(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Really ah. My hb also keep watching the reruns on HBO... So you are a sitcom queen also lor. Hehe.
Hope you get well soon!

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">ACTphabets Trial</font></font>
Hey mummies, I have just received their email to say that they are cancelling trials till further notice coz they may be moving soon. I will forward their email to you to have a look.
So, NO trials. Sorry.
Tang Ling

Thanks for arranging the ACTs trial. My fren can attend the 10 Mar but i just realised she has another fren who is interested. I feel so paiseh you have been making all the arrangement. Maybe i ask her to go separately. Seeya later then chat
<font color="0000ff">PG today</font>
Thanks all for coming! Hope everyone had a good time.

<font color="ff0000">In the interest of confidentiality, please do not post photos (indoor and outdoor) that show details of where we are. Thanks!</font>

<font color="119911">Adora</font>
Thanks for turning up with you whole family! Looking at you, reduce my 'phobia' of having #2. Not as tough as it's seems or rather you make it look ez keke... I
I must admit, after looking at Chloe, it sure makes me abit 'heart itchy' keke.... newborns are so precious and sweet!
<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
It was good to see you again! You din change much from the last time. And you look ssssssooooo young!!! Almost like a little gal. I think we're the same age ? But I feel ancient beside you
Ya.. yah..

<font color="ff0000">Anns</font> really look young.. so good you have a young face... hehe..

Nice to see everyone also... it was a big crowd today...think I din have time to talk to Sally or at least introduce myself.. hope there's a next time soon
<font color="0000ff">PG today</font>
Really glad to see 2 new faces: Anns and Sally.

Also so heartwarming to see that everyone is feeling so relaxed and comfy with each other. Can really see even the daddies chatting more and there is mixing around.

<font color="ff6000">Shane:</font> Thanks thanks thanks for hosting PG.
I know we had a great time! Dinner was really nice too, with the right company.

<font color="ff6000">Adora:</font> Nice to see your whole family turning up including Chloe! Even saw her smile before falling asleep.
Maternal instincts kicking in. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Anns:</font> Did Ian KO when you return home? Hope he was not cranky. Were you confused with the many faces (I mean the mummies')? Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Sally:</font> You seemed to have fit into the group very quickly. Kekeke. Akinesh is very active and looks so very cute in the Chinese costume.
lucky u put disclaimer first. otherwise i would have posted the photos here.. heh... Not to worry, i'll post the photos in Riz's blog by tomorrow...

U look different from the photos i've seen in the blog leh.. Prettier in real life. And you definitely look really young

Nice meeting all the mummies. Since I din join the outings that often, I'm still trying to match the faces to the nicks.. Hope everyone had a great time. Riz sure did, though he's super duper sticky to me. Heh
can post but must just show face lor, require some editing, as long as no 'details' can liow.

Oh ya, can do the same thing for blog pics. Want to retain some privacy. thks
Wow... you all had a great time! Wish I was there... instead, I'm at home nursing engorged breasts...

It sounds really fun, esp with all the new mummies to meet up!
Please post edited pix! Would like to see the kids esp!

i just had the most incredibly painful massage from the massage lady. She decided to incorporate Tuina into her package! used cups for my back. AIYO... like labor all over again. But after that, feeling's quite shiok.

sorry, but would like to call on all your memories. What do you do with the little white blister on nipple when BF-ing? can't come out, won't peel out. It's a little white dot. anyone remembers?
Here's a few pic that I pick out that's better.

Sweet Adelle. She looks really pretty in this shot!

All the way from US, Ian!!!

Little Chloe. Can tell that both siblings are from the same 'factory' hee hee...

Jie mei hua for the day

The CNY singing troupe!


