(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi all

I did my 34th week check up, baby at 2.2kg, I have put on 10.5kg since pregnant. was on down with food poisoning over the weekend and lost 1.5 kg in a days time. Still on MC today. Better now. Looking forward to my 36th week checkup. Mummies to be, do take care...it was terrible falling sick

as at 3/5/5
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>7/6/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>26/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>6/7/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>8/7/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi gals,
finally the site is up !

that's a very nice story. thks...

Ya soon one by one we'll be popping. So excited yet so scarly. I can imagine the total 360 degree change in our lives. Let's hope we'll all make it thru smoothly !

re sounds
i do hear sounds from my tummy but it's more of the stomach processes sound. not so much from the movement of bb.

u put on so little weight ! so envious !

you'll be the first to go. how ? feeling very excited already ? must get all ur stuff ready hor.

ya we must def share our birth stories.
Ya...getting pretty excited

Going for check up tmr, hope bb has gained wt.

Hey ! I might not be the first one...we still have Milly &amp; Ras. In fact, my EDD shld be ard 6 June.

I have got ready all my stuff for the hopsital bag but have not bought bb bath tub yet. Can't find in my neighbourhood shops. Saw a really nice one at Mothercare. Wow it cost abt $30, so exp. I like those transparent type, you gals know where to get?

Did you gals get those loop maternity pad? Where can we buy the belt? or we just use normal string?
opps, u mean ur EDD supposed to b 6/6/5 ? did i get it wrong ?

will ur hospital provide bb bath tub ? some do provide. if not u can go to those neighbourhood provision store, they might sell those normal red ones if it's ok with you...

i didn't get the loop pads. i got the adhesive ones. I think the belt must buy separately.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
About the massage lady, ESH does offer postnatal massage to ESH patients. I had mine done by a staff at ESH. She charges $50 per session.
Her skills are not bad. She can do it at ESH or go to your house. I did 3 sessions only and now my tummy is almost flat but flabby .. got to wear the binder.
If you're interested, i can give you her name.. then when you're there ... can look for her.
adora, i also have the same question about the loop pads. I also wonder where to get the belt. But i understand TMC uses the loop ones for us and will provide the string/belt. So i guess i will just keep that string and bring home to use for that pack of loop pads i bought.

still thinking if i should go for 1 bedded or 2. i would love to have my hubby there with me for the 2 nights. just packed my bag last weekend.. abit kiasu but first child can come 2-4 weeks early, so better be ready. : )

Had my checkup yesterday. Waited almost an hour plus but only spend about 10mins inside. This time gynae didnt measure the weight. Only say everything looks fine and see him in 2wks time (my 38weeks).

From his tone he dont expect me to pop so soon. Should be after my 38th weeks...

just started my coconut drink over the weekend...very nice and cooling wont mind having it more often but better restrain myself as i really hope to pop closer to EDD so bb can be more well developed..
yes pls ! I did see those postnatal massage posters at ESH but i thot only can do it at the hospital. thks for sharing !

I've decided on one bedded. want my hubby to be ard. it's a major event in our lives to be shared together. But poor him would have to make do sleeping on the couch
i also drank 1 coconut over the weekend. shared with hubby. so nice ! looking forward to have another one hee hee ...

hv u gotten everything ready ? you and adora are the first few to go. it's hard to tell when bb wants to arrive, so better get ready everything first.

for me, hvn't done anything yet :p

u're fast, hospital bag also pack liow.
No u didn't get it wrong...I told u 3 Jun becoz my 2nd scan reveal that as my EDD. 6 Jun was given by Gynae on my first visit.

No worry, no need to change.

June Ten
Thanks, maybe I'll get from Ikea. But is pretty far from my house. Wonder if the Chinatown shop at Upper Cross St sells bath tub?

Jane Tan
Ya I think most hospital shld have the belt. Anyway I also bought adhensive type just in case.
this evening i gg to the chinatown shop. will help you look out. will check the prices also. hope i rem
then i'll keep you informed.

oic, okie i thot i got it wrong so want to change the date hee hee... will leave it as it is then.

yday i bot 2 nursing bras from mothercare. so ex.. cost me $79. got 10% discount from DBS card. They have a few cards on promo, so if u're buying just check with them. I also saw nursing bras from M&amp;S. Actually I prefer M&amp;S one, esp the one with lace. But it's so ex ! the normal one is 2 for $120 and the lace one is $49. in the end got the MC one. I bot 1 cup size bigger. the sale gal kind nice, explain to me wat is the rite size to buy.
I still have no idea where is this chinatown shop that u gals are talking abt. Do you have the exact road/street name and shop unit no?

