(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

well, i learnt the hard way...
If u really want them to sleep on their own must start from bbhood. even for bbshane, might be be late liow. but bbs are highly adaptable AND less mobile, so u can try to set in a routine with her.

As for Sky, going to be a tough journey. Now they're older, they're also wiser. sigh. think it will take quite a long while before u get ur bed back...

maybe gd also, they'll be ur natural contraceptive. haha!

actually me not in a hurry to let KY sleep in her own room (although I have two empty room
).. cos I dun wan her to feel insecure.. am I too protective?
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Maybe it would be a little more difficult, but I'm sure there's a way to do it. :p

Like Akin &amp; Joelle, JJ sleeps on his own in the cot from bb. Now, on his mattress, we put him to sleep. But I might go try Sally's method. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
Umm... don't think sleeping alone would make them lose the sense of security.

I remember that initially when we put JJ to sleep in his own room, he don't like, but we told him that when he wants to come out, he should knock the door and we would come.

So whenever he wakes up and knocks the door, we would respond quickly, letting him understand that we are still there for him even though the door is shut.
agree with TL. sleeping alone doesn't affect their sense of security. As long as in their daily life, you're there for them all the time, they should feel secured.

I think sense of security is lost when there's unstability in the family environment. Parents not on good terms, etc.

ya i just have to try. actually she sleeps fine now on a mattress. Just that we have to be with her till she falls asleep. I can't leave her in the room alone, she sure cry or open the door to look for us.
Tang Ling / Shane
you have a point too...maybe is me lah.. always feel very guilty of not spending enough time with her (especially with the recent incident) so trying to keep her by my side...
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
BB J looks very handsome with fair skin and cherry red lips!! Noticed his baby hair around the edge of his head is slightly tinted brown too. U must have taken a lot of "pu" during your pregnancy huh.

<font color="ff0000">Sleeping Alone</font>
I'm planning to train Jay to sleep in his room probably b4 the new maid arrives and after i buy my waterproof mattress protection cover.
It will be trying i'm sure but will try for a few days in a week (like what Ann does) to get him to have a feel of having his own bed and learning to be independent.

However, hb still feels we can "keep him around" until No.2 comes along
<font color="ff0000">Sleeping Alone</font>
For me I'm still not in a hurry to send her to her room to sleep, cos mine sleeping through the nite already a headache liao, let alone sleep alone in another room. hahaha. My only wish is just to let her sleep thr' the nite by herself in her mattress besides us, then I'm very contented liao. Same like Jasmine, me kinda bu she der to send her off now. My plan is to move her when I have #2 liao. At least got companion. Ideally lar, but dunno can achieve or not. I do remember last time my mum also did this way, then I get my sis to read storybook to me, then we all sleep together. hehe. I think by then I got #2, Ash shd able to read storybook to her sibling, of cos is anyhow read der lar. I'm very ideal hor. haha, so er!
our two ashleys are so alike when its come to sleeping habits..

actually nothing wrong with sleeping with parents too right....
i slept with my mom until the day i got married off.. kekeke.
hahah Sky is so cute..when R sleeps on my bed...he will ask for a BIG space, pushed me &amp; hb to the edge...then we tell him you want big space...go to your own mattress.

Sleeping Alone
I am also not rushing to move R to his own room...maybe a yr later when mei mei is older. I want to do window grills &amp; also do a nice room for them.
<font color="0000ff">Ladies</font>
Thanks for your congratulatory msg. Today is my second day at home. So far coping well with CL and hb around. But hb is busy running around to buy additional things for CL and also me.

Confinement rules - Cannot touch water is impossible. How not to use soap and water to wash hands after cleaning my wound after every toilet visit. I use normal tap water.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Lucky man, J2 turn out smaller otherwise think use assisted also cannot come out. He's just 10gms difference with Jo. 3360gms and 3350gms the rest length n head circumference also same as Jo.

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
No not much 'bu' for this boy. This pregnancy he took in the least 'bu'. No homemade birdnest all from Eu Yang Sang bottled ones. Cordyceps only drank twice due to bleeding/spotting so I skip all chinese tonic. Only rely on western multi-vits and fish oil and drink Anmum.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
If E wake up in the night to look for you. No choice you have to wake up bring her back to her room put her back to sleep and you go back to your own room after that. That's what I do too.

Amazingly they can find their way in the darkness. I have not heard Jo bang herself on the door or anything like that. She can walk in the dark, open her door, close her door and then open our room door come in and wake me up.

Lately, Jo also wake up in the night and ask for milk. Growth Spurt? Sometimes I just bring her back feed her water then she goes back to sleep and I return to my own room.

