(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Da Jie Jie can, but not DJD.
My Ashley ah.. lose babyish looks dunno since when liao.
Miss her bb looks.
Unlike u, i dun wan her to grow up so fast. I want time to slow down MORE leh.

Oops.. mummy here Gemini mah, so join the Gemini Babies thread mah. Cannot ah? haha

when u leaving for Sydney? Or issit other plcs in Oz? Then when u back to SG? Hope can see u & Ian iN CNY PG leh cos I rem u say Ash at times look abit like Ian. hehe
Me too... really feel myself getting old...

I wasnt a fan of sporting activites..maybe due to my boobs.. running is weird... *excuses*

And that day Sky was dashing in NTUC... AMK big big outlet while hb was making payment...u see poor me trying to catch up with this 18mth fast runner... that boi really can run... think no more tiger shoe liao.. his 2nd fav pair I already had hard time catching up with him..and hb give me this amazed look when he saw me sprint after Sky...after he made payment...
wah u still can run???!!!! better be careful ... but hor i must say, u don't look preggie ley, at least not yet

next time get hub to run after Sky and you make payment.

btw, how's the NTUC ? is it very crowded ? i wanna go but scared of the crowd.
Long q... I was sitting at the OTO massage area...until Sky decide to dash....

And we had to abandon our trolley halfway... cannot go thru the crowd....
sorry.. but i'm laffing at ur post. pls pardon me.. i try to imagine a preg lady 'sprint' after a fast runner.

& then i try to image tat 'boobs' scenario..
I also hates running due to tat back in Sec sch.

But anw enuff of big boobs which i hate, I gladly accept the fact my boobs are smaller than pre preggie. hahahaha.. I'm pretty happy lar. hehehe.
Am i gog to start the BOOBS topic????

regarding ur PG post, hey I'm fine at ur house. At least can extend to 8pm, i'm so happy lor.
But if extend 9pm lagi better lar. 5pm then start leh? hahahaa.. sorry.. i anyhow say =P
I also hope this round can bf successfully.. then boobs become like 2 cups smaller than now.... kekekeke

I am ok with ur house ok... provided I can come... Dun want to put my name down liao... let u all fly too many areoplanes liao... I see that day how how lor...

And dun worry la... I was running after my company bus when I was 6 mths preggie with Sky almost every afternoon....

And I dun look preggie becos I am fat mah...kekekeke... and till now I lose 0.8kg liao... my gynae first comment when he saw me ytd was... HOW COME U NEVER PUT ON WEIGHT... (I was heavier by 0.1kg from last scan in Dec)

Baby was sleeping face down direction, butt high high... unable to see anything... but gynae scan from down up... and saw something in the middle... din deduce is a boi as could be the u cord... and also he comment kind of small for a boi boi privates....
hee can can.. but u gotta tahan during Bf period,cos will likely look like Amy Yip during tat period..
After tat.. u'll be ho say liao.. but hb may complain why less than a handful liao.. kaka..

I wish I'm like u if i kana #2... arrggghh..

Ok we cross fingers & toes for u tat this time round u getting a gal..............
me at times wish she can grow up faster cos' i can be more 'xin lang' mah. But not big to the extend she goes Sec school lah. Maybe like about 4 yrs old kind. Each time i saw some mummies shopping alone with their daughter around 3-4 yrs old, i so envy. The gal will guai guai stand 1 side wait for mummy to shop for clothes. The gals will have long long hair, tie pony tails wz nice hair clips and dress nicely. Unlike now, if I bring my gal out, 100% no chance to shop. Will end up playing catching with her in the shopping centre.
I was considered well endowed last time but now .. sigh ..bo liow ... shrank! so sad ley. now those slimming ads and bust firming ads calls out to me =P

anytime go home also can lah. I just put a time incase those want to leave dare not leave mah. since already there of cos enjoy ourselves and take our time...

btw, or wld you all wanna makan alfresco downstairs ?

i think like that is gd.. maintain ur weight slowly, of cos must put on lah, but control. if i got #2 i also hope i don't balloon too much. i look back at records. i was doing well till T3 when i balloon 10kg in 3mths!!! faint man!

hey got hope is gal gal ley. hope ur dream comes true
same lor, go out with her is no shopping at all. very sien. hubby will jaga her, but i feel 'guilty' to be shopping and taking my time, so shop not shiok lor.

i can imagine what u talking abt. but hor, tt is provided when she 4 yrs old, u don't have #2 ..keke.....
Nowadays i seldom shop for my things if i go out wz hubby and her. Like what you said, hb will jaga her but my hb will show black face if I takes too long browsing in 1 shop. So i rather i take 1/2 day leave to go for my shopping or after work i shop around ofc area b4 goes home.

