(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

My results

Angel Toddler
The Angel Toddler was 'good as gold' when she was a baby. Usually very social, this child is immediately comfortable in groups and can fit into most situations. She often develops language earlier than her peers or at least is clearer when making her needs known. When she wants something she can't have, it's fairly easy to distract her before her emotions escalate. And when she's really out of sorts, it's fairly easy to calm her before she gets to the tantrum stage. At play, she has a lot of staying power at a single task. This is a child who's easy and highly portable. Even when travelling, she can go with the flow and shift gears easily.

Your parenting style is: Persuasive
This parenting style is childlike and spontaneous and loves to turn anything monotonous into a game or challenge. This style of parent is best at motivating a child by encouragement and demonstration. Too often, however, children model this spontaneity and, as a result, find it difficult to maintain self-discipline if the parent fails to provide well-defined boundaries.

Your parenting style is easily excitable and relationship-centred. Relationship-centred people tend to focus on nurturing and caring for others. Rather than telling your children what to do, you are more comfortable 'selling' them - that is, you try to persuade them rather than demand that they obey you. You occasionally find it difficult confronting them because you would rather be a relationship-centred 'friend' than an authoritative parent. Thus you may permit inappropriate behavior until it is out of control and then resort to more emotional and less effective outbursts (such as yelling at your children) to regain control.

Control of your children can be maintained by helping them consistently learn persistence and self-discipline through your example, their extra-curricular activities and appropriately enforced limitations. Be sure, however, to avoid discipline when you are angry or when your child has an accident (spilling her milk, for example), because discipline should be fair and appropriate - children should not be disciplined for things they cannot control. In addition, be sure to make your role as a parent a high priority so that your career and your need for achievement do not short-change your children.

tot i wil be authoritive!!!

Mattel Sale
Too bad..I got NO LEAVE
me too, keeping A1 at home since her high fever last week. luckily we did so, her CC just called me in the evening to inform that there is 1 case in the toddler class. the teacher told us to avoid crowded places and playgroups. must say that the CC does a thorough job to check each kid in the morn, but not sure if this helps coz there is an incubation period of 3 - 5 days.
One of the kindy student got the bug last week.
I kept Jay from school with effect from today and this afternoon, his form teacher also sms to inform that they will be cancelling all field trips/excusions until further notice. I think every school is on red alert now.

Ixorarred, is A1 still running a fever?
If not, i believe she should be fine.
Interesting site...pay a visit

<font color="0000ff">Quizzes Mummies</font>
keke so some of u did the tests ah. Just do for fun &amp; for more info, not neccessary to believe 100% of them lor.

<font color="ff0000">Jaymom</font>
I think I shall check out the website when I'm home. But 1 thing I'm scare is she'll get hook to the website &amp; dun wanna me to use my PC. hahaha!

Btw just checking -
are your kid getting more rude nowadays? I wonder issit my upbringing got something wrong, or is this a growing up phase &amp; they will outgrow it as time goes by? They definitely having their mind of their own now, so tat makes them more outspoken &amp; can defy us, I wonder issit partly this reason? I remember when Ashley is 2.5 YO, she is still not rude, but now she's getting so rude that I feel so lousy infront of my MIL. She may think I'm the one influence her with the bad manner habits.
I kept R home for last week...he just went back this Tue...so far NO case of HFMD.

I am thinking of getting the thermal Flask...do u need me to collect for you?

Ra is also getting v rude...v defiant. Sometimes when I tell him not to do certain things &amp; he just ignore or 'talk back'...I also felt lousy esp when someone says " see....he won't listen to u".
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I was dicharged on Mon too. But I think your sis and I discharge a day earlier. I delivered close to midnite and after cleaning etc. go to the ward already 1am+ Sunday morning. Then Monday before 12pm I discharged. My gynae was surprised why I want to go back so soon.

Tell your sister don't be so firm on TBF if milk not enough. Must supplement with FM if not she suffer bb also suffer. I am going easy this time. I latch followed by 60ml FM.

How much is your sister's bill? So my bill only charged me one night in delivery suite and one night in ward.

<font color="0000ff">Kids behaviour</font>
Jo is ordering us around sometimes. eg. daddy go off the light NOW. Sounds rude in her tone of voice.

<font color="0000ff">HFMD</font>
So far Jo's school got 3 cases in the morning session. School will be close on labour day and 2nd May for sanitizing.
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Ya I think U &amp; my sis discharged abt the same time. Who noes u gals met in the reception. Haha. I think she pays $200 - $300 + in cash? I’m not so sure, only remember it is very cheap in cash.

