(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Yah Riz's features have not changed much

Toilet Training
I removed Raph diaper during the daytime, almost a mth liao he still wee wee on the flr. After he pee he will shout WET WET, he'll stay still as I told him the flr is wet n he will slip if he move. ( he has fell a few times while we were mopping the flr so he scare scare)

I also bot the Jshoppers training pants, yet to receive them dunno size 95 ok or not.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
I brought JJ to the Gymboree music class but felt that it's nothing much. They would sing nursery rhymes and do actions at the same time. Play classical music (that week's theme is classic music) and and ask tods to dance around. Let tods try different musical instruments like drum etc.

If you want to expose tods to music, can consider playing classical music, nursery rhymes at home and dance along or do actions. JJ loves them. I would even carry him and dance around the living room. He loves the spinning around. Hehe.

Oh yah, I have also read before that we can teach rhythm to tods. How to do it? Play song/music, hold tod's hand and tap on his hand on his leg to the rhythm of the song/music. This would teach him how to follow the rhythm.

I have even tried tapping my foot on the floor and JJ would follow, but lifting his whole leg up and foot hit the floor. Must be very tiring for his legs. Kekeke.

<font color="0077aa">This is from baby centre:
A sense of rhythm seems inborn in almost every child, but musical sense can also be taught. Listen with your toddler to whatever music you prefer as well as to children's songs and nursery rhymes.

Encourage dancing or marching or clapping. Help your child to hear how the melody rises and falls and to feel its meaning through her body.

When she begins to sing recognisable songs, she's ready for other instruments. Two saucepan lids or a tambourine can serve as an instrument, but your child will need something accurately tuneful, too.

Banging a piano is fun, if you have one, but a good xylophone (from a music shop) is easier for her to play and an electronic keyboard is easier still. </font>
Jasmine, at least durian can "seduce" her to sit there guai guai.... heehee

Tang Ling, ya toilet training really hard... my neighbour keeps telling me he is ready, but he just wont co-operate with me.... n i m scare to take off his diaper at times cos that will mean more work for him.... as usu he pees on the floor already, he will play with his urine.... so more shiong for me... sigh... hence i at my wits in training him...

Glayz, hubby said i too strict on him, thus he bullies n sabo me...

training pants
wow all using Jshoppers pants.... is it good? how much for one pc? Me cheapo, i use the cheap cheap ones from benbeni, S$3.90 after discount for one pc.... not bad, can hold his urine n not leaking out.
Mommies going on sat Feb 10 PG:
Anyone keen on two sachets of Gain IQ n a S$3.00 off voucher..... I received yesterday from ABBOTT, dun noe why they still sending me as I already told them my boy not taking, not suitable...... let me noe if anyone wans so I can bring along. Thanks.

N also a box of BABY BITES (Chicken with vegetable flavour) to give away..... my boy dun wan to eat liao.... let me noe if anyone keen.... Thanks.
Caymom, if u wan to expose cay to music, i think kindermusik is good.... u can go for the trial? Now she will be able to go for the Village class, not bad n not so shiong for mommies cos the kids will be able to blend in with the trainers n more interesting I find. They have different theme each term.
oh dear!!! $3 off voucher?? i din see tat envelop properly & throw away liao.. only keeping the 2 sachets & keeping tat Abbott book..

KY is so cute eating the durian..
she changes abit since bb, now definitely more galish.

ur Riz looks more & more like Daddy.
Can I have the Gain IQ pls!!!! Thks
E is taking Gain IQ.

Training pants
wat is trg pants ?? I saw plasticity pants that my sil has. i think can only wear with a nappy inside.

where u buy the benbeni ?
u throw way the voucher ??!!!! alamak!!!

btw, i want both, the sachets AND voucher
Hope u don't mind.
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks for sharing on the Music lesson. I think I have enough facts to convince caydad that Play is better.

We have been playing classical music and nursery rhymes to cay since young. caydad has been training her on rhythm as well. She has been banging on our piano for a long time as well. I think caydad is just too eager to let her learn music.