Hmm, ya hor. If I accident #2, my dreams will be shattered. haha.
ur side there got restaurant?
btw.. my stomach is growling...

Not many mummies reacting to the PG venue.. u must bold ur PG topic louder ..

Me really Ok wif my size, but juz feel pitied for hb lor. kaka.. btw he was the 1 comment 1st 1, then i realized..

err 4YO v fast reach P1, i dun wan i dun wan!!! =P
I'm enjoyg Ashley current age now. Damn cute & fun lor. No doubt cant shopping lar, but still v enjoyed. Also I'm not a shopper so is fine wif me lar.
ya lor, no #2 for us. heehee
btw now also more xin nang mah. No need to bring alot of things out also mah. Then food can take outside. Not much nap also. kaka .. how i wish 2007 can pass S... l... o... w ............

Btw heard tat 2 age is monste age. By age 3, they'll start to do things to please us. hoho.. then lagi more ho say liao..
Flying off this Sat. Very anxious leh, coz' only me and Ian. 30hrs flight. Hope to see Ashley too in PG!

Feb Vday & CNY PG
I'm ok, is it still on Feb 10?
Hb keep on saying mine is TOO BIG.... smaller better... he been grumbling for long time(before me preggie with Sky he already...zzyy)... then after Sky, it grew bigger!!! (Failure in BFing..) then he was super alarm.... now he also say my asset getting bigger.... I just want my pre-preggie size back will do... still big but manageable... at least can still buy those beautiful bra...
Huh? ur hb not coming bk wif u two? Or he's waiting for u there now?
Ok trust me.. when u alone wif him, he'll be more cooperative 1. Hee have faith in urself. keke..

Ya hope when i reach hor, u two still there lar hor. Wud like to take a pic of the 2 together. hehe

Btw, wat's the time there? why aint u sleeping??
30hrs flight ???!!!!! wah very long!!!
take care okie and have lotsa of stuff with u to entertain Ian. we'll see you soon !

yep PG is still on 10 Feb.

so mai luan luan lai okie keke ......
but u really don't wan meh... gd to have sibling ley....

ya i also enjoying ... so cute and fun. but sometimes quite 'fun' also .. cos she'll keep bugging me, do this, do that...

wah big and ur hub don't like ?????

sigh now i got nothing much to offer to my hub liow ...
I was a B when we part tor... then after ROM I become a C (I grew fat due to stress in Uni eat chocolates everyday).... and all the way till preggie I become a E after birth and now a D lor.... HB keep complaining mine too big liao.... smaller better... look nicer in clothes also... otherwise top heavy look very fat....
My heart melt when I heard Esher calling Mummy mummy mummy in edufarm leh.... My boi only like ma-ma.... but everybody also ma-ma....

And I try to train his P&Qs lor...
"Sky say Mummy, pls open" when I swing the sweet in front of him in bus...

Blabber a bit... "No must say Mummy pls open"

Next I almost faint... " OPEN OPEN..." He was screaming.... arghhhhh
u dun make me laff again leh..
Ur hb must be juz teasing u only. Wait till u BF then u mellow to tinier than prepreggie, then ur hb will hiam liao.

oh dear i also nutting much to offer to my hb liao..
Esp tokg abt the s*ggy part..
Sometimes I also quite kns lor. I noe deep down i prefer this size, but I'll pian pian say "oh no small liao". then my hb's reply will be "tot u like smaller?"

Ya quite fan at times if they whiny & throw tantrums or insist want u to do somethings for them. BUt if they quiet quiet, then u'll suspect they sick or they something wrong or they doing something evil.

btw tell u.. yday she was sitting on my laps teh teh. then suddenly she utter "Mummy" softly!! I was so happy then she seem like u noe tat kind Oh O expression, then she call me Barmee again..
SQ don't fly direct to SYD, so bo pian take SQ direct to SG then transit to SYD.

