(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

JG: phonics is by the LETTER, but not in any particular order. Eg, when they do letter B, they bring out a magic bag, and in it there's a Big Brown Bear and a Bouncing Ball.

GUG: Uses zoophonics method. www.zoophonics.com
phonics also by the LETTER but in chronological order. Eg, when they do letter B, they also have a magic bag, but in it, there's Bubba Bear, Ball, Butterfly. Difference is, every letter has a "song" to it which is revised every lesson. And then they use the alphabet mat Letter B, and go thru individually with every child, how letter B is written, at the same time emphasising on the Ber sound.
The "song" is something like Allie Alligator Aeh-aeh-aeh, Bubba Bear Ber-ber-ber. And has actions. So nicole remembers the letter+action+sound.

hmm... mebbe I bias lah, since I'm in GUG now. but it's cheaper!
only $34 a lesson. One of my frens who's in JG, is going for a trial class in GUG this week to have a good comparison.

LV, i also wanna send nicole! But heard 3 yrs old is the minimum age. I believe ballet gives good sense of balance and got certain grace when they walk..
Ya got grace when walk... but if u notice their feet is ugly lor.... I had friends who learn ballet walk with the figure 8... the V shape is very wide.... like duck like that...
even 3 years old is too young, unless the class is just focused on teaching kiddos to move with the music. a strict ballet class on a 3 year old is not good for the muscle development
....and yes, ballet gives you big thighs and calves!! and walk funnily too!
ok.. guess i'm gog to be the rough mummy here.. no ballet or piano for my gal.. I'm pretty set on letting her learn Akkido.. haha.. but wont force her lar.. if she likes, then is good for her future.. =P

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
paisay now i read ur post &amp; u mention abt Zoophonics, then I recall tat u asked something abt the trial tat Ash went.. Paisay din reply u until now then rem..

She was abit unwell, so was really sian most of the times. Btw think i dun really favor tat teacher so already minus point liao.. Also another part tat make me really sian is the arts&amp;craft session. Most parents were so gan jiong abt making tat Monkey mask, so i was influenced by their gan jion-ness &amp; also no apron was given, so again I was scared the paint will kana Ash's clothes &amp; mine as well. =P So everything was done in a speedy mode. So in conclusion, 99.99999% done by me. Ashley was just following my speed only. Not fun for her at all, cos at home she got play wif some crayons &amp; paints &amp; she really enjoyed lor.
I was infact v look forward to this arts&amp;craft 1, but turn up such disappointment. Then it was only music time, she rally all smiles, so tat make me why I decide to put her in Kindermusik Class.
u sound like u learn ballet when u were young? =P

Me not really a ballet fanatic. Used to envy the ballarinas in my PAP k2 graduation. But they all so town when they eyed at us. So hmm not v gd impression of ballerinas last time. haha.
Think our times those ballarinas are from rich family ba.... so maybe they are town due to this???

For me I never think of learning ballet, piano or anything as I am the lazy type...dun want to practise...kekeke
CNY PG (10Feb)
PLS PLS PLS Can Change time...
Ashley has class from 2-3.30pm. so we will miss the whole PG if held at 12-4pm... pls pls .
oh i didn't know both use different method to teach letters. We were on wait-list at JG and they called to confirm they have vanancy but ashley already signed up at GUG. Think we may stick with GUG if that is the case, don't want her to get confused. I think both should be equally good, Singaporean Parents vv sauvy, hence looking at the number of children attending these lessons, it should be not too bad. Having attended BJG for like a good 1+ year, Ashley is a little confused during GUG. For example, she is constantly waiting for teacher to flash cards and her eyes light up whenever there are cards..

ballet lessons
i think they have these at Yamaha as well. Saw little girls in ballet dresses on sunday at Yamaha Tampines.
Twinklets / glayz
hahah.... not to worry, i'm not 'town', (i hope!!) and i'm not from rich family too, neither are my frens from class last time.
danced for a long long long time coz i really enjoyed it, all the way till my mid twenties. can't tell from my size now rite *sigh*
but look at my duckie walk....
ya lor during our time, those learn ballet are mostly from well to do families.. Maybe like wat u say hor.. but of cos not all are town lar.. =P
Me wont think of Piano, cos will need to buy her 1 at home. NO place to put lar. &amp; i think she'll inherit my lazy genes leh.. now i already see some character in her liao.. Btw me also drop halfway in Piano.. =P too lazy liao..
ashley in GUG? Are you in parents and babes or parents and tots?
Got many parents there right? and i like cos got many shopping to do too!

