(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

n the book not ex. hard cover n not small size. Its S$7.50.

near yr workplace. U can pop over n check out after work or during lunchtime. U can use that to correct R n teach C the right word in explaining to her. Cos its a picture book. Bras Basah got a lot of good children books.

hehe..i hve the book..but is sitting in my book shelf..still hve not read it to them..cos i feel that they are still young to udnerstand..
does A understand?
He has got the book since before 3. N I use it on n off to explain to him when he says wrongly, like bb comes out from belly button, etc. Now they can relate to things better. Guess he noes the difference vaginal n penis. N facts that bb comes out from vaginal. But maybe just facts to them now, like red is red, blue is blue. One day he will figure out himself. Now I just wan him to get the facts n terms right. hee Aiyo dun noe u understand wat I trying to explain or not. kekeke
Welcome BACK! Is has been a long long time since i go BB complex to get books.

Haha C Jnr also like tat Ribena advert...she will jump, shake n dance...another advert is the Abbott GROW. This gal is super active..when i went to pick her after sch...she will scream, jump & dance.
hehe..i understand...will try to read to them..hehe..

hows A's sch bdae preparation coming up?

haha...hmm..wonder is it both are C..thats y they like the ribena advert...haha
I have that book too... since E was a baby...
talk about being KS ha ha ... But I hvn't had the chance to use it. I bot it thinking that one day i'll use it to explain to her when I'm hvg #2. Now that doesn't seems to be happening.
aiyo, go n take out..... i find it with book that has pics to illustrate easier to explain to them. At times A will pull out from the shelf n "read" himself. hee
i cant trust them with books
haha..they will spoilt the books esp pop up books
the only books that are safe in their hands are hardcover withn hardboard pages..hahaha

btw..what mattress is A sleeping in?
my fren say seahorse one good for back..i'm thinking of getting one for R
Just cake n goodie bags for his class celebration. Hope the cake will turn out okie, cos at his request, he wan a car n ben 10 figurines on the cake. Sigh.
so far A is good with books. hee
Mattress, now he is on the normal mattress. Will change when he is older to put on the bed. Aiya my hb pro KingKoll, so I guess he will choose kingkoll. hee Me simmons fan. But hard to brainwash my hb lei. That time married, choosing mattress, I told him simmons, he chose kingkoll. sigh. So I guess most likely will be same for A. kekeke
hello Sally,
noticed that you are missing when I also MIA and came back for a while...to read the forum...

where you went? or abstaining from motherhood forum only?
me went MIA also because of trying to stop spreeing and other stuff...

Just sharing how witty our tods can be now at answering questions...
sometimes I like to tease A and will ask him questions like below:
Mummy: You like daddy or mummy more?
A: I like mummy more.
Mummy: then daddy will be sad leh...
A: I like daddy and mummy
A: You like gong gong or po po more?
Mummy: thinking to myself... he is trying to use the same question that I posted to him BACK at myself...hmmmm... their mind can work around things quite fast...
Glad to see you back on the thread

Come often to inject more interesting topic of discussion on our thread.

Me too, i also have this book. Jay just pull out from his book shelve last weekend. Err..i haven't exactly read this book to him. Hmm...maybe tonite

Yup, A is the big kor-kor in our thread! Did you sew him a birthday suite this round?

Birthday preparation
I think this is the period when everyone of us is cracking our heads on our kiddo's birthday celebration. Venues,cake design, party packs, etc..
Gosh, they are turning 4 so soon.Suddenly i also find Jay has grown so tall, no longer can cradle him in my arms..haha!
Bbrooster & mommies
You should visit this Children's Bookstore at Brash Basah. They have quite a good range of books. I like to go there to stock up becos the books go on very good discount, i think about 30%?

They carry "Arthur" series from Marc Brown, one of Jay's favourite author as well as Lady Bird series.

Good to hear from you. Have you gone back to work?
<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
TAKEN sounds like a good movie, I'm more into exciting movies, may i know which online website u view the free movies? Do we need to dl any software in order to watch?

oh dear i dunno his wife died during tat preview. Life is unpredictable..

<font color="ff0000">Audrey</font>
nice name! hope ur engorgement will be cleared soon.

