(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

the PS one alrite? aiyo...me same as u really very lazy liao n my mind suddenly so empty duno wat's there to buy some more

one at kaki bukit the other at tpy...boring small man...rmbr to call before going to the chinatown shop. it's not a big shop either, so write down wat u want maybe call before going

my gal whole day also active...before alarm rings she will start turning...hahaha...

yah, so far i heard he is the cheapest. Also, he is very kind. He asked me to take 4 bedded at TMC and will upgrade me to 2 bedded FOC, that's why i am still thinking if i should go for single bedded since the price difference between 1 bedded and 4 bedded is quite big.
i can't tell ley. I've trying to observe if she has turned by her hiccups. it seems lower now. but there's a hard round thing near my navel, so i not sure if it's her head or butt :p My next visit is next friday. I keeping my fingers crossed that she has turned. Really hopping for natural delivery.

Do take care. Rest more ya.

It's $79 ??!!! I rem seeing it as $34. Not sure if the price increased or my eyes playing tricks. In that case, the warehouse is cheaper. hmm... mine's quite a steal, tho' ugly colour ha ha :p cold storage funan still have quite a no. of them. My is the 804-5 model.

yday evening went cheong choon. their bathtub is white in colour and comes with the baby 'rest' inside. cost $23.

not much things to get, but i think their prices quite competitive. can call them up for prices when shopping ard. their medela pump single electric is gg for $145. Quite reasonable. the price i saw in robinson is $178.

thks for the feedback. i'm more keen on the one with straps. if u happen to try it out, update us ! thks hor.
Hi Gals
Went for check up this morning, at 35weeks my boy now weighs ard 2.6kg. For these 3weeks I gained abt 1kg, bb 0.8kg.

BB's head is down but has not engaged yet. My Gynae actually recommend that I take epi, he says no point enduring the pain. I think I will still endure first until I cannot tahan.

Thanks for checking! $23 is quite exp leh. I think most prob will go Ikea to get the $12 one.

Same here, too tired to shop for bb stuff. Now, my boy getting more active, regardless day or night. I tot by this time, movement shld be lesser??
adora, so good. 80% of your weight gain go to bb. i think i gained 4 kg in 1 mth. tomorrow will know baby's weight. hopefully baby not too big or i may have difficult going for natural birth. i also feel more baby movement nowadays.

shane, ok, will try the strap one and let u all know.
Just realised that Moms In Minds also selling that strap bra. Their delivery cost for normal post is $2.50 whereas pumpkin.com. is $4. But I do not know if teh quality is the same as what Jane bought. I like both the tube and strap bra, I think I will get both.

Yes I'm also very happy that most of the weight goes to bb. Actually, I tried to control my diet, mormally I eat rice for lunch n dinner. Now, I will choose to eat noodles for lunch n rice for dinner.

Hee hee, however for these few weeks I am gg for buffet almost every week. Hope I don't gain too much or else bb gets too BIG.
no prob. i also fine it quite ex. better to get from Ikea. anyway bathtub can't use for long also.

will u be buying ur bra from MIM ?

gd ley, most of ur weight gain went to bb. tt's gd. so by the time u give birth, ur bb will be abt 3 kg. tt's gd.

my boss also keep advocating epi. I think i'll take epi but i'll like to experience abit of the pain first. At least know wat's it's like

Jane tan,
hello gals,
just update, my BB measure 1wk smaller for size...
but I gain 1.8kg within 4wks. Now my overall gain is 8.5kg already...
. Have u gals starts bi-weekly appointment? I'm starting now and going to have my strep test done on 36wks. Anyone done that before, is it like papsmear? Now I have to take extra iron pills due to anemia. Guess my constipation is going to starts again. And now my nerve already starts cracking even thou' its still 8 weeks more.
ur weight gain still very low ley. so gd. so far i gained 15 kg already and counting. still got 1.5 mths to go.

i hvn't start bi-weekly yet. after my upcoming appt then start. will be doing my step test soon also. either this appt or next. yes strep test is like a pap smear. very fast one. don't worry.

wat do u mean by nerve starts cracking ?
hi ladies,
i went for another detailed scan at NUH becos gyane worried that bb's long bone may be too short. Good news is NUH prof confirmed nothing wrong with bb.

