(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
How's your check-up yesterday? Are you recovering?

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Akin's attire very nice and stylo milo. Is it a T-shirt over a shirt? I love the striking red.


<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Doc says the wound is recovering well, but still too early to tell - would need to have a look again 2-3wks later. Have to walk to keep blood circulation.
one pc kind! From Fox.

Feeling hungry anyone?
Baked these triple berries muffins yesterday using Betty Crocker premix, easy n mess free, taste excellent:
Nice colourful pictures! E got nice sharp chin. Her eyes are bigger and she's getting prettier everyday. Nui da shi ba bian.

I think A got thick hair that's why got the mushroom effect. Very nice. And she's chubby. Face only, legs and arms are still slim.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
I like Akin's top leh. I should buy and keep.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Little Princess is sick? Poor thing, hope she gets well soon.
get well first lah, then think of no 2. Health more impt. Hb also scare of me kanna Lupus in my second pregnancy. But I tell him, I wan to go for it to try. heehee

not sure still have lei cos bought sometime ago, but they have alot of designs like this. U go n see.
Baked some cupcakes yesterday afternoon.

Will use this sponge cake for Xmas party cupcakes cos my hb said soft n nice.
After decor, see the "mess" (no piping bag, hence using hands), wanted A to decorate n give to his favourite teacher in cc today cos her last day, wonder she will dare to eat or not:


this is the buttercream icing I used which I told you about. Soft n easier to use for tods.

Anyone have colourings beside red n blue to bring along on Xmas party? Need other colours for different colours of icing. Let me noe. Thanks.
U use those pre-mix har...
If I use pre-mix but want to do choco flavour how har??

(ask ask onli... maybe find too much work will give up)
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Wah, you are really into baking lately hor.

Nice cupcakes! Makes me hungry... Hee.

I have other food colourings: brown, green & yellow. Can find some way to pass to Shane before Xmas party. You want?
i must say it's not an easy process for me to cater to both kids. part of me felt guilty for not spending enuf time with K and another part feel bad if i keep entertain only K and spend lesser time with JR. i really don't know how to strike a balance between both and wish i could fast forward time which again in later part i would have missed these precious babish and toddlers' days.
i'm online again now cos her daddy brought her out to buy things else she'll always hang around me and said, ' I want mummy' even though i'm just sitting down next to her. but everytime when i'm hit with lost thoughts, I remind myself of people like caymom, adora, glayz, fmn, mckee, ixorrared and tigger. you are all my role models! If u all can do it, so can i right?

perhaps the only good thing to cheer is I'm left with 8kg to go back to pre-JR weight (not pre-K weight ok) cos i put on a total of 17kg for this preg. hopefully by JR full month celeb, I can manage to shed off all extra pounds.
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a new mummy of two and there are a lot of changes to adapt to. You have just gone through a labour and you should try to take it easy on yourself.

You know what? I've always believed that it is not possible for a parent to love all her kids exactly the same way. Look at our own fingers - how come they are all our fingers but some are shorter than the others? Hee. This is the analogy that I remember being told by my teacher in Secondary school in class about siblings.

Like it or not, each parent would have his/her favourite kid coz of some reasons, and it is only human.
We just try to be as fair as we can, but just accept it and perhaps you would feel better? Hope it makes sense? :p

BB JR needs your caring more now as he is helpless and totally dependent. K is 2.5 yo and she is a lot more independent than the little newborn. Don't feel bad about spending more time with JR.
I certainly understand what you are going through right now. It is indeed very very tough to strike a balance between the two. Actually, I sacrifice the time with bbcay more as she is not so aware yet whereas cay will be the one feeling jealous.

I constantly feel bad towards bbcay but I'm thankful that she is a very cheerful bb and is contented with the little amt of time we spend with her. My mom said maybe she is not given a lot of attention all along so she is not as spoilt and pampered as cay. Anyway, I remind myself to blog about her so that I will not miss out too much on her bb days. In fact, I took more photos of her than cay when she was a baby. However, if you see my blog, you will notice that I blog on cay more... because I spend more time with her and there is more to write.

Good that you are losing your extra weight fast! So envious!
I only lost ard 5kg right after birth and I gained 18kg in all!
Actually I spend more time with R when C was born, I keep telling myself I must show to him that Mummy still love & care for him. As for C, I will only attend to her when she needed me (feeding time). I find that C is still too young to be jealous so I won't feel guilty.

