(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi Gals
Too many postings, thanks for all the encourgement! Thanks Gals for all the encourangment! I will try to hang on there...BB is slowly learning the correct position now. I guess we all have to learn correct way of BF slowly.

I am trying to catch every chance to rest/sleep today so I can 'dong' thru the night!

I find greeting each contractions w breathing in & out, really helps. U gals might want to try it! I am sure u gals will have a smooth delivery.

Chicken Essence
Don't noe if it helps...i just drink. Anyway when I reached hosp, they gave me some medi to poo...cleared everything anyway!

Thanks for your article on BF. BB ears do move when he suckle but I still feel pain...maybe was due to incorrect latching earlier.

If u think u r really tired than shld take a break from wk. For me I wk till last day...

My EDD is actually 6Jun so 3 days earlier!

babyluv, ohh...at hm after every poo i will use shower gel to wash but using Latcacyd i dun dare even i got a small bot of sample
yah, you are right, shorter time spend inside the suite lesser $$$
Heard that in many hospitals, it charges by the hour.
yup SAHM is stay at home mummy. if hubby is ok then u can stay home to look after bb. but it's true that it will be gd to have some form of income. maybe can get a p/t job.

re thrush,
not sure if there's medication for thrush. not given. but gd hygenic definitely helps. i do wash with the latcydn but don't find it help much. the best is still using the pressary for insertion. the last visit my gynae gave me. so these few days, i feel better already.

oic. didn't know ntuc hv. thot only seiyu hv. i not my first pkt at seiyu. i touched the samples at motherhoon fair. it's really soft even softer than drypers.

glad to hear there's improvement. just keep trying. will succeed one.

most likely will only take a few days in advance. will c how ...

i think the small is from 4-8kg. can't rem liow.

ha ha ya today date quite nice. my bro also ask me to give birth today cos it's 7,6,5, running nos.

anyway wish u gd luck huh. got gd news must sms me !

ok gals,
shall check in later. now leaving office to go home liow. just ended a mtg.
ciao !
you are right... if get p/t job also not too bad, at least can spend more time with baby

shouldn't be a problem as long as you keep clean and using the pressary. Gald to hear you are getting better.

Good luck gals, will be waiting for your good news! Logging off now.
hi all, thanks for your well wishes.

as i had c-section, backache is terrible and the wound hurts alot. taking painkillers now.

if you can, of course go for natural. If trying w/o epi, i heard breathing helps. Take deep breaths while contractions and concentrate on the breathing and not the pain. as i am on epi, there was no feeling when i was pushing, so that makes it tough...

von, shane is right to say i have to go thru emergency c-section because baby's head is not engaged yet even though her head is down. gynae is worried if i keep trying to push, the head may finally come down lower but stuck there how? since baby's head is abit big and if stuck, then natural or c-section also can't help, very risky.

babyluv, i got no tips to speed up delivery. on fri, after checkup and found 1 cm dilated, doctor said must deliver by next week (which is this week). He gave me the option of induce or c-section. i am supposed to tell him on mon (yesterday). Then i discussed with my hubby and we prayed and ask God for His guidance. We need a clear sign from Him.

my friend advised me not to induce as we are forcing the baby out when she is not ready and it's not good or natural. As for c-section, also no good since not natural again... so after praying and had no answer yet, we went to bed. Then after midnight near to 1am, i felt stomachache. then the pain was every 5 mins, so i suspect contractions. woke my hubby up when i can't stand it anymore at about 1.30am. Then we monitored and called gynae at abt 2am.

i guess bb knows and she wants to come out and is ready to see the world. God has indeed helped me and given me such a clear sign to go for delivery.

but i won't advise c-section as the wound takes real long to heal. will remove stitch in 2 weeks and then the pain will go on for mths...

i was trying to download bb pic but file too big. can teach me how? quite poor at IT stuff..

by the way, how did you all know i delivered?
God answered your prayers

Do take care of your wound. in the beg, def will hurt. After awhile will be better. Just hang in there. Rem not to bend or carry heavy stuff also.
Even after the stitches are removed, must rem to take care cos the inner skin might not have healed yet.

for photos, it must be of a certain size. try to reduce the size of your photo before uploading again.

Serrich read abt ur delivery from the apr-june thread. Ming posted your delivery details.
So we learnt of your gd news from there !

so how are you coping with BF ? everything gg smoothly ? must remain +ve ya.

