(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

wow...i first time heard got string to pull. i know nuts about these becos i was not interested to put anything inside my body. sound scary to me. i still prefer to count date and use withdrawal. now my period is even more regular than my previous so much more easier to count and note the date. anyway better instruct our hubbies not to play play and anyhow spray inside.

SN, Jaymom
I also felt quite early to celebrate...mmmnn i re-consider abt it first.

wow...at least a different gender mean different feeling too. i mean u got to handle your boy in a different way unlike your girls, just remember to cover his "didi" when you change his diaper....LOL

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
Wow Jay sound v excited abt his upcoming birthday, so guess u shd really do something abt it. hehe.

I think for for kids tat never celeb their bday in school, their frens may just think they dun have birthday.. haha tong zhen bah..

<font color="ff0000">Jamci</font>
haha u are so cute to say "not to play play &amp; anyhow spray inside". LOL! For me I still prefer the old old C. I got 1 fren that use the withdrawal method though, but kana preg. I scare leh.

Ya u now mention abt the changing diapers part for boys, now me handling my boy, gotta learn the new method for changing that, incase his didi will shoot urine out of a sudden. It is really interesting to know the difference between boys &amp; gals.
"anyway better instruct our hubbies not to play play and anyhow spray inside" - Funny leh you
I show my hubby and he laugh after reading it
<font color="0000ff">Mich</font>
Congratulations!!! Sometimes just be crazy and allow things to happen is not a bad thing. Looking forward to seeing another boy in 2009.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Sorry I cannot be your jiu4 xin1. I was so helpless then. Everytime complaining in the forum and to SN and TL about notti Jerrell. I struggled till 6mths+ then he settled down. For my case he was ok at night. It was in the day I found myself totally drained. He can nap 20-30mins and that's it he is wide awake and active.

I was already so tired from previous night cos I pump every 3hrs and there he was not napping. I can't rest at all and even no time to wash bottles and pump accessories.

He only take one long nap from 11.30 to 3pm now. And from 3pm to now now.....he is still awake. 11+pm already you see still not sleeping.

But one good thing I don't have to rush home to let him sleep or worried that he will be cranky if not enough sleep because all he need is a power nap in the car and he can stay awake throughout.

<font color="0000ff">IUD</font>
Oh no.....already sound so scary to put a foreign object in the body. And now can dislodge easily makes it scarier.

When having sex do you feel this device moving around?

I don't even dare to put tampons. I always feel so tense and end up unsuccessful. <font color="0000ff">Mckee</font> is it your 1st time trying to use a tampon.
Twinklets, bbrooster
I feel tat boys are more active. They sleep lesser &amp; drink A LOT! I was totally 'dried up' feeding R...&amp; also no time to rest cos he sleeps only 1hr after each feed.

oh no...didn't know it can be dislodged...I had been considering whether to put that...after hearing this...NO NO for me!
Its Adora who posted the note u. Yeah, Jco donuts yummy. Their mini donuts bite size 24 at $10.50. :)

OMG, how u did it????? Ya me same thinking as bbrooster when reading. If so easily can come out n got string, then having sex, how??? hahahaha
Thanks for the reply. Got it. :)

How about Prima? Or sweet secrets? They do photo cakes as well.
If not, then u just order 1.7kg from ecreative n give the balance to others to share. :)
If not, u get R to change theme to spiderman or superman, then can order from bengawan solo. Their cake better than polar. ;-)

Its okie to celebrate earli. Last yr A's classmate celebrates in Nov just before school ends and his bday is in Dec. More than a month. :) Cos the kid tells his mom that he wan a bday celebration in school. So can lah, do one in school. They will be so happy about it.
haha... noooo this was not meant to be a horror story! You can't feel it AT ALL when IUD is placed inside. Not when walking, not during sex, not during pee.

