(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi Ladies
Think.....Sky really had hb genes lor...
He is SO FLIRTY!!!!

Ytd we went for buffet dinner at Tampines...
Then hor got this waitress..Sky keep disturbing and making eyes at....
My mum and dad are all laffing la...
My sis say...ya he sure like his daddy....
then continue..maybe next time go school will hold a ger hand and tell u..is his gf..

I almost FAINT on the spot

I think Sky can't beat Sally's A lah...
But hor, think you must "guan-jiao" Sky hah.
Ya la....
But... haiz..... we tell him not to disturb jie jie who is working...who knows he keep following her....
I also want.......
The reviews here so GOOD..must read...wahahahahaha...

I love reading blogs...but lazy in updating mine
<font color="119911">Xmas Catering update</font>
Catering has been booked and confirmed. I booked with Neo garden. Didn't have much time to source too many caters.

Desert item will choc eclairs. Will also get a agar agar and a log cake

2 weeks away to our BIG party!!!!
Long hair ger.. with hair tie up and wearing specs....
Hmm..... justlike me... wahhahahahahahahahha

So he like Mummy best...kekekekekkeke
I heard that daughters will choose hb like their fathers. People commented that my hb's character is similar to my dad's. But hor, dunno whether sons will choose wife who are similar to their moms. My hb said definitely no.... one naggy mom is enough.
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Looking forward to the party!

Where are you ordering the eclairs and log cake?
Agar agar is from Mrs Chan?

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
Kekkekeek.. you like bad guys hah. nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
One naggy mom is enough, but your hb didn't realise that the young ladies are not naggy to begin with. With kids, the mothers have to keep repeating themselves to the mischevious toddlers and eventually becoming naggy and long-winded. Kekeke.

I can tell that I am becoming naggy after having to keep repeating myself to JJ. :p

My younger sis married a guy like my dad, but I picked someone the opposite of my dad. Hee. :p
ha ha.. will buy you coffee next time we meet

lucky i came in early yesterday to clarify... heehee

Tang Ling
I agree with you.. I also become very naggy after having KY.. especially now that she is very very naughty
JJ in CC
JJ started his CC yesterday. Happily roaming around the room. I haven't even imagined that I would be sending JJ to CC so quickly, but it is the best option at the moment. Hb is driven nuts by JJ, and I can't handle JJ either, so better to have him taken care of in CC. And he would also get to learn things in school, make new friends (learn to socialise) and also get used to school environment.

After the trip, JJ could express himself better with many more spoken new words, and he had gotten used to eating outside food. He used to refuse outside food, but in Australia, we had to feed him whatever we eat and he got used to it. I consider it good timing to send him to CC. If it was before the trip, the adapting would have been more difficult.

This morning keep telling him (excitedly) that he is going to school - just to get him excited. Hee. It works. Tell him that he goes to school and daddy goes to work. He got the message. Got my aunty to help watch out for him at CC for today. Looks like so far so good.
<font color="0000ff">Photos taken at Australia</font>
I have posted the photos for sharing, but private viewing only.
Any mummies who want to see, drop me a note - I send you the link.
Tang Ling
wah so fast you started JJ in CC. Good that he is able to adapt to CC so quickly. btw, which CC is that.. walking distance from your house?
<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
No, the CC is near hb's workplace. Called them and they can let JJ start immediately. Hb's colleague has 2 kids in there, and feedback not bad, so give it a shot.

The CC near my place is full.
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
You are the expert... we only tease Jasmine but you exort coffee from her.

<font color="aa00aa">TL,</font>
Kekekek... I notice I was quite naggy with hb's cleanliness when we got married but eventually I gave up. I dun really nag cay because I'm a bochap mommy.
Hb became more naggy though.

All my sis's bf bears no resemblance to my dad at all and my mom likes non of them. She kept urging my sis to get someone like my hb (= her hb aka my dad?).

Wow, so fast JJ in cc liao. Sounds good hor. Maybe cay's speech development will be faster and her eating habits less fussy if we have placed her in cc.

<font color="119911">Jasmine,</font>
Really hard to imagine KY being notti leh.
Cherry forget....
The arrows can also turn towards her...

hey cherry..having #2 soon???

Caymom...if u put Cay in CC..later u will tell her...pls stop eating EVERYTHING...and can u pls stop talking...wahahahahahhaha
<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
Eclairs is the desert item from the catering.

Yes agar agar from mrs chan and log cake prob from swensens.

actually i had this headache for the desert and consulted Sally
mainly due to cost lah, not too sure what was everyone's budget
I wld love to get all cos Xmas mah, once a year to feel festive hee hee....

the desert items from catering was seacoconut w jelly/almond jelly w logan/ice jelly with fruit cocktail/eclairs.