Had to crop this pic. E sat till very unlady like!
we miss you and Nicole!

the white blister...is it a blocked duct? Need to pump and latch, pump and latch, till it clears. Memory's abit fuzzy tho'
<font color="aa00aa">Sharing this with you mummies</font>

Signs that your child loves you
1. Your newborn stares into your eyes he's actually working hard to memorize your face. He doesn't understand anything else about the world, but he knows you're important.
2. Your baby thinks about you even when you're not around. Between 8 and 12 months old, he'll start to scrunch his face and look around when you leave the room and he'll smile when you return.
3. Your toddler throws wicked tantrums. Nope, those screaming fits don't mean he's stopped loving you. He wouldn't be so hurt and angry if he didn't trust you so deeply.
4. Your toddler runs to you for comfort when he falls down or feels sad. Kids this age may not truly understand the meaning of "I love you," but their actions speak louder than words.
5. Your preschooler gives you a flower picked from the garden, a finger-painted heart, a sparkly rock, or another gift.
6. Your preschooler wants your approval. He'll start to be more cooperative around the house, and he'll look for chances to impress. "Look at me!" will become a catchphrase.
7. Your grade-schooler trusts you with secrets, like his first crush or his most embarrassing moment. You're his confidante, even if he shies away from your hugs in public.
Good Morning Mommies.

PG on 10 Feb 2007
Thank you Shane for all the effort put in with the lesson n art & craft..... U r super creative. Thanks for being such a GREAT host. Oh Shane, thanks your maid n hubby too.... esp when my boy is bleeding, they r so concerned in the kitchen helping me... yr maid good lei, experience in applying sugar for my boy in his mouth to stop the bleeding.......super...
- seeing all the little princesses..... me very itchy liao, esp little chloe there to seduce me........ going to try n work hard for a princess.. cross my fingers.... heehee
- sori if I cannot remember all the names... still need time to absorb.
- yup, Kiami, din manage to say hi to u.... show me your boy or gal pic... so i can link... :)
- sori erlisa that my boy knocked on Riz' forehead. Hope he is okie.
- Tang Ling, I managed to blend in well cos all mommies here so so friendly, I just hope my boy has the size of JJ lei.... then my mom wont nag at me already....
- Ya Anns, u r so young n beautiful... wow wat is yr secret...
- alamak caymom, i forget to touch yr belly... come back, my mom said I should touch yr belly if i wan bb gal...... next time okie.... let me mo mo mo...n give me the baby princess dust....... cay is so cute in bring the cooking pots to me n tell me hot... heehee
- oops whoose mommy is Adelle, so so sori that my boy "kai yu" on her sexy back....

k will see can crop those pics n paste here....

Thank you everyone for making my first time with u all so comfortable, n giving me such a warmth welcome........
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Good to know that you are comfortable with the group. You are so chatty it makes it a lot easier.

Was Akinesh very tired during reunion dinner?
<font color="ff0000">RE: February PG</font>

It was a very enjoyable PG and me and hb were so glad that we managed to make it!
If anyone of you managed to capture any shots of cay, please email to me.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
You are a fantastic host. I really peifu your energy and patience during the lesson. You did very well. Even my hb is extremely impressed. He is a man of few words on front of people but he actually thanked you in person. This shows something leh...

Oh yah, really surprised that cay and E dressed up almost identical again. Think this is the 2nd time? Maybe we have the same taste for clothes.

<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font>
Hope Joelle is alright. I think she was upset when cay squeezed with her then she banged her head causing the great wailing.

<font color="ff6000">Sally,</font>
Great seeing you and Akinesh! Sorry that I didn't say much, I am quite a shy auntie in person. Akinesh is very independent. Must be because of your training. I am very impressed with the way you discipline him. His vocab definitely wow me.

You want to touch my tummy? Can! Maybe a few mommies also eyeing my tummy which has produced two girls!
Hahahaha.. maybe they dun dare to approach me because I look so quiet. Next time I will shout loudly,"Lai lai lai, mai paiseh!"

<font color="ff6000">Tang Ling,</font>
JJ is rather sticky to JJdad yesterday hor. Thanks for the CD.
I was trying to find it actually.

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Paiseh that din get to talk much to you. Ian is so grown up already. I thought his size is ok. You are comparing him with JJ or ang moh is it? Anyway, Ian is the youngest among all the tods, maybe he will catch up soon?

