(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Thanks for the recommendation I would keep in mind while deciding what to do. He is bigger now ah. Guess I didnt realize coz see him everyday.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Yes, it was quite a bad accident lucky thing is that the car went into a spin and not overturn. Good thing is that all of us had seatbeats on, so no serious injuries. At the hospital, I saw patients with broken ribs, damaged internal organs arrgghhh

Didnt regret bringing him for the trip he was so happy and absorbing like a sponge. He may not remember all these when he is older, but dont worry, Mummy have tons of photos to remember the trip! Hee.

Xmas Party: I would get hb to bring JJ even if I cant make it, but depends on whether hb is free then, so I would be tentative at the moment. If I am feeling well enough to make the trip there, I would most certainly come.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
Yah, JJ loves the M&M on the cookie! Tried to pick them out from the cookies. Hee. Oh yes, he loved the strawberry farm! So excited when he saw the strawberries he loves strawberries.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
My hb is on leave for a couple of days to help look after JJ, then my mum and aunty would help out while we settle an arrangement for JJs daycare.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Thanks. JJs strawberries are all squashed not any better than being rotten. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Jamci</font>
We always insist that JJ sits in the carseat coz I get so frustrated trying to handle him out of the carseat he walks around and want to crawl to the front etc. One period JJ resisted strongly, but we forced him and he eventually understood that he has to be in it. :p

<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Yes, it was an enjoyable holiday really enjoyed the Melbourne part which is 3 days before we went to Perth. And yes, we have car and travel insurance to cover the expenses. Luckily

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
Thanks for missing me. Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Anns, Ixorarred</font>
Thanks, would try to rest and balance moving around. Got to move to heal. Sore
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
oh my goodness... hope you are recovering fast fast... I did not suspect anything when I read that you are extending your stay...but glad that JJ is unhurt... we are most worried about the young ones at this kind of moment... you rest well and try to let JJ goes temporary childcare for the time being... think some schools do help to take care for a short period of time...

and JJ looks really very very happy in the pictures and looks to be enjoying himself!

<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your prince!
Take good care!

<font color="119911">Sally,</font>
your doughnuts look like those that are selling at the bakery...fantastic, how do you make them? can share share???
<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I have no objection on Neo garden and your proposal... in fact I think Neo garden is quite good... sis and colleagues order from them a number of times... a log cake will be nice... where you want to order from??? my colleague also sourcing around for a logcake for our department christmas party also... can help see see look look
Tks for sharing! It's interesting blog!

Oh...tks for asking. But really cannot join cos it fall on my dad's birthday. We might just have a simple meal at their place because my dad just recovered from stomach flu and discharge from hospital last week.
December is a BIRTHDAY month for both side of families...my hubby and father in law also fall in the month of dec.

Somemore sooooo long never join u for gathering. I still remember that i joined the first and last outing at Bugis junction when Jacia was just over a month old. Gosh...almost two years ago...now feeling shy shy leh...
ya i also v scared. I kena bad contractor before. so want to be really careful.

donuts!!!! drool~~~~ i love! but doubly sinful. i read that donuts is one of the most sinful food cos it's so sweet and very processed.

But if you baked them, must be healthier hor. is it easy to do ? or i order from you, less sweet, less sugar, etc keke....
u make baking like so ez ley. u wanna open class or not hee hee....

ok, i'll check on the item for the desert. if not nice, maybe try to change and we get agar2 n log cake.

sounds so scary. was it a chain accident?

ya, your holiday looks so good. with cooling weather somemore. did JJ sleep ok at the apt ?

i got no idea where to order log cake. i was thinking of swensen's log cake. keke, yummy! ultimate sinful, agar2 and ice cream! keke...
If not will be those real cake log cake. Is angie the choice good ? I'll source around....

no need to shy one lor. once u join us, no shy liow. we're very friendly and very chatty. haha!
Congrats on your prince! Take care and rest well ya!

Good to hear that you're back! Hope that you're recovering well too.

Photos of trips,
I think photos are very impt for our tots to recall and remember the trips. For Riz, I created a home movie of all the trips that he has gone to, like the Japan trip, and the many road escapades we been to. He's been watching every now and then and can tell me story about his trip some more. My hubby last time keep on saying i waste time make the home movie. Now, he can eat his words liao that Riz is the greatest fan for his own home movies.. haha

u're such a "model" mummy.. so able and so talented. Can do so many great things for A! A is so lucky!!!!!!
Anyway, thanks for the CDs. Riz love them so much and has been watching it so often until i sian liaos.. haha
alamak, you make me drools on your donuts picture. Later will nag my hb to go and buy some krispy cream. :p

Baking is more fun with friends rather than alone.
veri easi n simple. Recipes from forum mommies here who are fantastic bakers. Try out here:
OVEN BAKED DONUTS (Js'Mum) using pauls yoghurt

Ingredients :

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 tub (150 gm ) plain yogurt
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Method :

1. In a small bowl, combine the dry ingredients.
2. Combine the egg, yogurt, oil, lemon juice and vanilla and mix well.
3. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
4. Coat the tube pans with nonstick cooking spray and dust with 1 teaspoon confectioners' sugar. Divide batter among pans.
5. Bake at 200C for 10 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.

