(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1


E wans ben 10 cake??? oh no..what has the earth become..haha...

my R wans Pink power ranger cake..he likes all the girly colours leh..*faint*...

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
hmm hmm thanks thanks.. look out for more pics in FB.. lol.. hope your calling will be stronger.. &amp; who noes.. hehehe.. :D :D

did u saw my Hb's cleanroom outfit. hahaha i was really wanna laff when I saw him enter into the op room. It was hilarious to me lor. I dunno he noes I put tat pic in FB or not. HAHAHA.

aiya btw tat day we chatted so much, forgot to take pic for u &amp; Julien. We suppose to take pic for every guest 1..

<font color="aa00aa">Forgetmenot</font>
U check ur FB yet? I tag u on the pic liao.. haha.. U also 1 hr last time ah? Mine with Ashley tat time always bf until we both doze off.. I think this 1 2nd mth onwards also like tat 1.. :p

<font color="119911">Mckee</font>
Thanks! hee i like your confinement support grp term. :p I dun have TV in my room, only got tat car portable tiny TV. I'm waiting FMN to visit me so can lend me TWLIGHT DVD. *lol*

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
yah i'm liked u too, like to see cute bbs but the calling aint strong. Nvm, i look forward to hear good news from you still, who noes sudden calling will simply comes to u.

hmm i'm different from u. #1 &amp; #2 I also let go 1.
#1 at my mum's plc. She didnt let me on air con whole day kind, so I find myself so stinko &amp; sticky. I was in those frustrated &amp; sian mode. :p Everytime Ashley poo or pee, I'll shout "Ma, lai!!!" haha.. tat time really felt like throwing Ash to my Mum to take care forever. really v lousy. hehe.

Oh dear, Ben 10 Cake.

Tat time we getting Ash a booster seat, Ash also told us an ugly color, we manage to convince her to take the Red though. hahaha.
twlight! i wanna watch again .. so romantic and the guy .. so handsome ... drools... haha....

ai ya, think i siao on lor. we look after day and nite. think tt y got depressed. haha... my mum din help much with bb. Just keep telling me 'feed fm lah, feed fm lah' urgh! =(
oops i'm here again..next mth u gals wont see me liao.. boo hoo..

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
yes yes this FMN lor, keep telling me how charming &amp; handsome this vampire is.. lol..

wow u really v on, but i guess that's the characteristic of Aqaurius
Me really shui yi. haha..
it's gd lah. I feel tired being an aqaurius. think i should hv another Gemini bb. haha... they're the happy go lucky kind. hee hee....

are u gg to look after alone at ur own home or go ur mum's plc ?
Twilight!!! Edward!!!
who is looking for him?? hahaha...

we are all talking abt calling then how come out of the sudden, talking abt twilight liao???

haha..yaya..the guy is so sweet, romantic, good looking..n the best is that he knows how to play piano..argghh.....my heart melts liao..wahahaha
ya..n my mil always say R shd be a girl..C shd be a boy..=(

same as ur mum lor..my mil always ask mi to feed FM during the 1st mth..she even tell that to my frens who visited me leh..
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
yes coping alone at my own home. By 3rd week will try to learn the ropes from my CL. Alot of things she share with me which I dunno during Ashley time. Hope I can remember &amp; put into good use.

<font color="aa00aa">Forgetmenot</font>
aiyo u two mummies ah.. mi this young chap which is how old?? 22 or 21? lol.. oops wait i watch liao, i also mi him like dunno wat. hahaha..

I think she'll cook on 3rd week onwards leh. U wanna drag so late then visit me ah??? -_-"
<font color="0000ff">Wow....May Day baby.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Congratulations Audrey! Your prince is so adorable and angelic.</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Rest well and enjoy your confinement.</font>
sorry ladies,mia for a while. busy @ work la

and congratulations to Audrey and Twinklets on the new additions to your family!!!

heheh...noticed from your fb postings that u like twilight very much. i was hooked for a while when my fren lend me the books..... haven't watched the movie yet...
haha.no lah....

oh.maybe u will hook on it lor..
my fren n i was jokingly telling each other that we are lao aunties drooling over such a young chap..

u are back...hehe...ya ya..was quite hooked..
though l like it very much but still hve not finish the book..still on book 3..
dun like book 2, nearly doze off reading it..but maybe cos book 2 dun hve much edward..haha

btw hor..is E who wans ben 10 not ash leh..^__^
hey hey! N3 can only stand up. The second she wants to move, she'll be on fours... like Jer right?

tell you something very funny.

