(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Oh Sh!t
Sky been saying this so often nowadays...
It was so CRUDE..yet they sound SO CUTE....

Bang wo and Jiu wo
Think Sky din know the difference..instead of going Bang wo (help me) he will tell us Jiu wo( save me) whenever he encounter problems....

But sometime he very good at... JIU MING (help....) esp when hb is tickling him..he will go JIU MING JIU MING

Oh Sh!t
Sky been saying this so often nowadays...
It was so CRUDE..yet they sound SO CUTE....

Bang wo and Jiu wo
Think Sky din know the difference..instead of going Bang wo (help me) he will tell us Jiu wo( save me) whenever he encounter problems....

But sometime he very good at... JIU MING (help....) esp when hb is tickling him..he will go JIU MING JIU MING
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Oh shit. Sky is not the only one. It's all my fault cos my 'kou tou chan' is 'oh no, shit'.

So these days when I just say, "OH NO". Jo says, "Sheep" meaning "shit". Hb ask me to watch what I say.
Wow so many ideas on food...hee hee thanks to Caymom. Same for R, he also very fussy so now I ask my mum to intro C more new food, new taste.

My mum told me both R & C refuse to drink Barley...but when I asked R to drink he finish half a cup under 'my supervision' la. Told my mum continued to give C unsweeten Barley..let her get use to the taste.
Hi gals
I finally bot the little tikes table & chair set. Hee Hee R was so happy to see the set...immediately said 'thank you mummy'.

Nowadays, he automatically will say thank you to us when given smthing at least my effort pays off. I am still trying very hard to stop him from 'scolding' pp. Now anything that he doesn't like regardless pp, places or any incident..he will say 'I beat xxx' *faint*

Ha ha ha...R also will say Jiu Ming Ahh...
Latest news from my Jun 07 mummies
U can buy the Munchkin food grinder when robinson had 20% off..will cost $14++, cheaper than BP...
suddenly I got transported back to the period when E was 6 mths old! all these talk about introducing solids, weaning, avocado...hee hee... sweet memories..i still rem the first time she ate her cereals.

i think E only ate avocade less than 5x so far. blame it on lazy mummy. also, i find the taste bland. maybe will try out adding it to egg and bread.

<font color="0000ff">bbrooste</font>
GONG XI! GONG XI! so happy for you!!!!
Actually, i wish for you to have a hao zi tt y i guessed boy. who knows correct. I actually thot it might be a gal. actually <font color="0000ff">anns</font> logic is correct too, i forgot abt it. normally boy can tell faster. Gal, gynae always say not sure, can't confirm, etc.

Javian, i saw this name before. It's rare and and nice. Kieran, Ethan, Kelvin are some of my faves.

<font color="0000ff">sally</font>
ai ya must rem to bring the fish oil for you. hope i rem this wed.
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Thanks for the link. I also hope cay and bbcay can take the avocado but if they still refuse, I will try eating it as a spread for sandwich. I also need some brain food. Heeheehee....

Hope you can get preggie soon. It is really a joy to go thru the bb stage but too bad that we cannot minus off the night feedings, bfg blues etc. It comes as a package.
Anyway, it is still worth it.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for the link and advice.

cay used to like kiwi, it's been a long time since we last gave her. Strawberries, sometimes she take. I'm quite glad that my ils have the habit of eating fruits every meal so cay tried quite a variety of fruits at their place. At my mom's place, she only eats apples, guava, banana, pear and durian (?!).

I have to agree that starting young really helps. cay is still taking her brown rice cereal which I really feel is nothing tasty. I think she is just used to the taste so still willing to take it for lunch everyday.

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz,</font>
I've been running in and out of different branchs of KP and cannot find the Combi noodle cutter. It seems to go OOS very fast.
Talking about 'jiu ming', cay shouts that a lot and in public somemore. Luckily her pronounciation is not clear, or else people may mistake that I am abducting her!

Oh, cay will say 'help me' (instead of 'help you') when she wants to help me.

