(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Ben 10, Power Rangers, Winx club</font>
My gal knows all of them from CC. She told me she dun like Ben 10 &amp; PR cos those are boys toys. She only likes Winx Club, Barbie, Disney Princesses. Actually I havent expose her to Winx Club, only one time at a foc show at United Sq. The Winx Club cartoons are too mature for her to understand, so I tell her 6 YO then she can watch. :p She has already outgrown BARNEY &amp; say that 1 only babies &amp; 2 YO kids will watch. -_-" But she still luv Hi-5!
She knows abt Hana Montana &amp; Hi School Musical but I didnt expose her to them cos those are pretty matured shows, not really suitable for 4 YO to watch.

<font color="0000ff">Cakes</font>
phew.. heng mine is June, so I still gotta eat my Cake. hehe. I really love to eat cakes, esp chocolate ones! Just by thinking of them now, make me wanna drool liao.

<font color="ff0000">Audrey</font>
Wow this time ur bb gal is really v comfy in ur tummy. Hehe let's see u will pop this wkend or not.
U got any special cravings now? Me currently got another craving.. oops chocolate cake. :D
Chocolate cake! Hehehehe..... Good!
I have craving on cold water only cos the weather so hot till can't stand anymore. Hopefully when my gal pop put, the weather could be better!
Ben10,power ranger,etc..
actually hor..i oso watch ben 10..
not bad leh..
sometimes i will watch with them on sun morning after mickey mouse club house..

is bad lah..but no choice cos i hve to cook lunch..so i let them watch tv.. at least i know for a while, they wont fight..they will be abit safe..hahaha

R knows abt spiderman, superman etc..

the daddy recently bought a superman bedsheets for him..he so happy..keep telling me that superman can fly..

so i hve to keep telling him...is fake one..in real life pple cant fly..n he cannot follow them to fly..if not,he will fall, n will be very very painful n will hve lotsa of blood..
so for the time being..he still will listen to me lah..hahaha

wow..ash knows hannah montana?? WOW....
R n C dun even know winx club leh..
Arrr R also knows Hanah Montana, Zack &amp; Cody &amp; Wizard of Waverly Place... &amp; he likes these shows more than the shows on Playhouse Disney.

U like Ben10?? I still prefers Pooh or Mickey mouse....keke and those shows mentioned abv...quite funny too.
<font color="119911">Audrey</font>
So u v guai, never drink cold water at all? Last wkend I still drank coke.. so shiok.. noe is bad but really v v gian. -_-"

I dun pin too much high hopes of our weather, i think it will be even hotter leh..

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
Ya guess we parents must always be there to guide them when they watching such violent cartoons.. Heng Ashley is real 'nu ren', not really into superheroes cartoons. keke..

ya she noes Hannah Montana cos last time used to have their shots in OKTO. She used to watch OKTO at my mum's plc. Winx Club is influenced by her older cousins 1. But I never expose her to their DVDs cos quite chim mah.
I am not that **Guai** person!
Almost 1-2 glass of cold water everyday. Just simply can't stand the hot weather, especially in our 3rd trimester. Last few days, I on my aircon at night, at 27C, I still perspire! Faint!
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
oh.. i tot u so guai lar. phew heng. :p U on 27 degree.. err of cos will perspire lar. *faint*
My aircon not v cold 1, i need to put 19 degree..
hannah montana !!! tt's v advanced ley .... Ash real matured.

R also. I'm not even familiar with what u mentioned...Zack &amp; Cody &amp; Wizard of Waverly Place.. where is it shown ?
zack &amp; cody those shows are shown at disney channel, channel 33 on cable..

zack &amp; cody quite funny leh..
hehe..i like most cartoons lah..cos will sit n watch with them lor..cos i cant watch other channels as they want to watch cartoon..

will ur R n C fight for channel?

mine will leh..this one wants to watch this channel..the other one wants to watch another channel..

n this happen also when they want to watch dvd or vcd..so no choice lor..
now one will watch in the living room..another will watch in the bedroom..

can u believe it? i got 3 tvs n 2 dvd players in my hse..n at times..all 3 will be on cos daddy, son n daughter all watch different things..
then this poor mummy will hve to follow them..i dun get to choose..
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
no lar.. she only know who's Hannah Montana but nvr watch the show.. Go toysrus will know the dolls too..
yes lor..they super good life..
then i'm machiam like their maid lor..
finish drinking milk liao, they will keep shouting "mummy! mummy!" then i hve to go n take the milk bottles from them..

want to drink water..oso mummy mummy..ask them to go n take themselves..they will give u a cheeky smile n say, "i wan mummy take for me".faint
I agree. My gals always wants me to take the bottles from them. They also insist on making me bathe them and change their diapers.
Wow so u have many TVs....we only have one in the living room. They do fight for different channels...but most of the time R will watch cartoon with C. If not, he will play with his cars.