But alsa, my bb decided to turn back up and is now in a sitting position. She was head down for couple of weeks. sigh. Any way to encourage her to turn back down again? This sitting position is making me very uncomfortable.

there was also quite a vast difference in terms of bb weight measurement. My gyane measured bb to be 2.24kg whilst NUH's was 2kg only at 32 weeks.
i went to PS carrefour to see the drawers n it cost $70+ gosh...tat's too ex n more the material is not good at all

btw...chk with those ladies who go clinic for chkup or package. do u do scan every visit? i told my mum n hb abt the package some of u signed up n my mum in fact has a frd's DIL who also visit clinic n dun do scan every visit like mine.

ur gynae is the 1st one i come across to ask patient to take epi :p dun tink bb will engage now rite?

ya i agreed with shane, ur overall gain is not as much as mine too. im into my 16kg liao

im going once every 3 weeks not bi yet...anyway my gynae said up to me :p so nothing wrong go lesser

tat's the position the bb shld be before he/she is out to get them ready.
My Gynae said most of his patients take epi, I wld be among the 2% who don't!

Like Shane, I would also like to experince the pain first, see how is it like.

I took up package at 16weeks, scan every visit.

I am visiting my Gynae every 2 weeks starting for next. (35weeks now) I think after that will be weekly visit.

Your total weight gain is not alot....I gained 13kg so far.

I think most likely will get form pumnpkin.com as I like the tube bra. MIM tube bra has gathers in front which I dun like.
hi all

i have my scan/print out for all my visits. from 32 weeks onwards, i have been going biweekly. Next check up will be my 36 week which is next friday, i guess i will be doing my strep B test. after that i will be doing my weekly visit.

Counting down. also for those who are keen on the bra at pumpkin, if you want to save the $4, you can self collect at marine parade. FYI.

Does anyone find sleeping more difficult at nite, i find my stomach very hard and making it difficult for me to find a good position to sleep and also i have more frequent braxton hicks and cramp feeling at tummy area...
:eek: u gynae really said that? it's totally opp fm my gynae.

same here....just want to be a real mum

ohh...u go to those clinic huh? then my mum's DIL's gynae not good lor...no scan one worst still tell her bb too big cannot eat anymore

wat's strep B test? my gynae didnt mention anything like this to me at all. wat's tat for?

initially im sleeping on my left then dun how come im on my back in the mrg :p

strep B test is some kind of bacteria that may reside in mummy's body, so this bacteria can be passed to bb if bb goes thru the birth canal (natural birth), so if tested +ve, then some antibodies injection need to be done before giving birth to the bb. Usually done at the later stage of pregnancy - 36 wk onwards. hope this helps, you can ask your gynae in your next visit.
morning gals,
TGIF! :)

U also find it ex hor! But the warehouse selling that model at $59 so might be better to go to the warehouse to take a look. Was supposed to go down yest evening but heavy rain so hubby decided to go over the weekend instead.

Wow u onli put on 8.5kg! I have put on twice of yours and my bb also a week smaller.. :-( Actually there are 3EDDs based on the HC, AC and FL lei.. My gals' HC and AC a week smaller than the expected EDD..

So what did u ask Dr Chan during ur last visit? Seems that most of his patients take epi huh.. For my case, i would also like to experience the labour pain. I will onli ask for epi if I realli cant take the pain any longer.

My colleague's wife also had her boy delivered in GEH. She had C-sect, stayed in 2-bedder. The total hospital bill size including baby fees is about $5k. Not as exp as i tot huh!
ya not just ex but poor quality...ohh...terrible, it seems like falling apart when we go n see. my mum saw the price her eyes almost pop out. giant sells abt the same looks even better.

ya last nite rain very heavily ltr when i reached town the rain stops a lil if not very difficult to walk :p

wow...$5K not ex to u? gosh...how much cash ur colleague forked out?

GEH sounds expensive. My SIL just delivered in TMC, she is on C section, 1 bedder, stayed there for 5 days. total cost includes bb is $6k. but paid on $2K+ the rest on medisave
hi ladies, went to carrefour at suntec last bought a 5-tier toyogo drawer at $29.90. It's grey with black outline. I'm from the aug/sep mum thread but saw your discussion on the drawer so just pop-by
. Seems like most pple went to the PS carrefour but I think that suntec one is bigger..
Qns asked :
1. When my bb will be engaged?
<font color="0000ff">Ans: Ard 2wks later i.e 37wks</font>
2. When shld I come to the hospital?
<font color="0000ff">Ans: Bloody Show, Water bag Breaks, contractions in 5mins interval</font>
3. Abt not taking epi
<font color="0000ff">Ans: Encourage to take epi</font>
4. Delivery Charges
<font color="0000ff">stated on the pc of paper which show the package price</font>
5. Effects of Raspberry Tea
<font color="0000ff"> Ans : Have not heard that it helps in delivery</font>
morning gals !
finally it's friday. can't wait for the end of day.

