(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

my is spoilt! just when E started to show interest in it. it kaput!

If any of you want to get the system. I can try to ask my colleagues who are going to States to buy. But can only ask them to bring back one each time they go cos paisey to ask them carry too many for me. PM me.
me not asking u to help hor...
I already ordered mine in sprees...wahahahahahha

U are 1 wonderful wife for ANY man... Unlike me... wahahahhahaha...
I nag, abuse, critise, suan, kick hb when he fell asleep!!!
There is no such thing as kiss and make-up...as I will bring it up when he think everything is OVER...wahahahahahahahha
not really that wonderful lah. i have my moments too. I'm sure all of us are good wives too.

don't know the leapfrog can repair or not....
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
So sayang leh. See got repair center and get it repaired. I am looking for toys repairer also. Some of Jo's Fisher and Price that cost like S$49.90, S$59.90 also spoiled. Want to find someone who can repair toys.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
which phonics is that? since jo knows her phonics already i bought the "I know my long and short vowels" and "smart guide to kindergarten". The rest of the Little Touch Books for #2.

WL, you never tell me got LeapFrog Sale Spree I was rushing through my orders. So kan cheong OOS.
I know what you mean. I used to be like you too. I allow my hb to do whatever he wants, dun even complain when he works late hours, play his silly computer games and watch his DVD marathon. I even cook for him, do those hsework that he dreads etc.

It is very tough to be an ideal wife so I just gave up. No more cooking (he loves my cooking which puzzles me because my cooking sucks
) and hsework cut to the min. Only when he go through the hardship then he realise what I've gone thru before. He couldn't stand it when I force him to iron his own clothes but now he is getting better at it. He still grumbles whenever he changes bedsheets and insists that I help him with the quilt cover. If I dun help him, he will probably take more than an hour to do it. I used to change the bedsheets all on my own within 5min.

He used to complain that I rather surf web than teach cay. I told him that I am just a human, I need to relax just like he needs his games to destress. He finally sees my point.
You are so funny.
Next time must choose a swimming pool with dashing lifeguard to beow.

cay loves leapfrog but she doesn't take care of her toys. Slam and bang them like nobody's biz. I think twice before buying expensive toys for her.

So must buy from the leapfrog website then cheaper is it? I have a friend who travels to US quite often, thinking of asking him to buy for me if it is cheap.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Must give a pat on Sally and your hb. At least, finally they realise how tough is it and wake up to give you a helping hand.

Caymom but you very "jek aik" leh let him change the bedsheet and quilt cover alone. I find it tough to lift up my super heavy mattress and tuck in the sheets + the King size quilt can make me go crazy. Sometimes put in everything the length and breadth don't fit then have to remove everything and do it all over again.
Mine is queen size, so not too bad lah. Dun forget I have a little helper at home. cay is always very eager to participate.

She will happily imitate daddy lift up the mattress and place her little foot in the gap between the mattress and bed. My hb will yell for her to remove her foot so that he can put down the mattress.
She also wants us to perform the parachute thingy with the quilt. Quite fun to have her around when we change bedsheets although we will take a long time to finish it.
sorry quick interruption...
any one know if anyone selling 2nd hand play yard? or if there's any BP for it going on?
I'm finally succumbing to pressure to get it. Hb & I figured, we can put N2 & N3 inside in future, so that we have the peace of mind to do simple things like going to the toilet!

Glayz, you're the shopping highness here. doyou have any clue?

Sally, so sorry, have been very busy, no time to stop by the shop to drop off the bumbo. I'll do that on Monday.. so sorry...
I also came to know abt it when i bo dai ji go see spree page....
then see the phonics kit sale...go wild..it was $14.99 when i bought the system, $11.99 1 week ago and drop to $6!!!

I envy u lor...at least ur hb appreciate ur cooking...
I cook he hiam until I want to smash the dish on his head liao.... or I must add in MSG to HIS FOOD ONLI then it taste like his mum...so is then nice??
he keep saying my food too bland...so is my mum cooking...maybe I put big big spoon of salt for his serving??? then is nice to him??