U must be very excited huh.. Bb gg to pop soon. Oh, most likely i will also book Mdm Naini for the post natal massage.. :)

Re toyogo 5 tiers drawers:
Do u gals think its nec to go all the way down to the warehouse to get the drawers?? Any cheaper compared to those at Giant or Carrefour?
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Her name is Seri and you can usually find her at the reception counter on the 3rd floor. You do not have to book her 1st, when it is your turn to "deliver", can check with her on the spot. A very nice lady.

1 bedded is a good choice!
The couch is pretty comfy. My hubby wanted to bring the couch home! Heehee.
Thanks for checking. I have yet to go to the chinatown shop

If you sign up for mothercare mailing list, they will give u a $5 discount voucher min purchase $30. But guess in your case 10% is more worth it. I am also intending to get 1 from mothercare.

Trying not to get too excited....now must constantly remind bb to wait for daddy to come back next week. Cannot pop so fast!

Trying to search for the chinatown shop add, will post it again when I found it.
no need to go to the warehse to get the toyogo drawers. it's more ex. I called up the shop and they quoted 59 for 5 tier. I would advise u to get it from carrefour @ PS (not sure Suntec have the same promo or not). Now the drawers on promo 34 bucks and got purple and blue. the colours are nice. I regretted my cold storage one but bo bian, buy liow. Only consolation is that it's cheaper lor, 29 bucks
But after sometime looking at it, getting use to the colour already

re chinatown shop
e exact location of the shop is not in chinatown actually. it's near chin swee rd (i think). There's a S11 food court on the first floor. the shop is on the 3rd floor. it's somewhere opposite pple's park centre (a pink bldg). hope my facts are rite. better wait for adora to post the address :p

Thks alot ! Save me 1 headache from thinking of who to book. I'll look for her when i'm there to pop ! hee hee ...

really !? tt's comforting to hear. if not poor hubby wouldn't be able to sleep well hee hee..

i had the hospital tour during the 2nd lesson, everything looked pretty good. got abit scared when i visualise myself in the labour rm

no prob. will keep you informed.
i didn't know abt the mailing list. quite happy got the 10% if not original price is $81. i bot the 2 pc pack. tempted to get the M&amp;S one :p trying to refrain myself.

any idea how many nursing bras we'll need ?
sanitary pad will be given by the hospital for TMC case...maybe u call up ur hospital n chk if they are giving or not lor...

u want to go to the chinatown shop huh? it's above the S11 coffeeshop
von, though TMC is giving, we can also bring some adhesive ones in case we are not used to the loop ones. They use loop ones.

i forgot to tell you girls about the 2 bras i bought. the stripeless one is quite comfy and very stretchable. The other black one, i haven't tried yet. Will put in the hospital bag 3 nursing bras, 3 adhesive pads, 3 breast pads, slippers, 3 nightgowns, 1 face towel, 1 going home clothes, 1 baby wrap, 1 set of baby clothes, comb, etc. Think it's enough?

think i will go for single bed. Cannot imagine sleeping without my hubby with me. Especially when we are so tired and we got to bf in the middle of the night.
jane tan,
yap tmc giving loop ones...ohh u bringing those adhesive with u also? there're reason behind y they are using loop ones but i cant rmbr. im too used to tampons liao...duno when can we start using it

whr u got ur bras? heard tat tmc will give everything for bb one in fact no need to bring anything but in case u need just bring. rmbr to bring facial wash too :p hopefully i can rmbr
Hi Jane Tan

you dun need to bring anything for your bb, a bb bag will be given to you and everything needed for the bb. remember to bring ROM cert and also your husband clothings. bathing towels will be provided
juneten, Got to bring ROM cert meh? oops! didn't know. thanks for telling me.

yes adora, i bought the bras from pumpkin.com. the size is standard but very stretchable, so can wear. Very comfortable. It's good for bf as it's really elastic. However, the postage is only $1 stamp but they charge $4.

i want to bring 1 set of baby clothes as i want baby to wear something nice when going home. hee..
huh? got to bring ROM cert?

jane tan,
same here...will be bringing my own wrapping towel...clothes fm tmc quite cute so can just wear tat..kekeke
Hi Jane Tan

you need to bring your ROM and both husband and wife IC else you cannot register for your baby's birth cert, given 2 weeks to do. Advise to do it during your stay in TMC.

Also, bring your phone and camera charger, jacket for your husband
Thank you. Will remember to do so. Juneten, who knows i may be next door to you since our EDD is so close and we are going for single bedded most likely...

yes, will want to register at TMC during my stay for the birth cert. don't want to trouble myself to go SIR another day.