Those shows are on Disney Channel...sometimes I doubt he understands the show but he seem v engross when watching.
FMN, caymom,
in the past, E also. will insist i take the bottle but i tried to train her to put it on the table herself. Now she does it when she's in the good girl mode =P

Fussy Four
Not sure is it growing up pains again. Recently, E has been cranky, fussy, demanding, whiny and babyish. Driving me crazy. I wonder where the good girl went. She wasn't like that few weeks back. sigh.
yes yes..i also experienced it..i thought since he is turning 4..shd be better..no more terror 3
wow..but now hor..really buey tahan leh..

even the father oso cant stand him..
n if he wans something..wans mean wans hor..no room for negotiation one..
then if he did not get it, he will fuss, whine, even cry loudly.

n now..not even R..even C also..every little thing will whine, fuss n cry..

she told mi she wans milk..then when i go to kitchen n make..she starts crying n whining..wow..very fed up leh..
then i told her,"mummy needs time to make milk mah..hve to take bottle, put water, put milk powder, stir n then walk n give it to you..
cant say want, then immediately want it..where does the milk come from?"

as for the bottle one..is only once in a blue blue moon then they will put it on the table
sighs, guess we all have our own set of problems. Mine still not so bad when come to do things by herself. Mine is more on the maturity part. This gal really getting so matured these days, &amp; saying things that a 4 YO shouldn't say. Really need to teach alot, else Primary 1 will face big problems.
<font color="119911">Oh... so it's not just JJ getting fussy. :D :D Fussy Four??!! Hahaha.
Especially for this week he is at home with me, wah, I nearly pulled out all my hair.

And now he also 'gets angry' easily. When something happens, he would say "You see!!". Wah piang. Eg he doesn't like the non-slip mat in the toilet and wants to roll it up so that he can 'swim' on the shower floor area. I told him NO and he still try to roll it up. Then, the mat rolled back till it stopped at his little feet, and he shouted "You see!!". I was trying to hold back the laugher and at the same time thinking how to handle the situation.

When I cool down and think about it, he was copying what I usually say. Aiyo... When we tell JJ not to do something, but he still does it AND when something happens like what we warned him earlier, I would tell him "You see!!". :D :D</font>
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Personally, post-natal massage did not help me to get rid of fats. I did feel lighter but what I lost was water. But massage can help to get rid of wind. And the massage lady can massage and push the uterus back to position. Don't know how true lah.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
At 9mths Jerrell was standing to shower. But Joelle went reverse. She was swimming and bathing in Jer's tub. I was so mad I threw the tub out. Let her do it once she wanted to bathe in it everytime. Now she don't dare to bathe in the tub when I shower her.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Hahahaha. You know ah, JJ loves to 'swim' on the toilet floor, but when I put him in a swimming pool, he is scared! Alamak. Me &amp; hb has this joke betw us "JJ only swims on the toilet floor." :p
Ya same man... wans means wans. then dun give, whine, cry. and it happens again and again. one battle settled, another one start about something else. Puke blood.

ha ha, same here. E also get angry very very ez. I feel as if she got PMS =P ha ha...

wah u sound v fierce. Jo wouldn't whine and cry and throw a fuss ? E will even when i put my feet down. She'll give in but still cry and fuss. sigh.
haha so funny, i can imagine JJ swim on toilet floor. I cant stand Ashley too, abit of water kana on her shirt or bottom, she'll fuss us to go change for her. Touch her 'arranged' toys abit &amp; she'll 'scold' us too. She also like to say this "You see lar!!" in that frustrating tone. Now I'm so big tummy already, really v easily irritated by her.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
If E is PMS, then JJ is what? Hahahaha.

Same here, if I make my stand, JJ may resist for a while then cry like end of the world. Goodness. This full week at home, I have hit my patience threshold dunno how many times. Drives me nuts.

Happened that my friend told me a quote she just read "A happy mother makes a happy family" (something like that). I agree, and returned her another quote <font color="119911">"A sleeping boy's mother is a HAPPY mother"</font>. :p At that time, JJ was taking his aftn nap, and I was happily chatting away on msn. :p Taking a break from his nonsense.