Then i was wondering if i should order almond jelly w logan, drop the agar agar (since already got almond jelly) and order the i/c log cake
chg to eclairs, order agar agar and get normal logo cake (sally suggestion).

in the end, i think till very tired, i just chg to eclairs. then decided to get agar agar since everyone likes mrs chan agar agar. then get i/c log cake since eclairs quite 'cake-ish' liow. i/c log cake will be 'on the house'

*the end* very lor soh post ... haha ...

Once i have the time, I'll email you all re the catering cost.

<font color="0000ff">Tangling</font>
wow, tt's fast! I think not too bad a move for JJ to go CC. Glad that things are working out well. So you intend to put him in for long term or till you get well ?
Rem to rest more. Hope will help you speed up recovery.
My hubi is totally opp from my dad.....
But i think got certain quality the same....

I tink she wants ley. hee hee. but can't settle the logistic and hvn't gotten over the torment that A has brought upon her. haha!

<font color="0000ff">Xmas party dress up</font>
Did I mention we'll have a costume party ? Pls dress up your little one to a Xmas theme =) hee hee.... I'm already bot some accesories for E to wear. But i'm not sure if she'll yank it off or not, keke.....
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Thanks for the detailed explanation.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
I guess it will be a trade-off bah.
Actually, she is still noisy even though she can't talk much. She can babble non-stop in her self-created language and that can drive us crazy sometimes.
Mine...a chanter....
He will go "Ah-ma house" when we force him to do things or to eat rice....

He keep threatening my mum with this..

Ytd when i reach home... and my mum forced him to nap... (me half day ytd) he also tell me "ah-ma house.."

I tell him OK...and want to open the gate...he hold on to the gate for his dear life and go MAI MAI MAI...and refuse to let me enter the house...

Then he keep going..AH Po house... *faint*

And when he fall he will keep calling "ah po LAI..." Once he knew my mum not around also call out the same..i almost faint on spot lor
wah wah.... my gosh.. why the arrow turn so fast and now hit my back?? i thot Jasmine was the one who kanna hit!

we are still thinking.... next year we plan to do some major logistic changes to A's childcare arrangement. prehaps will see how then... actually for me... feeling is very mix.. i am so so comfortable with A being much older now and you all know the amt of engery she has.. so i can't even imagine how i can copy with another little one.. A... and my day job!
hi mummies,
the party sounds fun but again i have to miss it

I'm back home already. A bit of overcrowding situation with my hb on leave, K not in cc, maid at home, confinement lady and bb JR. (oh n my dog) currently dealing with issues like conf practices n bf. right now, having boobs like pamela anderson but hard as rocks. but really with previous experience, it's much of a breeze this time. prob because dec is good month to do confinement cos not so hot(finally see the good thing of having yr end baby

uploaded pic to share
Baby JR

Like a wolf prowling on a little piglet
see, it doesn't pay to be kind hahaha. cos u were trying to 'save' jasmine in the end kenna arrowed yourself. heheheh

actually i was like u, lots of questions n doubts abt having another one. but before i sort of a solution, i jump at it with the mindset - just do it! and i was glad i did it! because after seeing the bb and the magical bond between siblings, i'm glad i made the decision fast. logistics all that will fall into place somehow. Dont worry cos i alwys believe god has a plan for us.
you're back home!!! baby JR is very cute!! lotsa hair leh. A1 also does the same thing...she'll take a chair to climb and see mei mei...but i'm always scared that she'll throw hard toys into the cot.

alamak....chiam lah...no time to get costume

i osso wanna try the donuts, where did you get the tube trays from?

Peace @ home
HB brought A1 to her grandparents place today....wah, without her around, i can hear my hair dropping on the floor...so quiet!! finally got chance to clear my office emails and come in here to chat.
<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
I was feeling the same like <font color="0000ff">LV</font>. I thought so much. Plus I am always not in town. I was 50/50 about having #2 then 60/40. I ask my hb you want or not if you want NOW before I change my mind to 70/30. And we just go for it. How unromantic! hahaha.....

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I can see that K will dote on her little brother. She really looks like a jie jie now. Little JR got lots of black hair, so adorable but I can't tell whether he looks like K or not.
Nike slogan - Just do it.
I think that's the best way to tackle it ya. I hope I'll be able to exercise that soon.

I see you in JR ley. hee hee... such a nice picture..jie jie and di di. How's K taking it ?

sometimes i worry how E will take it. When I ask her if I can bring bb home (ixorarred #2). She always say no. sigh.
Little JR so CUTE...

Aiyo..I also not able to get costume leh....
and hor these are waste of $$$ leh... wahahahahaha

Sky is ALWAYS disturbing bbshane when she is sleeping... He will PULL out her pacifier... from the sarong, climb onto bed, hook the pacifier to the sarong hook...and wake mei mei up...and proudly declare to the whole world..mei mei have wake up.... *faint*
oh! no need to specially go get costume. can just wear a santa hat, reindeer horns, red and green clothes, etc.