<font color="ff6000">Erlisa,</font>
Aiyoh, you still look great leh. I was admiring how slim you are from the back. Sigh, I will never make it man. Riz is rather sticky to you hor. He is still as handsome as before.

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
Your Chloe brought back so much sweet memories to me! I can't wait to cuddle my little one in my arms.
Hope I can lose weight as fast as you. I remember when cay was two months old, I was still a fat hippo, definitely not like you now.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Did Sky nearly run down the stairs? I saw you running so fast towards him. Noble mummy...

<font color="ff6000">Ixoarred,</font>
Adelle's top is definitely very sexy.
She is so cute and da fang when saying hi to cay. How I wish cay can be like that.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
JJ was with JJdad most of the time coz JJmum was too busy chatting with other mums. Hehe.
Really ah - you looking for the CD? Save you some time liao.
Just happened that my fren says she has it, so she pass to me.

<font color="ff6000">Erlisa</font>
Yah, Riz very sticky to you hor - even wanted you to go into the playhouse with you. Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
The pictures of Jay posted above shows he is so cute and chubby. He looks really nice in the chinese costume! Like a little adult.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Have to really comment you on your effort for the enrichment programmes. Not easy.

It's really a big group, but I still managed to chit chat quite a bit. Hehe.
I realised that I take really lousy pics during the PG. I think it's really time for me to invest in a better camera. By the way, to those who has good shots of me & Riz in the grp photo, pls pass to me hor. Preferably in it's original size. I never take any group pics using my camera at all!

Don't worry. Riz's head is as hard as a rock liaos fall after fall.. More worried about Akinesh's chin... haha

Yah Riz super sticky. That's why I wish he could be more independent when it comes to play. Always pull me along to play with him. I almost made a spectacle yesterday when Riz tried to pull me into the tent.. hee

Aiyoh don't envy me lah. I'm not slim. I'm skinny. I still need to put on a bit that I"ve lost coz I had food poisoning some time ago. Don't worry, after preggie u can jia you slim back ok... Now jst take care abt bb's health...
Tang Ling, Akinesh not tired during renuion dinner, as usual super hyper active.... knocked out onli 11pm cos reached home at 1030pm.
Oh, who is the boy with Jinbei? I like that set, who is his Mommy? Din get a chance to say hello.... ware u buy the set huh?

Glayz, u there? Din get to say hello too.... Which one is Sky?

Wow I still have alot of work to do in remembering all the mommies n their little princes n princesses..... Give me time hor.
hahaha, I find out liao..... Sky is actually the one in Jinbei suit.... where u buy the suit, Glayz? I like the colour.... I got a checks darker set for my boy, a gift from my hubby's Jap office GM. U bought from Jshoppers?

Thanks for informing me, Tang Ling. U r so efficient.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
You are welcome. I happened to login and see that you are posting.

It would take a while to remember the kids, then the mummies. I am working on remembering the daddies now. Hehe.
thanks for PG, Ian having fun playing with all the toys. :p but guess you have wash all he toys he touch coz' he's cold getting bad today. So sorry if he happen to spread the flu. Didn't manage to capture nice pic of Esher..

Below is those pic that I can take, I will upload somewhere else and will email the site. Those have Ian's pic (didn't manage to capture his face), please email me too, thanks!
Here is just a small sample:-


I too busy stopping Ian touching here and there, so paisay that I didn't manage to talk to most of the mummies and I guess the group is really big! Abit confuse when all the ppl arrived. :p Only manage to identify those I talk to.

No idea, maybe I'm not tall, that's why I look young. I already go and perm my hair to make myself more mature... no effect???