Was so angry just now. JJ hit me and I looked at him sternly asking why he did that. He hit me again on the face.
This is the first time. I was fuming mad. Dragged him to the Time-Out corner and made him do time.

Any kids here do that?
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Oh oh, Ash also says that? Hahaha.

I'm so tired of JJ's constant trying to push the limit. And I sometimes wonder if he picked them up from CC. When I was looking after him as SAHM, I don't see this type of misbehaving. Maybe coz I correct him on the spot the very first time he does it. If he does it in CC, I can't see and won't know either.

Just found out recently that JJ pushed a classmate sometime back. I asked why, but the teacher was unable to tell me.
She told me that besides that, JJ is usually very 'soft-hearted' in school and smiles a lot. Sigh... that's not helping.

I just take it that it's a phase that JJ is going thru, to test the limits. But all in all, seems like he is more scared of me than Papa.
Is a RELIEF lor
Sky and mei mei NOT THE ONLY ONE SWIMMING on toilet floor..... wahahahahahahahahah
But they love the pool more

come...throw my tub....
My hb let them use the tub TOGETHER!!! so they had LONG bath time... and they keep having running nose!!! @@
But they refuse to let me bath them... they refuse to go bathing with me lor... as I onli shower...and NO NONSENSE
I tot I am pregnant, W get angry easily but looks like kids at this age get frustrated easily too! I think kids at this age trying to test what they can do/control and what they can't do/control.

W will only hit and play rough with daddy, cos daddy did that to him
Maybe kids learn it from us bah!

Hahaha.... ...
"A sleeping boy's mother is a HAPPY mother" -> Strongly agreed with you! Cos as a mother, we can finished whatever that is not finish.

re: Time-Out corner
We have a Time-Out corner for W too! He will get to stand at the Time-Out corner whenever he misbehave in the public, where intolerance behavior happen in the public, such as yelling, screaming, pestering, sit on the floor not moving and etc. Warning will be given first, if he still continue doing it, Time-Out corner will be given to him when reaches home.
If he misbehave at home, then either hubby or I will talk to him face to face.
Same here! W will only allow daddy to bath him cos daddy allow him to play in the bath tub

As for mummy, fast and quick, shower only, then out from the bath room
hehehe... ...
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
ya she often says that cos this is 1 of my 'kou tou chan'..

As for beating us, ya she does that sometimes when she's really very frustrated &amp; angry. She violent gal since young 1..
We'll always make her say sorry on the spot. If still v persistant, will send her to face the window in the small room too.

Ya agreed they pick out some really bad habits from the CC.She has been picking up those unglamourous words from her classmates, like eat poo poo, bi sai, da bian etc.
Terrible Four
My jacia also behave like that. Very fussy if her clothes is a little dirty or wet. Kept changing many times in a day. I just gave up and ignore her. Now our lil' girl independent liao...she would go to the cabinet and help herself.
Even now Cericia is having her terrible two behaviour. Really horrible...two plus four equal six trauma for me....scary.

As for beating and shouting at us, i strongly do not allow her to behave like that. I would reprimand her very fiercely.
Don't let them became a habit if not we will still continue to face it when they are older.
hahaha... ... W did that as well
He says "Pang Sai, poo poo, and etc" Some other words that he says I can't understand either.
So we have alot of "fishes" during bathtime, i noticed..haha

Jay likes to stand on the toilet seat with the cover down when he showers (cos the bathroom in the kitchen comes w/o shower screen) He will pretend to be singing,etc (faint!)

Fussy Four
I agree, all the bad habits are pick up mainly from school but we parents definitely have to watch our tongues:p
Jay likes to tell me frustratingly " Mummy, not like that!" cos i used it on him often too.

He is also very in cleanliness, wet the toilet paper to clean the toilet seat or flush after every poo-dropping. Meaning 1 poo-poo session, he will be flushing 2-3 times. My goodness, my water bill is going up!

Cold Water druing pregnancy
I wonder how i tahan during my pregnancy. I recall not drinking soft drinks throughout the 8 mths. Now i develop this bad habit, i must have my "dose" of coke at least once a week. That's bad!
hello...mummies, me back from being MIA again...

Wow, alot of discussion going on for our going to be four year old hah...

I must say we really must give them lots of respsonsibilities at home to train them...

For me, I will set aside some tasks that belong to him and only he will do it cos daddy and mummy will not be helping him...it helps that my MIL also trains him the same way at her house...
so he knows what are his roles and responsibilities...hehe.. they are really quite cute like what Shane mentioned when they are in the good mood...