<font color="0000ff">Sally,</font>
I went for Kindermusik trial before. Not bad lah but maybe I am not a musically inclined person so not that keen. Sigh, shld have asked my hb to sit in instead.

I also received the package from Abbott.

<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
You are as sotong as me. I received the same voucher before and kept it until I forget about it.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
Can I have the baby bites? Thanks.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Training pants are like panties with a thicker lower middle part. It would absorb the urine, but the tod would be able to feel the wetness as compared to diapers. Jasmine would be bringing some on Sat to show us - was asking her on msn.
On Sat we ask KY to put on and do a cat walk. Kekeke.
<font color="ff0000">Adora,</font>
Really? It's ok lah because I always try to buy in bulk with other people and can get quite cheap compared to retail price.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Keep it but never use it also the same lah.
thanks! gd idea. I need to see how is it like.

actually i also nvr receive ley!!!!! sigh....

Btw, i rec'd a bday card fm Gymboree for E! I think i wrote my bday instead haha... =P BUT ah.. how come they nvr notice the year ?
i only recx yday, think mayb tonite u'll get to recx lar.

funny u go & write ur bday!! @___@ @___@ hahaha!
but is nice of them to send bday cards to bbs though.

i'm v lazy to call 1.. suan ler..
oh ... only yday ah .. keke, so i still got hope!!!! hee hee....

ya i thot i fill up form it's my bday ?!!!! =P
you din rec'd card rite ? tt means he fill up correct date =P .. cos ur hub bday VERY close to mine! keke...
We just signed up last Sat, so dun think they will send card if my hb really filled his birthdate, especially when the bdae over already.

Since we have monthly PG, maybe we should celebrate bdaes of mommies and daddies as well. Hahaha... then every month got bdae cake to eat. I so tum jiak.
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday & CNY PG </font> <font color="ffff00">IT'S THIS SAT!!!</font>
Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date & Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
<font color="119911">Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear (if possible, otherwise normal clothes). </font>

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to 'F'
- Story telling
- Art & Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby (Dinner time approx 7pm)

Dinner at Cafe
1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns > Most likely 1A1C for dinner
3. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
4. Aries > 2A1C for dinner
5. Cherry > 2A1C for dinner unless Ashley KO
6. Glayz > 1A1C for dinner (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
7. Ixorarred > 2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
8. Mckee >2A1C
9. Kiami >2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
10. Sallyngsj > 1A1C

it's gg to be a big big group and a long long table! keke

No dinner
1. bbrooster
2. Adora
3. Jaymom (most likely can come)
4. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
5. Caymom

1. Serrich (tentative & dinner TBC)
Do you go to that cafe often? How is the price range like? Running out of places to eat these days and I think that cafe looks really nice and cosy.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Yah, good idea - we do seperate bills.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Running out of places to eat in the vicinity ah. Hehe. With tods in toll, there are limitations. Me and hb seldom eat out nowadays.
Yah! Everyone say Riz looks like Daddy.. I so sad... WHen baby, say look like me.. now as he grows older, look more and behave exactly like Daddy... *sob sob*

Do picnics. Picnics with tots this age is F-U-N! I recently did that. What I do is I cook from home. Then we spread a mat and eat, while Riz is busy running catching the wind..hee
Shane, can, will pass u the sachets n voucher S$3 on Sat.. bought the benbeni pants at Taka fair last time n my sis bought some from the lifestyle shop at sembawang plaza.

Tang Ling, can, will pass u the baby bites.
Ok, shall consider pinics.
Talking about catching wind... few days ago, cay saw steam coming out from my plate of rice and she tried to catch it. Dunno what she was thinking about but I just can't help laughing.
Tang Ling,
So you will cook during weekends? I am such a bad cook leh. Hb used to love my cooking but now he can cook better than me!
Hi gals! So many posts... and so many photos! I like!

