(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">GUG</font>
oh ya. It is really super crowded on weekends. You see so many parents and maid. And those prams lining up along the side. Unbelieveable. I prefer weekdays. But for weekdays it's twice a week.

GUG also kinda ex for me currently as my employment not very stable liao.... and too far... think hb unwilling to send me...

Where u sending Adelle that charge so high prices???

I always refer myself as meemee leh... but he called me and everyone Ma-ma..... think he knows ma-ma will definitely have reply one.. but when he ganna stuck in sticky situation he will scream Da-di da-di.....
My boobs are my only plus pts lor.... but when shopping for bra not much choice either pray hard got size...otherwise left ah-ma colour....
Most likely Joelle will be going to TOTS House just full blocks away our home. Starting her in June although teacher prefer her to start in September. It is daily for 1 1/2 hour from 9-10.30am or 10.30am to 12pm at $380 per term of 3 months.
hee hee.. ok wait for Ixorarred reply see which SUn... i am ok with both 27 or 28 Jan.. dep on class availability..

yah i agree GUG quite expensive and far.. but go for trial first and see how their classes are conducted..
I haven decide to let Sky join any class now... think will only start in 2008...with the cheap cheap APPLE TREE.... that one kids are left on their own... I want him to feel the way a class is conduct... and my mum already shake head when I sign edufarm... think she will scold me if I sign him for daily class now...
hmm, i also not very familiar. the rest have been mentioned liow, like kindermusik, zoophonics, BJG, schisida (duno how to spell). u can google it, see if can find any other interesting one.

i heard my nephew attending some ang mo name class in Usq as well but i think it's ex also. something like Lorna xx speech and drama. My nephew is 3+ liow so not sure they got prgs for our tods or not.
ya i also want to attend GUG and see wat's the hype about...

the 27,28 was referring to our playgym.

i'm not sure which date ixorarred booked her class ley.
ai ya ... i wan to say again.... you all making me feel stressed and KS ley!!!!

like that how to have #2... if send 1 must send both next time.... sigh....
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
I like the idea of letting Joelle attend the class on her own. Want her to adapt to classroom environment and also independence. Then at least go nursery and kindergarten won't have phobia.

They will teach 2 days of English, 2 days of Mandarin and friday is art n craft.

The teacher told me from 2 to 3 yrs is Playgroup. Thereafter she got to leave the playgroup and look for either private or PAP nursery.

During the waiting gap I may try out GUG.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Ya! I don't want to stress myself and Joelle anymore. I have straightened things out now. Just want to plan something for her to do instead of sitting and playing at home everyday.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
BTW, Tots House is also no parents only kids and teacher. Main door will be locked and caregiver/parents can only wait outside for class to be dismiss.
the class we signed up for this sun 21 jan, 2 pm to 3.30 pm. $42 for the lesson. the center had shifted to the 1st floor. and yes, must pay upfront $42 before the class

wah, TOTS House seems to be a good value. am actually interested in the Kinderland at the old braddell heights cc, but i need to send her to a place which is convenient for my in laws. so the childcare centers near our place is out. going to check out more places soon

the place is called babies resort.
Playgym.. how about Sat?? Sunday got class leh...me also stressed and KS especially now every week i see E development... :p

#2 i think by the time i decided KY will be 4 to 5 yrs already
<font color="ff0000">ixorarred</font>
Oh is there another one call Kinderland. Ok ok I go check out also. I also have to think of the convenience for my in-laws. Where is our old cc? Tots House is opposite our new cc.
i like the curriculum of Tots house ley, seems very balance, sigh.. all thest talk...and i don't even know what E will be doing at the cc...

are there still places for the trial class ? I can make it this sun, will go straight after Edufarm class. hope she wouldn't be too sleepy! =P

ur inlaws don't live near you ?

can sat i also can. pm slot ok ? the 2-3pm one ? we meet for lunch ? then go playgym ? keke....
<font color="ff0000">ixorarred</font>
This one got branch at your MIL's place. But the branch at our place not listed. The uniform is yellow T-shirt with red shorts.
we are in parents and tots. I was in parents and babes last term and that was really just to get them familiarised with phonics and social skills. I'd recommend u go straight to parents and tots.

wah.. you going for 2pm class! I'll get to see you when you finish your lesson, (if I come early). I'm in 4pm class.

GUG cheaper than JG lah..

Wah... all of you going for daily classes already.... I'm bent on sending her for that only when she turns 4. looks like i might have to rethink....
Wah... u also considering liao har...
Me waiting for 2008 leh... I know it a bit waste for him to sit around doing nothing... but come to think abt it... if I start him now... he only have 18months of playtime then is study study study all the way till 24.....
Good morning mummies

So many posting...Hot topic is about a playschool now...

Glayz, like you,I will be like you, let aedann roam around at home and will only send him to school in nursery. Either in kinderland or Nafa kindergarten.I started my older one 18 mths in Josiah montistori...waste of money....what she did in class last time is what aedann doing himself at home now...basically is learning via playing....Later, older attend pre nursery in kinderland....I think not much to give it a miss.....My two cents of thoughts...I would prefer save the money for later enrichment class before p1.
Wow wow wow.... so much discussion about cc and enrichment classes. May me feel guilty for letting cay stay at home and play the whole day. But this mommy is very lazy..
I think one weekend class is enough for me at the moment. Can't imagine sending cay to more classes at my current state too.