But i'll leave it up to you all if you want to participate or not. hee hee.
<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
Glad to see you back home.
Baby JR is so adorable. Made me miss my bbcay now.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
Thanks for clarifying. I think following the colour theme should suffice. I remember KY came in a very nice red outfit last year.

cay was in white with santa hat that she refused to wear.
<font color="ff0000">LV</font>
Wow v heartwarming pics!! I like the sibling pic alot. Suddenly, K becomes a big jie jie, so unbelievable & she really looks so happy being 1!! I long for tat day to come but I wonder when mine will come??! Booo hooo!! =P

<font color="119911">Shane</font>
Omg costume must be christmasy 1 ah??? I'm thinkg of letting her wear tat ethic 1 leh. Anw hackcare lar hor, tat 1 also got RED mah hor???

<font color="0000ff">TTC</font>
same like bbrooster, mindset is like always shifting here & there. 50/50, then 60/40. V undecisive, cant stand. Now ttc, but failed for 2 mths liao, abit sian lor. wakakak. Then few days back I was quite TL with my hb. Then I sms him "let's settle once & for all. Do u want to have #2? If not, I wanna go Changi Hospital to sign up this Weight Loss Program!" haahahah. So unromantic hor?
Wow din come in yesterday, so many postings liao.

will email u the recipes. Or u can buy the ready mix packet too.

Me not sure abt Colostrum. But my fren is giving her gal n she said she dun fall sick lately, immunity has built up. Beginning she gives daily, then she cut down to 3 times a week, now once a week. Her gal is attending a playgroup, used to fall sick veri often due to aircon, but now no more. So I guess good lor. I din buy for Akinesh.

Yah i find baked donuts not as tasty as fried donuts. heehee

Thanks for the link. The pics so nice, u can compile n make a photobook liao.
Glad to know that JJ adapts well in CC. U rest more hor. Then yr lunch how? Din yr hb will tabao, right? JJ's din, u must prepare n yr hb feeds when he comes back from cc? Will be long day for JJ. Yes agreed that he will pick up more words n learn more in school.

Poor u, kanna for nothing.

bb JR so cute. What is his name? K is realli so sensible n big jie jie. Rest more n eat more.

I got it from Sun Lik at Seah St. S$6.80.

thanks for arranging the Xmas party catering.
Pls hor, dun be silly lah. Spilt the cost for log cake lah. I m sure the rest wont mind to share the cost. U noe citibank card got 15% disc on the log cake for swesens. U have the card? My hb has. Let me noe if u wan.

Ya so ex to get the costumes, saw at concourse, a set at least S$20.00. Colour theme n some accessories will be good. But just dun noe our tods will co-operate or not.
Oh I have got some xmas tattoos for the tods to put on that day.
Ok... got it...
Think I may start Sky on it... cannot afford for him to be sick and spread to mei mei...

I just had this peanut butter filling CHOCOLATE topping donut....from munchy donuts... Arghhhh so fattening (PS: a treat from another dept)
u so bad lei....... me drooling..... me sick since wed, down with fever, cold n bad sorethroat, only have bread for this few days, fever finally gone this morning..... so u can imagine hor..... me so gian now. FOR FOOD......... heehee
Baby JR is so cute.. whenever i see mummies with twos I so envious leh.. but only envy ah :p

wah, you still remember what KY wear last year.. she still can fit into that outfit maybe she will wear the same outfit as last year :p

KY in her T2. very very stubborn. and does not understand the concept of sharing at all. If we did not give in to her she will cry cry and cry until we give in.

If you want to order the log cake from swensen I can help to collect. I can use my CB card
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I will be getting colostrum powder for cay because she will be attending playgroup soon. What brand are you getting?

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
What is the weight loss program about?
Go for #2 lah, surely you want Ash to have a companion right?

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
I have the Citibank card and if you would like me have the honour, I will bao the log cake.
pls try to add to nafa mailing list for 2010. Now overwhelming, so they close till 2009. Hence can onli join in the mailing list for 2010. Hb said they r realli good in grooming the tods with talents. U should seriously consider to try to get into their mailing list n enrol Ash. Min age think is 5 yrs, so get into their mailing list now so can enrol later if u wan. Under their junior art department. Go check out.
I thinking of something to add to milk lor...
I will not take la... so no need suitable for adult also...wahahahahahha
can lah! that outfit is nice and cute.

Log cake
thks for all the offers! i ordered liow =)
Just come and have fun okie!

also had a talk with hb. he wants but scared to commit. exactly same as me. so we'll settle our big project first then see if we really can make the sacrifice.
If P wants... then GO FOR IT lor...wahahahahha...
Actually Cherry ganna arrow liao...now u jump in again...wahahahahhaha
