(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Wooden toys
NICE NICE NICE!!!! haven't seen it in Spore though. Is it ex?

ya, I want books too. Went to check out books at Forum, Borders. WAH! one book, maybe 20 words in total, costs $20! And it's just normal pages, not even hard cardboard type!
The cheaper ones like $5-10 were nice, but pathetic storyline.
I think book voucher would be nice as gifts. That day, I got a nice big book for a friend's 2yrold boy. It cost $25. I felt paisei to give just one book. cos no one would know it cost $25!!

Maybe we should organise a BP for books! really so ex here in Spore.
<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Actually, the dot card templates are from Cherry. ok, will fwd to your email address at hotmail.
You have never seen bbs throw heads back? We have enough bbs doing it here to demo to you. Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Bday Wish List</font>
I actually prefer ang pao like Caymom &amp; Shane (put across so nicely Hehe...). Toys really take up too much space. Clothes also - how we dress bb is quite personal taste really.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
When I first see your wish list, it really did look like it is for Nicole, but your message says otherwise. Even if it is for Nicole, also ok what. Hehe...
oh dear... now I know not to be greedy! always thought more toys better... hehe... forgot my miserly 4 room flat cant take all that!

aiya.. you really thought wish list for nicole? me no face to hide now! if hb know, sure kena a "you buay pai sei" lecture!
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
I also dun really want toys for bdae presents, space constraint. Besides, my parents and ils have bought enough toys for her. cay used to get a new toy every week. Clothes I dun mind. In fact, my mom and sis are the ones buying clothes for cay. My mom always tell me dun waste $$ buying clothes because bb outgrow very fast lah... blah blah blah... but she is the one who cannot resist buying clothes.
Wooden Toys
U can find it at Learn thru Play, IMM/Bkt Panjang Plaza. I remember seeing it at Paragon as well. Can check it out.

Bday Wish List
I would prefer ang pows too, to be honest. With the ang pows money, we can buy toys,clothes,books,education fund, etc.. Haha..

Happy Father's Day
I know it's kinda early..... but i really want to get smthing for my hubby 1st father's day. But I dont know wat to get... Any great ideas? Smthng unexpected maybe? hehe..
That t-shirt is so cute.
Maybe we can organise a bulk purchase of it and made the daddies wear during the next PG.

So nice of you to think of getting something for your hb. Did he give you anything for Mother's Day? I wonder whether my hb would want to celebrate Father's day.
Yeah... Looking for someting similar in SGP. But wonder where can i find it? hmm....
Hehe... He bought me a top from M]phosis. He woke up early, tried to put it next to the bed to give me a surprise. But I spoilt the whole thing when i woke up few mins after and saw him holding a black bag that says "M]phosis". He was like a statue didn't know wat to do.
Hi all mothers,

Sorry that i didnt make it to the PG2. We were all ready to go back to SG then my sis and bil (they were following us for vacation there) realized that their passport had expired. Can you imagine *sigh*. So ended up we went to Genting for the long weekend.


Can i have your write-up on bits of intellegence

Throwing head back
Gab does that as well...so annoying and it will be very obvious that he wants to do things his way. For eg, we force him to finish his milk and he will cry and throw his head back and wriggle off...and once he is off he will be back his normal self and started babbling or laughing again. In an instance.

Must really think of another way to discipline him.
That is so sweet of your hb! I can never expect surprises from my hb. I remember there is a shop that prints t-shirt in Tampines Mall. They also print pictures on t-shirt, pillow case etc. My hb ever wanted to print a pic on our plain pillow case, I think he even went into the shop to ask but can't remember why in the end we never printed.
Opps, I suddenly remember that on Mother's Day, my hb woke up early to order my favourite McDonalds breakfast. It is probably no big deal to most people but sleep is very impt to my hb, very hard to get him off the bed in the morning. So at least he did something for me, it's the thot that counts hor.
My hb doesn't buy things for me, he rather I choose and he pays for it, no fun hor.
the tee shirt is so nice! Wonder if Sing has it.

Father Day
I also want to do something special for hubby (eventho' i didn't get anything for mother's day
). It's his very first Daddy's day hee hee... but hvn't thot of wat. Thot of celebrating together with Esher's birthday since it should be the same weekend but now i can't get the venue ! urgh...

I bought some books from a children book store in Bras Basah, recommended by a mummy from the other thread. Very cheap. All range from $2-$10 kind of pricing and best of all on top of that they have 30% discount on most books, so quite cheap. Got hard cupboard book and those normal pages book.