Yes, it was my first time using a tampon. I figured if I can have three kids, what is that tiny little tampon?? haha... I honestly think it is because of possibly by rough insertion or pulling out, that cause the IUD to dislodge.
one whole year of IUD, nothing happened until this silly tampon thing. my heart break cos of the $500!!!

mummies, please don't be discouraged from using it. I made appt on Monday to insert it back in. it's that fuss free! hehe..

u mean you took it out and now you are trying? *wink* hehe...

had a long talk with N1 today, while driving her to school. She decided to have a Barbie agar agar cake (after thinking hard about strawberry shortcake, princess, and dora!!) AND she wants to serve sandwiches to her friends! AND she wants to play games at the party!
apparently, the kids at her school always have Mac's party game host come by to host the games too.
looks like I'm going to be a party game host in June!
with all kids excited about their bday... my dear princess declared yday that she DOESN'T want a party in school (after weeks of telling me she wants a party with school friends just like her cousin - cousin's party was offsite).
So I asked her why, she say 'I don't want mummy to go to work'. -_- Told her I can go into school and celebrate with her and so far it's still a 'No'. sigh, so for now, i really dun know what she wants.

Then i think she watched some show in school and say she wants a flying horse cake! I showed her Little Pony but she say no wings. I have no idea what is a flying horse cake man.....

yes i took it out cos dislodge but trying, no.. not yet. hee hee. still finding the courage.

Btw, u insert back the same one or need a brand new one ? thot once come out, cannot put back ?

yes yes ... it's not scary at all. No pain, no fuss, no feeling. I LOVE IT.
Old C also still can strike leh. One of my ex-colleagues went for honeymoon and come back with one additional person....lol. She was so disappointed when she learned she was preggie as she had many great plans for her career.

I also tried putting tampon before when i was young but i still feel soooo uncomfortable with that stick inside me. so even IUD is out for me.
Betw, how big is this device? One tug and it gets dislodged, our $500 fly away certainly sounds like a real heartache.

I'm also relying on the good old traditional C as a form of contraceptive.

The way you descibe IUD...almost like an advertising tagline..haha!

J's birthday in School
Let me think about it. Another issue for me will be taking leave cos i just changed job recently. I want to be there to faciliate the party and snap away with my camera. Hb ask me to consider for next yr instead
how ur ex-col strike ? C broke ? such cases are fated man. but i can imagine how disappointed she is, rite after honeymoon, not much time to enjoy 2 person world.

I nvr tried tampon before. But tampon can feel lah cos stick like. IUD is inserted in ur cervic. You cannot feel anything at all.
unicorn can fly meh??

my little pony can fly one mah..they hve wings leh..

another one that i can think of is barbie one..
do u know barbie as pegasus? they hve flying horse in it..

no leh...not very true for me..
mine is the opp..my C sleeps lesser than her brother one leh
thks SN, FMN

Ya i know it's unicorn. I told her the term. But when i show her the pic of Little pony with wings, she say no.

Mayb i'll show her SN's pics. see what she says.

ya maybe it's the barbie one ley. cos she watched before!!! tonite i go back ask her. haha!
ya.. it's inserted in cervix. So no way you can feel it. I dislodged it cos I think I inserted the tampon too far in, and when I pulled out, pulled the IU as well.
I think got to ask doc does this mean IUD cannot use tampon.
And yes, I LOVE IT TOO! heee...

I wanted to reuse, to save $$. but of course cannot
it has to be sterile mah...

Flying horse? hmmm I thought of unicorn, but if no wings, then maybe the barbie one. but no wings how to fly?

N1 wants to Purple Barbie Party. She wants everyone to come in purple, (at first it was pink!... I had to dissuade her!), have purple balloons, purple plates, purple serviettes and if possible paint the walls purple! *faint*
it's interesting what interests them as they grow up!
Oops, paiseh, SN thanks for pointing out to me. Adora, thanks for the tip on Jco mini donuts, think I'm gonna order that for the school bday celebrations.

shane, oh dear, IU also dislodge by itself... initially I was thinking of putting but my hb says its weird to insert a tube like thing inside. I proposed to him he go for ligation ha ha ha. One of my friend's hb says he is willing to do it since it is easier for men to do than for women.

jamci, yes, i'm a little worried about how to handle a boy cos I only have experience raising girls. They pee differently, &amp; play with different things... now got learning process all over again.

wow, you can instruct your hb not to anyhow spray inside? ha ha. My friend thot her hb would withdraw but he didn't so #2 came by accident. But think I cannot fang xin counting days cos this sort of thing a bit inaccurate. I cannot risk an accident LOL.
the 19 gals can shake hands. E colour of the moment is also purple. everything is purple. used to be pink sometimes back. suddenly now she likes anything purple.

i do think it's unicorn. she refer no wings to those little pony tt i showed her, some of them on wings. she wants got wings then can sit and can fly up n up one! those are her words! hee hee...

i also hope my hub can do the ligation thingy. easier for man than us. we face alot of hormonal side effects.
no prob...i haven try JCO but it looks nice &amp; cute!