(1 Recipe is good to make 24 mini donuts)

OVEN BAKED DONUTS (n2inpink) Using Milk

Ingredients :
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg
150 gm UHT milk (ang moh like to use soymilk)
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Method :
1. In a small bowl, combine the dry ingredients.
2. Combine the egg, milk, oil, lemon juice and vanilla and mix well.
3. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
4. Coat the tube pans with nonstick cooking spray and dust with 1 teaspoon confectioners' sugar. Divide batter among pans.
5. Bake at 180C for 13 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.

(1 Recipe is good to make 24 mini donuts)
oven baked donuts
Not as nice as the fried ones of cos lah. But more healthy. heehee Easier n less messy. Fast too. N if u bake yrself, u can control the sweetness in cutting down the sugar.

I bake with my little man lor. heehee
akinesh likes to eat the donuts?u bake with milk or yogurt?

btw, anyone has cookies receipe to share?
i wanted to use my cookie cutter leh..still hve not use it before..
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Your kids are so well fed and chubby. Especially your little N. Cute cute neh! I think N1 looks like you and N2 looks like daddy is it. He got nice eyes and prominent double eyelids. hmmm.....so envy.
hey gals,
i was just looking thru the xmas party list..i just realised tt i'm the only one with 2 tods ah??
cos bb shane is oni a few mths old..then the other bbs oso quite young..
i wan to faint liao..time realli flies ah.....my chloe no longer a bb liao..she is a tod liao.. OMG!!
Hi mummies,

thanks for all the support and blessings. Both mummy and bb are fine. I'm still in hospital now. hb brought laptop over to kill my boredom.
my birth story: labour was about 6 hrs this time. went gynae in the afternn, dilated 2cm. gynae advised to deliver in the night. went tmc 11pm. gynae was there and checked 3cm dilated and broke water bag. clear bowels. decided to take epi before contractions even started. so was breezing through til 5am until i could feel contractions coming strongly. nurse check dilated 5cm. up dosage for epi but didn't help. check 20 mins later, dilated to 8cm. she called for gynae n prepared for labour. then nurse told me dilation came on fast and furious so epi already no effect. oh no! so when gynae arrived i already felt so drained. first time i cried during labour. then went through a few sets of push after that gynae said must use vacuum cos bb's head direction faced up instead of the normal down. so with vac, bb is out at 3.1kg at 6plus in the morning. but this time round think my current gynae is better cos i'm able to get down the bed and walk since yest night. will go home and upload pics when i'm home.
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Now you know. time flies and you are easier now that Chloe is older. I hope time pass faster then I can pop soon.
Glad to hear from you!

Thanks for sharing your birth story. cay was also face up when I delivered her and she was also delivered via vacuum.
my pd commented he's a noti bb cos faced up during delivery. But after going through the whole preg, i do find that Dr A is a very good and skilful gynae. He may be a man of few words but he's really good at what he's doing.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Didn't expect to hear from you so soon. So painful but good it's all over.

We'll wait for your pictures.
Oh dear... no wonder cay is a notti gal. My mom said her friends comment that cay is the most active and mischievous gal they have ever seen.

Glad to know that you have good experience with A. My hb likes him a lot but I have friends who dun like him. For me, I am quite concerned with his robotic answers... giving me advice based on his own statistics that doesn't seem to coincide with what I read. Anyway, what he said to me turned out to be true eventually.
<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
Kayla's head was also facing up when I delivered her. Push so hard and didn't manage to push her out. Gotta use vacuum instead.
ya quite a painful labour this time cos last min have epi as good as no epi.

i think many people find him v cold and distant which my hb was initially shock when he followed me during one visit. but ultimately, i think we already looked beyond lip service, what matters most is the actual skill.

in fact i could feel this time i push even harder than last time but dunno y cant push out. my gynae after that commented that no choice must use vac in this case to avoid bad tear externally and internally or in worser case endanger bb.
Yah and he gives people the impression that he can't wait to get them out of the consultation room. My friends felt upset that they have to queue for so long for a mere 5min consultation. I think that as long as everything is fine, there is no need to hog him for long lah. Besides, I always shop while waiting and I dun really feel the wait is very long.

During the delivery, he is very concerned and caring. He kept asking me whether I am ok and stuff like that. Even after delivery, he will talk to me and make sure I am not suffering from any depression.

When I delivered bbcay, it was so fast that I couldn't have epi. A ever teased me that I confirmed need epi. I was so worried when nurses said it was too late for epi. Strangely, I dun remember the pain. I was more amused and paiseh that I caused him and his nurses to get ready for delivery within seconds.

It is very hard to push bb out when they are in posterior (face up) position. Labour tends to be long when bb is in such a position and mommy tends to be too tired to push by then. Luckily cay was a small bb, A said if cay is any bigger, I would have to go thru c-sec.
<font color="0000ff">LV,</font>
I got scolded by midwife for not knowing how to push correctly.

I have a bad tear externally and internally. Gosh, can even feel the stitches up to my anus.