<font color="119911">FMN</font>
ya u can come anytime during afternoons.. i'll always be at home mah.. :p

me also dun miss baby time, esp infant time.. more stressed during that period. Guess I'll miss my confinement lady after she's gone.. Julien seem like not an easy to manage bb, unlike Ashley. He can dun sleep since 1pm+ till like 10pm. In between blur blur sleep only, v fast wake up, light sleeper also. Then big drinker also. Hmm really have to think carefully whether i wanna bf him or solely pump out during 2nd mth onwards..

<font color="aa00aa">SN</font>
So fast AK is turning 4 soon. V soon all the June BBs here will be 4. When Ashley turned 4, I really feel she suddenly grown up already. Maybe perhaps due to the fact she promotes to Jie Jie during that period.

yes also agree with Shane better dun make him harbour false hope of having another didi or meimei. Kids at their age remember things v v well 1. I also alot of ganchu nowadays, like u too, i wish they won't grow so fast &amp; time dun pass so fast ...

<font color="ff6000">conversations</font>
hehe all the tong zhen conversations here.. share with u gals of this conversation told by my hb when I already gave birth to Julien.

Ashley : Daddy, next time I also want to have a daughter &amp; a son.
Daddy : :0
Ashley : but have to get married first hor.


Really amused by her, &amp; at same time want to faint. hehe
if you're handling alone, I feel latching easier. Cos pumping need time and you need to wash and sterilise pump, then warm up ebm when feed Ju.
But of cos latching, they love to latch and sleep. then dun noe really full or not. got pros and cons.

Ash is feed, sleep, feed, sleep kind ? Now I also cannot rem how E was liow. But I rem she cry alot. abit abit cry. then v hard to make her sleep. luv to suckle to sleep then v fast wake up. urgh.
I just pray hard #2 to be ez bb. If not I think i'll be super depressed ha ha...

re conversation...ha ha .. at least she know she need to need to get married first! hahahahhaha... heng ah...
<font color="0000ff">shane ah ..</font>
my CL also stressed by his awakeness liao.. i dun dare to go out to check, scare he still wide eyed.. alamak..
check out my msn nick now. haha...

Ya i also think like u too, I HATE to wash &amp; sterilize. but i come to think that pump milk only take the most half an hr, but when i bf him... alamak.. can be 45 mins to 1 hr+.. i cant imagine the next hr again bf him liao.. he is such a big drinker compare to Ashley ..

I remember I BF Ashley on 2 hrs interval. I BF her my left boob first, then she suckle &amp; we both dozed off! haha! then i woke up, v fast, need to BF her the next boob liao! haha! so during the morning till afternoon i never got time to pump at all. The good thing is she can doze off &amp; wont cry or wake up, till i kajiao her the next boob need to be suckle. Then I could put her in rocker to let her sleep, she's more heavy sleeper. She really so easy to managed wor.

NOW I really START to believe this myth.. ie. #1 easy to manage &amp; guai, #2 will be more difficult &amp; more notti. ARRRRGGH.... -__-

ya heng she noe need to marry first, else i think i gog to be total stressed out!!!
Stay cool..i think you still trying to establish BBJu's pattern. I think these 2 months are not easy to do confinement. The weather is crazy hot and wierd. Extremely hot in the day and rain in the middle of the nite. Even i not doing confinement cannot tahan staying at home in the day.Do you let BBJu sleep in air-con room? Maybe the weather is what he's trying to adjust too.

In the meantime,enjoy as much rest and help as possible.

Your princess looks very cherubic!
You gave her a really pretty name too.
Take good care too.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
My niece is fussy and won't want to sleep nowadays, but put her in the aircon room and zzzz... Maybe like what Jaymom mentioned, it's the weather - too HOT. I also buay tahan, really like melting.

My sis is pumping most of the time now, coz bb doze off suckling, then 10mins wake up hungry again. *faint* easier to pump and feed. But really troublesome with all that pumping and washing and sterilising and warming up. My sis using Pigeon bottle warmer now. 30mins before feeding time, pop bottle in warmer - the little stomach very on-time one. Hahaha.

If hb at home, then he can help out with the feeding too - good bonding time.

My bil bathes bb from Day 1 back from hospital and so nice to see that they are both enjoying it.
Oh yes, ask you all... <font color="119911">Would newborns be 'over-fed'?</font>

There are 2 schools of thoughts: feed on demand and feed on schedule. So happens that my sis' CL says that she never see feeding almost every 1hr+, and tells my sis that bb drinks too much, so tummy discomfort. Is it TRUE????

I personally have not heard of that before - only know that when bb is full, they will use their tongue to push away bottle. So there is no such thing as 'over-fed'.