<font color="ff0000">Ixoarred,</font>
My hb brought one brouchure of a cc back for me to see... around $800 after subsidy. I nearly fainted. Can't remember the name of it... something like zion. Anyway, it's really very ex! I thought I was cheapo so I went to ask around and realise there are cheaper alternatives. We are looking for cc in case my mom cannot cope and my ils cannot help out.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Ashley is so sweet leh. Maybe she purposely want to make you dui by calling you barmee.
cay forever calls me mama when I asked her to call mummy. She used to call mama too when my hb asked her to call daddy. Now she finally calls him papa. We felt kinda strange why she choose to call mama and papa because we always teach her mummy and daddy. Anyway, we are glad that she is calling us, instead of always saying "ng ng ng" to get our attention.

<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
I totally agree the boobs cannot be too big. It makes us look fat! Also super hard to get nice bras, forever cannot get the right size. I used to wearer sizes smaller that what I need, until I finally found my right size with the help of a enthusiatic salesgirl.

But after breastfeeding, all those large bras of no use already but the good thing is I can finally buy more colourful bras with youthful designs. Hahaha... as if people can get to see it. Anyway, now preggie, the size went up again but I'm not wearing maternity bras yet so I think my boobs won't grow so big this time, must have shrunk too much after bfg.
I also will only starts Ian on Preschool when he reach 2.5yrs old, limited to 2-3days per week, just wants to explose him to classroom environment and socialise until he go public Kindergarden. I realise those going 5days Preschool will get sick more easily, like my friend's boy, he prone to get sick and always absent 2 out of 5 days. And u know fulltime preschool in US is abt 1K per mth.
<font color="ff0000">Joy747</font>
Yup! It's all about childcare, pre-nursery and enrichment classes now. You've got the point there about sending too early. That's why I thought to try out the cheap ones first. As first time mum I can't help to be more kan cheong for Joelle. Good that you have been through it and you know what you want for your Aedann.

Everything is like trial and error for me. If this Tots House Playgroup doesn't work out then will not want to do to my second also. Also I will be monitoring her growth. If in 6mths time she's still not ready then will start last term of the year or 2008.
I would like to keep E at home and just send her for classes once or 2x a week till she older. sigh, hvn't made up my mind .... still dragging the payment to the CC

i agree w you. you're lucky. SAHM has an advantage cos you can be at home to let them learn thru play. I'm so thankful to my mil who does that in her own way. But for those who 'outsource' childcare then it will really depend if the caregiver will do that or not. Some will just feed, keep them clean, make them sleep. then other time just leave them alone to play.

i kinda feel the same way as you. somehow, they seem so young and not really absorbing so much in 'class'... and wat is taught in class can also be done at home (but depends if you have time to do it)
I also prefer to put her in something that is more 'playful', less structured then serious. Kindermusik is quite appropriate for that.

But ah, talk to the mummies here ah, then feel abit pressure ...
Understand that you sign up at Kinder at yr office building ah? how much huh?

My mum told me last nite ask me fast fast look for 1 CC to send my gal away. Alot of conflicts wz my bro abt my gal etc since my gal everyday there. So now I am sourcing for 1 CC near my workplace. Check 2 this morning. After subsidy is $800. Like not much option in Raffles Place for me to choose. Moreover still must waitlist.

Btw, i got so many questions now. Wondering if i send her to CC at my workplace, if i mc how? i so sick at hm also must take care her. Then if year end i clear long leave for 2 wks, still need to pay CC $800 for that mth. Very lugi!
Don't want to reveal the price publicly but it's definitely cheaper than outside cos it's subsidised for the staff.

Oh, so D got to go CC too. slowly source. cc is not cheap. so also v thankful i can get gd rate.

ya tt is one concern to think about. i also thot abt that. esp if on leave, mc, go external meetings, etc... must send her there n pick her up. so u need to consider all these and see if you prefer to send to ur wkplc one or one that is near ur home. i was also in that dilemma but the cost made the decision for me

but when u clear long leave, u can still choose to send her there mah, then u really have a good break. maybe not everyday but 2-3 times a week, then u can rest for the rest of the week, also not bad...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font></font>
Ladies, think the topics are too interesting that the PG is missed out.

Better re-post. Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
<font color="ff0000">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden</font>
Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm or 2-3pm (what timing you all prefer?)

