(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

where did you buy the bday dress from? hehe... looks like we might all end up dressing our daughters like joelle!

i'm not sure how to dress nicole... should it be nice dress? (but would impede her movement) or pants and top (but very tomboy) or skirt and top (then in case emergency, only change one piece)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA!!glad to hear tt you are better now...

ask u hor..how did u noe K has HFMD?

haiz...Ryan has fever 2 days ago..so sian..i realised tt he seems to fall sick on 28th almost every mth..then my mil said,better dun celebrate his 1st yr bdae..celebrate next yr..but if celebrate next yr,then depicts the purpose liao mah...
anyway...see how lah..
Happy Birthday, Kayla!

<font color="ff6000">BBrooster,</font>
So good, now Joelle has pretty dress for bday! Still back to the same issue that boy's clothes don't have much choices.
But looks like quite a number of mummies are still on a lookout for pretty dresses for the bday gals. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Hope Ryan recovers soon. Bad weather now - a lot of people getting sick.
No bday celebration har? But it's the special 1st bday. If downsize to just family members and keep simple?
Thanks mummies and Kayla's dear friends! Today her's actual bday and I'm planning to have a small cake with her when daddy returns home later in the evening. And my hubby was telling me this morning, we haven't got her any bday presents! Oops, i actually forgotten cos we bought too many things that we forgot to get one with bday significance.

I went to PD and got it diagnosed. Her fever was as high as 39.6 and she developed rash all over body including palms and feet (no blisters yet). So when Pd checked her mouth and found ulcers, she concluded that. True enough, following 2 days start to have full blown blisters. But prior to these whole hfmd, she got conjuntivitis (swollen eye) and dry cough. That's after she got infected by the other infant in infantcare. SO the incubation period was actually 7-10 days before we knew she also got it.
I know what u mean about not celeb bday cos some people say it's 'pan dang' i also throw myself to believe when suddenly all these illness started developing. Anyway we carried on with the party but scale it down. Hope Ryan recovers soon! HugZ!
After looking at Kayla's pic. I think Esher needs a birthday dress ! I actually got new separates that I thot I'll let her wear. But I think in a dress is so much sweeter and girly...
ya the bears can be eaten. My hubby ate all the bears! haha. I'm worried we couldn't finished it because it's 3 kg. Think my guests must have love the ice-cream.
Please get a dress for Esher too! She'll look real pretty in it. I got the K's halter neck dress from Dune @ greatworld city.

mamabaobei magazine:
Ladies, anyone of you purchasing the chinese magazine? I'm trying to get a back dated copy cos I saw me and K in one of the columns!! I was flipping through the magazines at PD's when I saw ourselves in it. But i think it's not available anymore on shelves.
Let me know if u have any.
<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Kayla looks really pretty &amp; sweet in the dress! Mummy got very good taste! Hehe...
And the cake looks really yummy too.
Kayla looks more and more like you! really!
She looks really sweet and demure in the picture! and yes, it's a really nice dress!
Happy Bday to Kayla...she look so pretty in her dress. Gald to hear that she is recovering. Take Care!

Wow Raph is next on the bday list...I am so excited! Hee Hee but this mummy haven get him a bday suit...went to mothercare, isetan, kiddy palace nothing nice!

U bot Jo's dress from Zara? Any nice boy boy clothes there??

Motherhood Fair @ Expo
Anyone going there? Most prob I will go tmr or thurs afternoon depending on my work load! Last year I missed it, coz pop liao!
wow, ur hubby din suffer from sugar overdose ?! hee hee... the bears are cute !

I'll try to get her a dress ... but i don't think i can clip her hair! urgh.....

don't think i'll be gg... got things for us there meh.. motherhood fair like more for new mums...
tang ling,
ya lor...no bdae celebration..maybe oni among our family..told my hb to take leave on tt day..so tt we can bring Ryan out...
n my hb dun wan to get cartoon cake..he said Ryan dun understand..arggh...

guess wat??Ryan oso got HFMD!!!he has fever on sun..then the fever went down on mon..n on mon itself,i realised tt he has rashes all over his body..then got one or two looks like blister...n today..there are more blisters...
so brought him to see PD again..initially she oso cant confirm if it is HFMD cos he dun hve alot of blisters..she oni confirmed it when she check his mouth n saw one big ulcer..

i'm hoping tt he will not hve anymore ulcers in the mouth n blisters liao...if not,he will hve difficulty eating n drinkg...

n the weirdest thing is tt..i oso dunno where he got it fr..cos we seldom bring him out..n we did not put him at childcare leh..
ohhh.... please take care and don't overtire urself taking care of ryan. Give ryan big big hug... he'll get better soon!
Oh no! Ryan too?! Pls take good care of him and yourself. Hope he recovers quickly.
Ya...then how did he get HFMD huh ? so scary ley.

Hmm, will HFMD spread to adults ? Better check since you're preggie. take care!
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Poor Ryan... a BIG hug for Ryan and hope he recovers soon. Um... funny how he got it since he did not go to childcare. Playground?
And don't get stressed out about Ryan's bday - you need your rest too.

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
I was going to ask you if you managed to get nice boy clothes for Raph. Hehe... Difficult to find hor. The new clothes JJ has are what my hb bought from U.S., which is the right size now, but I find it a bit casual...
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
I have this email showing pictures of HFMD and also so basic information about the disease. Have just forwarded the email to you.
<font color="ff6000">LV,</font>
Happy belated birthday to Kayla! She looks so lovely in the dress. The cake looks so yummy! My gal and Kayla are only 5 days apart.

My gal's hand is swollen now, no idea what happened, we suspect she could be biten by some insect. It looks like a big red patch, could be a rash too. My mom insisted it is nothing serious. May I know how does the HFMD rash looks like? Is it big, red and swollen?