glad to hear everything is fine with your bb. don't worry so much, if doc say ok, everything should be ok. trust the expert.

don't worry abt bb turning up again. my baby was also down but turn up again during the last visit. gynae say it's ok still got lots of time for bb to turn. i hope this upcoming visit she would have guai guai turn down. u try to observe her body parts and hiccups. if hiccups nearer to lower region then maybe bb turn already.

i was quite sure when my bb turn up cos i could feel her head at my navel. a hard and round body part. nowadays i trying to feel her hiccups cos can't seem to find her head at my navel.

re gynae visit
i started my package at 16 weeks and i have scans from the very first visits. my gynae quite nice. every visit will give me print out so I have scans starting from the york sac all the way to current development. very interesting.

re 5 tier drawers
gals, must make sure u get the rite one. brand should be toyogo and model should be the 804-5 one. there are a few models at carrefour @ PS. but it's indeed ex if it cost 79.

darn ! carrefour suntec got ?! tt colour defnitely nicer. blank with grey. mine is shimmery maroon with blank trimmings

5k ?! ex ley .... how much was the cash outlay ?

i see ... ok i'll go and compare the MIM one and pumkin one... think i'll buy and try also ...

re epi
actually i quite scared.. cos i know that epi can only be taken before a certain period. once u pass that period then u can't take cos not effective already. i'm worried i'll be in the situation where i can bear with the pain past that period but after that it gets so bad but already can't take epi already. how ah ? so stress, wouldn't know wat will happen till the exact delivery day.

same here. i try to sleep on my left but always end up on my back. i seem to feel more comfy one my back !
Yah, i was shocked when i saw the px too! Hahaha. But no choice lei, plastic drawers are not very sturdy lah. Of crse $5k exp to me but i tot GEH will be much more exp mah.. I tot got to reserve abt $7k in case need to go for emergy C-sect! I think my colleague only paid $2k plus to $3k after medisave deduction.

Seems that GEH sounds exp but nt as exp as many thought..

Hi cakey,
I believe that one that u bought is a smaller one. I am looking for a big one so that I can keep all bb stuff into the drawers. I will need quite a big space for the towels and clothe nappies, pampers, etc... Yah, I agree that Suntec has more models compared to Plaza Sing. Will be better to go Suntec to take a look at the various models.
i guess if it doesnt hurt our back still ok but i will try to sleep on the left wic will be more comfy for bb.

at least im not alone :p cos getting just plastic costing this price is aiyo super ex...ive a frd who also c-section at tmc pay out only $200 cash with assisted delivery but she's staying 4bedded upgraded to 2bedded.
i guess it's abt tat price for GE lor...but if possible better pray for smooth delivery then no need to fork out any cash
ya i also praying hard that i don't need to fork out too much cash if not very siong. after bb arrives, expenses will go up somemore. *stressed*
have to drink more water, eat more fruits/vegetables to ease constipation... it is not easy to have the stomach so cramped up.

BB position: Hope these article helps you.


A very exhausive document on malpositions: Look under 'Strategies To Correct Malpositions'


Cramp feeling: I have similar experience, but not just at nite, but daytime as well. The biggest problem i having is while turning on bed (either to change position or getting off the bed), sometimes have to get hubby to help!
I have this cramp feeling more on my left side since morning...is really like menses cramp...dun know what is wrong with me today, anyone experience that...is that contraction ?
same here the other day i also kenna something like tat but mine it's in the middle of my abdomen area

i just called my clinic, they asked me to go down. cos i worry at nite i will get worst...is very menses cramp feeling...
june ten,
ohh...i just endure the pain cos i dun wish to deliver now. most of the time menses cramp i also endure but i guess ur case very bad so u better go see ur gynae
i also experience menses cramps pain on and off. still ok for me, can tahan. it just comes and go.

if ur is prolonged, better have it checked out, might be contractions. better be safe than sorry.
Wow...looks like most of you experiencing some kind of pain/cramps.

Mine is only tightening of tummy. But I think that's cause by bb's movement right?

Anyway, dun hope bb to pop so early as daddy is not back yet.
Hello ladies,
Guess all are well for you ladies! I am sick since Wed.
Luckily today is much better.

