(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Really???!!!!! When is ur hubby's birthday? Mine is Thursday leh.. only left with tomorrow to get whatever I have to get...

Don't say until like dat lah. Every grandparent sure dote on their grandchild. Esp if one and only grandchild. It's only natural. On the other hand, my PIL dotes on Riz a lot too, coz he's the only grandson, while they got 2 other grand-daughters, one elder and the other younger than Riz. But sometimes they dote too much on Riz that I feel very "bad" for my sis-in-law coz they tend to compare how "good" Riz is compared to the other granddaughters openly. Very hard to strike a balance, but I appreciate that I do have supportive PILs though who wants to be involved in Riz's life as much as they can despite their heavy commitment with other grandchildren.

<font color="ff0000">twinklets</font>
well,that's a good idea too that you can teach A drawing and dancing by professional. At least much cheaper. We have a tap dance school here but for children above 5yrs old and chances that my Hb won't agree to send him to dance school. My friend who teach piano said 4yrs old is the right age to send kids to learn piano and its not that expensive here, ard 90usd/mth. So this is going to be first in the enrichment list when he reach 4yrs old. and we really hope ian can cultivate some "music gene".

<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
Happy birthday to Chloe! So fast 1 yrs old already. The cake looks delicious. I will She bu de to eat it. So pretty.

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
I'm sure your inlaw will dotes your son too! I also feel jealous when my inlaws get very involve w/ ian when in SG. :p
<font color="0000ff">Erlisa</font>
Yes I really thank u for tat, uve become my reminder!!!
At least U noe wat u wanna buy for him, me got not much idea.
Wow ur hb is 6 DEC, tats v fast, u better act fast now!! Keke.
Mine is 10 DEC, still got abit of time.

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Ya hope your son will be closed to you. =)

<font color="119911">Anns</font>
I guess ur HB just want Ian to be macho man-ish type doing all the boys stuffs bah. Haha.
Not a lot of hbs like the idea of sending their sons to dance school, unless they themselves luv to dance.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz</font>
Really surprise tat U wanna enroll Sky into ballet.
Haha tats the last thing in my mind for a boy to go into ballet. I scare hell turn galish if he learns ballet.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine/Caymom</font>
Ya affordable fees & I cant wait 3 YO to arrive soon. =P My mentality is to let her have fun cos she seems to have keen interest in that aspect. Another thing is I wanna her to grow up more confident & disciplined too. I hope she will able to outgrow her shyness with strangers next time. Good thing u gals stay near, at least can form a group & go together. Me alone in West, guess gotta go alone liao. Yday MIL told us she can sponsor us the fees.
I ask professional liao...wahahahahahhaha....
No la..is just a kid my mum used to bbsit...
As she is taking ballet also... Dancers also have families ok.... Male dancers may be MORE niang...but not many are really GAY...wahahahahahhahaha

And there is a LACK of MALE ballet dancer in SG...so if Sky want to go further later go...I will support him la... with the correct mindset and discipline...think he will not turn GAY ba...I want my GRANDCHILDREN!!!!

Oh...Shawn Tay is Gladys Tay's hb...the judge for The Dance Floor competition..remember? The are quite famous pair of duo who won many dance competitions. So Sky is the next up and coming star...hehe
hello hello.. thanks for the info,
my arrangements for A is messy becos her sch will not be within walking distance from our house or nanny's place.. and nanny's place is not within my estate too... sigh.. the reason why we are sending her to the sch is becos its a new set up by my SIL and her formal CC principal. so we thot she can help to "jagar" my engery ball. i think we will choose the 12-3pm.. and still send her to nanny in the morning for time being.

now don't feel like dat lah.. should be glad that your PILs are so supportive and willing to help.. those of us lacking of such support knows the pain and feeling of helpnessless at times..
you have to take note of A sleeping time cos if not she will be cranky at school

