(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Same lah. All my hb boxers rubberband got so overstretched too and some of his T-shirts tummy area look expanded. Feel bad so have been shopping for new clothes for him from sprees.

You wear his adidas of course he get upset. You better buy some new ones for him too. hahaha...

Wah, the thread so active these few days!

<font color="0077aa">Tods Eating</font>
Seems like the boys are the ones who are not eating. JJ also. Like <font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>, I don't really let JJ snack. Only raisins and biscuits if there are treats. Occasional gummy bears. BUT STILL, JJ doesn't like to eat his main meals. Only when it comes to his favourite food (eg fried rice) then he would eat SLIGHTLY faster. *faint*

As gummy bears are the occasional treat, I intend to keep it that way. Coz it is occasional, JJ won't keep asking for it. :p

Maybe coz the boys are more active, they do better with small qty more meals.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>, you saw how active can JJ be on home grounds. :p Very different from when he is outside hor. Hahaha.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
No wonder your spree includes hb too! Hahaha.
These few days really hot till buay tahan. You poor thing - must be keeping yourself in the aircon room.
Sick of ABC pastas, so got him these animal pastas:

There r train n air plane too under machinary.
One packet S$2.80 from NTUC.
Cute ya?
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Ya ya, I saw the cute pastas too! I know JJ would love the train and air plane ones. Hee.

Yalor, SOOOOO hot. I better go work - there's aircon. Kekeke.
<font color="0077aa">ANGRY Face???</font>
Yesterday brought JJ to T3 to pick up JJdad. As we walk along the B2 Mall, JJ excitedly said "Papa papa!!! Angry Face!!!" and made the angry face expression (which is still very cute. Kekeke).

Guess what he saw?
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
So cute hor the pasta. It's the first time i see it. Jo also does her artwork at home. I just give her 2 colours for her to anyhow draw.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
I buay tahan this sahara dessert weather already. A week passed and I have surrendered. Quick rinse myself with herbs water then hide in the aircon room. My aircon working no day no night. Sure to breakdown after confinement.

JJ very cute and funny. I didn't even notice that is an angry face. He really pay attention to details.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Hahaha. Really very very hot. Can't sleep without aircon.

Ya lor - the tods would notice these sort of little things. Me, JJdad and my mum burst out laughing. Really angry face hor. Hee.
<font color="0077aa">Art &amp; Craft Time</font>
Mon-Fri JJ goes to CC, and on Sat, I was trying to do things with him. Played playdoh with him and also got him to make a card for my mum on Mother's Day. Hee.


I wrote the words in pencil on the card then got him to trace the lines with marker.

It is supposed to be a happy face!

btw, the words in the card reads "I love Por Por". And got his thumb print as signing and also "JJ" above it. Hee.
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster/Mckee,</font>
Yah, I always wake up at 6am to express milk.
Agreed with Tang Ling that the weather is terrible these days. Luckily you are ok with aircon.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
JJ can hold the marker very well. cay still can't hold pencil properly.
U will go back to ur SLIM figure again la...
I remember I first saw u at the kinder trial at Serangoon garden..I was like..what she is a MUMMY!!!

I dun even ganna IC check when I lasty went out lor... that was like..errr.... 4yrs ago???
But nowadays at work was ultra happy lor...almost everyone tot I am IA (industral attachement) student...

I hack care abt the aging part... as I dun really look into my face la
and with occupational hazard..like my recent disfiguration...think I better not be so hiao..later cry also no tears

The pasta CUTE sia..but TOO BAD... Sky not into pasta

Tang Ling
Ya Genki sushi logo...dun seem very happy leh

Hpw come the happy face becme like this....
I habem get Sky to draw faces in print yet...onli do so on doodle board...and everything is in circle...the face...eyes...nose..
and there is NO MOUTH!!!!
<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Ya lor, his pen control not very good yet. It's suppose to be "Happy" Mum Day - and now it becomes "sad" Mum Day. Hahahaha. But anyhow I think the grandmother would still love it. Hee.

JJ also started with drawing on doodle board - all the same one. Oval with small small eyes and wavy mouth that looks like in pain. Kekekeke.
As we Genki members, so we always have japanese food at genki, n whenever we there, A will always ask, "why angry face, no happy face". heehee
Wow JJ is good in holding marker n good in writing. Clever boy.

Ya I also give two colours each time cos afraid the mess.