Furthermore, 1hr+ is just about right leh. If bb sleeps &amp; wake, it really takes 1hr to BF wor. Just like what <font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font> mentioned.
All these breastfeeding talk is giving me creeps... 1hr of bfg at 2 hrs inteval *shudder* =P

Ya cld it be weather ? but some babies are like tt. E lor. like need to feed n feed then will sleep. but for short while only. also nvr sleep in the rocker. must carry and rock to sleep. so i rem slinging her whole day. =P

anyway just hang in there. 1st mth usually need to adjust.

I think they'll stop when they're full.
Yah-man, 1 hr bfg at 2 hrs interval. No time to eat, sleep or bathe!
I think sometimes they latch on then doze off, plus, minus, almost 1 hr for every feed.
If pump out, at least can gauge how much they are really feeding on.
Time really flies in the first month.

Good to hear that your sister is getting the hang of things
Bfg days....*shudder* Pump 30-45mins, wash and sterilise another 15mins. Warm milk, feed baby and burp 1/2 hr or more gone. 3rd hour start pumping session again. Damn tired to do this 7x a day. *shudder shudder*

<font color="0000ff">TL</font> I prefer to feed on schedule. Jer suck and sleep then wake up few mins later cry cry cry. Then suck but fall asleep again. Don't know got drink or didn't drink.

Whether on demand or on schedule both ways are tough. My tough days are over so bbrooster stop thinking of #3.
okok..maybe i will go over when my 2 rascals are taking their nap,provided i dun fall asleep too..haha

yaya..agreed with Shane..heng ah..she knows that she must get married 1st before she can hve kids..wahaha...

actually hor..Chloe dun sleep much one leh..
she is the those kind, can sleep early, wake up early one..
even sleep late, she oso wake up early one..
she can wake up anytime after 5 am one..
now even when she is big girl liao lor..at times she will wake up at 6 plus

very very different from R lor..R can sleep until 8 plus if no one disturbs him..

can u still remember long time back..R also like that..dun really wan to sleep..so tired..then in the end i give in to yaolan..n thats when he start to sleep in the day..
u really tempted for #3 ley... will regret or not if u didnt' go for it.

ya on demand or schedule also tough. latch or pump also tough. it's a tough period. unless.... throw bfg out of the window and feed FM. life will definitely be so much easier....
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.
Any mummies know how to dig children's ear? I saw a big 'shit' inside my 4 year old girl. I couldn't take it out. My mum says if the dirt stay longer there, it will caused fever easily.
no leh..feed FM oso got its probs..cos u hve to keep waking up esp in the middle of the night to make milk..
but if latch..no need to get up..

BUT bfg really very wei da lor..imagine hve to go thru engorgement etc etc...

ask u hor..will ur R or C at times wake up in the middle of the night n go into ur room n sleep with u?
these 2 nights..R n C literally take turns leh..the night before is C..then last night is R...
i woke up seeing R sleeping next to me..haha..i too tired until i dun even notice that he has climbed up onto my bed
<font color="0000ff">Sept Virgo</font>
I had never cleared their ears...only wash the outer part &amp; wide dry inside after bath...didn't know it will cause fever.

<font color="ff6000">Conversation</font>
R : Mummy, what is this? (pointing to his belly button)
Mummy : Belly Button
R : Why I have this?
Mummy : (Ponder for a while) Oh..last time when u were inside my stomach u had the umbilical cord here &amp; when you come out, the Dr cut it off so it becomes belly button.
R : umbilical cord?? What is it?
Mummy : It is to transport food to the bb in the stomach.
R : Oh? bb eat inside? Does bb cry inside? How does the bb comes out?
Mummy : no bb don't cry inside, they are still too young. (Actually I don't know how to ans this qn) BB comes out from the Virgina.
R : Har...from the back side? so dirty...got poo poo!

Then I go on to explain to him...the difference between anus &amp; Virgina...Phew nowadays not easy to ans their qns. I tried my best to put it in a way they can understand easily.
So far they have not come to my room..but they do have nightmares &amp; I will go over to make sure they are ok.
Maybe my bed too small, they prefer their own beds.

Bfg is tough but it is actually quite convi...when u go out..no need to bring milk powder, bottles &amp; hot water. No need to sterilize milk bottles too! But I dun like to pump!
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
ya trying my best not to overstress myself by this lil cow.. Ya Aunty told me he is still blur blur abt nite &amp; day, so takes aro 1 to 3 mths to adjust.. hope he can adjust when Aunty leaves, else this Mummy here gog to be big fat Panda liao.. 9_9

Ya will try to bring him into my aircon room this afternoon when Aunty is cooking.. at least this morning it rain heavily.. yday weather was REAL BAD.