<font color="119911">Jaymom,</font>
Thanks for your kind offer.
I'm so touched but very paisey lah. I think I will try out with my kitchen grinder first.

<font color="0077aa">Adora,</font>
Good that R listens to you leh. My mom is the only one who can force cay to finish her food. I really dun have such patience. Most of the time I will tell her, "Dun want then dun eat." Bad mommy here.

cay also likes to say "I beat" and that is only to bbcay. She really treats bbcay as her sandbag. Lucky bbcay is quite tough, kena hit already still doesn't wail.... at most got tears well up in her eyes.

bbcay can fight for attention now and cay is also more wary of her. She will push bbcay away when we leave my mom's place. She will say "bye-bye meimei" in a ya-ya tone and quickly close the gate to prevent my mom from bringing bbcay out.
<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
U started this topic & make us reminisce those days when our kids were 6 mths old. I really miss that period a lot especially when I see how big my bb is now. Hehe. Actually now I cant wait to get preg, but I think luck is not at my side. Think I may take a long time to get preg this time. Dun really pin high hopes of giving a sibling to Ash. If I cant get a mousie, think I'll stop trying & end at 1.

Ya, think doing back all the same stuffs again are tiring but I think is all worthwhile. Seeing 2 siblings enjoying each other companions & seeing the older 1 helping you to 'take care' the younger 1 is certainly 1 of the joys in life.
Don't be discouraged ok. I understand the stress and disappointment because I took a while to conceive cay. I also dun pin high hopes then because I could not identify my ovulation period at all and my hb very bz and stressed up at work.

Conceiving bbcay was relatively easier because in our minds, we think it is not so easy one lah. Perhaps the more fixated we are in getting preggie, the harder it is to get preggie.

Yes, it is certainly very 'wenxin' to see the elder one taking care of the younger one. My mom said cay has been helping her to fetch things when she bathe and change diaper for bbcay. Sounds like a guai guai gal hor but when I am back, she transformed into a clingy and cranky gal.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>LV</TD><TD>06-Dec-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbrooster</TD><TD>20-Apr-08</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>26-Apr-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Foong LC</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Bbrooster, gong xi for having a boy! HAO ZI
At least no more "stress" chat from strangers. When they found out i got another girl, they kept telling me to try for #3
I take care two kids already almost wanted to go CRAZY soon.

You can goggle your boy's name thru internet. Will sure find out one day...hee hee
I also tried to goggle Jacia name before but found nil. End up 1 year later, i saw the meaning just POP out suddenly. So far Cericia name not yet POP out...but think will be soon...HAHA
<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Sighs, think I'm exactly liked u tat time. Still cant identify my O period, my hb also v bz & stressed, so I think v hard to bingo.

Ya v wenxin when I see ur blog. Hope I can add 1 to my Ashley 1 too. She has been telling me to have bb inside my tummy u noe.

I think is perfectly normal for Cay to behave like tat when u back to ur Mum's place. She simply wants ur attention. I think so long u give her attention & satify her basic needs, she wont be so cranky already. Actually even me only got Ash 1 gal, everytime I reach my Mum's plc, she'll cling to me like a Leech.
thanks for explaining to me!

no lei, even I started A early on papaya which he loves when young, now will say no to me n say "smelly". heehee In fact now most fruits he will say no. Sigh.

Sky so cute. A will say, "help", "pls", "tolong" if daddy tickles him.

ya must realli watch what we say. A is picking up the words super fast. One stage, he picked up "wow lau eh", n we had a hard time to stop him. Lucky now he dun.

good that R loves the table n chair set. U buy which colour? The yellow round table n two blue chairs?

U dun take money, I dun wan hor. PM me yr account lei, I transfer to you. Thanks alot.

dun think too much or pressure yrself too much. Take it easy n we will hear good news from u soon. Ask bbrooster to give u some bb dust. Or get the strong bb dust from our model heroine MCKEE. Sure kanna. heehee
I bot the red sq table w 2 yellow chair.....

