(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Yeah, Polar does carry Sesame Street design, U can get a pamplet from one of their outlets.They have the cut-out shape design( Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Elmo) at min. 2kg at $66 onwards.

Thanks for the breakdown but when i read the email, abit too late to head down to Concourse liao. I will make time to drop by tomorrow.

I do fancy the bunch balloons but $30++ a bit expensive leh..might just get 1 bunch only and split it into 2 small ones...hehe, more cost-saving.

I like the metallic balloons too!!

Goody Bags
Thinking of including small balloons ( self-inflatable once you break the "chemical" pc inside the balloon ( i manage to get some at $0.50 per pc), either a packet milk or baby fruit juice, Wan-wan bun dao biscuits and sanrio/disney stickers.I'm not expecting too many kids, probably less than 8 and all under age 5.

I will probably use this one,

My ex-company used it a couple of times and i find it rather good. I always like nonya food but might be abit spicy for some.

Royal Cake
Yeah, agreed that the cake not so "attractive" for kids but taste-wise is great. After lunch, sometimes we walk-by the branch at the basement of Hitachi Tower for "dessert after lunch) , they are always so generous to offer you their cake to sample....hehe,so satifying!
morning gals,
oh my god.....some of the bb gng to celebrate their 1st bdae next wk liao??
so fast..time flies leh.......

wat abt neogarden?gd?
wow, everyone geared up doing party prep already. I haven't done a thing.

I have v little kids coming, so party packs will be minimum.

how's the decor for lavish ? Nice or normal kind ?

i can imagine how u gg to decor ur place. i think the balloon tied at the railings there will be very nice! take more photos and share with us ya !

i thot of gg back to neogarden. had it for full mth, food not bad. but this time my guest much lesser, so thot of gg for something with nicer decor and better food as well.

birthday decor
Also got a bunch of reused ballons from my friend hee hee... so i'll be using that. will still need to get a few more decor items.

actually hor, my gp is immediate family members and close friends. wonder if need to decor till so nice or not

if balloons we pump ourselves, will it still float in the air huh ?
my hb company also always use chillipadi catering. He said it's good too.

Neo Garden - Heard a lot of good review and it is an all time favourite for some. Also, value for money.
I saw my friend's decor from Lavish very nice leh but don't know she paid extra or not. Kind of like hotel buffet setting. That time she has 3 caterer. Japanese food from Ikoi Miramer Hotel, Nonya food from don't know where and Western dish from Lavish. It was in her garden so the whole thing looks nice and impressive.
chillipadi- OOHH!!!! I like! Went there to eat a couple of times. It's a award winning restaurant. Very yummy baba food. But have not tried catering from them. If standard is just as good, JAYMOM, you're getting very good food for party!

haven't tried them before. But heard good reviews.

Shane, I know what you mean. even thought nicole's party is a bigger one, but a large part of guests are family. I'm tempted not to ddeco at all. But with the recycled ones I got, I'll just use them. don't think I'll go get additional ones

i don't think if we pump/blow ourselves, it'll float. must use scotch tape! hehe...
Wow, it is getting exciting here with all the upcoming birthday parties.
Time really flies, our little babies have grown up!

I brought my gal to my grandpa's birthday celebration yesterday. This little gal seems to think it's another birthday party for her. I think it's probably because she is still the latest addition so people tends to crowd around her. She was dancing and mingling around. People also love feeding her food especially when she kept pointing to the food. But they only fed her buns (no filling) so I guess it should be alright.
BB Cake
Shane, i will be ordering from Polar. either Elmo or Hello Kitty design.

although mine small party but still bought a few deco to take photo
sounds really nice. i guess ur friend must have spent a bomb!

Polar cake is nice. It's under my consideration list.

exactly lor. like you i got recycled ones as well. not sure if will buy more.