Will bring jacket, toothbrush, camera, chargers for phone and camera and hubby's clothes.
Hi Jane Tan

let's update one another for each of our check up, who knows you might pop first. currently my bb is still head down. my next visit will be 36th week, think my gynae will do the Group B strep test

has your bb move downwards...you can guess by feeling where the hiccup come from
hi all, that's quite some postings to read...
me just got discharged from hospital because of 'the show' (seeing blood discharge) on labour day... and 4-minute regular contractions based on the machines during observations which i hardly notice and they keep asking me do i feel any pain...
luckily, the midwifes were quick and do the necessary procedures to delay the labour, so, no pre-mature baby

anns: (regarding popping sound)
i do not hear any, but, i do feel 'bubbles' and vibrations too as adora said.
oic...ok ok will take note, thk u so much...

ohh...u start to see?
me only starting to hv contractions so scare tat my bb will come now
seems our babies can't wait to see the world. Well, let's hope all our babies will be out at week 38. i can't wait to see her too.

I am feeling breathless nowadays and perspiring even when sitting down in the office in aircon. Just spoke a few words to my colleague and i am panting away.... just ate 3 durian puffs too and bring 10 more home late. oops!

juneten, will update each other. my next appt is this friday. must remember to ask the doctor if placenta has gone up and if i can go for natural delivery.
ya getting nervous now as most prob within this month i will be popping..alrdy pack my bag, hopefully got everything in..

do take care and have more rest, glad everything fine for you now.

i can feel alot of movements from bb nowadays. maybe not much space for her to do her acrobats anymore so movements feel more intense. there are time when i can feel tummy hardening also but not sure its contractions or bb movement
Thanks for the address of the shop.

I went down to Plaza Sing Carrefour this evening to check out the prices.. There are 2 different models of 5 tiers drawers. The one that is selling at $39 (code no.704-5) is smaller set whereas the bigger one (code no. 804-5) is selling at $79.

I called Togoyo warehouse and checked that they are selling code no. 704-5 at $39 and 804-5 at $59. I am getting the bigger one so its still cheaper to get it from the warehouse..
mrg ladies...

tonite me going to PS maybe can take a look at the drawers u mentioned...

did u drink enuf water? if enuf water then ur bb will hv more plc to move like mine :p cannot stop moving, turning n tossing inside

hw many times hv u seen ur gynae? my hb just mentioned this mrg tat maybe we shld take package instead of just pay per visit. i did chk with my gynae's nurse but they said per visit or package still comes the same. any advise fm u gals? the other time if i rmbr correctly someone mentioned the package includes with med also?

btw....chk liao really got to take ROM cert...thks to juneten...maybe reason is to make sure parents are married :p
von, i see gynae once in 3 weeks now. you mean you didn't take package? now is abit too late to take since you are giving birth soon.

i took my package when i was in my 4th month. Paid $550 for it and includes vitamins, urine tests, consultations, scans, etc... even got reimbursed for the first 3 mths when i visited him. Very worth loh...

as for ROM cert, can we bring photocopy or must be original?
jane tan,
i didnt take the package initially cos im not sure if she's ok for me. anyway she said it's no diff to sign or not.

ohh...$550 is very worth it if u are going like more than 7x fm now.

tat im not too sure but it's better to hv a copy for them n bring the original as well
thanks all for the concern

you are right, Have to rest, no sitting up too long, no walking around too much, so scared that baby too impatient to wait for 1 or 2 more months... sigh dunno what i can do if i return to office after my MCs.

the tummy hardening is probably early labour contractions or maybe false contractions, i didn't realise so until the delivery suite people strapped me down with that fetal monitor because i don't feel pain at all.
jane, take care and rest more before you go back to work.

juneten, thanks. Will bring orginal ROM cert.

Von, it's very worth indeed. i have seen him for 7 times so far. Tomorrow is my 8th time. In fact, there is no limit, so anytime when i need MC, i will go and get from him or if there is any discomfort, i will also pop in.
If u are getting the bigger model, then its cheaper to get it from Toyogo warehouse at TPY. I will be gg down to the warehouse this evening to get the drawers.

Me also seeing gynae at 3 weeks interval now. Cant wait to see my gal next Fri! :) Not sure if she has been putting on wt. She was still quite small during the last visit. I am worried that she's kinda underwt.. Am taking fish oil now, hope it helps!
jane tan,
oic...wow...good leh ur package. i didnt know the package signed liao can go as n when we not feeling good. i tht additional visit = additional cost

huh go tpy again? talking abt warehse so disappt i went to hyperstore n babytown both also nothing much at all

i dun tink i want to make another trip all the way to tpy fm jw so mafun :p

No lah, yest i went PS instead.. Havent been to the TPY warehouse so cannot comment much... Hoping to get some good deals later! :)

I dun intend to go down to hyperstore and bbtown.. so far rite! Its at Kaki Bukit rite? Will be gg down to the chinatown store this weekend to take a look..

I think i am getting lazier to shop ard for bb stuff alreadi.. Kinda worn out and nt so enthu abt shopping anymore.. I have many sleepless nites liao.. My gal super active at nite. Any of have the same experience??
