seldom cook. so i think she's gg to have a hard time adjusting. i keep telling her to keep things simple. hopefully that will help cut down conflicts.

i try to follow to the best i can but i'll definitely bathe. i bot the confinement shower gel and shampoo from Little dreamers. will be using that instead of the herbs. as for food, i tell my mum no need to be so strict. from the way my mum behave, i think she wouldn't follow very strictly also. *hopefully*

so now Brenda sleeping again ? wish i can see my baby soon also. can feed her, play with her and watch her sleep. so nice ... hee hee ..
hi all,

just came back from hospital. my birth story:

on 3 june (fri)
1am - contractions started every 4-7mins
3am - went hospital
3.30am - admitted, 3cm dilated, asked for epi straight
4am - epidural
7.30am - gynae came. checked. 4-5cm dilated
3pm - fully dilated, start pushing
3.20pm- gynae said bb head too high, not engaged, go for emergency c-section
3.45pm- i continued to try pushing as i want natural birth
4pm- really no difference and gynae said go for c-section
4.18pm - bb is out by c-section

weight is 3.745kg, height 51cm.

got to rest now. backache quite bad. MIL chasing me to go sleep. update again when free.
shane, office only hv 7persons already like this...sigh...terrible rite? im really very disappt lor after working here for 4yrs tis wat i deserve, as if i preggie is my fault

hahaha...hey...u r rite man!
how come i didnt thot of tat..kekeke...

not bad u still can tahan bath alternate days. me currently bathing once everyday use the hot herbal water still feel like not enough....

i do bath for bb leh...shd be ok rite since its still hot water...anyway i also wash hands w tap water cannot hve luxury to everytime hve hot water to use...

actually dunno y cannot drink plain water also...me sick of the red dates tea alrdy doesnt seems to quench my thirst...i use to drinks lots of plain water so cannot tahan this part....
jane tan, ohh...it must be real tough for u, but how come ur gynae didnt cont to let u try to push hor? my gynae said her 1st child 4kg with assisted n forceps normal leh? but anyway as long as both safe can liao
Hi Jane !
Good to hear from you. Poor you must have been tough, tried natural and still go thru Csection.
ok ok, u rest well now. must take care of yourself. when u free then login again to chat and tell us more.
take care ok !
could be Jane's bb still too high up, so it will be difficult to push bb out. she got mention that her bb is high. ya, anyway both safe can liow.

her bb so big, must be very chubby and cute hee hee ...
milly, tat is wat so far i've planned but really can do it or not im not sure but seriously ive too many relatives got muscles ache at an early age of 30+ so better be safe than sorry. im not expecting my children to look after me when im old, i want to enjoy my old age with my hb so better take great care during confinement.

wash hands wif tap water is fine but rmbr dun touch the main joints. fingers got joints lah but try to wash fast fast lor :p

but till now im still not sure if i want to use shampoo/shower gel or just wash with herbal water leh...cos if use shampoo/shower gel sure will end up showering longer.

red dates tea i heard it's good for breast milk n cos our body is now in a 'cold' stage so maybe it's good for our health also lor. then plain water might be 'cooling' tis period for us.
shane, ohh...maybe lor cos yet to engage right? cos my gynae said it's better to engage to hv normal delivery. but like wat u said safe can liao

yalor...kekeke..must be damn cute..

jane tan, rmbr to upload ur bb's pic hor
ai ya office is like that one. don't think too much. when my boss just got to know i preggie, she told my col that she prepared i might not come back after childbirth. sigh. i hear liow also sien. don't know after ML i still got job or not. but after while i don't care liow. but recently she keep assuring me i will still hv my job when i come back. so i shall c lor.

so i feel sometimes being preggie also very difficult. gov wants us to give birth but yet employers not happy when we preggie. sigh.

ha ha... ya lor. let your boss answer for her own actions when u not ard. so u don't fed up liow.
think better w mum help than mil as usually mum more able to "negotiate" on certain things. dun worry leh believe things will work out well...now shd jus concentrate on hvg good rest believe me u will need the energy after birth to take care of bb...