Which issue of the magazine are you looking for?

<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Can you email me the file on HFMD as well? Thanks.
The cake really taste as good it looks. Though I find it a little clustered with so many decors. quite diff from the picture i chose from. But we got 20% off the cake using ntuc bday coupon.

many pple said the same thing that she look 99% of me now. nothing of my hubby's can be found on her.. hehe..

i find kiddy palace n mothercare are more for casual smart wear. The more formal and dressy type must search around some kids boutiques that carry their own labels.

can use hair bands to put on her head. But she may not like it. Actually the clip didn't stay long on K's head. She pulled it off all the time.

oh no! That's what the PD said. Many kids are getting it because of the extremely humid weather now. No need to go daycare, even inside lift with close proximity can get it. The worse part is it contagious even before the rash and blisters symptoms surfaced. Got to force feed ryan water and medicine if any. no choice. it's a curve pattern. next 2 days will be tough but it will come down. A big warm hug to Ryan boy boy..
the issue is feb/mar with a lady front cover.

i'll post a photo which i took when Kayla got hfmd. I hope it'll not frightened the mummies here
I dont think it started with a big patch. It was plain rash (like when they are very cold). and the body temp very high. So maybe your girl is not.
LV and Shane,

got the shoes liao! very nice
but quite big. i prefer the designs that both of u chose over mine! hehehe

big big hugs to Kayla and Ryan. really scary yah...this HFMD going round so rampantly!
so scary, must read up more..
Kayla and Ryan get well soon..

KY celebrated her birthday last sunday.. here's some picture for viewing

Agar Agar looks bigger than the birthday cake!!!!

<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Kai Yan!!!</font> I love her smile, she look so sweet, smiling so nicely in the pic with the lighted candle.

Oppssss..realised KY not on the list. I must have used a old copy.
pai say ....
Hi gals,
thanks alot..i realli hve no idea how he got it leh...my hb oni bring him downstairs almost every wkend..but is oni for a short while...

tt's how Ryan's blisters look like..but seems like his is bigger...n today got more..esp on the knees..n when he crawl,he broke on blister...

then my fren told mi hve to sterilise all his toys,use hot water to wash all his clothes n towels n use warm water with dettol to mop the floor...so tiring...realli needs my hb's help in doing all these...

no medicine to feed him leh..oni calamine lotion n creams to apply...
Hi mummies
I bought the b'day dress from Zara. I like all the clothes there but expensive. Adora, I didn't really pay attention on the boy's clothes but I am sure there are lots of nice ones cos I really like the clothes in Zara. Very stylo!
<font color="ff6000">Jasmine,</font>
<font color="aa00aa"><blink>Happy Birthday to Kai Yun on 1st June!</blink></font>
KY's dress is so pretty! And she looks really sweet and demure!
The agar agar and cake looks so nice, and so many toys - KY must have been thrilled. Her pose is like saying "All mine!" Hehe... I especially like the pic of her with the cake - really a princess hor. Really pretty! She looks like she really enjoyed herself.
And the baby photos since birth - wah, so much difference, but can still see the same facial features.
Umm... I have to get the pictures organised also, so that can post them after JJ's bday.
Happy happy birthday KY!
She really looks like she's going to have a super great year ahead with all those toys! hehe!
happy birthday KY!

i put most toys in the bath tub and pour some dettol to sterilise it. didn't use hot water to wash clothes. u still got cream to apply? I dont have and i also prefer not to cos it's very sticky. Anyway i still bathed her during that period cos i think it's very sticky and dirty. After that, i put johnson powder on her instead of the usual lotion. he may drool a lot because of the ulcers so must constantly change him to keep him comfortable. You take care of yourself too.
Tang Ling
Can u also email me the HFMD info. Thanks!

Thanks for your recomendations...ya think got to see those kids boutique. I am on leave tmr to shop &amp; go down to the motherhood fair!

<font color="0000ff">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KY!!</font>
I must share this with all of you. I've BF K for a year! Though the frequency has gone down significantly to one or two feed this month, she's still enjoying latching on. Just now I latched K on again, She keeps looking at me and smiling. keeps latch, unlatch, smile then latch. Guess she knows BF is going to end soon. And i think both of us r ready for the weaning.
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KAYLA &amp; KAI YUN!</font>

I was busy the last two days and didn't have time to follow up with the postings. So sad to hear 2 babies falling sick and hope they fully recover soon.

I like the dress that Kayla and Kai Yun is wearing. So sweet and sexy! Finally, it's a break for LV and Jasmine. All the party planning is over. Jo's birthday party is next weekend. Very kan cheong and stress. Like as though my wedding day.
Happy birthday to June Babies!!!

Story books
Today I have shopping spree that I bot almost 25 used toddler books. I realise Dr Seuss is very popular. Does any mummies has favourite children books author? I still trying to search for
This is the collections I bot.

way to go ! feel very accomplished rite ! hee hee...

me feel very 'fun', don't know which caterer to order from, wat cake to order...etc...
wow, you got lot of winnie the pooh books ! so nice ley. is it cheap ? I think to boy WTP in singapore is not cheap.

Dr Suess is popular over there ? Not v popular here tho' i quite like it. I have 2 books frm him and a vcd but E doesn't really like the vcd cos it's just narration and not much singing/music.
the books very nice. are they all hardboard books?

are we having the party the same weekend? you got to decide soon. as for cake, i think i will order from The Royals too.
Looking at the birth chart seems like quite a few will be having party next weekend.

how come you not having the party on 17th or 18th instead? closer to esher actual day.

*stressed* like the day you got married. haha....