My hb never iron his clothes...when I tell him to hang it up after down from bamboo...so I will iron it another day...(not so wrinkle easier to iron) he will say NO NEED...hang it on the chair...." tmr can wear"
see he is SO LAZY till he even refuse to hang it up

I also worried abt my V-tech alphabet town...Sky also take, and bang....
Fisher-price toys... not very hardy leh... my hoo hoo hee hee haa haa monkey... got sound, no movement.... and the sound is weird weird also
It is cheaper to buy from US.... but even cheaper thru web...if can deliver to him without international shipping NOW..as it having BIG sale on webby

Changing of bedsheet
My mattress is the SUPER THICK type...think is 13inch instead of the normal 10...
So by the time the bedsheet cover all area...not much to tuck...wahahahahahaha
I also change bedsheets alone...while hb will shout for me to help out...
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Paisay, you busy at work still go and dig out from spree. This series is using another system. I think there are 3 systems.
shhhhhh...I complete the work for this week liao.... shhhh

this one use the read/write system... so u buy I know my long vowel need read/write also

Not highness la... is just a even more eager spree participant

I cannot change bedsheet with Sky around...
I will dump the dirty bedsheet on floor and he will pick up and place it on the clean bedsheet!!!
my hub will revert back to old self after sometime. sigh. the only time he really appreciated me was when i went for a biz trip. He said he finally understood how it felt and that was over the weekend only! and he had help of mil and maid. sigh. even that didn't last very long. cos it's always me to handled the daily humdrum of daily life.

my hub is lucky lor, got maid (for now) so he escape all household chores. so top priority is work then us. i'm the one who has to pick E after work so he doesn't really understand the feeling of being pressed for time.

there was once, he had to bathe and chg E and she gave him a hard time. maid was washing car. after that he told me not to ask maid to go wash car when we don't hv time. but i knew the underlying reason was he was frustrated by E and maid not ard to do it.

i guess ultimately i'm too idealistic. I must learn to accept that life is as it is, will be as it is.
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I saw someone selling at "Want To Sell" I go check for you. Let you know if I find the link.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Your above posting damn funny.
Oh dear.... I can't believe I finished one box of cream puffs all on my own. Sinful sinful... shouldn't have bought it. Couldn't resist it when I saw it during lunch. I also bought a slice of cake.... now eyeing it. Opps.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
I'm very confused over the different types of system leh. The phonics kit cannot read those books is it?

Hb always laughs at the way I cook is like Da Chang Jin -> dun taste the food. I just anyhow cook but he is fine with it. I think he just wants to show some appreciation or... he doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

My hb also hang his pants on the chair and he claims that's the best way to keep it straight and tidy. cay doesn't like it, she will sweep it off the chair and say bu-yao pants.
The phonics kit..is like 'BOOKs' to be use on the read/write leappad...

My hb lagi best lor...
esp on weekends..he then wear tee and shorts mah...so on Sun he hang will hang till the next week...IF I DUN CLEAR AND WASH...then the next week will be a fresh set ... and dump on the SAME spot
Hope you are feeling better after the mummies advices here. Always looks on the brighter side!

^5, to me, house look neat and tidy ok already. I can don't mop floor for 2 weeks kind as long as it looks clean. But if I see too much clutters ard, I cannot take it, like ian toys. All must be back to toys box.
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
yes caymom, must buy the machine first then insert the book and cartridge into the machine.

today's thread is very active. tomorrow and sunday will be a quiet day.
if you find someone who can repair the toys, pls let me know

actually E enjoyes her leapad now. she like to press press the sound.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
sure let you know when I find a toy repairer. Jo also like the leappad now and she can press, wait and follow instructions. previously, she don't know what is it about.
Wah, the thread so active today!

