(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Becos I am FAT to begin with... while u are slim.... So now... still trying hard to control my weight gain...

Thanks Glayz, now I noe who is Cherry liao... Maybe if u go alone to zoo, u let me noe (if u dun mind more pp joining).... I bring Akinesh too, then can have fun... Tang Ling, wan to join? Bring JJ too..... Glayz, wan to open as a gathering there....... hahaha..... will it be chaotic???
I wan to bring him again but scared I cant handle cos he now can run n walk n dun like pram... not like last time, can put him in pram n push.

Ya Jaymom, he is sad that he has to leave, but then he also wan to leave cos he hungry liao... heehee..

Caymom n Glayz, dun wori abt weight lah... just eat n be happy... weight - wori later.... now just think of yr princesses.
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
I used to be worried that my hb will be damn bored. I will keep asking him whether he is bored. He used to keep asking me what time to go and that can be really disturbing at times. If he doesn't come, he will keep sms-ing what time I will be leaving, as though I will run away with his precious.
Now he will make it a point to join, especially since I am preggie. He will automatically chase after cay because he knows he cannot rely on me.
I am also less concerned whether he is bored.

<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I understand your concern. Ok, will bear that in mind. Hope I have not revealed too much...

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
The wagon looks quite bulky leh....
cay also loves the playland in the zoo, never fail to excite her when we go there.

Maybe I was slimmer than you but since young, I have been the ah-bui in the family. I had the highest birth weight among my siblings.

<font color="0077aa">Jaymom,</font>
oh yah, Ashdad is another super friendly daddy. Ashley was busy running in and out E's playhouse and he kept encouraging the others to go by saying inside got da-tou (i.e. big head). I can't help laughing.
You have the offical license to eat and "bloom" now..yah, worry later

Look at me, i still have the "spare tyre" around my waist and i can't possible used the expired excuse that i've just given birth becos our tod is turning 2 soon
I was the slimmest in the family...until Uni when me start to grow horizontally due to over dose of chocolate... then after Sky..I was the fattest in the family.... and ytd my dad was laffing at me for being fatter than my mum... he was telling my mum " which of u are bigger size..." and my mum much taller than me lor...
<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
I thought of joining Glayz but I don't have the confidence to handle cay alone.
If more mommies are going, then maybe I will go.

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom,</font>
Cannot abuse my license also lah. Actually, I have reason to be concerned over my weight gain. I had hypertension during my last pregnancy and I am supposed to be watchful over my weight in case I kena again.
Ya Jaymom, cant use that liao, but hor that excuse is wat my fren kept using lei though her boy already passed two....... she very funny... why pp ask her, "wow u fa fu, put on weight, good life huh?" she would reply,"aiya pregnant mah, just gave birth" Then when pp continue to ask "oh how old yr bb?" she not shy, will answer "more than two yrs liao" FAINT hor...... heehee... now she either use this excuse or she will say, "trying for no 2 mah, so no need to diet lah"...... so cute hor...
tat's a good 1!! & it is so funny!!
I still rem when I already popped Ashely like, say aro 5 mths old, still got pple ask how's my unborned bb inside me, am i tired carryg the bb or not.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out</font>
Are we having 1 before Anns leave??

Sounds like a good idea! So i can still official use this excuse till end of the year when i plan for my No.2 ..kekeke!

But "fooling" oneself lor. even before CNY, i realise i put on another kg this month...how? how? but i just can't kick the habit of snacking lately.
My cousin just completed her 1 month confinement and she's already slim enough to put on her yoga pants ( wana strangle her too)!! I regret listening to my mum and ate 5-6 meals a day during my confinement days. Now i simply can't shed the additional 4-5 kgs!
<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
To tell you the truth, I am quite worried now as some of the symptoms are beginning to show. But really no point worrying too much other than to watch what I eat and remain calm. My hb is also taking care of cay more often so that I dun puke blood when she gets on my nerves.
Mummies Nite Out

