(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Congratulations Twinklets...

welcome little prince Julien too!!!!

I was still thinking when you are going to "pop" and there you are delivered already... Congrats!
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets

Well Done &amp; Big Congrats!

We all can't wait to see Julien Didi!

U rest well! </font>
Yes, I am here
Not able online this few days, feel very tired!
Me? Ya, next will be me but no idea when
tomorrow going to visit the gynae, hopefully the little one will pop out soon!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Baby Julien @ 1 day old</font></font>


<font color="0000ff">Baby Julien is very very cute and chubby. Good job twinklets!</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Congratulation Twinklets, BB Julien so cute, really looks like Ashley. Take good rest.</font></font>
hullo Mummies,

Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm still in hospital using their free internet access, gog to discharge tmr hopefully can discharge together with Julien. Hehe I dunno Baby will be big bb as well, tot max 3.2kg. Was really surprised when Gynea showed him to us when he pulled him out from my tummy &amp; he looked exactly like Ashley at birth. I was v v nervous when inject the epi jab &amp; not knowing what happen next. It was an amazing experience for me &amp; Hb to witness our birth of our boy, cos last chance liao. hehe.

gals, u mean Julien looks like the current Ashley's face?? hehe
his looks changed again.
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
thanks for posting the pic here. do u know i still find it hard to call as 'he', keep calling 'she' &amp; 'her' .. lol ..
was just thinking about you and when you'll be discharged. good that everything went well.
your birth make me so emo ley.

Take care and rest well.

BB J is indeed a very chubby kid!!
Is Ashley getting really excited to see her new brother?

Agree with Shane, I'm really happy for you, it's a real blessed accomplishment

Yeah, rest well cos your "moo-ing" days have just begun!

Julien bb looks so chubby and cute leh... his cheeks..hmmmm

so you did the C-section with the epi jab... what kind of feeling is that? for my 1st one, just went through the C-section knock out... so not sure of the feeling but must be wonderful to be able to see the baby at the first instant
<font color="0000ff">Shane/Jaymom</font>
hehe i give u gals some bbdust. Hope Jaymom will get it soon &amp; Shane will finally pluck up courage to try. I used to be scared that I cant have love leftover for my #2, but amazingly the love just come naturally. It is such a touching moment to realize the fact that you have become a Mother of 2. that feeling is so... wonderful. Despite the initial engorgement, stressful Bf, the C wound &amp; fattiness, i think all is worthwhile..

Ashley so far *touchwood* is still cooperative &amp; sensible. She is v excited abt Bb. Yesterday waiting for 3 of us to come bk, kept complaining to her Nai Nai why we 3 so late 1, so long. Hahaha. Came bk kept wanting to touch &amp; kiss bb. She so happy when Daddy let her 'carry' bb.

<font color="119911">Adora</font>
hee thanks. Hee imagine I just saw u on my week 38. hee

<font color="aa00aa">Kiami</font>
yes, it was a very nervous experience for me..1st time with Ash I was also knock out like u. I was very nervous &amp; phobia of the epi jab. When finally jab done, I felt much relieved. then the next thing was blade pain cos heard 2 of my frens got such pain.. I reminded my gynea to make sure to test my numbness before he cut me. :p I was so emotional when Gynea just pulled Julien out from my Tummy, the scenario abit like natural birth cos later the nurse put Julien on my chest too. I was feeling so emotional &amp; I cried.
Rest well and enjoy your confinement food.

I kept looking at the pictures of Julien and I have not got over the feeling of wanting a 3rd one.
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
Kekeke... I still have the urge to have a 3rd one sometimes but it is getting weaker now. I have come to terms that handling two is the max of my capacity.

<font color="aa00aa">LV,</font>
How are you? Haven't saw your posting for quite a while. Is K still attending ballet?
I have pulled out C1 entirely. I thought she will change her mind when she suddenly asked for her ballet costume and shoes. But when I asked whether she wants to attend ballet again, she gave a firm "no".
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
hehe then come bk Sg try #3 again. hehe
Btw CL food is nice, slurp.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Thanks for the encouragement &amp; BB dust

U have been a wonderful mum, i'm sure u have more than enough love for BB-Ju.