1am already. no, my hubby will meet me in SG, okok, hope to see u in Feb PG too.
E ???!!!!!! wah wah ...... wah!!!!
really assets man ....

but hor, even if u bf, i think can only go down to C ..... but might be better ..

i don't dare to ask ley ... cos i know smaller liow and saggy!!! urghh.... so sad ....can't imagine bf #2 ... die man...
she so cute ley. how come call you like so shy like that .. hee hee .... soon she'll call you liow ...

soon Sky will also... just be patience .. when he does then maybe u feel fun liow .. cos they can keep calling...

like for E, she call us many times one .. then we have to answer if not she keep calling.. sometimes she call me liow then she call her nai nai .. then she call auntie (maid).. then if daddy around, daddy also need to call .. then she repeat cycle all over again ...
Tell u wat... Sky refuse to call my sis Ah-yi....
So that day I just say...yeeeeeee....dirty... and he follow yeeeeee... then my sis was jumping.... becos he refuse to say yi all along.... kekekeke
u also nite owl huh.. Good nite to u 1st =P

ya she v kns i find. Aiya when she wanna call me correctly like Esher calling u?? I also like Glayz , green wif envy.......
I so scare Ash will so used calling that until big u noe. Sibei scare

Ash will keep asking me "nai nai? por por? daddy? bai bai? gong gong? " wow kao..every relative she noes she'll ask 1. everytime gotta reply "por por orr orr liao" "nai nai at home".
haha.. i cant imagine next time she ask me "why why why?" think i'll die of fatigue. =P
yup their age now is very fun. especially they learning to talk. So you wait till they grow older not fun anymore, then plan for #2. keke. Like my nieces now, 10yrs and 8 yrs, they starting not to tag along wz my bro and SIL at times. Last time when young, sure follow everywhere. Now if the place not of interest to them, they rather opt to stay at home.

Wow, you so 'wei da' ah? If you can transfer some to me, i dun mind accepting. But too bad cannot. haha.

Hmm, #2 is always a big ? to me. Childcare problem, additional financial burder and etc, really headache. But if no siblings for Denyce, she will be very lonely when she's older. At the moment, she got my nieces companion everyday so she is not lonely at all. If w/o my nieces companionship, I think I will pity her and consider it faster. But my mum dun encourage me for #2.
so sad rite when come to tat stage? I dun wan leh.. i cant imagine the day when Ash no longer cling to me.. sob sob sobs.. me v possesive leh, how????

I'm surprised ur MIL dun encourage u for #2. Is not at all or not now? My mum keeps urging me to have 1 this year! she think like i wanna have now, then will have 1 der lor.
hmm, maybe hor, u giving wrong reinforcmnet is it ? when she say barmee u got like show unhappiness or say her or not ? tt might also encourage her to con't repeat it wrongly.
maybe when she call u barmee and u're sure she's calling you, just be very happy about it and reply her correct like " yes, you calling MAmee??" maybe can help her to call u properly.. i think she definitely knows since she calling so many pple correct liow already...

*shake hand* i got the same issues. think liow very fun so i don't think. i also selfish, don't really wish to give up my freedom even more
me no childcare pbm...but got $$$ pbm ha ha ....
how come ur mum dun encourage #2 ??? she don't want more grandchildren ? or she scared to look after ? maybe can send to cc ?
very gd ley ur mum encourage. my mum also told me to have quickly if i want but i hesitant. i wanna hv while i'm young .. but while young also can do alot of other things ....
My mum said i am such a lazy person better not have #2. She already surrender not to help me wz tend after #2 if i ever have. But if 2 kiddo send CC, the expense will be damn high liao. Plus like shane, I am abit selfish and can't bear to sacrifice the 'luxuries' leh.

The other day i watch the news, there's this family wz 4 kids. Only HB working and earning $1350 per mth. I wonder how they survive.
err i kinda accept she call me Barmee liao. & worst think nowaday slowly changing to Barbee liao!! & u noe she can happily say "Barbee Daddy" repeat alot of times 1 leh.
I got correct her, "Say Mummy" , but she always reply Barmee or Barbee.

I think I shd raelly try ur method "Yes u calling MAMEE??"
seriously speaking, if u are a lazy person, then maybe u should really stop at #1 lor.
Sometimes we should not just live for our kid, we must live for ourselve too. If ur mentality is forever for companionship for #1, having #2 will only add on to ur burden & wont make u enjoy pregnancy & motherhood 1. Then like tat u'll lagi unhappier cos u'll tied dwn by 2 kids & wont go anywhere far from Singapore liao.