Of course must take leave on the first day lah.. KY also attending the same timing as Sky. I will be taking 3 days leave (but half day only)
KY was at talent plus this year and I regret that I did not really show concern and talk to the teacher of her development until some unhappy incident happen

how I envy you with PILs so supportive. I totally agree with what Cherry say cos I am in the same situation as her..

ha ha, you have got good memories. KY likes to sing and dance but I would also like to send her for Speech and Drama class or piano class. But will only choose one. This Saturday going for baby prom will see whether she appreciate it or not.
$139 for 11 lessons
Max 13 in a class
Min 5
If tod under 2 can go for FREE trial to get assess whether can start class earlier

Ballet for bois
Any bois interested???
Need minimum 5 to start a ALL BOYS class
Onli 1 went for trial now.... and there are a few enquire onli....
I had people placing bets on me to hit 10000post ok... (having a race to see if I hit 10k or the other party hit 4k first)
Me machiam like horse... ji kok ji kok
Glayz, early morning make me laugh at your post again.

ji kok ji kok ji kok....hope you reach your destination soon and come in No. 1!
Speech and drama sounds interesting.
cay's current music class will end in early Jan. The next level will start on keyboard but I feel that she is not ready yet. Most likely will stop the lesson and let her get used to daily PG first.

cay only likes to dance... she can't sing yet but showing some improvement recently.

I heard Talent Plus is good. Oh dear... hope that 'unhappy incident' is not that serious.

What is baby prom? Heard people mention it before.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Baby Prom is a yearly event organise by SSO to introduce orchestra to the young children.

Few days ago someone is selling tickets for 12pm slot in "Want to Sell". Don't know still available or not.
Hi mummies,
been going through major adjustments in the family esp for K who throws tantrums and has endless unreasonable demands. She's so insecure that she actually drank milk less an hour ago and cried badly for milk again the next hour.. i'm a bit stressed over soothing and assuring her. Mummies of 2, tell me how long the transition period of adjusting will be over? But so far she's nice to baby, will sayang or tell us to be quiet when bb is near. Btw, bb JR is hospitalised due to jaundice yest and to be home only tmrw. double stress!
Actually hor...it is NEVER ENDING lor
Till now when Sky wants attention...he will TRY ALL MEANS to get it...
I cannot reason with him...onli my mum is able to.... and when he wants something is NOW NOW NOW... very much like my character....
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Just for you.

Tickets are still on sale for 7th Dec, 12 noon.

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Try to relax. Don't stress. I think I will go through the same as you next time. As for baby JR don't worry too much. The hospital will look after him well and he will be home tomorrow. *pat pat* Did you feel hormones imbalance? Relax and rest well don't think too much. And come in here to chat with us.
Do take care. Do not stress yourself too much ya. Mabbe K is going through some adjustments trying to get used to having another "rival" for attention. Take it easy.. don't put urself to too much mental/emotional stress ya..
This is only the beginning.

cay was also very demanding when bbcay first arrived. It doesn't help when she just reached 2yo then and with the Terrible Two kicking in, we nearly went crazy with her constant tantrums and mood swings. She was so insecure that she will wake up in the middle of the night to check that my mom is with her. She will weep in silence whenever she saw us crowding around bbcay to play with her. However, there were times she hugged/kissed bbcay and protested when strangers wanted to carry her.

bbcay is reaching 7mths old and cay's jealousy doesn't seem to lessen. She continues to drag us away from bbcay who is now able to fight for attention. She is more possessive, doesn't allow bbcay to touch her toys, clothes and even handkerchief. I think the rivalry between sisters is more intense. At least K still sayang JR. cay is constantly hitting bbcay!

Dun stress so much about jaundice. I know it is hard but my PD told me that most jaundice is harmless these days and it is usually due to bfg. I was so stressed when cay had very serious jaundice.... re-admitted to hospital, countless blood tests etc. She took 8 weeks to fully recover. bbcay's jaundice was not so serious but she also took around 6 weeks to fully recover.
So doesn't mean that now Jo sayang didi by rubbing my tummy, kissing my tummy etc. she will be acceptable when the baby is born. Is it?