I also very scare R picks up those unpleasant words...how did you stop him from saying?

Dun be stress..just relax & take it easy...I am sure you will STRIKE soon!

Me & my mum super patience in feeding..sometimes i it can takes up to 1hr to feed R. He likes to 'Kum' the food in his mouth.
<font color="ff0000">Jamci,</font>
What a cute term... "stress chat". I get it all the time man. Even during the time when I only had cay, people will tell me that #2 confirmed boy because cay looked like a boy. When people see me with my gals, they auto assume bbcay is a boy (she does look boyish lah). I will correct them and they will give me a surprise (and maybe kelian) look and asked how come she looks like a boy. *faint* My mom said her friends said my #3 confirmed boy after they analysed the lines on bbcay's thighs and also because bbcay looks like boy. Kekekekee... a bunch of helpful aunties to help a 'pathetic' mommy of gals.
I tell my mom "thank you hor, I have enough liao."
Thanks Sally & Adora, hopefully I'll por within these few mths. Very sian to try then fail 1.

Btw talking abt fruits, same like A. those fruits v early stage intro to her 1, she can simple dislike it now. Take for Pear as example, last time luv it alot, take daily. Now also refuse. Then Papaya last time she find it chou chou, now she luv it. Sometime really weird 1.
<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
Actually, my hb wasn't even keen in having a baby then. He was too bz at work to think of anything. Since he was so bz, I became so free that I thought that having a bb can keep me bz and spice up our boring family life. It was kinda like my own wishful thinking so even harder to conceive. During that time, I felt that if only I dun need his help to have a baby, it could be easier then. Hahaha.. funni hor. Really envy people like Glayz and LV who can strike at first attempt.

Hahaha... I really blog a lot on them. Really cherish both of them as it was hard to conceive cay and for bbcay.... there was a period of time I thot I will lose her so all the more she is my precious. Anyway, the kids are growing too fast so I make an effort to blog all their development and little encounters. Also to update my hb since he is quite bz at work.

<font color="119911">Sally,</font>
cay also says "wa lao eh" and no idea where she picked it up...... maybe from me.
Luckily she doesn't say it often now. I was shocked when she said it and I think she enjoyed that kind of expression. So I just act normal the next time she does that. She doesn't get the thrill and she stopped after a while.

<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Wah, I cannot do it leh. Feed half an hour only I want to flare out liao.
cay also 'kum' her food lor. Luckily I have my mom to feed her. I very bad lah... sigh.
Time out/Mr Cane/Chilli...... hahahaha
We keep explaining to him that he cannot say that word. So now if he hears anyone (incl me or hb) saying that word, he will turn to me n say with his second finger pointing shaking, "cannot say that word, veri rude". heehee

Ya their taste buds veri funny hor. heehee
My sis' boi till now still cant take fish lei, since bb, will throw up after eaten. Even he eats, 5 mins after he finishes, all will throw up suddently. Veri strange. But my sis' gal loves fish like crazy esp the fish skins. So funny.

I guess from us and others too. We realli have to watch what we are saying. U noe, I love to use, this one that one....... now he is using and likes to add "one" behind everything, so I have to refrain myself from using. Veri difficult. My hb saying we have to start learning English all over again with him. hahahaha
only for the 2nd one it's a first attempt strike but for K it took about 6 mths. Actually i dont like the process of ttc. so K is my 'BIG excuse' after we have her. When i was younger, i tot of becoming a nun. actually still possible, maybe many years later when my children grow up n i may end up divorce.. who knows..
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Oic, you sound really v funny leh!!
Ya but hor I somehow agree with you for my this round leh cos hb duper tired after work, so if can conceive without his help, I think will be so much easier lor. Keke Ya having kids really spice up our boring marriage life hor?? Whole living room full of their noise when they around. Once they silent, is either they not feeling well or up to do some forbidden mischief.