The photo you taken is BETTER than mine. only 10% of my total photo is GOOD.

forgotten to pass you DVD. Can PM me your address so I can send to you incase I don't meet u before I back to US again. Thanks again for helping me to buy my stuffs.
thanks for your effort in organising this PG. and wow, you did so much preparation before hand to make the PG a very educational one. u can start your own GUG liao! also enjoyed ourselves during dinner too.

new mummies
Sally and Anns, nice to meet you all

tang ling
my hubby said sorry for bringing JJ back late. he was going to bring him back liao but JJ pulled him to the carpark to see' car car' heheh
Ya the Jinbei is bought from jshoppers...
But think it is only available in Summer period... now the site no more.... thinking of buying a yukata set for my ger... kekekeke...

Thanks for hosting the PG.. too bad Sky din get to experience Teacher Shane as he was in dreamland then...

Sky haven run down the stairs...but was heading that direction... if he did run, he would have already tumbled off the stairs before I reach him...so i had to run... (he still dunno how to walk up and down the stairs without help...)

Didnt see athlete in action ytd... was preparing to see an active Ian..then can tell Sky..u see didi so smart...
thanks for organising such an educational and successful PG.. thanks for your effort in the prepartion as well...

thanks for the DVD... yap, i agree with the others that you look so young.. i look so auntie beside you

did not manage to talk to you.. Akinesh size ok leh.. y you mum still nag at you..

Tang Ling / bbrooster
sorry bought the training pants but forget to bring it out..
Xue jie... u look really good leh.... and too bad my mum qian jiao dai me not to carry /touch babies.... scare later ur princess will cry whole nite....seeing ur princess make me so gian... praying to reach june SOON...
Ixoarred, so u r the mommy of sexy Adelle!!! Love her curly hairs.

Glayz, wow u really can shop hor, now already thinking of yr gal... heehee..... so her name is Haze? Confirm? Next time must intro, cos wan to touch yr tummy too.... need more gal babydust lei... so u + caymom POWER liao...

Jasmine, ya din manage to locate u... which one yr tod? Must intro next time. My mom said too skinny liao...... sigh.... if she sees JJ, she sure nags more.... n goes "see JJ younger, he is bigger n taller." n blah blah blah... same goes my dad.... "why he eats non stop n still so skinny?"
my boi also short..so no worries la... i get zhi bei when JJ stand beside sky... JJ half a head taller... and I can just say is MY SHORTY GENES...so bo bian....

To locate Jasmine ger is easy... u listen to the voice that keep calling Pa-pa... most likely is Kaiyun... kekeke... Think my hb will melt if Sky call him like this... Sky keep calling my hb ma-ma... and only daddy when he is in sticky situation or after my hb left for work...
hi gals,
wow the PG looked so fun and all the children so pretty and handsome in the cny clothes..
was super busi and tired for the past wk..cos Chloe is hospitalised due to high fever,..n aft taking blood and urine test..
found tt she has UTI and false measles..hence leads to the high fever..

she has recovered liao..no more fever and the rashes has beginning to subside and she can finally go home tomolo...heng ah..at least she can "enjoy" the CNY..

okie.got to go n sleep liao..if not fr tomolo onwards,will not have a good nite sleep liao..
Don't worry.. Riz is skinny too. Riz's skinniness comes from me. I don't blame him, I only blame myself for tt. As long Akinesh is eating well and healthy, I think that matters most. Mabbe he got the skinny genes in him... hee

Yes.. u did make a lot of effort for the PG. Kudos to you. Just wondering if you ever inspired to become an educator?

Take care of Chloe... Hope she get well soon for the CNY!

I've uploaded the pics on Riz's blog. Feel free to look. If you happen to see what u like there apart from the individual photos, let me know. I will send out the individual photos to ur email acct soon. Gonna send the original size so that u mummies can do watever u like with tt
So keep your inbox FREE hor!!
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Hey, din know you like Indian movies too. I thought I am the only boliao one around.
I like to watch the pretty Indian stars, dun know any of their names though. If Sally has a daughter, confirmed very pretty hor.