Withdrawal is v risky hor...at times when I am 'LATE' I felt so scare!

Man just won't do..i ever brot it up to my hb why can't man to do...he kept quiet.
ya usually they're resistent. I think i ask my hub before but i can't rem his reaction. maybe i should try asking him again. haha...
U dun scare me leh...
OK..I also tempt to try tampon... but for now...is a NO NO
anyway..I just had my IUD insert ytd...
lucky see ur post today...err.... I dun meddle with it liao
and the string...I just feel...dun pull
anyway... tampon..the string not outside one meh...how come u pull the iu also come out??

Ya boi... u need to cover that part lor...
Sky serve my mum tea when he is still newborn lor...

Used to use tampon for short time...
actually if u insert correctly...also DUN FEEL ANYTHING lor...
But now with IUD and Mckee case..I dun play play liao

I ask my hb also lor
He was like...har man can tie meh...wah biang!!!
u also went for IUD ah. What's the price now ? U got mirena or the usual one ?

some man dun 1 2 tie, scared they lose their manliness keke....
I dunno yet
waiting for my bill to arrive...kekekekekke
Think mine is the usual..and I opt for a 5-yr one...dun think too much...
Actually I also scare dislodge...becos dislodge may also be preggie lor...
Nobody know what happened. Maybe the C is tore due to mishandling? Or maybe the soldiers overflow and "chong" to swim inside quickly...LOL

I think your fren's hubby purposely DO IT one. He can withdraw before the "high peak" come out but he still continued to stay inside to enjoy the warmth then it is not considered by accident liao....LOL

Don't worry abt handling boys, almost the same problem as girls, just that their energy and intake of foods are double than girls.
I only gained my experience thru my brother during growing up years. I was 9 yrs older than him so i know a bit abt boys. My bro ever served TEA to my mother directly on her face...LOL and
also served to the audio speaker who break down in the end, think he was about 18 mths when we were doing toilet train for him. He told us that he want to pee so we removed the short first and brought him to his potty but on the way his didi just suddenly stand up....arrruuughhh, we all escape but poor audio speaker was struck with his urine...*interesting hor* Oopps i leaked out his dark secrets....LOL

Patch (one of the birth control too)
I ever remember one of my fren mentioned abt patch. who tried before?
is it called EVA...or something like that...
But think there are some allergies report with it....
and also a patch on ur skin for weeks.... u think that area dun smell meh...wahahahahahahaha
Thks Sally. the first purple one so nice. hee hee...

oh animal mechanicals also have ??!! hmm dun noe is it from there... i shall ask her. keke....

u nvr ask how much then u do ah...wah ... wait bill 1k+++ how ? haha....

don't worry lah, fm my experience, dislodge also quite safe. My dislodge (moved down the cervic) but still provided protection.

I scare my skin will be itchy ley. paste for 1 week. I'm thinking of the pill nx.

anyone has feedback? got hormonal side effects ?

then u got chance ley. since u use W/d method. wat if ur hub one day also misfire ? keke... we hope for ur gd news of #3 hor. kekekekkeke...
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
haha u are so funny! Alamak tat audio speaker relly break dwn due to the urine ah? alamak! All along I'm in a family of gals 1, not much experience on boys, only know that boys will be so much active than gals &amp; they eat more too.

<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
If compare to my gal, I definitely agree with you that my boy sleeps lesser &amp; drink MUCH MORE. But generally, are boys really like that? Hmm.. btw I'm quite happy when I BF him, can tong like 2.5 to 3 hrs. Hope it will stay this way, then when 2nd mth onwards, I'll simply focus on BF cos sure no time to pump &amp; sterlize 1..

