(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

caymom, me also like cayleen.......

Potential names for my baby girl:
1) Crystal (don't like the first 2 letters CRY)
2) Cara
3) Celeste/Celestine (don't know why... but i always think of chinese type fairy when i see this name)
4) Cayleen/Calynn --------- i like this, goes well with jie jie's name -----
5) Claris/Clarissa (reminds me of the beauty prodts)
6) Cheyanne -------------i like this too----
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday & CNY PG</font> <font color="ffff00">IT'S THIS SAT!!! </font>
Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date & Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
<font color="119911">Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear (if possible, otherwise normal clothes). </font>

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to 'F'
- Story telling
- Art & Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby (Dinner time approx 7pm)

Dinner at Cafe
1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns > Most likely 1A1C for dinner
3. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
4. Aries > 2A1C for dinner
5. Cherry > 2A1C for dinner unless Ashley KO
6. Glayz > 1A1C for dinner (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
7. Ixorarred > 2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
8. Kiami >2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG

Total: 14A n 8C

No dinner
1. bbrooster
2. Adora
3. Jaymom (most likely can come)
4. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
5. Caymom
6. sallyngsj

1. Serrich (tentative & dinner TBC)
I rem seeing a qn re dinner venue. I don't go there often for dinner but been there a couple of times. The atmosphere is quite nice.
It's western cuisine and a main course range from $12 onwards.
Wow Mckee
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Congrats!</font></font>
Hey I also deliver at Glen E, for me the mid wife also just said ok push. In fact I dun even need her to tell me, the urge to push is v strong. I think 2nd bb v fast, I also 3 pushes.

<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday & CNY PG</font>
So all of the todds coming in CNY clothes? Went Chinatown just now, din manage to get for Raph...all not nice leh. Looks more like PJ, the gal's clothes nicer!!

Guess Raph will b the odd one out!!
<font color="119911"><font size="+1"><font face="Cooper black"> Mckee, CONGRATS!!!</font></font></font>
Didn't expect you to deliver so soon since we just saw you at Gymboree last Sat and you mentioned inducing on 17 Feb. Hehe.
Rest well hor.
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
It's ok lah - don't think all would come in Chinese costumes.
For one I know little Ian also don't have Chinese Costume. Maybe come in something red instead? It would have this CNY mood. Heh.

But YAH YAH YAH agree with you - so many nicer ones for gals! One look - almost all are gals' in 2-pc, 1-pc, long, short, colourful, simple etc etc. Boys' are so limited...
don't worry. You are not alone... I didn't get CNY clothes for Riz too. I went to Chinatown KL in hope to find one for Riz. But to no avail. And AGAIN, girl costumes like all in abundance... And today, I was having lunch saw this mini clothes bazaar got CNY clothing for boys leh.. so happy... but dun have the size and colour I like...
<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Congratulations!!</font></font>

Har you pop already? We were just chatting last Saturday about inducing. Good for you also don't have to feel so heavy anymore. Rest well and do a good confinement. Looking forward to see your little prince.
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
We confirm the timing for Bday Bash for 1pm.
You would be going to confirm the booking this weekend hor. I will email to you a list with tods' bday. Thanks.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash 2007 @ King Albert Park </font></font>
Location of King Albert Park (near Ngee Ann Poly):

* The kiddos will get door gifts, goodie bags / bday gifts and happy meals.
* $7 for each kid including goody bag + Happy Meal. (Top up $5 for bday present for bday kiddos).
* Optional: Bday cake is additional at $15. We can order our cake and bring it there.
* Adults pay for own food, order taken but they can reserve the area outside the party room for adults to eat/drink.
* Decorations, balloons, hostess who play games are FOC.
* Booking with $15 deposit. Refundable.
* Other details: The party is for 1.5hr and no further extension.
<font color="ff0000">* Need minimum 15 kids. (if not enough, balance would be topped up by those coming)</font>

<font color="ff0000">Date: 2 June 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1-2:30pm </font>
After event: Kindyroo (http://www.kindyroo.com.sg)

<font color="0077aa">Bday Kiddos </font>
1. Tang Ling > going Kindyroo
2. Ixorarred > going Kindyroo
3. Shane > going Kindyroo
4. Glayz
5. Jaymom
6. Cherry
7. Kiami
8. Serrich > going Kindyroo
9. Adora

<font color="0077aa">Guests </font>
1. Caydad > unlikely to go Kindyroo
2. Jasmine > going Kindyroo
3. LV > going Kindyroo
<font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash 2007 @ King Albert Park</font>
2 June 2007, 1 pm

Any mummies interested in joining in, please drop a line or PM me.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">ACTphabets Trial </font></font>
The trial classes have been confirmed and they would be conducted bilingual.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">ACTphabets Trial </font></font>
Their trial is FREE, but not the actual class itself. It's a fixed timing at on Sat only.

