(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

BB guess
Yeah, i got it right! i didn't choose based on looks, notice there round sticker on Jerrell cot in ash pic but bbrooster pic don't have.

yes, i bot the herbal over to usa. then my hubby boil it for me. we cannot afford the confinment house which cost $4500usd for a month stay with meals. cheaper to do it ourselves.
remember those days when we were telling each other to jia you, and don't open the tin of FM? hehe... Since then, I've always had one small tin of FM in the cabinet. as stand by. I always hear the same few of you telling me to jia you, so I don't open the tin!

how's that for positive encouragement? hehe...

Wah! USD4500! ohhh... we should go there and do our own confinement agency! We modify and create new rules, to suit the culture there! sure make one! Is it true that more and more caucasians are going for our asian confinement?

no more #3? don't say no so fast leh...

N1 & N2 have been very loving towards N3 so far. Only thing is, I can tell you complete picture of how life is like after my confinement. When work starts proper. that would be the real challenge!
<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
YOU CHEATED!!! Hahaha. How can base sticker...
I was misled coz I remember this pic of Jo as bb and it looks just like the one on the right. Must get <font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font> to find that pic. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Ya hor, Sally MIA. Her trip is in May - she is still around.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Did you deliver K at Mt. A? During Jo's time I instruct them TBF so they keep pushing to me whenever baby cry. Gosh after knowing what TBF is like I decided to relax this time.

For J2 I told them partial BF. I delivered close to midnite so I told them push to me after my breakfast. Anyway, 1st 2 days really no milk. Even on 2nd day he was still drowsy. Now, I latch first for 15/15 mins followed by 40ml of FM. Otherwise, really not enough milk at all.

When did you start malay massage? My CL ask me to start now. She said the earlier the better. Think I will only start 2nd week cos still feeling sore down below.

I have another problem. Cannot control my urine. Have to start doing the exercise when I don't feel so sore.
belated congrats!!
was going to sms to ask if i can visit you in the morn then i saw your post. ok, will visit u after the confinement mth.

wah, u so fast chope joelle. the pic is beautiful, jo looks so stylo and jj's attire looks like a young lad!
i delivered K at Mt A.
I read somewhere that Mt A renovated some wards. did u manage to stay in the newly renovated one?

i start my massage in the 2nd week i think. some said the earlier the better (3rd day for normal delivery).

the control urine thing is totally or only during sneezing? actually up to now i also had a bit of that problem because i think i over-exerted during my 2nd delivery. So whenever i had flu, i'll wear pads. but i think with kegel exercises, it should help to control a lot.
u feeling sore? do you want some herbal tea bag (from ang moh organic shop) that you can put in a warm tub of water? Just sit in the tub. soothes the pain and sore. My fren gave me, I've not used it, cos I've no problems. It smells really nice though, like fresh potpurri. I can arrange for the hbs to meet!

ya my CL told me start soon. but I got no choice, the massage lady not free till Fri! so that's close to 2 weeks. My whole body in need of massage... aching everywhere!

btw, I've concluded that even without massage, the stomach shrinks quite fast. I look at the mirror, tummy looks smaller, (although still FAR from post N2!). So mebbe massage is psychological to let you think tummy is shrinking... sorry very cynical now. Since I've went thru it 3x, my active brain juices overworking with various possibilities!
i think it does. cos when the lady massages, I remember farting a lot later in the night. hehe..
but they say ginger also helps.
having said that, anyone knows how on earth the wind got in the tummy?
They offer full services, include taking care your newborn. my friend's friend stayed there before n they said v.Good and never regret to pay that $$. Popular with Taiwanese.

Leak urine
does those C-sect mummy have this problem?
I m here, but cant post much cos A's kindy got two new hfmd cases, so keeping him home again for this week. Sigh. Hence can onli post one post a day. heehee