Jerrell is now sharing room with confinement lady. After a month he will be on his own in the study room. 18mths later he will share a room with Joelle first till we get some renovation done.

<font color="0000ff">Pronunciation</font>
Jerrell = Jerryl/Jarryl
now hub will bring her back to her own room. then con't sleeping with her in her room! haha... i think that is no good. but ah, v hard ley, at nite v sleepy. cos if we bring her back, then leave the room. guarantee she come back and look for us again. siong man.

cld be growth spurt. they turning 3 liow
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
We will bring her back make sure she sound asleep then we go back to our room. Normally, if weekdays hb got to work then I will wake up and bring her back to her room. But we never fail to return to our own room. Most of the time I also doze off with her and only wake up an hour later back to our room. Actually, they doze off quite fast cos they are tired too in the middle of the night.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
My hb initially got doze off till the next morning. But not anymore. He will wake up and join me back in our room.
not lah, cos I threaten with thinking chair mah. heehee Nap time also he sleeps himself. I will tell him I need to mop floor n do some housework, so he needs to sleep himself. So far okie lor.

Sleeping on their own
First I also bu she esp bb times. But then soon realised, its a much better choice lor. He wont get disturb when hb comes back late from work or wakes up early to catch his flights. N hb n I get the privacy too, chatting in bed, not worrying to wake him up. heehee

ya if A wakes up in the middle at nite, one of us put him to bed n then will go back to our own room to sleep back. heehee Also cos his mattress not comfy. hahaha

could be milk spurt, i was telling bbrooster last week that one nite he woke up 4 times to ask for milk.
<font color="0000ff">Sleeping unaccompanied</font>
Actually, sometimes Jo can go to bed on her own if I reason with her. e.g. mummy need to take a shower, mummy need to wash the milk bottle provided I finish story telling.

But cannot lie to her. If she don't hear the shower in my master bedroom she will get up to look for me. If she can't fall asleep and she waited for some time for me to go back to her room and still no sign of me she will come out and check. I was caught few times watching TV which is not so good. It's like lying to her.

Not so easy for her to close door and sleep on her own unless she is really tired. Hope that as she gets older she will improve.
u started your confinement already huh.. pretty warm this season right?
Our boys have the same initial for the 2 syllables 'J R'
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Very very very hot can die. I on aircon from after lunch till evening then rest the aircon for awhile. Night time on again.

ya hor, both 'J R'.

How not to bathe? Only 3rd day today.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
How's your confinement? Did you take herbal bath already? My breast getting abit hard now. So scared of engorgement.
But Sky is onli a WEEKEND contraceptive leh...

me going for PCF la...
too lazy to scout for schools
Haiz ladies
I MUST be more careful in the lab...ganna disfigured AGAIN...
But now as it was quite big...and I told the lab sup abt me being disfigured...he got gan cheong...rush to the opic...tell my sup...the manager...then EVERYONE rush out to see me.... then start asking me WHAT HAD HAPPEN!!! haiz
as it was at my eyebrow..very near my eyes...me also know is a VERY close shave la..once again...save by my goggles.... and ganna left right up down to be more careful
Today accident is ENTIRELY my fault la
was wiping the cell... then my hand jerk with the cleaning motion...so the acid inside splash lor... I was lazy..last round use water to wash exterior..then wipe... easier to clean this way...but this round...cut corners...so ganna lor...as skip the water part....

then my sup tell me...anyone who work behind and beside me also in danger zone...as dunno where the acid will splash mah...may ganna others lor
pls be careful! sounds very dangerous. are you tired ? Face ley, must take care.
Did u go c a doctor ?

hmmm ya hor, only weekend... haha... so weekdays no contraceptive. maybe we'll hear a #3 from u ! =P

For my hub to wake up again and come over, quite hard. Once he sleeps, he's dead to the world. He'll come over lor, when it's morning liow. haha....

I just tried just now. I told her i need to leave the room to drink water. She cry. Had to explain n explain, then finally she nod head, and i went off drink, and went back, she ok. Think i really need to start slow.

Jo and A so sensible. E will not let me off no matter how i explain. If I have to bathe, she'll sit in the toilet with me together while i bathe. sigh.

Ya man, now my hub n I can chat in bed, without worrying she'll wake up hee
A few days ago, i went through what you did. engorged breasts, worry, helplessness. but it'll last 2 days at most. Just press on, it'll be ok!
I just massaged and massaged. then got hb to massage. then pump and pump. and used lots of hot towels.
It'll be over soon!