<font color="0000ff">Hb's Involvement with Tods</font>
Agree with Sally - if want hb to look after tod, have to really close TWO eyes. Sometimes even have to stuff BOTH ears with ear plugs and put BOTH my hands behind me. Coz so tempted to just tell him this and that or do it myself - my way of doing things. Hee. Along the way, learnt that everyone has a different way of doing things and I let hb learn his own way with JJ. :p

In Perth after the accident, hb was taking care of JJ himself 24/7 for 1.5wks. He was burnt out by the time we returned. He adores his son, but caring for him 24/7 is another matter altogether.

He argued with me that he was fine when I was away in Melbourne in the Sept trip - I had to remind him that I was only away for a few days AND over the weekend, my mum came to relieve him so he could go out for lunch & movie wor. I also reminded him that I had to take care of JJ 24/7 for the his longest trip (for work) which lasted 2.5wks. He was speechless. They forget...
<font color="ff6000">Cherry</font>
How long is hb going to be away? You poor thing. How are you going to spend the weekend?

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
I was laughing when I read the part about your hb hanging clothes to dry. Recently, my aunty was telling me: once, she called home to ask hb to hang up the washed clothes from the washing machine. She nearly fainted when she came home and saw where hb hang the clothes to dry... all spread out on the dusty washing machine... She washed them again. Men...

When our home's floor is dirty, my hb is not as hardworking as Jodad. My ah lao said "better ask part-time cleaner to come tmr". Hee.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
wow you still awake.

<font color="0000ff">TangLing</font>
My hb is not as hardworking as you think. He also need to be pushed. But he mop the floor when I am not in SIN and make sure the house is spick and span before I come back.

Actually, when I not in SIN he is more disciplined to do his housework on weekends. When I come back he is more laid back.
wow... so much talk on hubby and housework going on...

I agree with all mums that men needs to be pushed abit for helping with housework...
We also have a part-time helper who comes on alternate weekends to help with ironing clothes, cleaning house etc... on weeks that she dun come..hubby will vacuum and mop the floor...

I hate to iron clothes so I will keep the clothes for 2 weeks and let the helper iron one shot when she comes.. rest of the things I am still ok...
same thing when it is due time for vacuuming and mopping floor, hubby also need to be nagged at then he will start doing... but for me is ok becos I dun need to vacuum and mop which I think should be a guy's thing because they have more strength and should be cleaner than us cleaning...

anyway, I think I am a bit lazy lah... haha
quite happy that hubby contributes to cleaning house already...
<font color="0000ff">Hb's Involvement with Tods </font>
When #2 came along...hb has no choice to be more involve..coz i only have a pair of hands.
But when it comes to household chores...he is not so diligent.

<font color="0000ff">Loney Tunes & Barney Shows</font>
Brought the 2 out to Suntec & Marina, both love the show esp Barney....

Actually wanted to go Parkway for Mickey Mouse but think is only Meet & Greet, anyone has gone there?
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Jo went to see Dora at United Square on Friday. Hb got a S$30 receipt and wanted to exchange for a pass to take a picture with Dora. But Jodad was too late. All the passes given out.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
How's Noddy at Forum? My hb ask nice or not. But he thinks it must be super crowded on weekends.
did A enjoy the show? Did not capture any pictures of A and ky. how about you?

I realise that i did not reply your post earlier.. pei se.. btw, today is the T3 open house last day.

Christmas party
I dreamt of the christmas party yesterday
Dreamt tat I was in charge of ordering the Agar Agar but i forgot to order it and in the end no agar agar for the party.. :p
<font color="0000ff">adora,</font>
brought aeron to Marina to see Barney during one of the weekdays when I am on leave also...he likes them alot too!

we dropped by last weekend at PP, there was no show only meet and greet for Mickey mouse so I dun think it is worthwhile to go there... somemore parking is so long and it is so crowded...hehe.. alot of complaints...
<font color="0000ff">Jasmine,</font>
wah... you very stressed about christmas party ah? no stress lah... becos our very capable Shane and Sally already took care of everything...
thanks alot gals!
Caymom, will bring the vouchers along.

