(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Now that JJ is going to turn 1 year old in 2wks+, I was looking back at his photos and couldn't believe how much he has grown. I have not posted before, but this is his photo at 1 day old - so tiny!


Ya my Ashley really grow up liao after become official toddler. She suddenly like grow so much taller, slimmer, & cheekier. & babble so much tat i duno wat she's babbling abt. It is really amazing to see her grown up 'suddenly'. hehe
Your Ashley mie mie is gog to be a toddler v soon.
Amazing feeling rite? She's so fair & pretty, really like a lil' lady.

U must be feeling very tired & heartpain now.
U urself take good care too, cos u need to be strong for your lil' gal.
Hope K will get well soon.

Aiyo u two.. urs end June leh.. still quite far away..

I already told Shane liao.

I put in a banner as well. Hope wont be too koyak if u gals wanna hang on the wall.

Btw need not return me these stuffs liao ler. If no1 want them after u use, u can abandon them at ur void deck, see which mummy there wanna take.
The cafe dun sell cakes?
Or else, u can cut cake at ur home 1st, then proceed to cafe for buffet?

Wow JJ looks so chubbier & different now!
Btw, he already look yan dao when he was only 1 day old leh.

Hmm so how? u feel like crying now? hehe
The cafe also has cakes for buffet's dessert, and they offered a 750g complimentary cake. But so small - not nice when you have like 30 guests.
I did think about cutting at home, but a party of 30... dunno if they would make the extra trip. Discuss with hb and see what he says.

Yah, JJ at 1 mth already have double chin liao. Hehe... But what is "yan dao"? Like mature looking?

Yah, can't believe my little bb is going to turn into a terrible-two in the short future. Hehe...
Tang Ling,
Yan Dao mean handsome!

haha Ash also got double chin, think day 1 already have liao.

Ya i also cant imagine mine turning to terrible MONSTER two in the short future..
I think my temper sure v bad 1! :p

Hmm.. the cakewise, u really have to think it carefully. Or you try other cafes lar?
I dun think all SG cafes can be so mei ren qing wei rite????
Sad to hear bout K's situation. Do take care of yourself too. Aunty Jen gives K lots of hugs n kisses.. Muacks!!

Tang Ling
Yeah.. basically think juz have to wait for the day now. Buffet conf, cake conf, only deco left. Btw, my hubby said somewhr at Raffles Place has cheap decos. Btw, JJ looks so sweet even when he was new-born. He looks like he was smiling in the pix. Hehe

Me gonna dissappear again coz i'm goin back home-to my hometown for a week. Hehe..
Thanks! Mummy always very happy to hear that bb is handsome. Hehe...

My temper also not very good - when JJ throws tantrum, sometimes it is like we are seeing who out-last. Hehe... But from Supernanny series, saw that the key to tantrum is to be calm - the parents cannot "lost it". Have to practise Ren Gong liao.

As for the cake, I would still stick with a nice nice cake. Try other ways lor. Thanks.
HI mummies,

thanks for all the care and concern given to lil' K. She's grouchy and upset these 2 days. She had it worse with viral rash on body as well. She only wants to be latched on and refuses bottles. I guess the mouth ulcers could be the cause of it. But the prob is I dont have so much milk now !! Sigh.. Yup, mummy here is battling with strength and determination. It's really heartache to see our little ones suffer everytime they r attack by all these illness. We prob go ahead with the celeb on sunday without kids. already ask those with kids not to come. Funny to celeb a kid's bday without other kids..duh!
Yups will pass to you

Got banner ? I didnt' see it
Tonite will go bk and look again.
Thks hor....

Tang Ling,
My nephews are aged 2-5yr old. Still thinking wat to give them.

I think cake is a must! 1st birthday ley. Hmm...actually hor, is their cake nice and pretty ? cos after the buffet, everyone might be too full to enjoy a nice cake. So maybe the complimentary cake can cut for 'yi si' during the buffet? Then on JJ's actual bday then get him a nicer cake ?

I intend to let Esher cut cake again on her actual day

you're all set ! I hvn't confirm a thing yet ! urgh....
So heartache to hear abt K. Is she better down ? Rash subsided ? I hope she quickly recovers.
I think the latching is comforting to her. so don't worry abt amt of milk. Does she want to take solids ? If not can give her more snacks, like biscuits on and off so she wun be hungry.
Hang in there ya. And take care of yourself too.