<font color="0000ff">Erlisa/Tang Ling,</font>
Looks can be deceiving. Come to think of it, I think maybe I do have the Channel 5 look. I have colleagues who will always speak to me in English even though I will reply in Mandarin. Kinda funny that they will talk to each other in Mandarin but when they turn to me, they switched to Channel 5. But really, I am very slow when it comes to speaking English. In writing is different, you dun know how much time I spend to organise my thoughts before I post it onto my blog.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
Wow, heng that Sky didn't run down the stairs. Oh, you took him swimming? So on ah. The last time I look cay swimming was exactly one year ago! Oh gosh, maybe I should bring her soon. This little gal loves water but very scared of sun. She will stand still the moment she sees the sun and wants us to carry her so that she can hide her face in our chest while we quickly walk into the shade.

<font color="aa00aa">Forgetmenot,</font>
Oh dear, poor Chloe. Glad to know that she is better now.
I din bring him into the water la.. my waist too thick liao... think my bottom cannot fit into liao... my hb is the one who bring him into the water... and he refuse to go into the water at first... but later after A LOT of splashing from his dad... he then go into the water... but he drank a LOT of pool water lor.... all his dad fault... and a lot of screaming from my over excited boi...
Wow, your hb so on ah. I dun think my hb will be so on leh. Maybe should try asking him. You went to the swimming pool at Hougang?
Even if you spent a lot of time organizing your thoughts, it's well written I should say! To tell you the truth, whenever I read, I always he kind who spot grammar mistakes and it's my pet peeve. When I read ur blog, I don't think I have found any so far. So, that means u write good English!

I love to watch too. But it's been a while that I watch one. Today I switch on Vasantham Channel this afternoon, there's only Indian movie. I don't like it. I so much prefer the Bollywood ones. Especially their sad movies. So dramatic. Can make me cry bucketful some times... hee

Yah, I saw u sprinting like an athlete to catch Sky before he goes down the stairs. U got my heart pumping like mad yesterday seeing ur condition and u run in a 100-m dash... Luckily all is well...

I love Akinesh's lashes. I'm a sucker for lashes. Coz I don't have one... If girl, sure pretty... no need to put mascara and false lashes liaos...
Hi gals,
thanks for the wishes...Chloe is much better liao..but heartpain when see them poke IV to her hands as they need to put antibiotics thru the veins lor..
and she wants to be carried and walk away..so now both my hb and i,our hands are aching liao..but no choice still hve to carry her..

think i'm gng to faint when we received the hospital bill tomolo.cos stayed there for so many days and so many tests done.haiz..anyway..as long as she is well,i'm thankful liao..

both my hb n i are chinese speaking one..and we speak a mixture of english,mandarin and hokkien to Ryan..hehe...think next time he will speak rojak language..

omg,u popped liao?alamak..hope i'm not too late to congrats u..
WELCOME Nathan!!!..do post his pics leh..

hmm..kinda of missed being preggie..hehe..dun mind having a 3rd one..think i siao liao..but too bad..no chance liao..cos hb dunno anymore kids..

hehe..i still hve not ask my hb abt the joint bdae party yet..keep forgetting..
but if he is ok,we can just join in right?still got space?

i like Cheyanne,wanted this name initially but hb dun like..he oni like Chloe and Shirlene..so we ended up with Chloe..
hehe..n my mum keeps saying tt Chloe very hard to pronounce..
Aiyoh, you stressed me leh, then I better make an effort to upkeep my record. Actually, I do have mistakes here and there. You are being very lenient. In fact, I am still making correction when I review my postings once in a while.
No lah, me not stressing u. Me giving u motivation lah.. hehe I do make mistakes too when I write. My english is not tt great either. I'm also like you, still review my writing after I post. If I spot, sure I change. I think your style of writing is simple, concise and straight-to-the-point. Over time, you'll start to get flamboyant and use bombastic english.. hehehe

birthday bash,
oh yah, me haven ask hubby too. I'm working on tt day anyway. but tt one no problem. can take leave. hee Dunno if hubby keen. But if reply late can still join or not ah?
Caymom/ Erlisa
At least u two better than me lor...
Me just PLAIN LAZY to evn upload the photos... and what worse..my blogs is of few words...
<font color="ff0000">PG</font>
Glad that everyone enjoyed it. All my effort is worthwhile.