Haha..u ah. Make hay while the sun shines then

Oh, u mean C1 stopped her ballet class..why?
No more interest?
Yah. She cried each time I bring her to ballet. I dun wish to force her so decided to stop.
Perhaps the interest died off. Not sure what exactly happened. She used to look forward to ballet every weekend. Quite a drastic change.
Hmm,even when you tempt her with seeing her frens? Is her teacher not sweet and nice? I hope she wasn't scolded, u ask her.

So what is she interested in lately
it cld be a feeling that your family is not complete. i came across stories on some forums that some mums do get the 'incomplete' feeling and went on to have more kids. So tt could be ur indication ?
Her teacher is very nice, much sweeter than the previous one who is very stern and strict. I dun think she likes her friends though.

I switched her to a new school late last year. She was ok in the beginning but suddenly refused to go. I believe she doesn't like the new friends who tend to scream a lot.

As long as it's related to play, she is interested. When I was thinking of a new preschool last year, she told me to switch her to the one in the community centre because every afternoon they get to play at the playground.

Just few days ago, my hb was really upset when he realised C1 doesn't know numbers well.... 1-10 also not sure. She has been attending maths enrichment classes since Jan and it doesn't seem to help. He decided to stop the enrichment class and teach C1 himself... even got ready a cane.
Jia you..if can go for #3...kids are really cute. But I really have no courage to go for #3.

Ya lor so fast...soon your confinement will be over...if u send Ash here can call me for breakfast!

Swine Flu
ytd R CC sms saying that parents are not allow into the CC. I felt really scare after seeing the sms..hope this will not be like another SARS. ytd i went Guardian &amp; heard the staff telling a customer all MASK out of stock! Just pray hard everything to be under control soon!
Hihihi mummies...

Congras! Do take good care and have sufficient rest.

Wow i also have the urge to go for #3.. But i still have no faith in managing 3 kids alone while my hubby is away wor..

Sheri is also learning ballet.. Next time can ask the gals &amp; Ash to dance tog. ;)

Try counting steps with C1 everyday when u walk up or down the stairs to help her remember her numbers. I teach Sheri &amp; Shania numbers using this method and it works. Hope it helps C1 too..
Play is fine. Most children learn through play too. Important thing is to arouse their interest.

Ask your hb to give C1 some time to get used to the the concept in her maths enrichment class.
Jay started chinese class too. His progress is slow but as long as he's enjoying class, i let him develop at his own pace.

Yes, Bubbles's suggestion is useful. I also use numbers flashcards. Play it like a game. Let her pick a card and tell you the number. If she gets it right, she keeps the card. If she gets more than, say 5 cards, she gets a small reward e.g a star in her reward chart

I think C1 noes, probably she needs constant reinforcement and concentration. It happens to Jay all the time. My cane is also on stand-by mode
Swine Flu

I also went to Guardian and saw they put up a notice claiming that the face masks, the sleeves for thermometers are OOS since 3 days ago

U mean u can't go in to R's cc?
Actually hor.... I think that the face mask is FOR SHOW onli lor
Bacteria so SMALL... how can a 3-ply even 4-ply mask able to keep out those...even fine particles lor
I do engravement on glassware and wear those normal face-mask... I breathe a little easier..too hard the glass particles still goes flying into my lungs lor!!!
Even those N95... u need to see what is it for lor
Not say N95 then is sure safe lor...must see the purpose...onli those for mirco-bio one then can work...other may work just to reduce chemical fumes or whatever their purpose is for...
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Ya, what you mentioned is true. Important thing to note is not to use our hands to rub eyes, nose or touch mouth. Coz the bacteria on our hands would enter our body directly. Maintain good hygiene by washing hands.

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
I think all CC practise the same thing liao hor?
JJ's CC also started today - no parents in the CC and had to sign this declaration form.