Take care.
Von, try not to use soap or shower gel to wash your vaginal area, it will cause whatever infection to get worse. I had very serious infection years back and was put on and the doc told me to use feminine wash like lactacyd instead.

yes i have engaged a CL to help for 1st month at least. Thereafter i will be home alone with bb!
I did the pre-admin'n at Mt E and the lady was quite hopeless in explaining the details. Do you know how do they charge; ie when will it be considered the next day (12am onwards) and does the hospital start counting from the time you go to the delivery suite?
jane tan, wow...it's really tough on you but glad everything is over. do hv enuf rest n dun keep sitting up.

yap reduce to pic size to maybe abt 20%

ya...tat's wat im wondering also hv they know u delivered...hahaha...anyway it's great news!

shane, no action last nite...hahaha...hb also scare it will affect bb n he prefers bb to choose her own date. so me just sit n wait for the day to come which i duno when at all...sigh..

ok lah 4-8kg shld be alrite...pureen small also frm 3-8kg

hahaha...ur bro very alert abt date also hor...ya yday is running order, the day before 6.6.5 will be 6.6.6 nxt yr sure a lot of ppl get married too

cherry, really? so far im ok leh the test also show normal. anyway i will take note, thk u
jane tan,
definitely agree with u that induction not a good choice too, like forcing the bb out. Hope u are coping fine with the BF and the bb. Like u, my hb and I are still praying for a safe delivery. But looks like God is SLOWLY easing me into the phases of labour...haha, look at my speed of dilation.

BTW gals, need your help..
Last night at 1030pm, I THINK i experienced the show. But not very sure if it is... cos I had an internal examination in that morning. During my first cervix check I had not experienced any form of bleeding before, but my gynae warned me that there could be. But this time round, means yesterday, I dunno what I saw what the show or just bleeding from the cervix check.
The discharge at first started to be brownish..quite sticky. Later at 12 mid night it became thicker stickier and had red membranes and bits of pieces of stuff..like menses just starting. I think it looks like spotting. Thurout the night no contractions/waterbag burst at all.

This morning, just brown thin discharge but no bloody stuff. Feeling normal and no contractions...perhp will keep monitoring.
good Morn gals, hw r u all feeling? What a nice weather

I aso hv been drinking rasberry tea, lets c those hv been drinking rasberry tea do they have easy labour

June Ten u got drink rasberry / coconut?

my baby engage 2-3 weeks ago but gynae said doesnt mean gg labour leh.

I dare not buy diaphers of the same brands. Now I hv 4-5 brands of diaphers at hm for my baby 2 try
I aso try buy S coz I c the weight is either 3-7KG for small for <5> 3 KG liao.
morning gals.

i recalled nurses asking me if i had a cervix check when i asked them about spotting/the show they called it (@ 31 week). Because little blood/brownish discharged may be expected after cervix check.

However, if you are getting more of those discharge rather than less, then, it is probably it and it is better to go back to check with the gynae.
Hi Cherry,
My hospital charges is based on a package. I think its $1,200 for normal delivery i.e 2D 1N. I went in on 7am thurs morn &amp; delivered at night &amp; was discharged on sat...not sure abt extra charges though...

maybe u want to call &amp; let yr gynae know. i also hve discharge abit like menses kind &amp; when i told gynae ask me to be admitted immediately. but seems different gynae diff practice some will still ask u to monitor till contractions gets closer...

ya my gynae also say engage doesnt mean ready...some engage quite long but still cervix need to be open (dilate)..
Jane (wsj) the knock knock according 2 my gynae is not baby is activity of uterus she said many activities happened down there and no1 kn wats happenening

Shane NTUC got sell Nepia at 15+ I tink. At motherfair there is a label stating NTUC sell 15+ now sell $13

Aiyo u all shd posted preggie shd nt raise up arms, I hv been hanging clothes leh

babyluv u at home now standby?
babyluv, ya i tink u shld more or less standby urself already. did u try to call ur gynae to chk?

milly, ur chrgs seem to be reasonable

tat's the confusing part abt bb engaging...i will chk with my gynae abt this engaging. she said 1st bb normally we will engage before delivery then 2nd one leh...aiyo confuse liao

dunno, wow...u got so many brands? y dun u take some samples before getting so many leh.

