(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
wakakakakkaka.. i chance upon the slimmming thread & I saw this lady took part in the CH weightloss program . =P
here's the link. hahahaah.

Ya i wanna have a #2 fast fast lor, so can quickly get on my slimming plan lor. I really v demoralized these days.

<font color="ff0000">sally</font>
Wow wat's tat?? Dunno will be pressurized or not leh.. Haha i dun want her to be so arty farty next time, I scare she dun earn big bucks next time.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Ya better wait after ur big project. 2 of u will be less stress also, then easier to por also. kekekeke

oh my, u need tat, then the more i need it man!!
I also put on dunno how many kgs. I feel so down. Arrggh. Jeans all tighter, & u shd see my msn nick .. hahaha.
u should go for it mah... P so onz ley. I rem from GUG trial class he already mentioned liow. If u follow his plan hor, now ur #2 maybe few months old liow keke.... =P
i took alook at the prg. wah... tempting ley. will have effect one or not. I want!!!! I need to lose a few kgs also
Aiyo...my sis grad from Nafa hor...and me U grad...
After working 2 yrs more than me...my sis pay now is even more than mine lor... and whenever she try to quit..the coy she working for keep increasing her pay...
me also dun noe what's that.... hb told me abt it, cos he dropped by one day, think biz there. Then he so impressed to see some work of the kids there. Asked if A talent in art or not, told him I dunnoe. And I think of Ash immediately after seeing the artwork of hers that u posted. Can develop her talents mah. heehee
<font color="0000ff">Tips on Sharing</font>
Example :

Tell Jo that all the toys belong to mummy. Mummy bought all these toys. It's mummy's. Now mummy is lending it to you and play. If she fights with another kid. Remind her again toys belong to mummy not Jo's. Now mummy has decided to lend someone else play. All take turns. This one apply to toys at home.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Have you tried your sister's tactic before? Actually, when economy is good it's a chance for you to switch and jump. When economy is bad stay put. I only know how to say.

<font color="0000ff">NAFA</font>
My friend's son also in NAFA. I think he is 4 yrs old.
cos u sis is the top talent, tat's why mah..

I also dunno wat's tat, maybe I can google on tat later. Serious so gd ah?? But I scare she so into arts, then her maths & science all flunk next time. Tat's my main worry man. kekeekek.

Tat lady from tat slimming thread say she lost 10kg in tat 26 wks lor.
I"M TEMPTED. tat's why i sms hb tat morning, wishing he will half hearted say he dun wan #2. Scully he wan it so much, so there goes my wishlist liao............... -__-"

me too, i feel like a fat hippo. But anw even u upsize 3kg, u also look slim lar, cos u are slim in the first plc lor. kekek.

Ok gtg home liao, enjoy ur wkend gals!!
but if she gd in arts & next time wanna be architect, hmm also sound good! Ok tonite i'll find more on Nafa Arts for the kids. keke!

ok really gone, bye
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
You should develop Ash potential. Send her to NAFA. Maybe next time she will be a top fashion designer.

<font color="0000ff">#2</font>
I wish that those who are planning to have 2 or 3 kids will join the club soon. Join in to have a rat baby.
bb is so so so cute! oh dear, I suddenly got bb phobia, cos the bb looks so small! uh oh...

How're you coping? sounds like ok, cos u have time to drop in here!

wah! today really TGIF! so many postings... I read abt pregnant guesses again... hehe.. aiyo, all those pointing fingers, quickly point at yourself lah! actually only a few of us can do the pointing... while i can do ALL the pointing!! haha... so quick lah...

hb's into this blog thing, so it includes his inspirations, our lives, etc. he figured since he's writing abt N1-3, he might as well jot down his own thoughts abt things happening as well. That's why u notice post abt inflation, leadership, movies, etc. i think he'll make a good member in our forum too! hehehe...

christmas party
shane, there's a very high chance I can go. Yeah! is it too late to join? anything I can contribute?
wah! you confinement still clearing office emails? is it cos you really have to, or you're like me, just can't keep still, got to know what's happening at work! hehe

go for Nafa for AshSnr. more exposure always good! no need pressure, just let her do creative things with what's already within her!
Cute JM! I miss Baby's days now. I always keen to have No.2 but my hubby not keen yet. 1 hand cannot clap...

shld send Ash if she has that interest and talent. I always find female with some artistic taste looks so refine.