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm
<font color="ff0000">shane</font>
I also stress pressure stress leh. Very cham. Although, I tell myself not to feel that way. Maybe because of guilt cos of always outstation and no time to coach Joelle on a daily basis.
oh ya talking abt the PG...
<font color="0077aa">another alternative i thot of is to go to the cafe nearby for dinner after 'PG class' hee hee... </font>

actually how many keen for dinner in the first place ? I know bbrooster and erlisa has to leave early....
hard to decide if i am in your shoes too. But i think E should be ok as she seems quite socialable. by the way.. so much hints now we all know where you work.. haha.. did you go to Uni locally? If yes, maybe i was your senior as high chance that we studied the same faculty.
Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG
Ladies, think the topics are too interesting that the PG is missed out.
Better re-post. Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
san, shane,
i had tried both ways. infantcare for K near my workplace. now CC near my home. I was just discussing with my hubby how convenient it is when it's nearer home. Workplace is convenient only if u work late and cant beat the 7pm pick up time. Otherwise, like mc or running errands when u r on leave, u still got to send her all the way back to your workplace area. now i can send her in early enough for cc breakfast at 8.30am then go breakfast with my hubby (if he works in the afternoon) then i go to work. like later, i'm going for facial near my home and also in time to pick her after that. so my conclusion is near home better.
I stay Yishun and like not much choices there. The better ones are out of the way for me cos' i still need to take feeder bus and it will be super troublesome especially if i am rushing to work in the morning. If my hb drop her b4 he proceed to work, then she will got to reach CC at ard 7.15am and that means she got to wake up before 7am and at CC, can only nap at 1pm etc! I find it very poor thing for her cos' by the time I reach Yishun to pick her plus transfer feeder bus, maybe earliest is 6.30pm which means she got to spend almost 12hrs in the CC. At 20mths old, i find it too tedious for her and quite poor thing leh.

So if she comes to work wz me, at least she reach around 9am and leave by 6pm. Just like our office hrs but got to bear wz the $800/mth fees. Now I also in a dilemma. Sigh..
Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden
Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm or 2-3pm (what timing you all prefer?)

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm
2. Shane > 2-3pm
Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden
Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm or 2-3pm (what timing you all prefer?)

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm
2. Shane > 2-3pm
3. LV > 2-3pm
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG </font>
Please sign up and block the date in your planner.

Host: Shane
Venue: Hougang
Date &amp; Time: 10 Feb 4-8pm

- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song
- Revision of phonics 'A' to whatever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

1. Tang Ling
2. Anns
3. bbrooster
4. caymom
no stress no stress tho i stress too ha ha ...

ok to get things into perspective ... forum is a VERY informative tool and a very persuasive one as well =P which is good reference. However, each individual has their own lives, perferences, plans, so we just have to do wat's good for ourselves.

keke...me not academically inclined...nvr go Uni ley... so i think ur guess is wrong! alamak, i wanna to stop talking abt E cc liow... seriously, cannot be so public... me quite paranoid of the cyberworld. nvr know who is read what.....so hor, for very personal n pte details, must rem not to reveal here....

thks for sharing! very useful!!! But i go no options
cost wise =P

sigh... sometimes in life hard to find a bestest solution. did you read LV feedback ? maybe can put as reference for your consideration. and for me, i think i'll do what is best for my kid eventho' i xin ku abit....

for me i quite like the idea of her gg to wk with me cos she's nearby and i can go out with her after work! keke... but the issue of leave and mc comes in. leave quite ok cos seldom take, so only thing is mc.... but i got backup plan... my mil! i think she'll help out if i need her help
<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Playgym @ Serangoon Garden </font>
Date: 27 Jan (Sat)
Time: 1-2pm or 2-3pm (what timing you all prefer?)

1. Tang Ling > 2-3pm
2. Shane > 2-3pm
3. LV > 2-3pm
4. caymom > 2-3pm
<font color="ff0000">San</font>
Looking at your situation also very cham. And also very poor thing for your 20mth kid. Hope the experience the mummy have here can help you decide.

<font color="ff0000">shane</font>
If you don't put Esher at childcare will your MIL still help you? I think she's more than happy to look after Esher but you are such a good DIL who just don't want her to overwork.
shane, san,
maybe just to add and clarify. Choosing the cc near work or place, the convenience is secondary importance to me. Most impt when i choose i cc is the place the cc itself, whether it's conducive or value-add with comparable ones. So if there's a good one near your home and workplace, i would suggest near home better. But if the one at your workplace is better and those cc near home not so good, then definitely workplace better. Always at the best interest of our kids.
true...true....agree....whatever tt's best for the kids...

and also to balance what's best for your pocket...keke...
fully agreed... "zipped my mouth"... you can share with us further on E's plan when we next meet.

maybe can discuss with your mom if you can send D to cc for 3 times a week? and other days she look after?

don't stress okay... for me and hubby, classes are a way for us to pass time doing something constructive. Because if we are at home, most likely i will be the one entertaining Ash and after awhile i will get frustrated with hubby for watching too much TV. He doesn't like me to be "Black-Face". Once in a while, he will tell ashley "Ashley pls quickly come to daddy and do this because you are getting me in hot soup with Mummy already" hahaha
hey, wat u describe is very real!!! if at home, it's mostly me attending to E's need...THEN after awhile i'll be abit buay song that daddy's 'shaking leg'....ha ha... so we all face the same thing.

<font color="ff0000">cherry</font>
Your hb is so funny. Don't know why leh my hb also like to sit infront of the TV whole time and switching every channel when it is advertisement. He say his only form of relaxation after a hard day work is watch TV. And said at least he don't go Happy Hour after work. Should I be happy?