Infact I just went yday and got abt 12 books for abt $40+. Quite excited to show Esher but hvn't had the chance. Mummies, interested to build up libray can visit the bookstore. I can bring a few books over for the next PG as well!
PG pics
The babys look like they really had fun!

I think Ash same like Ian, hee.. only poo poo saliva to rebel us.

Ash also din throw her head back to protest.
Mainly throw her head back just for fun. Especially when she noes someone is behind her.
Very dangerous though if on marble floor..

Wow.. ur ren gong is very good leh! Can lun her nipple bites.
Me can't. Terrible feeling!
Ash also likes to pull her daddy's leg hair when she sees it infront of her sometimes. Sometimes it is me tat tell her to pull. haha. It is kinda cute to see her pull &amp; see the reaction from Daddy. hehe sadist mummy.

dun feel paisay lar. I get across ur message on the wish list leh. Never think it otherwise though.

1st Bday Wish List:
1. Kitchen Set
2. Zoo Passes (not sure if that's too 'old')
3. Clothes
4. Lego
5. stacking rings (my friend babies all love this)
6. soft-sole shoes (good ones, example: stride rite)
7. Wooden toys
9. tricycle
10. books??
11. Hard Sole shoes (u need that too once bb is a pro walker, ask for bigger size though)

both ur hbs very sweet leh.

How i wish my hb can give me surprise too!
Think last wk or previous wk, he mention bringg me &amp; his mom to Hotstone to celebrate Mother's Day. I was quite touched lor. But hor, come to actual day, I can feel that he's only celebrating for his mum lor. (he every yr give treats on Mother's Day)
So it is not a special day for me either.

Father's Day
I feel I'm a lousy wife leh.

hehe din even noe when's Father's Day &amp; din even tot of celebrating wif him leh.

Can i call u Teacher Shane??
<font color="0077aa">Twinklets,</font>
Aiyo, why you encourage Ashley to bully your hb.
The PG is rather fun but it is more like free play. Maybe next time got Teacher Shane to conduct classes then we will have more enriching programme for our PG. Hope that you can join us soon.
Wooden toys:
I've seen them at Toy R Us too.
If i recall correctly, it's $9.95 for one board.If you noticed, there a pin on each picture piece for BB to hold on to.

Father's Day:
Yeah, the T-shirt is real cool! We should get one for Mommy and one for the little one.
Example, "Proud Daddy", "Super Mommy", "Our Precious Boy/Girl".....hehe.....
Imagine the whole family wearing it and taking a stroll at the park..super cool!

Aiyah, Shane, i should pop by...i happenned to be at Bras Basah this evening

Acutally, my mom still kept and maintained many of the children's books that i read when i was young.One big carton box. Jay tore up one of my Ladybird series book just the other day

Tang Ling,i've just PM you my email. Thanks!
for the moment..i'm a SAHM lor...
i siao one lah..last time cant stay at home one...so go out quite often..then got sale..so cant resist it...cos need to buy bb things mah..

now nothing much to buy for this bb liao..cos can use Ryan's one...

Re:Wooden Toys,
these wooden toys actually not very cheap..but i got mine from ELC..Ryan loves to take out the puzzle..but he dun wan to put it or rather dun realli noe how to put it in...

btw when is father's day?
i got a precious moment figurine long time ago for my hb..n is hiding in my closet...it is a father n son lying down on a sofa...n the name is called "like father like son"..hve a hard time locating it cos s'pore sold out liao..heng managed to get it in US..
Father days - 18 June.
Hmm... how abt a back scrub for your hubby..

Cook his favourite dishes

Full-day off for him to do what he wants

Flowers? bake a cake?

A peaceful day off for him to rest?
i keep wanting to post this message to you but was vv busy at work... i read about Ryan being hospitalised and felt so heartache.. told my hubby about Ryan he also said aiyo.. why like that poor boy. But the good thing is he is now alright and looking at those photos, i don't think the hopital event left any bad memories.

Congrats too now you have a perfect pair of kids.. one boy and one girl. you take care!
<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
What kind of books did you buy? I tried to read to cay when she was few months old but not successful. Now that she is older, the moment she sees a book, she will want to shred it. Besides, she is too easily distracted when I attempt to read her a book or do flash cards.

<font color="0077aa">Jasmine,</font>
Thanks for sharing the pics.