Me also shower, how to bf if dun shower. So stinko. kekeke cant sleep too.
Massage, started second week too cos asp my mom n massage lady, cant start too early. Yes it would help to get rid of the wind.
pelvic exercise, my gynae told me to start doing during preg hence din have the prob after delivery. But I still did the exercise during confinement mth, as my sis told me to do.
Yeah A is taking instructions well.
Everytime goes down to market, he will wan to sit the rides and he knows which corners have wat rides. Today no choice, running out of food, hence need to go market to buy so can cook for him. Due to HFMD, I m veri paranoid esp noeing the cc nearby has more than ten cases. Hence before going down, I talk to him that he cant have rides today, and explaining to him about the germs in relation to the spread of HFMD. He takes it well and keeps repeating on the way down. During the marketing, he kept closed to me. When he saw the rides we passby, he asked if he could sit, I asked him back. He answered saying "cannot sit becos hand foot mouth disease, another time after uncle cleans the rides". I told him yes next time. No tantrums no screaming. I m extremely pleased.
<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
JJ looks like a young lad? A shorter version? Hahaha.
He also one kind lah - walk in front and drag gf along. Aiyo... :p
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Oh dear, you poor mummy. Just this afternoon, JJ's CC called me to check for emergency num to call if CC has to close down. Also asked who will be taking care of JJ. Oh no... I certainly hope they won't come to that...
me kiasee, so dun wan to take the risk, hence keeping him at home.

Taken from another thread, these r the centres kanna closure:
裕廊东的Just Kids
赫利法斯路的Pats Schoolhouse
裕廊西的St Andrew's大教堂托儿所
竹脚妇幼医院里面的Learning Vision
Ramakrishna Mission Sarada幼稚园
PCF Sengkang West Blk 303A
PCF Tampines East Blk 261
PCF Punggol East Blk 103
PCS Jurong West Centre
Cherrybrook Kindergarten
Church of The Holy Trinity Kindergarten
NTUC Childcare Co-operative Ltd. Toa Payoh
NTUC Childcare Co-operative Ltd. Anchorvale
Brighton Montessori
ST. James Church Kindergarten
Kinderland Preschool (Yio Chu Kang)
Learning Vision@Work Pte. Ltd.(TTSH)
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I stayed in the newly renovated ward. Very nice and cozy woody renovation with a LCD TV each. I stayed in a double bedder. I feel very comfortable in Mt A and the sisters are very nice. Also got J2 blessed in the chapel on the day of discharge.

Urine leakage - I can't feel when my bladder is full. So the moment I stand up it just dripped. Same thing happen during my 1st pregnancy but after that I am ok and no problem with sneezing. I think I rely too much on the catheter.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Thanks for offering the herbal tea bags. Think my soreness should be recovering. Now using antiseptic to wash. You didn't have episiotomy?

I think I should call my massage lady soon. Let me know how is yours after you have done.

<font color="0000ff">massage</font>
It definitely get rid of all the wind in the tummy. I also fart alot after massage and my other massage lady burp as she massage for me. She said all my wind has transferred to her.

Ya, how did the wind get into the tummy?

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
How's your sister? Did she discharge on Mon or Tue?
the large no. of cases is quite scary. A1 was kept @ home due to her fever, haven't gone back since last week tho' no cases....yet... am wondering if i should send her to the CC tomolo....
I got the massage lady during my 2nd week...

Aiyo... think the massage works leh
After Sky..I dun go for any...
After Shane...my tummy resume back to after Sky... so still big lor.... heard others say if I went after Sky...the tummy will be smaller lor
i tot u follow your hb on his biz trip.
ya, i'm also scared of hfmd. I'm wondering whether i should keep her at home too. but she already missed school for 2 weeks. but look at the figures climbing, it's so scary. News report even said a kid got a 2nd time hfmd back to back!

one thing i really like about Mt A is the christian environment with caring nurses and sisters to offer prayers. I was at one bedded the last time but it was quite old. I actually find my stay at TMC (2 bedded) more comfy.
Must either parent be a catholic to get baby blessed in the chapel?
we also got K blessed in the chapel before heading home and during the last hospital stay, the sister came and prayed for K every morning. It's really very mind assuring for a worried parent.

i got a friend who can't control the urine and bladder too due to epi side effects. She needed an op to correct it. Hope yours is just temp state and will be alright soon.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I certainly hope it's not the effects of epi. I hope it's just temporary.

For blessing in the chapel no need to be a christian or catholic. Anyone can have their baby blessed there before discharge.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Massage - This time I am not going to use Rose. My colleague recommended me another one. Will give it a try.
ya this hfmd is driving me nuts. Yes a child can get it second time. It is veri worrying. Just Monday alone, new cases hit more than 500. Sigh.

how is N1? Just saw in news that her school is shut for 10 days ya. N alot of cases from the school.