ya man... you sound like you were traumatised during ballet!
wow... till mid 20s! did it give you some form of discipline in your character? I want nicole to have that lei...
and i didn't notice any duck walk in you lah!
haha.. not say all are town lar.. juz happen tat day K2 grad, all were town. =P

wow.. till mid 20s!!! u must really luv ballet. I guess u do have a long slim neck leh... think most ballerinas have that.. &amp; also longer upper body..i think? keke..
for me, my only experience is taking piano classes since 3yrold. it was fun until the exams came in.. so mebbe will let nicole go for that.
my hb insist must expose nicole to sports. He's bent on philosophy that with sports, she'll learn discipline, how to lose &amp; win in life, how to cope with stress, and at the same time, keep fit. So he insists, no need competitive, but all our kids must be exposed to sports.
Of course this very unsporty mummy knows nuts abt all that, cos I was not exposed to sports at all when growing up. (my sis &amp; I can't handle a ball when thrown at us, hopeless at PE, and during reccess we're the sort that prefer to eat and read. definitely not the run around the school and play catching kind!)

so that's my family's take on extra enrichment. So we'll do all that, and start nicole on nursery only when she's 4yr. Until then, she'll go for all these asthetic courses.
we are attending the parent &amp; tod.. not vv encouraging for me at least becos all the other kiddos are tods who can talk already. So they response when teacher ask them to. But my ashley just stare blankly at teacher or blabber in her own language. u attending sunday class correct? us at sat 2pm. oh yes, the loud signing also proved a little too much my timid ashley.. i think she has inherited my senstive eardrums.... senstive to loud noise
nicole also youngest in her class. but i feel it's ok, cos at this age, they like to model after older peers. So I see it as positive influence... hehe...
Nicole likes the loud singing. The louder the better... cos of exposure I think, since baby. that's her favourite part of the lesson. hehe... she doesn't like the cards... cos it's foreign to her! looks like what they are used to are starting to shape their likes and dislikes! so interesting!
GUG flashes cards too?

ai ya u all don't make me KS can ... i feel pressured my little E is not going to any classes ley. And Edufarm is just 45mins

but <font color="0000ff">mckee</font> what u said just strike me that Edufarm is like that too - go thru' individualy with tods, how letter is written and emphasis on the sound of the letter.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font> you dance ballet ??!!! wah..wah...next time can dance for us to see ?
since you're a ballet dancer, will u send A to ballet? hmm, then the myth of small boobs not true
ai ya u shouldn't stop dancing, i believe will be a good way to lose weight !!!!

<font color="0000ff">mckee</font> i agree with ur hub. i also hv this thot of incorporating sports in E's life so that it comes naturally to her and most imptly for a girl - to keep slim and fit
then no need to drag feet to exercise like mummy haha... but with lazy mummy and daddy, i really don't know how we're gg to get involved

<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
sure sure...we can always go with the later time slot. would love to have everyone around.
<font color="aa00aa">Sports</font>
yes yes agreed.. Sports is v impt for our kids, towards willpower,perverance, determination blah blah. me hates ball games last time too, &amp; running. haha!! So I really feel my determination &amp; willpower is really weak. However my hb luv ball games &amp; running, so he's really gd in all these. So i really believe letting our kids fall in luv wif sports since young will really help in building up the character.
I think me this Mummy can only help to build up her cute &amp; bubbly character cos really too lazy in sports liao. haha ..but really heng my hb likes sports alot. BUT no golf for her, pls!! hate golf =P
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Can I join the club? Me also very lazy with sports. Hehe. Think in general guys like sports more - I leave sports training of JJ to hubby. The only one I can contribute is swimming, which I am better than hb. Kekeke.

I can also only help to build up JJ's cute, cheerful and happy character.
<font color="ff0000">Feb CNY PG </font>

Hi Mummies,
We are trying to book a room for the PG, but not available on 10 Feb 4pm.
We could either have the PG 12-4pm (on 10 Feb) or some kind Mummy could volunteer her place so that we could have a more flexible timing?

i also dont like golf but my hubby loves it. He also wants to send K for golf when they accept the youngest age.

me also not a sporty person. In fact, i can't recall if i like any sports during my school days. I was exempt from PE lessons in pri sch last time due to poor health.

i called up JG at evans n they r not compromising to us a trial class in group. So i just to call on thurs n make appt on next mon. I'll check with them how many they allow on mon and let u know. see if u can join us.

so u going to let adelle learn ballet next time? I find it very graceful and expressive in the dancing.