ohh...i tink u better stop liao it's not very good lor. thou it might induce early delivery it will also mean our placenta will move lower which is not very good lor. leave all these heavy duties hsework to ur hb liao
von / shane, my hb said we don't have the software to reduce the photo size w/o a certain software. think he also don't know... later i post bb pictures in yahoo photo album and give you all the link.

bf is so far not successful. bb is sleeping most of the time. when she finally opens her mouth, it is never big enough for me to stuff my nipple in, so no chance to suck. she really has a small mouth. in the end, i told the nurse to give glucose water by cup.

when we came home, i kept trying also no milk. so, mil gave formula milk by bottle feed as she said bb will not know how to suck my nipple unless she learns to suck the teat from the bottle. anyway, i gave in as i can't bear to see bb cry.

yesterday i tried pumping for 40 mins to get the milk out but in the end kena sore nipples and engorgement. i am at a loss whether to continue or to give up since i have enough pain from wound and back, don't wish to have more pain on my breasts. sigh...

my wound hurts so much that my hb has to be my hands and legs. he did everything from helping me up the bed, lie down, sit down, sponge me, change me and go toilet with me and even change pad for me. felt so handicapped and helpless. It's really frustrating when bb is crying and you can't carry her as i can't even stand up or sit up on my own... hb has to take care of 2 bbs... i told him... 1 big and 1 small. poor him.

hope my wound heals faster... than i can at least help out abit.
'knock knock', i take it as bb blowing bubbles (in a humourous sense).

well, like many other dos and donts advices from the older generation, it may or not be valid, like raising of arms, no sewing, no using of knifes, no ... etc etc etc.
jane tan, no worry we can wait
actually ur hb can go to the program 'paint' to reduce the size but seeing ur hb so full with his hands i believe the rest of the gals will understand.

hey...mrs wong said all u hv to do is to tickle ur bb's cheek a lil' she will surely open her mouth big big n once u see tat quickly place her mouth to ur breast.

aiya ur MIL very protective leh...if i were u i surely very angry with ur MIL one. bb already know how to suckle it's their nature according to many books. so no need to try wat bottle feeding before bf one lah...excuses only

u gave birth in wic hospital? the nurses got teach u how to pump? if it's tmc make appt with mrs wong rdgs to ur engorgement. they will help u to solve ur problems n got to be asap cos the more days u delay ur bf will not be successful. hv confident in urself, all mothers have milk just hv to be patient

poor thing...ur hb is really great n i understand how u feel when you simply can do anything urself. calm down a lil alrite if not ur blues will get over u

BF is definitely tough initially &amp; w C section wound its going to be tougher on u... Try to let bb suckle more often only then will the milk comes in..if she's asleep try to wake her by stroking her belly...it takes time for bb to learn to suckle properly so need to practice more...also eat more fish like "Ngor He" i had it for almost 1 week it helps in milk flow also v good for healing wound...

how abt try to BF lying down? it helps me alot for my episotomy wound...

dun be too stress up &amp; do take care of yourself...watever it is try not too be too hard on yrself do take good rest so wound will heal faster....
jane, raising arms during preggie is true cos when i went back for scanning the radiographer actually said my placenta was lower a bit so fm then i dare not take the risk liao.

no sewing on the bed is unless we know which mth bb's organs are growing. in fact it goes the same for hitting a nail n so on...our action will indirectly affect the growth of bb's organ esp the 1st couple of mths when heart is the 1st organ to form. anyway ours are over soon just take note for our 2nd one...

sewing on sofa shld be alrite but my hb disallow so too bad lor i didnt sewing during these periods. no knives means no cooking...hahaha...good excuses nxt time :p anyway olden days hsework still got to do heavy duty hseworks mah so this no logic
actually all these are chinese beliefs but i still think better be on the safe side so i also avoid all sewing, painting &amp; moving furniture around during my pregnancy....
hello girls,
I'm from the Oct05 thread, am in a dilemma as to which hospital to choose. Its between Mt. Alvernia and TMC. I heard both good and bad feedback on both hospitals. Can anyone advise on the rooms, facilities, service, classes etc? Thank you.
mrs tan, ive yet to deliver but have attended classes fm tmc. i find the information given during the classes were good n of cos if you prepared urself with more qn u will benefit even more
mrs tan,
why not go for hospital tour for both. you can see for yrself the facilities, find out more on the charges etc &amp; also talked to nurses there to see which one u more comfortable with...
tianyun &amp; milly,