<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot,</font>
Ryan is so cheeky. My gal doesn't take pacifier at all. Last night I saw her playing with it (my mom kept the pacifier in her toy basket) and I attempt to stuff it into her mouth, she clam her mouth shut.
my dear, don't worry about the wish list, i also didn't mistook your message but read your intention straight. i don't have anything to add as the list is quite long and exhaustive already.

About Toys
Ashley doesn't own alot of toys.. but i also realised that she doesn't seems very interested in toys. Recently, i saw serrich's FP TreeHouse and bought it for ashley thinking she should love it as well. But alas, she is only interested in knocking the balls together or trying to topple the whole Treehouse. Seems like the only things that can catch her interest are books, flash cards, musical instrucments (ie anything that can produce sound when been hit on or shaken)..
Are other babies also like that?
"TOYs" ian likes
remote controls, clothes labels, zips, empty bottle, box, magazines, "mouse", wallet, books...etc. He only have 5min interests in his real toys.
<font color="ff6000">Jasmine,</font>
Got the shared photos for both PG1 &amp; PG2. Thanks!
You (&amp; your hb) have managed to capture quite a number of good shots.
<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
Same here, cay also likes to tear her toys apart. She will purposely lift her toys and throw it hard on the floor. My mom said the toys ever land on her feet. I seriously dun understand why she wants to do that. She can't sit still when I do the flash cards. She will want to snatch it over and crumble it. But she does like musical instruments. She loves to bang on the piano and shake anything that has sound. Last nite she was happily shaking my mom's vitamin bottles.

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
cay also loves remote controls, clothes labels, empty bottle (must open the bottle for her) and wallet (she will ransack my handbag to take out the wallet).
<font color="0000ff">Toys</font>
<font color="ff6000">Cherry:</font> Yah, same here. JJ's favourite toys are anything that can make noise or knock together and make noise. Also loves to shred books, so I gave him an old magazine to shred. He also loves colourful books - those boardbooks with one picture and a word on each page. Only likes flash cards with pictures (tried animals).
JJ also lose interest in real toys in a short time. I rotate toys, ie, keep some and after sometime, rotate them so that he thinks that they are new toys. Works well leh. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Anns:</font> What you mentioned are same for JJ, except that I have not introduced him to the mouse. Hehe... He has recently taken an interest in those press buttons on his bodysuits too.
ya lor..i oso glad tt he is ok now...so tt is y we hve to careful when our little ones fall sick..
in fact,he is quite ok when he is in hospital..very talkative...n can play..the oni thing is tt his hands are being bound up...

ya lor..he so cheeky..been eating his pacifier this way nowadays...n can still laugh when he does tt...
then when he noes tt i wan him to sleep..he will purposely clam his mouth n dun wan to eat pacifier...

Ryan's fave is remote control,clothes hanger,those desitin cream/drapolene in a tube....n now his latest "hobby" is to throw things behind the sofa n bed...
i lazi today..so did not go to isetan sale...

just now bot cod fish for Ryan at the mkt..so ex...dunno y today so ex..one pc costs mi $7.50 leh...
<font color="0000ff">suddenly, i'm teacher shane ?!