Glad to hear that the party is still on for K.
hope K well by then. No kids nvm, my party also v little kids. more of a party for adults
this morning the rash looks 'ripe' a bit rough and also darker red. I think today is the 'peak' before it comes down. She ate little solids also. Just hope this ordeal be over quickly.
Ya i also hope for you that this will be over fast. Today is thurs. Still got 3 days to sunday. Hopefully by then, she'll be ok.
Kisses to K.
<font color="119911">LV,</font>
So sad to hear about K. Hope she will recover in time for the party.

<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Wah, JJ really looks so different now. cay still looks a bit similiar compared to a year ago. She is now a toddler officially.
So fast leh.

<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
I let cay cut her cake during the celebration but I will be getting a small cake for her to cut tonight. So exciting.
so exciting..must show us the pics of cay cutting cake hor...

at least u can start to work out the guest list liao...my hb still dunno if wan to celebrate or not ah..think he will leave it to the last minute one..
he keeps saying tt Ryan does not understand..but i hope to hve one..cos we did not celebrate his full mth...n i thot one yr celebration shd be fun.
thanks.. the bday celeb is now scale down to relatives n close friends. We turn down at least half on the guest lists. Luckily the buffet we order min. no.

btw, are our bobux shoes here yet? Are u collecting it? If yes, can collect for me? if not, it's ok. Actually i had bought another pair at motherworks 2 weeks ago so that she can wear the new shoes on her bday. But the size is M. cos L really is too big. So the shoes we order may not fit them for these few months yet.
the shoes are not here yet. Ixorarred is collecting for me. can ask her to help collect urs also if you want then i get from her.

oh u bot shoes for her already ? Oh, L very big ah, i ordered L also. Initially i ordered XL

Do you mind if you collect for LV as well ?
Thanks !
Tang Ling,
Very cham, never have a good chance to watch that Supernanny show. I think 1 of these days will go bookstore to look for disclipining books for kids.

Gals, any good titles to reccomend??

Bobox shoes
OH DEAR.. this mummy here is v v v kiasu.
I order XL.

Scully by the time she can wear, she already a pro walker, then no need to let her wear soft sole liao. very chaM!!!!!
bobux shoes
LV no probs, can collect for you too.
am also waiting anxiously for the shoes to arrive leh. alamak, size L big ah..chiam liao. originally wanted her to wear the shoe on her b-day. even got a matching outfit liao.

LV, hope that your girl will get well very soon.
Tang Ling,
your handsome JJ looks very different when he's a day old.

suggestion for other mummies to post photos their babies' in their first few days and the 1st bday party pics. would be interesting to see how much they have grown

time really flies hor. can't believe that i'm a mother for almost a year already.
Sorry to hear that K, I am sure she will be well on her bday.

Bobux Shoes
Wow I also ordered L, I hope Raph can wear now. Hee Hee my boy's feet is rather BIG.

Birthday Suit
My mum jus told me must let raph wear NEW clothes on that day...I was still thinking of letiing him wear his CNY jumper which he wore only once. Oh dear I hav 1 more item to fan now!

Birthday Favours

Remember I send this link sometime back, they are still in biz so if any of u interested jus email or sms the person in charge,
Bobux Shoes

I ordered from the first batch...hehe..also bot L size, it is elastic, although abit big but still secured ( won't fall off). Should be ok lah...if buy small, wear for a while only, too "sayang"...

B'day cakes
I realised that Swensen carries Disney Design ice-cream cake at $45/kg.(min 1 kg), this could be another option.

Jennise, enjoy your break and short holiday

Party Decos at Raffles Place
(For the benefit of mommies working in RP)

There is this shop ( former ex-blanco) inside Arcade on the ground floor, opposite GNC. They sell party bags ( big size) at 8 for $1.80. They also sell foil balloons ( limited choices thou) at $6.00. To inflat it, they charge an additional of $1.30/each. Can consider if you are keen....
<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
So you are almost all set for the party!
When is actual bday of Meagan?
Enjoy your trip back home and remember to log on when you are back. Hehe

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Yah yah, I also think bday cake is a must. This caf does not encourage us to bring cake perhaps because they are concerned about storing it (no space or may be damaged), so I am thinking about cutting the cake before we begin the buffet. That way, the cake would be much appreciated too. Hehe And I dont want to entrust JJs 1st bday cake to a complimentary cake I know I will definitely regret it later.