Anyone came across this or tried before? I'm tempted to get catering and cake from them. Everything look so nice and seems very pricey!

goody bag
anyone knows how much an empty gooy bag cost? I'm filling it up with own goodies, so would like to find out how much one bag cost.

fuszinpalate.... I wanted that too!! heard good reviews. and recently, I got to try their food at biz dinner. quite good. Their layout is not the usual long table layout. so its quite interesting.

pardon my silliness, but anyone knows if we need to keep agaragar cool, so it won't melt? Was just thinking, since I'm spening the $35 on it, must display for guest to see. would it melt? hehe..
wat time is ur cake-cutting? & u intend to put there how many hrs?
For me I also wanna display. But to play safe, I only took out during cakecutting.
Anw every guest will be there by then. So everyone will just see at the same time.
Alot of pple kept asking me where i got the agar agar. Think quite impressive cos not many of them see this before. hehe.

Btw, the agar agar box quite big, do clear your fridge 1st. (if ur frigde is not v big type..)

Enjoy your planning process!!
hehe... we all got same mindset... must show off all that we paid for! haha!

oh dear... must clear fridge for agaragar.
then must clear for cake also!
like that how?!?! hmmm....

Twinklets, did you post pics of the bday party? oh... wait... i think you did, in the other thread? yes? must go back track and steal ideas from you seniors!

Royal cake
anyone knows if we must refrigerate this too? if yes, i think must put ice box! hahahaha!
You check wif them the dimension of the agar agar & cake Box 1st lor. Check w/ them whether can deliver evening or not. Then can put outside for how many hrs etc. In this case, u wont be gan jiong abt not enuff space in ur fridge.
Mine is normal size. I clear 2 racks liao, but still cant closed!!!

So my hb gotta take out the door rack at the side, then door can close. Really v gan jiong tat time man.
the normal goody bags (empty ones har) cost about S$1+ for 10.

Your ashley has grown up a lot. I love visiting your blog.. she is really very cute. Ashley mui mui is going to be one very soon too. I thought got lots of time to plan so "tu tu tu"... now panicking as a lot of things not done yet. like buy her new clothes and shoes... :p
Ok glad to hear the food is good...set will confirm booking them liao.
I dun think ordering the agar agar...scare too much food cannot finish.

Birthday Suit
Me also haven got for Raph, if can find nice ones will buy if not I will let him wear back his CNY jumper. Hee hee I just tried on him...surprise my boy can stil wear it. (tat jumper was for 6-9mths) ha ha ha...

It's mainly close relatives and friends so i don't mind splurging abit. Anyway, i'm likely only to go for the $12-15/pax and will try to request to swop mee siam with laksa instead.

MIL also hinted before she might wanna "sponsor" for Jay's buffet..hehe! ( still waiting)

i did checkout hot fuchsia's website, it is very pricey!

Party Decos
I went down to The Concourse today. If anyone plans to get foil balloons. Try this shop, Heartlink. Thhe female aunty boss is real friendly and helpful. Their variety is the best, got a couple of albums to choose from ( Pooh, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, Precious Moments, Blue CLue etc..) Problem is many of the balloons are out of stock, they are direct imports from USA and is recyclable. Some kiasu parents olreadi ordered 2-3months ahead.

I wanted a Sesame Street Theme but they ran out of stock. Next shipment is in 2-3months time, too late! I end up picking 2 Pooh design instead and a pack of self-inflatable metallic balloons.

On the average, its ranging from $8.50 for each, if you wan a bunch specially for 1 yr old birthday, it cost $38 ( very pretty but only can use at 1 yr old)For foil balloons, you can collect about 3 days in advance, won't "lao hong" unlike the standard ones.

They do sell goody bags, the really, really pretty ones are $7.50 for 20 bags. "Party box"
( alike Mac's happy meal box) is at $0.50/each.

Bbrooster, did you buy your balloons from there?

I still having 2nd tots about the agar-agar leh???( partly space constraints and not a big fan)
Neo garden Caterer
I happened to have a copy of the pamplet.
Understand that there is 20% discount for birthday celebration. Anyone interested may want to read up the T&C from their website
what a coincidence! I just got the address and shop name from my husband. It's the same shop. the lady very nice and helpful right.