Re: cramp/tightening
I also encounter tightening, but heard if it is from front, shld be fine, as long as it doesn't include dull backache.

My HB has business trip coming up too when I'm 36-37wks. Pray my BB will not pop till his due date.

Do you ladies experience pain below your chest area when you sleep on left side? Its like pulling sensation. But after change to right, I feel better.

I also realise when i change position, my BB will also try to change. Example, I'm lie on my right side, he will shift all his body weight to my right. Same applies to left. Is that common???

I also realise I burp alot... is that part of heartburn???

Sad to say that.. I have stretch marks and its really UGLY!
Is it too late to apply stretch cream?
Hi ladies,

It's been a while since I popped by in here.

btw, just want to let you gals know that if any of you are having flu, do try to avoid the flu medicine. I was having a bad case of flu a few weeks ago. I had blocked nose and feeling feverish for 4 days before I went to see a doctor. No choice, I had to take the flu medication as I wasn't getting any better.

My baby who has been very active in my tummy started being very quiet and hardly moved after I took a dose of the flu medication. It really worries me. I stopped taking after one dose and contacted my gynae. Apparently nothing bad happens to the baby. He was super sedated by the medication that he slept thru most of the time and only started becoming active all over again after 3 days of "rest".

So to all out there, as far as possible, do try to avoid flu medication. Perhaps, could consider some medication that doesn't make you and the baby drowsy.

thanks erlisa,
I didn't know that and I'm almost wanted to buy those off counter flu medicine that suitable for pregnancy. I did check w/ the pharmacists and she just discourage me to take any medicine. therefore I bot Vicks waterless vaporizer, it does helps as my sinus improve and I sleep better and resting well helps to improve my flu. BTW, did u take any panadol for fever?
my bb does chg position too
but the back part of it is that my bb doesnt seems to like me lie on my back n on my right. whenever i try to turn to my right to sleep it seems like my bb will press down too much pressure making me feeling very breathless n uncomfortable. worst still lying on my back really making me having very bad nitemares...
Good Morning Gals
My bb does change position too! So far I only sleep on my left or lie on my back. As I know my bb is lying side way facing the right so I try not to sleep on the right.

36-37weeks is consder quite close...is it possible for your hubby to postpone his biz trip?

I have been having sleepless night these few days. Kept thinking what are the items I need to get ready for bb...think my nesting instinct getting stronger.

Re: Medication
I had bad flu during my 1st Trim, got my medicine from Gynae which I think is safer. Better not buy OTC drugs.
ya my bb also on the right...maybe tat's the reason y the movement of my bb is so great when i sleep on my right. she must be feeling damn uncomfortable cos me pressing down on her :p
hope you are getting better.
pulling sensation, yes, i do feel it too when i tried to shift from side to side while lying down, but like as if my body had moved but the stomach follows on SlloowwllY.

i don't think panadol is suitable for pregnant women. i think for flu or fever have to check with gynae and hope he/she prescibe something suitable. meanwhile, we have to try to fight off by drinking more plain water and more fruits.
Hi erlisa,
hvn't heard from you for a long time. hope u're better now. do take care.

re panadol
my gynae told me the normal kind of panadol is ok to take if my backache gets too bad. but so far i hvn't taken any.

same as adora, i got sick during my 1st trimester and got medicine from the GP and gynae. I think it'a always better to get medicine from docs then to buy OTR.

do take care, hope u're better now.

ya 36-37weeks is very very close to popping. any chance of asking hubby to postpone ?

when will ur hubby be back ? you're quite close to popping already hee hee ....

re bb changing position
I don't really feel it but i can feel bb following me when i turn to either side, so i try to do it slowly. nowadays the best position for me in on my back. But i still try to turn sideways whenever i can.

i think my bb has not turn downwards. I can feel her head at the top of my tummy, if not it's at the sides. I really hope she turns in time.

how abt u gals ? are ur babies still upright, sideways or downwards ?
<font color="0000ff">as at 9 May 05</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>7/6/2005</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/6/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/6/2005</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>26/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>6/7/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>8/7/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

re stretchmarks,
i'm starting to get them too !!!!
at the bottom of my belly. sigh.

no use applying once they appear, they wouldn't go away. but it can help to soften ur skin to prevent more from coming out. for me i was lazy, only apply on and off and use those johnson baby lotion only. now that they're there, i just appear on and off to try to reduce more coming out *hopefully*