Well, news for all of you... I popped on Tuesday Morning!!

long story.. so I'll break it up into parts:

Monday Feb 5
Left Gynae's clinic after weekly checkup. Felt stomachache. But thought it was CONSTIPATION. so told hb "let's go taka and buy CNY goodies"

In taka. Stomachache got worse. No mood to walk at all. Sat in Mac's. Can't find good position to sit. Decided to go home and lie down

At home. still thought it's constipation. Tried sitting on toilet bowl, to no avail. lie down, sit up, walk around also pain.
decided to time the pain, 1st suspicion tt it's contractions.

pain comes every 10min. Decided to pack bag. Hb started charging camera and video cam. Called hospital to find out how much it cost if it's a false alarm! (fyi $50/hr for machine tt measures contractions)

left the house for gleneagles. Don't dare tell anyone yet, cos we still think it's a false alarm.

Arrive hospital. Sit wheelchair cos too pain liao. Put on gown, strapped to machine. Nurse checks. Dilation 2cm. We double confirm-I'm officially in labour.

Morale of Part 1:
Don't forget what contractions were like!
Monday Feb 5
Gynae arrives. and Antesthetist arrives to give epidural.

Epi successfully injected. Gynae checks. Still 2cm. Says wait and see. No rush. Will break water bag when more dilated. HE WENT HOME.

Contractions stopped. TOTALLY. baby's hearbeat also decided to slow down. apparently, he decided to rest and sleep.
Nurse says, why don't you sleep. I think it'll be tomorrow.

hb and I doze in and out. contractions, according to machine, only happening 4-5min every hour. Had 2 vials of epidural changed.

nurse comes to check. Dilation 8cm. They decided better get ready.

gynae arrives. 9cm. Breaks water bag. Tells me to push when the contraction wave comes.

3 waves and 3 pushes later, Nathan Tay is born!

Morale of Part 2:
1. Don't go in hospital before 12mn unless you are confident bb will come out soon. I had to officially discharge on Wed 11am, despite delivering only on Tues 8am. Cos they started counting the day I checked into the delivery suite!
2. It felt like a waste of 3 vials of epidural. Major overdose! hehe... cos throughout the night, there was very mild and infrequent contractions!
3. The nurses really bo chap you when they know it's your 2nd one. sigh... My midwife was my hb. He did the Push 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 count. The silly official midwife just said, "you can do it, push!" !!!!
Baby Nathan
He's ok. Small 2.8kg (you can imagine how much of weight I put on!!).
I'm ok too. established supply already. starting to feel a bit engorged. (the cycle repeats!)
Took a nice hot shower when I got home. (btw, I extended one day stay)

No CL. cos baby came up so early. maid will do cooking, I'll do feeding and eating!

Feb Vday & CNY PG IT'S THIS SAT!!!
Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date & Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear (if possible, otherwise normal clothes).

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to 'F'
- Story telling
- Art & Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby (Dinner time approx 7pm)

Dinner at Cafe
1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns > Most likely 1A1C for dinner
3. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
4. Aries > 2A1C for dinner
5. Cherry > 2A1C for dinner unless Ashley KO
6. Glayz > 1A1C for dinner (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
7. Ixorarred > 2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
8. Mckee >2A1C (Sorry, can't come!.. & don't know how to do the strikethru for this list!)
9. Kiami >2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
10. Sallyngsj > 1A1C

it's gg to be a big big group and a long long table! keke

No dinner
1. bbrooster
2. Adora
3. Jaymom (most likely can come)
4. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
5. Caymom

1. Serrich (tentative & dinner TBC)
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</font></font>

Post some pics of Nathan leh. You only did 3 pushes to get Nathan out, amazing!

How are you feeling now? Take care ya.
mckee....mckee... i read your post (PART 1) with so much excitment! Congrats! Your delivery sound so easy. Good encouragement for Caymom and Glayz.

Good that your BF start on so so smoothly as well. Rest well and eat well... as they said, this is the one chance to get all the "bu" into your body.
Post Nathan's photo soon...

btw, how is nicole jie jie taking it?
don't worry, i am sure you can do it with 3 pushes too....

Ashley popped out (off course with help from the vaccum) on 3 pushes too....
Thanks for reminding me man.
I am feeling the jitters each time I think about it. But still got some time lah, I haven't enter 3rd trim yet.