<font color="119911">ixorrared</font>
Thks for helping me collect the shoes. I'll drop a post in the thread to let angelin know.
Thks again.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
I bought some hard cardboard ones and some paper pages one. i choose those 1 sentences or few words kind cos E doesn't have the patience to sit thru whole book so must read fast fast. some of the books quite interesting. I bot 1 with different type of texture, fur, whiskers, etc. Then got 1 book with lights. They also have beautiful pop up books, but i didn't get cos the story quite long, in para form. will get when she's older. Then i got another book with a finger puppet. The less fancier books are very colourful with large pics. So i feel that overall the books are not too bad. You can go there and take a look.
jokes to share...
A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p.m. when he found CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand.
"Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important document, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?"
Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.
"Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO. As his paper disappeared inside the machine,"I just need one copy."
Lesson I - Never, never assume that your BOSS knows everything
An American and a Japanese were sitting on the plane on the way to LA when the American turned to the Japanese and asked, "What kind of ese are you?"
Confused, the Japanese replied, "Sorry but I don't understand what you mean. The American repeated, "What kind of -ese are you?" Again, the Japanese was confused over the question. The American, now irritated, then yelled, "What kind of -ese are you...Are you a Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese!, etc......???
The Japanese then replied, "Oh, I am a Japanese." A while later the Japanese turned to the American and asked what kind of 'key' was he.
The American, frustrated, yelled, "What do you mean what kind of '-key' am I?!"
The Japanese said, "Are you a Yankee, donkey, or monkee?"
Lesson II - Never insult anyone.
There were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, a British and a French, who found this small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a
genie appeared. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, "Next to you all are 4 swimming pools, I will give each of you a wish.
When you run towards the pool and jump, you shout what you want the pool of water to become, then your wish will come true."
The French wanted to start. He ran towards the pool, jumped and shouted WINE". The pool immediately changed into a pool of wine. The Frenchman was so happy swimming and drinking from the pool. Next is the Russian's turn, he did the same and shouted," VODKA" and immersed himself into a pool of vodka.
The German was next and he jumped and shouted, "BEER". He was so contented with his beer pool. The last is the British. He was running towards the pool when suddenly he steps on a banana peel. He slipped towards the pool and shouted, SHIT!!!!!!!........."
Lesson III - Think twice before you say something, because sometimes what you say accidentally does happen.
A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears.
The ghost says, "Normally, one is granted three wishes but as you are three, I will allow one wish each" So the eager senior manager shouts, I want the first wish. I want to be in the Bahamas, on a fast boat and have no worries for a month. "Pfufffff, and he is gone.
Now the junior manager could not keep quiet and shouts, "I want to be in Florida with beautiful girls, plenty of food and cocktails for a
Pfufffff, and he is also gone. Then it's the boss's turn, and he says calmly "I want these two idiots back in the office after lunch"
Lesson IV- "Always allow the bosses to speak first".
Ya we shd let Teacher Shane to flash for our bbs.
It will be fun!
Ya I'm a notty mummy, sadist 1. hehe..

Ryan is so cheeky &amp; cute! I long time din see him liao.. boo hoo .. Ash got abit of running nose, still tot of visiting u over the wkend.. think now cant liao..

Hey Ash also same pattern of playing the nei du.
Damn bui tahan her.
Ryan is so adorable. cay also throws things to the back of sofa before. I find her behaviour is rather "seasonal", she will keep doing the same thing this week and next week, she will do other things repeatedly. This week, she kept digging her nose and putting her finger into her mouth... gross rite.

Wow, cod fish so ex huh. I haven't let cay try yet, at the moment she only tried threadfin, ikan billis and silver fish. But I heard cod fish is very good.
<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Wow, you are so hardworking, really must learn from you in educating bbs.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Kekeke... sometimes I also very notty. cay is very clingy and scared of loneliness but I will purposely hide myself to see her anxious look.
no prob lah...just pop by when u free..hehe..
i miss Ash too...
haha..ya lor..i realli buey tahan him..but at the same time very funni lor..

where u buy silver fish?silver fish isit those small small one looks abit like ikan bilis??i cant find it in mkt leh..
n the ones i found in shop n save are being frozen n thawed n sold to us one n it is rather saltish leh..but i wan to find fresh ones..

so far,i oni let him eat threadfin n codfish..but today mkt no threadfin,so i brought codfish...
bought salmon too..cant wait to let him try..

ask u hor,usu how long do u keep the fish?cos i dun always go to the mkt..usu i will buy n put the fish in freezer..n used it for one or two wks...isit ok har?

haha..Cay so cute........how come she kept digging her nose n putting her finger in?
haiz...Ryan still enjoys throwing things to the back the of the sofa leh..n of cos throwing things everywhere lah...

just the other day..he so cartoon...like wanted to throw himself to the back of my mil's bed..but ended up his pacifier dropped...so he no pacifier to eat..keke..
I bought those dried silver fish. I dunno how to buy fresh fish, usually my mom is the one buying the fish. My mom will ask the fish monger to divide the fish in small bags and she will freeze them and thaw when she wants to cook. She make sure the fish is consumed within a week.

I also dunno why cay keeps digging her nose. My hb said maybe got dried mucus but I check dun have leh. When she lift her index finger towards her nose, I will smack her. Hope she will stop doing it soon.

Another favourite hobby of hers:
My family likes to eat using a low table (like Japanese style) and cay will run towards the table and sink her fingers into the plates of dishes. We try to stop her but sometimes she is too fast for us. She ever sink her fingers into my dad's bowl of curry, luckily the curry is not piling hot but hor, I think she was digging her nose before she touched the curry...
ryan so handsome now!! So different from when we first met him! nice black black hair!!

where exactly is this bookstore? Nicole likes to read to herself. She takes the book, points and baby talk, and flip the pages. Of course, this also happens when the book is upside down! haha!

hehe... nicole digs too! but she digs ears, and recently, her bellybutton!

nicole's favourite toys
same like everyone elses! papers, envelopes, keys, plugs, everything that is cheaper than her FP toys!
<font color="119911">caymom</font>
I'm not hardworking, seem hardworking only ...ha ha ... Most of the time i don't flash to her even. I just do watever I can whenever I can...