Anyway C has grown v attach to her daddy & R sticks to me now. I think when they grow much older it will be the other way round. Don't think too much, what you need to do now is rest.

Yes, C is sick since Wed. She has fever, diarrhoea (bloody stool) & vomited (2x yesterday).
I think is the cake she ate....coz she is not expose to outside food except the cake (not prima deli).

Milk intake during diarrhoea
Need to seek some advice...do you gals still give the normal FM if they have diarrhoea? PD told us to dilute the milk..so I mix reduce to only 1/2 the usual portion of powder.
Should I switch to Isomil for the time being?
My mum will tell u NO MILK...
She will cook porridge..(plain) for every meal... kudos to my mum...
Then if the bb refuse to eat...at least get them to drink the 'soup'..that is say to curb LS... my gp say one....

Actually I spend more time with Shane, she is such a happy baby...as Sky is super sticky to my mum... cannot I spend time with Sky also right... So now..think he very imbalanced.... but he is SUPER happy whenever I show him my concern la.... and thats make me VERY guilty....
How abt at night? C won't sleep if she is hungry....normally she wakes around 4am for milk. Yesterday I tried not to give her as she didn't cry but whole night she keep turning n tossing & refuse to sleep...after I gave her 180ml of milk (diluted) she fell asleep immediately.

Why must be plain porridge leh? My mum still add ingredients (pumpkin, pork ribs).
This one I dunno leh...
My mum cook plain becos as told by gp lor....

Think diluted milk maybe can la... becos me lazy mama dun cook lor...just give diluted milk... :p
Ya me baking alot cos testing out the recipes for the cupcakes for xmas party. heehee n super addict to it lei.
Thanks. If u cant pop in, then dun bother, we will do with just red n blue. U pop in if u can hor, realli miss u lei. I wan to visit u, but scare u not well enough to handle visitor. I visit you later when u better. I will check with Ixorarred n Jaymom as well since they bake too.

LS- must dilute milk. No need to switch to Soy milk cos stinko n most of them wont wan it after they taste cow milk. Soy milk veri yucky. Glayz's mom is right to give just plain porridge, n the water from the porridge is good. Can put in bottle for C to drink as well cos will be filling. U try? My mom teaches me that when A LS too. When LS, even u give dilute milk, will take longer time to recover lor. Just take note of that.

Agreed with TL, dun be so hard on yourself. From my frens' advice who r mommies of two n three, when second one born, they spent more time with the elder cos they dun wan the elder one to feel unwanted, as the elder one will be the one feeling jealous. BB still dun noe yet. So they stick with the elder one to let them adjust n then switch slowly. At the same times,they also make daddies more hands on with the elder ones. Hope u noe what I mean. U r doing a good job. Take good care. K is sensible, will outgrow soon. Is bb JR coming home today?
Glayz, Sally

Thanks for your advice. I called up PD this morning & he recommended me Dumex Lactose Free Milk Powder. Suppose to be cow's milk but Lactose Free only. My mum has not given C yet...according to the nurse this FM is tasteless.

I hope her case is not food poisoning...her stool is seedy & my mum said is teething. Last time, R teething no problem at all.
hi adora, sorry to interrupt this thread. Would like to buy ur ameda pump from u.. and have PMed u. Like to close deal and collect pump asap.. pls respond to my hp if its still available. thanks!
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Nice cupcakes! Envy those who can bake and cook well.

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
My PD advised me to use Soy Milk when Jo had diarhhoea. And cook plain white watery porridge (teochew style) whenever she has fever or diarhhoea. No need to put ingredients cos meat may make it oily and ingredients will also make it difficult to digest. PD say anyway they won't have appetite so just feed plain and when they recover you can pump them up again.

The water called 'um' in teochew from the porridge can also helps prevent dehydration. It's like taking in fluid.
bbrooster, Joy
Thanks. I already asked my mum to buy from PD the Dumex Lactose Free Milk.

My mum told me, C slept from 1pm until now...didn't wake up for milk feed at 4pm. Think she must be v v tired.
It's weekend again!!! I think you all no mood to work and can't wait to knock off right?

Though, I don't have to work but my mood is especially good when comes to weekend.

<font color="0000ff">TGIF!</font>
sadly, i'm feeling depressed

abit xin li bu pin heng ley. feeling tired from being the 'man of the household' and hub not being involved enuf.

mummies of twos,
are your hubbies very involved? or it's just a men's thing to take the backseat.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
why suddenly you feel so bad today? menses here? ok, let me analyse.