U wana be "organiser" this round?
Yah, you, forgetmenot and some mommies haven't met her in the flesh hor..and Sally too...
Confinement matters meh...
i also eat very little during confinement... and my weight still stagnant.... I walk up the stairs (opps once a day) with Sky as resistent... kekeke...until that boi 1 month old will want to follow mummy go climb stairs... will cry if he "knows " I am out and not bringing him...dun ask me why he knows hor...
twinklets, me also very sad, when relative till now still said I fat n put on weight lei.... cos they compare me from last last time school days.... sigh... me used to be skinny weight never exceed 45kg no matter how much I ate, but then around 25yrs old, weight suddenly shoot up to 52-55kg...... so super scared.... me preggie time, put on alot of weight.... reached 70kg last trimester due to the steroids lor.... made u hungry n hungry...... lucky after 3 mths, weight back to pre-preggie around 53-54kg now...but then still got the flabby flabby tummy n thighs.... very sad lei.... too lazy to do exercise

when Anns leaving?
Jaymom, i paisei to use lei.... u dare to use... heehee... ya lor like cheating ourselves lei... talking abt confinement....... i just hate confinement food.... yucks.
I love my chicken wine.... and all the pig Kidneys I am eating...kekekeke... but I din eat much rice...
Caymom, take it easy... dun think too much... everything will be fine... actually me also quite scare to get preggie again... cos i kanna lupus when i first preggie with akinesh....gone after delivery... so now pa pa..... but then wan gal lei... so must try lor n pray hard. Yup good idea to let yr hubby handle Cay. Akinesh will definitely need to go childcare if I preggie with no 2 cos hubby always not around mah. Take care ah... Just be happy n SMILE
On yes Glayz, I love to eat durian during confinement month, cos no need to wori, as u wont get heaty....... n my mum said eat as much as u can, cos very pu to eat during confinement.... I enjoyed eating durian than the rest of confinement food... heehee
Clever Sky...kekeke!
So you still "on" with the name Haze for your gal?

Paiseh to use also must use lor. U mean we got better excuse meh?

Just relax and take it easy. Eat healthy and avoid "rich" food.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom/Sally,</font>
Thanks for your concern. Actually, I was super careful in my diet previously but that was because I was scared to put on too much weight. In the end, still kena. In fact, I dunno even know what it was. I only read about gestational diabetes. Anyway, I will just take one step at a time, cannot because of a past experience and become super scared right? Life still goes on.

Come to think of it, I admire my courage leh.
After having such a scary pregnancy and delivery experience, I still not scared. I am not even sure about the childcare arrangement and I already got preggie. Compared to those who are still considering #2, I am really very garang.
<font color="ff0000">caymom</font>
Garang is the way to go. Like me think and think, no action one, even worse. Hvn't think of TTC already worried abt childcare, $, time and energy level. so sometimes i think don't think too much better.
ya! forgot to congratulate you on the arrival of little nathan!!

no lah, adelle's hair is naturally messy. i tied her hair when we first arrived at the PG, so it got even worse after she pulled out the rubber bands

salute to you! me same camp with Shane but i'm concerned abt the loss of freedom and gaining weight :p so shallow hor....

where did you get your kitchen set from? my girl seems to like playing with it. she did not participate in the 'educational' part instead chose to spend her time with the kitchen set. there was a kitchen set during the GUG class on sunday and she was drawn to it again. btw, can you pls send me the photo of adelle. thanks!

Tang Ling
no worries lah, i was almost done with my meal liao.
Jay enjoy's Esher's kitchen set too!
Something wrong with me if i tell you i'm comtemplating of buying a kitchen toy set for him :p

Are they deemed as "girlish" toys?
In fact i'm not into toy swords or guns for boys at their age.
<font color="aa00aa">Tangling,</font>
Yah should bring Riz to PG more often. Only if my schedule coincides nicely with the PG dates ... hehe

<font color="aa00aa">Sally,</font>
Heh, our hubbies sama sama. I managed to catch a few photos of hubbies in action, looking out and playing with the tots. When he ask how many daddies were there, I said all except him. I said I paiseh everytime go alone. He felt bad for me and told me that he'll make more effort to come by next time. Heh heh

<font color="aa00aa">V-Day,</font>
V-day is on Wednesday. Any plans for urself and hubby?
I think it should be ok to buy kitchen toy set lah. I think tots at this age like to pretend play. I used to worry so much when Riz love playing masak masak at 1 yr that I started to get for him a construction tools. Now I don't liaos.

My new worry for me is that he loves my cosmetic bag and has been secretly observing me putting on make-up. And one day he took my blusher brush and started to brush it on his face! I'm shocked!!!!!!!!!
I also intend to get a kitchen set soon... esp after #2 is a mei mei..kekekeke... but must get my mum permission first...becos the kitchen set most likely will be placed there...
I have sent out the photos of ur tots to your individual accounts. Pls check them ok. Disclaimer : I only send out for those I have photos of ur tots.
jaymom, now I tend to use the excuse to have no 2, so no need to diet n slim lor..... heehee.... wat a lame excuse hor.... sigh... wat to do....
can onli cheat myself lor so I feel better...