Yesterday, my maid made milk for N2 and N3. And she went to shower. When she came out, she heard laughter, so she thought both were happily playing. Well, N2 was pouring the milk all over N3! like soy sauce bottle!
haha.. it was quite funny even when she related to me.

Congrats Audrey!
your princess really very princess looking!
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
hahahaha....seems like they were having fun and enjoy pouring milk over. I'll freak out when I see the mess they have made.

Jer cannot stand unsupported yet. He is still holding on and cruising.
wooo we really must meet up!

N3 can stand i think also because she is really light. Her most recent weight (on Sunday) was only 8.5kg. How's Jer?
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
He hit 10kg at abt 11+mths. And it was when he was sick and the nurse weighed him at the clinic. He was sick before and after his birthday so should be lighter now. He's still having a cold and on medication.

I tried weighing him again but he just cannot sit still on the digital scale.

Sure we can meet up. Do you have to work on weekdays?
Congrats Audrey!!! Such a sweet gal. Can tell gal right away. Rest well. =)

ha ha! same like bbrooster, I think i'll be more angry with the mess than find it funny. But it's so cute to see kids playing pranks on one another.

there was a period E wanted TT cake too !!!! i pyscho out of it... muahhahah don't know her bday or my bday hahahahahha....

You should watch the show... very sweet and romantic. Had a edgey feel to it cos he's a vampire mah...and a very handsome one somemore. Will feel so protected but yet special if i'm the gf. ha ha .....

I seldom want to watch a show 2x but i wanna watch this one again..... hee hee... just to drool at him haha.... *blush*
wooo big boy!
yup, now I'm working all weekdays, only off on weekends. I'm sure we'll work out something ;)

yes, so cute to see them playing pranks on one another. that's another cue for you to start considering #2!

btw, did u watch 17 Again? very gorgeous! i wanted to put him on my desktop wallpaper!
wow Mckee!! u like tat zac something??
lol lol.. I think I'll just stick back to my own era 1, my Daniel Wu, age is closer. LOL. LOL.

Shane is making me so gian to watch Twlight. FMN FMN, when u coming??? :p i wanna watch it FAST! hahaha!!

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
Princess decided to come out in May Day, will she like May Day band next time? hehe. kidding lar. So how are u coping so far? Post more pics k?
&amp; yah.. wat's her name?
I havnt caught it. Hub dun like such show ley but he'll acoy me lah if i want to watch. I read ur review and the huge photo you put on ur blog hee hee.... i'm tempted.... ke ke but in comparison i'm more attracted to Edward. I think i like the fact that he is a vampire and don't really look that young.... ha ha ...

i think u'll like the show hee hee...
i like MAY DAY!!! any one going for their concert in aug??

aiyo, me also gian to watch Twilight liao.i thot i read somewhere that the male lead acted in harry potter before, but i dun remember seeing a handsome guy in harry potter leh...heheh
no lah... I didn't like Zac Efron, UNTIL I watched the show. He was acting as a father with a teenage face and bod. So it wasn't a teeny High School Musical thing. oohhh very gorgeous!

Btw, watch TAKEN. it's fantastic too. Your husbands esp would like it, ESP if you have daughters!
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
u are so fortunate tat ur hb is willing to accompany u to watch even he doesn't keen to watch at all. i think i can only get gf to watch with me. he sure go inside waste $ 1, cos sure doze off 1.

Ya i think i'll sure like tat show 1.. me into such shows. &amp; moreover got this "edward".. i think i'll join ur club v soon.. but this FMN ah.. dunno when coming leh.. see she dun dare to reply me liao.. mahahaah...

<font color="ff6000">ixo</font>
wow u sound v excited when I mention MAY DAY. I cant go lar, wait my boobs explode in the concert. haha. i went to their 1st concert in Sg last time, it was awesome! i simply luv their songs &amp; the way they rock the concert. I enjoy gog rock concerts, more 'feeling' &amp; can really go 'wild' more. hee. So are u gog this time?? They start selling the tixs so fast hor??

<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
haha ok ok i tot u like him since the High Sch Musical!! then i really wanna faint. lol lol. Ok i can imagine a Mummy of 3 here starts drooling at this 21 (or 22) young chap. keke. U damn good huh, Mummy of 3 watches Midnite movies issit? I didn't watch movies for a long time when I only got 1 Ashley.