I like the idea of cake-cutting on actual day, though it has not crossed my mind until you mentioned. Umm perhaps can get one for him to really mess it up (like you mentioned earlier) just see what he thinks a cake should be handled. Dunno if he would try to pad the cake with his little hands. Hehe

Have not confirmed anything for Eshers bday prep har? Better decide fast 3 more weeks, otherwise would be very stressed out later coz lack of time. ;) Party on the weekend before?

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Yap, JJ looks very different now, well except for the curly hair. One of the first comments from the PD is Hes got curly hair! Have to get him a hair brush. We were a little lost when he mentioned it, coz we didnt expect him to comment on that, but honestly, we couldnt tell that it was curly hair till he pointed out. Hehehe

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Yah, same here also JJ does not have the full month celebration, and I want him to have photos for his first bday. My hb also the last-minute type also. So what I did what I have to do all the homework and put the suggestions to him. FINALLY have made a decision.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Supernanny has a book also can have a look. I got it and still reading good. I like her methods coz she encourages praises and enforces discipline, yet still very caring/loving towards the children. She is firm but not fierce.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
Thanks, yap, he looks so different. I have this photo-frame at home, a gift from a friend with holes in it for each month of his first year. Almost full liao really fast. But good to see the changes in bb since birth.
Oh yes, a good idea to post pix of bbs in first few days and now. Maybe Caymom should start first!
I bought a birthday cake from Prima Deli to celebrate cay's birthday last night. She was very happy when we sing the birthday song. When I asked her to blow the candle and brought her near to the cake, she laughed happily but didn't do anything. In the end, I blew for her again.

For the cake during cay's birthday celebration, I also considered having the swensons ice-cream cake in the no. 1 shape, quite nice looking. But in the end we ordered our cake from Jack's Place instead.
We chose mousse cake so it's $35 per kg.

She looked rather amazed at the big no. 1 cake but I guess she was sleepy so she didn't really showed as much excitement as last night. After we cut the cake last night, she was busy running from person to person, asking for the cake. I was trying to feed her but she couldn't wait and piak her palm into my cake. Then this yucky mummy said dun waste and started licking cay's hand.
Hmm... wonder if cay touched anything dirty before that.
nope hvn't done anything yet! *panicks*
Yup her party is weekend before her birthday.
I keep hesitating on the catering and don't know how many pple to order for cos hvn't got much rsvp yet.

i want to take also! But will do that after her birthday, if not too much things to think of already.
purple sage, we had them for one of our corporate x'mas party. not bad but then those were more festive food so don't know abt normal buffer.
Really exciting night for Cay on her bday! Was imagining her running around when I was reading your posting. Hehe... so cute. I would expect JJ to piak his palm into his cake also.

Yah, difficult to order buffet without rsvp nos. Estimate lor. Should be able to estimate and confirm nos. with caterer nearer the date.
But sounds like spoilt for choices hor? Hehe...
Family Photo
Me and hubby also keen though. But then hor, hehe.... hubby wants 2 kids, so i thought maybe wait till the other one comes out then we'll consider again.

Tang Ling
Meagan's bday is on the 23rd. Actually leaving tomorrow so today will be my last post till i come back.

I can imagine Cay running from one person to another. She must be realli cute doin that.

Is your lil darln getting better today?Aunty Jen sayang sayang again....

U r working at PP too rite?
<font color="ff6000">Tang Ling/Jennise,</font>
How I wish she can be as excited during mealtimes. My mom has to chase after her to feed porridge. She only sits in her high chair or tricycle for a short while before she starts climbing out. But cake is different, she simply loves it. She will open her mouth big big and eat very fast.
shane, ixorarred,

Thanks for helping me collecting! ixorarred living in NE too?

we ordered swenson's ice cream cake. But now after half the guests not turning up, we prob got the whole ice cream to ourselves!

today some of her blisters start bursting. yesterday whole night keep crying on and off. refuse bottle milk and bf not enough. almost driving me nuts. guess must be the mouth ulcers at work! But can see the ripening of rash.

anyone taking chickenpox or pneumo jab? I'm planning to get K jab after she recovers.
LV: just read that K got HFMD.. poor girl..hope that K feels better .. She must be tired but too hungry to sleep well. Not long ago Lisa also had ulcers (but in her throat not HFMD). I understand how tired you must be feeling now...
Try to give her anything that she is willing to eat, eg. biscuit, barley water, baby pudding (i used the heinz ones). My sis suggested icecream. According to her, warm drinks cause more discomfort.