Caymom, that is the way to go lei.... hubby tend to tell me also dun think too much... wan no 2, then go for it.... plan later... get preggie first... so easy for him to say hor, since he always not around.... I need to handle lei... so kind of scare also I cant handle as me no helper lor.... no one to rely on.... now I also like u lor... dun care, preggie first then sort out later... heehee...... but he not around to make me preggie lei...... hahahaha........
always wrong timing...

kitchen set
Me always wan to get one set for Akinesh, but hubby said cannot lei.... "dun make my boy sissy huh"... i kept arguing with him wont sissy lah.. cos the school also teaches them housework, so good for him to learn esp he likes to imitate adults now...... n he seems to attract to kitchen set whenever he sees one.......
Shane, where u get yours? Me itchy itchy liao....

Erlisa, really ah, u so clever managed to catch the daddies shots..... r they in yr blog? can PM me yr blog link so I show my hubby...... heehee... make him feel bad too....
still dun noe abt V day... since Akinesh here, always tag him along for all celebrations as no one to jagar him lei...... n not sure hubby will be back for V day....... he is away for project lei... me like single mom, always alone with him at home.
after restraining myself from buying anymore clothes and toys for a month, today i went to get a new toy for K again. It's a bit of montessori learning toys whereby they need to string the objects. I'm thinking of getting bricktruck and drum set.

mummies nite out:
maybe we see if we could squeeze one in before anns leave? but likelihood i need to bring K along.
Hi mummies....
Sorry for the very late posting...missed alot of you gals posting on Feb PG, din manage to read all.

Shane, Thanks for hosting the PG, really pei fu you for arranging all on teaching the tods on the a,b,c... nice little gift for them too

Hi to all mummies that i meet on our first PG. Nice meeting all of you, hope to chat more on our next PG... & Anns, thanks for the LF DVD.

Sorry no time to post on the photos i take, will do so when i have time... tomorrow will be gg Bintan for sales meeting for 3 days
, super sian as CNY round the corner but still have to go...

Do update me on mummies nite out via email can? Coz scare no time to check forum... THANKS.
mummies nite out:
unless my hubby is around, if not, I cant go or must tag Akinesh along... but then cant enjoy with him lei... ware do u all go usu?
Sorry, I dun have any Akinesh's photos. Only captured one of his back tho. Hee Unfortunately in my blog no daddy photos. I edit the photos so that dun put other mummies/daddies photos in the blog to retain their personal privacy... hee But u can visit my blog though...

Dun worry, V-Day with Akinesh is ur love too!
My hb shared the same mentality as your hb. When we were newly married, we started thinking about the baby, childcare arrangement blah blah blah... then we realised it is too early to think of such things. My hb said it is not too late to think about it after I got preggie. Besides, it takes time to get preggie too. We took quite long to conceive cay. For #2, we thought it will be the same so we thought by the time I conceive, we will have thought things out. But #2 came earlier than expected.

My hb already thinking of #3 but he said this time we will plan first before trying. I looked at him and said he is siao. #2 is not even out! Besides, I really have enough liao, each pregnancy is a challenge to me. Two kids are just nice for me. Guys really think so simply when it comes to having kids. We women are the one suffering!
<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out</font>
Looks like the thread's offical events co-ordinator have to step in liao. Kekeke.

How about:
Date: 2 Mar (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Central (Raffles City/Plaza Singapura etc)
Actual venue, we communicate via sms (for confidentiality). okie?

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
Can I put my name first? Cos I dun noe if my hubby can take leave to look after my boy or not. He is away for projects now, so cant check with him. Pls note my hp is down. Onli available on Thursday. Can SMS me after that or email me also can. Thanks.

How about:
Date: 2 Mar (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Central (Raffles City/Plaza Singapura etc)
Actual venue, we communicate via sms (for confidentiality). okie?

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
Erlisa, now my boy keeps saying he is my darling, not baby.... when he makes me angry or does sth wrong, he will call me HONEY, not MOMMY. Guess he wans to take over his daddy's place lei.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out </font>

How about:
Date: 2 Mar (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Central (Raffles City/Plaza Singapura etc)
Actual venue: will be communicated via sms (for confidentiality).

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. caymom
wow Caymom, yr hubby sama sama my hubby.... he also wan no 3. Cant imagine me handling alone with 3??? Me will end up in IMH.
I told him if first one GAL, I would have closed the factory liao. Well if second one also boy, then I would stop cos I scare to have 3 boys....... I faint.
Akinesh is so glib tongue leh. He learnt it from school or from your hb?

