(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

hopefully lor...keeping my fingers cross tat i can be tat hardworking

yap...if sleep in aircon got to cover all esp the joints.

same here..kekek...i got fm CK during CNY but short sleeves maybe wearing a sweater lor

jane tan,
lucky u...my stomach so big ppl also ignore me

ohh...wow...sound very comfy maybe i shld get a few after delivery not preggie also can wear

maybe not alot. try out 2 pcs first. opps, sorry i got mixed up. I was thinking of gg down to MIM warehse, not PK one hee hee ...

If order from PK, i might collect from them to save cost. i think can collect from marine parade or something ... Jane, is it ?
i scare ltr no time to get during confinement liao leh...
aiyo...u blur leh :p

marine parade is too far for me leh...
Just called PK, the lady told me that the supplier for Cami Bra has not replied so she can't tell when is the stock coming in.

She said that there wld be a few new nursing bras coming soon, it will be up on the website in 1-2days time.
if i got order, then i can help you collect also. but must find out where to collect and if my hubby ok to fetch me go collect or not first hee hee ....

really ?! cool ! shall wait for their new bras to be up. hopefully got some gd stuff hee hee ... thks for sharing !
shane, yah, i think you can collect from marine parade personally for PK. As for MIM, can collect at Bishan warehouse.

seems like the tube bras look the same leh.. wait till i get my parcel for MIM bras, i will tell you all which is better. Now the PK one so far so good for both strap and tube ones.

i also think the postage is expensive, so i bought more things loh... for PK, i bought the 2 bras, 1 raspberry tea (haven't started drinking still) and nursing pads.

for MIM, i bought 2 bras, 1 dress, 1 top and the lasinoh nipple cream. Hopefully they waive postage for more than 70 bucks.
yah, no point ordering for PK if just get 1 pc cos like i said the postage stamp is only $1 even when i ordered 2 bras,1 tea leaf, nursing pads. All in 1 envelope with a $1 stamp. Think they shouldn't charge me $4 but should charge according to the items you ordered.

MIM website more hightech. Postage charges change accordingly when you order more items.
hahaha...u go ask ur hb 1st lah :D

jane tan,
yalor...tat time i also bot a romper for my bb n the courier chrgs was very high
ok lah let's wait together n see how it goes...maybe we shld join to buy then can save :p

i'm still waiting for MIM new prints for the sling leh...shane u going to the warehse? if u go can chk with them when will the new print be here...can't wait to get a sling for bb
tt means they charge u $4 eventho' the postage is only $1 when it arrive at ur place ? tt's ex ley ....

ok keep you inform when i'm ordering from PK.

sure will help you ask. I plan to go down to MIM warehse if i manage to change my gynae appt to thurs.
shane, yah loh.. they charge $4 flat for all orders. Think that shouldn't be the way loh... since they know postage for my items are $1, then they should adjust accordingly when they ask me to transfer $ to their POSB account.
tt's true. should just charge $1. I guess they just want to earn more ....

okie, thks.
hopefully hubby will be free to fetch me there.
oh, still must press doorbell one ... hee hee .. didn't know ....

the slings colour all not bad ... i like most of them ...
no. 1 2 5 6 8 9 :p hee hee .....
kekeke...maybe weekdays no need lor...tat time i went i push the door n cant open so paiseh cos got other ppl inside. then they tell me to press the doorbell then they open :p

hahaha...same here love most of the colour...cham...
hee hee so cute, press doorbell than open ah ...
i think must press, if not no one knows there's someone at the door...

how abt the lilac one ? very sweet. if not just get black or the champagne beige, easy to go with anything hee hee .. boy or gal also can use. so u can use till ur next baby hee hee ..
yalor...press doorbell to wait for ppl to open the door for u :p

i love lilac but it's a lil' common...the rust & champagne beige is nice as well...not so common hor...aiyah...siao liao duno wic one to get. u help me go there see the price if it's the same if getting fm the warehse can? u getting one urself?
ok can, no prob. i think get from warehse cheaper in the sense cos no nd to pay courier charges ?

no i not getting. my sil gave me one. also MIM one. it's blue in colour and it's the normal cloth kind. this new batch is silky kind of cloth rite... nicer...

i c my friends and sil maid use the sling like very convenient ley .. i like. but now i scared i don't know how to use :p
I vote for champagne beige & light rust.