Isn't there is a phase said: wר

Recently watch some variety shows showing youth doing those hiphop or freestyle dance. I find it quite charming for boys who knows how to dance! Will you let your boys learn? I think I will encourage. My hubby said I wuliao, said shld encourage more on sports like swimming, diving..etc. But dancing also sport, isn't it?
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Get some good rest for your confinement. Yes, year end is cooler than June. Hee. But I get really chilly wind at my place - do you get them too? If yes, better be careful hor.

BB JR has a lot of hair! And obviously a boy-boy's face.
So cute and delicate.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
CC may become a long term arrangement if JJ is doing ok there. Don't want to put him there, withdraw him then put back again for nursery. In the meantime, I recuperate and get some break before planning for no. 2.

<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Still trying to work out meals arrangement. Hb has to tabao lunch for me and there is no way I can cook at all. Body not flexible and action is sooo.... much slower than my mind.
Hope the sibling and bb pic motivate more to become mums of 2 hiak hiak..

ihaven't tot of the throwing toys into the cot part. so far K is quite disciplined in that. but she likes to meddle with my pump equips.

talking about unromantic planning mine was also like dat. still rem was one time jackpot n not spontaneous lor cos i did charting and warned hb to come back early for 'it' if not now or never. hehe

if only E has a twin hehe cos she's v happy to be with K everytime she comes.
K is ok but v clingy to me n sometimes gets on my nerve. Everytime she'll tell my maid 'i want mummy!' and refused to co-operate with her during feeding and bathing times.

your turn will come soon as long as your ttc is not halted by your weight loss prog. that one can wait cos after no. 2 then once and for all go major makeover. i got some big plans already hehe

check my blog for bb's name

don't envy. get started on it. before u know it, you'll be there

other than engorgement and sore nipples, i'm taking it quite ok. but maybe the real challenge will come it when CL leaves when i've to handle bb myself with the help of my maid.

u take care too and recover well ok!
JR so cute.....now i terribly missed those days when R n C still bbs...
yes leh..they look alike.

thanks,i received the receipe liao..
btw..supermkt got sell ready mixed one meh?

glayz and caymom,
i bot colostrum from GNC..but i keep forgetting to let them eat..
but i do give probiotics everyday.
my pd said..probiotics and pure fish oil can boost up the immunity..
<font color="ff0000">Jasmine,</font>
Wow, the log cakes look delicious! Hb was literally drooling when I told him we are having Swensens log cake for the party.

Thinking of going to the T3 open house?

P is so keen in #2 hor. He even shared his plan with Shane. I didn't plan much before I conceive bbcay but I din have time to worry during the pregnancy due to the complications etc. I was glad that everything falls into place. Maybe 2nd time mom already, I take things more easily and bfg wasn't that tough as 1st time. My mom was quite garang garbok initially but we were glad we din have to execute plan b (i.e. send cay to cc) when she was able to cope with the two gals very well.

I am very glad to have bbcay. Each time I get frustrated with cay, I will turn to bbcay for comfort. When bbcay fusses, at least there is cay who can help out. I believe KY will be a more sensible jiejie than cay. The most impt thing is P is supportive and willing to share to workload and hardship at the beginning.

Time passes very fast one. bbcay is reaching 7mths liao. Very soon, she will be 1yo and more independent (I certainly look very far ahead hor). Life will get easier. Do consider ya, dun wait too long.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
Yah, I'm thinking of adding to milk for cay. For myself, still undecided whether to take because quite ex but I have not been feeling well these days and when I kena flu, I started passing the bug. So I reasoned that if I am healthier, the rest will be.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
You ordered so fast.

<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
JR is so adorable and he certainly looks like you. Since K is a mini-you, there is no doubt that both kids are your carbon copies.
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Thanks for the details.
Seriously, do have #2 first lah. Guys tend to be a bit wishy washy when it comes to having kids.... other than KYdad of course.
I told you my hb wants to have #3 and after discussing we confirmed dun want. But when I told him that I dreamt that I am preggie, his grin was real irritating. I think he still cherishes the hope of forming "do-re-mi" as now he tells me that we will re-assess our plans in 3 yrs time.

<font color="aa00aa">FMN,</font>
Thanks for sharing. What is the brand and how much does it costs?
u r not the only one! me also looking forward to when A2 reaches 1yr old. i think your mum is a super granny! how did she manage to look after 2 herself?!

ya, A1 also keeps me company when i'm pumping. she also knows the names of the different parts of the pump liao. also new vocab such as bra, breast pads :p

join the MOT (mother of two) group!