did i answer u on the printer Qn? I'm using canon photo printer. It's quite ok cos can do into collage and save a bit of money printing per piece. the colour tone seems to be a bit darker other than that is good.
<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Thanks for the feedback about the printer.
I have not developed photos for a while - had been busy. And the last time I did, I also developed collages - save money and looks more lively. Hehe.
<font color="119911">Glayz,</font>
I think the BP of the Letterland phonics materials doesn't seem to be starting. There is a mummy helping to zap a set of worksheets for the rest. Seems like the whole set is rather thick since it costs $7 per set.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
My hb already decided to let cay try golf for the fun of it. I don't really like golf, learnt it for a while and now lost touch already, didn't even get to play in the green. The idea of playing in the green doesn't interest me either.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
The Gymboree PG is $15 per session for non-members right? One hour each time? I think cay seems to like playing in gym... thought of going if the time allows.
the collages indeed look more lively. I group the 'same activity' together cos it's just different actions we caught them in. So the one u sent me, i printed only 3 pieces altogether. each piece 4 images.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom</font>
Yes, $15 for non-members for 1-hr session. The last time we went, JJ &amp; KaiYun were early and actually played for 1.5hrs. Hehe. They didn't chase us so we just continued till the next group comes it. :p

When we have the next Playgym session, let Cay come and try. But it would be better if your hb can come and watch Cay coz it is strenous - have to watch him when they climb and slide and crawl. Not advisable in your condition.

<font color="ff6000">LV</font>
Yah, I also do that - it looks so much nicer than just 1 photo on its own. Did you manage to crop the pictures so that important bits are not cut off by Picasa?
tang ling,
i dont use picasa to form the collage. Canon has a printing software that does it. So it's in original images but shrink in sizes only. I can also choose 2 images also or with/without borders for my photos.

yes, the gymboree is fun. When's our next one? We go on adhoc basis so that it's easier to accomodate more mums and babies? Since most of us stay in NE, we can car pool or if not cab also not too ex. about $7 to go there.
<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
Hee cos waste so much land juz to aim tat few balls into the holes mah.

hee no lar.. crap aside.. cos hor if my hb gog to let her play golf, then it'll be common interest for her &amp; Daddy, then I
scare she NO common interest wif her nua Mummy leh.. then I'll sure bu ping heng 1.

I'll give birth a #2 next time for Daddy, he can do wat he wants to #2. =P
Sound horrible hor me?

<font color="ff6000">Tangling</font>
Sure u can join the club!
Let's form a "The Cute &amp; Nua Mummy Club" bah!

At least ur swimming is better, tat's good. Me literally everything in sports lose out to HB. keke..
I think I can only do afew sports together as a family, ie. same like u swimming, &amp; another 1 is basketball.

Sometimes really hope I can have a boy for #2, so he can do lotsa sports wif his Daddy, then will be so fair &amp; square liao ler. =P

<font color="ff0000">Lv</font>
Same here! Hb here is Golf fanatic. Now at nites keeps watching those Golf matches. So boring for me..
HB did wanted to send Ash to those Kindergolf or something, but me opposed big time. Even he bought those toy golf, I also abit unhappy. Me extreme 1. =P

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
Ur hb also likes golf?? Hey next time they shd talk abt this topic in the PG lar, or else both so quiet hor.
My hb wanna enrol her for the fun of it, but see my above reply to Jasmine. hahaha..
U so on, still got learn before. HB did tried to teach me abit before but due to I'm a left handed so it was like a pek chek session for the 2 of us. Anw I also not keen in such slow game, too boring for me liao.. Give me watersports &amp; extreme sports, I'll defintely luv it better man.
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks for the info. I will check with hb to see if he is keen.

<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
My hb likes golf but he doesn't play regularly. He only goes to driving range with his dad once in a blue moon. He dragged me to learn with him when there is a corporate package for golf lessons in his previous company. That time I played even better than him... heehee but now... I can't even hit the ball.
Anyway, don't really like the sport.
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
hee u din play if often mah.. Last time paktor times, I'll accompany him go see him play in the range. Then me v guofen 1, I'll see uncles play rather than he plays cos last time he's still a beginner. His classic joke is hit the ball &amp; end up at his neighbour Uncle's area. Sibei malu, I was literally hiding my face.
<font color="ff0000">Australia baby formula</font>
Anyone feed their toddler milk formula during their holiday in Australia? If yes, what brand you feeding it?
was at Melbourne, seem like they only selling S26.
They also have Fresh milk specially cater for toddlers. Think started with a "P" or something.
btw why are u asking?
U can buy ur own at US &amp; bring over to Oz rite?
So long u buy a new tin over, the customs are OK with it 1. Infact they are pretty lenient towards bb prodts.
i bought KY formula milk along when i went to australia... did not buy from there...

hee hee i also want to join your club leh..
.. me also not those active only prefer sports like golf and bowling where i only need to stand there and play... HB is the more active and outgoing type.
really? I thou' they don't allow. How about those open left over in the flight. will they ask me to discard it? Ian normaly drink 1 in per week. Can I check in the new tin of formula instead of carry in?
Wah I buay tahan liao.... Hb aunt keep on asking me whenever she saw Sky... " Is he talking(as in words..) yet..." and give me this irritating worried look that say U better seek professional help on his speech development..

