(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Thk u for the updates, shane....

my bb already facing downwards but not sure engage already or not...i tink still too early hor? but my pelvic area getting tighter n more painful each time i got up fm seat/bed

ya i agreed with the gals, it's better to get ur hb to talk to his boss if possible get other ppl to go instead :p if not conference calls...hb is the only support we've inside the labour ward so it's better to hv him ard

hi all, i am back. Last Fri, went for checkup and took MC. Have been taking MC for every checkup. Was in my 34-35 weeks last fri and surprisingly, baby is only 2.6-2.7kg according to doctor. Asked if she is confirmed a girl and he said nothing is confirmed till you have given birth. haha... what an answer... he said now 90% confirmed girl.

i put on 20kg already. sigh.. anyway, should be delivering end of this mth or early next mth. can't wait to see this bundle of joy.

i have tried the strape bra. It is very comfortable. Wore it over the weekend. Think i will order another piece of this strap one and strapless one. Both are comfortable and good for bf. Didn't know MIM sell also. Maybe will call and check.

i bought the raspberry tea leaves but didnt't start drinking yet. Always forget... also thinking of starting to drink the coconut juice from this week onwards.

Whenever i tried to buy aloe vera drink, the stall owners won't sell to me, saying that i can't drink as i am pregnant. Is it too cooling? more cooling than young coconuts?

my gynae advised me to go for 4 bedded and he will upgrade me to 2 bedded automatically. He said if natural birth, cash portion is about $200 only.... but without epi since he discouraged epi. I don't know know how... very scared leh... cannot bear pain... think will have epi standby.

Von, $200 cash for 2 bedded C-section is really cheap... my gynae said cost will be about $1k if emergency C-Section for 4 bedded upgrade to 2 bedded. For 1 bedded, will be cash $2000-$2500. After discussion with my hubby, we decided to go for 4 to 2 bedded natural. Thank God my placenta has gone up and baby is not too big, so doctor said should be able to go for natural birth. : )
no prob

ya i can see my stretchmarks !
I use a small mirror and see from under the tummy. when i stand infront of mirror also can see abit. asked my hubby to see also. sigh .. so sien ....

wah, ur bb downwards already. so gd. i have a fear that my wouldn't turn then need to go Csection !

Yup too early to get engaged now. bb will engage nearer to EDD. Once engaged means popping very soon.

talking abt engaging, hvn't seen skeinah ard, wonder if she has given birth ? the last time she mentioned that her bb is engaged already...

wow, very fast u can see bb already. so ur bb turn downwards already ?

thks for the feedback, guess i'll buy also. later i go surf the web hee hee ..
Thanks for the updating the charts

my recent detailed scan shows that my BB gal's head is pointing downwards, but not engaged yet... body wise is like from left to right. That explains multiple kickings on top right stomach and 'tingerling' feeling At bottom left when i lie on my left side (which is the hands). but the kicks are getting stronger and sometimes it hurts!

But, for some reason, having lots of movements and 'tightening' this morning, maybe due to work stress

can only see stretchmarks @ side, but quite confident that the bottom of tummy which i can't see has it too. had been putting moisteriser because didn't get to buy my stretch-cream, hope the marks will be less obvious after birt
no prob.

oh so ur bb has turned also. tt's gd. i hope mine will as well.

i surf MIM and PK. PK bras seems nicer, but the cami one is out of stock !
gg to ask them when the stock will come in ....
likely to buy 1 of each ...
I will be staying @ my friend's hse when my hubby is away lor, no choice coz' its a very important trip and they cannot change date because its for a group, not only him. But he will be fly back straight away if I'm in labour during that period. Maybe I shld ask doctor whether is she able to predict when once she check my celvic.

My friend is a trained GP, she told me my BB is already head-down. And the shifting from left to right shld be my BB's shoulder/body.
jane tan,
yalor...im surprised with that amt when my frd told me too. congrats!!! at least you're now of a higher chance for normal delivery so dun worry so much abt the room liao

ohh...aiyo...for my case i take small mirror also dun tink i can see it clearly...but better dun let me see if not i will be very sian also.

mine long long time downwards liao, tat's y my mum said i might delivery earlier than expected lor. no worry lah...even if bb not downwards still able to hv normal delivery if ur gynae knows how to

skeinah engage liao? wow...tat's early, how she knows

how's ur temper recently? i tink mine is getting bad to worst...gosh...a bit of things irritate me easily
how long will ur hubby's trip be ?
I think ur gynae will be able to rougly tell after doing a check on you.

so many of you bb downwards already. so gd. i hope i'll have some gd news during my next appt.