<font color="ff6000">caymom,</font>
How big was cay when she was born? My gynae also commented that if vacuum doesnt work, have to go thru c-sec. I was going to cry when I heard that cos I endured the labour pain and had wanted to deliver Kayla via VBAC so desperately.
I also dunno how to push mah...so also anyhow push...midwife tell me to push like having BAD constipation...wahahahahahhaha
u didnt take epi for bbcay? actually i really applaud mums who delivery naturally without epi. having gone thru one like dat this time, i almost fainted. luckily it was only for a short one hour.

the midwife so fierce. i also told the midwife i've no strength already then she said she'll put me longer there with the contraction pain if i dont want to push. so cute.
and ouch, your tear sounds bad. i'm expecting myself to be pretty mobile tmrw already. last delivery, i was wheelchair for the 1st 3 days so i'm thankful that my gynae made the quick decision to use vacuum once he saw the direction of head. my sil said sometimes gynae matters in the degree of tear and pain we suffered.

ya this time i can really feel it's like bad 'pang sai'instead of blur blur just told to push based on the contraction chart.

a sad note:
i just called home and had a long talk with K. before i hang up, she refused to end the call and cried and said she wanted mummy. I feel like crying and wanted to go home so badly. I really miss K and i know it's time i need to make adjustments to my life so that i can balance my attention to both my darlings n not shortchanging either one of them.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
Don't be sad. You should be going home tomorrow right? Actually, can't believe time passed so fast. I remember when you told us you were pregnant. Wanted a Jan 08 bb and then somehow count wrongly plus hit the jackpot straight away and became a year end bb.

My friend also told me the midwife and nurses in TMC very fierce.

I understand how you feel... but you should be going home soon right

Tang Ling
JJ looks so happy in the picture... How are you now? Better?

your donuts look so nice.. ai yoh, so hungry now

can share your blog address?
thanks. feeling so lonely on a quiet night. Ya sometimes things just happened the most unplanned ways. thought going to have a Dec baby but early christmas present in nov

no lar, the nurse not really those scold type but just encourage in a joking manner.
i can't wait to go home tmrw and give K a big hug!
<font color="ff0000">Tigger,</font>
cay was 2.7kg at birth.

<font color="aa00aa">LV,</font>
Yup, I was too late for epi. 7cm dilated when I reached the hospital. As I was induced when I deliver cay, I didn't know how to identify birth signs. I thought I had tummy ache when I was actually having contractions.
So I wasnt onli one who push base on contraction chart la....
During Sky...I also under Epi until no pain lor.... and worse...dun even have the pang sai feeling...
With Shane...wah biang...feel like really BAD case of constipation...I cant wait to POO her out...wahahahahhaha

My midwife in KK this round is GREAT....
The houseman SXCKS... tell me he will return and prepare for delivery at 4pm while I tell him I had the urge to push at 3.15pm..
By 3.45pm...shane already out lor....
I thought I can add you in the list.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbrooster</TD><TD>20-Apr-08</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>26-Apr-08</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Foong LC</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Tang ling,
Glad that you are recovering well, nice photos of JJ... you know till now i still hv not post JH hk photos :p , no internet acess at home

Nice nice donuts, i really must try out one of the days :p

Hi, Congrats on your new born, sorry just see the post & know you already pop last month.oops.

Congrats on your New BB boy
wei, you all very naughty har... don't give Jasmine so much pressure lah....
Jasmine hor.... see i stand on your side.. must remember to buy me coffee :p
Wow...so many postings this week!!!

Sisters, sorry i MIA, really very busy in the ofc, i come home almost 9-10pm everyday...so, so tired!

BIG CONGRATS! It sounded like you have quite a smooth delivery. Can't wait to c BB's photos!

Please rest more and hopefully you are well enough to join us for the x'mas party. Our big event of the year, you must try to come. JJ photos are lovely. He sure looks like he had tons for fun. Make me very tempted to bring Jay to Aussie too

Nice donuts!! I'm sure it taste just as good. Must share tips with you when we meet up.

You pinata is so pretty! Jay kept pointing to the pic and shout out "Snow-mun, snow-mum"!

U decided on the caterer already? I rec'd Neo Garden's x'mas menu in the post, quite interesting but i tot we should try something else this round.

Very paiseh...i'll update you all through email very shortly after this posting
<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
Your donuts looked so yummy. I'm a great fan of donuts since secondary school. I remember there was a Donut shop near my house... my sis and I will sneak out for a bite whenever we can.
So my donut craze started since then but stopped when the shop closed down.
Glad that the donuts are back again but there are long queues everywhere!

The texture of fried donuts is very different from baked donuts? Hmm... I thought the donuts is just like bread in a ring shape.
I pop in the baking thread once in a while to admire the pictures.

Before I had cay, me and sis will bake once in a while.... causing great frustration to my mom.
We attended baking workshop together. We even collected lotsa recipes but before we had time to try out, I got preggie and busy.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
My mom also used those metal pots and pans to bake but only those huat-kway. Your mom is even more solid if she can bake a cake!

*wink wink* I also thou' jasmin already #2 on the way, almost wants to write congratulation to her

your blog quite entertaining.... doesn't looks like a blog for your 3Ns.