Think being a 1st time Mummy, everything wants to give best. So she feels TBF is the best thing she can give to her child. She did heed my advise &amp; gave her boy some FM to drink. I did motivated her by telling that my 1st mth I relied a lot on FM too cos insufficient milk. It was only my 2nd mth then I able to BF my bb well.

<font color="0000ff">Adora/Bbrooster</font>
So Ralp &amp; Jo also like that. I do hope it is a growing up phase, cos my Hb &amp; MIL kept telling me she is getting very notty &amp; really need to discipline well in the manners aspect, else grow up will be so ill-mannered.

After knowing some of the peers here also tend to get more rude nowadays, I can an xing abit liao.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
There's an initial deposit of S$900 on the day of admission. At the end of the day we paid another S$900+. Total Bill + bb &amp; doc fees = S$4,500.

Did your sis take epidural? My epi + assisted delivery amount to S$910. If I didn't use the epi and vacuum the rooms are actually very cheap.

Actually, after calculating I have spent about S$8000+ on this boy including putting cerclage, removing cerclage, A&amp;E, walk-in to gynae due to bleeding. Really expensive to give birth.
Yeah, no more new cases this week for A's kindy. Hence sending him back on Monday. heehee

so did u keep Jo at home? Or continue to send her to school?

How is A1? Fever gone?
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
That's v costly over your end. I remember my sis CPF deductions think $1K+ or $2K+. Then balance is very little cash. Yes my sis took epi.

WOw tat's v ex. Have u minus off the cpf deduction yet?

Found this article on rude behavior on toddlers. May be helpful for those parents facing rude kids now. But this is a 4 YO toddler. But I guess most of our kids are more vocal &amp; able to understand us well now. So guess the tips are still applicable bah..

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
We let Jo continue to go to school. We will see how if more cases then we stop her.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I also think my bill very expensive. Don't understand why. Last time, I gave birth to Jo stay for almost a week only $4000+. How come this time so costly. After deducting CPF we paid $1800 including the initial deposit of $900. My doctor fees $2,333 and the anesthetist $300. Aiyo...must have a look at your sister's bill to compare why mine so ex.
hee hee Ra also like to 'order' us..."Mummy, COME HERE!" I always make him rephrase it in a nicer way before I go to him.

All our todds are the same...so my focus now is to teach him the right manners.

Few weeks ago, R &amp; C also kenna High fever. when I brot them to PD, he said is common now. High fever during the night &amp; usually last for abt 3-4 days. Both of their temp can hit 39-40 degree in the middle of the night.
<font color="ff0000">HFMD</font>
I decided to keep Jay away from school cos he still has abit of cough and slight running nose. He's on Zyrtec for sensitive nose.
We are departing this Sunday for a cruise trip, can't risk it for him to fall sick.

<font color="0000ff">Thermal Food Jar</font>

<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>, Yeah, if i do order, will really appreciate your help cos really inconvenient for me to collect.

What are you planning to get?

Let me check out John Little and Robinson first. They are having 15% sale plus some promo...If the price difference is not too great, i'll prob get from there instead. Will let you noe, thanks in advance for your offer!
Need me to check out anything for you?

<font color="ff0000">Kids Behaviour</font>
Jay also has the habit of snatching things from my hands and proclaiming aloud..."IT'S MINE!". I will have to sternly tell him off by explaining to him that we have to pay for the item if we are at a store and that he has to say please, can i have XXX".

I make sure that i set a good example and always says thank you and please when i need his help to fetch something. Now, he does it quite voluntarily without us reminding him.
thanks for all your oncern, A1 is ok already. also had rashes when the fever breaks.

just went during lunch to get a bottle of sambucol to help boost A1's immunity. was it sally that mentioned that this is very good to boost their immunity?
<font color="ff0000">Sambucol</font>
Ixorarred, Jay is currently taking his 3rd bottle.
Initially, i tot it helps but at the rate that he's falling sick every alternate month, i have to "discount" on the power of sambucol.
However, i still continue to give

I strongly believe if we keep our tods away from cold drinks, ice-creams and tibits, their chances of falling sick will also be greatly reduced too.
agree on the cold drinks, ice-creams and tibits. BUT so hard ley. sigh. sometimes i'm just very tired of battling with her.
I'm one guilty mum.
<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
I think it starts from today although i did not rec' any mailer. For JL, i noe on top of 15%, if you charge more than $80 in a single receipt, you get an additional voucher of $5.

As for Robinson Cardholder Preview Sale, it starts from 29-30 Apr with 20% off. I will be away for the trip, cannot make it lor.

Sure, i'll check for both you and Sally.