Ya don't see better, but my can see cos my rm mirror quite big. was sad when i first saw them. sigh. can't help it i guess, the sacrifice of motherhoon.

tt's gd, so u might see bb earlier. mine also turned down sometimes back but she turned up again. sigh. make me disappointed.

nowadays i hope time will pass faster, then i can see bb soon. But i hope she comes only in June, lotsa of things hvn't done yet :p

Skeinah went for check up, then told us here. sometimes ago already.

re temper,
my still quite ok. but noticed i get irritated quite easily but i try to control myself cos i know it's the hormones.

how abt body temperature ? these days i feel so hot that i can take shower at nite wo the heater on. after bathing still feel hot. in aircon rm also hot. always feeling sticky and sweaty !
thanks. my baby is head down also. Hopefully she will remain in that position. I hope to deliver by end this mth, in week 38.

just went to MIM website and guess what? i ordered the strapless bra and the cami beige one also. Even bought 1 top and 1 dress from the lelong site and lansinoh as well for nipples. spent about $70+ in the end. Asked for cash upon delivery, not sure how much charges for transport.
wow, u still buying maternity wear ? I'm running out of clothes to wear. My pants seems to be getting uncomfortable to wear cos they keep slipping down due to the big tummy. And my dresses are limited. However, preventing myself to buy more clothes cos already left abt 1 mth or so to go only ....
ya i guess u r rite, sacrifice is the word...no wonder ppl mostly celebrate Mother's Day

nah...i suddenly dun wish bb to deliver so early :p im getting really cranky so easier irritated by things n ppl ard me.

maybe she gave birth liao? let's wait awhile longer

body temperature still alrite for me esp yday it was raining. but tends to shower more often cos can perspire after doing a bit of hsework.

jane tan,
chrgs not stated meh?
jane tan,
i tink it's free delivery after $50/-

me starts buying nursing clothings instead...kekeke...but got a couple of bottoms cos like u my pants are far too tight for me liao
von, it's free delivery after $100. Charges is stated as $3 but subject to changes.

shane, yah, i can't wear all my maternity pants already. Now left with just 3 dresses that i can still wear and some tops.

the ones i bought in MIM are nursing clothes, not maternity ones.
read this...

When should my baby's head engage?

Expert: The BabyCentre Editorial Team [See Biography]

Question: When should my baby's head engage? If it engages early does that mean I am going to give birth early?
BabyCentre Editorial Team: As your baby grows towards the end of pregnancy, the shape of your uterus, your liver and intestines encourage your baby's presenting part (usually head, but sometimes bottom) to dip down into the pelvic cavity. This can occur as early as 33 or 34 weeks, but may not happen before labour starts. If the baby engages in the pelvis early this does not mean that you will give birth early. Usually the baby will engage in the pelvis by 37 to 38 weeks, but this process can also be affected by lots of other things:

If you are very sporty and have well-toned abdominal muscles this may mean that your tummy is held in tighter, which changes the angle of the baby's body and presenting part to the pelvic brim. In this position it is harder for your baby to engage in the pelvis. To encourage your baby's head to engage you need to relax your tummy muscles and "dangle your belly" out at the front.

If you spend a lot of time sitting down at work, in a car, or in soft easy chairs to watch TV, your baby is likely to be lying in a posterior position that is with its back to your back. In this position it is harder for your baby to enter your pelvis. This baby position is not the best position for an efficient labour, partly because the presenting part remains high for so long. Take care to sit leaning forward whenever you sit down, with your knees below your hips, which will help your baby turn its back towards your front and to move down. A kneeling chair is ideal for this.

If you have had several babies before, your tummy muscles may be loose, which makes it easy for the baby to move and change position a lot. Sometimes your baby may not lie up and down (longitudinal), but across your tummy (transverse) or at an angle (oblique). Positions like these make it less likely that your baby will engage in the pelvis before the start of labour.

Your baby may be a large one, in which case it may not descend into the pelvis until contractions start.