ya i heard that the classes conducted by Mrs Wong are fun and interesting as compared to the boring classes at Mt. A. I went for the tour last Sat at Mt. A and it was a mere 15 mins short one, showing us only delivery ward and 2-bedded room. I found the place overall quite old lor. Thats why i am now considering TMC cos its new. But then, the nurses at Mt. A are known to be very motherly and friendly...so i am torn in between again.
Jane Tan
It is ok, can wait, there's no rush for the pictures. bb's and your heath (Physically &amp; psychological) is much more important for now.

like what von says, babies does not need to 'learn' how to suck as it is their innate instinct. Sometimes i don't understand why third party (such as mil/aunts/grandmothers) always so anxious to bottle feed the bb.

sore nipples &amp; engorgement: There are nipple cream for ease sore nipples... engorgement could be just that the milk is there, just that you have to pump it out (as heard). So Don't give up so easily, for most people, it takes time.

It is normal for a woman who went thru caeasean that could not do a lot of things during 1st 2 weeks, and it was adviced in one of the magazine i read we should not carry babies when standing up (in fear of fainting).

You have a great hubby who takes care of both you and your little one.
I'm sure he wants you to concentrate on taking a good rest for now so that you can recover faster.
jane, when it comes to olden generation like u mentioned they wont want mothers to 'possess' their grandchild. they are afraid that the child might not be closed to them cos bf can create strong bonding betn bb n mother. personally i really dislike ppl to be like this lor...making the mother worst after a delivery esp if it's a tough one.

jane tan, like wat jane said dun give up on bf...u r doing well just need to practise more alrite. jiayou
von, milly
i agree, if to play on the safe side, just avoid doing sewing, painting or moving furniture... esp in olden days, hsewives are still continuing to do their designated chores or even doesn't go thru confinement @ all!

As for myself, i did hang up clothes sometimes when hubby gets lazy, but, so far have no problem. As for sewing, i will only sew outside the bedroom, but is only to patch up holes or fix buttons.

moving furnitures: in the first place, they are too heavy for us, so, it is already a no no...

Mrs Tan
can't really help you as i'll delivering in KKH.
however, i have this brief spreadsheet comparing between the hospitals (extracted from a magazine), hope it contribute in your decision making.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Maternity hospitals (SG)
maternity hospital.xls (16.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
dunno, im talking leh...just tat shane not ard nia...btw the way i tink someone was due yday rite? no news?
Guess the weather is too good for kooning so most people must be very lethargic now.

I kinda monitored my situation on the show. I think it's just false alarm from the cervix check. Currently, discharge back to normal, almost colourless. I din bother to call up gynae side lah, since there is nothing now.

Von, Hai, becoz of the blood thing last night, din not action action with hb...CHAY!!

Yup, as usual staying at home..walking ard, watching TV.

Jane Tan,
I think you are very brave and doing very fine. Dun be discouraged. Remember God is watching over you...and we will pray for u. Take time to rest and heal the wound and stiches. Your hb is also doing well in his part. Am sure u are in good hands.
halo gals !
I'm back from check up. No action ley. Water still enuf and everything ok with bb. Bb not engaged also. Did cervic check and gynae say can put 1 finger in means cervic soft but no dilation yet. So not likely to deliver so soon.
Next visit will be put on CTG to see if everything is ok and can go past EDD or not. Well hopefully bb decide to come out before EDD if not inducing might be a possibility.
babyluv, then no choice guess ur bb prefers to choose his own date like mine as well

wow...relax hor today. shld sleep a bit longer mah. btw u hm alone? make sure phone is within reach just in case
shane, ohh...i forgotten u went for ur chkup. did u chk with ur gynae if bb not engaged still can hv normal delivery boh? urs also soft huh? tat's a good sign for normal...but how come no dilation leh. wow...all these medical terms making me really very confuse liao. i tht soft cervix = dilated liao = normal delivery

as long as no longer than 10days shld be ok rite? wait for another couple of days n see how it goes. so far u got feel any contractions boh?
last nite no action huh ... hee hee ... ya lah, let bb choose her own date. i also give up liow. Leave it up to bb when she 1 2 come out.

don't worry abt the photos. u can post them when you're better. Just take gd care of yourself now.
you got a really nice hubby to be helping you out. So concentrate on getting well.