At frist I thought 3 is just nice since I come from a family of 4 children. But after having cay, I truly understand how tough it is to have kids these days and finally know why some people choose to stop at one. Anyway, both me and hb decided that one is definitely not enough, but 3?

I am very very resistent because my mom definitely can't tend 3 kids, even if she can, she probably wants to help my brothers with their future kids. I cannot be so selfish to hog her all for myself. That could mean I have to take care of them on my own but I will go crazy with 3 kids leh.
I'm v glutton since last year Xmas season. Munching till now, & I've piled up weight liao.
So sad lor. Btw, I also put on weight since 20s. Must be our metabolism rate slowing down, tat's why..

Btw, ur Akinesh is so CUTE!!! Cant imagine calling own Mummy "Honey"! Where he learns from?
Btw, recently my HB abit glib tongue also. heheheeh.. he say "Hello DarlingS" ...

Vday .. hmm we shall be having jap buffet. infact long time din go out to eat during Vday liao. maybe I shd make a card for him during lunchtime. My hb damn funny 1, ask me whether wanna bring Ashley along. Then I say I dun wanna spend $30+ eating nuthing but taking care of her leh.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite Out </font>

How about:
Date: 2 Mar (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Central (Raffles City/Plaza Singapura etc)
Actual venue: will be communicated via sms (for confidentiality).

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
Caymom, definitely agreed that we would go BONKERS with 3 tods...... chasing, screaming, yelling, like crazy woman...... yup with the financial n mental n physical issues, not easy these days to have more kids. Guess one too alone for the kid. Two or three will be perfect.

Dun noe where Akinesh learns all those, maybe listens to my hb n others cos he would tell my parents n sis that he is their BAOBEI.... he seems to be able to differentiate..... me also blur.... his vocals good but I also worried, cos last Sat over reunion dinner, my sis kept asking him to repeat sth n he got fed up n turned to my sis n said "SHUT UP". I was shocked cos first time hearing him. Guess he picks up this for me as he yaks non stop at home n I tend to tell him to shut up n give me a min of peace...... so now has to be veri careful with words in front of him. Sigh.
just rem ur post abt diapers. I got the XL on sunday after talking to you at class. E can fit!!! You want samples ?

Before hvg 3, I wanted 3. After E, ONE! haha....
sometime back, I was asking hub, how abt 3? he said, let's work on 2 first haha... I think if 2 happens, there might be 3. But at the moment, 2 is not even happening yet or might nvr happen

Ya agree that Akinesh can talk very well ley. The way he talks abit similiar to E.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies Nite out</font>
Maybe even for general venue we should keep it privy and email. cos quite ez to guess, even if we just mention the shopping mall name ?

I can't make it on 2 Mar!!!!!!
u gg to eat on Vday, then got to pay surcharge ?

sigh, don't even know if it's on hb radar screen or not. but last wkend, we had a short getaway ALONE keke... so I guess that makes up for it....
my hb got it on the wrong radar... wished me Happy V day.. yesterday on our way to work and i said "wei.. its on wed leh today is only 12 Feb" then he went "oh isit..paisay".. alamak.

forgot to thank you for the dvd, ashley loves it so much. She was annoyed and told us to "Shh" when we were talking while she was watching...
Have I mentioned before ? I think ur hb is very funny! He's always joking around hee hee....

Ash went 'shhh' ???? hahhahahahha so cute!!!
which DVD is that ? gd ah, then must let E watch liow...

Need to 'borrow' from one of you liow... =P
Mummies Nite Out

How about:
Date: 2 Mar (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Central (Raffles City/Plaza Singapura etc)
Actual venue: will be communicated via sms (for confidentiality).

1. Anns
2. Tang Ling
3. Sallyngsj
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
6. LV with K (ok?)

u sound like our movements are being spooked hehe.. but yes, for privacy reason, we should just gathered the numbers here and email for further details.

u can't make it?? boo hoo. I'm going to miss my best friend in the forum <don't cringe>
what about other dates that we can accommodate you? I was thinking of begging my mum to look after K for the night so that I dont have to rush off at 8 plus.

tang ling,
i was thinking of another location like paragon where there's more kiddy playgrounds (if more mummies bring kids) and there's lots of al fresco cafes there. we can decide on location later.

my vday is to make pineapple tarts.. :p

Really that interesting? I bot a CD that has songs from LF DVD(Letter & words). Haven't let Ian listen. This CD is to refresh what they learn from DVD.

Akinesh is indeed v. vocal. Think if I wait Ian call me "honey or daring", must wait long long. Can hear him call me mama is a bonus liao.