Sigh... the symptoms are flu-like, hard to detect, espcially in this crazy weather.
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
ya v fast confinement will b over, but now I dun really want it over so soon liao. Cos so used to aunty doing things for me. haha... the real thing will start when i cope alone next mth.. gan jiong spider. Hope I can meet u up for breakfast when I need to send Julien for some checkup, so I can same time send Ash to CC. hehe..

btw Ash cc also today dun allow parents go in.

<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
How's ur JJ? u coping alone?
how are u ? How about Ash ? Clingy? or doing well ?

gd to hv confinement lady hor. so basically she do everything ?

Btw, i read BB latch for 1hr+ ah... wah shiong ley. so u're like feeding every other hr ?
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Me coping better now

Ash so far *touchwood* is Ok. She dotes her lil bro so far, likes to touch &amp; 'carry' him. Suddenly she seems so big gal to me. But shall see her during 2nd mth, cos will be coping alone. Really wonder how she'll behave by then..

Yes having a CL is really so shiok compare to your own mum.. Own mum help u do the nite feed, wash stuffs, u'll feel paisay &amp; bad abt it.. but CL does everything, u wont feel paisay cos is her job lor.. I like this CL alot, next time u want, I can intro u. hehe.. she's really good

Ya i BF from 10-1030 just now.. short break awhile, then BF till 11. He suckled me dry.. now zz liao. Nope i BF him every 3 hrly. If he suckled me dry liao &amp; still cry, my CL will feed him my EBM or FM to make him sleep.
how??got any "instincts" to try for bb no.2??
actually after seeing julien..i quite giam to hve no.3..haha..but cannot lah..cant afford..kekeke

n plusmore now R n C big liao..abit sian to start all over again...

ya..last time R latch on for almost 1 hr..so sian..

now u make drool over confinement food liao

ya..must make full use of the CL n rest well..
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
You must go and see Julien. You see now <font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font> also gian for #3.

Hb said 2 is enough cannot afford to have #3.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I trust you sure can cope after CL is gone. Just have to do abit of adjustment. You staying with MIL right.

hmmm...yum yum....you make me drool over confinement food too.

<font color="0000ff">aries</font>
How are you coping? Any latest pics of JJ?

<font color="0000ff">MIA gals</font>
Where are you gals? <font color="0000ff">Sally, ixora</font> are you busy baking? <font color="0000ff">Cherry</font> are you busy at work? <font color="0000ff">LV</font> what have you been doing?
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Saw your birth pictures in FB. All so well taken. Your hb is a good photographer. I wish I can wind back the clock and retake Jer birth pictures again.
same lor..i oso wish to wind back to the time when i'm preggie n delivering my kids...

hmm..seems like usu is the mummy who is giam to hve another bb..but the daddy not very keen hor?

see..so many of us is encouraging u...jia you jia you..
Congrats! It must be such a relief to have bb out! Enjoy your confinement period... thank God weather is cooling down a bit!
There're some nice shows on TV and Cable now that you can catch... have fun.. as usual, we are all here--ur online confinement support team. Take care!
bbrooster, FMN, twinklets....
I don't know ley, no calling! jiat lat liow...
Last time will be gian when I see and carry.
Now I enjoy seeing cute babies ... but heart no calling liow... opps....

u like potential for #3 ley. hee hee....

well, such things need 2 hands to clap ...

Ya I also sien abt the start over part....

Btw anyone want to upgrade to booster. Maxi cosi hvg promo for the Rodi SPS, now at $169. Saw in Spring Maternity. But i hvn't decided to upgrade or not.

Actually want liow. Choose red colour then my dear princess say she dun want red!!! she want some ugly blue that mummy dun like :p

Then yesterday she say she wan Ben 10 bday cake! *faint* so tomboy.

keep the contact hor. Incase i really need hee hee....

but i wonder I can let go or not ley. scully like #1, wanna do everything myself. Like I think i'll want to bathe baby myself. Or maybe daddy will want to do it. Then the CL will be quite eng ? =P