Pls be careful at work. Dun cut corners la. Take precautions.
N1 is ok. the school that's affected is the nursery side (infant-2yr old). She's in the school for nursery to kindy.

thanks for ur concern!
Opps, I'm too late to guess but I wouldn't be able to differentiate either. Your darlings are so beautiful. You have good genes to pass on.
thanks god she is okie. So u keeping her home? Alot of my frens who have no 2 r keeping the elder ones at home cos they scare the elder ones kanna n spread to the younger ones home. U take care ya. Enjoy yr confinement.

try to do the pelvic exercise more often. It will help. Enjoy all yr pu food now.
You planning a vacation? Remember we were talking about going overseas together? Kekeke... in the end cannot materialise.
ur pelvin exercise is referring to the kegel exercise is it ?

I have same pbm. Sometimes leaks when i have very bad cough. sigh. quite sad to have such pbm ley. I think only will have after one is old and had more kids ?

Monitor and consult doctor if it doesn't improve. Did u manage to pee on ur own after birth ?

After epi abit diff to pee but must try. I went to toilet to pee after delivery.

now come to think of it. i think younger give birth really more energy. after my birth i was still energetic and got down to walk quite soon cos i was feeling bored.

but now after 3 yrs, somehow i can feel my body is not that good already. I feel as if my joints are very 'loose'. anyone got the same pbm ? And the ached sometimes. sigh. sometimes, anyhow think and wonder if I have some illness =P

Ya i rem that!!!!! Not to open, but in the end i also opened. milk supply really cannot make it. i rem u had good supply. keep it up!

ur house must be very re nao now. so nice. ya pls share how u cope after gg back to work. maybe it will appear to us not so hard after all and some of us might be inspired ? hee hee....

hmmm... really that good ? I abit regret I din do a good massage. I was really blur n ignorant man. I didn't go look for a massage lady also. The hospital had one and I did one massage on the 2nd day after delivery. Went home and engaged her for another 3 times. I ask her how many times, she say 3 times enuf. And that was it. maybe if i did more times, my tummy will be smaller now ? sigh...

Think 2nd time round, I'll also get a CL. wanted to save $ last time and relied on my mum. But i think somehow a pro CL is def diff from own mum =P And being 1st time kan cheong mum, do everything myself, din rest much. sigh. actually i was very bored at home. Practically surfing all the time!

alamak so serious ah, i don't know if i should send E to school tomorrow or not ley!
we are STILL talking about it! U wanna go ? keke but don't know will materialise or not lah. we waiting for sally's feedback after she comes back.
not exactly. I extracted bits from the site here. Need to buy the book ley. I thot can read online hee hee.. Now i feel like getting the book. haha...

"The word that distinguishes spirited children from other children is more. They are normal children who are more intense, persistent, sensitive, perceptive, and uncomfortable with change than other children. All children possess these characteristics, but spirited kids possess them with a depth and range not available to other children. Spirited kids are the Super Ball in a room full of rubber balls. Other kids bounce three feet off the ground. Every bounce for a spirited child hits the ceiling."

ya I go check out, if okie, then will plan a trip. heehee No takers lei, onli me n Edi gian. hahaha

ya pelvic is referring to kegel.
Where is the link for the online quiz?
then maybe we should get the book! buy one then we share ? hahahahaha =P

got Jas too. she also gian haha....

link... need to ask twinklets. I tried to find it then bo liow...
Your link led me to found these 2 other books which might be useful too.

<font color="0000ff">1. Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child : Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries</font>

<font color="119911">2. Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles: Winning for a Lifetime</font>
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
She discharged on Monday, same as u rite? I just spoken to her over the fone. Being a 1st time Mummy, she is very heartache when her bb cried so pathetically.. seem like her boy in luv with her boobs. Haha.. cos keep on wanting to suckle. Think suckle for comfort leh. 1st nite the boy suckled from 1am to 5am!! I told her to go easy &amp; dun be too stressed with TBF. If really cannot, just supplement with 1 feed of FM at nite. Hope she will heed my advise.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
OMG, did U &amp; Ann have pte msn?? I was like so stunned when I saw Ann’s posting on the Spirited Child link! It was wat we talked abt tat day. Hehe.

For Mummies, that wanna know what kinda temperaments ur child is having, perhaps wanna try this link. Anw I try for fun lar, &amp; it seem mine quite true too.


Other quizs that are fun too! Can try too!

What's your Parenting Style?

Aspiring artist or mini mathematician?

<font color="0000ff">Hehehe I paste my results here to show u gals. Then u gals can go &amp; do the quizzes lor, see
Wat kinda results u gals getting.
Btw the results I have seem so true man. The parenting result really v true for me too. Alamak man.. lack of authority which is quite true. </font>

What is your toddler's temperament?