<font color="ff0000">TL</font>
Yday i was sweating abit even in air con room, temp like 23. -_-" I'm not sure abt ur sis's CL saying. But she's experienced 1, maybe shd heed heed her advise? But from what I know from my CL is that if the bb does puke some milk out &amp; keep urine &amp; also PS, they v fast hungry 1. Their interval of initial 3 hrs can shorten to 2 hrs+, so can feed them earlier, morever our breastmilk is so much diluted then FM.

My lil cow is drinking between 80 - 110ml of EBM. How abt ur niece? Maybe u ask ur sis, then i ask my Aunty for some advises. Then I can advise u back. keke.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane</font>
haha i think all my talk of BF &amp; pumping is diminishing ur idea of #2 liao. *oops!!*

<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
haha oops i stressing on u. nvm is ok, if u busy then another day.

ya i still remember u complain to me why he never nap as much as Ashley, &amp; u wanna force him take tutu. lol!
<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
ya i also dun like to pump, though my pumping session is shorter than BF. I do luv tat kinda bonding feeling when BF. esp when the bb grows older abit, the bf session will shorten too. Really luv such feeing, tat 'chu chu' sound. kekeke. But BF 1 hr, I will be so shag..

<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
ya FM at wee hrs v sian 1, really like zombie. &amp; morning make milk also v sian. I was v sian when I wean off Ash from BF &amp; i need to wake up say 7am to make FM. Sometimes i gotta wake Daddy telling him "ehh u go make leh" hahaha!!

<font color="0000ff">Sepvirgo</font>
I dun dig the inside too, I only clean clean the outer part during shower time. My MIL used to have ear infection last time &amp; we went to this Ear Specialist with her. He told us NEVER NEVER go dig the inner part of the ears cos will easily get infection. the ear wax will come out by itself &amp; we no need to purposely go dig them out 1. He showed me the lil mushrooms growing inside my MIL's ears &amp; I really got freak out.
To add on to what Twinklets mentioned, DO NOT use cotton buds to clean the inner areas of the ear.

My aunty had to see the doctor once (recently) about ear problem - turned out that there is a big lump of ear wax stuck inside. Doc explained that cotton buds would push the ear wax in, and with time, it accumulates into a big ball of hard wax and it would be stuck inside. It cannot come out by itself naturally. She had to use liquid mediction to soften the wax and then doc removed it for her.
Thanks adora, twinklets and TL,
I saw a big lump of ear wax in my girl's ears. It was deep inside. I feel very uneasy by not able to dig it out. Thanks for the advice, just hope the wax will come out by itself. How about adults? I have been using cotton buds to dig my ears for the past 30+ years. Ha! Ha!
U are so cute...yesyes the chu chu sound I like it too! Carrying the bb in our arms, seeing them sucking n so satisfied after each feed , really motivate me to hang on to bf.
Last time R I also feed almost 1hr &amp; he demand to fed the next 1hr..shiong. C is much better, only took 30mins at most....after tat she sleep for 4hrs!
I busy n same as u, need to avoid the BP n spree sections. hee
So u enjoying yr time with Aeron?

Thanks. No lah I din sew a suit. hee
He wan Ben 10 theme. After checking those stalls, Adad bought the Ben 10 costumes from ebay Australia for him to wear today to school. So he happy lor. Quality n Material better than those pasar malam stalls selling fake ones. The one Adad got is by Cartoon Network. Check out pics in FB if u have time. Will sort n post pics there.

Yes I hate those feedings n diaper changing...... But I like to smell bbies. hee

Ear cleaning
Ooops me the guilty one. A always requests me to clean his ear using cotton buds. N I do that. But i dun go deep deep, just the side to please him. Ya read somewhere that cant use cotton buds. But hor, we adults using lei. hee

Yes if ear wax not clean, u will get ear infection then lead to fever. My sis' boi veri prone. Hence u can get the ear cleaning lotion from pd or gp if you worried.