Refer to this link under <font color="0000ff">Temporary Holding Place</font> on any Sales/Promotion:

is that the chocolate cake u mentioned? if it is, yes, it's very nice!!

the maternity packages are more expensive than 2-3 years ago.
At Mt A one-bedded, i paid around $4.5k too. normal delivery with epi.
this time at TMC, my bill is $3.2K. charge as 4 bedded price. assisted delivery with epi.
i really dunno y some people can still have money refund back from the deposit. i chose the cheapest option (4 bedded) for delivering Jr, in the end also still need to pay around $1.2k cash.
anyway at TMC, i was upgraded to 2 bedded foc and my next bed is empty until the morning i discharged. so as good as one bedded privacy.
<font color="ff0000">ixorarred</font>
Yes, me is the one. Sure, anytime...
I believe i can call them to reserve the item for you in advance.

Why don't you buy from BP, Lucky Vitamin or Drugstore sprees..it's so much cheaper.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Fren, i noe it's tough. I deal with lots of restraint too but try my best to distract Jay away from the fridge when he starts "eyeing" for fresh milk/ juice and chocolate bars.
He only gets treats if mommy is in a good mood and during weekends.

I rather he cry his heart out than having to deal with a sick and cranky kid. Not to mention spent $$ on PD too!

I told PD about Jay's bad appetite during mealtimes and he blankly told me "keep him away from tibits and you will see the improvement".
Although it's not really true but at least he doesn't fall sick so easily.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
My MIL use to work in TMC. She say they only have one room of 4 bedder so the chance of getting upgraded is very very high. Most of the patient will book for 4 bedder and wait for upgrading. You are lucky.

I also think delivery charges and hospital fees have gone up. Want to deliver better do it soon maybe the next time price will be S$5000+ for normal delivery.
Yes, i tried that, it's bitter choc, very, very good!

Maternity Package
Everyone noes the trick at TMC, even my gynae's assistant also advise us to book for 4 bedded, automatically, they will upgrade you to 2 bedded.

Hmm, the price of everything has gone up. It's getting expensive to even give birth too!
today i tried something new. I brought both my kids out without the maid myself. We went to have lunch at a foodcourt. When i was buying my food, Jr started crying loudly inside the stroller. But K was undisturbed and continued her food herself. The mee seller still took own sweet time to ask me want this and that, wasting my time.
Also, it takes a little longer time to load and unload from the car.
But overall, it was a pleasant experience. It's just everything to be done together in trio, including going to toilet. hehe
it's so sinful to be eating that but usually when i passed by, i buy 2 slices at one go.

$5k to deliver???
Can i opt to deliver at home instead then haha
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
I do agree with what your PD say. Jo don't really take titbits or junk food. She only eat proper meal at meal time. But once in a while we let her eat Poky sticks and only 2-3 sticks at 9+pm after all meals. When she finish her 2-3 sticks she is satisfied and won't pester for more. If she does then we tell her tomorrow we give it to her.

Even I myself if I eat a packet of chips and coke I may not have appetite for lunch/dinner till a later time.
Ra has also open the fridge and asked , "Mummy, can I eat something?" He loves to eat polky &amp; yan yan! Sometimes i try to give him fruits instead of those snack.

I am thinking of getting a "lock" for my fridge dunno if it helps. I don't like children to open the fridge all the time &amp; look for things to eat!

Ra appetite has also not been v gd but I find even if he doesn't snack before meal times also the same leh...and when he was younger we never given him snack...his appetite also not gd...can take ages to finish a bowl of porridge.

C is totally opposite frm R. she can finish her porridge within 10mins..after tat when i feed R, she still wants to eat his food...*faint*
C favorite word " EAT EAT EAT"
from what i heard is TMC usually will free upgrade 4 bedded to 2 bedded. only when all 2 bedded are full, then they will give u the 4 bedded.
nowadays when i open the fridge door, another head pops in - K!
She'll start to point to the drinks or sweets and asked 'is this mine?' or she'll go 'wow wow wow' at everything in the fridge.
I'm a terrible example to K cos I'm a heavy snacker myself!!!! I really need to cut down on tidbits myself before i can do it for K.
Not me. But I heard the colostrum better. Which sambucol u get? Now there is a new packing where u can take everyday, no need to break for two weeks anymore.

Falling Sick
Think plenty of water will help to prevent a kid from falling sick.

when yr maid is leaving?
Are u sure...u heavy snacker?? you are so slim...ENVY! These few weeks I have been snacking at night &amp; realized i put on 1kg..gosh!
My fridge has nothing inside actually...Ra won't take those sweet drinks...he only eyed for the unfinished pack of pocky that i put inside...hahaha!
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I was thinking if mine is such a short stay and cost $4000+. I am not surprise next time the price will be $5,000+.