Textbook Toddler
As in infancy, the Textbook Toddler is right on time with developmental milestones. You could say he does everything by the book. He's generally pleasant in social situations but can be shy at first with strangers. He's most comfortable in his own environment, but if outings are planned well and you give him sufficient time and preparation, he won't have much trouble adapting to new surroundings. This is a child who loves routine and likes to know what's coming next.

What's your Parenting Style?

Your parenting style is: Participative
This parenting style is patient and tolerant and such a parent naturally enjoys the nurturing process. This style of parent is best at educating and counselling children who require special attention. Too often, however, children 'become the boss' if the parent does not compensate by confidently and assertively maintaining control.

Your parenting style is patient and relationship-centred. Relationship-centred people tend to focus on nurturing and caring for others. Rather than telling your children what to do, you are more comfortable 'asking' them. For instance, you're comfortable saying 'Will you please clean your room?', rather than 'Go clean your room'. You occasionally find it difficult confronting your children because you would rather be a friend than an authoritative parent.

This relationship-centred, 'I'm your friend' approach is quite healthy as long as your children consistently learn persistence and self-discipline through your example, their extracurricular activities and appropriately enforced limitations. If they take control of your relationship before you instill strong values and teach them impulse control, they risk becoming uncontrollable teenagers. Remember that a sailboat without a rudder ends up on the rocks. Decisive action and consistent, predictable discipline are required in 'emergency mode' situations that place your children in harm's way (such as running into the street or playing with matches).

Compensate for your desire to avoid confrontation by using power phrases (such as 'I'm going to have to ask you' rather than 'Will you please do this?' or 'Please do me a favour') and, especially if you have a strong-willed child, consider assertiveness training.

Aspiring artist

Your predominantly right-brained child leans towards creative thinking, and is more likely to thrive in learning situations where he is allowed to express himself. He probably enjoys games that are highly visual, such as spot-the-difference, and exploring patterns, shapes and sizes. He may enjoy more physical activities (which also allow him to role-play) than the left-brained thinker.

His attention span is not particularly long, but you can encourage this by providing him with a variety of activities on a theme, rather than sticking to just one. For example, if you are playing games involving simple sums, rather than writing everything down, use visual props such as coins, pieces of fruit or his favourite toys. To encourage the left side of his brain to become more active, try introducing him to sequences ? through maths or music, for example ? and play memory games, which will appeal to his sense of fun.
Hihi Mummies,
Hope everyone is happy and well..

Congras on the arrival of bb Jerell!!

Oh my gosh... Given birth to #3 already??? Now then it striked me how long I have nt been in touch wf u mummies..

Parenting surveys:
Will give it a try.

I also like the "I'm your fren" approach. It will be ideal for me to be my "gals' best fren" as well as "gals most respected person".. Hahaha
Hehehe... this is my parenting style:

Your parenting style is: Persuasive
This parenting style is childlike and spontaneous and loves to turn anything monotonous into a game or challenge. This style of parent is best at motivating a child by encouragement and demonstration. Too often, however, children model this spontaneity and, as a result, find it difficult to maintain self-discipline if the parent fails to provide well-defined boundaries.

Your parenting style is easily excitable and relationship-centred. Relationship-centred people tend to focus on nurturing and caring for others. Rather than telling your children what to do, you are more comfortable 'selling' them - that is, you try to persuade them rather than demand that they obey you. You occasionally find it difficult confronting them because you would rather be a relationship-centred 'friend' than an authoritative parent. Thus you may permit inappropriate behavior until it is out of control and then resort to more emotional and less effective outbursts (such as yelling at your children) to regain control.

Control of your children can be maintained by helping them consistently learn persistence and self-discipline through your example, their extra-curricular activities and appropriately enforced limitations. Be sure, however, to avoid discipline when you are angry or when your child has an accident (spilling her milk, for example), because discipline should be fair and appropriate - children should not be disciplined for things they cannot control. In addition, be sure to make your role as a parent a high priority so that your career and your need for achievement do not short-change your children.
<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
YO long time no 'see' in forum leh. :p
Ya I like this approach too, but really must still have the authority else the kid will climb onto ur head. :S My collegue whom is at 50 now, still having v amiable r/s with her 3 kids. 1 is Sec 2, 19 &amp; 21. She is really a solid mummy, she let her kids to explore. Took her eldest son to Devil's bar afew years back to show him the clubbing scene. So nice lor. hehe. She is those tat show all the stuffs but will tell them wat's rite &amp; wrong. Which I find it real good. At least her kids are really streetsmart &amp; real dongshi &amp; not overly protected.
Here's my results :