Just sharing, there is this 1 day, he was doodling and came up to me with a picture of his family and then I was looking at a family of five, asked him who are the rest, he told me is didi and meimei...wah stressed leh... now dun even have meimei where got time to have another didi...

I guess with 1 person, it is really kinda of lonely, so mummies with 1, jia you!
hi everyone..

same lor.. my r n c like to bath in the baby bathtub..n both of them will squeeze into one..
n will wan the father to bathe them..
cos if is mi..i will just shower..

i feel like throwing the tub away leh..

same same..R oso like that..likes to flush the toilet every poo dropping..my heart really paining mann...

u thought is only the girl who will do that?
my R will go to pull out his own drawers n find clothes to wear..
he dun like me to choose for him..he very fussy one..
even diaper, he also wan to choose..he still wear diaper to sleep at night..

ask u hor..how to wean off diaper in the night?
at times hor..R's diaper is dry thoughout the night..but at times, his diaper is so full until it leaks..

n hor..he is a pig leh..once sleep..very difficult to wake him up..how to wake him up to go toilet to wee wee?
I don't really wean off my boy from wearing diapers. It just happen one night, a year ago, when I wanted to put him on diaper, he told me that he is big boy now and if he want to wee, he will wake up!
So I just said to him, "Are you sure? So can mummy trust you?" "yes" answered confidently. From that day onwards, W wakes up during night to wee!
I think depends on individual, when they are ready, they will tell you.
<font color="0000ff">Kiami</font>
Ya I agreed with you on the responsibilites that we assign to our kid to do &amp; we shd not intercept it to do for them. When Ash is with me, I'll make sure she keep her toys once she is done with them. If she really bad mood, I'll tell her Ok I'll help her to clear together. So when with me only, she noe she has to fulfil this responsibility for me. But with Nai Nai around, she can skip tat, cos Nai Nai cant tahan the messiness, most of the x will wanna help her by keeping her toys first.

So cute &amp; sweet of Aaron to draw 1 Didi &amp; 1 MeiMei. hope U'll get Twins so u can easily achieve this. Give u some babydust!

<font color="ff0000">Forgetmenot</font>
U can test water first lor. Must constantly tell him that Mummy will need to wake him up for Urine. If u want to be stress-free, u can simply just wait for him to get ready, ie. tell u that he's a big boy &amp; wont need diapers anymore. If u want to train him, u'll need to be more hardworking at nite lor. Is ur call..
I did tried a few nights to let her wear panty because she was the one insisted on wearing panty. I guess it is cooler to sleep in panty.
I kept reminding her not to wet the bed and even let her pee before she sleep.
She did kept dry for 4 days but after that, she wet the bed due to tiredness. So i gave up and put her back on diaper as i do not want her in wet clothes.
After 1-2 months later, she suddenly said she no need anymore diaper at night. After that incident, she is ready!
You can try to put the potty in their room so when they wake up in the middle of the night, they could easily access to it.

It is really tiring if u want to train cos u got to wake up and shhnn him. And need to wake up to check whether his bed is wet or not.
Or you just tell him that he is a big boy, no need anymore diapers....a strong boy....give him some praise and see how it goes. Wait he heard liao....feel proud and said MUMMY I AM READY!
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
hee yes get ready liao. Now i v thirsty. haiz not suppose to drink/eat anything from midnite onwards. *faint*

hey who noes ur gal will be ready tmr, then we both can have same dates?
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Hahahaha. I told hb last night that Sky &amp; Shane also 'swim' on toilet floor - he had a good laugh too! We really thot JJ was the weird one. :D :D

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
Oh... so you are another one - I used all the will power I would muster to avoid cold drinks when preggie with JJ. I love cold drinks. :p
I'm not sure if it is a myth or not, but I do suffer from what may be true. When my mum was preg with me, she LOVED 7-UP, and had quite a bit of it. And since birth, I had frequent tummy ache - it's like wind in the tummy. And believe it or not, I put up with it till my teens! Yes, since young, I cannot drink gassy (carbonated) drinks - once I take a sip, sure tummy ache for the rest of the day. So I can't take any fizzy drinks at all till well past my teens. Then somehow, I have 'outgrown' the problem.

My mum believed that it was because of the 7-UP she took, but we never know.
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS Twinklets! Welcome, Prince Julien!</font> =)

I remember when my sis had C-section, she was the last one to see bb. Hee. I showed her the video clips of the princess when she woke up.

Hope you have a fast recovery and a smooth confinement.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
You have delivered!! So touching!!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Congrats Twinklets and Welcome Baby Julien!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
You are still around? Very soon you will be next.