The crowd in forum yesterday not as bad as other places, but cos the area small so quite packed. There are Noddy, Tessie Bear n Big Ears. Oh ya n santa for the show. Wanted to let him take pic for meet n greet, he refused to queue up. Onli allow 40 shots for the meet n greet. Show at 1pm and 5pm. Meet n greet at 3pm. Today last day. The merchanised item on noddy's taxi sold out. But there are other items n clothings, not alot though.

Yes he likes the bb proms. Keeps asking for Uncle Peter yesterday n use whatever sticks he can find to be conductor. Now I dun noe to let him go for music class or speech n drama. Headache. Does KY like? Yes got the pics of both. Will post later n email u hor.
wow u veri kan de qi me hor. ME now so worried that I cannot bake all the cookies n cupcakes in time. hahahaha I will try to start baking tomorrow for the cookies. Then friday will be cupcakes. Hopefully all in time for christmas. Dun hiam on the taste can liao hor.
<font color="ff0000">Dora</font>
We managed to catch the show after Jay's class last weekend. We could only stand outside the barricade but overall it was pretty nice but Jaydad was complained neckache becos he was carrying his son on his shoulders.
The Q was already building up before 3pm even thou the show starts at 4pm!
I was joking with hb that when i was younger, i don't have the habit of chasing the "stars" when they do roadshows, can't imagine we are skimming the newspaper every weekend to see what "shows" to bring our son to...haha!

<font color="0000ff">Flinestones, Tom & Jerry</font>
During weekdays, i asked my maid to bring Jay to catch Flinestones at the shopping mall near our place. Next week, i'll ask her to bring him to watch Tom & Jerry. Around the heartlands during the weekdays, less crowded and you definitely can secure a seat. Wanted Jay to take photos with the life-size characters but "bu fan xin" to leave the digi camera with the maid.
Sob...too bad,i couldn't take leave to bring him like the rest of you..

<font color="119911">X'mas Party</font>
Agree that our "organisers" are very capable,they have everything in control.
On my part, i started to wrap up the x'mas pressies yesterday nite. I'm still hopeful that i find time to make the x'mas tree pancakes to bring along.

<font color="119911">Leapfrog Sale</font>
Glayz and Bbrooster, thanks for alerting about the sale going on. I've no chance at all to check the threads of late. Was "scrambling" away yesterday morning to put through some of my orders...
Manage to purchase LT books and Worklaunch Learn to Read It System. Very "gong"..but no more orders from any threads to purchase either My First Leappad Learning System or Read and Write Leappad?
yah, KY enjoyed the performance
you interested in Speech n drama also.. can try lorna whiston.. but me lazy to travel so far every week and for level one parent have to sit in

Leapfrog Sale
ai yah, the spree all closed
Leapfrog Sale
I think there are some left but don't know if they allow buying the system. Anyway, many of the books OFS olready. What do you plan to buy?

Lorna Whiston
Thot of that too as a weekend ciriculum since Jay's weekend class will be his last next week when term ends. Any frens' kids attended LW and getting good reviews? I believed their fees are not cheap either.

Browse thru one of the thread, read that Sambucol is back in stock for Lucky Vitamin?
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
I also managed to order a Leapfrog WordLaunch Learn-To-Read-It System from the same Leapfrog books organiser. But don't know how much will the shipping charges be. I have not gotten the Read/Write Pad too.
Speech n drama-checked with those speech n drama teachers, they told me that JW is better than LW. But I wan to go for both trials then decide lei. Went to JW Forum to check, all classes for next yr incl evans rd branch r full n they have more than 20 for each time slot on waitlist. U will need to pay n reg to be put on waitlist. For trial, u will have to call in mid of Jan, to check if trial is possible. LW-I have not yet called n checked.
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
OH NO! She must have bleed so much and cried painfully. My heart dropped. You mean the whole teeth broke not chipped? How did the accident happened?

ya lor... there was alot of blood. i was stunned for a while, din know wat to do.... the whole tooth came off (including the root). heart pain. but she's ok now....she'll prob feel more painful tmrw. naughty lor, climb here and there