<font color="aa00aa">Bbrooster</font>
sighs, u not my savior ah. haha. wow 6 mths then settle down huh. Gee.. this is not easy man. Ya i can imagine how drained out you were man. Mine currently can "养神" (Aunty term it as that instead of calling it as "SLEEP", haha!)like 10 to 15 mins 1. then when he really KO tat kind, he still can make some irritating noise 1. Just now I so pek chek to make him sleep, end up I nap &amp; he didn't, he just "养神" only. Gee.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
woooo.. so u just yday put ah. Heng u read Mckee's post today..

<font color="aa00aa">tampons</font>
same here, i feel v kao wei to put a stick inside me. Last time sec school, teachers got gave free 1. I spent quite long mins in toilet to figure out how to put. WAS SO TENSE!!! in the end nvr put cos still a V! haha! Anw later years, also dun dare to put lar, cos really so tense &amp; scare, wait I too rough, see blood. hehhe. freaky mind here :p

<font color="119911">Patches</font>
I heard of it before. 1 fren of mine actually kana preg just becos she simply forgot to put her patch think 1 or 2 days late. Think this patch 1 u must really remember when u need to 'renew' or something.

<font color="ff0000">Men's ligation</font>
Same like glayz's hb, my hb also v blur abt this when I asked him he wanna do it next time or not. He also dunno got such thing 1. haha! Actually hor, I also SK lor, I only know it few mths ago that Men can do it lar. :p My Hb resisted immediately. His reason is why do something unnatural to his body, he simply hated tat idea. Then I said then women have to be the 1 to do lor. He replied saying who asked me to do. He also doesn't like the idea of me doing ligation or IUD. He still prefer to buy &amp; stock up the old old C. BUT leh, think no need to stock up next time liao, cos will hardly got time to do. hahaha. `
better stock up lah....no time to do is one thing. wait want to do, dun have, is another thing! haha.....
all the postings so funni...i nearly fall off my chair..
n keep laughing until my headache become worst mann...

i like what u say..true leh...wait want to do, no stock how??

hehe..so u shd heed shane's advice..if not, wait want to do, no stock then how?take "plastic bag"..WAHAHAHA

n hor..u only use tampons when u "bleed" mah..
so of cos u will see blood lah..how to differentiate with M's blood and normal blood??? =P

ya hor..animal mechanics oso got unicorn..
this show only showing on weekday night right?
hardly see it during wkend leh..
i'm tempted leh...last yr my fren help me bought a pair of croclings for R..he loved it so much..
been wearing it everyday..
thinking of getting another pair for him...

but i cant take leave leh...
I went last yr on Friday with A making so much noise. Arrghhhh. Crazy mad house, long queue. Weekends the queues worst. Not onli the shoes, apparels also good grabs. Nice comfy material.
Don't scare me....i cannot risk another #3 as i enjoyed my freedom now. Especially my LONG undisturbed 8 hrs of beauty sleep.

For pills, i usually saw Yasmin at doc's clinic but will it causes us overweight or underweight??

Eeeee....the patch put there for a week??? so dirty...i did not know.
if Yaz can cause me to be underweight i don't mind man! haha... kill 2 birds with 1 stone. contraception and weight loss!
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
But my boy sleeps a lot and drinks a lot leh. Not all boys the same.

JJ since birth is fed and then falls dead asleep. Burp him while sleeping, then put him in cot till next feed. He will just cry (or scream) for milk. Process repeats. :D :D

I would have to say that he was an easy baby, coz we didn't have problem with making him sleep - he just... sleeps! Only at 2YO, then he refuse to nap in the afternoon.

I know... I know... then I would have a tough bb for #2. *fingers-crossed* I really hope it is a myth! :|

About fountain hor, have to just use a piece of tissue paper, put on his penis when changing diapers. Only had fountain once with JJ at the initial phase as NEW parents. Hahahaha.