1. Do you make decisions most of the time?
2. When he make a decision do you say 'NO' it's not good and stick to your own decision.
Is a man liking la
They dun really get involve...even as a mum of 2...my hb still dun help out much
So now if I clean poo...i make sure I am near enough for him to smell also...wahahahahahhaha

and now my hb had FINALLY found a relief driver (still midway of talking terms...) think our quarrel and disagreement will mountain as he will be home EARLIER...
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
My mood also improves during weekends.
I will pack it with activities with my kids.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
One thing for sure, my hb is more involved in hsehold chores than me. You will be surprised at how bochap I can be.

As for the kids, hb has always been the one educating them while I attend to their basic needs.

My hb used to take the back seat but when he realised that I can be so bochap, he probably feels the need to be more involved.
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
The results of the Fotogenic contest still not out hah?

Saw your message in my blog. bbcay can sit steadily but some bbs in my May thread can already crawl! Really amazed by the development. I remember Ian also started crawling quite early.
hi girls! got time for a quick sneak in.

thanks for being the encourager in this thread. despite the state you're in, your regular log ins and da jie insights are appreciated!

jia you! I learnt after N2 came along, it's all about combined effort and managing expectations.
Combined effort
Daddy spends lots of time w #1 while mummy is w #2, & vice versa. But a lot of times, at this stage, #2 just needs milk and diaper change and sleep, so the helper/mil/CL does it. When #2 gets older, the combined effort is more apparent.
Managing Expectations
this is very bad, but I got to realise, even after speaking to various parents of 2 or more, that #1 will always "win" in terms of attention given. When #2 or more grows up, it is close to impossible to give the same attention you gave to #1, as to the rest. #1 just had a very good headstart, cos mummy & daddy were more freed up, younger, had more energy too!

Having said that, doesn't mean we love #2 lesser. It's just demonstrated differently. God is amazing, that he just allows the love in us to multiply accordingly to how many kids we have. Can't put it into words, but it's true.

oh dear. don't mean to preach. but that's how I feel. of course, me no expert. after N3 comes out, maybe got another theory! haha! hope it helps!

C sounds like she's getting better, to have slept so long. how was she over the night?

I should be able to go for the party. will bring something yummy!

christmas gifts
aiya.. was sorting out the gifts for frens, and realised this year, there was very little warehouse sales. sigh... didn' get to stock up nice gifts for pple. must be all the toy recall!
like you i am not happy this weekend.. came back from leave today (took only 1 day left) and feel so so miserable... so much work despite the festive season and hubby will be on biz trip from Sat afternoon.. so sick
have been for sometime. I think hormones. or maybe a build up of issues.

Yes i make decision most of the time. (2) also happen sometimes but overtime i try to go with his decision also.

Maybe cos my hub is a workaholic. Just like me. He places more emphasis on his work than family.
Not his fault. But i feel the heat. Cos I also want to do well in work wat. But I have to make the sacrifice.

sometimes i very pei fu you can handle everything yourself wth hub so laid back. maybe i'm too idealistic. maybe cos of my background. a family has to be like a family. 2 must be involved. if not, what's the use of hvg kids.

so i hope to talk to you all. maybe can wake myself up that i'm too idealistic and i expect too much
Yippee its Friday, but I just came back from GP. Finally cant tahan, go see doc after more than a week of struggling with flu, throat, cough n phelgm. N last nite could not sleep at all. Given me so much medication..... even gave me steroids for 3 days to reduce the inflamation n antibiotics for 5 days. GP costing me S$66.00. Big hole in my pocket. Sigh!