Co-ordinator: Tang Ling
Time: 1.15-2pm (45mins)

<font color="119911">Any more mummies interested? If yes, please put your name down for 10 Mar. Otherwise, drop me a line and I see what I can do. </font>

<font color="0077aa">24 Feb (Sat) </font>
1. Tang Ling
2. Shane
3. Adora
4. Jaymom
5. Jaymom's fren (TBC - change to 10 Mar?)
6. Aries
7. BBrooster
8. Kiami (TBC)
9. Jasmine
10. Anns

<font color="0077aa">10 Mar (Sat) </font>
1. Caymom
2. Twinklets
3. Forgetmenot
4. Eileen
5. Glayz
6. Serrich
7. Sallyngsj
8. Twinklet's fren
tang ling,
ok i'm going down to book this weekend. so it's confirm 1pm 2 jun.

forgetmenot, erlisa, mckee
u not joining us for bday bash?

u dont want to bring A to join as a guest like me and K?
<font color="ff0000">LV,</font>
Forgot to tell you I will email you K's model pic this weekend when I go back home.
I'm now staying at my mom's place because my hb is outstationed.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
Thanks for analysing the names for me. Agree with you views. I also like Cayleen and Cheyanne best. Kinda feel that Cayleen is more suitable and thinking of the chinese name Kailing to match it. Initially we wanted to use the chinese name Kaiting which is quite close her english name but drop it because we consulted geomancer. I think we will leave #2's chinese name to geomancer as well.

Anyway, will leave the english name to hb. He doesn't like any of the names I suggested just like the previous time so I will leave the decision to him again this time.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
If you pick "Kailing" as chinese name, then same name as Adelle.
PG at Ixorarred's house then realised that Adelle responds to the name "Kailing" and not "Adelle". Hehe.

At home, you and family usually call Cay as "Cay" or chinese name?
Both names (Kailing and Kaiting) very sweet !!!

LV, thks for helping us book

No one else wants to join us for bday bash ??
Tang Ling,
Yah, I remember Adelle's name is Kailing.

I just realised I wasn't clear in my last post. I wanted to name cay as Kaiting but dropped it because of the geomancer. We are thinking of naming #2 by adopting the 2nd character of cay's name and ending with 'ling' to match cayleen. But still will consult geomancer lah. So in the end, her name may be entirely different from cay's.

At home, I will call her "yingying", caydad calls her english name and my family calls her "ah girl". If #2's name ends with "ling", I will call her "lingling".
Haha... I am channel 8 mah.
u don't appear channel 8 to me ley ... anyway i think it's gd to expose them to chinese. they can learn english in school. now i feel E is very channel 5 so i told my mil to speak chinese to her. want her to be bilingual. hope that helps but her chinese vocab very very limited...
infact hor, i think E doesn't know her chinese name!!! when we call her by her chinese name .. she doesn't response
Is it? This shows I covered my flaws well.
My English has been rather poor since young, always barely make it during exams. My prounociation also very weak and my hb has to correct me all the time. He is definitely channel 5, very weak in chinese. My family speaks to cay in mandarin and ils speak to her in english. Hopefully cay will be bilingual.
Your english weak ????? The way you write your blog doesn't show it at all!!! you have high expectation is it ? hee hee ..

Me n hub the other way wrong. Me 5, he 8. Over the years, we merge and we improve on each other's languages hee hee...
Ya lor... u dun seem like channel 8 to me leh...
I also typical channel 8... was forced to study English Skills in Uni till I grad... all my peers laff at me for "minoring" in English... And my hb also Channel 8....

Sky also dun reponse very well if we call his chinese name... so when we go "kai-kai" think he just take it as a wrong pronouning of "sky-sky"..
And my sis call him "chan mali chan" (sky is a chan) when he ignore her....
are u confirm coming for the Feb PG? If not, I won't bring the LF math DVD. You can always collect from me in AMK.
Other mummies, if you not coming, let me know, so I won't have to bring along coz' I'm going somewhere else before going Shane's hse.
Think most prob going...
But then... Sky nap hours getting very irregular at my house....

If not u give me ur addy... most prob I may be going down to AMK tonight.. Pm me ur contact number also...so I can sms u before I drop by...
K also doesnt respond to her chinese name. My mum used to call her 'qi qi' but nowadays i also heard her calling the english name already. My in laws sometimes called her kei kei she got respond a bit maybe very close to her eng name.
<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
I feel very flattered leh but I have my grades to show lah. Quite an eye sore when I look back at my certs.
If I can pass, I already xie tian xie di. I feel that English is the only subject that studying hard won't help.