<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Ya their tastebud always changing. Hey yesterday I suddenly think of California roll. You know some California roll also contains avocadoes. So Im thinking maybe I can have my own California Roll , roll some avocadoes inside & see whether Ash wanna eat or not. HAHAH. I also tot of making salad with Avocadoes. Think tat time at Dome, she did ate the avocado salad. Hee new menu. Going to try avocado milkshake for her too. Also need to crack brains like u on how to make her eat this brain fruit. A got finally take this fruit or not?

I think his uniform suit him well lar. Ash is wearing M size, & I think the Polo top getting abit fitting liao.

Ash everytime see kids wearing uniform, shell sure say Gor Gor going school keke.

<font color="ff0000">Watch our language</font>
Hee me too man. Especially I luv to say Oh Sh** & sometimes when really frustrated I will use the F*** Afew times she imitated me these words. Heng she forgot them fast else I sure get big scolding from hb 1.
Anw really have to watch wat I say infront of her.

Oh dear..today I no mood to work in the morning.. =( later afternoon have to piah liao. Sighs..
LV... you har... your hormones must be running wild again to have such thots....actually I wanted to ask you and sally.. the edu info hub..

Ash is attending GUG and I was thinking of switching to some other classes once a week kind for her.. any recommendations?
ya i think i a bit moody these few days and worst still my hb adds to my frustration whenever i see him discipline K in the way that i disapprove. U ladies have similar probs? I guess it's the diff way we r brought up. I hate it whenever he tries to instil his stupid ways of teaching K mainly by corporal punishment and threatening. Everytime i see babies losing the battle to predetermined illnesses, i thank God for giving me a healthy and jumpy child. I don't know y some people just take things for granted n expects a toddler to behave like an adult ?! sorry for sounding paranoid again..

enrichment classes:
if u r switching her to another type of PG, it'll be good to look for centres that solely sells or promotes playgroup or enrichment kind rather than with childcare prog. That way, u r assured that the curriculum will always be planned and tailored at the best interest of children's learning. personally i prefer julia gabriel to gug. there's other weekly enrichment centres that r well-received like apple tree, little skool house, MMI (tampines mart do only enrichment), lorna whiston, pats schoolhouse, learning ladder. my colleague told me josiah not bad too.
U super cartoon nei.

That time when we planned to have no 1, also stress for us cos hb travelling so much, n always timing not right. Supposed to be a monkey bb, turned out to be a rooster bb. heehee
A veri skinny, boh bak. Hence looks big to me, but hb said okie.
Fruits - wont try others, except apple, green bell shaped pear, n lai the big round pear (dun noe call wat in english). heehee Durian now also dun wan, he will say "stinko" when we eating. Last time so gian.

I would recommend daily classes (unaccompanied)if can, cos u will be amazed in the things they learn n how much they can improve. I saw alot locations for the little steps prog by PCF (cheap n good prog) available in yr area, u might wan to go n check out. Will be good exposure for Ash since she is such a bright gal. We chat tomolo nite more if u coming?
i do hope i turn into a cartoon character n maybe have lesser worries in life. just like tom and jerry which got tekan one minute and bounce back on another. but these days, my role-playing game with K is snow white, she acts as snow white then me is the wicked step mother. quite funny cos she'll pretend to fall into deep sleep after eating the poison apple. oh i also double up as prince to kiss her and wake her from the sleep.
have u seen pats curriculum? they have raving reviews about it. I'm curious to have a look to see what makes them so special. Btw, the reason y i didn't put her in qdees is because i think their curriculum is not good, too much of drilling.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Haha heng u kana a rooster leh, wait monkey u lagi tired.

Aiya dun always say A skinny lar. He looks fine to me. Hes not those super duper skinny type, so I think is perfectly fine lor.
Anw hes tall, tats good enough already.

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Very curious to noe how your Hb disclipine K? Tell us leh.
U are gog to pop real soon, dun be so frustrated, try to enjoy your last few wks before he pops out.

