(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="ff0000">shane, cherry</font>
They take us for granted sometimes. Or are we the ones who wants to do everything ourselves. So they just leave it and let us do lor.

your cc is a good deal. just maybe take her in on certain days to play n other days at home if u r concern over health reasons.

btw, i'm pro for preschool learning. I think it's a lot about exposure and enriching the young minds. And their minds r like sponge. They can absorb at a rate that we cant imagine. My mum is actually a preschool teacher, got her cpt but doing tuition now. She encourages me to send her for classes n also home teaching from daily. activities. To me, it's not so much about kiasu but what we can do to provide the best opportunities for them to stretch at their best potential.
as i say before, they are just not genetically made to be caregiver... i don't think i wanna to do everything myself lor. but my hub will conveniently slip away after awhile when we're playing with E. And if I don't do it, it's just not in him to rem when is E's feeding time, let her drink water, etc etc....

which is another reason tt is holding me bk to hv #2 cos it's definitely me putting in more work one....sigh... and i already got to do the give birth role ley!
Me also like that lor... My hb come back is TV TV TV all the way... ask him to tend to Sky he will play with him a bit...or let him watch tv together....

For me, if Sky not home, my hb will come home and switch to whatever channel he wants even though I am already halfway thru the show before him....then he will say u watch so long liao, now my turn... and din even ask for permission to switch channel...
true, their minds are really like sponge now...my bil used to say, u input 1x, u get 10x rtns nw. but as they grow older, the rtns get lower n lower.
<font color="0000ff">School</font>
Wow all the talks abt sch, is getting me stressed leh.

haha.. maybe if my MIL get her Montesorri cert this year, maybe can ask her to give lessons from home. Haha.. Anyone interested??
Just kidding. LOL..
I'm now pretty headache abt next year bbsitting arrangement. Haiz.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Ya.. i guess she purposely dun call .. &amp; just to make me dui. I really dunno wat's in her mind lor. Wat's so happy abt making me dui?
Hey at least Cay is calling u both correctly liao! hee.. heng no neh neh calling liao hor.

<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG </font>
Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
<font color="0000ff">Shane/Cherry/Bbrooster,</font>
Opps... I'm the opposite. Hb will be the one entertaining cay and I will watch TV and shake legs. He is the one showing black face and I will quickly go over and do my part. I think in a way I felt I have done a lot since I am the one who gave birth and did the caregiving job since her birth til she turned 1yo.

Since he also grumbled that cay perfers me and my mom to him, I felt all the more he should have more pte time with cay. But I think cay glued to him so much that he cannot stand it at times. He also felt I am too bochap.

<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
Yah man, no more Ah-neh!!!
But hor, she still calls me Ah-neh when she is desperate. Hb said when she is anxious, she will call him mama and ah-neh too.

Your mil really good leh. She is so nice to make that piece of educational cloth for Ashley. Not easy to do one leh. At least I can't lor. Haha.. if she really giving lessons, I'm keen leh. Got free trial or not?
<font color="0000ff">Playing at Home</font>
Ok.. sometime me &amp; Hb just wanna rest infront of TV, but Ashley wont let us watch 1. unless is her own vcds. She'll die die drag our hand &amp; lead her to her playroom to get watever masak out to play 1. So sometimes very tired liao, but we still need to play ball or drums or drawing wif her 1.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane</font>
KM end at 6, so 6+ reach ur plc. But if really no1 stay till tat time, pls sms me can? then i wont come dwn liao ler...... haiz..

<font color="ff0000">Caymom</font>
i'm really happy for u tat she's calling u correctly liao. Remember we both been waiting till neck long long??

Ya v nice of her. Actually juz buy tat velcro cloth from duno wat shop lor. Then can those velcro zipper from popular. Then the rest is drawing skills liao. hehehe.
Ya she mentioned something arts&amp;craft lor. Free trial. haha. Cos i think she need to attach to a CC for attachment. So I suggest her get 5 kids like tat to let her teach, let her practise practise. Will ask her more once her exams over &amp; more free &amp; my r/s wif her improve better &amp; better. kaka. will let u noe.
<font color="ff0000">caymom</font>
Lucky you. But now you pregnant of course you have to relax and let him do the job. And then he has to continue doing his job and bonding with cay cos you will be busy with #2 soon. Good training for hb.
Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG
Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine
i just realise that i cannot make it on 27 Jan.. so sad

just email you the details..

Esher and Kai Yun going for GUG trial on 21 Jan, 2-3.30 pm as well. see you there
Hi, I'm new to this thread and would like to join in the CNY gathering. Is that ok?

Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG
Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine
7. Eileen
thks very much!!!

u can't make it for playgym ah...which day is gd for you? maybe we can chg date if everyone can make it ?

will let you know if everyone leaves already.

hi! thks for the interest but for now the PG is open to the 'old timers' of this thread. do join in our chat and let us get to know each other better and maybe you can join us next time ?
Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG
Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
5. Twinklets
6. Jasmine
7. Aries

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>, you not gg for the JG trial le? How much for the GUG &amp; you gals already cfm, you think i can still join you gals?
the JG trial is not available is it ? I think LV say must book and not many slots available ? I'm still interested only thing is weekday ley.

GUG trial is 40+ for 1.5hrs. I think no more slots liow. maybe u want to call them and rearrange another day with them ? maybe can see who else is interested to go ? or u can wait till we attend then we give u feedback back whether worthwhile to go or not....hee hee...
<font color="0000ff">JG new info..</font>
Collic is sending her gal to Evans branch currently. She brot her gal to the 1 hr english class which is 300+ for 10 lessons, &amp; for chinese class, some of the teachers are China nationals so the Chinese phonics that they teach may be too 'qiao sher' liao, so she dun really favor that thus din enrol the chn for her. &amp; also, the parking is not free. Think now charging per entry or per hourly..

Btw, for kids tat need not be accompanied by the parent, the fees will be lesser also. But criterias have to be met, eg like went CC liao or not etc.

Just FYI only..
hmmm, 300+ for 10 lessons seems quite ok....
but got parking fees!!!!
I think i'll just go for a trial first ..

u gg for trial ?
<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
You can't make it to playgym on 27 Jan? Timing not ok? There is 1-2pm and 6-7pm also. Which one is good for you?
wah wah wah, the thread so active... just reading I got stressed liao - all the classes. Hehe.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry, Shane &amp; bbrooster,</font>
Hehe same here lah not happy when hb is at home and doing his own stuff while I chase JJ around the house. Especially when I am home ALL THE TIME with JJ. Solution: when hb is at home with JJ, I take leave go out and do my stuff.

Its just expected that when 2 parents are at home, the default caregiver is the Mummy. So sometimes I conveniently disappear into the study room and guess who is taking care of JJ? Hehe.
if you gals going for trial at JG pls try to include me okie.. for info, JG needs to put on waitlist which cost S$22 for registration. They usually have place pretty quickly. JG called me twice already to say they have vanancy for Sun but during lunch time. However for this term, ashley is already committed to GUG.

Shane, Jasmine, Ixorrared,let us know if you like GUG after this sunday yah. Remember don't have to rush to class as the first 15mins is free play. Class officially starts at 2.15pm. Parking is per entry at $2.10.
Can go to FOX sales if it is still on.
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
I only have Aries' email (from edufarm email) - no other forms of contact.

<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
Can you PM Shane and me your HP no. for contact? We have the contact details of the others, but not you. Need it to keep you informed in case any changes in plans of PG.
Not yet. Kinda lazy to call &amp; ask. But think I'll dropby Evans Road 1 of these Saturdays. See their environment 1st. If u gals havent go for the trial by then, then I can share wif u gals.

Err.. think parkings fees is $2 lar, i think Ok lor. Btw the 1 hr class may cater for 2 yrs older I think. I'm not too sure of that also.
i'll call up tomorrow and check the availability of the trial for next monday. after some thought, i'll hold the idea of trying gug cos i dont really like going united sq becos of the parking problem.

also, most likely if sign up also should be afer CNY because they calculate by per term (est. 10 weeks) so if a PH falls on the week, your term will only have 9 weeks.
can pls help to update the list after Aries email? THANKS !

pls pm your email, hp no, location of residence, kid's name and kid's DOB and your year of birth as well. This will grant 'membership' ha ha .... just joking... we just need to update our contact list so that we can send to you and the rest.
Halo Shane &amp; Tangling... PM you gals my contact

Shane, so full liao
, ok you update me after your trial ya...

JG, if its $300++ me interested too, ladies keep me informed okie...Thank you

Playgym on 27th Jan, maybe i can join you gals. TangLing, i will update you again...
<font color="ff0000">Twinklets,</font>
It's good that your mil spends time teaching Ashley. My mil also likes to teach cay but she teaches using those educational charts. I must admit she definitely has more patience than me.
My mom doesn't teach cay because she is not educated. But she enjoys bringing cay out to play and interact with other kids which my mil seldom does. So both contribute to cay's development in one way or another.