Hey, saw you buying some hair clips for Haze at the BP thread. So fast ah. My cay 20mths old still cannot use hairclips.
thank you thank you!
I'm not so proud of the 3 pushes lah... cos in the end, the labour is considered very long.. thru the night!
and waste my $$ for extra stay!

you can one lah... keep going gymboree with cay. walk around. get inspiration from the rest at PG.. maybe you don't even need to push! hehe...

wah! you are really excited abt Haze! hair clips so fast... hehe.. really dream come true!

nicole's ok leh. She's calling him baby. We're now giving her as much attention as we can (even the maid). Nathan will get whoever that's free to tend to him... cos he won't know yet. Nic on the other hand, gets sensitive! I'll tell you more when we adjust more at home!
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I am not that optimistic leh. I did dozens of pushes and still cannot get cay out. She was not in a favourable position, supposed to face down but she was facing up, meaning the back of her head was against my spin. She was stuck at the pelvic for ages and that also explained why I took so long to dilate. Gynae used vacuum and tried to turn her but not successful. In the end has to giap her out with forceps and I had a very big episiotomy cut. Sob....

<font color="0000ff">Glayz,</font>
I was admiring the hair clips then my eyes popped when I saw your name. But then again, if Haze is like Sky, she probably has a lot of hair too.
Thanks for encouraging me. I am also trying hard to exercise as much as I can. Keeping my fingers crossed that this delivery will be smoother.

Good to know that Nicole is ok. I sure hope that cay will be ok as well. At the moment, she is getting the whole world's attention. Once the 2nd one is out, things will be very different.

Talking about my #2, time to review the choices of her names again...

<u><font color="0077aa">Potential names for my baby girl: </font></u>
1) Crystal
2) Cara
3) Celeste/Celestine
4) Cayleen/Calynn
5) Claris/Clarissa
6) Cheyanne
U pop super early right...
I remember abt u saying want to induce before CNY while ur due date is in March....
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!!!!!!</font>
Sounds like such a easy labour!
This time round was it easier to establish supply ? Seems like it came on very soon after birth ? How's bfg 2nd time round ? Easier ? No cracked nipple and ez to latch ?

Just wonder if we got to really go thru' the WHOLE process again for #2.

But really don't like the bochapness of nurses when they know it's ur #2. Hope I don't encounter that. I guess they must be thinking, u have done it once, no big deal for 2nd time round.

Really can't believe some of you are already mother of two!!! Still rem when we were all so excited over our first pregnancy hee hee...

So for those who are planning for #2...<font color="0000ff">JIA YOU!!!</font>
Hi Mckee, congrats on yr bb boy... so lucky can retire liao... heehee....... lucky lucky lucky u, so envy lei one gal n one boy..... reading your easy labour brings back memory of my 1st labour - 26h 54m without any pain relief cos hubby kept asking me to tahan, dun wan to use epidura....
so angry n scary of the pain...... now wan to have no 2 also pa pa....

my family reunion changed to dinner, hence cant make it for dinner, but still going for the PG...

Feb Vday & CNY PG IT'S THIS SAT!!!
Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date & Time: 10 Feb. 4pm onwards
Dress code: All tods to come in CNY wear (if possible, otherwise normal clothes).

- Welcome song sing along
- Revision of phonics 'A' to 'F'
- Story telling
- Art & Craft activity
- Bubbles time (outside)
- Dinner @ caf nearby (Dinner time approx 7pm)

Dinner at Cafe
1. Tang Ling > 2A1C for dinner
2. Anns > Most likely 1A1C for dinner
3. Jasmine > 2A1C for dinner
4. Aries > 2A1C for dinner
5. Cherry > 2A1C for dinner unless Ashley KO
6. Glayz > 1A1C for dinner (I put my name first hor...if in the end I let u all fly kite dun hit me hor.... :p)
7. Ixorarred > 2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG
<strike>8. Mckee >2A1C</strike> (Mckee, help u liao)
9. Kiami >2A1C for dinner but will be late for PG

it's gg to be a big big group and a long long table! keke

No dinner
1. bbrooster
2. Adora
3. Jaymom (most likely can come)
4. Erlisa (I can stay at most till 6pm. Gotta work later on)
5. Caymom
6. sallyngsj

1. Serrich (tentative & dinner TBC)