What is your toddler's temperament?
<font color="0000ff">Angel Toddler -hahah I doubt so!!</font>
The Angel Toddler was 'good as gold' when she was a baby. Usually very social, this child is immediately comfortable in groups and can fit into most situations. She often develops language earlier than her peers or at least is clearer when making her needs known. When she wants something she can't have, it's fairly easy to distract her before her emotions escalate. And when she's really out of sorts, it's fairly easy to calm her before she gets to the tantrum stage. At play, she has a lot of staying power at a single task. This is a child who's easy and highly portable. Even when travelling, she can go with the flow and shift gears easily.

What's your Parenting Style?
Your parenting style is: <font color="0000ff">Persuasive</font>
Last year they were 2 yrs old, this year they are 3 yrs old. 1 yr has passed &amp; look at how much they have changed &amp; learned in this 1 year time. Time really flies &amp; we really need to treasure these earlier years with them. Very soon, they will have their own group of frens &amp; won't wanna hold our hands, wont eagerly want to kiss us, neither will they fuss to play with us anymore. So enjoy their companion while they still want us by their side. Enjoy these early years!!

<font color="0000ff">24 months</font>

How your toddler's growing: Happy birthday! Just yesterday he was a baby, and now he's 2. Your child spent the bulk of last year developing his motor skills, like walking, running, and grabbing. This year you'll see a lot of changes in his thinking . About now he can form images in his mind, organize categories, and arrange things in order. His memory is also improving, and a minority of children at this age will already know their basic colors. Some can count up to five or even to 10. (For more on what's going on inside your child's head, see our feature.)

How your life is changing: You might be able to have a two- or three-sentence conversation with your toddler. He's learning new words, getting a handle on grammar, and getting better at describing his needs, wants, and ideas. As his sense of himsel f as a distinct person grows, he'll talk about himself - what he's doing, what he likes, and what he doesn't like.
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<font color="ff0000">36 months </font>

How your toddler's growing: As your child nears his third birthday, you may notice him becoming curious about other people's moods - he may wonder why Grandma is angry or his brother is sad. Attempting an explanation ("Grandma is angry because her car isn't working") helps your child learn that emotions are normal and it's okay to talk about them - and may reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong. Your child is learning something about his own moods, too, and his natural disposition - be it quiet, adventurous, reflective, or communicative - is becoming more apparent. You can gently encourage him to explore different sides of himself, but make sure he knows that whatever his temperament, you love and accept him. For instance, you can help a shy child meet other children but never ridicule him.

A general respect for how he responds to the world will help him feel secure and confident. As children get older, they take more interest in socializing. Your child is probably beginning to think of his playmates as friends, and he's learning that small kindnesses - like sharing and giving - are part of friendship. Many children, especially tho se without siblings, create imaginary playmates. Imaginary friends can show up between 2 and a half and 3 years of age. They can be a healthy part of your child's developing conscience and value system. They can provide solace and take responsibility for the things your child wishes he hadn't done. But most children lose interest in their imaginary friends by age 6.

How your life's changing: Everyone talks about the three's being terrible, but they fail to see how much 3-year-olds love helping around the house! They want to be part of the world around them, and they love and admire you. Your little one may want to help you set the table, fold the laundry, or pick up toys - and now is your chance to get some eager help while putting good habits in motion. Don't forget to encourage him with big appreciative hugs and kisses.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Thanks for the useful and interesting link

I attempted and the results are:

What's your Parenting Style?
Your parenting style is: <font color="ff0000">Persuasive</font>

What is your toddler's temperament?
<font color="ff0000">Textbook Toddler -haha, Adora, same her, i couldn't believe it either!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
Glad to see you "re-surface" again.
I hope you will grab super deals at the Mattel Toy Fair tomorrow!

<font color="ff0000">Mattel Fair</font>
Mommies, there is a Mattel Fair starting tomorrow. Can check it out if you can spare the time.


<font color="0000ff">HFMD</font>
Are any of you keeping your kids back home due to the outbreak? I did, at least for the time being for precaution sake cos the statistics are really alarming high and scary!

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
So happy, the <font color="0000ff">2nd BP of Zoujirushi Food Jar</font> is back! I loan my smaller Zoujirushi Food Jar to my niece.
I have a rather new Gourmet Chef Jar (the big one). Last month, my nephew drop it on the floor and the cover is now stucked! Sigh..