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for making me feel better. True that hb definitely need to be trained so that they will not take us for granted. I already told my hb that with #2, both of us will be very busy. He chose to take care of cay instead of the infant. Actually, I was hoping he will want to take care of #2 because I felt he sort of lose out some of the fun (and of course difficulty) in taking care of an infant. Maybe if he has gone through that stage, he will learn to appreciate me more.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
You sound like the chairperson and Tang Ling is the secretary.
<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
Thanks, I got your PM with HP no., but how about the rest of the details? Shane was not joking about asking for: location of residence (eg Punggol), kid's name and kid's DOB and your year of birth.
We have a 'contact list' with details of the old-timers and these are all listed in there.

<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Sure, will update once I have the info from Aries.
At least ur MIL teaches with chart....
For my mum..she teaches Sky with a doodle board..she will draw and tell Sky what it is... and from my past experience...my mum is a terrible artist...kekeke.....(she teaches us on paper and pen....) But my MIL never contribute anything except the acting part....kekekeke
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Dunno if I am teaching you something bad, but you can start 'programming' your hb now. What I used to do, I don't just dump the task on my hb - I talk to him about it for months beforehand. So much so that he sort of accepted it mentally and thus easier to take action. Hehe.

You have no idea how much co-ordination work goes on (offline) betw the chairperson and the secretary to bring about the PGs and other activities. Kekeke.
sure, if you come to PG, we can just chat more keke...

no lah, no one is chairperson or secretary. we're working together to make things happen!!!

haha, and yes, the offline part like wat tangling say is true too !!!!
JG evans road
Drove past today. They put up car park barriers... so it's not free anymore! hehe...

so many of you will be there this sunday! I hope I can come early and meet you all! There's this $2 ride that your tods would like. For eg, there's a mobile elephant. Tods will sit on it, (with Daddy usually) and they will go around the whole annex section, with music playing. quite fun.

sponge brain
ya man. suddenly, nicole's brain ala sponge. Very quick to pick up, very quick to learn.
Tang Ling,
no wonder we are born under the same zodic sign. hehee.. the part abt 'programming' hb also works for me. hehee... i have programmed him to change and wash ashley in the morning, bath, tell story, flash cards and feed ashley. hehee....

you must start slowing.. cannot nag.. pretend to be vv poor thing. everyday reinforce the situation that you need help. It will work.
Tang Ling/ Cherry
Wah.... ur programming works har... so good lor... for me my program writing FAILED lor... haiz...

Think becos I nag quite a bit.... but now hb will bath Sky on Fri nite...(but I prefer to bath Sky myself as Hb let Sky play with water for a long time... and by the time I pull him out..he will scream and scream...)
u also got urself 2 good teachers too. Both teaching different kinda stuffs, 1 is IQ &amp; the other 1 is EQ.
keke..tell u.. I'm glad my mum teaches the chinese aspect &amp; MIL teaches the english aspect. &amp; as for the boliao aspect will be in charge by Mummy dearest herself.
In such arrangement, I dun really get stressed by her 'academics' developments.

actually ur mum's way of teaching is intersting leh, eventhough ur Mum's drawing may not be good, but at least Sky will able to recognize. Most importantly is we dun 'shi shi' teach them things lor. I always try to incorporate play with learning. I think this really make the lesson more fun &amp; more creative, &amp; best is can hear laughter.
He is so used to my mum drawing that when I draw fish...he dun recognise lor.... opps my drawing worse than my mum....
then u must draw more often. For example: let him understand a clock can be in other designs too, same like a pig, a bird, car etc.
This drawing 'game' really helps developing his creativity &amp; mind flexibity.
I draw halfway then he will snatch my pen and doodle himself... he love coloring the board till it is pitch black... dun ask me why la...his favorite activity...
hee.. tat happens to Ash last time. But as she grows older, she more keen to see wat I wanna draw next.. Now for me, I'm using color pencil &amp; a big drawing book to draw. So she can still draw her own at the other corner.. So maybe u wud like to try try this method..
so nice u can draw... i can't draw for nuts... really ... i can only draw basic things... i'm really lacking in the artistic department. very useless...not academically inclined, not artistically inclined ... ha ha .... don't know what kind of skills i can pass on to E...
i only know i very worrisome, hope i don't pass that one to her!
Err.. such drawing dun need fantastic skill 1, juz anyhow draw..
Pls dun say urself like tat hor, wait I kok ur head. Me also not acadimcally inclined mah.. sobs... U do got skills. example talking.. u talk alot to Esher that why now she learns &amp; talk alot. Tat's very good thing u noe.
U may nvr noe she may wanna b a Lawyer next time. keke