Nose cleaning
A will scream till roof drop should there be any "ppee sai". He wil run screaming to me that he cant breathe. He will tell me, "something stuck inside my nose, help me take out". Even the ppee sai so big n already visible at the edge of his nose, I bring him to mirror, ask him to use his hand to remove, then I wash hand. He will say NO. Clean freak. He wont use his hand inside his nose. He will tell me "dirty, disgusting". Then I will have to use cotton bud to take out. Argghhhh. Realli buay tahan at times he so super clean freak.
Ya lor, so fast his bday celebration over in school this morning. Time flies. Now Julien is even out. Remember not long ago, we just msn talking about cakes. kekeke
hmmm BF, if the bb not like A who is puker, I will definitely latch cos lesser to wash, n fuss free. As A is a big time puker, I given no choice but to pump n feed cos if not, end up latch, n immediately stop, will puke like merlion, so more cleaning up for me, n all the precious BM wasted. hee Headache to pump out as well esp alone, when he screaming for milk, me still halfway pumping, how to multi task n feed same time.... got to keep adjusting the time to suit his feeding time. Really driving me nuts.
hehe..me too!! i oso use cotton bud to clean their ears..
no choice lah..cos R's ears very dirty one..if i dun clean it, he will always dig one..

hows the celebration today?

his cake so cute..mixed theme...
where u order the cake from?

btw hor..this morning ,R told mi, he dun wan power ranger cake liao..he wans tasmania..

no wonder R's daddy dun wan to entertain him..cos he knows he sure will change his mind until the very last minute..
Wowo the cake looks nice. This is 1.7kg right? Hey post more pics on FB leh...

This cake is from e-creative...i am going to get from there too...their cake design are so nice! R gave up on power ranger...I showed him racing car cake &amp; he wants it!!
yes the cake is from ecreative. I always order from ecreative for his school celebration. U can email them for designs not in their web. Just remember to top up S$3 for 1 kg and change the blueberry filling to chocolate mouse. Much nicer. :) Celebration went well. Teachers veri organised. Maybe this year the kids can understand the instructions better, not as chaotic as last yr. hee I like ecreatve cos above S$50 free delivery liao, no need ma fan to go n collect. Onli the 5 Ben 10 figurines provided by me, rest are from ecreative. There is also a dinosaur supposed to be on the cake, they wrapped up separately to give it to me as Akinesh dun wan the dinosaur on the car cos he said "wait, the dinosaur bites Ben 10, how?" hee

Yeah this is 1.7kg. N ecreative charged S$4.50 for the change of filling. Posted the pics already in FB. Remember to open an account with ecreative if u ordering cos can accummulate points n redeem in yr next cake order. :) Can also accummulate points if u order flowers delivery n etc from them. I only paid less than S$60 for the cake incl the change of fillings charge. :)
<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
tat's v good for C, BF &amp; 4 hrs interval!

<font color="ff0000">TL</font>
I've asked my CL jus now.. she said is Ok to feed such amt at 2 hrs interval, infact she said ur niece is a big drinker. It is just that your sis will be more xin ku that's all. Cos in this 2 hrs time have to pump, wash, sterilize &amp; feed. hee really bu jian dan.
so the cake from e-creative is nice?
how u pass them the toys??

hehe..A so cute..worried that his ben will be eaten up by dinosaur..
u shd tell him..ben got omnitrax..so can protect himself one..hahaha
WOW! All mummies active in the thread again

Managed to overcome it! Feed then pump, now much more better.
Tired in the night for every 2 hours feeding. During the days, she can sleep for more than 3 hours without feeding! **FAINT**

re: breastfeeding
Baby will latch on when they are hungry. Feed on demand!
opps... while aunties here like young chap... me go for OLDER man...kekekeekekekekeke

Can you imagine Sky who din watch Ben 10 before his nursary...came home after day 2 became a fan!!!!
His classmates ALMOST all are siao Ben 10... then he keep talking even tho we know he knows NUTS about them..he din watch back then
Then his dad bought him the series 4 DVD...arghhhhhhh

Actually I watch Ben 10 with Sky... u know hor...the new DVD... I watch a bit la...
Sky has now 2 Ben 10 DVDs... and I also watch DOREMON lor.... mei mei will keep saying dang...dang..
This morning channel 8 showing mah...sky hear the music know is DOREMON...
And mei mei DANCE to the Ben 10 theme song!!

My hb also tell him that is a BIRD....

My 2 S are back from my SIL place....so catch up the thread later

HAPPY 4th Birthday, Akinesh!!!

So fast, all their 4th birthdays coming soon!!!!

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom,</font>
yes, I went back to work since April and I like my new job, totally new experience...hehe...