My Dearest Shane,
What happened? Why u so sad today?
When A born, I feel veri lousy n nearly went into depression as I was alone always like a single mom. Hb was away so often for projects. Then I finally fought my way to stay positive, n talked to my hb. He assured me he would try to stay in Sin as often as he could. N whenever he's around in weekends, he would take over A n let me go out for a few hours to breathe. But I think he feel he missing all the first moments of A, n he began to feel shitty about it. Hence he talked to his boss about his projects. N his boss said would look out for other opportunities in the co for him. Finally the chance came beginning this yr, n he took up a new challenge moving to his co AP side handling a different portfolio. He wants to stay in Sin as often as he can cos he wants to educate n teach A more, he feels that I m hands full n my temper is getting bad to worst. So he willing to take up the challenge where he does not need to travel so often. Hence since then, I take a step back n let him handle A whenever he is around. Beginning I kind of dislike the way he handles cos u noe man rough n not MY way of doing things. But I realise I need to take a step back n close my eyes n ears if I wan him to be involved. He is not like the model dads (eg Caydad, Jodad, JJdad) but at least I can see he is making effort whenever he can lor. So I like caymom now, attend to the basic needs n he handles the play n teaching part when he is around. Smile lah, u dun be so sad hor.
lots of daddys are like that. A main reason is because they don't know what to do. I don't think they don't love the kids. But they just don't know what to do, and they can't keep doing the same thing (eg read same book) again and again.
e.g., N1 can call out, "daddy look!", up to 3 times, and daddy can't hear, or is totally absorbed in this soccer match. I'll have to tell him, your daughter is talking to you! haha..
So i learnt, just got to keep encouraging them to do stuff w the kids, listen, play etc. Our genetic make up is as nurturer, but for the guys, it's hunter--make $$, work. So they do need affirmation when they take up the nuturing role.
I tend to be like you, but then I give up lah. N I take the bochap at times like Caymom, n it kicks his ass lei. Esp he sees the broken english A picks up from him. That wakes him up. heehee
i know that kind of feeling. work is not great at my end too. makes it worse that hub is not ard hor. hopefully time passes fast for you this weekend.

great! see you then!

i have thot abt the bo chap strategy. but i too soft hearted. I can't bear to do it. cos my hub will take a long time to realise what he needs to do.

like some nights ago, he was to put E to sleep. He did but didn't give her milk. sigh. i didn't nag but it's things like these that irks me.

And it doesn't help that the monotony of marriage is settling in. we don't have much to talk when we're in the car nor hvg dinner. sometimes when i think abt it, it's so sad. can't imagine marriage being like that for the rest of my life! again, i think my idealism at play. sigh.
Hi Gals
Thanks for all your concern...C is much better now. Her stool not so watery, fever subsided & she is also back usual. Yesterday night already can play with R, laugh n giggle liao. But she really 'lao hong' liao...must pump her up after she recover fully...kekek maybe shld but lots of avocado..hahaha!

I must say hb is quite involve in taking care of the 2. He is always the one who bath & wash their Poo Poo. C is super sticky to him...so I can say he is the full time care-taker for her.
Xmas Party Update
Our darling Cherry will be getting some M&Ms for decor of the cookies.
Fantastic mommies Jaymom n Ixorarred will be bringing the colourings (yellow,pink,green n purple)for the colours of Icings decor.
Hence TL, u no need to bring yours. U just come n join the party if u can, okie?

Xmas Costumes
The shop at tan quee lan st (next to the big dhl balloon) sells christmas hat (kids/adults) at S$1 each.
I have decided to make a ELF costume for A if time allows cos much cheaper to buy a costume, as I just need to get the clothes from market n cut n sewn for him. Hope he will wear if I can make it in time.
aiya.. you need to pak tor lah! just 2 of you! monotony always sets in, for anything--marriage, looking after kids, work, life etc, when things just go on with no change and spark. that's why super mummy sally does all her super things with A! you go and do super things with Edad lah! it'll help... and #2 may just happen. hehe...

Christmas party
opps, is it a fancy dress thing? oh no, I'm not so super to make any costume. N1 & N2 will be coming in Fox. or is there a colour code?
Colour code can liao lah, anything christmas colours okie. Me just thinking to make one elf for A lei, cos will be cute for pics. heehee Buy too ex liao.

ya i was wondering how u did it. great that you things are better now.

my hub had a no day no night job too. same situation exactly and i tried to tahan as long as i can. i was practically single mom. finally he managed to chg job so more relax now but he can't escape from his workaholic trait, so he stays back in office sometimes. sometimes i wonder is it because he wants to escape parenting duty.

same! in the car today, E was talking to him. he didn't answer. neither did i highlight to him cos i wanted to observe how he'll react and i was proven rite.

I do affirm him when he's doing the right things. But it's just not often enuf and it's not in his DNA. He would rather turn on the tv then spend time with E. He would only do it when he sees me blowing my top over her.

worse, i have a v bad trait/weakness. I HATE to tell him what to do. cos i always feel it's differnet when you're told what to do vs u do it willingly. again, my idealism at play.