BUT hor, JJdad ever kenna cannon before - changing diapers and a poo (hard one) got dislodged! Both of us had a bad shock, but laughed SO hard after that. Luckily didn't get it in JJdad's face. :p
Hi how is everyone.. so many postings no time to read through... I am so tried working and taking care of two and work is so busy


How are u coping? A good boy? KE is still waking up at night.. somedays twice..
Just hang in there. After 1YO will be better.
not ez with 2 and working and no help. now KE is with nanny ? KY goes to full day CC ?
<font color="ff0000">Mich,</font>

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Baby J is sure an active baby! C1 was a very sleepy baby and C2 was a complete opposite. Although C2 doesn't wake up for milk after 2mths, she still wakes up ard 1-2 times every night... either cry, laugh or quarrel... a lot of dreams.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
haha u ah.. nvm lar, the most I shutgate. hehe me v firm ! :p

Hmm if E is not a sleepy bb, tendency u get a sleepy baby for #2 is high. Often say, high need bb first, 2nd bb will definitely more easier. Hee dunno how true of the myth again, u go try it then update us. ;)

<font color="ff0000">FMN</font>
aiyoh u read my post v carefully leh. haha. U caught me. :p

<font color="aa00aa">TL</font>
JJ really sound an easy baby! OK let's hope THAT Is a MYTH!! :p Now must survey Mummy of 2 kids - are both your kids easy SLEEPY babies? kekeke..

<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
Me is coping ok lor..now getting so sian of coping at home doing the same old things..&amp; can wipe body only.. hairscalp getting itchy liao.. haha.. sorry gross things to update to u .. As for baby wise, not v good lor.. cos he is v active boy.. doesnt wanna sleep.. at nite also can play..

KE is still feeding at nite hah.. really so tiring to cope with 2 kids &amp; work &amp; pumping..

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
haha C2 sound abit like Ashley.. Ashley also tend to wake up after several mths later, not for milk but due to nitemares etc. Alot of dreams for her that is why she got eyebags &amp; eyecircles at such a young age..
shane, apparently ligation for men is very straight forward and non invasion. I shall go ask my gynae and try "psycho" my hb.

jamci, ha ha, suppose in that case my friend didn't have an accident :p Ur brother is so funny. Looks like I better change diapers far the boy far away from anything valuable including the TV, DVD player etc

TL, caymom, jasmine, thanks for the well wishes.

TL, thanks for the tip, I shall remember to put a piece of tissue to cover before I kenna urine.

Talking about crocs, did anyone go to Metro Expo sale 2 weeks back? I managed to get some girls mary janes for $20. Wonder if its cheaper at the Crocs sale?
haha..never read read very very carefully lah..
but saw the sentence mah..then wondering lor.haha

ok..generally both my R n C sleeps easily..as in when the times up to sleep..they will sleep lor..cos tired mah.

R can sleep for a a few hrs one..
but C sleeps very short hrs only..

R can sleeps n wake up abit late in the morning..but C wakes up very early one..

when i compared..R tends to sleep more than C..

but hor..R is the type of child who cannot play too much or simulate too much one..if not..he will hve nightmares at night..
btw..latest updates..i'm surprised..R told me this morning, he dun wan to celebrate his bdae in school leh...he say he wans to buy cake n put at home..:p

this boy hor..wants spiderman now..faint..
well shd wait nearer the date n see what he wants..

hve u ask E..which flying horse is she referring to?

shane n mckee,
i oso same as E n N leh..i oso like purple..hehe...
i think i "suay" mouth leh..
the other day i was telling u..it seems that R n C's health got improved slightly..then i even go n tell my hub..

then yesterday..he has abit of running nose n this morning cough..
so sian...

but maybe cos he has skipped his vit c for the past 2 to 3 days??hmm..got to give him today liao..hope that it is minor one n go away soon..

then must remember to ask the daddy to put colostrum powder in their milk whenever he makes milk..he super lazy one..when he makes milk, he will not put the powder one leh..
<font color="aa00aa">FMN</font>
Lucky u that both ur kiddos are easy to manage..btw u are talking abt their bb time or toddler time? hehe..

Ash no need to simulate much also will have nitemares.. hahaha..

I think having the cough &amp; running nose is inevitable 1 eventhough daily dosage of vit c &amp; colostrum .. just maybe u wanna guage his recovery rate tat's all.. whether his recovery rate is shorter than last time? U guage guage..

I hvn't had the chance to ask her. Yday came back late and put her to bed liow. I'll try tonight. anyway hv to order her cake also. hope she can give me a firm answer. hee hee