PK new nursing bra is up. Only 1 new style, drop cup type. Actually I prefer the Cami & tube ones as I already have 2 drop cup bras. Hope the Cami stock comes in soon.
thk u so much...sorry for the trouble :p ya...tat's wat i tht too...

ohh..ur sil gave u one liao...gee...they hv new range of cotton but the material i touched like a bit thicker so am thinking getting silk might be better for bb

we can go for the sling wearing together as long as u owe their brand of sling..kekeke...then bring bb along she will teach u better..more personally mah
thks....ok me will reduce to these 2 colours...kekeke..one for my mum, the other for me :p

seems like most of u are waiting for the new range of bra to come :d rmbr to tell me hor..kekeke..
von, i got the lilac cotton one with the VCD also. It's with my friend as she wants to give me as first month present. hee.. i like the 2, 5 and 9 for these silk range.
it's up ?! i go see ... ya i prefer those 2 also. don't really like drop cup cos mother care one is drop cup also ... (i think :p buy liow then suddenly can't rem..)

no prob. just ju shou zi lao since i'm gg....

ya with bb, maybe better hor ... easier to learn ...

u gg to buy 2 ah .... can share share mah ...

oh, u got the vcd, can bolo to burn or not .. hee hee :p
by the way, the tube one i got from PK has gathers in front also, think it's the same as MIM's.

my friend ordered the sling from http://www.loveslings.com/ which i told her to as the postage here is $1.50, cheaper than MIM. But brand is still MIM. You all may want to consider ordering from here for cheaper postage.
jane tan,
wow...ur gf so nice to u :D..good lah we can arrange to go for the wearing class..
seems like a lot of u like lilac hor...


ya with bb u know the style better, tat time i went see the instructor with the bb so handy n looks light...most impt all the bbs loves to be in the sling :p seems comfy to them

i tht of sharing also but like hving 2 easier leh...duno lah say only maybe no $$ ask my frd to get instead :p

it will come with vcd but according to some see liao still dun understand so they go for the class again n not just once :p some twice or more even
shane, i got the VCD at $3+ from http://www.loveslings.com/ also. hmm... how to lend you? think it's still best to learn face to face there... i don't even know if i can learn from this VCD. The website also has step by step instructions to tie and use for different patterns.
thk u...i saw tat before...i think theirs w/out the vcd rite? n mostly sold out also :p in fact if i want to get fm them i will prefer other prints esp the batik one. i love batik very much
ya i thot i saw gathers on the picture, just not very clear...

ya think will go for class if really cannot master. will check with my sis's maid first, she handle the sling like expert. don't know who teach her one ...

hee hee it's ok. troublesome to lend from u also. just joking.... will buy it if i really nd it ...
agree, think it's not easy understanding from VCD. In fact, these slings are sold in Robinsons (saw at City Hall one) and TMC. All from MIM. if you want to buy off the rack, go there and see loh.. save postage cost but hor... limited lah.. may not have the colours you want.

i personally like the lilac, light blue and light green ones. Saw the light blue one in robinsons.
hahaha...maybe kampong she knows how to use liao just tat now looks nicer

jane tan,
ya i saw the physical thing at bumwear...n true lor it's very limited if u go elsewhere to get. kiddy palace also hv i got the discount card but the range of the sling not nice :p
MIM not very efficient leh... i ordered yesterday and till now still no news from them whether got stock, or abt paymt.

ordered from sassymon.com.sg a top and they emailed me immediately to make pymt and abt their delivery.
von, MIM never send any emails to me. I already emailed them again yesterday asking them for status and still no reply. wonder if they are real busy and don't want business liao...

yesterday, i made funds transfer to sassymon and they didn't reply me also. SMS them twice and still no reply. sigh... will email them later. guess PK service is the best. They reply immediately when you make orders online and also for all emails and sms. The delivery also quite fast. about 2 days reach my letterbox liao.
hi ladies,
Can any of u pls post the link to PK website? Thanks in advance.. So far, I onli managed to look thru the bras from MIM.
jane tan,
ohh...i tink most of the online network is like tat. the response of theirs will be slow esp for those who has a shop of their own.

the other time i order fm bay b also very slow in fact the despatch forgotten abt my purchases.
Thanks Von! I will go check it out.

Seeing that u gals already started getting all these nursing bras, i also kan cheong liao.. Guess i am realli getting real lazy to think abt buying anymore stuff.. Hahahaha.. I just feel so tired every day.
Hi ladies,
i got one nursing bra from OG Orchard at $9.90. Quality so so only but really cheap. You would be able to find it at the maternity section.
thanks for sharing cherry. will go check it out.

i am feeling really sleepy and tired nowadays. The head is so heavy. Slept in the train on the way to work... don't know why... really sleepy and tired though i sleep early every night....my eyes can't really open, even now... wonder how to survive after giving birth when we can only catch 2-3 hrs of sleep if bf.
yah Jane, i agree with u.. Even in office when i am reading some mails, i could almost doze off at times.. How i wish i can take a short nap in office whenever i feel sleepy..

i gave up on the PK website.. It's realli taking ages to load.. maybe i try surfing at home tonite will be faster.
you're welcome

same here...hahaha...till now still yet to pack my bag :p i've decided to wear hospital gown instead of dirtying my own
Morning gals,

My energy level still ok. Don't know will get worse as the days goes by. Only find sleeping uncomfortable. Can feel bb 'following' me whenever i turn. Poor gal, must be wondering y mummy keep moving in her sleep....