Here's the location :

Heartlink Trading
Tel. 62974939
thanks! do you know if the party bags are large enough to hold cornflakes box and a small book (size slightly larger than credit card)?
sigh... i've a feeling it might be too small, cos the items are rather 'fat'!
I saw paper bags-colored in Art Friend. Was thinking of getting, but it costs $0.38 each. Then if I've time, can individually personalise the bag. (from looks of it, i think I'll end up giving just plain paper bag...no time!)

is it too much if I don't order dessert for guest, can get them to eat agaragar+cake as their dessert?
For the pretty ones ( princess theme), the size is fine but the yes, the thickness is a concern.

You can go for the more ordinary ones, they have bigger sizes, probably $1.50 for 10.

Alternatively, you can self-make if you have the time. wrap it up with cellophane wrap, tied it with a nice ribbon and put a cute label sticker in front that says "Dear XXX, thanks for coming to the party!" (example). I think it is more personal and economical in that sense.

I'm most likely to drop the idea, my grandma never fails to make agar agar for most special occassion. I factor the $ for the buffet or the cake instead.
hot fuchsia no longer does catering. i need to scout for alternative.

you ordering from fuzinpalate ? let me know if it's gd. i might consider ordering from them as well. looks gd.

the bags should be ok i think. if only cornflakes and small book. if not jaymom's idea is nice too.
that's a good idea. but i don't think I've got time to personalise it much!

I'll use the paper bag in Art friend, then get postal paintand paint one of nicole's palms. She'll make her print on each bag, then I'll just write over Thanks for Coming! hehe... tell you first, so that when you get your bags, and see messy paint on the bags, you'll know it's nicole, not me!
goody bag
btw, I bought stickers-700 of them at $2! it comes in various shapes and sizes. althought most of it are like a five cent coin size. Animals, bugs, dress-up, cars, etc. You can choose the theme you want.
Bought it at a shop in United Square (hehe... didn't know they had cheap stuff there!)
Sorry for my dissappearance.

Was thinking of Neo Garden but after BBrooster has posted the Lavish Dining's website....now "sam si si" liao. Never tried the buffet before though. Hmm.... How?? Hehe

Goody Bags
I dont think i need that coz think only 3-4 kids will attend the party. That's because among our friends, we are so-called the earliest to get married.

Wow mckee u manage to dig into such a good lobang! THat's really cheap for 700 stickers.
Sure I will let u know the food, after the event.

Now I still haven decide what cake to order leh???

Wow I hope when i go now still have the cute cute helium balloons...didn't know mus order 2-3mths advance.
hey jaymom, i also ordered from chilli padi! my mom ordered from them during my wedding, not bad. another caterer that i've used for office is fisherman's chef, dun think they have website tho, need to call them.

me bought a bunch of 1st b-day foil ballons from city hall, $34 before adding helium price. a bit ex but can't resist! hehe

my hubby's relative who is a hobby baker offered to bake my girl's cake. i've requested for the cake to have the 1 year old shape, hopes it turns out fine *fingers crossed*
don't know can wait for your feedback or not. My event is 1 week after yours.
thot of ordering early.

you're so lucky. no need to rack your brains about which cake to order !
Hi mummies,

looks like everyone all geared up for a fun party. Sad to share a dampening news here, K contracted hfmd
These few weeks she's been falling sick quite frequently, throat infection, cough, eye infection then now this. This sunday still wanting to celeb her bday. Dunno is it pan tang or what..sigh.. But doc said can still go ahead and celeb but scale it down. Do take care of all babies cos now it's consider summer season so very easy to catch virus. PD said many kids got infection recently..
oh dear! How's K? Heard when kids get hfmd, it's really a big discomfort. Is she better?
How're you too? must be tought with K like this..
hugs and kisses to both of you! Take care!
so sad to hear about K.
Pls do take care of her and yourself too. Must be tough on you.
Hope K will recover quickly.
Do keep us updated.
Poor K, must be really uncomfortable with ulcers. Take care of yourself too. Are you ok?