The shape of your pelvis may also be relevant. Sometimes the pelvic inlet is narrow. In these cases it may take a long time for the baby's presenting part to enter the pelvis, but once it is in, birth is usually rapid, because the pelvic outlet in these cases tends to be roomy.
yah, cheaper than pumpkin.com also... think the combi bra looks the same as the pumkin one. ordered it as the other time, i got the black one. As for the strapless one, it's really comfortable, so just ordered one more also... all these casual nursing bras are definitely more comfortable than the $40++ nursing bras i feel. And these are much cheaper, so i intend to use these 4 after giving birth.

think i also need to get at least 1 bottom to go with the tops that i can still wear... but then again, less than 1 mth, not worth leh... maybe just squeeze in for the sake of wearing. hee..
von, jane,
so fast buy nursing clothes already. i got some given to me by my sil so no need. don't know i'll be successful with BF or not, so hold back first.

My maternity pants are under belly kind. they keep slipping when i'm wearing them, everytime got to pull them up. very unslightly. And i only got 1 ... sigh ... will try to wear still cos feel wasted to buy another for just 1 mth+ unless can buy really cheap ones...

pumkin.com and mim looks diff ley. the strapless one got gathers for MIM one. and the strap one is overlapping kind of pattern ? or i see the wrong one ?

thks for the info. gd info.
i need a bigger size clothings so must well got nursing clothings

same here...hahaha...n the tops seems to be shorter. i got some cheap bottoms after delivery still able to wear.

mim got strapless meh? not tat i know of leh
shane, i didn't but the overlap ones... see the ones (mini cami bras - $18) below the overlap ones under leisure bras.

von, there is strapless one also under leisure bras. $13.80

see link below.


the nursing clothes i bought can be worn even if cannot bf... looks like normal casual wear.
oh by the way, i have done the strep B test in week 33 i think. Results out last fri and everything is ok. thank God.

just gotten the doctor's letter also. It's just a blue empty form. now seeing doctor every 10 days.
von, the tube bra is more comfy as i dislike the thick straps and alot of cloth for normal nursing bras. this tube one is very convenient for nursing as it is very soft and elastic. Just pull up or down and can bf liao.
Wow so fast cami bra at PK is out of stock. The one from MIM only has beige color. I prefer white or black.

I also bought one nursing bra from Mothercare last weekend.

I don't think I will be getting any nursing wear. Some of my meternity tops can be use for nursing as well. Most of the nursing wear I saw from Perferct Mum don't look nice. All seams very baggy...
jane tan,
i asked my mum rdgs to this kinda test she said she nvr heard before :p anyway i will chk with my gynae
glad to hear urs are ok...just wait for bb to pop anytime :d

blue empty form? hmmm....interesting leh...u got ask ur gynae y empty or not?

same here i dislike the strap but nursing bra i bot can take out the strap n the cup is like the normal nursing bra with a clip. it's also very comfy once it's dry i will wear it :p i tink by then want to nurse i need to buy another few more :p
where u get ur cheap bottoms ? over belly kind ? thot of getting ONE. hee hee ... i got tops but wo the bottom cannot wear ley ...

u saw ur stretchmarks ah ... y go see .. now kek sim liow.... u use mirror ?

how much is the bra from perfect mum ?

I'll be doing the strep B also. Gynae did mention but didn't say when.

ya lor, just went i wanted to order. anyway have emailed them to enquire on the new stock. will keep you gals informed.

a gal just popped at 36 weeks over the other thread. scarly man ...
how much is ur budget? abt $30+ can boh? u know at Arcade got a shop opp perfect mum?

yalor...sigh...how huh? so irritating...it's making my monday worst. in fact my mum already saw it on sat i tht it's pants markings so i ignore her who knows just now went to see with my mirror...sigh...

it's abt $50/- after discount but very comfy

36wks? wow....hopefully mine will be full term but my mum keeps saying my bb will pop much earlier
Hi Mummys-to-be! Just checked in this forum & was excited to see so many of us due in June! Mine's on 22nd!
Any of u starting to buy baby stuff--the dispensable items? Like baby powder, shampoo, diapers, lotion, wipes etc? Where's a convenient one-stop yet cheap place to get?
was thinkg of going Mustafa...but am not too sure if that's cheapest..
hi mckee

ur EDD is same as mine :D urs a gal or boy?
i didnt get any powder n shampoo cos bb no need shampoo just shower will do. wipes i bot the puree brands to me it's much wet than the rest thou cos a lil' more. diapers might be getting when only nearer to date cos duno the size of bb.
if u want to buy pigeon brands wipes u can go chinatown over there much cheaper. other than that hv to see what kinda things n brands u are looking at
30 sounds reasonable. oh that shop. i went before. it's far from my workplace tho'. If got chance will go there and take a look.
thks for the info !