The older generation don't believe in BF. They think FM is as gd. If possible, try to latch ur bb on as often as possible. Latching is the best way to get bb to suckle and signal your body to get the milk flowing. Milly's suggestion of BF lying down is gd. You might 1 2 try that.

For engorgement, put a warm towel your breast and massage before expressing. should be able to help. as for sore nipples, apply cream or ur own breastmilk and air dry. if really painful, u can try to use nipple shields when BF baby.

The beg will always be tough but it will definitely get better, so remain +ve and just hang in there.
re myths
actually i nvr follow at all. even for food. after preggie, i still went on with my normal life. For christians, we do not believe in those old wives tales. Just pray for God's blessing that baby will be well and healthy.
mrs tan,
both tmc and mt A was my top choices. but too bad wouldn't be delivering there hee hee...

i heard gd reviews for both. But i think tmc is more ex ? it's true that mt A hv very gd nurses, i heard that too.

Actually TMC also not very new and the parking also quite inconvenient. Both got pros and cons. I think it's up to you to decide where you want to deliver at. Maybe you can look at the cost as a deciding factor ?

just my 2 cents.
Hi Shane,
good to hear that all is fine. Hmm, just have to wait for action (you are not alone)..Yup, let's not try to think of the induction. If ur cervix is soft, means your body getting ready liao, so it's a matter of time.
So u took mc to go home to rest? or go back to office?
i didn't ask my gynae but i think bb not engage also can have normal delivery just that need to push bb down. my bb is quite low already but just not engaged. my gynae did mentioned that some bb only engage during labour so very hard to tell when bb will engaged.

i think soft cervic is not = to dilation. for dilation to happen, must have contractions so that the cervic can open (dilate). A soft cervic will indicate that it's ready for dilation - i think. i also not sure.

so far, i don't have regular contractions. just those on and off ones.

no prob to go pass EDD but just need to make sure bb is alrite lor, tt y need to do CTG to monitor bb's heartbeat and see if got contractions or not i think....

so i think i'll deliver quite close to my EDD if not past my EDD

But sometimes i wish she will come out soon, so can move on with life. Now like keep waiting n waiting sigh.
how abt u ? got action last nite or not ?

i took mc, i really sien of work liow ha ha ... even requested for tomorrow also. so i can rest today and tomorrow hee hee ...

Ya lor a matter of time. anyway by next week i should be on ML. Might start after my next checkup, see wat gynae say.
oh bbluv,
just read abt ur 'show' and no action hee hee ...

think could be the cervix check. even if it's show also no worries. show no need to go hospital immediately. only when waterbag burst or when contractions are at regular intevals. now u just relax at home and wait lor. enjoy ur freedom first. all of us really know when the big day will come. we're all in the waiting game hee hee ...
shane, aiyah hb scare lor...so forget it lor anyway my stretch marks damn itchy last nite applied thick thick cream n also nursing cream..

my bb also notti last nite contractions abt 9mins then stopped liao...sigh...hurt false alarm
i c... hubby scared then don't want. u nvr joke with him, can see bb earlier mah ha ha ...

i give up on my stretchmarks liow. so many and so ugly. sienz. lucky i don't wear bikini one, if not i'll be so sad ....

got contractions is gd mah, contractions can help in dilating and preparing your body and bb for labour.
oh forgot to add, during the scan just now, gynae took photo of bb's foot. so cute. can count the toes also hee hee ... but can't see her face cos her hands are blocking hee hee ...
shane, my gynae said otherwise for 1st child lor...so really damn confusing.

my contractions also not regular just happened tat time it lasted for an hr

wow...so good took mc to stay at hm.
maybe different gynae different experiences. think we must go thru' ourselves then we really know hee hee ...

ya i don't care liow. sienz to go to work :p

shane, he said let bb choose the date wor...he dun want to jeopardize the world thing. but at the same time he kept asking my gal when she wants to come out...sigh...even in his dreams he's asking her...

sigh...i wear leh...tat's y so sad..

isitz so? but so short can help meh...very irritating

aiyo so cute...can see bb's foot u got measure the length boh :p