Are you still going ahead with the scale-down bday celeb? Little K might be very grouchy then?
Looking at mummies busy like ants with bday prep, feeling a little left out coz we are keeping it REALLY simple buffet out at some caf and then cake-cutting.

I was trying to find some excuses to go shopping and get something for JJ's bday, but even clothes and shoes also got liao. Nothing to buy...

Anyway, enjoy the prep, have fun and remember to enjoy yourselves on the day too!
(evil evil suggestion)... can find excuse and do shopping for the following:
- one more birthday suit (plus shoes) for lunar birthda
- two sets of Pajamas to actual and lunar birthday...

like that got many things to buy already! : P
GREAT suggestions! Yah, JJ could use new PJs, extra clothes & shoes - you know, just in case the cake gets on his clothes at the celebration. Clothes must be changed then, and bday MUST wear new clothes only. Hehe... Thank you!
you evil evil one!
hehe... I'm sure ashley has plenty plenty spare/incase emergency clothes!

Tang ling
which cafe you going to hold the buffet? is cafe cold? then can buy birthday jacket! hehe
yah yah, JJ would need jacket to match his new clothes! Hehe...
It's just a small group of immediate family members, and we are thinking about MELT at Oriental Hotel.
<font color="0000ff">Wow mommies,</font>
U all so ahead into planning the bd party leow.. now I am feeling a bit guilty.. I will bring forward Sherilyn's celebration to 24th June since 30th June is a weekday.. I haven plan for anything yet ley.. Me damn jialat hor..

<font color="0000ff">mckee,</font>
Which shop at United Square?? I will be there every Sun, so can check out the stickers!!
the shop is a toy shop next to Toys r us. Can't remember the name though.
The stickers are found on the floor, in a box, about 1/2 metre away from cashier.
They are bound together like a note pad of 6 pages. Got various titles. Happy shopping!

Don't worry abt not planning for sherilyn... you'll get plenty ideas from the mummies here! esp when hers is later in the month!
Please sayang K for us...really hoped she will get well enough to be in time to enjoy her birthday bash!

Tang Ling
Wah, 2 new set of clothes + PJs + jacket + socks and shoes. How about a cap or a mini haversack to store his favourite toy..hehe ( excuses and more excuses to shop and spend $$..)

Wah, so coincidental, your foil balloons is the pink bunch with star balloons and a No. 1, rite?

No worries, need not go down 2 months in advance, there are still many nice designs but if you are going for the popular characters, choices will be limited lor..
u are not alone...i oso hve not planned anything for Ryan's bdae...n mi more jialat...still dunno if i wan to celebrate or not..n if celebrate..oso dunno to invite who...hehe...

Tang Ling,
wow...now u hve alot of excuses to buy many things for JJ bdae leh...i oso intend to buy a set of new clothes for Ryan on his bdae...hehe..

hows K now??hope she is feelin better....u oso take care,okie...
You not alone. I also feel abit left out. I also not much prep needed except for buffet, cake and simple decor. Not much kids so no need to prepare goody bags. I'm thinking of getting something special for my 3 nephews but hvn't thot of what

serrich, forgetmenot,
no need stress. you gals still have plenty of time. Ours are coming up soon, so we panick first ha ha ...
I also dunno who else to invite.. Tot of working on my guest list first but i keep telling myself tat it can be done later.. so jialat..

will have to get the balloons from u hor? Did eve tell u??

thanks, i will go check it out on sun..

Yah, can't wait to start the shopping this weekend. Also the cap, mini haversack for his toys &amp; barang-barang (even if we have to end up carrying it). Hehe...

Yah lor, feeling a little bored. How old are your nephews?
Know what? I may have to even forget about the cake! Called the cafe and they don't suggest we bring in our own cake, but but but... feel that without a cake, we are short-changing JJ leh. Aiyah, still prefer to bring cake even if can't finish.