Lunchtime finally, so bored!!!!!!!!! Im going holiday with my company this Thursday, leaving Ash with her Daddy & Nai Nai. Sniff, think Ill miss her great time. Already told her Im going holiday & she noes shell stay at home. I guess she shd be fine without me, wont cry. Actually deep down I do hope shell miss me & cry 1st nite lar. Hahahaha Im bian tai!
Thank you mummies with all the congrats and gong xi gong xi.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
It's good cay eat a variety of fruits. I am an apple and pear believer. There was once or twice I ate apples only, for 3 days for detox purpose. Whenever hungry only munch apples. And I munch few bags of apples that 3 days.

Durian is very heaty on me. Whenever I eat next day throat will feel uneasy. Only let Jo lick but not eat. Guava my mum tell me it's heaty.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
I sincerely wish that you strike soon. You also must put in your effort ok. Don't give up, let's have a mousie baby together.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
It's true some of the things they like when they are bb, now they don't like. Maybe, have to give consistently so they remember the taste.

Your sis boy may be allergic to fish. I only started Jo fish at 9mths and MIL was like why start fish so late. I just wanted to be careful and I followed those allergic chart which says fish at 9mths.

A uniform looks a bit big but still ok. Still handsome and not ah pek.

<font color="0000ff">Boys or Girls</font>
All those myth about conceiving boy or girl I don't quite believe anymore. Mine turn out opposite.
Aiyo K so cute.
How is she coping at home? Yr maid can handle? Does she miss school?
Pats - u must ask Mckee lei, cos N1 is in there.
But I dun like cos I find too commercial liao, those no $ no talk kind. Of cos their curriculum super lah. N they have the ability to provide all those ex toys in school. See here for the curriculum: http://www.patschoolhouse.com/curri.asp
Good feedback for their FasTracKids prog. Our kids not yet eligible. heehee
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Thanks for the bbdust, hope we can have mousie together.

I also dun believe on those myth. Anw my sis used those calender to count for my #1 when I already preg, claim a boy also end up a gal. Anw now I hope if I ever kana #2, I hope it will be a gal too.
I envy Caymom & Jamci now. keke. Think having 2 gals are really great, like really good frens even they become adults, just like me & my sisters. But if 1 boy 1 gal, when they become adults, most likely they wont be as closed as compare to same gender sex. Anw just my wishful thinkg now. haha.
if A monkey bb, then his nick will be "monkey kia", now my mom they all nick him "chicken backside" cos they said pointed, sharped backside so cant sit still, keep moving. hahaha
Where u heading to?

my sis' boi - pd said okie lei, cos he can take fish oil. Even my mom tried to mix the fish in his rice n dun tell him, after his meal, max 5 mins, sure all throw up, n without fish, he is okie. Veri strange. This mystery we cant solve. Hope he outgrows that.
I also think his uniform top a bit big. heehee
Sky was strike at first try... But Shane was strike when I gave up...wahahahahha...
And u imagine how ya my hb was when I preggie with Sky..I wonder why din I bite his head off then???

Watch our language
Luckily he imitate his dad onli... becos mine also very crude...I always go WAH BIANG...
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
haha so funny chicken backside. Anw active is better than reserved. We shd be happy we all blessed with active kids

Going Chiang Mai.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
When comes to disciplining my hb voice is not firm and strong enough. I think I am better at disciplining.

All those schools you mentioned are branded and expensive. But I think they are good schools. You get what you pay.

Do you intend to send K to Speech and Drama class? Any idea which are the good ones?
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
You are going to give birth really soon. Maybe in another 2 weeks time. Have you done all your shopping for baby stuff? I am abit lost, don't know what to buy for my baby. Will probably need some new clothes for him, milk bottles. What else did you get? Have to ask my hb to rent a wheelchair to bring me go shopping at later stage.
Buy clothes, Milk bottles, pacifier, teat..... Buy lotion, soap.....
Blanket, bib, hanky all can use hand me down....