wat to do, just resign to fate. take it as the sacrifice of being a mum. now try to apply lotion to prevent somemore from coming out. I think most mums will get stretchmarks cos of the expanding tummy.

the PK bra, jane bot already. she say comfy. i'm thinking of buying. but waiting for the strap one to have stock. now currently out of stock.

hi mckee,
welcome !
I think most of us have done our shopping. some places u can shop is robinson, bb hypermart & bb superstore @ kaki bukit, the chinatown shop (u can find the address in one of the threads few days ago).
For babies daily use items, most of us try to look out for sales in Metro, Robinson, OG, etc. It's cheaper. There's also a motherhoon fair coming up on June 1.
I also cannot fit into some of my maternity pants.. Only those dresses still fit! :)

Where did you get your nursing wear??

Hi mickee,
Welcome! i bought majority of the bb stuff during the Taka fair.. Will prob get those outstanding stuff from the coming Motherhood fair in early June.
Ya man ...these days dresses are really comfy ! everynite need to think wat i should wear tomorrow. sigh.
Thanks! Mine's a gal!

I'm really blessed got the big items as gifts already. But I'm left on my own to get the dispensables.

Pigeon better than J&J?

How abt maternity pads? Anyone knows if it's necessary to get that? Normal Night ones can?

BTW, I know this sounds silly and frivilous, but I just heard fr galfren that after giving birth in hospital, with visitors coming, I've to wear something presentable--button nightgown. Hospital don't provide. sigh... anyone got that prepared already?
welcome mckee
i bought most of my bb stuff from Metro, mustafa & warehse sales quite some time ago. certain products in mustafa are cheaper, but some are too overpriced, so do homework before shopping there.

more maternity clothes: hee, me just bought 2 more dresses because i simply run out of clothes to wear (and because of recent hospitalisation, i'm forbidden to touch the washing machine, so... waiting for hubby to wash & dry the clothes is loooonnngggg)

temper: i gets easily agitated too, esp when i'm given some unfamilar to do @ work. Quite tough to control.

Clothes @ hospital: not sure about other hospitals, KKH allows patients to wear their own if they want to. wearing something presentable for guests is nice. personally i do not prepare, i rather wear the hospital gowns, so that i won't dirty my own and have a hard time waiting for it to be washed.
np :D

gosh...last nite i almost 'showered' myself in the stretchmarks cream...see liao really heartache...there goes my low waist jeans...sigh...

ohh...comfy? great...but i intend to only get one pc with the tpt chrgs like bo hua leh

i got some most of them fm Perfect Mum since I'm holding the card, beside that I bot another few pcs fm the shop i mentioned to shane. cheap n nice :p i got another one fm bumwear but i find with zip beside very troublesome

kekeke...same here mine also a bb gal.

maternity pads i tink we only need tat for the 1st couple of days, after which we can just use the normal type will do

bring ur own nitegowns...the hospital will allow tat @ least TMC ask us to bring our own if we're more comfy in it

ohh...so i'm not alone. it's so irritated i tink i got so angry with myself tat i dun wish to talk to agi any other ppl...hopefully i wont hv this kinda temper treating my temp gal :p

ohh...he's going for such a long biz trip?

anyone taking one wk in adv to stay at hm?

i told my hb if not tired we can go there since it's open 24hrs :p so good stuffs over there? in fact i really duno wat else to buy beside more pj now

i guess it's really not easy been a working mum hor...sigh...not sure if i can cope with hsewk, bb, work, etc...

hey...i agreed with u...if we're running on too heavily might dirty our gown n end up washing more clothings. thks for the reminder
thks for the link
after looking at it means my bb is now at the norm position already cos my gynae always scan my right side...so ladies rmbr to 'rock' ur body...kekeke...
Some of the hospital gowns might not have front buttons which it not so easy for BF.

I bought button down PJ (those silk type) from OG orchard. They also have some cotton PJ, you might want to take look there.

As for bb stuff, I bought mine from Taka Fair too. Some items from the Chinatown shop & some during 20% sales at Metro, JL etc. Since your EDD is 22 Jun, you can wait for GSS at the end of the month.

