(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
Jo is certainly very sensible and understanding. Actually, I've noticed the way you talk to Jo, just like the way you talk to an adult. I think kids will like to be treated that way and I am doing the same to cay too. I hope she will learn to be more independent like Jo.

My guess for your #2: Girl.

My guess is a gal too!

Do keep us updated on the foto package. Chloe joined their most photogenic bb contest...prize is a free photo shoot (for the winner only) by Ben. Still waiting for the announcement of the results.
<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
I hope cute and pretty chloe win the contest.

Guess the Gender
This is getting interesting. Keep your guesses coming in. Log on often to find out the results. hahaha.....
My sis' gift list:
- I have tot of angbao, but feel awkward cos they super rich lei, I feel veri paisei to give ang bao to them u noe with that little amt I can afford. Everytime, CNY, i feel so paisei to give mine. So I always wait till they give A as they will give a big one, then I will take that ang bao to spilt among her two kids n add my share on top of it n give back to her. So I realli feel embarrassed lei to give angbao. How?

now u noe my dream........ YES I WAN A GAL.

Gender: GAL

CRAZY ANG MO or BOTAK JONES (Heard of them?)
Just now went to try Crazy Ang Mo, aiyo, sucks for service n food. Botak Jones better. See me so sinful, eating all these unhealthy food. hahaha

Good Luck to bb Chloe.
<font color="119911">Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Girl</font>: 5 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally)
<font color="0000ff">Boy</font>: 1 (Erlisa)
Shane also use Drapolene
I had desitin on standby in case rashes break out

Think Desitin sell ex in Singapore
think is $11 for a 4oz tube( saw in polyclinic pharmacy)...not too sure tho...I bought in SPREES... wahahahahahaha

Ya Desitin hard to wash off...After bath time I need to use baby wipe to clean all residue..used onli once when my tube of Drapolene expire...
My mum say must throw..but my drapolene still had big tube left...(leftover from sky)

Just pull my my clothes...and my stretch mark also up to belly button....
and i also have on my thighs.....

But I hack care still wear low waist..(as my waist line is THICK...and butt smaller..so low waist I wear a much smaller size...hahahahahaha)
but wear a longer top to cover...but can see budge la..but who cares???

If u dun see urself as a mei nu..... I dun even consider myself decent looking...wahahaha

Ru yi oil
Will lao hong one meh...
Opps..must throw mine away liao... is also from Sky's...wahahahahahaha....
Becos during Sky I lazy to apply all these... but more hardworking for mei mei

Gers VERY HARD to clean esp if they POO in diapers...
Must open the 'lips' to clean also...as will ganna there as well....
That time when mei mei is a newborn I almost faint as she on BM poo big time....
and I use bb wipes like crazy... can finish a pack of 70s within 3 days....

bb gifts.... A sleepbag??? I want to buy 1... for mei mei... becos Sky si a much stronger baby and sweat if the air con is not cold enough...on the other hand...mei mei will sniff snff in the middle of nite and kick away the blanket...
( wishing my sis will buy 1 for me.....)

My hb also not keen in p/t time previously...and I told him...so u do all those stuff.... naming the windows, grilles, toilet and fan...
then he goes... OK GET THE HELPER.... wahahahahahahaha
But that pt SUCKS... i rather do myself..or search of a BETTER one....

I cannot LOCK the door....
Sky will come in and see what I am doing in toilet...*faint*
friday nite before hb is home he came in when I was bathing...and he goes... ' MUMMY XIU XIU"
hey...who is the shameless here!!!

Ger...think TWICE for a ger and dressing pretty part hor....
I am still thinking to buy the EXPENSIVE aussie apparals or not... also th jamie rae headband that I had shown bbrooster before...which is also SO EX...
mei mei is helping mama save $$$ from manga and transfering her beauty funds...

Gender for Bbrooster bb...
my guess will be a BOY!!!!
<font color="119911">Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby! </font>
<font color="ff0000">Girl</font>: 5 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally)
<font color="0000ff">Boy</font>: 1 (Erlisa, Glayz)
Botak Jones is VERY near my MIL block...but never eat there..as the q is DISGUSTING...
Once preggie with Shane...I want to go there and ea...then was inform we had to wait for an hour and half...hb give up..and we eat elsewhere...
Botak Jones
I have always wanted to try it but never did. Hb says their portion is humongous, is it true?

XO Crab Mee Hoon
We went for the one at Holland Village today. Waiting for the food was at least 1/2 hour,i ran out of things to enertain Jay to make sure he stay put in the bb chair. The waitress told us we were lucky we didn't have to wait for an hour but it was worth the wait

Pressie for Niece
Sally, it's your own sister, i think she wouldn't mind whatever gift you give her. Does she like to shop in this thread? If not, prepare her a hamper " made with love" since you are pretty good with your hands. Yeah, like what Glayz mentioned, a Dreambag and maybe add in Babylegs, Tippy Toe Socks, clothes and some educational toys. I'm sure she'll be thrilled.