I think when she see the actual baby it's totally different behaviour. Is it?

I think it's easier for the opposite sex to love one another. My colleague is so afraid to go back to work and thought of quitting cos she is worried her 4 yr old son will murder her 4months old son.
<font color="0000ff">erlisa</font>
Not sure what exactly he did to the younger brother. I just heard from another colleague she wants to resign.

Another friend also 2 boys. The older boy throw pillow at the baby's face and luckily she realised otherwise suffocate to death.
take care and relax ok. it's the initial adjustment. BB will be ok too. Like bbrooster say, he'll be well taken care of in the hospital.
As for K, try to give her more attn, i know ez to say. but just do wat u can and don't be stressed. must rest well.

Sibling rivary
i dare not think if i have #2. the things u all describe already sound alot like E.

I suddenly realise these days that when i'm doing my things or hb and me talking she'll get into notti acts, throw tantrums just to get our attention.

At first i thot she was being notti, Terrible Twos, etc. But it became clear that it's just for attention, OUR attention. She needs our undivided attention. sometimes feel so stiffling.

Then I'll think of hvg #2, someone she can play with. BUT it will take #2 another 2 years before they can play together. sigh.

Yday she played with our neighbour's kid - a gal, also only child, 7YO. Then refused to come home! I had to struggle and carry her home. I was so embarrrassed. One +ve thot is seems like age gap not too bad an issue, they can still play together. But of cos the gal found her abit 'boring' bah, cos her toys too elementry for her. But more like they got each other company.
Sky also kiss my tummy very often...when I preggie with bbShane
Can u imagine he rather kiss my tummy than my face!!!
But hor... if he wants to be inside the pram with bbShane..he lazy to walk mah...he will endure her hitting, pulling of hair...and lastly..being treated as a teething toy... bbshane will lean against gor gor and start sucking his back, shoulder... but hor he is also ok with her most of the time..he will LOOK for mei mei after he open his eyes in the morning....
But he also fight for attention la.. like if he wants something when we are tending to mei mei..he will do all sort of things to make us buay tahan and attend to him first... once when I was rocking mei mei to sleep in sarong...he went the other way...and shout into the sarong to tell bbshane to WAKE UP...
I think it is different behaviour before and after bb is borned. cay also kissed and hugged my tummy but her attitude changed when bbcay arrived. She is nice to babies she see outside but to her own sister, aiyoh... *shakehead*

I kinda feel the sibling rivalry between opposite sex is lesser. Your colleague's story reminded me of an incident shared by my colleague. She has a friend with 2 gals and the elder one (4yo) will secretly abuse the bb. The mother was bewildered when she saw the bruises. She suspected the maid but only found out the culprit when she installed CCTV. The clip showed the girl sneaking in, pinching the bb with an evil grin then sneaked out again, wearing a innocent look. They have to send the gal for counselling because she refused to admit the 'crime'.

Thanks for the link. I think I will give it a miss because no time to bring her.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Another good thing about close age gap is when you send them for lessons you can send them together to the same school.

Imagine on a Sat sent one to GUG then the 7 yrs old to Yamaha. If #2 has a 7 yr old sister E. E will find the younger one irritating and disturbing when she wants to do homework, studies etc. Different interest. But can be a companion.

My sis is 7 yrs younger than me. I can only remember looking after her and washing her backside when she poo, change her. My mum will leave my 2 younger sisters with me when she goes to the market. More of a helper than a playmate.
Ya agree. means need to quickly have one now. how i wish i got a wand. haha!
bling! then fast forward to #2 at 2YO =P
Me also a helper..even tho me and my sis age gap is onli 2...
My mum say She can bring my sis to bath... while I lay the bed with powder case, diapers, clothings...EVERYTHINg
and whenever my sis cry or fuss I will comfort her lor....
But where is this good traits gone to??? why Sky dun display this!!!
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
I would prefer to be in aircon places when having steamboat. But I don't know where is good for steamboat.
omg, didn't know a 4yrs old will do that to her bbsister. I thou' as the age gap bigger, the younger ones will be well taken care by elder, especially if they are girls.
I think the 4yo gal has always been the precious gem to everyone and regarded as the little princess. So the moment the attention is diverted from her, she feels very jealous.