haha now u wanted to c bb v much...when she out at some pt u will wish she still in yr tummy
tats how i feel in the 1st wk..
i think cannot drink plain water cos will cause water retention or make us have 'wind' in our body if i didn't rem wrongly...

actually red dates drink should be quite nice. but i'll tell my mum not to make it too sweet. just got abit of sweet taste can liow. if not cannot quench thirst !
can't imagine 1 full mth cannot drink plain water !!
shane, ur boss also said that? wow...same boat man both of us...

my boss asked me if im coming back, i asked her back if she wants me to come back...hahaha...but seriously even if i dun want to come back no need to tell boss also mah wat if they use this excuse to 'chop' us leh? thou can go MOM n sue them but in the end also waste time n effort

yalor yalor...just now im telling my hb y cant government just give us 3mths n take straight instead of letting us take flexible last mth. it's such a difficult decision to make whether to come back on 2nd or 3rd mth...sigh...

leh u...let me cool down a bit :p must flag this email...kekeke...
Jane Tan,

Wow such a long process must be very tiring for u now...u do take good rest. Anyway most impt thing both bb & mum is fine.
ya tt's true. with own mum easier to 'talk' hee hee ...
ya how i wish i can be on ML to sleep and sleep. i trying to rest whenever i can but when comes to weekend, suddenly i feel the need to 'play' before my freedom gets robbed away :p

ha ha, i think can understand tt feeling. very different with hvg bb with you and hvg bb in tummy.

what i look forward are the days when she's slightly older, can walk and play with you tt stage, i think will be more fun. for now, it's purely sleeping and feeding her.
think its against the MOM laws to sack female staff like tat. if yr bosses do tat u can go & "kao" him i think...

my company quite ok w 3mths straight since they alrdy got backup for me so better for me to clear 1 shot else go back still need to clear leave also ma fun...
u so funny, u ask ur boss back if she wants you back.

i long ago decided liow, will take 3 mths straight and extend with my own leave. want to spend as much time with my bb as possible. then i find it troublesome to take the 3rd flexi cos need to keep track. since my ofc ok with me being away for 3 mths, then i just take the chance.

gd as long as you cool down liow, tt's gd.
so u will also be on ML for 3 mths? gd.. gd.. can keep each other company. maybe we can even organise meet ups after our confinement hee hee ... and bring our bbs out.
milly, ya we can sue them but we've so much $$ boh? moreover co. can use dirty tricks also, who knows they will turn the table ard saying we're the one who hint them we're not coming back?

clear leave is indeed very ma fun but take whole 3mths then go back office n clear shit also very headache.
shane, ya tat time she looked desperate mah so yaya asked her back lor...true mah if she wants me back i come back lor if she make it very clear that she dun want me then i dun come back lor. u know she told me not to give birth so fast for the nxt one...but too bad lor my hb wants bb fast fast lor...
these bosses really v bad hor...i find pregnant alrdy v stress up & xin kun initially morning sickiness, as we progress we hve difficulty walking & also swelling & backaches but still need to perform as b4...they shd hve more tong qing xin right...

r u working in local firm...find tat local company bosses r more "cat"...last time i also work in a local chinese firm....the boss so "cat" until the recept will joint down names for late-comers & submit list to yr superior...so childish rite treat us like little kid..

ya me taking 3 mths...u too? good at least got pple to chat...sure can try to organise some meet up..
Von & shane,
i think it's ok to drink coffee, i also have carvings...as long as it's less than 3 cups a day. But of course try to keep to just one cup lah. Also depends on the type of coffee, if it's cafe brewed type, higher content of caffine commpared to those 3-in-1.

Heard that Coconut is good for delivery...my friends who gave birth attest said that it makes delivery easier and faster. Like lubricate the baby. No harm trying hor. Plus it taste really nice when chilled.

sigh...after 3 mths, i come back also need to clear shit. i handover to my col, he everything also say alot of work and want to cut this and that. so i think all my processes and documentation will be in a big mess. but still i don't care cos it's my boss who don't 1 2 employ temp. so if anything cock up not my problem.

huh, family planning is our own business mah. can tell us when to have our babies one meh... crazy ...