Nite out
finally got a chance to go out for a romantic dinner with hb last nite... got excuse to dress up a bit, otherwise, i'm forever in PJs and messy hair. with 2 kids, cannot sit down, eat slowly and chat the nite away. very chop chop - order, eat, go home *sigh*

Tang Ling
do u wanna try ordering tingkat food?
I think my mom doesn't feel frustrated when my gals mess things up. She takes it so easily that I really peifu her. At home, if cay throws her toys, mess up the kitchen and pee/poo all over the place, I will start screaming liao.

To my mom, the kids are the sole source of her joy and she can always take her time to clear up the mess when we return from work. Not to forget that she is a real expert in housekeeping.... takes only a while to do the hsework.

I make it a point to call home everyday to see how she is coping and each time I call, I will hear cay laughing in the background and bbcay screaming along. Seems like they are having a great party lor. They have a strong bond with my mom and they listen to my mom more.

Hahaha... cay also keeps me company when I'm pumping but she's not so smart as A1 to name the different parts of the pump.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I think the 2 siblings do look alike.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
You are so lucky to have such a devoted and capable mummy to help you. My PIL also want to look after Jo and #2 and don't want a maid yet unless they cannot cope.

No choice. Hb is uncomfortable with a maid. And in-laws also felt the same. So we will do without a maid until they call SOS then we think of alternatives.
ya tingkat will be good for u now as wat Ixorarred suggested.

wow they look alike lei.

yes some supermarkets sell. I bought once before, could not recall the brand. If I come across again, will take pic n show u. OR u can get from phoon huat.
yes for immunity, I feel also probitics n CLO enough liao.

lucky u, still can go din with hb. Good for u. Yr helper can handle both alone? Not bad lei.

Agreed that yr mom is a super super mom lah. If I m in her shoes with two, think I will scream till next block also can hear. heeheee
Yes, seems like tingkat food is the best alternate unless you confine your meals to sandwiches, etc..Did the doctor mention how long before the stitches will heal?

Thanks for all the "hard work" preparing for the X'mas party!
Opps...not forgetting Sally too for planning the X'mas programme and getting all the props ready

Do let us know if there are anything else we need to chip in and help too.

They do look alike but can tell di-di's photo looks more boyish!

Good you are dressing up pretty and getting out of the house. You must have enjoyed youself very much!

Wow, we are back on this topic again. Wow..time flies, the year is coming to the end and we are approaching the mousy year very soon but i'm also getting quite comfortable with just having to handle Jay. But hearing Caymom mentioning that BBCay is olready 7 mths old!..they do grow up quickly and life will be more "managable" again..
great to hear that you are having coupletime together after having #2... really must find time together as a couple...me and hubby will take half day leave to spend some couple time together too!

me hoping to have #2 but no luck so far... wonder is it due to age...haha...

I also think they look alike.... so your boy will have big eyes like K next time...envy... my aeron eyes getting smaller and smaller like me...
<font color="0000ff">kiami</font>
We hope to hear your good news soon. Keep trying. Did you go for the Stan Chart Marathon today?
Maybe u are like me lor....
i onli ganna bbShane when i tell my hb...this will be the LAST try..until i feel like it again...wahahahahahha....we been trying for like 4-5 mths and I feel so disappointed when AF report.... then I was like..NO MORE DISAPPOINTMENT.... Me not having #2 liao...then my 6th sense tell me..ohhh...me preggie then I go test before my AF is even due...

My sis dun excel well in her studies even tho she is the type who burn midnite oil....
Me left brain and she right brain...so we can onli conclude...my mum is VERY fair....

bbShane 5months liao...
And on Sunday...she will stick tome like glue...wahahahhahaha...come wed and Fri...the bonding need warm-up again

Handling 2 kids
Currently..I must admit..I still cannot do it very well as Sky is the MOST fussy whenever mei mei needs me.....
But ytd he super funny... I smell poo...and check bbshane...but not from her... then see Sky running all over the place..then realise there is POO in the POTTY...and hb realise..Sky was wearing the underwear the WRONG side... then we conclude...he see no one around...take the potty..poo inside and wear back his pants..WITHOUT getting his butt wipe..oh..my boi like so grown up...wahahahahahha

Tingkat may be a good choice..provided u not fussy abt taste..I had like 1 month of tingkat servce when preggie with mei mei.... but I throw away SO MUCH that i just stop the order

Share the brand and name leh...