So good, you gals still have time to go to GSS & Motherhood Fair...

My hubby also went for 12days biz trip but he is coming back tmr...

I am planning to wk until the very last day. This few days I am getting really tired, dragging myself to work everyday. But if take leave & stay at home to wait very boring leh.
actually i want to work till last day also...but cos my co. is counting the last mth as working day if i end earlier by a week my last mth will be 23 working days :p instead of just 21...kekeke...

ya i agreed it will be boring but am tinking if really go fm work to hospital so funny :p
von, i will take one week maternity leave in advance to rest at home. Now already feeling so tired and was so sleepy in the train on my way to work just now. I wonder if i can work till next month. very tiring for me nowadays. can't really wake up in the morning. So gals, we better sleep as much as possible before our babies come, or else... we will be sleeping like 2-3 hrs a day for months if we intend to bf especially.

mckee, welcome to this thread. I got all my stuff from sales also... JL, Robinsons, Taka, etc... get bit by bit and then all ready liao. As for maternity pads and disposable pantis and PJs, you can get from neighbourhood shops.
Hi mckee,
do u want to join our EDD list ? which hospital are u delivering at ? I'll update the list.

I prefer pigeon wipes. as for maternity pads, i got the Kotex adhesive ones. I think nite ones can be used once the flow get managable.
Also rem to get disposable panties to use so no need to wash.

as for PJs, normally get button front ones for BF convenience. I got mine from OG. Bot 2 only. don't know enuf or not .....

12 days a long trip. must tell bb to be guai guai and wait for daddy to come home first.

re taking ML in advance,
I intend to work till i pop. i hope i wouldn't make a mess in the office

ha ha, showered urself with stretchmark cream ??!! u so funny .... ok keep up the gd wk. keep fingers crossed that no more comes up.

i already give up liow. only apply when i feel like it. these nite getting lazier and lazier ...
jane tan,
aiyo...me taking my hb's tpt already so tired dun talk abt u gals got to walk to take public tpt even worst, esp when ppl dun give up seats to u ladies. i agreed lor can sleep faster sleep now if not will become a panda when bb's out

really...i scolded my hb for not telling me abt my marks, he said he told me duno y my body red red but i simply ignore
but it's best to 'shower' twice a day, me only every nite cannot cure much liao lah...

but hor tis mrg i woke up can feel my skin not as tight like loosen a bit...so i guess for the sake of my jeans i better buck up if not really no low waist jeans for me liao

rmbr...'wrap' urself esp ur joints during confinement to prevent joints pain after couple of years ltr...shower urself quick quick n out of the toilet liao

i tink 2 pj not enuf lah...i also got a few but am tinking of getting more...pretty pretty ones :p
ya sometimes i feel so sien to walk to the mrt station also. but bo pian, not everyday hubby can fetch me to work. maybe when closer to EDD then i ask him to just incase labour happens on the way to work :p hee hee

got effect is gd. so u must work harder.

i intend to sleep in aircon rm during confinement so will be wearing long sleeve and long pants pj to sleep.

pretty pretty ones expensive ley ... ya i think 2 might not be enuf ... will try to get somemore. mine all quite normal looking one, can only wear at home kind hee hee ...
shane, my pjs are quite aunty flowery kind with buttons or zip in front. It's only $7 at chinatown or naighbourhood shops. will wear such in hospital also... hopefully not too ugly... it's dresses kind... i don't like pants kind. very tight and restrictive. i will also on aircon to sleep especially in june when the weather is so hot. Don't want baby to kena heat rash also.

so good, you all got hubby to fetch you to work. my hubby won't as timing is wrong and our car is off peak car. but thank God, people will let me sit now that my stomach is HUGE!

i am wearing the tube bra now. So far so good, still comfy. Not sure abt MIM ones as they haven't contacted me. PK personel more ON. They call me immediately after i ordered on the web to confirm details, etc.

actually mine also soemthing like that. flower flower kind. but with buttons. so far the 2 i bot only button till midway, but i think gd enuf for BF. might go and get somemore. saw in tpy got 1 shop sell but didn't buy that time cos i found it expensive. 2 for abt 20+, can't rem how much she quote liow.

Ya i can't imagine the heat wo air con ! :p

i hvn't order yet. PK didn't reply my email on stock ley. i feel like gg down to their warehouse to look look c c ...