I also din buy much for BBShane as she can use a lot of hand me down...

Oh ya...SOCKS, mittens... must check all ur hand me down the rubber not dead...
LV, Sally,
thanks for the info.
My SIL is starting a enrichment sch soon which is near my place. Will probably be putting her there on daily PG and followed up with something for all of us to do once a week on weekends.....
Congrats!! happy for you and J2!
I've not gone gynae yet to check, so no news yet. now that this is #3, we're all a bit laid back on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.!!

No Nap
i know we've explored this before. Recently, N1 decided (since last Thurs), she doens't want to nap. and want to stay up late. Thurs-12mn, Fri-1130pm, Sat-11, Sun-HIGH fever. sigh..
Yesterday also fever, so now I'm on child care leave to take care of her at home. still got fever.
We didn't bring her to doc's cos we know she got it cos not enough sleep. she got no cough, no flu, no stomachache, no anything else.
sigh.. anyone got this before??

N2 also use lots of hand me downs. I was on save mode. even teats were shared. uh oh...

that day, N2 was in this pajamas-flowery top. Haha.. so funny. his so boy face in this flower top.

Pat's is ex, but I really like their curriculum. It is a bit no $, no participation. For eg, that day, N1 went to Underwater world, cos they were learning the letter U. That costs $18.
Then, they went to supermarket to buy Vegetables, cos they were learning the Chinese word CAI. That costs $3.
But that's like twice since she joined in Aug. So not too bad. So far, she has watered plants, baked cookies, made puppets, performed in concert etc without extra $$$.
The part that I like best is the real billingual emersion program. At any one time, the EL teacher and CL teacher is with them. e.g., Depending on who she approaches for toilet, she'll have to communicate in that language. made a difference in my kang tang daughter!

My friend's daughter who is 3, and on full day at Pat's, learnt to write her chinese name recently. All through play, not drilling. so quite good, i think.

Having said that, I'm there because of the sponsorship! otherwise how to afford? But if given the choice, and if I lived nearer west, I would go Lorna Whiston. VERY nice, and spacious for kids to grow and play. I really like it.
I hope this helps.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
I have the same reasons as you for wanting a girl. It's ok lah. Enjoy your trip to Chiang Mai.

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
It's natural to be laid back. You already know what to anticipate and you already got all your stuff. #3 boy or girl you don't have to buy anymore.

Hope N1 get well soon.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Thanks I will take note of the things you mention. Have to write a list and get it together.
<font color="119911">LV</font>
rest more and think less!
hmmm, jia lat ley, i think i'm those coporal punishment type. die... i shout at her when I'm angry and beat her hand when she throw things around. Such a bad mum.

so fun, u can role play with her somemore. I think i got no childhood. My hub and maid is better at playing crazy with her. I normally read books to her or get lazy after playing with her for awhile

sigh, tt y sometimes i feel i'm not cut out to be a mother. sad.

Thinking of copying ur idea to play snow white with her. BUT i realise she don't know the snow while story yet. She very into cars, trains...the only girly character is strawberry shortcake. This reminds me, maybe I should buy more girly stories then we can role play keke...

<font color="119911">watch our language</font>
E forgot about 'shit' already. But now she picked up 'wau lau eh!' haha... it's very funny to hear her say it. But i've been telling her cannot say it and she giggles when she does. haha!

<font color="119911">enrichment</font>
Is Lorna Whiston good ? My nephew is attend that and he's very smart.

Pat's, thru the carnival, I can see the teachers speak very well and very involved. wish i got the $ to send her there too!

<font color="119911">mckee</font>
wah so good, go underwater world cos learn 'U' and so cute, go and buy veg. actually the activities quite ok. sounds so fun. only drawback is need to pay.

E cc also have alot of outing. Tomorrow they're gg out too. Luckily her fees are not high, so i'm quite ok with it. I think since she joined for the past 6 mths, she had more than 5 outings. Not sure how 'themed' the outings are but i just let her go for exposure.