Dunno how TMC works. My friends gynae always book for them 4 bedder but get upgraded to 2 bedder and just pay for 4 bedder price.

If I were TMC I will just build equal no. of 2 and 4 bedder. Then no one gets to upgrade or downgrade. But with only one 4 bedder room it's good for the patients.

OK I got to go pump milk now.
Holidays programme at Julia Gabriel
Anyone keen?

Act 3 has holidays prog too, n today last day for early bird. My sis has enrolled.
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
Jo is very disciplined even when you are not around her all the time to jaga her. I think your in-laws play a part in complying and discipling her according to your standards.

When i get my new maid, i will have her stick to my "timetable" when it comes to meals/activities/manners becos when it comes to discpline, my MIL and current maid are quite weak in that aspect.

I don't like chocs and i don't have the habit of buying. Jay was introduced to chocs by his dad. I remember breaking the rule and bot him mini M&amp;M once. After taking a tube, he fell sick the following week. I try my very best not to give him any since.

He is also a sucker for pocky milk sticks and recently, i indulge him to an occasional gummy bears. Other than that, it's strictly biscuits and rasins.

<font color="ff0000">adora/LV</font>
I started having the fridge locks since he was TWO!
No, it doesn't help becos he noes how to uplock it liao or he will yank at the door and overtime, the lock gave way too. I think my boy more "rough" lor.

I also don't think it's totally the snacks that causes him to loose his appetite. It could be a packet of rasins 2-3 hours b4 his mealtime but he will still not eat.

My theory is Jay eats faster only when he's really "hungry" and see the food he likes. I think he is also feeling bored with the bland food i'm giving him but too much soya sauce or salt is also bad for him. Really headache!

I wonder if TCM helps.
U sign up for A for the holiday progs too?
Ok, i go check their website first. Weekday very difficult to arrange for transport.
Ra is also the same...eat real fast when he is v hungry or sees his fav food (fried stuff).

YOu looking for holiday prog? Ra sch has prog based on Eric Carle story! Papa can you get the moon for me...
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
Yup agreed that keeping the tibits away will cause our kids to fall sick lesser.
I dun really let Ash snack much too during wkdays, but her PG class think always half of the students falling sick, so I guess she falling sick every month is inevitable.

I like to eat cakes, so normally I’ll let her indulge in cakes with me if she doesn’t has any cough. :p Hee she’s trained by me that once she got any cough, she is not allowed to eat any biscuits, cakes, sweet &amp; cold stuffs.

For meal wise, she is like Adora’s chloe. Eat finish her meal liao, can come &amp; kajiao us , say wanna eat our food. She is constantly eating food, &amp; I think at my mum’s plc, she eats bread the most.
she's with us until end of the this month. actually this 2 weeks she kept hinting want to continue with us but i 'act dunno' say to her
'u tell your next employer what u want. '
because she's the person who asked to be transferred the last time not i terminate her.

yes, i'm a horrible snacker! Whenever i'm 'free' i look for things to eat. my house never short of snacks and food. we have cakes, puffs, ice-creams, hams and bread, cookies, biscuits, crackers, chips. Most of the time i eat a bit and left it there and my hubby will finish up the opened packet.
so sometimes my in between meals snacks can be sandwich or maggie mee. The scary thing is everytime we came back from shopping mall, i'm sure to buy those small dishes like shilin mee suay, old chang kee, polar, BBQ express and etc for snacking. And after that, i still go for a full course dinner. sometimes my hubby will ask me, i tot we just ate?! hehe
but ya, i will try to control a bit more because i want to lose weight mah

u pump milk must be away from comp?
Wow...you menu is colorful and you can still remain so slim...really, really peifu you leh!
I'm a chips (esp potato chips) and coke lover!
I do it when everyone is asleep. Now i try to control by buying the handy packs. i can eat 1 pack every nite (sheepish grin)

R and Jay can hug each other. Same, he also like nuggets and fried stuffs and he will pick the corners which are most crispy. After that, he will only drink milk.

There was once, he took only half his dinner and drank 5 bottles of milk close to bedtime.

I'm really envy of kids that glup down their meals in less than 20mins. Imagine the amount of time saved that i can use to do other activities with him.

Yeah, can multi-tasked...pump and type at the same time

think JG holiday prog cos the theme for act 3 holiday prog is peter pan. Hence JG prog more interesting with outings. U go check out JG site.