<font color="119911">mckee</font>
They have 2 outlets I think. 1 one 4th level called children book centre. it's at a corner. Quite a big store so u can't miss it. Opp popular. The other one is on the first level, not sure shop name the same or not. can check with the 4th level shop.

Yea Esher loves to flip book also. she just flip and flip so i got no chance to read to her

tonite i'll try out the new books to her. Hope she likes it.

<font color="119911">forgetmenot</font>
Ya Ryan really grown up ! so different when we first met. Handsome boy !

<font color="ff6000">digging</font>
Mine loves to dig her ears ! and she digs her ears to sleep. sometimes when it's hard to get her to sleep, i just scratch scratch her ears then she will go to sleep !
i anyhow buy one..i just go to the fishmonger n point to the fish tt i wan..n pay...
then wheni reach home,i will just cut into a few pcs n put in small bags n freeze...

so u bot the dried ones ah??but hor..isit saltish??

hmmm...so did ur father say tt his curry taste extra nice tt day??kekeke

mckee n shane,
hehe...all our bbs are grown up liao..soon they are not bb anymore..they will be toddler..can still remember last time we still struggling fr breastfeeding n taking care of out bb hor??

there is one at level 1 meh??
aiya...Ryan oso never give mi a chance to read..cos he will try to flip the book..but he dun realli noe how to flip cos hard cover mah...the moment he flip,he ended up closing he bk..then aft tt,he not interested anymore...

jia lat ah..wait next time he dun like to read n study how??

esher so cute..u mean..she will realli fall asleep when u scratch her ears?i dun allow Ryan to do tt..cos he vv jia lat one..he will dig n scratch till bleed one
<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot</font>
There is but I not sure same shop or owner or not. Seems like the 4th got a wider range. 1st level not so much.

hai yo, Ryan still so young! give him time to learn and explore about the world first. Don't worry so far. When the time comes, he'll learn to study one....

ha ha ya she'll do that, i don't know where she pick the habit from but she does it. she just dig dig her ears. she don't scratch till very hard. Ryan scratch till very hard ah then better stop him.
<font color="0000ff">Digging nose, ear, bellybutton etc</font>
Looks like none of us needs to be embarrassed when bb does that at the PG. Hehe... JJ also digs his ears. Looks like very sioak.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Esher so cute - the scratchy feeling on the ears must be very comforting for her. Hehe... For JJ, its when I stroke his temple or the sides.
<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot,</font>
Ryan is so cute! He also has his pacifier in the wrong direction like JJ. Hehe...
How are you feeling now? ok?
<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Kekeke... so cay is not the only uncouth gal.
She also digs ears. In fact, since young, she simply loves it when I stroke her ears. She will actually stay very still when I do that.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
You gave me a lot of motivation when it comes to educating bb.
But hor, I usually 3min enthusiasm.

<font color="ff0000">forgetmenot,</font>
Err, I dunno whether the silver fish saltish or not, never tasted it.
Actually hor, I never taste the porridge that I cook. My hb suan me once,"You think you are da change jin ah?!" But I really dun have the habit of tasting the food lor.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Never expect so many bbs like to dig here dig there.
<font color="119911">Jasmine</font>
I just saw the pics. Got Esher face. hee hee.... thks. I didn't have chance to take photo.

<font color="119911">caymom</font>
I also get v motivated when other mummies talk abt educating their baby but it's very hard (at least for me) to really be consistent. I also feel tired after work and no time also since i only got abt 1hr+ before it's Esher's bedtime and i got to bath and feed her somemore. So i just try to do watever I can.

<font color="0000ff">book</font>
Showed and read one of the books to her. Not too bad. she was attracted by the fish (it's a soft toy fish stuck in the book) and the colourful pics. Happy mummy

I bot the fresh silver fish to cook porridge for Jay. You can get them at Giant supermkt.It is much bigger than the dried ones

Isetan Sale:
I managed to go after work today. Its was really crowded as usual. Bot Thomas The Train Set. Still can't decide to give it as a birthday present for my nephew or keep it for Jay.

Bot 2 pcs of BB. E VCD for Jay too.MIL complained today that Jay refused to take his lunch until the VCD was put on