Oh CLO and piobiotics will do har....
Think I need to get a good piobiotics FAST..or is Yakult considered???
glayz n caymom,
i got the probiotics from GNC..is live one..the brand is solaray..
i oso got the childlife colostrum,but tt one i always forgot to give..

then for the fish oil..i got nordic lor..

i thot u oso got nordic for sky?
Ya..I give Sky nordic... no la..is my mum give..I dun have CLO at home...becos I SURE will forget one...wahahahahaha

I thinking of giving colostrum or piobiotics lor...
Hi Gals
Too busy these days....v hard to catch up with the post leh. I am here tonight to post pics of C bday...



The cake from SO is gd not too sweet!

Congrats to you...yes the 2 really look alike but K is much fairer hor?

I hope u are ok...the accident sound serious to me!
Yes PD said enough liao, probiotics n CLO. I give the probiotics from GNC too. Cheaper mah in terms of the qty. Yakult does not count. Cos PD said U will need to give 10 bottles of Yakult a day to equal to the same amt of the tiny whinny bit of probiotics powder from GNC. heehee how to give 10 bottles of yakult a day? Tod sure falls sick n u will go broke??? With the 35% bday disc, getting from GNC will be better.

WOW the cake so nice lei. Chloe so adorable. Where u ordered the cake n made the candy tin?
The cake is so nice!!! I love Strawberry Shortcake.
You supply SO with the figurines? How many kg? How much does it costs? Chloe looks like a big girl now.
The cake is from Smiling Orchid...candy tins from My Treasure Box. SO cake deco v nice..glad I ordered from them.

Yoy also giving Probiotics from GNC...R is also taking now.

The figurines are from SO...they are actually ink stamp. 3kg Cake cost $214 w delivery.

C no hair...so when she wear dress really like tomboy!
Happy Birthday Chloe

Xue Jie
Ur ger so big liao har... hou mia liao lor....
U making me tempt to get 2 cakes in June for my 2 S leh..... (i like gerly theme cakes...)
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Chloe's cake is so pretty. I probably cannot bear to cut and eat it. Where did you get the cake from? I want the contact for the coin tin. I might do the coin tin for my #2 first month party if I can find a nice picture of him when he's born.
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
You another 7 months also ho mia liao.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
wow the cake is expensive but very nice. How's the catering from Chilli Padi? Did your guests like it?
Ink stamp ah, good leh, can still use.
Wow, 3kg ah? You invited a lot of people? I dun think I can order 2kg, let alone 3kg leh.

cay also no hair at her first bdae. In fact, she has very little hair when we brought her for the studio photo shoot ard 14mths old. We compare her photos and bbcay's recent studio photos (5.5mths old) and realised both have the same amt of hair!

Talking about hair... I am losing hair leh. I know we will have hair loss when bb is ard 4mths old. Has your hair stopped dropping? I am dropping a lot. Each time I comb/wash hair, a lot will drop off. I dun even dare to comb too hard and now I only wash hair on alternate days.
I read back again...3kg the cake.... wah BIG...
I cannot even finish 1Kg... ( we always make B-dae a small occasion...)

Ya.... wahahahahahahahhahahaha....
provided I dun strangle Sky first....
<font color="aa00aa">Lv</font>
Hmm hee I dun find both NB pics really alike. Though I say not really alike, I still find J will resemble u more too next time.
However 1 big similarity is both got lotsa hair!

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Ironically haha .. when I was young, my dream is to be a fashion designer.

But dream was burst when I realize how ex & run down Lasalle was at that time.

<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
I like guys tat dance hi hop & those modern dance. I find them so cool lor. I luv to watch Jacky Wu those shows tat got dancers 1. Actually Im more eagerly wanted to send Ash to a dance school cos she really luvs dancing a lot. Does Ian shows an interest in dancing? In Singapore, they do offer Tap dancing for kids. I saw afew kids tapping during the Pat Sch Hses Carnival, VERY INTERESTING!!

Hmm .. I noe I shd exploit her potential in Arts, but I think shell enjoy dancing more if I send her to a Dance School.
I think Ill teach her Arts myself. I think Nafa Arts Fees must be ex. Thinking of bring her to parks next time to draw the plants, thats wat I ideally thinking lor. Haha.

<font color="119911">Glayz</font>
Ya guess God is fair too.