A also dun like pasta in those pasta sauces italian ways. I have to use the pasta to cook in chinese style or soup based. hahaha
I went to Kai Kai this afternoon liao to pick up my stuffs. As usual burnt a big hole in my pocket. kekeke Got the Pooh face lunch box, pudding moulds, n the pooh face silicone baking moulds. Hence no need to trouble u to help me liao. Thanks.
Tang Ling
what a conicident, we were at T3 for dinner on Sat night. and on the way to the carpark, ash saw the same picture and asked me...."Uncle angry??" I kept looking around trying to find an angry man... then i saw the picture.. kekekee.

JJ so smart, can trace the lines.. i don't see such traits in ash yet.. now she only know how to draw circles.
<font color="0000ff">Tangling</font>
Hee homeground they are the ‘di tou’ snake mah, so definitely will be more crazy compare to go outside.

Yesterday went Sengkang to visit my sis, Ash still remember the route &amp; asked me “Go Junjie’s house?”

Hey I wonder how come Genki Sushi face is angry too? They want pple to get angry when eat their sushi? Haha I dun get it too leh.

Hehe lovely card! Then U din ask JJ to make 1 for u? :p

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
*Faint* .. u just gave birth say 1 week+ ago , ok? Dun be so depressed, u’ll get back to your shape 1, dun worry.

Btw my sis went back to PD last week, PD mentioned her uterus still hasn’t shrunk back yet. How abt u?
Talking abt the dropping feeling, u have to be extra extra careful ok? Not to scare u, my colleague whom is 50 YO now, hers is liked dropping too after her birth of her 3rd kid (natural birth), she has to spend quite a sum of $ to operate on that to pull it up, think by putting ‘screws’ on it. She is perfectly OK now. If u really still have such feeling, pls get bk to your gynea to have further check.

Yesterday I was busy making small cards for the Goodie bags. Ashley coming to kajiao me again. So I told her to help me prepare the Goodie Bags. Hehe She did a good job of putting each of the party flavors into each bag. I’m really so happy that she is indeed reached this stage of ‘pleasing’ &amp; ‘responsibilities’ stage. Which I think is the trait of a 3 YO. However yesterday she was downstairs with Daddy. I suddenly heard very loud cries from her. Then later they both came up, then realize there was a Mummy with a younger toddler mei mei. She put her gal on Ash’s bicycle without asking Hb or Ash. That made Ash v v bu suan her, &amp; cried so loud. Made the Mummy very embarrassed. Gosh, really no sense of sharing things leh! Then after the Mummy &amp; Mei Mei gone, she simply refused to sit back to her Bicycle. Kids are really kids hor??
I see Ash always v tong shi &amp; also a v gd helper.

Ra is also v possessive type..even his mei mei cannot touch this things without permission. Ytd night both were rolling on my bed &amp; mei mei went to hug his bolster...he was quite upset &amp; tell me "Mummy..cho cho..."

Hey dun be depress...tot I already told u before #2 won't shrink back so fast one...it took me almost 6mths to went back to pre-preggie weight w bf &amp; supper every night...(no dieting).

I was like you...super demoralize when i gave birth to C...every part of my body looked expanded too! Dun worry it will 'shrink' back!!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I just finish my massage 1st day. My massage lady said my uterus did shrink but it's still very low. Day by day she will push up my uterus for me. And my massage lady told me very important to wear socks and slippers at home. Everything starts from the feet and travel up.

Will see how I feel after my confinement and massage. If not then I have to tell my gynae when I see him at the 4th week.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets, @dora</font>
Don't worry I not depress. I will give myself 4-6mths to see results. My massage lady just reassure me just now. She said I have more water retention.
4-6mths will be a reasonable time to get back in shape. But I think u will need less than that, cos u yrself r the slim type, so u might be able to get back in less than 4 mths. Dun pressure yrself too much. Yes during confinement its veri impt to wear socks at least at all times asp my mom even hot weather, as she said our body cold inside after giving birth. Hence that time, day n nite forced me to wear, the onli time I din wear was in the shower.
Is didi latching on well?
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
He is latching on pretty well. And I am also expressing it out. So far supply has gone up till 80-90ml.
Yes Sally is right...dun stress...when I had R, my ss was so low during the 1st mth...stress until I wanna cry. #2 I am much more relax &amp; surprisingly supply so much more.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
It's different, you are still young. I also hack care when I was your age. But few years down the road, your thinking may change. When you see the wrinkles coming, skin drying and hair turning white.... maybe you will be more worried.