Wah my boi look like a mute meh... he blabber most of the time.. but still he talks lor... and I felt like replying her "He speaks english words and I know u dun understand... so if u dun understand dun make assumptions..."

And my company situation also not very bright.. and she also ask in a very cheery manner "u still working"... (like she would be so happy to see me jobless...irritating people)
<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
no u cant, cos u still go golfing &amp; bowling!! hahahah!

<font color="ff0000">anns</font>
I threw away my leftover powder in the plane when I noe we abt to land. I kept them in those Piyo Powder container. Yes I check in my formula &amp; some heinz bottles &amp; Nestle cereals in 1 luggage. So when come to checking the food, it is easier juz to open that particular luggage to show them. My Melbourne fren says is better to bring all new unopen prodts to Oz, cos u wont noe how long the customs can drag u &amp; they do things damn slow..However they are v frenly towards families with kids, so think tat's why they pretty lenient towards us..
<font color="0000ff">Glay</font>
u not alone lar.. my side of the family also always ask me is my gal talking yet or not.. why not in proper sentences etc etc.

hee u sound so irritated..
Is they ask EVRYTIME lor... then make comment abt my boi slow in toking etc... keep on comparing my son with her grand-daughter who is 3 months older.... IRRITATING lor.... and my boi will say simple words also mah... amybe all in ang mo so she dun understand and assume my boi only blabbers... (my boi normally blabbers when he wants to join in a conversation and realise he cannot talk in our language...)
aiya wat for keep comparing some1 3 mths older. if wanna compare, compare same mth lar. I'll get v irritated too, &amp; will blackface if everytime keep asking. U got retort bk or not? maybe u just need tat 1 time of ultra black face then she wont fan u again....

Anw research shows tat it is not good for a bb to be a Genius. It wont have a happy childhood, thus resulted a withdrawn person in adulthood. (research by the Foo Research Ctr
i also not sporty type...sports to me is yucky
tt y took me ALOT of willpower to start jogging then now slack again. sigh. really hope i'll be able to instil sports activities in her life....

just bo chap. tell them research says gals develop faster than boys AND talking earlier or later doesn't indicate anything. I was a late talker. my mum was expecting E to talk later too cos i was very late. but who knows she faster than me. Not our tods are so young, 18mths only! To me, they're still babies hee hee... so no stress, no stress... Also, I heard Sky say 'ball' ley, so he's not slow!

<font color="ff0000">Feb Vday &amp; CNY PG</font>
I'll open my place. Everyone ok? Hope you all not sien to keep coming

Time: 4-8pm (timing ok for everyone?)
- Dinner (Will provide fried beehood/fried rice, desert, drinks. Do you all want to potluck other stuff or i can order finger food from this Qi ji cafe...)
- welcome song: if i can muster up my courage to sing with the tods i'll do so... if not i'll just play the CD haha....
- Revision of phonics
'A' to watever letter we'll be at by then
- Story telling
- Art &amp; Craft activity
- Bubbles time, enjoy the outdoor evening time before saying goodbye(will try to book the bbq pit downstairs for the bubble time)

Attractive enough to make you all come ?! keke ...
Happen to pop by and saw yr FM question in Aussie. I went Perth last year and bought a tin of Nan HA over there as running short on what I had brought over. Can't remember what other brands they have but I remember they have Heinz FM which S'pore doesn't carry at all. HTH.

I like yr Research. haha.

btw, u want yr Ashley be 'da jie da' in this thread is it?
<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Better to use the same formula milk that you have been using in the States. Cos sudden switching afraid may result in diarrhea or taste is different Ian may not want to drink.

Same like twinklets, I put few portions of milk powder in those containers to be use inflight. The rest of the stuff like brand new pack of diapers, bottle food, instant porridge I check into one suitcase. One suitcase of barang barang belongs to Joelle.

When you get to Sydney can go supermarket to buy Yoghurt or Weetbix mix with fresh milk for Ian's breakfast. I also buy those big gallons of distilled water to drink and make milk. I find the tap water has a saltish taste.
<font color="0000ff">san</font>
Ash cant be 'da jie da' in this thread lar, cos Mummy only actively'chat' in forum or more bolia things like beauty &amp; hair, haha not much on Ash herself leh. Btw she not active member in PG leh, so the more cant be DJD wor.

Anw, never intended my gal to be DJD, sound so old leh. &amp; hor she dun have tat DJD figure leh.. =P

In terms of birth mth, she is DJD here right? Think the tods here is younger then our thread mah. Or can also call her da jie jie. btw, last time when i bring Denyce out hor, strangers will call her as baby. Now, she's either jie jie or mei mei. So sad she no longer baby liao. Sometimes hope she grows up faster but on the other hand, don't wish she 'old' so fast. Real dilemma!