Jabs: I intend to let Lisa take both jabs too, after she recovers from flu (sigh.. she caught flu right after the ulcers in throat!) PD said better to wait for her to recover first.

By the way, tomorrow is Lisa's Bday (and her party too). Today, we brought a cake to her infantcare, for her to celebrate with her friends. Quite funny, she looked like she din know what's happening. We should have practiced!! Hopefully tomorrow she won't look so blur, haha!
ohh... we're all very quiet today.

Nicole is now with sorethroat. Her voice is hoarse and she's on anti-biotics. Just like to find out if any one here have remedy to get rid of phelgm in their throat? for us adults, we can cough it out, but I'm not sure how to 'induce' it for our bb!
<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Kayla!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hope you are feeling better n have a good birthday celebration

i think for babies very hard. Just got to wait for it to 'dissolve' by itself. Esher has phelgm on and off as well. But we normally just leave it alone.
Can you post the statistic chart again so we can see which baby's birthday is coming next.

<font color="ff0000">Birthday Party</font>
Looks like everyone is almost ready for the big birthday bash. Agree we all should post pictures of our baby one year ago and now to see how much they have changed. Maybe those who has just celebrated their birthday can start first.
So quiet today? Anyone there?

<font color="ff6000">BBrooster,</font>
All the bday prep all done? 2 more weeks... Me getting excited. Hehe...
On that day, I would use the haversack you gave JJ during the last PG, and put in his toys and water bottle. Would be so cute to see him carry it, except dunno if he would want to carry it. Hehe... Can try later and see his reaction.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
How are you progressing? Or still panicking? Hehe...
Tang Ling
Hi! How have you been? Me still in the midst of preparing. Getting excited here too. It's a quiet day today. Weather is good today and thought of going down town to get her birthday dress.
<font color="ff6000">BBrooster,</font>
Hi there! Good, thanks. I have been busy with work on and off. But looking forward to the special 1st bday.

Got bday dress for Jo?

<font color="0000ff">Bday Cake</font>
Finally decided on The Royals and ordered. btw, they have this promotion going on, but you have to order at least 5 days in advance. 2kg cake at a cheaper price and also free delivery.
Hi Shane and LV,
the shoes are here!!! yippee.
will arrange to collect them this wed.
can you let me know your order so that i know what to collect? thanks!
you are right.. she refused the milk and water that's usually warmer and screamed whenever we gave her. Thank God she recovering.

Thanks! The bday celeb went well. K was so happy with the attention and her first taste of ice-cream cake. The best part was opening the presents when we reached home. For once, she's not stopped to tear papers apart.. hehe.. She got a leap pad as present! Now must go and buy cartridge for more stories.

i got 2 pairs, both L, one is pink ballet and the other one is flower lilac.
THanks for collecting for us!
I'm working near harbourfront, but not near RP (altho i would very like to work there!

so how? do u still wan me to collect for you?

ya, which shop did you go to. wanna find some b-day clothes for adelle too.
Thanks for helping me collect.
My is - Design: 3619 Mary Jane Pink, Size: L

glad to hear everything went well and K was happy.

Btw, today is K's actual birthday rite ?
<font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday Kayla!</font>
Posting May and June babies birthday... i don't have the updated list with me. So will just post their birthdays...

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy Nick</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Birthdate </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>08/05/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/05/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/05/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>LV</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Kayla</font></TD><TD>30/05/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>03/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>04/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Cayden</font></TD><TD>07/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbrooster</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Joelle</font></TD><TD>14/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Rene</font></TD><TD>16/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Justin</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font></TD><TD>18/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaymom</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jayden</font></TD><TD>17/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Esher</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jamci</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Jacia</font></TD><TD>22/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yippy</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Shawn</font></TD><TD>26/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aariz</font></TD><TD>27/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adriana</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ryan</font></TD><TD>28/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Mel</font></TD><TD>29/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>30/06/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Shekinah</font></TD><TD>02/07/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ian</font></TD><TD>07/07/2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