I told hb that I dun want cay to grow up with the mentality of being a princess. I've heard of gals, who are being brought up like a little princess, feeling disappointed with life when things din turn out to be as nice and perfect. Hb said he wants cay to know that she is his little princess but will educate her about the reality of life.
Wei..dun remind me leh...
I bought a CHOCOLATE cake from Prima on 29 Nov for my mum bdae.... me, my mum sky and the 2 rascal had them...and Sky had double share...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
So how? Should be ok bah? Almost a week now. Did you do a research to see how long will the salmonella bacteria take to react.

Congrats for your JR baby...

I know what you are going through....Generally by half a year, your older gal should be able to adjust to the arrival of the younger one...

Take one thing at a time....take care
I heard about the food poisoning from hb. Quite scary hor. I also ate things (not chocolate cake) from Prima Deli last month but I was fine.
I thought I saw Tang Ling's posting in the latest posts preview but don't see it here. Am I seeing things???
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font> No leh I didn't see.

I love today's weather so cool and nice. Few days ago I keep complaining. What time of the year is this? How come it's still so oven hot?

It's time of the year to dig out Jo's long sleeve top.
Sky no long sleeves...wahahahhahaha...
becos that boi will sweat in air con..the onli long sleeves are his PJs.... my hb last sat dun wan to on air con...tell him to wear short sleeves...he cried in protest..must wear his full set of PJs...

Think should be ok ba... its been a week lor...and I check...all of us are FINE lor
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
Oh oh... my eyes are playing tricks.
Tang Ling was asking Jasmine what was the unhappy incident at Talent Plus.

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine,</font>
When you visited T3, where did your hb park the car? Can just roam around or must register for the tour? Any entrance fee at the restricted transit mall?
Maybe when she post...under Preview..u get to see it... then she recieve error and din post a second time....

Once I also dunno reply whoese msg that disppear after my posting...
Wow so many postings.

Jaymom, thanks for all the co-ordination!

A will be attending 8.15hrs - 1115hrs for his pre-nursery in Jan. Me also stressed out with transport. Sigh.
Oh there is a chongqin steamboat in Tanglin Shopping Centre. U can check out there. Those mala kind. One side clear soup, n one side hot soup.

U r our Kai Xin Guo! Always make us laugh with your postings. Jia You hor.

Hang on there, n take it easy.

Siblings rilvary
I guess it is unavoidable despite what age group.
Growing up I guess.
My sis' kids 5 n 6 yrs old, fight every day, but they still sayang each other.
My hb n his bro 5 yrs apart, when his bro borned, he took matches to burn his bro cos know of to express his jealousy n "bully" his bro at 5 yrs lor. heehee

Speech n Drama
Me thinking to enrol A in Lorna Winston. Anyone keen?

See u on Sat for bb prom.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
:D No, you are not seeing things. I did post, but there was error and my post disappeared. Surprised that you saw it. Hee. I was lazy to re-post. :p I did ask about KY's incident.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
What was the unhappy incident about? I hope it's not serious?

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
The hospital will take good care of bb JR - you take a break in the meantime.
Our topics seems to hover #2 alot. Hee.

I was actually planning on #2 after the aust trip, but life is playing a trick on me... now, with the incision on my tummy, I don't know what pregnancy would mean to me. I regret having to put it off till now. Preg is tough enough, and now with new scars...

Hb was talking about it yday... that he still want a little #2, but I am apprehensive. Will see what my gynae say about it first.