Actually, I'm not that creative lah. I did some research on the activites to be done

The gp was really too big, so kinda chaotic. I missed out quite alot of items in the box. Also forgot to do 'magic fingers'- i printed out cards for the little ones to follow and write the alpha. Was supposed to do story telling to. But decided to just skip that as well.

Well, after being a 'teacher' for that short period of time, i truly understood how the teachers at classes feel!!!!

Actually another reason is to show daddies that the kiddos come to PG for a good reason! So that they would con't to let mummies and kiddos attend the PG! haha
But seriously now that they're older, can do more things with them beside freeplay.

<font color="ff0000">Pls do send me nice photos that you have of me or E. Din managed to capture much nice shots. Thanks.</font>

<font color="ff6000">caymom</font>
Yes, I appreciated your hubby kind words. Really felt appreciated. I was quite surprised too. As you said, he was a man with few words. Do thank him for thanking me

<font color="ff0000">erlisa</font>
Long long time ago, I did think of becoming a teacher. I actually took the application form before but nvr got down to applying. That was when I was just trying to hamtam any job that I can find lah

When I was younger, I did fantasize about being a 'special' teacher. Someone who teach more than just textbook stuff. I'll like to talk to the children and teach them about the world, to help pple, to be nice, to learn from them how they thot about certain issues, to provide them with a listening ear,etc. I think kids are very nice to talk to cos they give you 'funny' answers back. Sound so noble hor. haha... But that was just a thot. Nothing came out of it. haha...

Personally, I do like to teach. I like the satisfaction of seeing results. When I gave tuition last time, I always talk to my kiddos. They can be quite funny at times.

Now old liow, no such drive anymore. Think got my little E is enuf to satisfy my teaching 'needs'

Btw, I like the collage of pics you did up for the kids with names. NICE!!!

<font color="ff6000">kiami</font>
Please thank your hubby for helping out with the bubbles. He blew alot of bubbles for the kiddos!

<font color="ff0000">Bday Bash</font>
<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot, erlisa</font> no prob on letting us know later. We have already booked the place so the party definitely on! So do join us if you can make it. We'll be happier too cos it means we pay less
Need a minimum of 15 tods.
Feb PG
The pics are really nice...btw anyone manage to capture Raphael, pls email to me can? As I was in a rush & forgot to bring my camera.

Keke...so the appearance of Chloe made u gals thinking of having #2. Good good so my Chloe will have more companions..nx time PG will have 2 sections, elder kids n younger bb.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Thanks for hosting the PG, we had fun & thanks for the 'ang bao'. Too bad Raph also missed the 'educational' portion.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font> xue mei...soon it will b your turn to hold ur princess in your arms. In the meantime, eat as much as u feel like...but of cos not too much junk food. CNY coming, indulge in all the goodies. Now, I cannot eat too much liao...must WATCH what I eat.

<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
Nice meeting u! I also think Akinesh size is ok.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Raph kept calling Ashley in the car when we left leh.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
ya i love to cuddle Chloe & 'smell' her too...so xiang. I am sure u can slimmed dwn...u are those skinny type unlike me..have fat genes.

Few words is sometimes better. Write "nong nong" story pple read oso sometimes sian liaos... hehe

I have been observing you since the first PG I've attended (Not tt I've attended many PG anyway)... You really have got the stuff in being not just a a good teacher, an effective one. U bother to even do research and stuff. Esher is very lucky. Really pei fu ni...

I do enjoy doing things for kiddos too in terms of education. So much so that I even teach tuition from the time I was schooling up till after I just gave birth. It all started for the money. After a while, I enjoyed more of the interaction and helping the kids to "grow up" esp in their adolescent years. Even applied being a teacher few years ago, went for the interview and even got it but I turned it down eventually... Now I got Riz to teach, only hoping that he would repeat to me what I have taught him :p

Do let me know if you need help for future PGs. Coz I enjoy it doing it too!