Anyway, I still think that you should take extra care in handling those chemicals. Dun play play ok. How's your new job? Seems that you have settled in well.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
At least you can correct JJ easily. cay is very stubborn.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
I was not in hurry to lose weight when I was in confinement. I only focused on eating and resting whenever I can. I was still very fat during the full month celebration. I doubt I lost much weight then. My ss was also not as high so the rate of weight loss was affected as well. Anyway, I did lost all the weight eventually. I'm now back to my weight during wedding time but strangely, I can't fit into the clothes during that time. The body frame has changed and I doubt it will go back.
bz...bz.. at work....

<font color="0000ff">body shape</font>
agree. i also find that my body shape has totally changed. even weight dropped, certain clothes cannot wear already...

ai ya all these talk about figure &amp; weight, make me very sien ley. i'm piling on with zero motivation to exercise. jiat lat.. jiat lat...

<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
give it time. u'll go back. I'm quite sure u'll be those who look good - mummy or not. so don't worry.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Ash so guai. E probaly wanna open up the goodies! and say it's all hers!
<font color="0000ff">adora/shane</font>
hee ya she can be pretty dongshi at times, but sometimes I really bui tahan her..

I'm feeling v v down now.. called me a useless Mummy bah..
today din fetch Ash home cos tmr early morning need to collect the cupcakes for her class party.. This afternoon told her I wont be bringg her home, she sounded also happy &amp; OK. Just now called my Mum to check on her.. can hear her cry so pathetic at the background.. my Mum told me she has been crying for me for v long.. dun wanna change PJ only want me.. me feel so sad now.. cant be with her to pacify her..
I miss my gal now..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
*sayang sayang* I know what you going through because I have experience it before. You are not useless mummy please. Sometimes it is just no choice. And of course our heartache when we hear them cry.

Once during my late night out with hb. Jo even tell my MIL, "remember to call daddy bring me home". She actually wait until tak boleh tahan and said the above before she doze off.
Hello mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 2 boys of preschool age and want to send them to school. May I find out from you what are the important factors that you all consider when choosing a preschool? Ie. teacher-to-student ratio? Price? Curriculum?
thanks <font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font> for the comfort.. Jo also so poor thing that nite
I dun dare to call my mum now cos guess they must be in bed now.. Sighs. 3 years already &amp; I'm still so attached to her.. why cant I let go abit..?
.. I hope tmr morning she wont be sulky, hope she sees her cupcakes she'll be happy again. Aiyoh i cant stand myself, I'm doing her blog now &amp; i like wanna cry leh. So emo 1 me.. arrgghghhhh..
ok share with u gals this funny pic I took yesterday..

She was watching a show, got this lady wearing a tube dress, &amp; the next min u see her pull down her singlet like this, macham like tube top.


not to forget her new gong fringe &amp; fake smile.
the picture is so cute! Ash is so pretty now
and the tube top really very innovative of her.

i checked JG holiday programme. Not very interesting. repeating last dec's topic. so i'm not joining.
<font color="ff0000">Happy 3rd Birthday Ashley!!</font>

Ashley is really very pretty. She looks like a big jie jie in our June thread.
today, 29 April.


Almond Jelly using pooh pudding moulds, but the other two using helicopter/dolphin jelly cups cant see. heehee
It's <font color="aa00aa">Ben &amp; Jerry FREE cone day</font> today!
So if any of you nearby an outlet, remember to get one!

Tho' i think the Q will be crazzeeee... hee hee...
wow....got free yummy ice-cream.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
How's everything? My massage super painful and all masseurs really got mighty strength.

My bum was treated like wiping a round table. My back was treated like scrubbing clothes on a wooden washing board.

Still have to tahan another 5 days.

Nadine is 4 days older than Jerrell. . That makes her 2 weeks old today. Another 2 weeks your confinement would be over.
i'm good. just really hot. I've been naughty. went mattel sale yesterday, went toys r us sale today. convinced myself tt weather is so hot, no wind can get in also.

sale wasnt that great. mattel one was the smallest I've been to compared to the concourse and alexandra park ones. only good for those w babies. cos the large items like activity tables, play gyms, bouncers all going for good price.

toys r us one was nothing worse. lots of their own brand toys on sale. got to go veri early for good deals. we went after sending n1 to school. then had breakfast, joined the queue (i was #10!). fun lah, but that's abt it.

I'm extending massage for another 7 days. my right side sprain needs it! figured if i dont extend. I'll be going orthopedic whic wld cost more!