<font color="aa00aa">Kiami</font>
Hey so u are also trying, good luck in your TTC too, k!

<font color="0000ff">Tangling</font>
So good tat JJ able to adapt CC well. Think U can have more time for yourself now. Good for u too.

<font color="ff0000">Adora</font>
Lovely HUGE cake! Did you guys manage to finish all?? U really plan the party well, U even have a Party Table Top!
<font color="#FF3399"> Bbrooster,</font>
Strange, my hair doesn't drop during pregnancy. When I had cay, I also didn't drop hair until she was 4mths old.
Very excited! Got this info from my colleague. Shes likely to enroll her 3 YO gal to the Dance Class. You can call for a free trial & the fees is aro $130 for 11 lessons. At least is affordable for me to send my Ashley to dance class next year if shes less shy with strangers.

Check out their website if you are keen -



Children Dance Classes
Pre-School Dance Curriculum (3 years old)

Royal Academy of Dance (UK)

Through the use of familiar nursery rhymes along with catchy melodies, we incorporate interesting themes such as music appreciation and creative movement in our dance exercises to capture each child's imagination and unique sense of expression. It also encourages body coordination together with the music rhythm. In addition, simple classical ballet steps are introduced in the exercises. These would help children develop the foundation and motivation to make the smooth transition to the next level of classical ballet easily.
Presentation class under the Royal Academy of Dance Examination Board is also available.

Classical Ballet (4 - 6 years old)
Royal Academy of Dance (UK)
Teachers are certified with the world's largest dance organization - Royal Academy of Dance (RAD). Children would be able to learn and perfect the ballet technique since young, which is necessary not only in the development of professional dance, but also immensely beneficial for the general physique and coordination of the human body. It encourages poise and grace in your child. They would also develop both mental and physical attributes that would be useful in their academic studies and social dealings. Learning Classical Ballet would give them the opportunity to be affiliated with the works of renowned classical music composers such as Bach, Chopin and Tchaikovsky etc. which form the bulk of the RAD ballet syllabus.
We offer RAD examinations in classical ballet for children since they started and this is especially important for those inspire to become Professional Dancers or Ballet teachers. It also serves as a reward to their achievements.
Levels: Pre-Primary, Primary, Gr1 - Gr8, Intermediate, Advance

Jazz Ballet For Kids (6 years and above)
Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD)

There are 12 levels in the ATOD Jazz syllabi. Originated from Australia, it is technique based, including the use of historical and fundamental Jazz steps. Children with ballet techniques will have a stronger ground to Jazz Dance as Jazz uses ballet techniques but breaks away the strict classical lines of ballet. Children who love to move with funky and trendy music and yet want to learn some ballet techniques and improve body lines and poise, Jazz Ballet will be the right choice for you.

Tap Dance (6 years and above)
Al Gilbert Syllabus (LA)
Tap dancing started with the Africans in early America who would beat out rhythms in their dances with brushing and shuffling movements of the feet.
Children will love the beautiful creation of sounds with their tap shoes, where the soles and heels amplify the rhythmic sounds of the dance.
They will learn heel toe, shuffle, flaps, ball change, etc; you will be surprised how fast their ankles can move with the rhythm!
My hair drop also like crazy...
Now I roll up a ping pong ball..I also dun feel much liao...
My hb claim I had too much hair...dropping a lot everyday...dun seem to do much harm to my numbers..(I nearly strangle him for saying that)
And I still drop ike crazy lor...which is why after this preggie..I still DUN DO REBONDING...
think all these chemical process will make my hair drop more...and esp this round my hair is SO LONG....I was just shoulder length after Sky
Why I see the class schedule...there is this BOYS ONLY....
Me tempted to enrol Sky leh...but hb object...
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
My friend's 4 yr old son is in NAFA. Course fee is close to S$400 per term of 10 weeks. Duration is 1hr 15mins.

The dance class looks interesting. Thanks for the info.

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Yah lor the course fees so ex. I dun have such $ to spend. keke.

Ya dance class is interesting, & the gd thing is Sengkang has, so is Jurong West. I can send Mine to Jurong 1, so happy. But provided she can dance alone in class next year, else I'll delay her enrollment then.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
U wanna enrol Sky to BALLET??
Why not tapping? Though tat 1 is 6 YO & above. Perhaps U can call to enquire more. & not forgetting Bb shane, 2 more years can enrol liao.
Is affordable, tat's why I'm so excited. :p