The weather's really hot. In the nights, air con is on. Day time, I use fan, blow direct. don't care. and I've been bathing everyday. Even Confinement lady lets me! (I think I stink too much! I can smell myself!!)

oh no... pls pls pls be careful!
No need contraceptive la...as both our drives are VERY low.... wahahahahahahahahahaha
din do so no need to use...wahahahahahhahahahaha

For me...if I bath..its ok if both of them are outside la... but can hear them quarreling lor..if I bath too long.... as they start to fight over toys
But if I bath mei mei liao...then I bath Sky... mei mei will MAKE biug fuss and wail outside...machiam like I abandon her... my mum say bbShane is a GOOD ger at her place..as she will know is gor gor bath time so will guai guai wait... but once at my place...even my mum surrender!!!
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
You need a bigger shield to protect your face. Goggles not good enough. But you must take care. Please do not cut corners.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
You have bent all confinement rules. Wonder how long I can tahan. CL say best if I can bathe after 3rd week and meantime just wipe myself. I am trying to tahan for 2 weeks.

For those who don't believe in confinement rules you will find me stinko, dirty and disgusting.

<font color="ff0000">Note:</font> Visitors not allowed during confinement period. Please stay away from the smell.
hehe... i not only bent the rules, i break them all. my mum is now saying, "i'm glad when you experience all that back pain and body ache it will be when I'm long gone!"
CL gives me the herbal thing to bathe. at first it's really 3rd week, but I think she see me perspire (even after I secretly bathe!), my hair all wet with sweat, rolls of perspiration down my neck and arms, she told me I better bathe.
I felt I had to, cos breasts were sweaty too. With all the sterilisation we do for the babies, I figured the least I could do was to give her clean nipples.

Is the picture on left Jo, and on right JR?
bbrooster, mckee,
both ur posts so funi!!! thks for making me laugh!!!

confinement really sucks huh, but HANG IN THERE! will be over before u know it. U can do it once (twice for u mckee hee hee), u can do it again.

Mckee, i also fan blow direct.

actually all these confinement rules... it's all stems down from ancient china tt has 4 seasons. we're in hot singapore ley. and seriously, i'm not convinced abt the part, cannot bathe but can stay in air con room. don't really make logical sense. =P sorry just blabbering my thots.

Btw, perspiring is good, it's removing all the water in ur body.

i really can't tell ley. But left do look abit more girly.
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster &amp; Mckee</font>
I also laugh reading both your postings.Even we not doing confinment, we also bua tahan the warm weather of late. The funny thing is, it could be sunny hot one momment and pouring rain the next.
I find my bedsheets feeling sticky even slightly after a week.

<font color="0000ff">Bathing during confinement</font>
I surrendered after 4th day! I just can't stand the stickiness but use herbal bath with very warm,steaming water for the whole of 1.5mths
Yes, hygiene is so important, i also find it ridiculous to blindly follow the rules and end up developing some rashes around my hip and in between the folds at the back of my knees. We try to follow as reasonably as it can get lor.

<font color="ff0000">Air-con during confinement</font>
The whole idea is to at least feel cool and not cold. I remember having to wear socks and long sleeves PJs to sleep if i need to have the air-con on.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
Heehee, my guess is right is Didi and left is Jiejie!

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
Yeah,please be careful. Don't you have protective gear similar to what the welders wear?
for both my confinement i bathed from 3rd day onwards and thereafter everyday but wash hair alternate days. i think my side effects will kick in when i'm old maybe. but really at that point of time, who cares, i just wanted to be as clean and cool as possible.

engorgement is good right? it means milk coming in. are u latching baby from day 1?

i can't tell who is who in the babies pics but one thing for sure - your babies look very 'pretty' at birth.

u can smell your yourself? hahah.. but it's good to clean ourselves especially if we BF and to heal the stitches fast. I still remembered I had never enjoyed my baths so much until confinement. I'm also one who bent the rules and break it all.
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
U show me the nb foto of Jo at the hospitial, so I hope I'm guessing correct lar.. Right is Jo &amp; left is Jerell.

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
aiyo u.. tat's really scary. Pls be very careful next time, ok?
u very good. I didn't even wear socks or watever. I think my confinement is very badly done. will face the effect when i'm old.

u also bathe ah. me too. u bathe with herbal water ? I just bathe with hot tap water and some confinement wash i bot from little dreamers.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Hahahaha. ok ok, don't visit you during confinement.

My guess is: left is JJ's gf, right is didi. Hee.
Bathing during confinement
I bath the very day i came back from hosp...2x somemore! I really can't tahan esp I need to carry bb &amp; bf.