I think my foundation was weak in the first place. My parents are not highly educated and my mom can't even understand English. Now she has problems understanding cay when she says English words, especially when she mumbles the words at times.

Seeing how poor my English is, my hb is worried that cay will not have a conducive environment to build a strong foundation in English so he will spend a lot of time in the evening to teach her English. I believe cay's mandarin won't be poor since my mom, who spends most time with her, speaks to her in mandarin all the time.

<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
My hb is channel 5. Can puke blood if I watch chinese programmes with him because he will keep asking me what people is saying if there are no subtitles. For me, I actually read chinese/english subtitles when I watch english movies. I will cringe when I have to speak to ang moh because half the time I can't understand what they are talking about. My thoughts are in mandarin. I have to translate into english before I open my mouth so my reaction will be slower.
Me same same lor....
And I puke blood when i watch english movie wth my hb... esp during long dialouge he will interrupt asking... what are they saying...if i explain to him, I will miss the next part... If I dun explain..he will dose off in the next part...

And I also puke blood when watching chinese programmes... becos his senses can only do 1 thing at a time..either he see or he hear... but he just WATCH the tv and din hear the dialouge... so sometimes when the sence jump to another part, he will turn around and ask why... I will go ARGHHHHHH

My english background is super weak...hb worse...
My mum not any better... and my dad... he can listen a bit...but best he dun try to speak...(his english is enough to communicate the Indian workers...) But I tried my best to speak PROPER english to Sky...otherwise next time he went to school... he dun understand all the instructions...
Caymom n Glayz, me channel 8 esp glue to HK drama channel 55 heehee, n my hubby Indian so channel 5... he tends to nag when I watch the drama series, but then he will sit down n get glue to it as well after his nagging..... in fact he is better in remembering the character n can even predict the series after watching first episode... so he get irritated with me when I keep asking him abt the characters which I sometimes confused n asked him wat happen to the characters.... heehee... he will buay song n said "U CHINESE OR I CHINESE"... funny hor.......
I am also channel 55 fan...now I can only settle dwn to watch TV ard 10.30-11pm.

Try to bring Sky to PG leh, long time nvr see him liao. I will be bringing Chloe there too!
<font color="ff0000">Glayz,</font>
I agree. Always end up cannot catch some parts of the show when I explain things to him. So most of the time, I will tell him not to ask.

<font color="0000ff">Sally,</font>
Your hb is so funny but really peifu that he ca follow the show. I have heard the non-chinese also likes to watch chinese shows. Actually, I used to watch Indian movies on TV. I find the shows quite funny but without fail, always got dancing, singing and chasing around. My hb always ask me how come all of a sudden got so many people jump out to dance with the main characters, I also dunno what to say. How about asking your hb why?

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
I can make it to the PG.
My hb managed to get an earlier flight back.
Adora, i onli catch those modern ones... the olden kind kunfu type i wont watch... heehee..... now i like the 8pm and 9pm slot... but cant watch fully always..... so I try to record on weekends when they repeat again :).

Caymom, I asked before liao... cos sometimes the story very interesting n got english subtitles... but very irritating with the songs, singing n dancing... i find it waste of time... so whenever it comes, i will ask him n tell him so frustrating... he said "see, u dun noe how to appreciate... becoz of the songs, singing n dancing, pp r crazy over the movies, that is the purpose pp watching the movies"
I guess the cultural clash here... If chinese movies have that, I sure curse n curse cos waste time n sometimes interesting part, they jump out n dance n sing... just dun understand why onli Indian movies have.... maybe Indian loves the song so much... must input in the movie..... heehee....
wow tomorrow is the PG, so fast! Guys & babes - enjoy urself tmr!

<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
Not joining cos unable to commit the time as most likely by June Ashley will be starting a new class.

Hee talking abt channels ah.. I'm quite a TV freak leh. Since young I luv to watch Channel 5, especially the Friday nite movies. I'm not really a drama person so just watch as & when I like in Channel 8. But language wise, I'm definitely Channel 8 cos my parents all chinese educated & we speak Mandarin since young. Thus like Caymom, if I'm watching Ang Moh show, most of the time I'll be listening & also reading the subtitles at the same time.
If the movie no subtitles, I will be kinda cold sweat cos sometime they talk so chim. Then my HB is channel 5 1, so I'll quietly asked him at times when really the movie was too chim for me to understand.