TAKEN got who inside? Me poor thing here lar. Confinement now &amp; after tat nomore free time, still want to tempt me with movies, &amp; movies with handsome young chaps. keke
Thanks everyone! I name her Enya (恩雅). I will post more photo of her

I am coping well, as usual, lack of sleep
with new born baby, have to wake up few times at night for feeding
plus having engorgement, so have to pump more often to empty it!
haha... i nearly rolled off the floor when I read about boobs exploding in the concert! hahaha!

yup, watched midnight, mummy of 3 became cradle snatcher... super drool.

TAKEN by Liam Neeson. He was an ex CIA agent, whose daughter got kidnapped. His love for daughter and how he track down kidnappers very exciting! (this one I watched online!--so you can too!)
Not sure if you know, during the movie premiere was when his real wife died (the ski accident when she knocked her head and died suddenly)

Enya... very nice name! She's really a very sweet and pretty babe...
jialat cham..... I mountain tortise now. Don't know what you all are talking about. Rock band, movies, TV sitcoms I am clueless.
Hi Mummies,
here i am reporting....... busy n also trying not to come to forum so often lei, cos must control myself in going to the bp n spree sections. hee

Congrats on the arrival of yr princes n princess!
So charming n pretty.

Yes i like Taken. Veri good show.
Also like Changeling. Sad but touching.
17 again, i like. kekeke I prefer light, romance movies over twilight these type of movies.
Lucky hb always watches those silly movies with me without complaints. N he will watch those movies like Xmen himself. Oh now he has A to watch with like star wars n etc. A also into Xmen.

Power Rangers/Ben 10/Transformers
A is veri into these days, he din watch these series, but kanna "brainwashed" by the older kids in school. Sigh.
But heng, he tells me "i dun wan pink power ranger, yee, so yucky, for gal".

He has been pestering me for a mei mei since few months back. N i always tell him he must be guai n grow up if he wan. N the trick works. I feel bad at times cos knowing that he wont get it. Unless I finally overcome my phobia in this lupus thing. hahaha which i dun think so.

Below is the conversation between A and me one afternoon last week:
A: "Mummy, how I wish you have a baby inside your stomach now"
Me: "Why?"
A: "Cos I wan a baby, I promise I will be good and behave and share my toys"
Me: "Really?"
A: "Yes, I will help you look after too"
Me: "that is a good boy"
After few seconds, he jumped up.
A: "oh no, but if baby inside your stomach, then you cannot eat. How?"
Me: "why cannot eat?"
A: "cos you eat, the food will dirty the baby inside, yucks, how to clean the baby inside?"
I burst into laughter.
Really amazed at times with their tong zhen. :)
i also laughed when I read ur boobs bursting ha ha !

his real wife died ? sometimes so wierd such things happen...

not u mountain tortoise lah... but u mostly not ard mah .... i look out for movies cos my hub likes to watch them. But we hvn't gone for a LONG time liow.

u finally rtn ah.

actually i also ley. I told E that she'll hv her baby after her 5th birthday. Feel quite bad also cos I'm not sure if I'll honour my word. But i feel very bad if I don't lah. So maybe that will be my pushing factor.

I think if u really sure abt stopping at 1, dun give him false hopes. Really quite painful. You dun want him to lose trust in u too.
Sometimes hard not to use it for him to behave. Ya I know as well, hence I try not to remind him as much as I can. hee

Turning 4.
So glad they are all turning 4. N can realli tell the difference at 3 yrs old n 4 yrs old. Now they can tell you what they wan, without giving in to us liao. They more firm in their requests for their bday celebration n helping out in preparing.
This yr wont post individually one by one to wish the kids happy birday. So I will do it one for all. :)

Happy 4th Birthday to all kids here!
i'm back..

i no mia hor..next wk lah..next wk then i pass to u..hmm..or this wk?? hehe..

haha..u so funni...boobs exploding in the concert..

err...actually hor, i got watch high school musical one leh cos i hve disney channel at home mah..WAHAHAHA

oei..u forgot ah? u ever watch midnight with mi once..haha...we watched chicken little neh..

hehe..i got watch movie 2x one lor..
i remember i loved the movie "the parents trap" so much that i dragged my frens to go n watch it with me twice..hahaha

i feel like becoming a vampire myself leh..haha..
then my fren's hubby keep saying that Edward is a fiction guy, there is no such person with such personality on earth...