Also use hot tap water...shower!

Left is Jerell...Right is Jo.
confinement rules...
ain't like a test of our endurance... i think only kiami passed with flying colours. she didn't bath for a long long time..

i don't know to blame it on the weather or what.. ash's cough keeps coming back...recover for afews days... then re-appear again... sign...

Tang Ling..
wow.. confirm ya.. Joe is JJ's gf.. ;)

your work is so dangerous.. you must take care ya and be responsible... don't disfigure your co-workers...
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
I think I only tahan for a week without bath. Was in the hosp for 5 days - all aircon so ok - just wipe. :p When I got home... buay tahan...

How's bbJ? No jaundice? He is really sooo... cute. Yes, I agree - your bbs are all so 'pretty' at birth.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
Hahaha. Ya ya, Jo is JJ's gf. MIL likes her. Hee.
This mummy terrible hor - don't even let him pick his gf. :p But I am sure JJ has a 'connection' with Jo - her name was the first fren's name that came from his lips. Hehe.
Left: didi, right: Jo.

wow, you chop Jo for JJ already. So fast.

confinement rules
Quite impossible for me not to bath in hot summer. I use herbal n bath with boiled water.

Hope you ok, luckily got wear googles, working chemical is dangerous, better follows their safety rules.
I think only 3 of you got it right leh. Left is Jerrell and right is Jo.

TL how come you got it wrong you saw Jerrell in the hospital.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I did not latch from day 1. He was drowsy (maybe due to epi) and mainly sleeping all day long. I told nurse to feed FM.

Then 2nd day I tried to latch but he was still not very keen. But now I am latching him followed by 40ml FM. Later I will try pumping out cos my breast is getting hard and painful.
JJ &amp; Jo very deng dui...arrr Ra no chance liao. Ra also shorter than Jo...hee hee!

Jo wearing the Gym sunglass &amp; hat...COOL! The sunglass v retro hor!
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
The hat and sunglasses are from your spree. The retro sunglasses look abit weird on her but since already buy just let her make use of it.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
Thanks for sharing that pic.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Alamak! I got it wrong?! I told you that they both DO look alike - the eyes. Hehe.

I will upload the pics so you can download them - took quite a lot of Jo.

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Thanks thanks. Hee. Ra not short lah. I think they are more or less the same height now. JJ has upper hand coz attended GUG with Jo for almost 1 year. Heh.
i got it wrong. really can't tell lah. so alike!

Keep up the good work on bfg!

u very good ! u did ur confinement in states ? and still managed to bathe with herbal water ??!!
no i didn't bathe in herbal water for the 1st week cos i 'secretly' bathe. the CL only started boiling herbal water on the 10th day. but even so i bathed like after every meal because the hot soup made me perspire like mad.
I terrible one lar. do massage also did not bind through the night. Now got to carry my preggie tummy around all the time liao

i rem JR also very sleepy for the 1st 2 days but the nurses at TMC asked me to wake him up to latch on. I think the nurses at TMC are more pro-bf than Mt. A (my opinion and experience).
When i delivered K, they told me epi cannot bf so i didn't bf her for 1st day! anyway also no milk yet. Then when K needed to be in NICU, i told them to call me if it's her feeding time but they didn't and just gave her FM. So in the end we got to keep catching the next feed time in order to BF her in NICU.
With JR, he was practically parked beside my bed during my 3 days stay because the nurses kept asking me to BF until I sian.. I told them to push him back into nursery because I wanted to sleep for longer hours haha
me too, din bind overnite. so now got to carry the tummy around too. sienz. hope can do better, 2nd time round. haha!

Did you change gynae ? How about you didn't deliver in same hospital ?

sigh, 1st time mum, very blur last time. opt for tbf and they also kept pushing to me (delivered in East Shore). 1st nite still very on. 2nd nite, highly deprived of sleep liow. But still preserved. After came home, all hell broke loose! E kept crying. Fell into depression man.
my 1st gynae migrated. my 2nd gynae mostly delivered in TMC and so i chose there.

2nd time mum even more diff to do TBF (direct latching) because of the time needed to spend on elder child. Actually i told tmc nurses to go partial bf, but they also tried pushing him to me to encourage frequent bf.
actually no point stressing ourselves over the BF issues, my 2nd bf experience was much better because i dont pressurized myself. the only problem i had after Jr came home was handling the jealous monster K who was constantly up to mischief. Now it's better because Jr 'plays' with her and she sees him more of a playmate

At least u some sunshine n rainbow after the rain liow. slowly as they grow older, will be easier for you to handle.