Glad that Ashley is kinda 'bilingual' now, cos both families different channel.
However 1 thing regretful is she also seem like dunno her Chinese Name, cos my parents also call her english name, though initially they find it hard to pronounce. So nowadays I'll teach her say her full name when some1 ask her what's her name. Hope she'll able to say her full name by 2 yrs old. hee
Indian Movies..
hey i also kinda enjoy watching Indian Movies, but only those much fairer & prettier North Indians 1.
There are afew Bollywood Actors pretty handsome 1 der leh. Oops wat's his name again.. Something Akan shah something 1.
<font color="0000ff">Digital Scrapbooking Hardcopies</font>
For those Mummies whom are keen to print out those Digital Scrapbooking..

ok today I finally printed out afew 4R instant hardcopies.. However dunnno why the size of my 4R in the Scrapbook Software doesnt really telly with the Machine 4R size. So part of the 4 sizes are being chopped off. I wanted to try printing 8R, also cannot. btw 8R is $8, alamak so ex!!
But leh, I must say the quality is good leh. Nice nice! So now I must try to remember to leave some 'border' on the 4 sides. As for the powerpt 1, I did printed out 1. It was quite good too. But the photos are not as clear as compare to the software, but still are nice too.
At least now I can an xing do the digital scrapbook liao & can print them all out. Yippie!!
sure or not u ch 8? u dun look like or write like one leh....

my hubby both ch 5... we have been speaking english ever since we met and never more than a couple of times that we can hold our conversation in our mother tongue... once we start to speak our own mother tongue, it really sounds funny tt we ended up luffing at each other... it just feels wierd lor...

So for Riz, we have been speaking only English to him. We will leave with our parents to teach the mother tongue..heh
<font color="ff6000">Sally, Adora</font>
Is it because of the staying at home, but I am addicted to Ch 55 also. Kekeke. Like Sally, me chasing the 8pm & 9pm shows also. They are addictive! Oh and 7pm also.

My hb would also always try to guess the story line too, but hor for the 7pm Shu Tong Yao, he was not able to guess at all. Kekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Really ah - like others said, you definitely don't look like a Ch 8. My English used to be bad also, having come from a Chinese Primary School and chinese-speaking family. But the 3 years in Australia forced me to improve my English. Hehe. So now my English and Chinese are better than my hb. Sometimes I even have to ask him NOT to quote Chinese cheng yu coz he always get them wrong. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
I have not attempted printing the SBs, but 4R is small? I also checked prices of larger prints also - like you said, so EX! Wah...
Have you tried printing on digital size (slightly larger than 4R) instead? I realised that Fuji shops are charging same price for 4R and digital size, whereas some shops are charging more for digital size.
havent intend to print in larger than 4R, cos most of the pics i decide to collage it. Then insert into scrapbook Flair software. I juz realize got a template layout, & it set a border for me. So now I take tat border as guideline. I'm gog to make afew more to 9 pics, then try to develop using the normal way. I realize my instant pics colors are darker. Btw the instant pics is $0.5/pc. I'm not sure abt other shops, but this shop is able to give me 10% discount for above 100 pics. But i do noe 1 shop able to develop at $0.20 per pc, but cant rem the photo size. I think I'll juz develop her growing up collage & Birthday 1 will do. Gosh $16 like tat leh.. me think better reconsider again.
Oh dear, i'm gog to be v busy these nites liao. heee
Hi all...think i have miss alot of posting for the past few days & so many posts.
Saw many nice photos you gals post...

See you gals tomorrow

Anns, how much do i have to pay you?
Paisay realize din answer ur qn..
Ok 4R not really v small to me. If for Picasa collage, u can actually put 3 or 4 'pile' collages, but preferably the face more bigger lor. (if u get wat i mean).
For 'grip' collages, I got printed 6 faces 1. Is clear too. I think u may be blur of wat i have typed.. I think tmr I'll take some pics of these & posted in Ashley blog, then u can roungly noe the sizes appearing on a 4R foto.
tang ling,
i'm also channel 55 fan. on top of that still got cantonese drama series in vcd sometimes if time permits. my hubby is HBO. i think he watched lord of the rings for more than 10 times already cos it just kept repeating and repeating. btw, i miss a few episodes of the new 9pm show in channel 55. tmrw staying at home to watch the rerun.

yo mummies,
enjoy your PG! sorry got another family dinner to attend. and also i'm down with throat inflammation, went doc this morning for stronger anti bio cos the last course didnt work to heal it. hope i'm not overdose with anti biotics

I hoped i'm not too late, didn't get a chance to login these 2 days...

<font color="ff0000">MCKEE...BIG, BIG CONGRATS TO U!</font>

Welcome Baby Nathan!

I'm coming, coming for sure but probably reach ard 4.30-5pm..Seeya all then!!