cos besides his looks..we like more on his personality..so protective, sweet, romantic with a sense of humour..n so faithfully..awww...i'm thinking of him again liao...keke

btw..i oso love the movie "my best fren's wedding"
i like the gay fren..rupert something..
how i wish to hve such a buddy..keke

u are back!!
what movie is changeling?

haha...u are referring to my R right?? cos he wans pink power ranger..hahaha
but hor..now he change slightly abit liao, he wans the cake with all the power rangers..hahaha

A so cute..he so concern abt u that u cant eat leh..u must be touched as well that he sayang u..

u know over the wkend, C said something that shocked her daddy..
she told him that baby comes from tummy n she has a baby in her tummy..*faint*

daddy heard liao, immediately ask mi, who taught her that..

i like X-men..they show it on tv last sun..then R n C very excited..keep saying that they wan to watch it..
but when they actually watch it, they become bored..haha..cos they dun really transform like power rangers/ben 10...

Power rangers/Ben 10/Transformers/X-men,
err...am i the only mummy who watches all these?? =P haha..think i'm the weird one here..
btw..u gals know about this ribena advert with indian music in the background..n there is 2 fruits dancing?

wow..this C hor..whenever she saw this advert,
she will scream loudly "RIBENA" then she start to try to dance like the fruits..run...n then dance..

thanks for the well wishes...

ya..u know i feel very emotional esp that our little ones turning 4 soon
i still find it unbelieveable n time flies..
from a baby to 1yo, to 2 yo n then now 4 yo..

soon, they will attend pri sch liao
very scary leh
U find out more on changeling here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0824747/
Veri depressing cos about "a grief-stricken mother takes on the LAPD to her own detriment when it stubbornly tries to pass off an obvious impostor as her missing child, while also refusing to give up hope that she will find him one day".
Not referring to R lah, cos when A asking us to buy the set of power rangers, of cos set comes in full range mah, then he die die dun wan the pink. hee
A saying baby comes out from belly button.
One day, he asks me "Mummy, gal no penis, then urine comes out from where? Backside? cos gal sits down n urine." U just die laughing with wat coming out from their mouth.
Ya this morning, my hb n I we talking, so much difference this yr compare to last yr in terms of A growing. Then hb said next yr 5 yrs old, will be greater difference we can see. Sigh. I dun wan him to grow up so fast lei. :-(
sori me alot of gan chu now cos he is turning 4 this weekend. Time realli flies flies flies. Celebrating in school tomorrow. :)
no lah..i'm just pulling ur leg..

hehe..A is total opp from R mann..if he sees the pink ranger..he will grab it one lor..
cant stand him leh..

yaya..thats the tricky part..u know lah..my mil, even my hubby etc..they will always refer penis as "koo koo bird" which i dun really like lor..
initially is quite funni lah..n is oso easier to remember

but when they grow older.i feel shd teach them the proper word lor..

so whenever R is with me,i will use the word penis lor..
but hor..C is abit tricky..how to tell her the urine part is what..hmmm...

no worries..i oso alot of gan chu though R's bdae is end of next mth..
in fact,i start to hve gan chu ever since Ash senior has turned 4..

ya lor..i oso dun wan them to grow up so fast..i missed those times when they are babies, learning how to flip, learning how to crawl, learning how to walk, learning how to eat..n learn to say the 1st word...awww....sob sob...
Now I don't really miss baby days... but I dread the day when she goes to P1.

I did teach E the correct word but we seldom use it now. Beginning when she say she has a penis, i was like -_-'. So I taught her. Now she knows liow, we reverted back to the nickname (pet pet) we use for it.
I always tell her poo from backside. Urine from pet pet.. and she knows it's front and back.
So maybe u can tell her that. No need so specific lah. hee hee.
<font color="0000ff">SN</font>
Long time no see. Welcome back!

yeah....same I also use the proper words penis, vagina and anus. I'll correct jo and tell her baby comes out through the vagina.
wah so advance. I hvn't explain bb comes out from vagina yet. I guess cos i no bb yet.

hmm actually are they allowed in delivery wards ? wonder if it's appropriate to show them how a bb is borned. But maybe will freak them out hor. =P
I explain to A thru a book which I got from Bras Basah. Got pics to show n illustrate. Its a kiddy book with pops up. Inside also differentiate boy n gal.

<font color="0000ff">SN</font>
Nice book.

Ya still got few more MIA mummies. jamci and jasmine leh? Jasmine I remembered she's back to work end of April.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font> have you sort out who is to look after baby?