Still no news from Ben yet. Will keep you in the loop once i heard anything.

The guess the gender game is getting really exciting huh...keke!
wow, it's so active here.....

<font color="119911">Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby! </font>
<font color="ff0000">Girl</font>: 5 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally)
<font color="0000ff">Boy</font>: 3 (Erlisa, Glayz, shane)

<font color="aa00aa">bbrooster</font>
when u gg to reveal? make me sum si si hee hee...

<font color="aa00aa">glayz</font>
something funny, when i read ur post, for a split second, i was wondering y u say i used drapolene!!! haha!
oh forgot to add this....

i think <font color="0000ff">Glayz </font>suggestion about the sleeping bag is good. cos i wish i have one too! But i doubt they have such big ones for tods. i face the same pbm with E. She keeps kicking away the blanket. i resort to wearing double layer for her.

<font color="0000ff">ru yi you</font>
opps, i stopped long time ago, about 6 mths or more. can really help prevent menstrual cramps ? Think i better restart again.
wahahahahahha... ok I must remember to use bbshane...kekekekeke....

I also wish to have a sleeping bag.....and the dream bag cost $40+++++ near $50 for 1...so it become a DREAm bag for me..(I can own it in my sleep...kekekekeke)
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Can go and sleep already. Result will be out tomorrow. kekeke.....so bad hor make everyone sum si si.

wah.....very heavy rain at my place. And the thunder roaring scared will wake jo up.
My house here also raining...and I had clothes hanging ot as well.... hope the rain wun splash too much.... (wash too much liao...my indoor pole not enough... arghhh)
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I also have to double layer Jo, in that way I can sleep in peace, don't have to check on her. Even no blanket she's still alright.

And my friend told me kids who sleep in aircon will not fall sick easily. If you 'on' fan and open windows easier to fall sick because temperature changes and drop in the night. Where else aircon is at a constant temperature which you have set.
Heavy Downpour
I think islandwide is raining. My end also the same. Lucky Jay is fast asleep in the room. I guess the air-con blocks out the sound of the thunder

Big Shane
Hehe, i'm also getting used to BB Shane sharing your name.
Jay also kicks away his blankie. He doesn't even like it if his feet gets covered. I normally cover up to his stomach and make sure his top can tucked into his pants.

Ok, we will sleep over it and wait for tomorrow
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
I am looking at the Baby Names book. Shane is actually a unisex name meaning God is Gracious.

Go and sleep. Jaymom also go and sleep already. Tell you tomorrow.
I think it's not the variation of the temp through the nite. For aircon, the circulation of air gets trapped in the room. If one person is not feeling well, germs can transported to another very quickly but we just can't get enough of aircon, rite?

Come to think of it, it's already Nov but the weather is still so hot, i think the global warming problem is really serious. Hb and i were discussing about an article we read. Given another 20-30 years, we are potentially threatened with shortage of marine life and the ice of Antartica is melting in an alarming rate. We prob will be very old by then but what's gonna happen to our next generation, Think about scared!
Since so fast know gender, shld be boy isn't it?

<font color="119911">Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Girl: 5 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally)</font>
<font color="0000ff">Boy: 3 (Erlisa, Glayz, shane, anns)</font>
Waiting for the results!!!

So Shane is a unisex name...wahahhahahaha...but think is more for boi...
the other time told my freind in sms...and they all dunno how to pronounce as Shane is so da bo... they tot is sha-ne...I almost faint...(sha-ne sound feminine)
<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Kekekkee... so fast the results are going to be out. I think Bbrooster wun come in so early lah. She needs to rest leh.

<font color="119911">Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby! </font>
<font color="ff0000">Girl</font>: 5 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally)
<font color="0000ff">Boy:</font> 4 (Erlisa, Glayz, Shane, Anns)
Ian's name also same meaning as Shane!!!

The boy's and girl's name Shane \sh(a)-ne\ is a variant of Shannon. See also Shaina, Shania and Shayne. Meaning "the Lord is gracious".
Guess the gender of Bbrooster's second baby!
Girl: 6 (Jaymom, Tang Ling, Caymom, Adora, Sally, Ixorarred)
Boy: 4 (Erlisa, Glayz, Shane, Anns)

my fridge kaput yesterday nite....got to throw away all all the precious ebm!! waiting for the shops to open so that can rush down to buy....

actually this confinement, din pu as much. also din rest as much, coz still need to entertain the big one. my mum is quite worried, coz i'm nursing a cold rite now....

Botak Jones
It's not bad. tried the outlet @ toa payoh and depot rd. toa payoh one better...
<font color="ff0000">Ixorarred,</font>
Oh dear. That is my greatest fear of all: fridge breakdown. Whenever my fridge makes funni sound, I will cringe and pray hard that it won't breakdown. I have been transferring the frozen EBM to my mom's place since her freezer is empty now that she has no time to cook.