Think I prefer to be a Happy Mummy playing with 1 & only child, rather than a sulken Mummy tied down by 2 kids whom are playing catching.
can survive one .. but no car, no trips, eat simply, live simply... can be done.

actually recently i see quite a few 4 kids family. to me they're appear rich cos can hv 4 kids! in this generation, hvg kids like some sorta of status symbol cos they're so costly to own!

i kinda of envious of the big family cos i think will be fun. and don't know y the big family i c always 2 boys 2 gals one...so ideal....
wah interesting topic abt our 'assets' today

Childcare prices
i'm still reeling from the shock of childcare prices. decided to be KS today and called up 2 centers that i'm interested in. one costs $800 / mth after govt subsidy!! OMG this is even more ex than my uni fees man...
and if have 2 kids how? $800 x 2, that's $1600 a mth!

Shane, u really got a good deal for Esher's future child care, abt half the usual price leh.... your coy got opening to employ me or not?
KY also call me Ma Ma leh btw, if you wan your #2 to call you Mummy must train from as young as one to two months old.. this is what happen to KY. My KS hb start to teach KY call Pa Pa since two months and Pa Pa is the first word she know loh.. now she is calling him loud and clear.. KY does call me but only at home, outside she will only shout for Pa Pa.. dun know y also. Now hubby is teaching her Daddy liao..

Dun bother about others comment.. Sky is ok with his development.. I heard he responded to the teacher during the class..

Why your CC so expensive?? Must be those very branded one is it

How to survive $1K plus with 4 kids.. Dont think I can do that
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
She watch too much Barney liao. Mixed up with the Barney and Mummy pronunciation. Give her sometime she will get the pronunciation right.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
oh really EXpensive! Is it those childcare that use montesorri teaching method that's why so expensive?

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I am ok with PG at your place except I have to leave earlier on that day.
Tang Ling, did not realize that we were there for so long.. but they are quite flexible did not chase us out

Anyone interested for another Playgym session end of January?
ya, the center incorporates kindermusik and kidsgym into the curriculum. not montessori. din expect it to be so ex. might as well send to Pat's schoolhouse with this price. think i'll lower expectations and go for the NTUC type ones...

anyone with recommendations for child care?

was prompted to start looking for half day childcare coz (i) my in laws seems to get more and more tired nowadays and (ii) think they spoil her too much, keep letting her watch TV. also maybe they dunno how to 'entertain' her anymore ??

Kiasu mood
decided to continue my KS mood after work and drop by GUG. they just shifted to a new location and opened more classes on sun. so signed up for 2pm Sun trial class. i think there's still available slots. anybody else wanna join me and adelle?

yes, i'm interested in playgym too!
me interest in the trial cos i wan to see how is it diff from Edufarm... but currently KY has class on Sun... btw, how long is the class?? one hour right?
<font color="ff0000">GUG</font>
I also just went down to check out last Sunday. But the lady suggested me to join the parents &amp; babies class for 1 term before letting her start parents &amp; tods class. So I went to peep through the hole to see what they were doing in class. They were practising fine motor skills and I think our tods have outgrown that stage. Kinda waste $$ to join in parents &amp; babies class.

My hb say maybe they are trying to fill up space. <font color="0000ff">Cherry</font> and <font color="0000ff">Mckee</font> which class are you in?
alamak, the KS mood is infectious!!!!

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
I wanna try too.. ya ya which sun and where is it ? still USq ? i'm ok with 2pm.

as for cc, wah the one u mention i likey, got kindermusik and got kidsgym somemore, so gd. but too ex already!

hmm, u prompt me to check the price again. it's correct ley. very thankful! but also means i die die must work there

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>
let's go ley, we can make it after Edufarm. Edufarm ends abt 1-ish then we reach Usq just nice mah ...keke....

i also don't mind going playgym. which wkend u looking at ? 27 or 28 jan ?

<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I think the trial needs to pay one ...
<font color="0000ff">bbrooster</font>
i think they are in the parents and tods class...

wah u all thinking of GUG ah ... how nice if we can sign up as 1 class...but v ex for me