I understand what you mean. Is Adelle very sticky to you? cay was. I think she thought that I quit my job to play with her. Till now, she still loves to play with me prob from the strong bond during my maternity leave. She used to play with daddy more when I was preggie.

Are you doing confinement at home or at your mom's place? I did it at my mom's place so we rotate in taking care of the kids. But most of the time, my mom would be bz with cooking and cleaning. I would watch cay whenever bbcay napped. When bbcay woke up, I would ask cay to watch TV.
WOW BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO U, BBROOSTER. So nice, a "hao" zi liao. heehee Jo is so tong shi, hence u can be sure that she is going to take good care of her little bro.
The winner is : <font color="0000ff">Erlisa, Glayz, shane and Anns</font>

Sorry for being so bo liao. Just for fun and actually wanted to keep the thread active on a weekend.
thanks for the suggestions.
Ya the dream bag is so so nice hor n of cos EX, in fact I so tempted to get one for A lei, but think too late liao hor. heehee But no ready stock. Scare wait my sis bomb anytime how? kekeke

so shiok, XO crab beehoon.

Aiyo, so wasted hor. Ya lor, hate it when fridge spoilt. Hope you can get yr new fridge deliver to you asap. U must take care hor. Any celebration for full mth?
No lah, bbrooster, fun mah. Not bo liao lah. heehee U must be so happy hor when u noe the sex....... So will the name start with J? Who chooses Jo name?
Actually wan to get a diaper bag for her cos she looking for one, but then she bought one GUCCI diaper bag liao. A gift from her hb. I faint. U noe how ex hor. hahahaha lucky i din buy yet. If not, so paisei nei.
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
How about a LG bumper mat? But I think she should have already hor?

Don't know what name to choose yet cos initially we expecting a girl and wanted to name her as Janelle. I think Joelle chosen by me then #2 hb wanted Janelle. But now we have to think of a boy's name. Will look for a name that starts with J first if cannot find then move to other alphabets.
she not keen on the mat. Asked her before. heehee

Mrs Chan (agar agar)'s contact:
Can someone update me? Cant find. Need to order for Thursday to A's great grandma's house.
sleeping bag
is gro bag as good as dream bag? Maybe I can just get from mothercare? n a personalised romper set to go with since she already chooses the name?
Congrats! How abt Javier, Jerome. Keke if you dun mind R..I like the name Reyes.

How abt a voucher for a family foto shoot?
Thanks mummies for all your congrats message.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
Javier is one of the shortlisted. I am also thinking of Javian but cannot find the meaning to this name or there is no name spelt this way.
Saw this banner( went past too fast to read...)
Saw ballet lesson offered cost $90 a term..or is it $190...really cannot make out...

Later at evening I take 965 try to read the banner again.... if I able to

Tell my hb abt it.... and letting Sky learn...
Hb reject flatly..."I dun wan my boi to become a sissy..."
Hehe, wrong guess but wonderful news thou!!! A perfect "hao zhi"! Your family must be very happy and excited.

I like the name Jonas and Julian. For me, i want a girl and the first alphabet has to follow mummy
Hehe, wrong guess but wonderful news thou!!! A perfect "hao zhi"! Your family must be very happy and excited.

I like the name Jonas and Julian. For me, i want a girl and the first alphabet has to follow mummy this round
<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
Javian is nice, special and unique. How did you come out with the name?

<font color="0077aa">Sally,</font>
Wow, your sis's family is indeed quite well-off. Understand your problem in deciding what to get for her.

<font color="ff0000">Upcoming events </font>

<font color="aa00aa">7 Nov (Wed) 7.30pm Mums Nite Out (location advised in SMS) </font>
1. Tang Ling
2. Sally
3. Shane
4. Aries
5. Cherry (tentative)
6. Jaymom (tentative)
7. caymom (tentative)
8. Glayz (tentative..have to beg with my mum to dump my kids with her..)
9. kiami with A (tentative), my name got missed out... previously posted liao...

<font color="119911">9 Nov (Fri) 3pm, location advised in email </font>
1. caymom
2. shane
3. Glayz (Not sure to bring small S along...as she just finish jab)
4. LV (is it morning or afternoon?)
5. Erlisa

<font color="aa00aa">22 Nov (Thu) Bambini (What time we looking at?) </font>
1. caymom (tentative)
2. Shane
3. Sally
4. Jasmine (tentative)
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Thanks for updating on the upcoming events!

Have been busy and unable to login coz the lil monkey always climbs up and wants to 'help' me at the PC. Heh.

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Wrong guess, but CONGRATS! Are you disappointed? Even gal's name was chosen liao. Hehe. But as long as he is healthy, that is the most important.

<font color="aa00aa">Mums Nite Out</font>
As mentioned above, venue has been advised in SMS. Sorry, not many options to choose from, so for some mummies, you may have been there a few times. Nevermind, important bit is the catching up.

See ya!
